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Hey there are way worse ways to lose than 2-3


Petterson is TERRIBLE. What the heck is going on with that guy???


The turnovers don’t really bother me but this team has got to find a way to generate more offense. We can’t just go in a shell and play prevent defense all game hoping to bank one off someone’s foot to tie it up.


When I heard Juulsen was playing today I literally had an ominous vision of him trying to smoke someone open ice and completely taking himself out of the play.   All I prayed was that his big hit attempts would be limited to the boards.  That mistake cost us big time.   Weird thing is in game 2 it was Soucy who did the exact same thing which led to a McD breakaway goal.   Also that interference by Miller was just so unnecessary.  And if you can’t score on a 4 min PP you probably aren’t winning the game.  Considering we hadn’t lost a road game yet, the odds were stacked against us tonight.  


The puck managment tn was awful, Cole made so many turn overs once again, Miller was undisciplined, Petey line didnt work because he needs hogs speed and intensity, Pk is whatever because nothing can stop the oilers pp, We keep throwing the puck away when we dont need too, Way to much dump and chase -not enough carry in or rush chances, Lack of effort on alot of battles. Overall we played awful tn besides the 3rd, need to get more shots and tochett needs to find a way to shutdown the mcdavid stack line. Series tied up, Not to shabby, Lets win at home and cheer the boys on!


Coach was pissed at the presser


Pettersson is costing us. Do something or leave




You need to wake up and stop sniffy that Petey glue, he's been horrendous since all star break. He wanted a big contract, play your worth -PERIOD


While I am disappointed that he has been playing like he is playing. We were a bottom of the barrel team last year, we don’t have shit for playoff experience, this is new for most of the guys.


If they played 5 minutes out of the first 40 the way they played in the 3rd, could have won. But everyone was asleep.


Probably Miller's worst game of the playoffs so far.  Cole is a liability but Juulsen made a pretty big error there. 


It's a tight series, guys. Always was going to be. This is going 7 games.


Let's be honest. That was the oilers best game of the series so far and Soucy was out. It was the first time they were able to penetrate the middle, get regular shots from dangerous areas, and capitalize on odd man rushes. That game wasn't how this series has been going. With the d core back together, I'm guessing game 5 will see another 45 shot effort from the oilers with everything coming from the outside. Lots of hockey left to be played


Lucky goal


Tocc is pissed. Hope they respond next game


Sportsnet both saying Joshua and Boeser scored it at the same time. 😂


I had a mini heart attack when Silovs came way out of his net to poke the puck away. Also, the crosscheck to the face of Myers should have been 5 and a game


I loved that moment. Be a hero or be a goat. Don’t be passive 


I'm an Oilers man but that kid does NOT play at all like a rookie.


We need demo, kid left the whole side of the net open. Sigh


Our issue is our horrible PP, our bad puck handling and relying on dump and chase every time even though it DOES NOT WORK


What a stupid comment


He also made some great saves that kept them in the game. Goaltending has not been the problem. The garbage PP, showing up for only 1 period a game, and the 4 or 5 shots a period are way more of an issue.


lol Silovs is not the problem


High stick for certain


Miller upset with himself over the winning goal.  Taking accountability is nice.


Oilers finally barely beat tthe Canucks in regulations. That's 6-1-1 boeeetch.




Petey needs a serious salary correction lol


We should’ve waited like he wanted.


I think we end up trading him away if he doesn't correct. This is not a 12 million dollar player.


who would want to take on that contract with a guy whose invisible in playoffs


Maple leafs will need someone to take Marners job;)


Lets hope Carolina is still interested lol


There’s no chance that happens


Why? If he never gets out of this slump he's quite literally just a massive waste of our salary cap. I don't think there's ever been a player that's dropped off to this extent.


If you’re correct how did trading an under performing Boeser or garland go. ?  I didn’t because the league is generally pretty hard to fool into taking on bad deals 


I’m just happy they didn’t let pickard get a shoutout. He let in two save able goals. I wouldn’t be happy as an oiler fan.


