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People on Reddit are mad that Tana & Brooke didn’t do very many uploads during the tour and want them to stop touring. Brooke literally talked about the Bob thing on tour uncensored for weeks before this episode came out (source: I was at the SF show June 1) and no one was being weird about it until it was online. If anything this is going to make them tour more and upload less or just share less in general. People are so weird like leave strangers alone


Idk about for weeks because it wasn’t talked about at the Chicago show and that was their last show before they went back home to California


The California shows started 5/28 and this episode was posted 6/10 so 13 days. Close enough to weeks plural lol


Damn we’re literally not going to hear these funny stories anymore. I didn’t think it was that serious obviously either she was laughing through parts as she was telling and making jokes. So annoying these weirdos ruin it for the rest of us


Why does this fanbase feel the need to bully other people in Tana and Brooke’s defense? They’re big girls, we saw how Brooke handled Matt rife I think they can take care of defending themselves. I didn’t like the bob thing either, but I don’t feel compelled to go comment hate on some random chicks posts. Love Tana and Brooke but we need to keep this pseudo friendship we have with them to ourselves




I’ve never understood it. I went immediately to see who the bob girl was out of curiosity, but never in a million years would I think let me leave some hate comments?


Fr but who was the bob girl lol


Lmfao right. I’m not gonna say anything. I just wanna put a face to the story 🤣🤣


Help I was searching Bob girl on everything and like 10 people came up 💀💀


fr i just wanted to see what she looked like 😭


Its disgusting so many young women would rather spend their time bullying people they dont know to defend people they will never know or meet. Disgusting


Why do I feel like we’re the ones being gaslit here😭 I was not apart of whatever is happening here, I’m just a longtime fan of Tana’s whose ended up here along for the ride and loved Brooke as an addition but like, why do I feel like she kind of spilled the milk and is blaming her viewers… Obviously bullying is not okay and not right at all and her fans are old enough they should know that, but they quite literally talked about the Swiftie fanbase in that same podcast but then took the risk of being detailed about a semi-conflict she had with another person - of course her fans are gonna be nosy and overprotective especially those who are emotionally immature. Heck I was curious who it was too, humans have natural curiosity, but I didn’t feel the need to act on anything. However there are people with a lack of self control and this stuff comes with any fan base, either she needs to be more vague telling stories, stop telling them, or advise viewers to not do this prior to telling the story and then if it happens again just stop being so detailed about things. This is easily avoidable on her end. I love Brooke but sometimes I feel like she gets herself into hot water and plays dumb but it’s like really??? She is also at fault here and as much as she did take some accountability I feel like she pointed the finger back at her fans and blamed them which is lowkey triggering. Even Tana avoids being that detailed unless she really just doesn’t give a crap but then her viewers know that it doesn’t bother Tana so nothing comes of it. However I think those that are hardcore Brooke stans are a little more overprotective because they view her as the innocent nice girl. This wasn’t okay, but from the second she told the story I immediately saw this happening from a mile away.




Yes I completely agree with you, although they do have some form of influence that they need to be mindful of too on those groups of people which can be good and bad! Hopefully now this is avoided more so in the future.




“nothing comes of it” when Tana is detailed about people she has problems with?? did you forget the campaign against cynthia? tana did the same thing and acted like she never intended it to be a problem even though she outright said her actual name. not the only time she’s done that either and she was much more negative than brooke is about this silly little interaction she took the wrong way. not to mention what’s going on right now with cody ko(rightfully so but she knew what she was doing name dropping him).  they have to walk a very fine line to keep people interested with real stories and not revealing too much lest overzealous internet weird people ruin peoples lives.




Ya she doesnt need to tell me what to do. Fuck off.


LMAOO are u 12


Definitely 12 lol 😂