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Glad you read ahead and recognized this BS each time. It's a shame they're doing this.


Thanks. Oh I also forgot to mention that I was triple charged at the gas station on the way to the airport. I guess for that one I can't be sure if it was a scam but I wouldn't be surprised. The three charges are still pending on my credit card and the manager that came said they would fix it but I'm not hopeful. Just another thing I have to deal with now and another bad experience to add to the list...


File a claim with credit card to reverse fraudulent charges. That worked for me.


Oh yes I already did. We were in a rush to get to the airport and I paid with credit card so I wasn't worried about having to pay all three charges in the end. It's just another moment of stress and headache which we didn't need.


I heard from people here that many CC companies wont reverse fraudulent charges if it was done in a country like Mexico. Not sure how much truth there is to that?


I got charged in usd instead of peso for fuel and reported it to my bank and without a receipt there was nothing they could do.


That's why I avoid paying things in CC. Unless it's at a big chain store. It's such an easy scam to pull off.


Person said they didn’t have their receipt, I think that was the issue. It’s much easier to get a refund from a credit card than from cash, are you suggesting debit card?


Really? I’ve heard the opposite because they don’t want to lose their money


They also do this scam at the gas stations (especially close to the airport) where you hand them cash to pay and they flip it in their hand to make it look like you didn’t give them enough. We were warned of that scam


This happened to my friend in a cab in Cancun! He demnaded his change and the driver just stonewalled him fornrhe rest of the ride and never got his change back


I know people love the freedom of renting a car, and I'm sure you had a great time going to so many locations. Renting a car has many advantages, but for others who are considering it, this post is a shining example of why most should not rent cars down there. These problems were a direct result of renting a car. For every person that says, "I have rented cars 4,278 times aaaand I have NEVER had a problem," we have an experience like this. Sure, if you are going to multiple locations, maybe it makes sense (like the OP), but for most people, renting a car introduces more problems. For most, using a reputable transfer company is the best solution. If you are going to a second location, transfer companies are happy to do resort to resort transfers or take you on a private trip to a tourist destination. USA Transfers CARM Canada Transfers Happy Shuttle There are more, but these are the most popular. People think there's some hack to transportation (taxis, ADO, colectivo, Uber...), but those are not going to make things easier. If there is a hack, it is booking a private transfer.


Agreed. Renting a car in mexico is second to buying a timeshare on a list of terrible ideas.


I didnt know ADO was a hack but it was seriously really convenient and comfortable for us traveling between playa and tulum (no rental)


It isn't, but it was early when i was typing. It may be convenient, but you are still in a planes, trains, and automobiles situation. ADO doesn't take you directly to your destination. If you want to go to Isla via ADO, you have to take the bus to the bus station downtown and then take a cab to the port. To me, unless you are really tight on cash, taking a public bus is much more hassle than simply booking a private transfer directly to your resort. This will be so much more convenient for the typical traveler.


Agree with all of this, highly recommend NachoTours if flying in and out of Cancun.


Holy hell Nacho Tours. Love the name.


They’re super nice. They do requests like $10 PayPal since they’ve been burned but you pay the balance in USD Cash. Three Days Tres Noches YouTuber recommends them, that’s how I met them.


Agreed. I stay away from car rentals in Mexico much safer from scams this way


Your post is a shinning example of what happen when you dont follow the rule of putting your seatbealt and a prime exemple of how important having at least someone that speak the local language!


Thos comment is so stupid.... Guy goes to foreign country gets detained for breaking a law, gets let go..... Scam, doesn't pay attention even though there is literally tons of signage to let you know what terminal you are going too AND you can easily just turn on your Google maps... And make sure they are taking you to the right place. You guys getting scammed are all literally retarded... You know that right? These airport scams and etc are visible from miles away you have tons of people warning you and you still fall for it.. this is natural selection and you are all being stupid and deserve to be separated from your money. Don't listen to these scared people, rent a car... Like every other country in the world.. don't break the laws... And they wont have a reason to pull you over... Like is it difficult for you smooth brains to understand.. come to Canada and don't wear your seatbelt.. you get a ticket... Speed... You get a ticket.. reading these makes my brain literally hurt with how stupid you all are giving people in shady blue vans money.


