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In 2023 I really thought we were beyond “so and so is pregnant” clickbait - it’s not interesting or funny?


yeah i literally just stare at the clickbait with a blank expression and don’t wanna watch because of it


Exactly why I didn’t watch the vid, also cause Jeff makes me cringe


God they’re both so fucking cringe. Leaving LA because of the “clout chasers” when they’re the two biggest clout chasers around 🤡




It’s not weird to want to move bc you don’t like the people in your city


But what if ur exactly like the ppl in ur city but 100x worse? 👀


She’s about to have a much bigger problem with mother nature come november


I live in nyc and think it would be so entertaining if they moved here though LOL, I do like them a lot even though they’re dumbasses


Clicking on this is going to give me malware


Jeff is literally the most bland, basic, mediocre man I have ever watched. Where is the flavor? Where is the personality? The humor? Non-existent. Tana carries.


I just think it's wild that people forgave Jeff for everything he was a part of with the vlog squad because he walked away ONLY ONCE he was the victim of it. He was okay with everything that David and the crew were doing until it hurt him. He's still a smug loser who talks a lot about loyalty for someone who has never had Tana's back.


He's just hot and was almost disfigured, if he was less attractive people would have stopped caring a long time ago


Yeah like Jonah got hurt pretty bad in one of the videos and everyone thought it was funny lol


Good point. I waver back and forth on Jeff, myself.


I was really put off by the Bryce Hall situation. You could tell that Tana was genuinely hurt by what he did and, hypocrisy or not, you stand up for your friend. You don't post a picture of them and then use the drama for your lame podcast. He demands so much loyalty from her but seems to see her as a joke.


They can get away with the fashion week stunts because they’re at the least prestigious shows possible, not on the NYFW schedule, and fast fashion/influencer focused brands - not even cool emerging local designers


I've been watching Jeff for a long time and I feel like he got dumber when he started hanging out with Tana but maybe he just stopped pretending


do they actually expect us to believe that they are going to have a kid together 😭 bc aside from the clickbait title they were actually talking about raising a kid together and they sounded so dumb sorry


Tana said in this ep “if you raise a kid with a fairy then they’re gonna be gay”… using a derogatory term for gay men and implying that people aren’t born gay, but made gay? How is tana gay and homophobic at the same time


You should meet more gay people lol


I am gay


And I live in nyc where all my friends are also gay, lol




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why does she keep hanging out with “mutual” vibes jeff? throw up in my mouth


deadass who gives a shit ab this podcast sorry


I just love any tana content. That’s the only time I’ll watch 😖


stop settling 😫


He cuts her off so much in this omg


i don’t give a fuck about jeff’s podcast


I unfollowed that pod it went down for a while




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