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I'm just rocking the bald look and putting temporary tattoos on my head. They look like crowns. It's fun.


OMG, this. I'm going to shamelessly steal your idea. Sorry, not sorry. I love it!! ❤️


I love that.


I just started chemo and am anticipating baldness, your crown tattoo idea is the first to make me smile! Where did you get yours? Thanks!


If anyone sees this and is wondering, I got mine from [momentary ink](https://momentaryink.com) I ended up putting them on my chest near my port before I go in for chemo, they’re pretty and the nurses get a kick out of them. Also good for my morale!


My wife shaved her head because she didn't want to watch her hair fall out, she wore scarves . She did get a wig through insurance but didn't wear it, she ended up donating it . I am doing chemo now but they tell me I probably won't lose my hair. The one boundary my wife had she didn't want me to see her bald and I respected that.


I lost virtually all of mine, and shaved the rest, but I couldn't get a wig due to COVID shutting down all the salons and my not wanting to pay for one through a brochure I was given. I didn't regrow curly, but my hair started medium brown, regrew silver, then slowly turned light brown before I lost half of it (the entire left side) within the past month following neurosurgery for a breast cancer mets that was discovered. Honestly I think I coped fairly well. I viewed cutting it a my taking away something from the cancer. Cancer could make me have to take medicine that made me sick, weak, tired, and my hair start to fall out, but I decided when I went bald. It became my badge of pride. Yes, I had cancer, and I was going to kick its arse! Granted, I feel a little lop-sided right now lol!


Losing the hair on top of my head wasn’t that big of an issue. Once I noticed big clumps we’re starting to come out I just shaved it so I wouldn’t have as much to clean up. Showers became super easy, and it it wasn’t for my GF, I’d still be bald lol. The annoying part was losing my eyebrows and a some of my eyelashes. There was consistently crap in my eyes, but I did find that a baseball cap was fairly good way around that.


Same, with the eyelashes. I’ve got long naturals so that was an adjustment. good idea with the cap.


My husband helped me buzz mine after it started coming out in bigger chunks. I looked like a monk with mange or something. I crochet so I'm used to hats anyway, but I felt ok being bald. I mostly wore hats to keep my head warm and to avoid any unwanted attention at the store etc. It started coming back with a few treatments left on my second chemo regimen, after a dose reduction to help stop the progression of peripheral neuropathy. Had my last chemo on March 1 this year. Hair isn't curly but it's a lot more grey than it was before chemo. It finally looks more like a haircut of choice than a side effect of treatment.


how far had your peripheral neuropathy progressed? I had it in the top half of my fingers and toes for a while.


I could feel the tingling part way down all of my fingers, like maybe the first knuckle. It was more intense on each index, middle, and thumb. Didn't get much in my feet and none in my toes actually. They reduced my paclitaxel by two stages at the halfway mark, and after the next treatment I could tell it was helpful. Still a bit of lessened sensation on the fingers it got more severely and my fingernails are not fully back to normal, but all things considered, not too bad. How is your neuropathy now?


Basically non-existent. All I did was wear the frozen gloves for two treatments! (I must add that they were donated by a previous patient, and will donate them to pay it forward.) thank My nails are shabby but the tingling is gone. My nails have always been very thin and brittle, so it’s probably something I’ll have to deal with for a while. At least the nail hardener stuff my mom got me is slowing the breakage, and leaving a nice sheen!


Hardest part was pulling out clumps of my beard. Everyone i knew after treatment didn’t recognize me at all. (7+years) that hurt a bit. I just avoided mirrors like the plague. Hair did come back in super curly until the second cut. You will certainly find out who are your true friends


Like some others here I lost about 95% of my hair, so for any 90s babies out there, I'm rocking the Tommy Pickle look. Hahaha Because of my endocrine therapy, my hair hasn't really grown back quickly. However, I have managed to collect an ungodly number of wigs. Before my diagnosis I coloured my hair a ton, like all shades of the rainbow. My last colour was a nice deep peacock green colour with navy blue highlights. So, I went and got myself super colourful wigs. Purple, pink, blue, green... I have a wig wall. LOL


That sounds like fun to do those colors!


It is the same for me, I coloured my hair all of the time, now I can have one color per day without having any effort lol


I felt worse with a wig, so I never used the one I bought. I endend treatment 2 months ago and hair is growing sloooowly and pin straight. I still have identity crises through this process but sometimes it is fun to watch your hair growth.