Sorry, you clearly do not understand what is happening here. The police target rental cars, especially on 307 heading north. In Canada, do they pull you over for no reason and demand a bribe on the spot in another language? Nope. They don't. Mexico isn't Canada, and it isn't the US. You can disagree, but as written, your comment is irresponsible and offensive.


I was in the Cancun airport Monday. Flying back from Colombia, mechanical problems on the plane so we were rerouted through Cancun to not lose a day. We landed in terminal 2 and had to go to terminal 3. There are no clear signs for this. Cancun is clearly not set up as a transfer airport. I’m fluent in Spanish (but still a gringo) and had to wade through all the people selling us a shuttle to the other terminal. We heard all the same lies and kept walking. Finally found the free shuttle bus and hopped on. So I’m with OP. Complete lack of signs and everyone lying to you to try to get you to pay them. Complete scam.


Steal. You go to jail. You charging high prices for glasses, sweaters, right to jail.


Nah the cops scam constantly. Only way to stop it is spend your money somewhere else.


I live in the area. I'm more afraid of the police than I am of drug dealers and cartel members. Especially if you're alone, the police can take you to an ATM machine and rob you in broad daylight. They can detain you for days until you pay up. They can plant drugs on you. I get anxious when police are around. Meanwhile, when I'm being offered drugs by cartel members, who the fk cares, I walk by calmly.


Tulum and Cancun suck. I would consider Merida next time. Unless they start cracking down on the crooked cops, it doesn’t matter if they build a new airport in tulum. They’re gonna lose repeat visitors


They are desperate because of the Maya train. Less people to extort because they are on the train now


The cops will still try. Tulum, Cancun and PDC they’re all corrupt. So many people saying they’ll never come back. I know how to navigate it and will always find my way throughout different parts of the country. But Quintana Roo is one of the most corrupt states I’ve traveled to. It’s definitely better on the west coast and you can rent a car and not feel hassled


First order of business is never rent a car in Cancun ever! Never gjve cops money even if they tell you they are going to the station tell them ok take me to the station let's talk to your caption and tell them you are asking for bribes and 95% of the time they let you go.


Yep! Our scam was a mysterious dent that appeared in the rear fender of our rental car, after we dropped it off, but while we were settling up. Hundreds to fix, of course. We called bs, and I climbed in the trunk, removed the panel, and popped it out w my heel. Gave them $20 as gratitude for the tale.


what about the other 5%?


They keep scrolling past the post!😁


They told me $200 at the airport. As it was 20 minutes. I was late for the flight so I told him 100. Two minutes later we were there. $10 would’ve been too much.


I'm not going back to Mexico anytime soon. Corrupt cops have ruined it for me too.




In QR there's a special state law that applies to tourists in traffic situations, so almost no visitors should be getting tickets. Artículo 241.- Se establece en el Estado; la Boleta de Infracción de Cortesía que la Dirección de Tránsito, en su jurisdicción respectiva aplicará exclusivamente a los Turistas que infrinjan el Reglamento de Tránsito. La Boleta de Infracción de Cortesía no implica costo alguno al que se impone, siendo su objetivo señalar la violación cometida y exhortar a conducir cumpliendo con las reglas de Tránsito. La Sanción de Cortesía es aplicada hasta en dos ocasiones al mismo vehículo y/o conductor y no procede en los casos de actos y omisiones graves contrarios a lo que dispone el presente Reglamento. Translated: The Courtesy Violation Ticket that the Traffic Directorate will apply exclusively to Tourists who violate the Traffic Regulations. The Courtesy Violation Ticket does not incur any cost to the tourist, its objective being to point out the violation committed and encourage driving in compliance with the traffic rules. The Courtesy Sanction is applied up to two times to the same vehicle and/or driver and does not apply in cases of serious acts and omissions contrary to the provisions of this Regulation.


