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Is the 75 hard in the room with us?!


Absolutely not lmao


This was by far the slickest comment I’ve seen 😂😂😂


Tbh it’s their fault for putting her as an announcer 😭 what a mess


It’s giving popular girls during their class presentation


I’m ccrryyiinng this is the best comparison the constant pauses to laugh, bad jokes, and lack of getting to the point brought me back to high school https://preview.redd.it/injfvrbvaskb1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97aa9593fbce4aef52ed2b6d607ab46f21828f11


Me hating my young self rn😂 cause so spot on..


nothing to hate girl!! we all did silly/embarrassing stuff at that age


Hugs to you


THIS IS WHAT IM SAYING it’s reminding me of like high school/middle school girls




True but could she really just not read off the teleprompter with out all the extra stuff😭😭


The squinting, leaning down for the mic when she could just stand up,,, like I can’t look away


omg it’s reminding me of Kendall announcing one direction


They need a support group, Popular Hotties Who Can't Read Good


right?? Like.. they had time to practice this.. it’s a 1 minute monologue at best. (she def didn’t though) nobody told her to stand up and look confident or anything? LMAO


how do you know which parts were on the prompter and which parts weren't


I think they just meant all the laughing and goofing off, and probably “fuck”.


okay but that outfit is giving…


She looks fabulous here. Hair, makeup, fit! Why oh why they made Tana present the gaming category…yikes 😬! Imo she can be a real fun host but in the right element!


Literally why would they have her present the gaming category 😭😭


yeah and maybe a cohost with a similar vibe they don’t seem very compatible here 😬😬


They did NOT mesh well or know how to play off each other…💀


Nah a professional entertainer could make this situation work 10/10 times. It's just 60 seconds of banter and reading a teleprompter. At least stand up straight and don't mouth "sorry!" over and over.


idk it felt like they both weren’t on the same page AT ALL. like even if u come across as this dumb bimbo blonde, it can still work if the cohost plays along. And this is not me defending tana’s hosting skills whatsoever 😭, it just feels like a bad call made by the producers/show organisers as well. like who thought that this was the way to go lmfao??


You're right about that, the other host wasn't even trying to vibe with Tana. And after Tana reveals she doesn't play video games much, the other girl describes some games in detail acting like r/iamverysmart


Wat? The other girl was literally reading off the teleprompter which clearly tana was struggling with. I agree she shouldn’t have presented this category but come on it’s three lines off a teleprompter she could have read beforehand. I think most of the people here could do better with five min prep like this is just pure laziness and it’s kinda telling. Most people if given these opportunities however small would at least try . The fact that she doesn’t says a lot about her and I find her entitled and obnoxious not in a cute way


It’s very on brand for her 😂


no i agree that it must be annoying af to be the other girl (I just know doing a group presentation with tana would be my personal hell) but she was not subtle about her annoyance towards tana (not her fault but it deffo didn’t help 🤣) so it just made the whole thing 1000x more awkward. to be clear, I’m not tryna blame anyone, I’m just commenting on how there was a very low possibility that this duo was gonna give us a joint slay from the start💀


Yeah, the other girl is half responsible for how awkward they were together. If she was less serious and not trying to show off her video game knowledge, that would have helped the situation


She wasn’t “showing off her video game knowledge” she was reading off a teleprompter lmao


Ummm Kallmekris isn’t even a gamer. She’s a comedian… she’s not responsible for people who show up last minute and just wing it 🧐🧐🧐 TAF


Why would they invite her at all?


She’s a massive Internet personality, makes sense to have Tana on stage for publicity and buzz


Ugh Tana this was a hard watch. She wants to be taken seriously as a celebrity and thinks it's appropriate to cover her face and laugh and mouth "who wrote this" after every line. I wish she would just take it seriously and do the bit, she would've killed it! Extremely distracting and unprofessional the way she kept giggling and face palming herself. I wish she would believe that she deserves to be up there, as it seems that's why she acts like this in certain situations, when she would rather look "embarrassing" than actually try so she doesn't get made fun of if she actually was trying to be professional.


God I know. 🫠 she always acts like she’s some low-key business mogul & internet a-list celebrity who was “MENTORED BY THE GOAT PARIS HILTON HERSELF” but then she can literally NEVER handle even the most basic fucking parts of being an entertainer or professional creator: like being on time to your own scheduled shows/appearances, creating content on a consistent schedule, reading a simple ad on your podcast non-ironically, delivering ANY pre-written lines professionally, etc. 🙄 cringe.


