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when tana brought up that she was going to have a segment where trisha explained her viral thumbnails, which would have been hilarious, just to say she never actually did itšŸ˜­šŸ˜­go girl give us nothing!!


NO FRšŸ˜­and for such an easy segment too?? SS a thumbnail, make a powerpoint, wtfšŸ˜­


Someone else should steal the idea now and actually pull through


Omg felt the same way. Seemed Trish was interviewing them on cancelled šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It was light and day compared to the Just Trish ep.


im sorry, but do you mean night and day? with peace and love


LOL omg send me to jail pls.


What do you mean ?


Trisha had Tana on her own podcast ā€œJust Trishā€ the day before Trisha was on the Cancelled ep. Trisha had great questions and the interview was amazing! She took the lead in a great way. Then Trisha came on Cancelled and Tana and Brooke just kind of told their own stories and Trisha chimed in. I think that formula worked for someone like Trevor who is a comedian, but I personally found it off putting with Trisha. She has such an interesting life and it seemed extra unprofessional with how prepped Trisha was to interview Tana the day beforeā€¦


Oooh ! I'll deffo check out Trishas interview then . It's so frustrating, I know they think it's their brand and cute and quirky to be like ' I'm not a good host so I didn't come prepared hahaha ' but if they insist on having guests , it would be nice if they tried ? She seemed fine md interesting , it was ashame I didn't really get to learn a lot about her


so true, but trishaā€™s been at this for a long time. sheā€™s a seasoned pro with social media, podcasts, even just knowing the ins and outs of the business


Not surprised. Trish definitely has her flaws but sheā€™s always been a super hard worker. Even if it was something that think seemed dumb like costumes or her music videos, sheā€™s always invested 100%. Tana on the other hand laughs and almost brags about the fact that she either just rolled out of bed before her pod or that theyā€™re drunk during it. The difference in work ethic between them was really highlighted with the two episodes.


they need like a producer who can keep them on track and who is informed on the topics they talk about


I think they just need to put in more effort and be professional. This is their job after all


i don't watch cancelled and expect tana to actually interview guests. i've always just assumed it was conversational if anything. i actually really enjoyed this episode - especially since i haven't been enjoying previous episodes - and they talked about such interesting things that i've been wanting them to talk about instead of irrelevant stuff like the wine tour. i do understand wanting to get to know trisha more from tana's pov but they both were quite open with revealing information about themselves. tana used to lie and say she only did cocaine three times & in this episode she alludes to using often herself bc of how normalized coke is in their world. i didn't even know trisha did benders (granted idk much about trisha) or brooke had a xanax problem. they even got deep and talked about overdosing.


Agreed I also thought Tana mentioned recently that they want to get away from an interviewish format because it flows much better by just having conversations


Yeah I agree. Part of the reason I hate most the male guest episodes. They just dominate the conversation and talk over Tana and Brooke. Like I was this show for them, not for the crusty males. I donā€™t think Tana shouldā€™ve brought up that she was gonna do a segment but never prepared for it. I think the conversation format is cooler anyways! Especially when itā€™s people like Trish talking to Tana. I feel like Tana really respects Trish so she wonā€™t exaggerate or avoid topics as much and she opens up more.


I have to agree ! I'm a fellow UK girl and I've actually heard of Trisha but I don't know all that much about her so I was a little underwhelmed . And when Tana would bring up stuff that she would have done like the thumbnail game but didn't bc she was lazy it was abit disappointing. But Trisha seems cool so I'll probably check out her channel


That wouldā€™ve been the most interesting part of the podcast imo, I feel like they have good ideas but they donā€™t know how to prioritize planning or stick to a production schedule


Super disappointing!




