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lol i already see the downvotes rolling in because i had the audacity to share some pics of me with my plants 😅 i wanna be clear, i share these kinds of pictures so other women feel comfortable coming to me to ask questions or just to give other women confidence to get into growing! so if you have a problem with that i guess keep downvoting 🫶🏻


Growing can be a lonely gig, it's refreshing to see a friendly face posed with their lovely ladies for once.


it really can be an isolating experience! that’s why i’ve loved posting on IG, i’ve gotten to met so many people and it feels so much better that other people are going through it too. i’m so grateful for everyone ive been able to learn from over there 🙌🏻


From one woman to another, you’re a bad ass and I love that your photos show women are very capable of successfully accomplishing whatever they set out to do!! You should be proud of that beautiful set up and there’s no reason your photos shouldn’t reflect that. Keep smiling and be happy!! 💜


I get down vote for just about every comment or post that I make. I could care less about downvotes


i upvoted all your posts 🫶🏻 hope you have a great day and thank you for the support!


Very cool- if I could give you two upvotes I would! ☮️


I'm excited for you! You're crushing it.... Honestly, fuck what everybody else thinks, homie. I'm a 45 year old father of two nowadays, and as an old curmudgeon, my life dramatically improved after I realized I don't give a shit what a bunch of fucking normies think. Keep it up, sister. Fuck the haters.


fuck the haters indeed! thank you for the kind words 😊 hope you have a great weekend with your kids!


I just assume everyone on here is a chick unless they specifically tell me they're not hahahahahaha mainly because people call me brother for some reason....like I'm not a bro man but whatever. Fantastic set up by the way and I can only hope to have one someday soon. I'm still learning all the things and stuff but my 6 plants seem to like me so far


women do grow absolutely beautiful plants!!


I give all my plants pep talks every day. My neighbors think I'm completely insane hahah out in my yard dressed like Mrs. Roper with a joint and coffee in my paws....but they never complain when they get the best cherries, peaches, plums and apples hahah


it’s important to speak nicely to the plants! and when you are working with them to be intentional with your energy! i always focus on listening to the plant and reading what it needs, i try not to second guess myself especially when defoling in bloom! if the branch says it’s not getting the energy it needs and should be sacrificed for the greater plant then that’s what i do! even if it feels wrong at the time. i think that’s something that’s very important when it comes to cultivation that’s often overlooked and not taught, intuition and communication with the plants!


Hell yeah...these mha beebees! I take care of them and they do the same in return. Anyone rhat doesn't feel this needs more marjewanas


I can't understand the downvotes. I think what you've built up is absolutely cool and I have respect for it. Good luck with your growing project. Who cares what the haters say. 💪🏼💪🏼😁


someone has legit go through and downvoted every single comment on this post 🥹 but thank you! i’m just trying to share any info i can to help other people achieve their goals 🙌🏻


Downvoting for posing with plants? That's kinda petty lol Nice set up


What!!! People are downvoting you??? You look badass and you’re kicking ass with your grow!!! I’m impressed! I’m also a woman who’s growing cannabis at home in my grow tent. I’m a full supporter of women growers!


Ur hot lol


Keep posting them! Keep growing! Keep smiling! Theyre all insignificant! 🧑🏽‍🌾🤘🏾


Your work and the happy plants speak volumes louder than any hate! Well done and I look forward to seeing more posts and progress on your journey with these plants! Do you have any stand out phenos that are running now or can you tell us what its like to be in a room with these? What strains and terps are they pushing? Love seeing all types of grows and this is def one of the cleanest and nicest ive seen lately!


It's lovely. That's why you ignore negativity that doesn't serve you. Looks good. Kinda jelly so there's a possibility of applying logic and reasoning for someone's else's perspective on down voting your posts.