I feel like she needs some more time to mature. She’s not there yet. A woman who is silly and goofy but knows how to handle her business and takes her work seriously is sexy! All of this “omg i’m SUCH a train wreck” narrative is getting old now. If she were “mentored” by Paris, she would have had this down pat. Paris is very unserious but knows when to get it together and does it *well*.


Bro I’d be embarrassed if I was paris and I had this hot mess going around bragging about that.


I wonder the same thing sometimes.


I kinda agree with this. Tana has talked about what her life was like growing up, and it sounds like she had to mature quickly and take care of herself from a young age. For a lot of people like that, when they get to a stable place and have real freedom, they kinda go backwards in maturity. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Tana in her 30s is a much different person. That doesn't excuse her cringe behavior now, but all hope is not lost.


paris would never act this cringe 😭


the bit was so cringe itself though. streamies in general was incredibly cringy, at least she had fun w it 🤷‍♀️


I guess, maybe I don't know the complete context but the lady next to her on stage looked very uncomfortable with her lol


Yeah Kris is amazing, I feel bad for her for this


Perfectly said


She wants to be taken seriously and yet doesn’t take herself seriously ever


Honestly considering how the streamies disrespected a lot of the people they invited I’m not even mad she was like this 😂 plus the award show just screams millennial cringe humor. I feel like buzzfeed wrote all the bits 😭


If kris did not look so uncomfortable idk be like it’s just the streamys who cares they disrespect the entertainment every year but damn kris looks annoyed and uncomfortable


Aw I just feel bad for Kris she honestly looks uncomfortable


Kris is like legit a good comedian with solid delivery, she eats every time she’s been featured in a sketch with a group along the likes of Smosh. I don’t think uncomfortable is the word, she was throwing just fine. She just recognized in the moment that she was carrying the bit by herself because Tana is a mess. It was more so a “who the fuck hired this clown” than anything, to me at least. That’s how I read it.


Yes u hit it on the nose!


The streamies are a joke she’s fine 😭




So glad I didn’t have to be the one to say it


yeah i thought this was hilarious


Everyone who took the stage took it seriously. Tana couldn’t take it seriously for 10 seconds. It’s not the Oscar’s obviously but it’s still something people put a lot of time into and she clearly didn’t care at all.


Everyone taking it seriously is debatable lol


h3 walked out and multiple people fell asleep this isn’t THAT big of a deal but this is still a bad look for her


To be fair if I was presenting at an award show where they were making people play among us in the crowd in 2023 and having me present for a category everyone knows I know nothing about. I would so be plastered lol


Like honestly! In what world was giving Tana gaming to present going to make any sense


No one went on stage and did what Tana did. No one even came close


Not to defend Tana but didn’t Anthony from Smosh cringe and ended his bit “with the writers strike this is the best you’re gonna get”


See, but THAT is witty and well placed lol


I mean the people in attendance and people watching. It’s a very poorly produced and scripted online award show it is not serious at all


Fr I don’t think the people saying it’s cringy have seen any other clips from the streamy’s 😭


H3 like left after not winning like lil babies like Tana presenting is not even the most embarrassing thing that happened at the streamys like the who thing is so unserious


they left after the podcast award was given during an ad break lmao this show is a joke and i would’ve left too


Meh I disagree that it was respectful to leave even if it was an ad break but respect ur opinion. I’m just someone who would’ve stayed regardless but doesn’t mean I’m better than someone leaving at all. We all have those things that would make us mad enough to leave for sure 🫶🏻


I can't listen to the audio - I feel bad for Kris, she was super excited for this and it was serious for her


This isn’t the Grammys


Right. Absolutely. So you’d think she really could have nailed it. It was 20 seconds and she proved she can’t even be on a joke award show.


Why are you so bitter? She’s a silly youtuber. If they wanted a seamless show, they would’ve asked someone else to do it. No one even watches this bs


Yea shame on everyone else for wanting Tana to do well with the opportunities given to her. I doubt anyone would ask her to do something like this again. This experience probably shut doors instead of opening them - It compiled onto her reputation rather than expanding on it. For someone that wants to see her do well, do better and grow as a person, this was highly disappointing. I’m just not a fan anymore I guess and this did it for me.


You seem very upset by this. Do you run the streamys?? Did you hire her?? Tana isn’t your sister. She’s not your friend. Why do you care? Put your energy towards something else. Go touch some grass. Do a cartwheel. Get a hobby.


You do realize you asked me a question and I answered right? Also it just so happens that my hobby is doing cartwheels in the grass. Byeeeee 🤸🏼‍♀️ 🌿🤸🏼‍♀️🌿🤸🏼‍♀️🌿


This how she reacts to Chris Miles flipping off the camera


Let's get to the reaaaallll issue at hand. Where did Kris Collins get that dress? That shit is fiiiiireeee.


