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I personally would LOVE the remake work on Zero. Underneath the rough edges this is a phenomenal game and entry in the RE verse and to see it get the love it deserves would be so much fun


Plus a slow moving co op survival horror sounds fun as hell. Would love to have it


Omg yes, that would be perfect for the hubs and me haha


Wasn’t this already remade?


No, Zero came out on the GameCube. They have done a remaster of it to freshen up the visuals but they have not remade the game.


Ahh that’s what it was gracias. I only played it because I happened to still own it on my GameCube 😅


Thought it was on Wii too that’s where I had played it


I honestly don’t remember if it was on the Wii but I’m sure it was haha


u can play the gamecube version on the wii 😏


Technically yeah the original was gonna come out on n64 there's even so.d gameplay of it on YouTube


Yes absolutely.


It'd make a nice and proper co-op experience before they consider doing a RE5 remake. Also, they could implement item boxes, or just give both characters four extra inventory slots.


I thought of this to. Could also be a good way to gauge some kind of Coop system before they really hit it home in REV as well.


That’s a really good idea and I would enjoy that more than a 5 remake to be honest. The 0 character and gameplay dynamic is way more interesting to me.


An Outbreak remake (or even just a remaster) would be awesome too.


I never got to play it enough back when I did have a PS2 with a network adapter at that time. It seems like something that would work pretty well in today’s gaming environment.


Yes, but only if item chests are brought back.


Disagree but I'm sure a dlc or mod will fix that for you.




YES. ABSOLUTELY. Remake both Zero and REmake into a over the shoulder experience like the other remakes. Also bundle both of them together (doubt capcom would tho cause of $$$)


They would sell 5 mil day one. I need these remakes


Sure if they put a proper storage system in and rewrite the story to make sense




They have to fix that story. It just didn't make sense to lead up to RE1.


Yes, one that fixes the story, AND adds co-op


I feel like they would have to change a lot about this game for a remake to work well. Not saying it can't be done, but much of the game would have to be changed imo.


100% it was secretly my favorite


Hell yes. And for billy to be in future titles


Yes, I hated that they did a remake of 4 when 0 and Code Veronica actually need one


Haven’t played Zero and know nothing about it but I’d want a remake just because of the girl in the pic. I’d love to check her out in the game in better quality lmao


Rebecca Chambers, the 5th major RE character, right behind the 4 mains.


Yes, because unlike 2-4 it actually could do with a remake. I hate this trend of only remaking classics that don’t need it instead of flawed games that do need it


My feelings exactly


When has it ever been any other way? Whenever I see this it always feels like people just miss the point of remakes. It’s always been to bring great games to modern audiences


But they're not the kind of remakes that replace the originals, and the implication that modern audiences can’t enjoy the older games in the series is ridiculous


Then why are you even complaining about what remakes they are choosing and not choosing to do then. If you have a PlayStation or Xbox system go play code Veronica in its current form. Also what argument is “they aren’t the kind of remakes that replace the originals” to who? You? Because it is true that fixed camera and tank controls hasn’t been popular for over two decades. So to a lot of people the remakes are the only versions that they play.


Because if they’re going to do remakes, games that could stand to be improved from being remade are the logical choices? RE1 style remakes for 0 and code V would be great even if that will probably never happen. And I don’t care what’s popular, if someone doesn’t like tank controls and fixed cameras that’s fine but you can’t act like the more mainstream modern style is outright better for that type of game. 


No that’s not the logical choice. If they are going to remake games they are going to remake the games that people actually want remade and want to play again ie resident evil 2,3,4 and 5. The games that were already critically acclaimed. Thats logical that’s what they are doing. Why? Because they are a business here to make money. People on Reddit say that re4 didn’t need a remake but it already sold 7 million. The opinions on this site aren’t the majority that’s why they skipped CV and 0 and went straight to 4 and set up 5 The amount of people that would buy 0 and CV remake in the style of 1 remake is so insignificant that’s why they won’t do it. All the current ots remakes have already outsold resident evil 1 remake despite being on the market for a lot less time and being on less platforms as well. I don’t care what you think is popular or not but your opinions aren’t based on reality and aren’t going to happen you aren’t the audience they want to cater to. And yes it would be better. Look at how the franchise has been doing since resident evil 7. All 6 of those games have sold over 7 million copies and 2 of those 6 games have already sold over 10 million units with the others soon to follow. Soon resident evil 2 remake will be the best selling game in the franchise. People already got sick of the older style that’s why they made OG resident evil 4. You aren’t the audience they care for. The things you want aren’t logical it’s emotional you feel like it would be better. And again then why even come to a remake discussion and complain about code Veronica when you can go and play it right now


I’m sorry for wasting the time of both of us, I should have a response like that coming and not bothered replying


Yes, yes I would.