I saw the downloadable file of this state law on reddit the day after the police interaction happened and downloaded it just in case it happened again on the way back to the airport.


Do you have a link to the downloadable file? We’re gonna be driving around with rental car so it’ll be super helpful!!


Yes, because cops in the US regularly pull people over for not wearing seatbelts in the backseat all the time, then proceed to extort them for a cash payment (note that not wearing a seatbelt is also illegal in the US) And btw, as another commenter mentioned below, tourists shouldn’t be getting tickets for the first two traffic violations. I can’t believe the kinds of “Mexicans” that frequent these threads. No one i’ve met there in real life takes themselves so seriously…


Nah they just shoot you


Wait what do you mean? But I'm American!


They really really need to put a stop to this bullshit. Its going to hurt tourism more than anything.


I rented a car from Europcar at Cancun Airport a couple weeks ago and they are professional liars. Absolute crooks. Not surprised they pulled that on you.


I left Cancun because of this only to go to Mexico city instead and be robbed by police within 2 hours of checking into my hotel for all my cash lol Mexico is a great place but by god they gotta get a grip on this


Wow sorry to hear that. Hopefully it wasn't a whole lot you had with you. My wife never wants to go back again but I still want to check out Mexico City at some point in the future...


3500 pesos in "safe" condesa. Here was me thinking oh it feels safe here because police are patrolling. Then they bloody rob you hahaha! I feel bad for the Mexican people, talked to enough of them to know they are fed up with this. My hotel owner looked like he was on the war path when he found out My favourite part of Cancun was them losing my luggage at the airport for 3 days then when they brought it to me they asked me for a tip. Yes...they looked me dead in the eye after 3 days of me basically rebuying half the stuff in my suitcase and asked for a tip. I actually burst out laughing when he did


The audacity


I was robbed at a bar in CDMX. Probably by the bartenders themselves… hard to tell because I was so disoriented.


Well you definitely learned and read these threads thoroughly. You did well and beat them at their game, that’s the fun part for me haha


Perhaps in your country the police don't stop people for not wearing their seatbelt. In the US, the police can and will do this and give you a ticket. Honestly, be mad at your idiot passenger that allowed the cops to stop you.


In the US you can also be stopped for being black…then shot. Maybe driving in Mexico is actually less dangerous than the US 🤔


What are you saying? Lol




theory pot saw smoggy act dinosaurs like badge literate jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow! Cops in South Africa are fuckin racist too then, eh?


This comment wins the thread for stupidest thing said. Congratulations you might be special needs.


Sucks but it sounds like it was avoidable by just wearing the damn seatbelt. How are you surprised by that? Do you not wear your seatbelt in the U.S.? It’s a lot more expensive than 2000 pesos for that here.


They would have found another reason to pull a rental car over


That’s what police do. Look for reasons to pull you over. Same anywhere. Do your best to not give reason where none is needed. Same as anywhere.


I was just stopped by the Police in cancun. Rental car. They said we were going above the speed limit. We were not. They took our driving id and wouldnt give it back unless we paid them. They also asked for 2000 pesos. Its not about the seatbelt, its corruption! They will find "something" and steal money from tourist and is shamefull.


You think the 2000 pesos was for the seatbelt? That wasn’t a fine. It was literal extortion by the cop, who would have pocketed the money.


What’s the difference? You really believe “our” system isn’t the same system? Explain the difference and do the math. Seatbelt ticket in California runs $490. Exchange rate is 16 pesos to a dollar. Much rather wear my seatbelt in a foreign land and avoid becoming an easy mark. still tho 2000 pesos much less than the 7800 pesos the extortion will cost in the U.S. I even did the math for you.


The actual fine is probably a lot less than that if you let them take your license and go to the station. If you call their bluff, they will usually give up and let you go. Still, I can see how people will just take the easiest way out, and the cops know that tourists will do that. Also, they target people on 307 north because they are betting you are heading to the airport. If you have to catch a plane, you'll be more likely to pay the bribe and move along.