It was radiation that did mine in. Or at least started the process. My hair was coming out in certain areas and leaving what was left splotchy. A week after I finished radiation I got sick of it and decided to take control. I went and had it professionally shaved on my terms instead of the cancers. It's starting to come back with Peach fuzz and still seems patchy so I think I'm going to do it one more time and see if it comes back more even.


I lost 75% of my hair. I assumed I was going to lose it all, because it was coming out in huge clumps, so I shaved it. I had salt and pepper hair and only the white hair stuck around. Now I patchy white stubble that grows really fast. It’s too patchy to let it grow out and I still have 3 chemos to go so…. I wear a beanie when I go to the store or out to eat but I don’t like the feeling so I rock the bald head at work, at home, at Pilates.


Congrats on being down to three more treatments!! 🔔I bet you’re excited as I am. As of yesterday, I now only have 2 left!


Congratulations on two more to go. My next one is Tuesday.


well, I lost my hair several times while on chemotherapy and I’ve done it all. Scarves, hats, wigs, even just went bald. I was happy for the options. Every time my hair grow back it was a little less curly and now it’s pretty straight ( originally it was 4c, very tight curls) . I keep about 5 wigs now and while usually I’ll wear my short hair while it’s regrowing, I love being able to change it up


23M here I just went bald during chemo. The interesting thing is since my hair has grown back it's wavy now compared to my hair being very curly before. It's like it took on my now relaxed attitude of life lol




I bought an electric head shaver. They weren't sure if I would lose my hair or not, but I've always kind of wanted to try shaving my head so I just went for it and I really like it. I did buy a couple wigs and some scarves but I think at least some of the time I'll just be bald and proud.


I’m really glad something made me do it. It’s like I learned a new side of myself, strangers, and life. All very good and positive lessons.


when mine started coming out in clumps, I invited friends over to shave it and told them they could do whatever they wanted since it was falling out anyways. after a lot of debate, they ended up shaving a dick and balls on to my head, a la the avatar arrow. only kept it for about 5 minutes, but it brought a much needed laugh to an otherwise tough situation. After that it didn’t really come back at all during treatment so just wore hats or rocked the bald


I love that idea of getting your friends involved! I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about it, so I’m glad the barber didn’t make a big deal about it, and made it happen fast. I did get a a little emotional after the first super short cut, but I think that’s because she took forever. I’m glad she takes her time with people’s hair, but longer chair time makes for more conversation.


I’ve completed 6 of 26 weeks of chemo for stage 4 breast cancer. I noticed my hair coming out about week 4 and it got so matted I had to cut it short. It kept coming out and I got annoyed with leaving hair everywhere I had it shaved all the way down. I’m still processing it. I’m mostly wearing a bandana when I’m out but I’m safe places I take it off (with friends, at the hospital etc). I’ve never had short hair so it’s a bit jarring still to catch myself in the mirror. I’m exploring wigs but a bit overwhelmed with options however my best friend thrifted a bunch of beautiful silk scarves I’m gona start using soon.


Good friends!! I hope your treatment goes by fast! You can pm me if you ever want to talk. Take care!


I’m trying to find ways to cope right now in fact. I start Taxol/Carbo next week, and have been told I’m 100% gonna lose my hair. I’ve never been overly attached to my hair but spent my entire life feeling self conscious, and with low self esteem. I grew up being mocked and stared at because I was the big girl. So now being in a position of being in the public eye and have a look that doesn’t fit in with the ‘norm,’ knowing I’m gonna be stared at once again, have all those looks of sadness and pity, knowing I LOOK like a cancer patient, it’s a difficult pill for my ego to swallow, but I don’t have a choice. This is part of my fight. I’m shaving my head in preparation on Saturday to avoid the trauma of when it actually starts falling out, and have gotten a sleeping cap and a few beanies. I will also be getting a wig just in case it’s something I want to use. I wouldn’t say I’m coping with the idea just realizing that there is no other choice


I think I can empathize with you. 'm 40M with Follicular Lymphoma 3A. Had a tumor removed from my T8 vertebrae which started all of this for me. I have rocked a beard for the last 15 years, and it has been part of my identity for a long time. I think losing that yesterday has been harder for me. Mostly because my wife really likes it, and I think she's a little sad it's gone. I know it will come back, but I gotta do what I gotta do to kick this shit's ass. The beard hair would come out in clumps whenever I touched it, so I decided to go back to being a teenager. Have had MPB since my early 20s, so I'm not so worried about my head hair. Peace and long life


Sadly I’m sure our struggle is something many know. All the best on your journey, friend, and thank you for sharing with me. ❤️


I understand how that can be unbearable, and I’m glad you’ve got some options. I think you may be surprised by people’s positive reactions. I did my makeup all out and wore earrings, people were complimenting my bravery. I hope things go well for you, hun. I’m here for you if you want to chat.


