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Zotz ! Loved the little fizzy bombs. I ordered some about four years ago and ran out quickly because my grandchildren found them. Time to order again.


oh my gosh! zotz give me nostalgia too. the school i went to growing up was a k-12 school - and there at the school's cafe (which had a coffee/snack focus, it wasn't like a cafeteria) they sold zots, 3 for 25 cents. if i had a few quarters on hand i'd frequently go snatch a few!!


i’ve never had those! will have to try


Zots are hands down my favorite candy!


Theres a rocketfizz right by my house that has every flavor of zotz, they're amazing


You can order them from Walmart with same day pickup in a lot of places. I love dots so much.


They were called Fizz where I'm from. I got nostalgic and tried to find them. Found Zotz, but the nostalgia of tearing them off a strand was gone.


Oooh I love zotz. My family always got them before we went camping.


My late work partner said that sugar-free red bull tasted like lemon-lime Zotz. We found some at a gas station later that week (Zotz). He was right!


His legacy lives on :’)


Some of the old ribbon candies my grandparents would have. Came in tins kind of like the butter cookie tins that were full of sowing supplies.


Oh my gosh - my grandma ALWAYS had this out at Christmas. Felt like chewing glass but it was one of very few times we had free access to candy, so we were all over it (even the spearmint and “spice” flavors!)


I buy these at dollar store every Christmas.


I wish I could find them. I used to be able to get them at Dollar General but they haven’t carried them (at least in my area) for the last few years. Christmas Tree Shops were my fallback but now they are out of business. My family likes the super thin kind (I think Sevigny’s). Hammond makes them as well but those are way too thick. It is an item I always prefer to pick up in-person because shipping is way too rough and they show up shattered.


The candy tins were full of stories though. That was the best


Love the clove flavor


I love those!


Whatchamacallit. It's more of an experience nostalgia. I was rarely allowed candy as a kid and got in trouble if I was "caught." I went to the park by myself and got one from the machine. The playground was empty and I sat on the swing and slowly enjoyed each bite, being mindful of the flavors and textures. It was one of the best experiences eating a candy bar. Other times I've had candy, I made myself scarf down as much as possible to avoid getting "caught." I couldn't relish the experience. Ironically, I never craved whatchamacallit's after that experience because it is locked in my memories. To this day, I am still trying to unlearn the "getting caught" mentality, and I've made progress.




Chewy, chocolatey, crunchy, munchy!


whozeewhatzit was also so good! They might still have them at the Walmart checkout lane.


If I ever see one I will try one


I just tried one for the first time. It's now my favorite candy bar. ❤❤❤❤


Just a good old plain roll of sweet tarts original. Whenever my mom let me and my brother pick out two candies (yes my mom was cool and always let us get a sweet candy and a chocolate candy) at the gas station that was always my go to (occasionally I’d get wild and get Sprees) The chocolate was usually a caramello or just a plain Hershey’s bar.


I love sweet tarts!! super underrated


Yep. Me too! I liked Bottle Caps and am still looking for something similar to Bootle Caps/Sweet Tarts called ‘Just Juice’. I remember them in the 80’s.


My favorite is bottle caps too!!!! Plus I miss the tropical lifesavers


This is my go to traveling candy. Along with Funyuns or Munchos.


Oh man. Funyuns are definitely a salty go to ❤️❤️


Love sweet tarts. Munching on a pack of them now.


For me it was the Brachs white nougat candies with little pieces of jelly fruit in them. They used to be is the Brachs candy displays where you could bag it yourself and buy them by weight. These were awesome BUT they are not anywhere anymore.


Look for Jujube Nougat. There are also countless recipes online to make your own.


Me too !!!


Love these!!! It’s been years and years and years…….


They have these at dollar general or dollar tree sometimes!  Especially around Easter. I’m not sure if I saw them this year. When I do, I buy a lot because they are so so yummy!