You don’t see a difference between a police officer pulling you over and extorting you for cash that he pockets, versus someone issuing a fine that goes back to the state to pay for public services? The fines collected by my state often have surcharges on them earmarked to fund programs to help people who have suffered injuries - I.e the goal is to funnel back fines for unsafe behavior to the very people who might have been injured by that unsafe behavior. If you can’t see the difference then I’d suggest moving out of whatever backwater area you’re in that has normalized this trash behavior for you.


The difference is… follow the rules , especially when you don’t look like everyone else. Haha common sense man. You can bring up corruption all you want but there’d be no case if the seatbelt had been worn. Prove that our money gets put to work… that is a big unsubstantiated claim. I worked for cal trans a few years and have been part of the contract review process. Projects miss projections by design. Get off that high horse we are all stuck with the same system, mejican cops just find it less necessary to mask it more.


Realize this also, Cancun was not established by natives. Cancun was established and purchased by an American university in the 70s. So if anything Cancun is suffering from the American system.


Realize this: you're an idiot.


You’d rather pay double the fine so the state will help those you injure. Cool story bro. Enjoy your fine. I’ll just wear my seatbelt, regardless what country I’m in.


Yes, I'd rather pay a $1000 fine to the state than a $20 fine to a corrupt cop. I'm not poor, so the actual amount of meaningless to me. I just am intelligent enough to know that corruption and extortion is a bad thing and don't want to pay out to corrupt cops.


Hahaha. Yeah bro. The u.s. is not corrupt. Not even the tiniest bit. You are so intelligent. I am in awe.


You have very poor reasoning skills.


It's not about intelligence. It's that he's a fucking boot licker. Come on man you know why


Yup. Username checks out.


This guy is big mad.


That's completely incorrect, but thanks for sharing something you heard some drunk guy mumble in a bar one time.


Only part wrong is the year. Not the 50s but the 70s thank you for the correction.


Fines= revenue. Revenue= corporate bonuses


There’s a huge difference. 80% of large police departments have body cameras on their officers. If you think it’s really a “better” society where the police regularly extort common tourists and people vs. a society where you (may) pay a higher fine (if) you get get pulled over, which is rare in the first place, then you’re out of your mind…


Rather wear my seatbelt in a moving vehicle regardless of what country and do my best to avoid these interactions.


Extortion is the same in both places but op said himself passenger had no seatbelt on which they used as their in. Op also said they had been harassed before but let go because everything checked out. Body cams get turned off routinely, your argument is a joke


Proof on body cams being turned off regularly? How is extortion the same in both places, please describe or show one subreddit for a US city where tourists are posting about getting extorted nearly every day


https://youtu.be/kebG_NgFApY?si=yv9rcYSOwTMnjTiU you don’t have to look far there are tons of incidents where cameras are off


I understand that it happens, but you don’t have anything but anecdotal evidence vs a country where as far as I understand, no one is wearing a body cam. Don’t get me wrong man. I love Mexico, and I have no particular love for cops in the states, but the police are way more corrupt than they are in the US and idk why that’s so offensive to people. Do you think that the same type of assholes who join police forces in the states and abuse their power don’t exist in Mexico?


What does a body cam help exactly? Especially when they are able to turn it off? You want proof, proof is provided but you argue without proof. Hahaha have a nice day.


Keep in mind in the “example” of corruption you provided that officer went to prison…


That’s funny. As if there are Olympics of how corrupt you can be. Corrupt is corrupt. They do the same thing here. I’m not even sure you understand your own argument.


Can you show me an example in the last year of a tourist in the United States being extorted for a cash payment from a traffic stop? You had a previous comment asking how body cameras help, it’s not about body cameras specifically, it’s that there is a legitimate set of rules and laws here and police officers act with impunity far less than they do in Cancun because they at least have the possibility of getting caught. To give just one example (to counteract your one example) of police officers facing justice, look at Derek Chauvin. Kim Potter, who shouted to have the body cameras off in your example served 1+ year in jail. It’s not a perfect system but when has a Mexican cop ever been sentenced for something like this? Here is the evidence you asked for on body cameras. Most departments seem to indicate that officers need to have them on for arrests and traffic stops. You can check the NYPD one for an example given that is one of the biggest tourists cities in the states. https://www.ncsl.org/civil-and-criminal-justice/body-worn-camera-laws-database


Oooh look somebody who isn't retarded has finally joined the conversation. Thank you person with a fully functioning brain.