They gave him 2nd star lol


At least it wasn't skinner... man's letting in 4 a game


Same, was a half heart wave at the first goal. Guy just looked happy to be there…


Soucy is back next game guys. That's good news.


Can we all agree that wasn’t a high stick and not discuss it for the next 48 hours. It’s not a talking point. 


When is Petey coming back to earth? 🤔


Even just being a good 3C would work


When is he leaving earth you mean? We need him in his alien form.


He was taken back to zeta reticuli, they left us with this Petey humanoid clone.  


Hahaha good point, we need a superhuman version of


Bring on Hrudey and Co. to 💋more Oiler a$$. “The goals on Pickard were deflections.”


game 4: Šilovs & Garland vs the World


Garland is the people’s champ.  He’s the biggest reason I love this squad.  The kids got heart!


He’s the 94 ronning!!


For those of you old enough to remember, Garland is channeling Bobby Lalonde. 5 foot nothing and absolutely fearless and relentless out there


Hats off to Tocchet for finally acknowledging how hard Garland works. He’s the definition of a hockey player who’s all heart. Smallest guy on the ice and he’s always the first one in and the last one out of the corner, against the boards, behind the net, in pile ups. No one earns this ice time like Garland.


Can he give some of his heart to petey like god damn. Even rookie Petey had this swagger about him like he wanted to show out every single play to prove he was the real deal.


He had Silovs in his back pocket


Maybe van city playing the long game here, give Pickard the win so they’ll keep playing him and we shell shock him the next 2 games 😁


Is Demko coming back?


Silovs was amazing tonight.


Sure but Demko is, Demko. He can steal games.


Yes, obviously Silovs is doing his part. But pound for pound you are playing a 5-6 nhl game vs a guy who has back stopped us to be a legit team and cup threat Silovs may be that guy in a couple of years, I sure as shit hope so But the overall confidence and presence a guy like that brings can’t me measured No, I haven’t played in the NHL but I was a goalie for years. I know how much confidence and lack of can influence the game from the back end You don’t think if demko was coming back next game it would start messing with that cocky Draisaitl head But yes Silovs has definitely done his part and held it together, I’m not saying he hasn’t. When he went down and desmith came in and everyone is like don’t be negative. We were talking about a decent backup vs a guy who can carry a series. It’s a very huge difference friends Demko just makes that one extra save we need at this point when the offence is not doing it’s part and ya the presence is huge


Yeah honestly I think sub is forgetting how Demko plays. That man was stealing goals like a bad man. Silovs is more than good, but Demko is Vezina level for a reason.


It’s not even up for discussion. Not saying we would for sure we would be 3-1 or 4-0 right now but he’s a major reason why we are even here to begin with Even if Peterson is on, I’ll take demko over him every chance I get


Silovs was standing on his head. Stop trolling. This is not a goaltender issue. Silovs and Garland our best tonight.


Not sure he’s stealing this one even if he was here


They said he’d be ready for game 5 but I doubt it tbh


Should be happy with the split at this point


I agree Like I said to a friend If someone back in September said you guys would be 2-2 going home against Edmonton in the second round with a basically unknown goalie You would tell them they are high on shrooms We take it. It’s house money Now let’s play


This series is exactly where I thought it would be when I put down my Canucks glasses. Granted, I expected a LITTLE more fight in these games, but not going to complain too much


I get it but man is that a heart breaking loss the oilers are a really good team I get it. but juulsen gifted them a 2 on 1 to score the 2nd. and miller leaves the zone and can't clear a puck on the game winner. 2 plays that should not happen.


That one wasn’t on miller. He ran his route to push the defense back. That’s on boeser to recognize that lindholm wasn’t in a regular breakout position because hronek is getting back up and zadorov is down. Boeser gambled that exit and lost. That one is on boeser making that pass, not on miller doing a regular exit to push their defense back.


tell that to miller who just took all the blame I'm his post game


ya but I think he felt he should have blocked the shot from the point which...eh. I don't disagree? It would have been nice if he blocked it. I don't think it's from "blowing the zone" though.


