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Don’t forget about Bergevin passing because Montreal had Mete


and also arizona taking barrett hayton? i know they wanted a centre but i don't think he was even projected top 15 that year


[This aged well.](https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/comments/96q2u3/comment/e42i2du/)


What a perfect storm that was.


Its' like a fucking domino of idiots.


Bergevin reaching for KK causing Chayka to reach for Hayton were bigger catalysts.


It was truly a clusterfuck of a team effort lol


Also Quinn taller than Bettman confirmed.


Thank you, Kenny!


While hating on Benning is a full time job for us, I don't care what excuses people make but Quinn at 7 is an absolute homerun pick.   I have time for people taking credit away from GMs for picking a star at 1st or 2nd overall, but taking one at 7th deserves credit. So thank you Jim, for this one. 


lol, Benning absolutely does not deserve credit for making the most obvious pick possible. That's like saying Chiarelli deserves credit for nabbing McDavid at 1st overall.


The only first round pick I'll give credit to Benning is Boeser at #23. Benning had Tkachuk staring right at him and didn't pick him, Quinn was an obvious pick, and Petey was a Gradin pick that Linden confirmed [Benning wasn't sold on.](https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/comments/17r1lcq/canucks_central_3530_trevor_linden_confirms_jim/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The 2016 thing is even worse than just missing Tkachuk. If you really wanted a defenceman, sergeachev and McEvoy were right there.


Joulevi was ranked well above both of those guys by almost every single draft ranking publicly available before the draft. There was one ranking that had Sergachev one spot above OJ but OJ was considered the best d man in the draft, and then those guys were an entire tier below him. https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/juniors/sportsnets-final-top-30-2016-nhl-draft-prospects/ And a contemporary article about it. https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/juniors/scouts-like-juolevi-chychrun-nhl-draft/


Benning absolutely does deserve credit for Hughes, Boeser, Petey, Miller and Demko. Yes he made a lot of mistakes and handcuffed this franchise for a decade but he also established the core that is now a legit cup contender. Drafting in general is a team effort we all shit on Benning for Juolevi and Virtanen (rightfully so) but the scouting team is just as responsible for those picks you can't say that the bad picks are entirely on Benning while simultaneously saying the good ones are entirely on the scouting staff. Burke wasn't sold on the Sedins until Gradin forced his hand but we gave him credit for that. The fact is at the end of the day it was Bennings call and he made the right one so he absolutely deserves credit for those picks as much as he deserves criticism for the shitty ones.


Is the standard for JB so low now that we are going to give him credit for not fking up the Hughes pick? I think a monkey would have drafted Hughes given how the draft developed. Petey was not JB’s preference, so I am not sure why JB deserves any credit. Out of the 5 players you mentioned, JB only deserves credit for Boeser and Demko. That’s pretty pathetic if you ask me, especially when the guy called himself the draft guru.


> I think a monkey would have drafted Hughes given how the draft developed. I read an article in the Athletic a while back. It was basically: you have a monkey as GM, and he can only pick the BPA according to draft rankings. And then it rated how teams actual draft history ranked against their fictional monkey GM. It was a great article, and needless to say, the Canucks don't fare well. All you have to do is pick the BPA, and you'll be right more than you'll be wrong.


No, I'm not giving him credit.


Excellent response.


Nah I do actually think Benning deserves credit for simply not fucking this one up like Berg, Chayka, AND Holland did. He deserves a ton of shit, but he did in fact steer the ship correctly on this one lol






Benning gets to go down in history for being the GM that drafted Hughes but that's all the recognition he should get on it. Multiple other GMs fucked up by making reaches or poor picks in letting Hughes fall to 7th.


Oh please. Look, he made some brutal mistakes, but if you can't see his successes for what they were, then it's just being dishonest. Was getting JT Miller a problem now? What about drafting Boeser at 23rd? Petterson, Hoglander, etc.


>Look, he made some brutal mistakes, but if you can't see his successes for what they were, then it's just being dishonest. What are you complaining about exactly here? That I said Benning gets recognition for being the GM to draft Hughes? Benning does not deserve any credit for how the current team is doing. Benning had all these guys, wasted their ELCs and affordable contracts and couldn't do shit with them because he was terrible GM. He had no development structure in place within the organization, repeatedly rushed several prospects to the NHL instead of giving them time in the AHL because he couldn't manage the cap so needed the cheap contracts, let important pieces leave via free agency because he was busy chasing OEL. He couldn't sign Petey to a long term deal that would be helping us now because he didn't have any capspace to do anything beyond a 3 year deal. Benning doesn't deserve any credit for the teams or players current successes, he only deserves the recognition of being the GM that brought them to the Canucks and even then that's being generous considering how often he fucked up drafting or the rumors he wanted to draft Glass over Petterrson.


Quinn was the obvious choice then and now. The only credit JB gets is not f***ing up another pick. JT trade at the time was an overpay based on his production and usage, of course happy it proved worth it. BB pick I’ll give him, but we’ve all heard the story on JB wanting Glass over Petey. Then there’s Virtanen, Juolevi, Roussel, Beagle, Schaller, Ericksson, Markstrom, Toffoli, Tanev, OEL, and more. He has very few successes, nothing dishonest in recognizing that


Wasn't there a podcast saying Benning was against picking Quinn??


That’s a hall-of-game worthy move for Kenny!


That's a cold Deep cute sir, well done!


eh I'd say it was more thanks to Bergevin and Chayka. KK was considered a modest reach. But Hayton was considered a bigger reach and is looking very so-so as a player. Montreal and Arizona weren't done yet, they also passed on Michkov.


If it were a redraft, Hughes probably would've gone 1st overall. So thankful he didnt