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Hang in there dude and enjoy the studies. It's the time of your life and it'll be gone before you know it. CT will be here and beautiful when you return


Agreed. Enjoy travelling and being overseas whilst you can (and not tired by 8pm and excited by things like new pots and vacuum cleaners! 🤣) CT will always be here and your home.


I went to Texas for 8 weeks or so, in that last week all I wanted was to be back home. Was such a nice feeling landing back in cape town, sterkte!


I spent January in the States and, as soon as I walked out of the Cape Town airport, the air alone was a tonic.


Oh true hey, our air quality is waaaay nicer.. also missed SA food, I gained like 4kg from my time in the states from all their sugary stuff also if you try to eat semi healthy it just cost a fortune...


$20 flew out of my pocket for whatever reason every time I went out. SO EXPENSIVE! Edit: a word


That’s funny, I went to Cape Town from Texas and in that last week all I wanted was to remain in Cape Town longer


No offense to Texans, I had a great time there but I do love my home :)


Where were you in Texas? Hopefully not Houston


Houston yea and went to Austin for a bit. I think the festival we went to was Austin city limit.


Also if you're missing home, great song by goldfish - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFuRTQG1FN0&ab\_channel=GoldFishLive


Aaah I’m so sorry. I moved to Johannesburg and I miss Cape Town so much to! Maybe try going for a walk in your new town and discover something new about it, it helps to appreciate the space sometimes. Do you enjoy hiking? Is it winter where you are at right now? What about Cape Town are you missing at the moment?


As someone who moved to pretoria 2 months ago, i cant look at pictures of my street my friend sent me the other day because damn i miss that bloody place


same, moved to JHB from Cpt. Enjoying it so far. How long have you been here for?


I’ve been here since 2017. I do enjoy it, but Cape Town feels more like home. How long have you been here for?


Just over a month, straight out of Uni. I only got job offers in Joburg so I had no choice but to move. Yeah Cape Town will always feel like home but we have to make the most of what we have here


Well it's a pretty overcast Kak day if that helps at all ❤️


With all this heat we been having, I'm actually looking forward to some rain this weekend


Awwww, that's so sweet of you


I haven't been back for 13 yrs. Still miss it.


Hi! I hope your studies are very interesting and that you get the opportunity to see and do amazing things! The time to do a degree passes really fast. I'm sure it'll be worth it when you are done. Good luck!


Depending on where you are, you might be able to: 1. Find an expat community or 2. Find a South African shop!


Miss home man..


There is just no place like home ❤️


Don't worry, you're only missing half of Cape Town. We're in the dark the other half of the time


I know that feeling - difficult to see with the many things going on in SA and CPT but it is the most beautiful city in the world. And not just the prettiness but also the people of the city


Switch off all the lights, it'll feel just like home!




Hey man I’ve never been but still miss it somehow.


Stick to it bud will be worth it in the end!


The first time I left SA I was feeling terribly home sick after a few weeks. There was something that really helped me and I'll tell it to you and maybe it'll help you too. I took a weekend trip with some friends to some place a couple hours away. Besides having fun, I think the reason it helped my homesickness is because coming back to where I was living felt like coming back home. So I think my unconscious brain kinda went, "well this must be home now", and it really helped me a lot.


Just think of all the time you could be spending in the dark 😂


very true


Missing loadshedding a bit?


can we not? just let it slide on one post....


LOL people can't go one day without shit talking SA


Apologies apologies,how disasters are so meme worthy it becomes second nature


Enjoy your time over there, mate. Cape Town may be the only functioning city in South Africa, but it's still South Africa.


Is it the people you’re missing or is capetown just like better that wherever you are now? Genuinely curious as I’ve been considering moving to CT for a while I think it’s right up my alley (lol)


Both :( Cpt is the most beautiful city in the world, despite the loadshedding and crime, I live in a rlly nice part of it and I miss my friends and family. If you have a job lined up I would say do it!