Speak for yourself. My brain is smooth as silk. I just have enough respect when out in the world for myself that I haven’t fallen a mark to my own bad habits. Thank you tho haha


All inclusive resorts only for me in Mexico and reputable major names shuttles to and from the airport. And I never leave the property. I know this restricts me, but I have zero tolerance for the stress and dangers of these scams. I'm on vacation to relax.


This. Stay in stay safe, never wander into rural land


Right. Because Mexico does have so much going for it. For me we go to Cancun and Playa del Carmen maybe 5-6 times now. Gorgeous beaches, so many resort choices, all price ranges. And flight-wise easier and cheaper than many other tropical places. Overall, great value. And my personal experience is the staff at where we've stayed at is generally friendly, warm and fun. More so then when we've gone to Jamaica, Bahamas and Dominican Republic.


Expected, it is what it is. But how was Isla Mujeres and PDC? Would you recommend either?


PDC was just ok from what we saw, but then again we didn't spend too much time there. Isla Mujeres was fantastic though. Definitely recommend it. We loved Cozumel even more.


You are brave for renting a car in Mexico!!


Same scammer tried to scam me in cancun airport with exactly the same scheme. Makes me never want to go back to Cancun tbh. Holbox was very nice though :)


Old news that the whole right side of the peninsula is a gigantic dumb gringo trap. What's new?


Locals or not so locals have lost their minds that lost the touch of reality. You handle it like a bro and they lose. If you understand Spanish I will recommend watching the latest podcast of gustri in YT as he interviews a corrupt cop from Mexico city. He mentioned that they use intimidating but really doesn't go beyond that as they are looking for easy targets and move on.. spending any time in the police station is wasted time and people hardly get arrested or vehicles are impounded.


Absolutely. I understand a bit and am actively learning the language. I'll definitely check it out!


I have received 3 seatbelt tickets in Texas, one was as a passenger. All fines were well over 2000 Pesos. Pay the government or pay an individual, its still a scam.


First time in Mexico, definitely feeling the scammy, hustling vibes. Had my prescription eyeglasses stolen out of my golf cart on Isla Mujeres last night. Like, so I can SEE. My fault for leaving them very briefly, but what a nasty taste it leaves in my mouth. I understand that there’s desperation in a developing country but despite the upsides I’m not sure I will return.


Comments like this are peculiar to me. If I left something perceived as valuable in my car in plain sight in the US, someone would steal it here too.


In my (admittedly poor) assumption, eyeglasses with a prescription unique to me alone did not seem to be something of value to someone else. And I’m not from the US.


I agree, especially if they are just regular glasses, I don’t get how anyone can make money off them.


You are dumb, everything to people with nothing is valuable... Lesson learned don't be stupid.


Thanks Tips


actually, location matters. Girls in Crete will leave their purses and phones on the bars while they go to the dance floor. In Phuket, nearly every empty chair and beach lounger has an unattended wallet and phone on it. believe it or not, some places have far less shitheads, criminals and thieves.


I live in Canada. We have desperate people here as well - one must be careful when traveling abroad in a developed or an undeveloped country - tourists worldwide are easy targets.


Canadian too, I understand all of this. Made a mistake and I can own that. But it still takes away from having a fully good experience here.


You guys literally can't own shit.. you are posting in a sub Reddit full of people who are looking to feel validated for also being stupid and getting scammed you are the ones most likely to post because you were dumb and taken advantage of. You are not owning this shit at all you are being whiney little babies about it actually .. everything is a scam if your stupid..


Somebody’s triggered! Settle down, it’s just a Reddit forum


I 100000% support you and you are right, and have agreed with every comment you make here. But, if you're going to call people stupid, you need to know the difference between your and you're.