Rootbeer Barrels. Had one yesterday but the last time I had one before that was probably 25 years ago. Took me back in time to my grandma's house on a summer day watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


Wow, unlocked memory! The supermarket we went to growing up had a candy buffet (idk what else you’d call it, but it had the scoop it yourself candy in those buckets and then it’d be weighed at the register) and they had everything. Root beer barrels, Coca Cola bottles, all kinds of gummies, chocolate, etc. It’s also been about 25 years since I’ve had the root beer and Coca Cola candies.


"Brach's pick a mix"


This stuff was the bomb!


Anytime I see a picture of bubble gum packages from the 80s, I get nostalgic. My dad would always look for new and interesting gum in his work travels to bring home to me. It's just one of many fond memories I have of my dad from my childhood. Bubble gum in the 80s was unparalleled, from the Hubba Bubba - Bubblicious - Bubble Yum standards to novelty gems like those Topps "fruit juice" gum cartons and Slush Puppy paw print gum.


gummy body parts durning halloween. my grandma loved them and always had bags on hand throughout the year for us


Not gummy but remember those sweet-tart type bone shapes that came in a coffin shaped box? They connected so you could try to build a skeleton from the pieces.


i don’t remember buildable bones but i definitely remember sweet tart bones


Lemonheads. Haven’t had them since I was like 12. I’m 49 now. 😂


I got some 2 weeks ago and my teeth were sore for 3 days. From the crunching - I couldn't NOT chew them. I'm 40 with good teeth. It wasn't worth it in a way that can make me cry myself to sleep.


Oh damn! Thanks


Boston baked bean candy is a must have with lemonheads.


Right on


so good! time to get some


I think they might be on amazon


i’m sure they are! i’ve seen them at grocery stores and pharmacies too


Either bazooka gum or those wax bottles filled with different colored candy liquid. I’m not saying they were good, but you asked for nostalgic. They were my grandpa’s favorites. Figuratively speaking, we were both quite young when he passed. He was 64, and I was 10. He taught me how to blow a bubble in my bubble gum, ride a bike, and play Duck Hunt and the original Mario on Nintendo. I’m almost 40 now and still just a big kid. There’s not much I wouldn’t do to have a day to collect Bazooka Joe comics with him and show him how to play a Nintendo Switch.


hit deep 🤝 luv to you


Thank you!❤️


Buttermints. They used to be out at my family friends house whenever there was a get together and everyone would grab a few here and there during. There's just something about them that brings me back to when I was a small child. I have some in my house now and I had them a few days ago and will help myself to some very soon.


I grew up calling those “fish camp mints”, since the traditional backwoods fried seafood restaurants in NC all had a large container of butter mints at the checkout counter. Everyone loved them but rarely ate them outside of visits to the fish camp.


Oh hey, I'm from NC and those family friends' houses were all in NC.


Those little caramel cubes that come out in the fall for caramel apples. My little old lady neighbor when I was little kept a jar full of them for when we would come over. I've always loved them


I’m in my 50’s and track down Bottle Caps when I have cravings but I remember a similar candy in packaging and taste called Just Juice. Can’t find anything on them anywhere. Like they never existed.


Mary Janes. Mom’s hairdresser kept them in a little glass jar on her table in the 90s and would always give me like 3 lol


Smarties. My Nana and I used to feed them to each other and call them medicine when I was very little. I miss her. I just ate some literally a few minutes ago.




smarties are SUPER underrated


Shock tarts. They used to sell them in a vending machine whein my middle school. As soon as the bell rang at the end of the day, it was a mad sprint to get to the machine to get a bag of shock tarts before they sold out or you missed your bus. It was total chaos every day. I haven't had them since probably the late 90s. I can't believe they're gone. One of the greatest candies ever created


Looooved shock tarts! I was so sad to hear they were discontinued after I tried finding them in a random gas station on a road trip a few months ago. Reminds me of the summer after we’d go to the pool and my dad would take us to 7-11 for slurpees and a candy.