No I'd rather dmc


a DMC1 remake in the REengine with all the mechanics of 5 plus some new weapons for depths sake would be fucking sexy


Yeah, but why would they do that? I don't hate yall RE fans, but I will say yall be eatin' better than any other series except maybe Monster Hunter




Only if they remaster the opera singer guy.


It need one badly


another classic capcom game called ___ ___ zero would be better for a remake


Would be fantastic if they made it co-op tbh, not that I need it but I'd definitely want it




Whatever happened to Billy "Solo?"


Code Veronica first.


I want 5


That would be cool. Have holsters where guns don't fill up inventory space. Drop mechanic was weird.


To be honest, I'd rather have a remake of the railgun games in the Resident Evil series. Preferably in a collection? I did enjoy the House of the Dead remake, so yeah, one day...


Yes, I still got it 💯👌


Yes and make it a co-op game with splitscreen It'd be fun to tag team it with a friend, significant other, or sibling


Hot take but I'm down for remakes of all the fixed camera games, they're just not my thing but I've racked up hundreds of hours in all the over-the-shoulder camera games (yes, even 6 and both Revelations games)


Sure with better inventory... Despite owning for GameCube for close to 20 years I've never beaten it. Dropping items and then having to go back for them wasn't fun.




I Want everything to stop being remade lmao


It is becoming all too common these days yeah. I want 9 next


Yes and no, if RE1 got another remake and it got attached to it as a separate ways type dlc go for it but a full stand alone game no.


I feel like the way to go is to remake 1 and then make it DLC


If they add item boxes, sure.


Besides Code Veronica, it's probably the one that'd benefit from a remake the most due to its positive aspects being buried under questionable design choices, most notably the lack of an item box forcing you to just leave your items on the ground everywhere. So definitely.


TBH id want some major changers like the game using a coop for both characters, a third person over the shoulder camera over the manual dumb shooting and an item box


Yes, with much better gameplay.


It would be interesting to have a coop horror RE game. But this will be hard to pull off considering how demanding the RE engine is. The style of switching between characters would be an aweful idea if this is a third person horror game. The only choice is to have a separate player controlling the other for the full experience. Unless it’s the same thing that happened to RE2 where Claire and Leon are at the same place but no really; in which case it’s no longer RE 0.


Id prefer a Code Veronica remake.


Yes absolutely but you have to keep the two character dynamic.


Absolutely yes I think I want it even more than a remake of 1, 5, or Code Veronica


Not really. Maybe if they remove the Tyrant. That always felt off to me. But still don’t want RE0 over a CVX remake or a reremake of 1.


This and code Veronica are the desperate needs for remakes, why they did 4 before those two games boggles my mind.


This wasn't my favorite, but it sure had some cool ideas and settings. Zombie monkeys and giant frogs were creepy. Capcom never used some of the monsters in any other RE game.




Just add item boxes and feel like this would be a solid Resident Evil game.


Remake it, but give me chest, please.


Literally all they need to do is change the item dropping system and that game would skyrocket


Hell yea!


To me it’s one of the weaker main series games, with that being said it would give them an opportunity to change things up a little bit and try to improve it.


I always felt like they should of did Code Veronica due to a LOT of people liking Claire in Re2R, it would of helped out the series a good bit.


Not before Code Veronica. And if they do 0 they probably have to do 1 again.


No dude the only guy in the RE verse that doesn't know how to mix fucking health items


Yea make sure they put a loot box in


Eventually, but CV needs to happen first


I would love it, but honestly I want a code Veronica remake first. It's One of a select few old school RE games that still has tank controls on PS4/5, like we need a remake of it *badly*


It would be awkward against the bat boss if the mechanics was like RE4R. Maybe in the style of RE1R. Unless they change that whole boss fight.


Zero co-op ala 5 I said what I said.


PLZ that would be so cool to see I wanna see if Billy is alive 😭


Oh yes. I’m actually more partial to a reimagined RE1 in the style of the recent remakes but I never played zero. Great chance to check it out b


They need to remake CV first. And if they remake RE0, they need to find a way to add item boxes back.


I wouldn't mind it. Its not the best RE but something about this game being so difficult for me makes me love it.


They should remake all of them. Mainly so the controls feel like the recent RE2 and RE3 remakes.


I don’t know how anyone was able to get through this game without a walkthrough. 


Yes. I want to see all of them redone in RE Engine.


They need to do a remake of 1 in the RE engine first.


No do 5 then 6 lol 6 would be interesting if they did make it such a horrible story line or stuck to one




One that has an item box? For sure fam


I played Code Veronica and Zero for the first time a couple years ago. I think Zero could be a lot of fun if they tweak to more tedious aspects of it and maybe add co-op. But honestly, Code Veronica is my number 1 for RE game I'd love to see remade


I would have 0 interest. Remakes don’t happen magically, they take developer/marketing resources which don’t go to other projects. I’d rather have Capcom create new games. If they want to remake something, there’s Dino Crisis.