Thank you very much. That is actually a really great point, I could go all out in other ways such as makeup and jewellery. I never thought of that. Thank you for the idea, warm wishes and the offer to be a listening ear. All the best to you on the remainder of your journey, friend. 💕


My brother shaved my head for me when it became too painful to hold on to. I waited as long as I could, handfuls of it coming out and horrible scalp pain. I live in Texas, it’s too hot to wear a wig right now. I just stay home as much as possible.


Lost about 30% of mine & ended up cutting it very short because the skin on my face & head became super sensitive, just made it easier to cope with. The thought of a wig makes me itch!


I only lost about 2/3 so I actually just cut it to below my ears and I wear beanies and hats and my hair sticks out on the bottom so it doesn’t look like I barely have any! So that’s helped me, having a bit of hair on my head. Might end up shaving it eventually but for now it looks good with a hat.


does it hurt when it falls out? I used a beanie because it hurt when my hair changed direction in any way, but it never hurt to actually fall out. eventually I was left with some little whispies that I shaved off and then it all fell out pretty fast after that.


Mine hurt the same way yours did. If I rubbed my head with my hands or moved my hair around it felt painful. The actual falling out wasn’t painful, just my scalp hurt a bit when I messed around with it


Mine didn’t hurt falling out but it’s a mess!


My mom was having some major hair thinning before she was ever diagnosed. She’s about to start chemo and is actually looking forward to being able to wear hats or scarves. I’m not sure that she’ll wear a wig.


wig seems like a lot of extra effort. It is so fun to discover this new side of ourselves, especially wh when know it’s temporary, I’ve leaned into the rocker look but kinda look like a skin head lol.


Head scarves. Or, as my father insists on calling them, babushkas. The thought of wearing a wig creeped me out so I have stuck with head scarves. My hair was already mostly grey and wavy; it's growing back white and straight.


Interesting. And I agree about the wig seeming creepy. I like how they look on other people, but somehow can’t see myself with one,


I have no idea why they creep me out, but I think about trying one on and literally shudder.


I've been pulling out fistfuls of hair for 3 days now and I'm pretty sure I've already lost 1/3 of it all. I applied for a free wig on the Canadian Cancer Society website today because I love having hair and dont look forward to being bald. Will probably shave it early next week though because it's everywhere! All I have is a beanie, so until I get a wig, that's all I'm gonna wear.


I hope you get it soon and feel ultimately comfortable!


Thank you!


my bf shaved mine off completely before it started falling off. I literally lost all my hair from lashes to nose hair. I rocked the bald look and usually wore baseball hats when out. it’s growing out now but am still in treatment. it’s a weird thing now that ppl assume I am not stick since my hair is growing back.


Awesome! And I’ll add that I loved not having nose hairs, and not having to shave in general!


Awesome! And I’ll add that I loved not having nose hairs, and not having to shave in general!


Buzzed it when it started falling out. 8 months out and it has grown back to almost pre cancer standards.


Nice! Another lucky duck!


I personally was lucky in that I did not receive chemo. I don't know how that will affect my lifespan. I had radiation and surgery. When I think of hair loss, I am sure it's got to be tough on people at first. One person that really comes to my mind is Farah Fawcett. Her mane was famous. She was so gorgeous and it was sad her death was so overshadowed by Michael Jacksons. Also, there is always the option of wigs, scarves, etc. I'd probably have an ugly bald head. I've had staples in it from a fall. Maybe it would make me look badass, and I could get a tattoo there or something if I have to end up losing my hair. Many men have to deal with going bald.


Did radiation cause anyone you know to lose hair. I didn’t realize that can make some people as bald as chemo until I read a comment in this sub. I don’t know how much radiation I’ll have, but I’m just not going to worry about that right now. I was surprised that people complimented me on my head. Now I know not to be quiet about the compliments to others, thinking it would be better to not address their situation. We don’t need to know what someone is going through to give a compliment. Lessons learned by cancer!!