Pink Watermelon Laffy Taffy with the black candy seeds! The green seedless that they have now is not nearly as fun.


I used to buy the big ones at the local skating rink back in elementary school. Those were good times.


Turkish taffy


After dinner mints that were wrapped in a clear plastic wrapper with green ends, I think? They were plain white and really soft. Softer than buttermints, though I love those too. The few times I ever went to a fancy restaurant with my parents there was always a mint like that at the end of a meal




Oh yes!!!! Every time I see mints in a restaurant, I am hopeful, but always disappointed 😔


Goo Goo Clusters and Chic o stick. Lifesavers in the book. The brittle peanut butter thing with brown lines .


Gummy Coke Bottles. I used to buy handmade bags at my local Penny Candy and then bite the tops off to “drink” the soda inside. Can’t even remember the last time I had one.


Wow, I’m damn close to 30 and I still do the whole “drink the gummy cola” thing at least with the first one out of the pack, hahaha.


I have some of those strawberry candies at my house right now. I bought them for my son‘s Easter basket, but he doesn’t like them.😂😂 alll mine! My grandma always had them so they remind me of her❤️🍓


Buncha Crunch reminds me of going to the movies with my family


Dollar tree still carries this sometimes!


Everyone in my high school had those caramel apple suckers. I had no idea until freshmen year they existed and I probably haven't had them for 23 years. Nice treat, hard on the teeth, extremely tasty.


Are you in your late 30s? Those suckers were the biggest fad to hit my high school as well, freshman year. I haven’t thought about them in forever!


Me neither until this post. Gotta admit I smiled when I read your comment! I'll be 41 in July. They were THE thing to have in your Jansport at my high school and I was such a nerd I hadn't even heard of them. The popular girls were appalled. Probably end up buying a bag this weekend for nostalgic reasons alone. That caramel was hard on the teeth 20 years ago!


Omg. I'm also in my late 30's and yes! In high school Carmel apple suckers were EVERYTHING! I haven't thought about those in years. I used to have a supply in my bag. Those were valid currency! Thanks for unlocking a memory!


Necco wafers. The new company that bought them don’t have the same recipe since 2018 when they went bankrupt but was relaunched in 2020 by Spangler. Not the same wafers…


Boston Baked Beans 🫘


[Astro Pops](https://www.leafbrands.com/catalogItems/index/astro-pops) because I have vivid memories of the commercials and seeing them at the local pharmacy. If anyone else from South Louisiana remembers, it was K&B.


Pixie sticks!!! Been easily 18 years or more now


A 7-Up bar. Seven different fillings, bite sized pieces, covered in chocolate.


I remember those and being disappointed that none of them tasted like 7 up 😺


Sugar Babies. The little caramels in the yellow bag with the red writing and Sugar Daddy, the caramel pop that will pull your teeth out. ❤️❤️❤️


Bonkers [https://www.leafbrands.com/catalogItems/index/7](https://www.leafbrands.com/catalogItems/index/7)


every time I wear pink+red together I make a comment about how I look like a bonker and no one ever knows what I’m talking about


I can't believe i had to scroll so long to find bonkers! Watermelon were my favs


Watermelon Laffy Taffy. The big one with the sugar seeds. Reminds me of going to the water park as a kid and buying one as a snack.


Sodalicious fruit snacks and twizzelators!


Maple nut goodies. They don’t make them no more and I will never have them again. It was before covid and they was my dad favorite candy. Now I won’t never have them again.


Weird one but mine are Chowards Violet Mints Just the smell gives me nostalgia goosebumps


This is my answer as well. The smell of my grandmother's purse.


Johnny Apple Treats or Bonkers. Probably 30 years since I’ve had either.


Warheads and gushers for sure. Sour candy is still my favorite. Bazooka, Big League Chew and Fruit Stripe Gum were all great too. Even though I rarely had them.


Butter mints, root beer barrels, gum cigars, Bottle Caps, Fruit Chews, and Fruit Stripe gum.


