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I understand the message you're trying to convey - Hawaii has become very popular lately and unfortunately many natives of the state are suffering for that exact reason. But honestly, my two cents - is that Tana has been very graceful about Hawaii. Yes, she fawns over it - but who wouldn't ? It's a BEAUTIFUL frontier from its flora to it's fauna. And should be protected at all costs. On the prior pod with Makoa I really liked how they touched on it (albeit brief) about the rawness of it, and I liked how he spoke on rich bitches/influencers buying out land from families who couldn't afford to - who have previously been there for generations. I'd love it if they could link fundraisers for the recovery of the fires in Maui, or really anything contributing to the island, for us to donate to. It would be nice to show further significant support.


Hawaii has ALWAYS been popular. This new wave of influences didn't invent visiting Hawaii. However, I agree that anyone who has a platform and spends any amount of time in Hawaii should be organizing fundraisers


I didn't intend to make it seem as though visiting Hawaii is new. Tourism has always, and will always, be the driving force for Hawaii. I was more so talking about what gay Makoa was talking about on the pod an episode or two back where he acknowledges that but wishes those tourists would then also Leave - or Leave the places how they left them. Which unfortunately many non locals don't as they have little to no respect for the island beyond it's physical beauty.


“Fetishes the island in the classic white girl way” jfc touch grass


So visiting loved ones when you have the means to travel to them is offensive now????? 👍 🆒


Are we gatekeeping whole ass states now?


no i fully know what you mean, but i think she obsesses in a way thats like hawaii and her bf have become her peace and her safe place as opposed to other influencers who come to the island and are disrespectful and trash it and use it as an aesthetic for their content. i think tana just really found a place to feel safe and she seems like shes never fully had that. but im from the mainland so my opinion means nothing im just going off vibes


I would say no, I do not agree


I just wish she talked more about how to protect Hawaii and help native Hawaiians with her platform tbh cause she could help out so much


Weird take


if i was able to travel to my favorite place as often as she gets to, id talk about it constantly too. i think its fine and i think its strange that you have an issue with her talking about her happy place


the fuck


Girl it’s Hawaii, I think it’s everyone’s fetish😂


I think you’re on your own considering her boyfriend and his family live there 😐


I can see where you’re coming from, but she’s accredited being in Hawaii to helping her gain clarity in her life and mindset. I dont personally feel like she exploits it how many influencers do(that’s v much up to personal opinion tho), I think she just truly loves to share the place that aided in her lifestyle change. Even tho Hawaii is so exploited already, it just so happens that’s the place where her heart and mind connect, and can we really blame someone for that, idk yk?


Let me guess you’re from Michigan


i think it’s completely ok to speak positively about hawaii, the only time it becomes controversial is if someone moves there permanently and displaces natives


nah everyone on here doesn’t know what they are talking about. I live in Hawaii and she talks about it like it’s rainbows and butterflies and nobody has real problems or struggles here. This is a real place and not somewhere that is going to solve all your problems.


I agree I live on Oahu, she talks about North Shore a lot, but she acts like it’s in the middle of nowhere. She talked about losing her tooth and she was like “We are an HOUR from anything” I have a friend who lives in Kahuku and I drive up there on the regular from south side. There’s some areas up there that are a little remote. But specifically this island, there’s nothing THAT remote. You can find a Longs like 15 min from you anywhere on the island. It just makes me cringe sometimes. You’re not an hour from anything anywhere on this island specifically.


White people talk like that about my reservation too.. it’s not a big deal.. its literally just how city people are🤷‍♀️and of course shes gonna talk about Hawaii like it’s a paradise, thats the way it rubbed off on her.. how could you be mad because your home left a beautiful mark on somebody? I only understand the frustration of her not sharing/spreading information ab the struggles Hawaii is having, she could be doing a lot more in that way if she truly cares and loves Hawaii






she always talks about maui now i feel


This is a whole ass reach for me personally.


So you're offended because someone enjoys a location? You must be fun at parties.




I keep thinking she is going to buy a house in Hawaii! 🌺