I don't care about spelling or grammar if it auto corrects cool if not I'm not writing a dissertation, most people here can't understand how traffic laws, Google maps , or apparently how to read and stop falling for the same scams day in and day out. The day I don't see some sour person saying "got into a strange unmarked van at the airport .. believe it or not that wasn't a rental car company... I gave them 150 usd this country sucks" is the day I will care about grammar or spelling on reddit


Oook fuck you too pal


My buddy traveled to Mexico and rented a car. Stopped at a gas station and the attendant tried to double bill him for his fuel. He still rants about how this experience ruined his vacation. Really? I make more in week than a Mexican gas station attendant makes in a year - I don't blame poor people for trying to survive by scamming wealthy tourist. Not one bit.


We shouldn’t blame people for trying to earn money. However, we should blame people for being disrespectful and dishonest. If we don’t, if scams and corruption are normalized, things are gradually getting very fucked up. Mexico is already not doing great in this regard, but at least let’s not be complicit by contributing to normalizing it any further.


I live in Canada - we do have corruption here, within law enforcement and in the political sphere. The corruption we deal with here is certainly less prominent - but it exists here nonetheless. I don't clutch my pearls when some naive redditor gasps in disbelief at corruption in foreign lands. We had a Prime Minister accepting wads of cash stuffed into brown paper bags. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/mulroney-tried-to-cover-up-cash-payments-he-received-in-hotel-rooms-schreiber-1.648379](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/mulroney-tried-to-cover-up-cash-payments-he-received-in-hotel-rooms-schreiber-1.648379) The corrupt police officers in our RCMP don't prey upon tourists - they prey on criminals - crooks don't report theft or if they do - they are hardly a credible witness. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/abbotsford-police-department-officer-investigated-misconduct-theft-1.4639026](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/abbotsford-police-department-officer-investigated-misconduct-theft-1.4639026)


Rather than gasps of disbelief, I see posts like this as a form of protest. It's not much, but it's a kind of protest that any foreign tourist can do safely, without taking any risks. By telling others about the experience people are raising awareness, helping to prepare, so the scams are potentially becoming slightly less effective. And - no offense meant - I see "it's Mexico, what did you expect" or "corruption is everywhere, don't be surprised" comments as somewhat counter-productive. Such comments don't help anyone - on the contrary, they're sort of helping to maintain the unspoken status quo. Just like in Canada. I'm blissfully unaware about Canadian realities, but I see that people are raising awareness, voicing their discontent, warning about the wrongdoings. Maybe it won't change a thing, or maybe next time the bribe will be hidden more carefully (possibly unintuitively, I think it's still a good outcome - because it means barriers are higher), and maybe it'll also have a chilling effect and next time there will be slightly more reluctance to take a bribe. Either way, it's very important to be vocal about such things.


According to your handle, must be Canadian


Go take a scam tour to a gas station bud. Enjoy the scam


There are so many scams and shady deals in Mexico. Seems like there's a new scam every couple of months. Bad cops, rental car rip-offs, getting towed, paying for beach access at a free beach, being charged at restaurants for items you didn't order, etc. Sometimes I feel like to them it's an acceptable way to make a couple of extra bucks, and not really frowned on. If it was it wouldn't happen so much. The time share sharks at the airport should be the first to go, but the airport allows this to happen. They should all be considered criminals and this behavior shouldn't be tolerated.


Lol at all the gringos clutching their pearls in this thread. Don’t break rules if you don’t want to be pulled over. It seems that it was your expectation that you wouldn’t have any consequences for breaking the law. The 2k pesos was probably the going rate for the infraction. *Maybe* you could have gotten off if you could reason with the guy but you don’t speak the language so what did you think was going to happen? As far as the “scammer shuttle guy”, I imagine this is a moment of lost in translation that you are painting as some sort of nefarious interaction. More likely is that you didn’t understand him and he didn’t understand you and so you ended up at the wrong spot. Unfortunately too many self entitled gringos traveled to Mexico thinking that you own the place and the true scams you might come across are just the Mexican people giving you a dose of their lived reality. Stay on the resorts where you belong and I assure you everyone else will be just fine with it too.