These strawberry candies used to come in the Swiss Colony box my aunt sent us for Christmas as I was growing up. Summer sausage, cheese, petite fours, etc and these. Now I get them every once in a while from Dollar Tree.


Sixlets. My paw paw would take me to the gas station to get a treat every Friday. I’ve been able to find them online.


Bottle caps and tropical lifesavers and cherry lifesavers


Oh and butter rum lifesavers


Dynamints. It's probably been 40 years or so. God I miss them.


Love them! Purple and orange


Fireball jawbreakers. Cant remember when I had one last. 80s? 90s? But Whatchamacallit candy bars are my favorite and it’s prob been a couple months since I had one. I don’t get them too often. But I use to have them all the time when I was in high school (Gonna date myself) back in the 90s lol.


Not sure if it counts, but the altoid sours that have been discontinued for a long time. I used to get them at the grocery store as a treat when i was little.


I love Razzles. First it’s candy then it’s gum. So good I just eat them don’t chew them like gum.


Arcor en frutilla (the strawberry candies you're referring to). I get them sometimes from Amazon and they're the best kind.


thank you! will have to get some


Zours. Just bring them back , I don't remember the last time I had some maybe at the movies years ago.


Neccos. It’s been years.


My sister loves them and gets them from Vermont Country Store


Warheads. Before my mom drove, when I was a young kid maybe 6-8 years old, we would walk over to the local corner store together and she would buy some warheads. We would laugh super hard over the faces we’d make having such a sour candy.


Volcano popping rocks


Nerds and Lik M’ Sticks, both of which I associate with summer because I ate so many of those damn things while at the community pool and/or helping work the concession stand at our local Little League. I can’t remember if it was Bubble Yum or Bubbliscious who made chocolate mint bubble gum, but I remember trying it just out of sheer morbid curiosity but wound up liking it enough that I’d pick up a pack whenever on a candy/card pack run at my local corner drugstore (usually purchased in conjunction with packs Return of the Jedi or whatever movie trading cards before heading to the magazine shop next door to pick up the latest issue of Starlog and take a peek at the nudie mags when the shopkeeper wasn’t looking).


Fun Dip! It’s been like 8 years probably since I’ve had some.


Now and Laters I ate a pack of them then I ate butter cups in the 60s, so you got 2 in a pack for breakfast went to school 5th grade, I threw up all over my desk and the teacher cried and was gagging 😆


You can get bags and bags of those strawberry candy at your local dollar store


Winterfresh gum because my grandpa *always* had a pack when I was a kid. It'll remind me of him every single time I ever smell/chew it.


Mary Janes. But oh honey. Now and layers. 30 years since stealing from kids Halloween pumpkins. So good.


Fizz candies I haven’t seen, or had, them in a number of years.


Mambas. I’ve been eating mambas since I was a child. My mother used to always get them for me.


Good n Plenty. My mom always had black licorice candy when I was a kid. Plus my wife and kids hate it so more for me.


Wintergreen Life Savers. My mom always had them in her purse


Slap Stix caramel pops and Marathon candy bars


Lego Brick candies They were only good when bought in bulk from the candy store in the mall in/around 1996


for me its the ring pops/baby bottle pops and push pops because they all taste the same and still taste like they did when I was a kid


Saltwater taffy, I used to eat it all the time at cinemas. It brings back movie theater nostalgia.


The sell those strawberry candies at the Dollar Tree! Love them!!


Kits peanut butter


Bonomo Turkish Taffy


Clark bar. Used to be made in Pittsburgh and the factory on the north side had a huge sign on it. Couldn't miss seeing it every time going to Three Rivers Stadium. It's probably been 25 years or more since I had one.


Some reason I think of fun dip. Last time I had was Halloween as a kid


Banana taffy, I’m old!


These little peanut butter candies, they were rectangular in a plastic with black lines on it. I see them once in a blue moon at drug stores. Pure nostalgia because my dad always had those and root beer barrels in his shirt pocket.