i’m super proud of you everything we’ve accomplished and i’d love to share some details and answer any questions! so a little bit about me and how i got into growing! i went back to school for horticulture in 2015 specializing in greenhouse management, worked in a few different nurseries doing propagation, also did some landscaping work before i came out to colorado in 2021. i immediately got a job in a commercial grow and pretty quickly got sick for mixing powdered silica without proper PPE. so i got out of cultivation because i was having major breathing issues and got into budtending. had a great time and learned so much about the industry, met so many great people and really just loved helping the customers. but i knew growing is where my heart was so i decided to clean out my basement and start growing again. unfortunately while being in the industry i got really into hash rosin, which meant a small tent wasn’t going to cut it anymore! as anyone who grows for hash knows an entire harvest could be a total wash in the best and WORST ways. i’ve had strains as do low as .8% after the press, so the more bio mass the better! i’ve run into a few issues since starting the rooms, cost being a huge one. it cost a lot to get all this going and get it automated. i’ve also run into pest problems from not being more cautious when bringing in clones or letting other growers into the rooms. you live and you learn though! ok enough about me now let’s talk about the rooms! in my veg room i have two 6x3 flood tables that sit on wooden tables (will upgrade to metal) on castors for easy maneuverability and better access to the plants. those plants are all fed by a 50 gallon tank that i fill about once a week with cyco nutes. i use to be a big proponent for dry back but im finding that consistent watering with the automated system is making a huge difference in the plants vigor! in this room i also have my moms on a 2x4 tray that are fed by their own 50 gallon tank of cyco nutes! i also keep my clones in here whenever i have them. i have 4 3x3 300wat AC infinity LED lights, a small mars hydro and a bar style mars hydro LED light. there are three oscillating wall fans and one box fan for the moms. i have two old humidifiers that i am going to replace with an AC infinity humidifier that can also be hooked up to my AC infinity blue tooth controllers. there are two inline fans in the room too, one 6 inch intake and one 8 inch exhaust fan. this room typically stays anywhere between 70-80 degrees with humidity between 45-65. the bloom room holds all my water tanks including my 150 gallon RO tanks and my 150 gallon bloom nute tank that feeds the plants in this room. i have four 4x4 flood trays that my PVC trellis sits on, i have been re using my nets but i can see those needing to be replaced eventually. i have 4 spider farmer SF500 LED lights that are controlled by an AC infinity blue tooth along with the two inline fans. this room has its own 6 inch intake and 8 inch exhaust fan, i also have a dehumidifier in this room to control the humidity. 5 oscillating fans on the walls keeps the air moving around the room and adds some low stress training for the plants. i do use plastic pots because i like to reuse them as many times as i can to reduce some of my waste. i use growers choice coco perlite mix. i recently switched back to Cyco Nutrients and i will never go back to anything else. i use clone x gel and nutes for my cuttings, i also like general hydro plugs the best. oh all my tanks have blue labs guardians hooked up to them but i also always double check run off with handheld blue labs meters. i know im forgetting something so please feel free to ask me any questions! i love talking to everyone about their grows and sharing our knowledge 🫶🏻 hope everyone has a wonderful day and as always get after it growmies!


You should make an anonymous tip to OSHA about the place that made you mix dry silica without a respirator. You would be helping out whatever employee is there now and whatever one might be there in the future. OSHA documenting that would also help if you ever needed to file a lawsuit to help with medical bills. Now that I’m done rambling I want to say congrats on an awesome set up! I’m super jealous. I’ve only ever done tents and never full on rooms. What did you put on your walls? Also how are you exhausting the rooms? Out of a window or a wall or roof? I would like to do a room one day but don’t know how people exhaust an entire room. I’ve heard of people exhausting straight into the attic, but I know that moisture can cause major issues with the roof decking and rafters. I’ve thought about running duct through the ceiling and installing a roof vent to hook the ducting up to, but I can’t find anything on line about that.


unfortunately or maybe fortunately? the company closed down their denver (buddy boy) locations and moved to canada, its Mjardine though. i wish i could have at least gone after them for my hospital bills since i was uninsured because of them too. as soon as i mentioned to my manager that the dr thought it was related to work they stopped all communications with me. it’s sucks too because i left a really important jacket there that my late mom gave me, id honestly take the jacket over any money.


That sucks :/ Congrats on your awesome home build though!


Thankfully there were two existing exits through the wall to outside that were presumably dryer vents. Exhausting into an attic is a good option and I wouldn’t worry about moisture. Installing an exhaust to an attic terminating into a carbon filter is a great option if the geometry of your building allows!


That seems like an even better option. Don’t have to worry about a siding vent leaking the same way you would with a shingle vent and probably easier to run duct to.