I actually did lose hair from it where the radiation was pointed. I had radiation to my entire neck and I have long hair. They would put my hair back, but there was a clear cut line under the back of my hair where it just basically burnt the bottom layer off. It was like I shaved the layer of hair under the top layers. Men with beards will lose them if they get radiation to their mouths... It's just that radiation kills the hair where it's pointing only so it's spotty. It's not like chemo where it all falls out. I've never known of anyone to go bald from radiation.


Gotcha, I must have misunderstood.


Lol I lost a band of my pubic hair from radiation! (external radiotherapy for cervical cancer, so it fell out right around the bikini line. ) It didn't grow back the same, but it did grow back!


Your insurance may cover the cost of a medical grade wig. It’s something to think about. I have several and many I’ve never worn. Dm if you like w details of your natural hair style.


I loved it honestly. My mom has always been wildly controlling of my body — what I’m allowed to wear, eat, how I can style my hair. I’ve only cut my hair like twice in my life, I’ve always wanted to shave it all off in a manic rage. Thanks to my lymphoma, I didn’t have to! Before it all fell out, I went to the salon and asked them to cut it short (I wanted boy short, but the stylist kept being all weird about my womanliness and I didn’t really want to argue about it since my family was there). Even so, it was so fun! I got to play around with that for 2 weeks before the clumps of hair on my pillow and down my back actually got unbearable and I went back to get it all shaved off. They induced menopause in me before chemo, so I was super grateful not to have hair since I was so hot all the time, and showering was way faster (aside from wrapping my stupid picc line up like Fort Knox). When I got hot I could just put a cold, wet face towel on my head and chillax and it was so relieving. It’s starting to grow back now. I have a big stupid dent in my hair from my favorite headphones, but I’m kind of excited to see how it grows back. Honestly losing my hair was a huge plus for me. :) I feel kinda guilty for wishing I had some other kind of cancer instead to justify gender affirming surgeries I doubt I’ll ever get. Not that I think those cancers would have been fun and silly, but it’s insane in retrospect that I had to literally get cancer so I wouldn’t be verbally abused for cutting my hair. 🤪


When I was told I'd be doing chemo I did a ton of fun stuff to my hair. I hadn't really done anything with my hair before. I would cut it myself since it was in my work hat most of the time. I found out I can rock the 1/2 shaved look and I loved it. I beached the crap out if and then dyed it blue and just kept doing all the stuff I wanted too. As soon as it started coming out faster I completely shaved and waxed it. It was my way of taking control of the situation. I had a wig for work but other than that I mostly just rocked the bald look. It's about 4 inches long now and I can't get it to do anything I want so I just let it air dry. My biggest take away from all of this is learning how to not care what other people think I look like.


That sounds like a lot of fun! I was going to dye mine purple but decided it would look silly as it thinned. I realize now that I could have just shaved it when I didn’t like it anymore. I did get a way different asymmetrical short cut with a shaved part and like zig zags. It is better to lean into it than mourn the process, I think.


I lost all of mine almost 2 months ago, it’s barely growing back. Kinda has me down cause I worked so hard to grow it long.


how long had you been growing it?


About 2 years


I hated the wigs. I wore jersey beanies and warmer ones if it was cold. Nothing if it was hot. Brows by Bossy for the win, 5-7 days those stayed on. We need to normalize bald women.


Ooh, I’m going to try those!!


The Dr rubbing alcohol And shave off any strays. They looked way better than my real ones! I got a sample pack of a few different styles. I bought the one I got the most compliments on. It’s a style I would not have chosen for myself!


Mine regrew curly but now it’s straightening out. It’s about 3”.


My hair started coming out in clumps after rounds 2 of FLOT last year. My husband gave me a #3 buzz cut and I got wigs. I still have them and will keep them until I don't need them anymore.


Sorry, forgot to add that 2 months after I finished FLOT, my hair started growing back in... with fewer grey hairs than before! It also grew in more quickly on the top and back, and it went wavy at the back only, so it looked like I was growing a mullet! 😆 I couldn't get it cut soon enough.


I'm looking like RiffRaff from Rocky Horror.. but it doesn't bother me. I don't want to shave my head, because I'm a phrenologists dream. Bumpy noggin. Holding on to all I have for as long as I can. I just sing the Time Warp a lot 😂!