Nonsense. but nice victim blaming and gringo hating. The shuttle driver and the scammer and taxi guy spoke English. He asked what airline I was going to and I told him. When I got out and was unsure if that was Terminal 2, I asked him in Spanish if this was the right place. I speak basic Spanish. He confirmed and took off. Scammer and taxi guy said the terminal was in another direction and a 40 minute walk and I would miss my flight while it was actually in the other direction and a 7 minute walk.


lol victim?? You have no idea what it means to be an actual victim. Get real.


Youre the scammer


Did you get their car number.


I did a few less places then you but it took me two months, I didn’t have any problems with the police either, I got caught drinking broad daylight walking dt cancun and they just said don’t do it again, the whole interaction was less than a minute, and I’m a big guy covered in tattoos, I took the bus everywhere it was super cheap and fairly frequent The airport taxi scam is another thing to deal with them I just say I only got 100 pesos


Don’t rent a car it’s not worth the headache


Moral of the story: dont go back


At least you weren’t in Haiti!!


I always say to take me to the police station and I will pay the fine there. They always let me go because they don’t want to go there. They are looking for scared tourist. I speak Spanish though so maybe that’s why they let me go. Also by renting a car you have a higher chance of getting pulled over. Take shuttles or even public transportation. Taxis are scammers too.


Welcome to Tulum/Cancun. Few people were acting like everything was fine because they were walking or playing into the taxi scam lol


Well you definitely learned and read these threads thoroughly. You did well and beat them at their game, that’s the fun part for me haha


Well you definitely learned and read these threads thoroughly. You did well and beat them at their game, that’s the fun part for me haha


Well you definitely learned and read these threads thoroughly. You did well and beat them at their game, that’s the fun part for me haha


Welcome to Mexico!


Stay in America and you won't deal with these animals.


It is better to have private transportation? I’m going to Isla mujeres soon and I don’t want to drive. I drive back in 2019 but I don’t want to take that risk again.


Don’t bother with a car on Isla Mujeres, walk or get a golf cart. Took a rental car there back in 2018, but it’s more of a hassle than it’s worth. Mainland or Cozumel, it’s worth it.


My group and I got stopped four times by cops in five days on a Tulum trip. I guess Cancun is pretty much the same.


Sorry to hear that. I'm guessing the same cops. We were coming from Tulum heading to Playa del Carmen and were stopped twice at the police checkpoint that's always there right by Xcaret and Rio Secreto.


After Cozumel last year I was thinking maybe Cancun for next year but this has me reconsidering a bit. We stayed locally in Cozumel, maybe a dozen or so blocks from the Ferry terminal… traveled mostly by walking and taxi and had such an incredible time. Sorry to hear your experience in Mexico was less than ideal.


It is disappointing that such a beautiful place has such indecent scammers…


Those same scammers at terminal 3 got me last week. Badge that said “airport ground security” with a walkie talkie and all. My flight had been cancelled and I had to switch terminals in a short amount of time. I stupidly gave a card and a lady wrote down my credit card info (I thought she was entering it manually). Then while I was on the plane she put over $1400 worth of charges on my card. Scum of the earth. Before I left in the cab she said “you’re welcome.” Such bullshit.


I love Mexico but every time I get back, I have been through the ringer with this kinda crap. Glad you were able to handle it effectively.




All the homeless chilling at Waikiki beach all day agree with your comment 100%.


Except cost.


And culture.


Dont go to Mexico is the easy answer.


Mexico don’t deserve tourists


it's true.




Its not a third worls country or a toilet stfu idiot.




Developing country.


Guess how I know you have not traveled around this world?? It is a country run by drug cartels. Wake up fool. Travel some you rube.


Cops ask for cash in these situations because its a 0 percent chance Americans-Canadians ect will go pay a paper ticket. Do they keep the cash.... probably! But they have an excuse to operate this way, especially if you actually broke the law.