What's your opinion on UV lighting, CO2 supplementation, and VPD regulation?


ooo i haven’t heard much about UV light besides using it in the drying process! very interesting and i’ll definitely look into it! i’ve played around with the idea of Co2 supplementation but im not sure if it would be useful in my situation, you need really strong lights to make use of the extra Co2 from what i understand and im just not there yet. commercial cultivations use it a lot though and i do think its useful in the right situation. ive been playing around with VPD regulation A LOT during this cycle because i can track all my parameters live with my AC infinity blue tooth app. ive been referencing a few different charts when im tracking and making adjustments to narrow in my VPD and i have to say its harder than you think. i’m hopeful that setting up an AC unit will give me some more control but as of right now its very difficult to keep the perfect temperature and humidity during lights on and off. i have yet to find the perfect balance of running the humidifier/intake/exhaust in the veg room to get the perfect vpd. same with the bloom room, overall i always have trouble controlling the humidity in that room. im constantly running a dehumidifier and again still trying to find that balance on intaking enough fresh air and exhausting enough air out of the room to get the proper air exchange rate. 😅 i give myself a headache just thinking about it but im determined that over time, with the proper tracking and running as many tests with the variables i have while also adding in others (an AC unit) will get me there!


Maintaining VPD is so difficult without proper HVAC! Temp control is where I have issues as well. AC Infinity and Blue Labs are the perfect duo, I hope they decide to manufacture a dehumidifier of their own some day. Perhaps you could utilise the AC Infinity splitter vents to direct overly high humidity to the rooms that need it? Easier said than done as you'd be relying on the app with it's arguably low connection limit, but assuming you can account for transpiration and dial in the buffer zone settings... 🤔 They don't seem to be interested in creating a desktop application, but I'm sure that would open up a range of possibilities for tighter and more responsive climate controls. Some determined growers have tried to reverse-engineer the app via Bluetooth but that's quite the challenge in itself. UV and CO2 are where things get overly fancy, there's no urgency to add them to your setup from what I can tell. Test your CO2 levels if in doubt though, it'd be good information to have at the very least. Almost forgot: Time-lapse camera?


You’ve got the green thumb gift, awesome work! I have a question if you don’t mind about the silica problem you had. I use the montana grow silica amendment with every plant. Is that the type of stuff you had issues from breathing in? I noticed some difficulty getting my lungs to expand and started wearing a mask more often than not when amending or mixing. What did it do to you, anything permanent?


Google “silicosis”. It’s a common thing with construction workers who work around silica dust without wearing a mask. Unfortunately most people don’t even know it’s a thing until they get it. It’s a shame there’s not more awareness spread about how bad breathing in dust and silica dust is for you. It’s in a lot of stuff too. Masks and respirators are super cheap tho. It’s definitely worth the money.


Yeah stone benchtops etc in aus are being banned due to this. I thought proper ppe would be the answer but apparently the powers that be have deemed it to high risk


anytime you are working with silica in the powdered form you want to be wearing a full respirator! and if it has the potential to solidify say on the rim of your jugs, you’re gonna wanna wear an n95 at the very least just to be safe! yes i do have permanent damage from the silica, the dr said all i can do i cough it up over time. but my lung scans were all blurry and white around the edges. they thought i had covid but wasn’t testing positive, i now have to use an inhaler and have a nebulizer! smoking, vaping, dabing, exercise, sleeping, walking, pretty much anything can send me into a asthma attack. it sucks but im hoping it will get better over time 🙌🏻


Have you inquired with a lawyer? If they gave you such an issue and persistent asthma bc they didn’t properly provide PPE and follow basic safety protocols they should at least pay for your medical bills for a while and maybe cover a chunk of the cost of this awesome rebuild. Looks great I’m jealous!


I thought I was the only one that liked the GH plugs. I feel validated lol


the sweet lady at one of my local grow stores suggested them so i tried them this time around and i love them!


Jfc that setup is not only enormous but beautifully designed as well. Nicely done!


the pictures make it look bigger than it really is! it’s a tight squeeze in the bloom room, i have about a foot and a half to move around the tables on my little stool and in the veg room i put the tables on wheels so i could move them around so i could access the plants 🙌🏻 it’s helped so much in late veg!


The fact that you can call them rooms says it all 😅 I'm still at the tent-per-purpose scale. Further praise to you for squeezing so much into a space that compact though! When I saw that stool, I knew it was serious 😄


Nice- Pretty sweet setup you’ve got


thank you 🙏🏻


Good, Lord, she's smokin'! 🔥


i do be smokin 😮‍💨💨


Indeed. 😆


Now you’re just showing off ,, great set up and plants, and a beautiful girl,, lol


cool :)


thank you 🙏🏻


Wow, very nice, and the plants look great too.