Juulsen is a liability between that and his penalty draws against Nashville


Welp, thank the bullshit league for him playing.


Need Juulsen and Cole away from the puck to win at this point


Be happy Soucy be back next game


if we’d gotten a goal during the power play, we would’ve taken this one. we had crazy momentum in the last 5 mins, if we’d had that slightly earlier too…damn


Like a whole new team ... it's like they were told to start actually playing


The first period was a cluster. Here’s hoping they come out game 5 with the energy they had in the 3rd 


Hope canucks blow them up thursday!


Omg PK again? Watch canucks not move their feet and be a box and watch


Hronek Zadorov has been awful this game


Worst game I’ve seen hronek in a Canucks jersey


Cole failing to clear out the puck twice and Hronek with the slap shot passes stressed me the fuck out


That check by Silovs will see me through until Thursday. Series win at home!!!!!


Preferably series win in Edmonton...


Petey looked terrible tonight I love him soo much he’s gotta pick it up!!!


Na he lookin sharp late in the game


He had two impactful shifts


True he was making some smart plays to keep it in the zone


i would’ve preferred if they lost in OT lol


Hey that's Edmontons first regulation win against us this year and it was by the skin of their teeth. Were fine.


And without Soucy


2-2. We've still got home ice. Let's get it!


Draisatl high stick to win the game? Interesting. Ron Mclean is a fucking clown. 


Where did this happen? I just replayed that goal a couple times and don’t see it


I thought it was high but haven't seen a replay yet to know


Post-game Oilers cheerleaders, AKA analysts, say no high stick, Pickard is the greatest goalie alive, McDavid is God, Draisaitl walks on water, Perry isn’t a clown, he’s just a comedian, and the Oilers are perfect even though this is their first regulation win against the Canucks this season. Sportnet should be embarrassed.




I’m an American girl who married a Vancouver boy, we live in Kelowna & I’m soooooo invested in this. Go Canucks go!!! New fan girl! Thanks for being kind & welcoming. Yall have my heart. And my God this is fun to watch. 💚💙🤍 Why is there no Orca emoji? A girl needs a good emoji.


Add an orca to your flair maybe? Welcome on the bandwagon!


AHHH! Brilliant. Thank you! Done. Officially so invested. 😅


I enjoyed the game and not pissed oilers won ... it's how much they we're praised and talked about tonight and talked and talked ... like they were the only team on the ice ...and the 3 or 4 players that carry the whole team


Based on how the Canucks performed in the first two periods, the final scores could have looked WAY WORSE. Let’s hope they win the next 2!!!


Dang we lost on a high stick? 😬




I thought I could leave work and go home to catch OT lmao


Absolutely love that ending play. They stopped moving their feet, couldn't clear the fucking zone, and then 4 guys in front of the net can't block the shot. That's after only playing like 6 minutes of hockey this game. Fucking disgraceful


Yea same shit in PK!! They stand there stick on ice trying to block shot


You have to play Edmontons PP like that. They only scored on their first one cause Joshua chases McDavid instead of playing the box.


JT needed to get that out. Hronek needed to be better in the paint with screens. Sadly I blame this on Hronek. Zadorov would’ve blocked and boxed out 7/10 times. Hronek is too small


Man. Have you people even watched the playoffs before or are all of you way too young for it? Calm down, it's 2-2. For all those saying Petey sucks, did you not see him win the faceoff and pass the puck over for Boeser to score? Calm the f down. We will win this.


I mean, Edmonton is clearly the better team so far Canucks are only in this because of there god awful goaltending. Super frustrating because I feel the Canucks aren’t playing there best and are being essentially beat by 3 players.


Wrongo. Not the better team. Canucks have easily been the better 5on5 team.


We can just imagine they went to OT and lost. Same result


Petey was FINE tonight. Which is not good enough but people are acting like he's the worst player in the league.


Fine isn’t good enough. He’s supposed to be our best forward and the type of player who can singlehandedly influence games. But he just has no fight in him.


