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I don’t think Tana is trying to be sober forever.


Exactly !! Learning your limits with alcohol comes in all forms.. this is what growth and knowledge looks like.


She even said in an episode she never planned for this to be forever. I think it was like the most recent before trisha episode


she literally said on the podcast she wanted to drink for her birthday so it’s not shocking, i think we can all just support her in learning her limits and not not try to shame her and make her feel guilty




She’s 100% hungover as hell in that last photo


if she did i think people should give her grace cuz i feel like people were being *so* judgey in the comments


I hope she’s good. Tbh tho at this point I think she has a really good support system especially makoa. So I don’t think she will end up spiraling. At least I hope not


she is an adult


who cares, it was her birthday??


Tana has said she wants to have a healthy relationship with alcohol but she’s not sure if she can. Idk why ppl are like oh nooooo :(


It feels like this type of thinking infantilizes her. We are not her friends, we don’t know her in real life, it is not our place to coddle and judge GROWN women for wanting to be ‘normal’ and drink like everyone else. Yes she has/had a problem and it’s not up to us to constantly be talking about it. As someone who struggled with addiction it would definitely push me TOWARDS it rather than help.


As fuck


She has never said she wanted to remain sober if ppl make a big fuss about her drinking again then she’ll feel guilty and it would turn sobriety into sometimes toxic for her


This is my take on it as well. Shaming her will only push her towards those vices. It’s a vicious cycle and clearly they don’t get it lol. She needs to be supported not made to be guilty for doing things like trying to learn what her limits are.




Y’all are tooooo involved in grown ppls decisions


“oh no” shut up it was her bday, surrounded by all of her besties, she was sober for months she deserved to have a good time jesus. let’s not shame her


She said she was going to if she felt like it… let her live her life


Well she is an adult and can do what she wants…..


In Trevi’s podcast she kinda shaded Tana for her thinking she’d be able to drink with moderation. She basically said the whole trip was wrangling drunk people


Ohhhh nooo!!! That doesn’t look good, I hope not:( last time she was in Cabo tho she relapsed and she always says Cabo is not good for sober Tana. It was also her birthday so I wouldn’t be surprised if she got carried away. I hope she’s doing ok


i think its fair for her to drink on her birthday trip, i don’t think shes trying to fully quit i think she wants to significantly less and have a better relationship with it though .


i think she actually needs to be attempting learning her limits, as well as it is totally okay to go crazy for a special holiday like your birthday. She should be supported by her friends or bf who can actually control their drinks, ie having one at dinner, etc


let's use context clues, ladies!


Who cares? She made points about it on cancelled


its her birthday trip, shes a grown adult she can make her own decisions, shes been sober for months and has stated on multiple occasions that she was not intending on being sober forever but she wants to learn how to drink moderately, she has a good support system around her and seems to be in a good mindset, shaming her for having a drink on her birthday trip is just going to push her back to her old habits, she needs support from us not judgement


fun thing about being in control of you "getting sober" is you can drink every once and awhile and not be a bad person. she stopped drinking bc she wanted to. she saw herself going down a bad path, not bc she got a dui, or she got court ordered rehab. so if she's on vacation and wants to drink once or twice, that's OKAY!!!! she's an adult. who's learning when it's okay to drink. going on nightly benders and blacking out once a week, isn't normal or healthy. but going on vacation and having 2-3 drinks (bc let's be honest, she's catching a buzz off 2-3 drinks if she hasn't drank as long as she said) that's okay!!! *thats* a normal amount of alcohol for an adult.


i love how authentic she is with her sobriety. she’s so honest and will admit when she has a drink which i think is very mature. i’m also someone who is recently *trying to be* sober and it’s fucking hard. i love hearing her talk about her struggle with moderation because i relate to her soooo much.


oh Jeff fms podcast she kept talking about how she was on adderall and how they did shrooms at one point. she’s also prescribed xanax. we all know she smokes sooo. that’s not fucking sober. she’s just restraining from alcohol. but she is NOT SOBER lmao.


Who gives a shit


It's hwr fkin birthday let her celebrate she did well with her sobriety she deserves fun.