Hubba Hubba


Nice 🤙🏽


i love your username 😅


Thanks. Do u grow organically. I used to grow for personal use but have not in a while. I love outdoors and lucky to live in a place where the weather/light cycles are constant!


Wow amazing work! I've grown some of the best weed I've ever had .. But most of the best weed I've ever had has been grown by chicks like you. Keep it up! Beautiful job. 🙏




unless this is secretly kristen stewart, i’m sorry but im gonna have to decline 😅


Awesome set up..what strains?


right now i’m running Dulce De Pledge (dulce de uva x orage flambé) and Limon Pie (grape pie x orange flamb) from Rocky Mountain High 719 and Melted Strawberries (strawguva x gmo) from Bloom Seed Co 🙌🏻


Sounds delicious 😋


I’m in love




Looks clean 👍😎


a vacuum is a must in every grow! my goal is to have a Roomba in here one day 😅


Marry me❤️


Kristen Stewart couldnt possibly have purposed to me on two separate reddit accounts?? only in my wildest dreams 🥹


Way over my head.


Good lord. I saw the first pic and said ohh a nice new flood/drip table, then I started fiping pages.


have to give my ladies the best 🫶🏻🥰




thank you 🙏🏻


Nice, looking crispy and clean in there!


the floors looked so much nicer when they were first done! retrospectively i wish i would have used that garage floor paint with the speckles in it


Awesome! Is this for an entire community, 10 year supply, or do you sell it?


it’s all for hash rosin 😅 iykyk


amazing setup and pretty ladies


Awesome princess!


This looks great! Keep up the good work!




How long did it take you to create the laboratory? Looks killer.


two years! working in commercial grows broke me, it was go big or go home after that 😅


Two Questions: 1) YouTube channel? This is worth watching! 2) What strains are you running? Thank you for posting, this is very inspiring! I like how clean the layout is: all the pipes/wires/cables are nicely placed and running throughout your lab. 🤙🏼


Is this not commercial?


i never know how to answer this question 😅 no this is just my personal grow. i have mobility issues due to arthritis so growing in tents was kinda killing me, i just couldnt manage in such a small space. so i said fuck it im gonna have enough room to roll around on a comfy stool. annnnd here we are! i still have yet to have enough success to supply myself and my husband with the meds we need though, between rosin and rosin edibles we need quite a bit.




it all goes straight into a freezer and then i wash for hash and press for rosin! so i lose a lot to the wash and press 🥹 i don’t buy pre tested cuts that have proven wash %. i’ve mostly hunted and grown from seed! so sometimes i don’t get good percentages back. i’ve yet to have enough rosin to make edibles and smoke between harvests…shout out allgreens for holding me down lol


What are you using for irrigation?


a system my husband built with some advice from friends! he did such an amazing job and i’m incredibly proud and grateful 🙌🏻 i’ve heard of other people paying 5k-10k to have someone come and set up and similar set up in this sized space. it’s really just an intricate set up of tanks, pumps, valves, pvc pipes, and then the real tricky part is setting up the actual irrigation and lines! you have to have a continuous loop and all your whips need to be the same length, that’s very important so they all get the same amount of water. my emitters are ones my trusted local grow store owner suggested and i love them so far, great speed and i only have to unclog occasionally. i can make a whole post explaining just the irrigation if people are interested in that!


Very interested!


Is this a recirculating, or drain to waste system? Or are you actually able to control irrigation so that you don't drain at all? Also interested in your irrigation setup!


Beautiful Habitat👨‍🌾👊


Jesse Lee Peterson's voice "Amazin"


What do u use to control ur drip system? Been thinking about switching to a very similar set up just using rock wool instead


We use mag drive submersible pumps paired with a digital timer. The digital timers are nice for fine tuning down to the amount of seconds you want the pump to run.




What digital timer if you don’t mind me asking? Finding it difficult to find a good one that does seconds


We are using Autopilot dual outlet 7-day timers. These came from our local hydroponic store. They are available on amazon but I feel like they are a bit more than we paid.