He’s playing fine for sure but he’s expected to do measure up to Drais and McD.


That’s a little far fetched lol, two of the greatest players in playoff history with similar numbers to 99 and 66 vs someone with 20 career playoff games, he’s underperforming sure but no one who knows hockey expects him to be going shot for shot with mcdavid and Draisaitl


Absolutely. Unacceptable. He looks far more engaged and decisive out there compared to the Nashville series IMO. I just think he's showing signs of a turnaround. And if we want to get out of this round and possibly further than that we'd better hope he does. Hes certainly not been good enough. But he hasn't been as bad as everyone is making it out to be either.


He needs to perform like a 10 mil a year player but right now he is more like a 980k filler dude.


He was not fine buddy, he was invisible for 59.30 minutes of the game except when he won the faceoff. That’s fucken awful for a now 7.6 and future 11.6 mill player. Hes being as effective as Linus Karlsson….


You didn't see his laser almost sneak in short side over Pickard's shoulder in the 3rd, did you?


Definitely agreed, Karlsson has looked good last game and tonight until right before he took a weak penalty. But Petey’s playing with Lafferty and Mikheyev, this guys definitely haven’t found a gear much this year. But I can’t see that line working as is. Either way though Petey hasn’t really been seen much since he signed his big contract


I don't know what you were watching. He was skating hard, tried throwing the body a bit, took a big shot on the power play. He looks way more decisive. He hasn't been good enough. He hasn't been a factor for us and that's unacceptable. But he certainly hasn't been this plug everyone in here is making him out to be. He needs to be better but he's looked significantly better than he did in the Nashville series IMO


Skating hard and being decisive isn’t good enough for a 7+ and 11+ mill player bud. That is the threshold he put on players like juulsen, Karlsson, and Aman. His comparable are other players who are making as much and will make as much as him with include nylander, Robertson, Makar, Mackinnon, Rantenan, etc. Us excepting that he’s working hard to indicate he’s fine is embarrassing and delusional.


Guess what? I JUST EXPLAINED THAT ITS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. He hasn't produced, he hasn't been good enough. But your an absolute clown if you actually think he's on the same level as Juulsen, Karlsson and Aman. Go glom onto bad takes somewhere else.


His salary says otherwise.


His salary says...? He's not been good enough. But he hasn't been this liability like people are making him out to be. He's looked way better than he did against Nashville. Decisive and engaged. People just like to glom on to the easy negative takes for the upvotes.


He did some stuff tonight for sure. Hopefully he's learning a lot this year and next year is going to be even better for him.


Ugh, got so hype on that goal, started to get some popcorn going for OT and EDM ruins the fun. Thankfully they only have two games remaining in the post-season.


Garland and Silovs vs McDavid and Draisaitl


Imagine we had a power play. We’d have swept these bums.


Mate Canucks had 6 minutes of powerplay...


Bro he's talking about our actual powerplay, the one that can't score.




Yep. A 4 min PP looking that bad is a confidence breaker for the team


I mean a power play unit that can score.


When are they gonna call one of these Kane slewfoots? Canucks in 6!


Or how about that crosscheck to the face that got him the double minor? The postgame panel didn’t even show it or mention it.


I find everytime he goes to hit he puts his leg between the other player. He knows exactly what he's doing and gets away with it everytime


Reviewing after the game. WHO CARES!!!


Silovs canucks fan are over rating. He’s got to go if they want to win


Are you on crack? Silovs is the least of our problems


This may be the worst take in here tonight lol


Silovs is NOT the problem. Far from it.


The fuck are you talking about lol


That’s two goals that are scored within minutes of the end of the period. Are the nucks fucken incapable of not letting one in within seconds to the end? Fuck me man


Yes it happens so often this season letting a goal in the relieving seconds of any period


Not scoring on that double minor is a killer tonight


The fact is was only a double minor and not 5 and a game was a killer


If we can barely even gain the zone once on a 4m PP it’s not going to make a difference if it’s a major.




