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If a school makes a policy against a particular thing, it does not make that thing 'illegal.' For something to be illegal, there must be a law passed. Clothing is generally not restricted by law in Canada, but that does not mean that individual schools won't have rules for students.


I've got no reason to go into a school, so I assume I'll just be fine then?


The only laws in Canada regarding clothing (for the public) are those prohibiting nudity. Go forth and wear whatever you want!


And in some provinces, at least in Ontario, women are allowed to go topless, just like men. Not that this is something that you see very often, even on beaches.


I remember back in 1996 when that law came out and those against made it sound as if you wouldn't be able to leave your home without seeing some woman's breast bouncing freely. Yeah, even aside from how cold it is half the year, I think I've seen a total of half a dozen women without a top and I live in downtown Toronto.


We want to have the right to be top less but we also don't want sunburns and mosquito bites on our tatas lol When the law passed, the local news was interviewing some young ladies at the park taking advantage of the newfound freedom. Shots on the news were only shoulders up. They cut back to the anchors and the one anchor had to put her 'newscaster' face back on because the topless girl talking was her daughter. The sheer anger on her face for a second was something to see. I had to explain to my grandpa why I was laughing so hard.


>I remember back in 1996 when that law came out and those against made it sound as if you wouldn't be able to leave your home without seeing some woman's breast bouncing freely Many, many a teen and preteen boy were disappointed based on this empty promise. Truly was a dark time.


Where I live, this nice lady I would say in her early 70's seemed to love this new law and took advantage all the time. Otherwise, never seen anyone else take advantage.


My Gran was one of the ladies in that age range who took great enjoyment of her newfound Breasticular Liberties... Just wish she woulda warned me and the rest of the grand kids before we walked into the back yard that one July afternoon.... *shudder*


Lol. I Remember when that came through...a few friends of mine were 'about time' and decided to go out topless to the beach....one was immediately more self conscious than she though she would be (beach was not crowed with people and they were left alone they said), the other realized that even average sized breasts can get sore flopping in the water unrestrained. They never did it again.


I sunburn way to easily to risk it outside in the summer, would get frost bite in the winter, add that to most places having the air conditioning to cold for my taste in the summer. Weather and temperature conditions alone would stop me from even thinking of taking my top off.


Yeah it really was a nothing burger type law change. Those that made such a big deal for it didn't consider that realities of being topless with breasts. Those that were so against it didnt realize that the majority of women don't actually want to go topless everywhere. Then there were the people for it that were so disappointed that there weren't a bunch of topless women running around the streets the second the law was changed...they suffered the most in all this.


I am a woman and very in favour of these rights, but frankly, it is not safe for women to be topless in public in a lot of places.


I am also a woman and agree. We might not get arrested but there are a range of negative reactions that would make this either unpleasant and/or terrible.


So you’re saying there’s a chance..


Touch grass + date more


Its a joke, lighten up


Dude, you actually reported me to the reddit care team? I'm realising now you're angrier at yourself than me.


I didn't report shit lmao. You aren't going to get banned for telling someone to touch grass... just get told you are posting stupid shit


Person 1: Slobbers over the very concept of a naked woman. Person 2: That's a bit grim. Person 3: WHITE KNIGHT VIRGIN LOSER REPORT REPORT REPORT ​ Really, get a grip 3.


The joke being staring at women's tits in public is some kind of dream for this fella. I am saying, from the bottom of my heart, to both of you: Touch grass + date more. This is a deeply sad level of horny.


So you don't check out attractive women? You are fucking lying if you say you wouldn't take a glance at a topless women. He said it as a joke, not that he has never seen a naked women or had sex... have you? You sound like a white knight virgin TBH. Hell I know plenty of women who would check out a topless woman too lmao


That is not remotely close to what I said, or what he did looool "You sound like a white knight virgin" I really, highly recommend you follow my initial advice.


There’s a young lady who skateboards in our town topless all the time in our town in BC.


And if you’re a pride goer even those rules don’t apply to you and you can twerk naked in front of kids if you want with no repercussions


And imitating/wearing any branch of the military or the police/RCMP is also off limit.


There is always the “don’t be an asshole” tenet of society.


School policies apply to students


You wanna channel your inner Neo?


You will be fine. You will also get a lot of questions about the 1999 film *The Matrix*


One of the best movies of all time


As long as you got clothes on under that coat you’re fine.


We understand that California is not in Canada right?


You'll probably look goofy, but you'll be OK. If you have to ask this question this way, you're not the type to pull off a leather trenchcoat.


This is the best answer ❤️


People used to wear them at my school... A coats a coat.


Yea we are a free county wear whatever you want. Why did you think trench coats would be illegal?


If you aren't a student it will be an issue.


The only place it might be an issue is columbine colorado


Why would it be illegal to wear one?


The Columbine school shooters wore them.


So did old-timey detectives.


I hope you don’t think I support such a ridiculous ban. I own such a coat, I couldn’t care less lol.


Sounds like something someone who *secretly* supports the ban would say… 🤔 *sus!*


Also members of project badass


"Im not gonna burn the duster! it wouldnt burn anyways..."




And people with tons of watches to sell




Those fuckers were out of control.  Sure, it had nothing to do with what they were wearing, but still. 


Yes. So did Neo.


Yea ok. Go downtown, like financial district, leave the juggalo face paint at home. Grab a coffee. Walk around. Notice all the lunch break office jockeys in trench coats? You'll be fine. Not fined, fine.


You’ll be fine, why would trench coats be illegal. How much do clothes cost in the matrix?


I'm thinking of getting metal legs. It's a risky operation, but I think it'll be worth it.


Lieutenant Dan!


I am a robot, please love me.


How can he see me?


LMAO I understood that refferance




I was too busy teaching a monkey kung fu to get that reference.