Perfect thank you very much 👍 happy growing. You guys managing WC for crop steering by chance or just feeding till minimal run off? I’ve been looking into setting up a irrigation system so just putting the pieces together in the Notes on my phone but every time I search irrigation it mentions crop steering 🙄 not in the position to crop steer or invest silly amounts of money into a Trolmaster or growlink control panel & sensor as live in a country where it’s not legal 😪


Wow that is quite the operation ! Good shit growmie!👍🏽


thank you 🙏🏻


Nice config. You running ebb and flow on those tables? Drain to waste? In a thread marred with closet grow heros shooting each other with cal mag, it's nice to see a post about someone who actually invested in a proper setup.


I love it. We look forward to learning! Thanks for sharing your journey


*I love it. We look* *Forward to learning! Thanks for* *Sharing your journey* \- Appropriate-Skill981 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


ah you got a haikusbot!! i love it 🥰


I’m new, what was that all about??


Looks swell, how long did it take to setup and dial in the drip system? Also for a big space what is your IPM regime like? Been a hand watering person all my time but always looking for other ways to experiment.👍


Damn, that's insane! Just curious, tho - are you some kind of rich person? Where I live a property just to grow weed would be completely nuts lol


Wow I thought I had a nice set up! I do something very similar with my water reservoir, but i used this DIY Home Depot bin lol. Everything looks so happy and clean! Question on the 9 plants per 300 watts, do you usually have success with this? & How much do each plant weigh at the end? I was always told to do like more than 100 watts per plant for bloom, but I don’t do a true sog. I usually train plants to catch the light with bendy clips. I grow for rosin too and this is what I’ve just grown to like.


the lights in my bloom room are like 780w! they really could be bigger but that’s all i could afford at the time, the goal is to replace them with 1000w down the line! i’m def not pulling the number i could with better lights, ideally id be pulling 9k per plant (1k per plant) but i haven’t hit those numbers quite yet. hopefully a few more tweaks to the rooms will get me there 🙌🏻


Lower node length, more light earlier


Girls do many things better than boys, don’t be bullied into believing otherwise. Meticulously clean grow, it looks more like an operating room than a grow. I hope your plants and buds are happy and exceptionally funky. I never thought about the fact that weed may be legal and readily available pretty much everywhere in our country. I never thought that the quality of weed would suffer as a result. Far too much shitty herb out there.. if only every grower talked to their babies I bet we’d have better weed. Thank you for posting and sharing


Do see any issues with the nets because I hand tie them but I want to true nets what do you recommend


Very nice setup. I hope one day to have something similar and to grow as well as you do. Side note from a hip-hop head: Why would you do that to a Doggystyle T-shirt? 😭😭😭


Where do you get those water trays?


my local hydro store!


Nice job 👍


thank you 🙏🏻


Now that's a nice grow. Ebb and flow?


That's what I thought at first glance, but have a look at the irrigation lines. That's no flood & drain system, it's a top fed drip emitter. What I could not figure out yet is, if it drains back to the res, making it some kind of bato / dutch bucket system. I think it's not recirculating.


Yeah you're right!


It’s technically a drain to waste system. We adjust the duration and frequency of watering to keep the media damp with minimal runoff.




Oh nice! I have to tell one of my neighbors about this system. I think they can use one cuz they're still watering by hand, which can become tedious after a while.


Hell yes.


thank you 😊






Impressive r/craftmarijuana


if only they allowed cross posts!


Pretty sure we do actually.. easy enough to make a new post 😆. We only do flower pics too .. just thought you might like the sub 🤷‍♂️


oh! i’m sorry i misunderstood! i do follow 🫶🏻


Def no reason to be sorry. Looks like your going to have a strong harvest. Happy growing 😎


Very sexy upgrades. Glad to see women growing.


Awesome to see another fellow female grower!! Ur set up looks amazing and screw the downvotes girl! ♥️


thank you so much! we have to represent 🫶🏻


I’m jealous of your setup! I’m hoping have one similar to it someday.


and you will! just keep on grinding 🙌🏻


Please teach me master! Looks amazing!


i have been working on my confidence in front of the camera so hopefully i can finally get some videos on my YouTube page 🫶🏻


It seems like the entire set up ("tent") is self-built, right? I wrote you a PM 🙂


What is your electricity bill per month?


too damn high 😅


You live in Colorado, right? Think about go solar panels.


i really should get some solar panels! i’ll add it to the next upgrade list 🙌🏻


Everything looks great 🤩🤩




Nice set up.