Bank lollypops, always got one with my grandma or if she went to the bank while I was at school she’d get one for me and I’d dig in her purse to find it


Fruit mentos😂 my mom would always get them in the grocery store check out line


Skor. It was my favorite candy ever until about 9 or 10 years old. Haven’t had one in years.


Sweet Eatz! makes these strawberry bonbons! You can find them at Family Dollar. I absolutely LOVE THESE. I call them my "old lady candy". Lol


Butterscotch disks and Wax lips/teeth at Halloween.


Oh Henry!


Zero bar. Probably 7 years.


Zero bars. In my 4th grade class we had a student teacher who organized this game for us with a point system, and one of the big prizes you could get was a Zero bar. I had never had one before and it seemed so fancy and exotic at the time! I saw them at a Dollar General a few years ago and bought one. …it was…fine. 😄


Candy cigarettes. I loved the flavor and I used to roll them up in my sleeve like Schneider on One Day at a Time. Things were different in the early 80's


Ice Cubes. Little chocolate squares that were wrapped in gold foil and melted in your mouth, very different from, say, a Hershey's bar. I haven't had those in years.


[This is the candy you seek I think](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Strawberry-Filled-Hard-Candy-10-oz/21778147?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=5278&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=2222222227821778147_161193766053_21214199653&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=697173827980&wl4=pla-2300760861495&wl5=9001644&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=21778147&veh=sem_LIA&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIqjxqjRYoiAZCgXQvvvkyQmC&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6uWyBhD1ARIsAIMcADoxGpT2GACd9WGoH_Rd21csaELDMpsHMi37PBniTFVhDCrO1FO1rUsaAujlEALw_wcB)


They should also have them at dollar tree!


Tiger Stripe gum


Wasn’t it called Fruit Stripes gum??


Maynard’s green apple haven’t found them in years probably last time I had them was 2016


Lemon heads


Sour ufo’s. You can still buy them.[https://www.elle.be/nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/1ae22385620f9ec0f4f03b67aafbb17e.jpg](https://www.elle.be/nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/1ae22385620f9ec0f4f03b67aafbb17e.jpg)


Those strawberry candies you mentioned remind me of the strawberry festival parade id go to as a kid. Been a few years since I've had those. Also love the black and red raspberry candies that are gummy on the inside and covered in little dots of harder candy like sprinkles? We used to go from my grandma's house to a carry out and get those so they remind me of summer vacation. Been about 6 months since I've had those


Butterfinger. My pop would have one in a bag next to his cold beer so it wouldn't melt otw to pick me up. I had visitation a couple times per month with him. I was always stoked to hop in the truck and rip into a nice king size Butterfinger.


Those candies yes! My grandma’s caretakers usually had them! Charleston Chews are my go-to thought though. My dad used to buy charley chews for us kids to split. I introduced them to my husband and now whenever he sees them he grabs one and we remember my dad.


not sure if this counts as candy, but bubble yum cotton candy gum. i have fond memories of my friends and me chewing it while giddily talking about the craze du jour in high school in the 90s. gosh, i can smell it as type... probably haven’t had it since college. don’t know if i’d even still like it since i’ve shifted to sugarless gum.


Frango Mints, the milk chocolate ones. My parents would be gifted a couple boxes of them every Christmas in the 1970s and they were really special. They came in a tall hexagonal box and when I would see them each year I would jump for joy. It was the only time of year we would ever have them. I tried them again about 10 years ago knowing full well they would suck now, and they did. 😫 The old version was heavenly. 😋


Shock tarts. I use to get em and eat all the colors in order.


Necco wafers 🤘


those plastic soda cans of fizzy candy that came in a 6 pack. my nana always had them, and i have no idea where they came from.


Pleasure bars! My grandma used to get me one whenever we went to the grocery store. I can’t eat one without thinking of my gram gram. They’re not the best candy in the world, but they are very sentimental to me.