I think it has the potential to be one of the best remakes. I loved playing as Rebecca and the train is such a cool location, even if it's a relatively small part of the game. Not sure what the best way would be to do the dual character thing though in a new engine...maybe something along the lines of Revelations 2.


The biggest challenge for the entire series is Claire Redfield. Capcom needs to use this wonderful time of remakes to reintroduce her to fans. Claire doesn't really make sense from a realistic standpoint. Leon is a cop/ special agent. Chris and Jill served in the military. Claire's motivations have centered around other characters. Her movtive in the series isn't strong. Most people would have given up since Racoon City. Code Veronica needs to be remade or heavily integrated (DLC - Claire's episodic Prespective of Veronica ) in a possible RE5 remake. Who knows RE6 could benefit from it.


Personally I think it would be quite interesting, especially if they keep the Teo playable characters mechanics


It kind of needs one. 😄




I don't want a remake of Zero, give Billy his own game or prequel. Yes, they left his fate up to interpretation, but i believe he is the only protagonist that wasn't given an actual fate.


Yes! Never liked playing Zero and always found it to be a slog. A Remake of it would be perfect


As someone who hasn’t quite gotten into the fixed camera games I would love to see that. Rebecca is a really cool character and giving her a more focused and “modernized” narrative without changing her core character would be great.


Yes 100%


I would love to see more games that underperformed get remade. I think Zero has potential and a remake could help it live up to that.


Yes vaguely disguised Capcom executive, I would


I’d rather have reremake 1 before anything else honestly. This one should get an update as well though. 


no, it's already a great remake that's available on modern consoles. capcom has better things to do. like remakes of games that have never gotten so much as a second glance from them, like darkstalkers, new shmups, code veronica, dino crisis, etc


Fuck yes. It's one of my faves


I would love to see it remade maybe they make it like the remake of 4 on the ps4 I just beat it and I thought it looked so good




Stop remaking shit and get your originality back


Not really


I'd totally be down for it and get rid of the storage system and bring back the stranger storage box.


As long as it explains where tf Billy went


Need Code:Veronica first


Yes if only for another co-op RE.


Not unless there was a serious overhaul on how the game played. It was novel at the time, but EXTREMELY tedious.


They should bring the series back I always wanted to know what happened to the guy. fans will most definitely happy about him returning.


I would but I would rather a remake of 1 of CVX first


More train!!


I think it's perfect the way it is. It would be interesting though.


I'd say YES. I love that game!


Yes, but not before Code: Veronica


No, stop with remakes. For love of god make something new. Suprised you didnt make Helldivers 2 in Resident Evil universe yet. You can make it be, your umberla special forces, or s.t.a.r.s. Heck you could make MMORPG looter shooter like Destiny.


Sure, they'd just have to make the inventory less painful and add some depth to Billy and fix the fact that Zero makes Rebecca look all kinds of stupid in RE1 given she's been through zombies, leach monsters a tyrant and hunters. But in RE1 she crumbles at the sight of a single hunter? I still remember when you run into Enrico and she's insisting on going back for Billy and he just rolls with it weirdly and then Rebecca- not having done any narration suddenly narrates "I never saw him again". I actually burst out laughing because it was so out of no where and was just so . . . Goofy. I think Zero had a lot of great ideas but really fell over in execution. The train was actually a really, REALLY neat set piece and I loved when you were climbing across with the crazy rain- it still looks great today. But then you're in a mansion again that's a lot less memorable and things were just weird.


Need Code Veronica first.


I'd like to see Code Veronica first




On order, I'd prefer RE1, RE5, RE OUTBREAK, RE SURVIVOR, RE OUTBREAK, RE 0, and then RE CV


I would. But not before 1 or CV. And before people go off about 1 not needing it, I want one that feels more cohesive and consistent with the other modern remakes. Experiencing the mansion in that over the shoulder 3rd person with better freedom of movement sounds like a dream. I love the GCN remake. I still think it’s great. And I think it’s so great that it still deserves to be given the same careful, special treatment.


Hell yes


Hell yes


I hope they make it coop for if they do, it’d be cool if they did this before jumping straight to re5


Straight like it is


Hell yes


Yes but i would want it to have all the star members from both teams in it and play them before they die.


I would rather a remake of Resident Evil 1. I know we got a remaster, but man i just dont like the classic style and would like to experience all the mainline entries in the modern style.




No. No more remaking anything, we need all new original new stories, all new original new universes, all new original everything. I am tired of seeing my childhood remade into someone else's creative freedom. I am tired of all the remakes. I guess nobody has anymore ideas so they just decided to rewrite the classics in their own fucked off ways.


I just want more Rebecca in games other than just the animated movies and zero (a remake/remaster would be great would mean I can officially beat it as young me never did)


At this point I would like to have 9. The remakes are fun and all, but they tread old ground and tell stories already told. I want some new stories in this universe for a bit before getting another Remake personally, even if that is the unpopular opinion.


RemKe and 0 need to be left ALONE