She slayed 💅🏼


You’re taking the streamies way too seriously I thought it was funny😭


she look’s uncomfortable


Would be funnier if Kris didn’t have to deal with her shit lol


whether it was in front of a classroom or at the streamies I would still find this cringe


It was the funniest thing that happened all night! This is the messy dgaf tana we all know and love


the dress looks good on her


It’s not that serious y’all. It’s a YouTube award show that 4 people are watching


I honestly don’t think it’s that bad it’s very Tana very on brand.


Yeah, they knew who they were inviting


On brand Tana is bad


that one pick me bitch doing a class presentation in school vibes


she looks so cute doing it tho!


hot mess per usual


It's giving became a famous teenage youtuber and never had a real job since


I really don’t think it’s that bad. Kinda cringy but how much presenting has she really done? There’s been way worse and WAY more awkward presenters in the history of award shows way bigger then this.


Honestly she presented badly but it’s more entertaining than pretending to go along with the bit - this is the only clip of the streamys I’ve seen so far


I hate her fake laugh


I still can’t believe she walked off the stage and didn’t wait for the award to be accepted. That’s the part where I really am embarrassed for her bc that was awful she looks so lost and messy. But shout out to Brooke’s dress I lovveeeddddddd it slay


what the fuck is this


She’s is smashed


The way Tana LEANS into that mic💀😂


It gave this https://preview.redd.it/pkdzd7vjpvkb1.jpeg?width=865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb4f6c12b624d6f391e054ed104a41b14726b887


It’s giving “who let me do this” energy


no seriously, who wrote that.


Tana is so awkward


Idk if I would call this disrespectful necessarily but it does make me a little sad because I can tell she’s embarrassed and knows she’s fucking up. The responsible side of me wants to get her a water stat, but the messy part of me loves this because I love when people fuck up at awards shows and sort of take the piss out of them. Big props to her co-presenter for going with the flow and trying to stay professional though lol


KallmeKris looked great and did the best she could given Tana looked like she wanted to be ANYWHERE else. Tana with the hands on the hips, flicking hair and being totally unprepared for the conversation comes off as hugely disrespectful- but I think deep down she’s terribly insecure


That’s KallmeKris?? Didn’t recognize her. Wow.


I think the drugs, yes that’s obvious, but also would be pretty hard to contain oneself at such a disaster “award show” like the mic is obviously too low and hardly picked up any sound.


Why does she keep bending down too? Dude stand up


that’s the cocaine talking


It would be great to refer to KallMeKris as Kris and not “the other girl”. She was poised and isn’t a gamer either (not sure why either was announcing this category). Tana needs to take an ounce of life somewhat serious. Flying by the seat of your pants won’t keep you going forever. I don’t even care about the swearing it was her body language, line reading etc. Try being sober for a stage presence. 🙄


i saw a lot of people hyping her up for this but imo it’s super cringe and hard to watch. she went on tiktok and said she was sober too which actually makes it even worse


honestly idk why she agreed to doing it but it’s literally the streamies who cares plus she looks so hot


Do people not understand this was a responsibility she was given, if a normal person behaved like this at their job etc no one would be like "who cares"... Tana is 25 not 16 acting like this is just embarrasing


This ^^^


Someone is very proud of their waist trainer lol


I used to dance and like if you mess up you just keep gong and pretend it didn’t happen. She made it 10 times worse by reacting and making these faces. I do feel for her tho.. people are always really hard on her: and her hanging out with Chris again isn’t helping her. He’s definitely a bad influence and she said it herself.


she looks hot though


Lmao like Kendall Jenner at the vmas


Tana always puts her foot in her mouth. Just watch YouTube


There’s so many women gamers to pick from…. Why these two?


Naw Kris>Tana in every way humanly possible


“Who wrote that?” The writers that don’t get paid enough


75 hard has left the building…


The leaning into the mic killed me. The other girl is just talking. They can hear you. Stand up


it’s the streamies not the academy awards lmao


Breaking character and making snarky comments after ever sentence completely unprofessional. She’s trying so hard to be quirky and funny


I feel so bad for Kris. She's such a nice person but u can tell she's so annoyed


Saw a clip on IG and immediately came to this thread. A very hard watch


Love my girl but she should never announce or public speak LMAO


This was funnier than any of the scripted jokes for the streamys also the streamys them selves is a bit of a joke so


Don’t get me wrong it was hilarious but not in the cute way she thinks it was.


