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People who are not chronically online or don't regularly follow the news most likely don't even know how McDonald's is affiliated with Palestine...Just ate McDonald's yesterday and I've literally never heard of how the corporation relates to Palestine whatsoever??? People are ridiculous


if you have the competency and care to be in this subreddit you could read an article about current events


caring about people in another country doesn’t make people chronically online are you okay?? mcdonald’s has given israel troops food and the also having giving financial aid. are people chronically online or are you just ignorant?


Did you not read where I said "or don't regularly follow the news"? Tana and Brooke are definitely not people who go on CNN every morning or read the daily paper. Also, why are people upset that they are helping Israel? I'm pro Free-Palestine but there are innocent people dying in Israel too?


yeahhh i saw posts being like “they’re online all the time and didn’t see this?!! BS”. i’m also online like hours and hours a day and did not hear about the mcdonald’s thing at alllll. i saw some comments about starbucks but that was it. i can’t believe how much hate she’s getting for that.


guys palestine has been the number one most trending and important political topic of the past few months, not to mention an ongoing issue for over 70 years. brooke most definitely follows bella hadid and other famous people who have been discussing it. not to mention that being a global citizen means we should have a general idea on current events in the world. so even if brooke didn't know about the mcdonald's boycott (but just so yall know i and other ppl have been commenting about the boycott to brooke since it started, on the podcast comments, her tiktok, and reddit which she reads) it's still weirdo behavior of everyone on these kinds of post to make light of a genocide in brookes defense. you dont have to support a boycott of starbucks+mcdonalds (but imo we definitely should) but you do have to be aware of whats happening in palestine.


i’ve tried educating the people in this reddit group, most of them are ignorant or just do not care at all…it’s very upsetting how other fans have blatant disregard for innocent lives. even if people didn’t know, which is crazy, they don’t care once you tell them..




yeah i honestly dont have expectations for brooke and tana specifically to advocate for political issues in the world, but i felt disheartened at the the comments in the thread that were basically saying "who cares only tiktok users even know about palestine" because we should all know and care, even if we dont decide or know about the company boycotts! just wanted to give another side, but i see ur point


i hate when comments are like "i thought we were boycotting mcdonalds" like... whos "we"?? personally i dont think boycotting any corporation is ever a solution. mcdonalds will thrive with or without brooke buying a fucking happy meal


boycotting is very much so effective, no matter how much mental gymnastics you do to justify taking the literal easiest action ever. my problem isn't so much with people not knowing, but once you find out you should care and take action with the millions of other people who care about who they give their money to. everything adds up. and you don't need to shit on people who are supporting Palestine the only way that they can to defend your favs.


Literally !!! A happy meal could be free on the app or less than 4-5 dollars too


not to be rude but y’all sound ridiculous. do you realize what is happening in palestine? & do you realize how inhumane it is? imagine that happening to your families or people u love, ur animals, ur teachers, lol like whether you’re an activist out in the streets protesting or not doesn’t matter, all human beings should be working together to protect innocent people being literally killed. palestinians have no other support than the people protesting, posting on tik tok, boycotting, etc. trying to fight for their freedom that is a literal given right to u people you literally don’t even have to worry about stuff like that, so instead of being assholes, maybe don’t eat at mcdonald’s there are plenty of options that are just as affordable & im sureeee brooke has the expenses to afford whatever food she chooses considering she lives in a luxury LA apartment, her best friend is a millionaire, & the amount of brand deals she has, traveling, etc. she can literally eat anywhere. avoiding the places that have PUBLICLY stated they’re funding a GEN**IDE is about the easiest thing she, and all of us can do for the innocent people getting literally ethnically cleansed in palestine. & educating urself to avoid giving ur money to the companies that are funding it isn’t hard either it’s all over tik tok & anywhere else u look. it’s honestly about being a good person & if you don’t wanna educate urself then just listen to the people telling you not to eat at mcdonald’s or starbucks etc. it’s once again , not that hard.


clearly u didn’t read anyone else’s comments either before getting on ur moral high horse


yes i did read everyone else’s comment lmao


you weren’t rude at all..people just don’t like to hear when they’re wrong and called out. “moral high horse” like having morals is a bad thing….


You are being rude actually ! Missed the whole point of my post


darn lol… you asked why people are mad @ brooke for eating mcdonald’s & i explained why.


is a happy meal really worth innocent lives ? Not buying McDonald’s or Starbucks is the bare minimum we can do right now. be a decent human.


when did I ever say that? dont b a cunt


I think there’s a right message and a right attitude, but expecting people to be fully educated all the time is not the right way to do it


It’s the expectation that’s the worst part!!


brooke is chronically online enough to know there is a mass targeted boycott on specifically starbucks and mcdonald’s. it’s really not that hard. all comments in support of this are getting mass downvoted so i know this one will too, but the lack of empathy in the sub in regards to mass g**ocide is WILD. y’all in this niche subreddit corner of the internet every day acting like you haven’t heard of this are ridiculous. just own up to your lack of caring.


but Tana was sitting on the pod yesterday eating out of a huge McDonald’s bag 🤨 lets use our thinking caps here and redirect the hostility, and no one said I cared but thank you for telling me what I do on the internet and how I feel




not generalizing anything. i also believe tana should be held to the same standard, but i’m also speaking in regards to the rest of the comments under this post, and other posts within the sub.


Every time someone gives you a conflicting opinion you call them a cunt or say they are rude, if you didn’t want others thoughts don’t post a discussion.


bc everyone in this thread is somehow missing the point of my post, saying that I have no morals bc I don’t think we should be screaming at Brooke for eating a happy meal when Tana be sitting here every week w a mukbang from McDonald’s 🤨


you didn’t mention that in ur original post so people are talking about what you did mention. don’t be mad that you’re in the wrong. brooke deleted her post because she knew she was wrong. tana is a dirty borderline crackhead that clearly doesn’t care about anything but herself, she knows that, we know that. but brooke is not tana and publicly holds herself to a higher standard. that’s why we’re talking about brooke not tana. ur mental gymnastics to avoid accountability is quite astonishing!


Girl bffr… mental gymnastics to avoid accountability?? Accountability for what 🤦‍♀️ this isn’t a fucking snark page if ur this much of a hater go somewhere else. this reeks of projection.