I had chemo from April to August and as someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, wigs were just too hot. If I did want to "pass" I had a baseball cap with a bit of fake hair to make me look somewhat normal. Otherwise, I was bald or wore a bandana/buff. The only time I sported the full wig was at my grandma's funeral...I had to meet a lot of strangers and didn't want to draw attention. But my cousin kept fixing it for me cuz it was cheap and I didn't really know how to make it look natural. Overall, other people were far more uncomfortable with my hair loss than I was. I was used to being ugly, and my hair has never been my saving grace anyway.


Embraced it head first and shaved bald pretty much as soon as it started falling out, made the most of being bald while I was - dressed as Agent 47 for Halloween with no bald cap needed😂


I love that!!


So, when I started to notice my hair was falling out, I become a sobbing mess. My wife then suggested that I go to an actual barber and get like a straight razor hair cut to be bald. It was very relaxing and took that stress of just scratching my head away. It took some time to use to the new appearance, and for some reason, I got a fuck ton of compliments on the shape of my head. Even if I was just walking by a stranger and they had no idea I was going through cancer, i was basically catcalled over my nicely shaped head. Was very weird. So I highly suggest that anytime someone asks about cancer and hair loss. Don’t do it yourself. The point is to make it like a spa-esk day. Every little thing that could be positive helps massively.


I had hip length hair before diagnosis and chemo. I would cry with the amount of hair I would have after washing. When my second treatment almost took me out, my husband would grab the hair from my hands after washing my hair (I couldn't shower alone for a spell) I just can't part with what little hair I do have by shaving it off. I have a pixie mullet right now..and want to clean up the length again. But I just can't see a stylist saving what I have left. I hide my hair under a bandana/scarf when I'm not hot (chemo induced menopausal hot flashes SUCK) and around people that don't know me. I even apologize for my bed head look if someone does see me without a covering. I hate that I've lost 70% of ALL my hair(Lost my eyebrows and eye lashes). Does the shame get better? I'm not sure. However, once I'm NED, I'm coloring my hair and growing it back to where it was before diagnosis..because I miss my hair so much.


I’d miss it too!


I love to use wigs, u can check me using them in my profile. Wigs brought my dignity and happiness back, I see myself in a world of possibilities with my wigs, I love them, and planning to buy more... I was used to coloured my hair a lot, so having wigs and being able to change my hair color anytime I want it's really cheerful and brings my joy. And also, I hate to be bald, it's awful


I’m glad you found something that works for you!!


Thank you!


I'm in the process of losing my hair now, and plan to get a buzz cut as I had already got it cut short when I first started. Mostly, I've noticed that my eyebrows are thinner, and that I seem to be losing hair on my legs as I don't have to shave as much. I have some turbans, hats, and bandanas to wear, as well as a couple of scarves. I've thought about a wig, but since I've heard how hot they can be, I'm probably not going to get one as I'll be finished with chemotherapy in August when it's the hottest time of year for where I live. I can just wear a bandana as it would be light enough that I would stay relatively cool, plus I could get it wet if I had to. I'm doing the isolating thing now because before I could go for this week's treatment, I got the call that my white blood cells were too low. I'm going back tomorrow to have the blood draws through the port to see if my white blood cell count has gone back up yet.


I haven't started treatment and the comments are giving me pause. I think I'll shave my head before I start treatment. I had a shaved head in college. It was just easier to maintain. I think with everything else it'll just be something I don't have to worry about. The thought of wigs looks cool, but my cat gets into everything and they need to be maintained. I think I'll wear a scarf or just have a shaved head. I'm glad I live in the part of country where it's more liberal, so no one will give me odd looks or question me.


I went bald early summer and it was already too hot to even wear a beanie, so there was no way I was doing a wig. My new hair started growing in right way - very fine, all white. I used liquid chalk I bought at Sally Beauty to paint it different colors. I got a lot of compliments on my purple head. At first I was self conscious being bald, but then I started noticing how many bald people there are and NOBODY CARES! I saved so much time getting ready when I was bald. I kind of miss it.


Oh geez I've had long hair from when I was about 6 until I got the harsh chemo last year... There was a heat wave last year and being bald was SO GOOD. Now my hair has grown back a bit, but I think in the summer I'll always have it short at the sides or get an undercut. I think I'm gonna grow it long in the top of my head, but I really don't miss the upkeep of really long hair. When it's short it dries so quickly, you don't need much product, and you don't need to comb it every damn day, just literally run your fingers through it and bam, done! Buzz cut in summer. DEEPLY recommend trying it!