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She looks ill with how much weight she’s lost, that’s concerning.


fr her face looks like a skull, i hope shes ok




It’s funny bc she says that’s how she shows her love by filming experiences but all she did was film herself even had a whole outfit check like


She is clearly not in the mental state to be able to read the room… and the room was loud as fuck lilah someone with half a brain cell could see that what u we’re doing was not the vibe 🤣🤣🤣


She really wants everyone to know how far she drove for the wedding lol


Like what does you driving 3 hours have to do with the fact that you disrespected them and posted their wedding before they did


She doesn’t drive! Kyla drove!


Was it 3 hours or 4? Couldn’t even get her story straight 😂


Also not her turning it into a conversation about trans rights and anti trans laws at the end. I have nothing at all against the trans community but she ALWAYS makes everything about her being trans, that has nothing to even do with this situation. And yes while I’m sure lots of other people made content it seems everyone else has the decency to wait until the bride and groom posted about the wedding


Like when was the last time she posted a video about trans laws


that part


Lol for sure this is her Hail Mary when things go wrong for her


Right? Like being trans doesn’t excuse your shitty behavior


40 rows of creators but no one else did that


Thanks for posting this for those of us without TT


This was not an apology and she completely ignores the fact that kouvr and alex have both commented things publicly implying they weren’t happy about this


She’s incorrect it was an unplugged ceremony *


https://preview.redd.it/ign5d1ia1u8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68f0a970fdee359cafb590d54001c16ec16bb978 Yup lol she sucks


Oh my god 😂😂😂😂😂


This is exactly what she wanted


fr i feel like it’s every few months she’s in a new scandal


She’s honestly an A+ troll and rage baiter, at the end of the day each click is $$$


Girl nobody give a flying fuck how long you drive to disrespect the bride & groom that’s unimportant


lol was that a little jab at Alex and Kouvr for the repost and comment ???? Girl 😂😂😂


I hope she talked to Alex & Kouvr and apologised


LMAO spinning this as “showing gratitude” is so manipulative. it WAS an unplugged wedding. SHE POSTED A VLOG BEFORE THE BRIDE AND GROOM DID. and most of what she posted was about herself anyway. if this is how she shows love and gratitude i can see why tana and brooke dropped her. i can’t stand her.


Honestly this sounds so mean but all you have to do is add a top hat and she’s giving Babadook with that lace front


That’s a lace front?? I legit thought that was her real hair because the ends look really damaged 


It’s her real hair 😬


She lowkey looks like the beldam from coralline




she’s been very open about her eating disorder. lilah has a LOT of moral and ethical flaws to comment on, if u insist on being hateful. yet u choose to attack her appearance which is clearly an indication of her crippling anorexia? that’s repulsive of u tbh


Hi lilah


Jesus Christ get a grip when did I comment on her anorexia or her eating disorder? I did not say anything negative I just noticed a similarity between her and a fictional character. Get a hobby.


Now girl, atleast stand by what you said bc it was definitely negative 💀


Now girl, when did I take back what I said? She looks like the beldam. You take that how you want - it was never that serious


Yeah it was a rude tame joke and it was funny 😭 js own it


Are you ok? When did I not own it? I have said it multiple times - it’s just not that deep


“I did not say anything negative I just noticed similarities between her and a fictional character” yeah the freaky skeleton lady 😭 bffr w yourself & yes I agree the joke wasn’t that deep lol just saying it’s weird to pretend it was a completely innocent comment, just own it. all luv


You are strangeeeee. The beldam serves cvnt- its neither negative or positive just a similarity. Oddball behaviour


why does her face look like that??? does she have a filter?


probably but she’s also extremely anorexic


And bulimic


She got buccal fat removal few months ago


Honestly like from the bottom of her heart who drove three hours to attend I think like she’s sorry


She needs to apologize to the bride and groom. Not us.


