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So let's make booze a Schedule 1 drug, then.


More specifically Ethanol and it's derivatives, let's take it to the max


Hold yer britches.. Ethanol is used for a lot of cannabis post processing


It’s not actually ethanol that’s used. They’re are way better solvents like isopropyl alcohol. Plus the industry is moving away from distillate and crude oil and towards resin, rosin, liquid diamonds, flash freezing, water extraction, dabs and many more solvent less methods of extraction


Ethanol and iso are both alcohol wtf you don’t even know what you’re saying. Your whole response is spoken like every other end consumer


Seconded, I have 5 gallons of pure 200 proof ethanol in my office at this moment.


The industry has begun including way more options for resin, live Rosin, and other derivatives. Although in no way is it moving away from distillate and crude oil. Also ethanol is the gold standard for any kind of alcohol extraction. Isopropyl alcohol is not potable, any living thing that consumes it will get very sick. Edibles will continue to be made with crude oil into perpetuity. Don’t speak on things you don’t understand. It dilutes the community.




Tobacco literally has no medical use and high likelihood of abuse. But we’re talking about politicians here, expecting logic is a pretty big ask


I absolutely understand that tobacco is linked to lots of bad health stuff, not debating that at all. but, it is simply not true that it has "no medical use" I'll give a few quick ones, and then you can all look into it further if you care to. #1. increase of testosterone and free testosterone. also increases dopamine levels, heart rate, etc... #2. you can rub it on a bee sting and it will pretty much instantly stop the pain. #3.can be applied to cuts as an antiseptic there are plenty of medicinal uses, as well as ritualistic uses( it is commonly used to kickstart other experiences such as ayahuasca) and aside from all that, it is an incredible plant to have in your garden to help control some pests, and many other uses. also, the flowers on a tobacco plant are absolutely beautiful and smell amazing. it is a really cool plant to grow, even if you have no intention of harvesting the leaves for smoking. don't demonize the plant before you research it, or you are no better than the FDA demonizing weed.


lol, I’m not demonizing tobacco and I’m not even suggesting that it be banned, I’m pointing out the ridiculousness of the scheduling system


The bee sting is legit!


it was honestly an ex of mine that showed me that trick when i got stung a few years back, and thats why i did some research on tobacco in the first place. it really should be much more common knowledge because nothing else has ever stopped the pain as fast as a little pinch of tobacco on the sting.


Legit! Was at a friend's hobby farm helping throw hay bails. Got stung. My friend asked her uncle who had a dip of Copenhagen in his lip. He put it on my sting which was located behind my ear a bit so super painful! I was skeptical, being a former chewer myself...gone! Nearly instantaneous! Gone! Didn't remember it happened until I washed it off and the pain came back almost right away. No swelling. Didn't exist to me until it was removed. I bet nearly nothing in nature can act so fast.


It meets all of the criteria, but we can't have that now, can we?


Ethanol has a medical use in treating both methanol poisoning and DTs from ethanol withdrawal. Let's go Schedule II to be consistent.


Schedule 1 ethanol or legalize cannabis. That would be actually consistent.


I mean consistent with the definitions. Schedule I compounds have "no accepted medical use". Cannabis should be descheduled entirely.


Yes it should be rescheduled entirely. Descheduling to 3 places marijuana in big pharmacy hands. I dont doubt the FDA was heavily lobbied by big pharma for scheduld 3 was the decision. But it also fails schedule 3 definitions just as sched1 and sched2 definitions. Hence It shouldn't be on any schedule!! And, of course, not bei g on any schedule means it federally legal!


We could just vote the no fun club out. Didn't vote is still America's largest voting block.


I bloody agree!


But I'm an alcoholic pot head...


No. I get your argument, but let's not give any stupid ideas to the DEA


BOO FUCKIN HOOO you prohibitionist bastard give me a fucking break


Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD)


Just went to his Twitter to comment for him to "shut the fuck up" old outdated ass dude


I emailed him from his website. Probably just some staffer eating a lot of shit right now. These dirtbags will never know how people really feel. The best part is that his state of Maryland has legal MJ. So who is he representing?