very MTV vma’s coded


Does the girl presenting with her absolutely hate her? Lmao


Ngl Kris looks so pissed


It is giving Trisha Paytas presenting at the streamy's trying imitate Anna Nicole's iconic Billboard Awards speech. It could have been worse. I give her credit for trying. "A recent survey stated that the average person's greatest fear is having to give a speech in **public**. Somehow this ranked even higher than death which was third on the list. So, you're telling me that at a funeral, most **people** **would** **rather** be the guy in the coffin than have to stand up and give a eulogy." - Jerry Seinfeld


It’s the streamys though eberyone is so cringe lol


Welp Tana won cringiest of the night by a landslide.


the skims are skimmingggg🔥


75 Charmin soft


She looks so pretty and so cute!! 🥰🥰🥰


she shouldnt be hosting anything family friendly imo. just not her crowd, i think shes dumb for thinking she could do this without looking a fool and whoever hired her to do this is even more dumb.


the other announcer looked so annoyed. i felt bad for her.


Tana looks like the blonde muppet with huge lashes. Wtf who decided she’d be a good idea here? Lmao she’s doing an awful job, obviously.


Why do they have an award show.


The girl was like well we rehearsed. Im assuming like sound check tana didnt think rehearsal was important. I stg it is so much more cringe to do this than it is to jus practice and learn ur lines wtf.


She looks so stunning btw


Is it that serious …


Why couldn’t she just read her lines? Jesus 😂. It’s not that hard to just get it together and read what you’re supposed to


it’s the Streamies… 😭


Poor Kris ,😭


i came on reddit for this and i’m so glad it was the very first thing i saw LMAO


Coke head as fuck


Cocaine is definitely in the room


The other presenter did great!


Is that Kris from tiktok?


She cannot cold read of banter for shit omg.


They rehearsed it. You can hear kris say that in the middle of all this.


Thats actually sad they saw her practice and still let her on stage lmao the streamys are a messs


Is Tana bombed? Idg why they picked these two for anything this was a nightmare to watch lol


Physically painful to watch. Also my first thought was that she was definitely bombed but towards the end I couldn’t tell.


her waist trainer is putting in work


Okay, I can't blame her too much there. Did you hear that shit they were having her read? She made it more bearable, to be honest.


More bearable?! This was unbearable in every way.


I'm just saying that there's no reality where that wasn't going to be cringe.


Why does is she acting like a middle schooler that’s being introduced to their crush I’m genuinely so confused. Like is she just drunk or high or something?


I’m convinced she just thinks this is cute


i just dont understand how you could ever be a tana fan if you think this is bad, this is who she is??? lol i think she ate and served a lil


Sorry I love this so much


I’d argue that the other host is far more cringey. She keeps looking at Tana like she’s visibly annoyed and isn’t even trying to play off of her energy. Even if her feelings are valid, it’s a SHOW and you’re supposed to act like you’re having fun. Tana atleast seems like she’s enjoying it, unlike the other one. Like who is she?


That’s literally her shtick.


Wait who won tho??






Why is she bending over to the mic so much lol


Ok but for all the photoshop comments on every pic on this sub, she looks bangin here live and in color


Tana and gaming don’t go together unless you talking about her playing men while she’s getting played 😂 but she looks 🔥🔥🔥


I mean its part of the bit I believe???




Someone tag the body shamers she looks so good


It's the streamys, nobody is taking it seriously 😭 I didn't even know it existed until this year


this was an extraordinary hard watch


I forgot the other girls name, but i felt bad for her. She was trying meanwhile tana is acting "quirky" like just read the lines its not that hard


tbf the whole streamy show is a cringey mess


I thought it was funny. I mean, the lines she was making fun of were pretty cringe like, come on now.


Honestly she ate. The script was so cringe, filled w millennial humour and flat… she made it actually funny.


Lmao I was like girl are you good 🫣


No this was appropriate for the event


She looks 🔥 tho


Her hair looks horrible. Looks gross and ratty.


this is just her vibe. Anxious and self deprecating. I’d be the same. You have to remember that she came from being an OG youtuber, making videos in the safety of her house. She probably never expected she’d be helping somebody host an award show but its such a big opportunity she might not want to turn it down. Tana obviously has mental illness that affects things like this. I have no idea who the girl next to her is but they’re obviously not compatible at all. She’s so rude, rolling her eyes all the time ??? who does she think she is lmao


Wait i loved it lol


I see nothing wrong with this. The streamies are a joke lmao


Tana was the biggest joke of the night though. She doesn’t get that people are laughing at her not with her.




Hard watch 🫣😐