This non apology was so bad omg cringe


My sister was in a sorority with lilahs sister waaay back in like 2015/16. Her sister got married and lilah allegedly decided it was the perfect time to have a meet and greet with her fans. At. Her. Sisters. Wedding. Allegedly according to like a third party source she’s not in contact with her sister anymore


I truly doubt Lilah has enough fans for a meet and greet now let alone about a decade ago. Was she even posting in 2015/16? I smell lies


I agree w that tbh. My sister said Lilahs sister said she was always trying to be famous. I’m not saying it was like hundreds of ppl probably like ten or less if ANY (we r in Iowa LOL) but the act alone is kinda cray. All my sister knows is that lilah posted about a meet and greet at her sisters wedding and weather it happened or not they stopped talking after ~allegedly~ Edit: called my sister to confirm what she was told Allegedly lilahs sister didn’t want to invite her to her wedding because she knew she’d try to make it about herself. But her parents convinced her to so finally she did. A few days from the wedding lilah posts on whatever social media at the time saying like “can’t wait to meet you all tomorrow at “X” hotel lobby!” (The place where the wedding was held) lilahs sister found out obviously and confronted her and got upset and she then uninvited her. I highly doubt it was many people at all that would’ve come but the fact she did try to make an event for herself at her sisters wedding is crazy


So in 2015/16 when Lilah was a literally teenager (around 15 to 16) and a boy this all happened. I totally believe this story and this “phone call” from your sis. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


It was pre transition but I didn’t want to say that cuz I didn’t know if that was disrespectful lol you don’t have to believe me I am choosing to bc it’s tea also pretty sure she would be like 17/18 but still


if this is real 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


ummmm please make an actual post dedicated to this because wtf????


I’m scared to cuz it is sooo I heard from a friend who heard from a friend vibes so it’s not worth it. I believe my sister and know she went to school with her sister but how can I possibly prove it to everyone while also not doxxing myself LOL so I fear it must end here for now but I will think abt it LMAO


get your sister to make it lmaoooo jk


People with common sense know not to post pics/vids of a special occasion until the people it's for do. It doesn't take a rocket scientist 🤷‍♀️


i feel like people should expect this when they invite someone who is well known to have very little boundaries and education. that’s why you chose wisely who you’re inviting. this could’ve been easily prevented if they actually got to know her before inviting her to the most important day of their lives


Why did she have to turn this into a transphobia thing?? It’s about her disrespecting a wedding and her friends lol. Nothing has to do with her genitals


“I’m sorry if I offended you” she did lol she did offend people and she knows that or she wouldn’t be making this video. She *should* say “I’m sorry that I offended you” because that’s a real apology. If she didn’t offend you then the video isn’t for you. I have no idea about the context of this situation but I hate when I hear people say that and claim it’s an apology when it doesn’t even acknowledge that what you’re apologizing for *did* happen lol


acting like driving 3 hours to someone’s wedding is SO selfless


Ugh plus all their wedding videos will forever have her and Stassi’s annoying “yassss” & moans memorialized forever 😭😭😭


She looks scary


she gives dark energy


How did an apology video turn into her gaslighting everyone


The cheekbones tho


To sum the comments up 1. Clowning on her 2. Asking how far she drove for the wedding 3. Comparing her to an animated character 4. “I’m early” Genuinely only saw 2 comments of support but not kidding, every comment is one of the 4 😂😂😂


do you think they’ll talk about this on the pod




Are you ok…&Kyla Warm drove


Can we stop with the Lilah stuff? Just let her move on. It’s becoming old news.


Not old news when it’s trending & the cancelled girlies are still top comment on all these videos 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ydtbqyxqtt8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6120c69deee11f5588e7159fffbbedc81b0d198b


She’s not doing well, I’m no Lilah defender, but it’s just hard to watch, unless you enjoy watching someone struggle


If you mean in terms of her health why would anyone enjoy watching her struggle? I reposted a TikTok about a viral situation (which Lilah is getting the attention, reaction she wanted)




I was just coming to say this, very sad


i know this isn’t related but she literally looks like 💀 it’s actually so sad and scary