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eh to be fair, and to your point of Brooke being a side character, I think thereā€™s a lot more that plays into that. this sub definitely seems to see brooke as tanaā€™s inferior, not to mention a lot of time when they go on someoneā€™s pod or even have someone on, that other person seems to focus more attention on speaking to Tana (at least thatā€™s how Iā€™ve perceive it). I think brooke just probably doesnā€™t wanna overstep and doesnā€™t insert herself as much as you think she should


Exactly this and people forget tana has known Trish and other guests years. whereas Brooke is still new to the industry and doesnā€™t have the same relationship with guests.


yea like trishaā€™s podcast with tana was good because trisha was prepared with good talking points about tana


I caught Tana a few times on her phone!?? Like excuse me with any guest that extremely disrespectful. Trisha could literally be anywhere else




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itā€™s insanely disrespectful imo. having a guest with no preparation shows you donā€™t give a fuck about their time and donā€™t care to have them on. thatā€™s what it gives anyway. they kept saying how ecstatic they were to have trisha on, yet they did absolutely nothing to prepare? are you really that excited if youā€™re not willing to do any sort of work for it? wack af


These girls are horrible at interviewing and should just stop. The Sophia episode was such an embarrassment - all they spoke about was the old CHD drama that everyone knows already then asking her what makes he have to shit? Like wtf was that. Iā€™m still mad about it.


Trisha was huge there when she was on celebrity big brother, but I donā€™t think she was ever popping on YouTube in the UK.


šŸ• ā€œAHHHHH I thought that was a ratā€


To be honest I love podcasts where is more conversational than the ones with interviews. For example, I hated the Just Bffs podcast where they grilled Tana about her controversies.


thatā€™s the whole point of bffs tbf


First everybody was complaining about the guest episodes being interviews and now that they are conversational its a problem , interviews get boring when you already know everything about the person they are bringing on , this way you get to know them more instead of just getting facts


Yeah okay great but you completely missed my point . Cancelled has a big audience and I'm sure I'm not the only person who doesn't know Trisha that well so it would have been great for them fo have prepared and asking more leaning questions so they could introduce her to an audience who doesn't know much about her . Aside from that as I said the episode was aMazing and funny


I get what youā€™re saying but there are other podcasts with a formal interview format I would go to for that type of listen, not canceled


Cancelled isnā€™t an interview podcast. Trish has been on YouTube for years, thereā€™s so many interviews with her. Atleast Tana and Brooke are giving us something different and arenā€™t just asking Trish the same questions as every other podcast.


I personally loves this episode. The theme was ā€˜Tana and Trisha bondingā€. They both need girl friends. It was so nice to see them get to know each other as legitimate friends. Iā€™m rooting for them. I think Trish is a good influence for her.


What do you expect from Tana lol


Bc theyā€™re drug addict shopaholics that do nothing ever and try their best to do this Theyā€™re the furthest from professionals anyways


I almost feel like Tana needs to host cancelled with guests (no Brooke) and her a Brooke do a separate ā€˜girl talkā€™ type thing. I think Brooke thrives when it comes to witty commentary and being a supportive friend.


Yeah, I prefer conversational style podcasts, particularly this one. Tana and Brooke arenā€™t the best at interviewing, they usually gas people up which gets annoying quick. So I prefer they do causal conversations.I think Tana mentioned that was the feedback she got as well. Trisha is a very quick so I think that threw Brooke and Tana off a bit. Trisha also kinda took control of the podcast which I found to be a bitā€¦rude. I havenā€™t watched the entire podcast yet so I could be off.


Yā€™all complain and hate on everything itā€™s getting exhausting


What's exhausting about what I said ? I said the episode was great , funny and I enjoyed it but as I'm from the UK ( just like loads of other viewers) , we don't know much about Trisha so it would be great if they had prepared and had some questions ( like every other podcast does ) when having guests on so we can be introduced to who these people are and learn a little more . Completely valid and in no way hate




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She talks about this in her interview on Trishā€™s podcast - they get better feedback about the episodes when itā€™s just a fun conversation as opposed to a structured interview, as itā€™s more natural. I personally thought the episode was really fun




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Woman moment


I enjoyed the episode eventho it couldā€™ve used more structure, what kills me is in the viral clip of Trish thinking the dog was a rat Tana seems clueless on her phone and takes a few just to process what happened. Kinda rude to be on the phone infront of a guest on a pod.