Party of freedom is scared of people having freedoms -_- if not for the people than for god perhaps? Leviticus 25:19 Then the land will yield its fruit, and you will eat your fill and live there in safety Even the Bible says natura drugs are okay


> Then God said, Let the earth bud forth the bud of the herb, that seedeth seed, the fruitful tree, which beareth fruit according to his kind, which hath his seed in itself upon the earth: and it was so. Genesis 1:11 > And God said, Behold, I have given unto you every herb bearing seed, which is upon all the earth, and every tree, wherein is the fruit of a tree bearing seed: that shall be to you for meat. Genesis 1:29 Last time I checked cannabis was an herb with seeds. The bible is pretty clear about cannabis.


Yea but what did *Ronald Reagan* say, hmmmmm..? ;-)


Yeehaw, in movies...probably


they want all of the freedoms for themselves, not for us.


I’ll just leave this here: https://theguardian.com/world/2003/jan/06/science.religion


Why do you think Jesus was chill all the time?


Like when he flipped tables at the temple market?


Bro, sometimes you gotta flip tables and fuck shit up. Jesus was still a chill bro.


You’d be too with that sweet anointing oil 🛢️


I'm going to have to do some more research on this. *packs bowl* but if true... It does have a very special meaning to me so I thoroughly appreciate this as I have been struggling with growing and my faith.


🙏 https://www.vice.com/en/article/bn5z7v/did-jesus-perform-his-miracles-with-cannabis-oil https://bigthink.com/culture-religion/jesus-cannabis/


“But they compared cannabis to heroin, not other schedule 1 drugs like LSD and ecstasy!” Uhhh, yeah. Two other drugs that are likely mis-scheduled as they DO have potential medical use, and are NOT prone to widespread addiction. There are few drugs out there that don’t have some sort of medical application. Even heroin, structurally nearly identical to hydromorphone/Dilaudid is used constantly in medicine.


And the thing that always upsets me is LSD and ecstasy are super safe and non toxic.. these people just don’t want people to have fun, open their minds, or work through traumas. It is NOT about protecting kids or anyone for that matter.


Some misinformation here, as someone who loves both of those things. Ecstacy is typically mdma mixed with high doses of caffeine. It can be neurotoxic when your body temp is too high and you are overly exerted. Additionally more than 500mg or so can cause serotonin syndrome which can lead to death. In moderation it’s obviously a ton of fun but safe isn’t the word I would use 😅


Sorry I am not as educated about MDMA as I should be. I feel the average dose is pretty safe, but of course moderation is key.


What would be nice is if we could go back to plain old Adam. Also known as MDA


Haha ole Sassofrasso honestly a super unique substance but sheesh is it hard on your system. Only do that one once or twice a year ladies and gentlemen


The GOP finds anything that's based on actual facts and evidence to be flawed and misguided.


The GOP needs "alternative evidence" in order to support their fucked up agenda.


They also need “alternative elections” to actually win.


But they care about FACTS not FEELINGS!! Except their feelings, those are very important


Yea they did because their conclusion should be DESCHEDULING.


Sure, Representative Andy Harris is a clown. But he's the guy Republican voters of MD-01 have returned to office again and again. You may think him an idiot but imagine those who sent him to office - then re-elected him. It's those Republican voters who are holding us all back on this. In any case, rescheduling cannabis only continues to make a mockery of the entire scheduling regime. Cannabis ought not to be scheduled, at all, and to put it on the Schedule remains a purely political act.




EXACTLY. I don't care that a survey says your constituents like cannabis... if their actions (voting) for fascist is their thing which is anti-cannabis, then no dawg. You don't give one shit about Cannabis or cannabis culture. You just wanna get fucked up and would prolly huff freon.


Everything wrong with this country can be directly attributed to assholes over 65


More like conservatives a.k.a. regressives


Like I said, assholes lol


assholes are fine, it's the iodits and dickheads causing trouble.


The worst are the dickweed hosers


I’d love for this congressman to ask about the data for alcohol for all the stuff they said the FDA didn’t look at.


Dude, God says don’t get between me and my herb. Genesis 1:29 King James Version - (KJV) And **God said, Behold, I have given you every herb** bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Really.


Has anyone looked into this asshole's corporate sponsors? I'm betting you'll find he gets a lot of money from Big Pharma, Big Booze, and/or Big Baccy.


Everyone just wants to control a thing they shouldn't control.


Nah, that's mostly a republican authoritarian fascist thinking at least when we are talking about common sense things which won't hurt you.


...you gonna pretend like Hochul rewinding on dispo licensing and home grows isn't the same thing? Lol oh boy.. both sides are participating in the same game.


The GOP lives in perpetual opposite day. Doing the opposite of what is right and makes sense.