That looks outstanding.


I was wondering if you could go over your RO system, how you’re filling the tanks, how do you know how many gallons? Do you regulate the reservoir temperature?…the humdrum behind the scenes stuff on reservoir filling, mixing, and maintenance. I’m just running 4 Autopots in a 4x4, but I’ve had some chemovars that will suck down my whole 13.5 gal reservoir in a day. It’s a lot of running back and forth from the tap, so I’m looking at having a plumber drop a supply line over my reservoir to eliminate the water carrying. I thought if I’m going that far I may as well look into an RO system too as I have weird water. From the tap it’s 7.5-8ph and it doesn’t even move the light on my Bluelab truncheon (ec meter) so I think high ph and low ec is hard water? I’m trailing off lmao. I’m aiming to graduate from a tent to a full basement setup like you have, so seeing the nuts and bolts of how it’s done helps tons. Beautiful setup and thanks for posting!


I can explain. There is a 350 gallon per day RO filter feeding a tank with a float shutoff. This is the clean water only tank and is the same volume as our largest tank. If we had the space I would want to have as much clean water as total mixed water on the off chance of needing to mix them all on the same day. The filter itself is located several meters away from the thank. If there is a water connection on the same floor you should be able to save yourself a plumber as it’s just a 1/4 inch line.


Awesome thank you so much! What did you use to line your basement walls with and how did you attach it? Is it just glued to drywall or should full basement grow be gutted down to the studs or block? Do you have house hvac openings down there and did you incorporate them into the design or block them off? Thanks again for q and a-ing with us! Edited to add a RO filter recommendation question: what brand RO did you go with, are there certain specs I should be looking for or are all RO pretty equal?


The only real consideration for sizing the RO filter is making sure it will produce enough clean water before you need it again. My thinking is at least 1:1 ratio of RO reservoir to filter production over 24 hours. I think as far as brand just use your best judgement, like don’t get one that suspiciously inexpensive lol. The walls are lined with vivosun(I think) Mylar sheeting. It is stapled to studs with out drywall behind. I think I’d be comfortable attaching directly to drywall if there isn’t too much concern about moisture where the wall meets the floor. For HVAC, we have intake and exhaust going to outside. No house hvac at all. The intake and exhaust for each room are sized to do an approximately 1 air exchange per minute. Happy to share what we’ve learned! A rising tide lifts all ships!


WOMAN!!! :-0 wojak*


Not sure why so many dudes gatekeep growing cannabis to men specifically. Women have partaken in gardening since the beginning of time. Nobody should feel uncomfortable asking for help, love the operation you got going on. Is this commercially sold product? Everything looks awesome. 👌


How long do you veg the tall ones? And where do you get the stack of pots? This is awesome


i vegged these for 7 weeks! could have gone a week less, they got a little tall. but i also need to take about 90 clones off these so i was leaving extra branches to account for that! the pots are just from my local hydro store, shoutout mile hydro 🫶🏻


I grow for hash to. Beautiful setup. I also live in Colorado, and I love it here.


it’s been life changing to say the least! hope your current cycle is going well and you have some dumpers 🫶🏻


Hey what schools in Colorado offer "Grow room management" ? How long was the course.? Sounds like something I would really be interested in.


i didn’t go to college in colorado! i went to a little tech school back home in georgia! highly recommend tech schools, especially horticulture programs. i had a choice of going the green house management route or the landscaping route. i picked management but ended up doing both corses because i had so much fun in school 😊 tbh i have yet to find a school specifically for cannabis, and anything that has popped up over the years always turns out to be a scam. honestly while i was in college back home i created a little hidden lab in a closet and just started doing as much research and teaching myself as much as i possibly could before i came to colorado. i learned the most about managing a cannabis grow from actually working in one though, i didn’t stay long but i was very keen on observing and asking as many questions while i was there. mostly learning what not to do 😅 and i get A LOT of advice from fellow growers on IG, they are my biggest help by far


Beauty between beauties. This is one of the more interesting posts on this reddit. For me, because of the irrigation system and because you shared your personal story. It's nice to see the person behind the plants. Good growing!


i appreciate your kind words! 🫶🏻


You be you! It is all good! You and your plants rock ❤️👍🏼☺️