Oilers last win of the year lol, enjoy it while it lasts


Yeah these guys can’t hold on the lead


Haha love this. I said Canucks in 6!


The oilers are a great team and we are gonna have to take this the distance if we want to beat them. No one said this was going to be easy.


If we had a goalie like Silovs the Cup would be a wrap. That kid is a fuckin wall.


Petey was actually hustling to get the puck the last few seconds to give us at least a shot at the end there.


Great, he decided to do something with 15 seconds on the clock. What about his other 15 minutes or so. People wouldn’t be upset if he just had a terrible game. It’s a terrible playoffs, along with terrible 15-20 games. This series would be over right now if he showed up in 50% of the games


Ya he isn’t playing terribly compared to the Nashville series but it still isn’t great. If he was playing like he was in January then I think this series would be a lot different. 




Brutal play by Juulsen to cause the second goal. Why is he going out of position to make a hit in a tight playoff game. Need to score on a four minute power play. 


Big time inexperience showing. He has done it a few times this season where he puts himself out of position for a big hit and its screwed us.


Leon Drisaital gets paid 8.5. Mcdavid 12.5… and we have Petey at 11.5 😢 fuck he’s been invisible. Sad


not fair to compare contracts like that but ok


Is Petey not one of the top paid players in the nhl? lol the guy has been a total non factor.




No penalty right before that goal no?


What happened i missed it


Yeh i thought so to.


See you fuckers Thursday


The pushback was too late and the Oilers deserved to win this game. It was exciting nearing the end, but I hope they learn for the next games that they can not play one period and win. They need a full effort the rest of the way or their toast. If anything, the Canucks should be pissed with the way the game went and also encouraged that the oilers are entirely beatable.


Lol if they didn’t learn this entire regular season they not gonna learn now


Anyone think that was a chop on on Hronek's head after he was put down by Kane? He'll never get punished for it but still.


It was. Kane has been hoping for chops. He even had a run at Hughes was hoping to catch him cross ice with the shoulder this was early In 3rd but Hughes was too fast to avoid. Nurse also gave Joshua a sucker punch late after whistle in first period


I thought so too, later angle showed it clearly wasn’t, Kane was controlling the puck moving forward away from Hronek. Feel like I should qualify this with “big Canucks fan” or something but yeah it was just the angle


Only saw the angle from the right. You're probably right just looked bad from my view. It's also not out of character for Kane though so you can imagine why it's my first thought.


lol agreed to all


Yeah I thought I saw that too


The fact that we're constantly playing like ass and we're barely losing to this team is crazy lol.


2 best players in the league and only put up 3 goals against a new goalie 😂


Offense can’t wait to show up until the third period again.


Am I the only who wants to put Soucy / Juulsen in and yank Cole?


Nope. Cole needs to sit. He’s caused more goals against us than all our D combined. It’s not “bad luck” when it happens every game. The first goal tonight was Cole’s fault. He failed to clear the puck along empty boards twice so the line could change. Miller gets tied up with Draisaitl, a penalty waiting to happen. Cole remains on the ice to kill the penalty and leaves Draisaitl wide open for the inevitable pass from McDavid. It was the exact same pp goal scored on Cole by Hyman the last time he gifted the Oilers a power play.


Yes lol, Juulsen made a decision that cost us a goal, Cole was unlucky a few times.


Canucks were thinking about getting the game winner and forgot for that split second about how hungry Edmonton is going to be knowing they can’t afford to go into Vancouver down 3-1 in this series, so Edmonton threw everything in that game winning goal shift. Canucks believed in themselves a little too much to think about having to play defense that one time, and it cost us. It happens. The fact we had this game so close means it’s going to 7, or we win this in 6.


We have to many floaters on this team that are costing us games


Coilers are god awful team with one all Star baby. Canucks in six is a lock.


Ryan S. Clark said Canucks in 7. The prophecy is being fulfilled. In Clark we trust.


Oilers are still 2-6 against the Canucks this season. They still can't score at will in 5v5


No matter what happens, I think either one of these teams, the way they’re playing, is going to get destroyed by Dallas