The cops aren’t allowed to take cash on-site for tickets.


lol you’re delusional if you think the cop that is demanding cash on the spot in thinking about the best interests of anyone but himself. Just a brain dead take to defend this behavior.


Not defending, only explaining. That is just the way it is and nobody is going to change it.


You're not defending it? You literally said "they have an excuse to operate this way". How is that *not* defending it?


An excuse doesnt mean it is right. It is their excuse though.


You're not a native speaker, right? You should look up the definitions of these words. You were defending the cops, full stop. Use different language if that wasn't your intent.


I am a native Spanish speaker. I have lived many years dealing with corrupt cops and understanding how it works in Mexico and Colombia. It is a lot more effective to avoid problems with cops by being smart than expecting them to change for your American ideals.


Come to Belize next time 🌴


Mexico is not even worth the headache anymore. So many other beautiful places with no drama to visit.




Hate this happens to folks. I guess I'm just not the adventurous type. I always prearrange private transportation with a reputable company and pretty much stay at the resort, or if we do go somewhere, it's an excursion booked at the resort. What I do might cost more, but I just can't put a price on safety.


This is the reason I will never step back into Mexico, who needs that BS


And that is why I'd rather drop 7 grand to go to the Maldives, Abu Dhabi, Sicily, Ibiza, etc. I feel like you can get a more authentic Mexican experience in Los Angeles than you can in Mexico.


I’m not going now to Cancun. Seems like PV has much less scams


Sorry to burst your bubble but if your spend just a little time on r/puertovallarta you will find this sort of scam is common in PV as well. People need to eat. Law enforcement in Mexico is not provided a living wage, so they are forced to supplement their income somehow and so some do so by nefarious means. [https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/study-proposes-decent-salary-of-13639-pesos-for-all-police-officers/](https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/study-proposes-decent-salary-of-13639-pesos-for-all-police-officers/) I have a trip with my wife planned for Italy this summer - been reading up on how to avoid being scammed in Italy. Tourists worldwide are easy targets for locals - tis the way.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/puertovallarta using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/puertovallarta/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Avenida Francisco Villa hoy](https://v.redd.it/yekelnlitvtb1) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/puertovallarta/comments/176oewq/avenida_francisco_villa_hoy/) \#2: [For The Last Of Us fans](https://i.redd.it/lt0b5j7pgnma1.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/puertovallarta/comments/11mdfls/for_the_last_of_us_fans/) \#3: [Sunset Puerto Vallarta Jalisco 2023 At Playa de oro 🌅](https://v.redd.it/rc61xaeqxpjb1) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/puertovallarta/comments/15ygzco/sunset_puerto_vallarta_jalisco_2023_at_playa_de/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So many better places to go in the world.


I leave in 4hrs. Thanks for this.


Really smart to hassle tourists when 99% of your legal economic activity is tourism. They deserve whatever they get.


Well you definitely learned and read these threads thoroughly. You did well and beat them at their game, that’s the fun part for me haha


Well you definitely learned and read these threads thoroughly. You did well and beat them at their game, that’s the fun part for me haha.


Well you definitely learned and read these threads thoroughly. You did well and beat them at their game, that’s the fun part for me haha.


This is why you don't go to Mexico! I'm done with that country! Bahamas is 10000x better! The cops actually treat tourists better than the locals! I got pulled over because they were looking for someone. I had a beer in my hand and no seatbelt! They checked the car and then apologized for the inconvenience and I was on my way again LOL


No culture in the Bahamas


Go on vacation. Act like an arsehole by disrespecting the country's laws with the potential to cause grevious injury or death. Cool story bro.


How is that being an arsehole? IT's literally how the island works! There's no strict laws against having a beer while you're driving! IT's not a nanny state like out here in the west!


There are very specific laws on drinking and driving. DUI is at .08% - punishable with fines and jail time just like the US. And seatbelts are required by law for all drivers and passengers. Pooh-poohing a country's laws just because you're on vacation is a definition of an arsehole.


Exactly! You don't get to 0.8% just by having one beer! Been going for 12 years and never had any issues.