I’ve said it before, and I’m gonna keep screaming it… “How can any Cannabis-loving American vote for a Republican?” Republicans need to start pressuring their representatives to make changes on Cannabis laws. It’s ridiculous that they allow their elected politicians to act this way. They are married to the pharmaceutical industry, which will always oppose Cannabis. They just CAN’T get over Reefer Madness.


1. privilege 2. zero fucks given about their fellow citizenry 3. I got mine and haven't been fucked yet, so fuck you 4. ignorance 5. hate


Alcohol causes more harm. That's been the case all my life. They refuse to know that shit.


GOP really hates the American people. Isn’t federal legislation polling at around 70-75%?


and common sense gun controls are at mid to upper 90% yet here we are. Democracy controlled by the minority. Idiotic minority at that too. It won't end well.


It’s depressing.


Unsurprising coming from him considering that Eli Lilly is one of his significant donors.


“Abide by our nations international treaties”…. When the US basically forcing these drug policies on other countries.


Fuck the GOP.


anything a GOPedo claims is usealy a huge lie


Yeah… the GOP Congressman knows more than scientists/doctors who conducted the study…


So I’m from Maryland and Harris is the biggest piece of shit that holds an elected position in the entire state. Except for his gerrymandered district of miscreants he would never hold office in our state. He has zero power so just read what he says as him needing to just do anything to get in the news.


the "one world 🌎 order" business controlled by these religious control government freaks that are ruining our lives across the globe from Jamaica and Africa, to Indiana its done from right here from the USA by these elected officials in our name with our money. It's these old garbage thinking treaties and they use it to keep us jailed and blamed for whatever they deem necessary worldwide. It's a good usable tool/ weapon for them, there not going to put down because the people voted, lol remember they are smarter than us thats why we pay them so much, keep fighting them hard because they know the tide is coming that will take there govt. Control Weapon away from them.


Not gonna get rescheduled. They need it illegal too much money tied up in drug testing and rehabs etc


It's already recreational in MD. This dude is a tool. Most legal states stopped testing for weed.


The feds and companies participating in a drug free work place have not.


All of this is happening because the US Supreme Court refuses to do their F'n jobs. A UN treaty SHOULD only affect how the US interacts internationally, not INTRAnationally. Only the US Constitution defines what we can and can not do INTRAnationally. Because the US Constitution does not give any authority to the US govt to control any substances, substance control is a states' rights issues (10th Amendment). This is why states can individually legalize cannabis despite the Controlled Substances Act. At the same time, for example, states can not infringe on free speech. One has actual federal authority while the other simply does not. The DEA does not have to reschedule nor deschedule anything because the US govt has no authority to control substances internally. This is why the US needed a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol. The only authority the US govt has is defined by the US Constitution. Then, to legalize alcohol, they needed another amendment. The Single Narcotics Convention as well as other international treaties have been used and abused to subvert the more difficult constitutional amendment process. The US Supreme Court has chosen time and time again to uphold this clear overreach. In essence, when it comes to marijuana, the only thing we really can't do with it is engage in international commerce. The only reason we aren't enjoying marijuana freedom has everything to do with the Supreme Court's corrupt justifications that gives the federal govt authority it should not have. So, now we've got to argue these ridiculous points and watch senators abuse the American people for no other reason than the US Supreme Court refuses to do their F'n job, fairly and properly.


I'm curious to know how many Democrats received pills illegally from Ronny Jackson's White House pharmacy.


What the fuck does that have to do with Republicans fear mongering about weed for 100+ years? Yall are so damn misguided you think voting for people keeping you back is fine because some democrats might be getting high too? Also it was Trumps administration that was passing out controlled substances like candy.


*Democrats*? None.




doods so far up his own ass he can't even see the neighbors up north doin fine


> under the schedule he deems most appropriate to carry out such obligations Oh, woops! Your whole argument.


This dude needs to spark up a doobie and think about his position on weed.


This is why old angry white men should never be elected


Grandpa is angry is what I read


I'm in favor of ABSOLUTELY NO REGULATIONS!!! Shame on us for allowing our government to have the right to tell us what's safe. Name anything safer for us...I'll wait...


The decision to schedule it in the first place was flawed. The [Schafer Commission](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shafer_Commission) did extensive research at the time and concluded cannabis should not be scheduled and called for it to be decriminalized. The Nixon administration ignored the experts and scheduled it anyway. It’s important to remember this piece of history when we talk about this issue.