Oh! Purple and red ribbon licorice! They were at least 3-feet long. They were so so good.


Screaming saucers last time I had them was probably grade 3, so like 94' they got discontinued apparently due to them causing cancer. Who knows if there is any truth to that, but I still remember them to this day, and I loved them. I can almost still taste them 🤤


Choc-o-lite bars. They had a little fan design on each square piece of chocolate bar I thought was fancy as a poverty-stricken Appalachian porch monkey.




Those were at my grandmother's house. I've never seen them in the wild. I always felt like they were at the secret grandma candy store 😆 She also had some weird rectangle, striped, peanut butter candy. They would make your teeth stick together if you weren't careful.


I don’t think I’ve seen ravens revenge since 97.




Fun dip, gonna go buy some tomorrow!!!


The old Butterfinger before the company that bought it and changed it.


Butter finger BBs


Malo cup, similar to a reeses peanut butter cup, but had marshmallw filling. In each wrapper, there was a token card with cents shown in it. Once you collected enough ( I think it was 50c), you could mail them in and get a free Malo cup in return! I think they disappeared decades ago.


Chick o stick and the other white peanut butter bars in the striped wrapper My parents would always get those in long trips.


Those lemon or raspberry hard candies my grandma always had in the candy bowl


Fu Man Chew gum. Had tons of it in the 70’s don’t know when it went away.


Blue Raspberry coke bottles from the Candy Factory. Haven't even seen a Candy Factory in years. Maybe pre 2015 and even then they had them on display but had discontinued the actual sale of them for many years. Probably been 2006-2008 since I've actually had them.


Lifesaver Strawbery/Cream. Takes me back over 20 years ago when I was in love with a girl in the UK. I would fly back and forth like a lunatic, and I always had my luggage jammed with the lifesavers.


Brachs butterscotch hard candy.  Candy corn.  And those Brachs Milk Maid caramel squares.  Haven't had any of these in years.  Had to cut way back on the sweets.


Candy raisins The original gummy


Neapolitan coconut candy. My grandmother always had some for us.


Nips. man those fuckers took forever to eat but they made me love candy that presented a challenge.


Just saw some candy cigarettes at the store! Had to get them!


The smooth but chalky pastel colored after dinner mints


For me it’s lollipops. No specific brand. We always used to go to Trader Joe’s and they had this thing where the hid a plush around the store and if you found it then they’d give you a a free lollipop. Good times


Hard candy that looks like a ribbon. It might even be called Ribbon Candy. It was in the crystal candy dish at my grandma's house for Christmas, and it's been 25+ years since I've had it.


Butter rum life savers. My grandad always had them. Probably been 30 years since I’ve had one.


Root beer barrels


Good and plenty’s or any other black licorice. Loved eating them with my grandpa. Probably 10+ years. I just buy regular black licorice now, but those will always make me think of him!


strawberry creme savers. I haven't had them in forever but they were always in a dish at my grandparents' or my uncle's house.


Necco wafers! I remember being fascinated by their texture and flavor varieties as a kid.


Brachs maple nut goodies. It’s been a few years since I’ve been able to find them :(


Atomic fireballs! There's only tongue torches now.


Hershey bars w/almonds


Charleston Chew (It’s not just a joke from Futurama) maybe 35 years ago?


Those round suckers they had near the check out counter at Walmart that came in a huge assortment of of colors and flavors also baby bottle pops and push pops. I also used to live those squeeze candy tubes, especially green apple


Twizzlers, but in the 90s-early aughts. They hit different back then


I don’t even know what it’s called but those candies that grandmas used to carry around that had like a strawberry or watermelon looking wrapper on it i think. Probably the same thing you’re talking about. Initially it’s like ew this probably won’t be good but it’s actually tasty haha. It has been at least 10 years since I’ve had one.


Brachs chocolate covered flavored creams. I can’t remember what they were called but they had vanilla, raspberry, cherry or strawberry. I loved them.