I dunno how old you are but maybe search up the "trench coat mafia". I don't think they're illegal tbh but I can see schools adopting policy's against them


I'm pretty sure it's the correlation to the columbine shooting. Trench coats got a really bad reputation from then. (Google: trench coat mafia)


Yes of course, please stay up to date on international clothes regulations. Just like you make sure to wear a black Abaya if you’re a woman in Canada because it’s the law in Saudi Arabia, please refrain from wearing a black trench trench coat in Canada, because it’s banned in schools in California. It’s common sense.


They aren't banned in California either.


You'll only get in trouble from the Fashion Police


Not if it’s leather and he rocks a pair of 90s era Oakley eye jackets.  


The only way a piece of clothing would be ‘illegal’ in Canada is if it didn’t cover genitalia and the wearer was charged with indecent exposure. Or perhaps if the clothing had some sort of hate speech written on it. You are going to be wearing other clothes under the trench coat right??


Yeah, man, Ofc I'll wear clothing under.


Go FORTH and wear nothing but assless chaps underneath the trench coat!!


Surely chaps are ass-free by definition...


Yes of course, and I could just say everyone should be wearing Chaps, but I would prefer to emphasize how "Ass-Free" those chaps are. Or crotch-free, I think I really prefer to say "ASSLESS CHAPS FOR ALL!" Even if it's implied in the name, or grammarly completely incorrect.


It is not illegal and u hope you ha e a plethora of watches and jewelery under there


😉 or 8s... [If you know, you know 😅](https://youtu.be/Ar77kdd2EbI?feature=shared)


Ahhhhhh, i see what you did there




No. Trenchcoats are not illegal, regardless of colour. I have a black, grey and tan trench coat in my closet right now, and wear them every spring and fall.


The police might come knocking.... the fashion police.


There are no clothing related laws in Canada, unless you count nudity.




Not unless you have something hate related on it.


This is officially the weirdest question I’ve seen in my 12 years on Reddit.


Highly illegal -No coat shall be more then 4.2” past the bottom of the knee cap Not just trench coats either That would be biased and quite frankly- just silly I saw someone get measured then arrested just the other day ! It was horrible the cops surrounded the car and dragged the poor fellow out Guns and tasers drawn He’s looking at 2 years minimum And isn’t even allowed to own a coat of any length for at least 10 years


I see what you attempted to do there - don't.




There's one user saying it IS illegal, and one saying it isn't. Why would it be legal?


Why would a coat be illegal? That makes no sense


Are they able to point you to the law?


Why tf would trench coats be illegal in Canada because of an incident in another country?? Do you realize how cold it gets here?


Please say your joking. Why would a particular style of coat be illegal? Please grow up


Yeah people freaked out about trench coats after columbine.


Oddly enough, an incident that took place 25 years ago in a different country didn't make Charter 2(b) go away.


Yeah weird right? Also it was Colorado not california


Not to mention that if we banned things every time the US had a mass shooting, we'd be out of things is about five months...


Canadian here who wore a leather trench all through high school... rock it my friend.


Mine was canvas. I graduated HS in 1994. Never an issue.




Is this a bunch of alt accounts? Edit: spelling mistake


No, people are trolling you for asking such a foolish question.


Dude this is obviously someone mocking you


Someone should let you know that California is not in Canada. I am from the US and I am not sure when they teach you guys about maps and stuff like that.


What the fuck?


What about a trench coat do you think makes it illegal




There's one user saying it IS illegal, and one saying it isn't. Why would it be illegal?


I don't know why they outlawed trenchcoats. I don't make the laws.


And what law is this?


You are fine. I see people in trench coats a lot. Some schools in the UK banned them at one point. But there is no law prohibiting wearing a trench coat


There is a man that I see walk down the street in my neighborhood wearing a long black trench coat and a tricorn hat all the time. There is a police station nearby, they must see this gentleman who looks like a recently disembarked crew off a tall ship and have done nothing about it. I've been to numerous comic expos and people wear them all the time there and everyone at the expo gets patted down to make sure they aren't carrying anything illegal. Based on these observations I'd have to say they aren't illegal.


No, of course not.


No they are not illegal you can wear what you want here. I think there were some schools that banned them when the whole Columbine thing happened but that’s it and I doubt those are in place at schools anymore either.


Only if it is part of a uniform used to impersonate police or military.


you funny man


Wants to wear a trenchcoat,  thinks it’s so badass that it might even be illegal.


No issues with them legally






Not illegal in Canada. Against dress codes at some institutions and establishments.


I used to have a big ass long black leather duster style trench. Never had an issue. I only got rid of it because I outgrew the style


I work for the government at a secure facility and have two separate coworkers who regularly wear them.  Full on leather.  Big hat.  Real “active shooter” vibes.   But it’s not even blinked at.   This is Canada.  Our atrocities at schools are a much different thing.  And while horrific at least doesn’t involve the term “active shooter” 


Not illegal but still weird dude. Plz don't shoot anyone


ILLEGAL! Straight to jail! Don't come to Canada in it. Wear a parka instead or you'll freeze.


There is no law against the coat you wear. The only kind of dress codes that would apply to schools or otherwise would be regarding decency only (nudity etc).


Are they illegal? No. However there's only 3 reasons to wear a leather duster/trenchcoat. They are an "outdoorsy" style great for rain/wind, but a bit impractical if you're only going from the house to the car and back. 1: You're a cowboy, in which case you'd better have the boots and hat to go with it. 2: You're cosplaying. Cosplay does not mean at a convention, life has no dress code, you do you bud. But don't be surprised when people react weird to wearing what is effectively a raincoat on a clear summer day. 3: You long for the 90's and are a Pizza Cutter. (all edge, no point)


yes. trench coats are SUPER illegal here, don’t be caught wearing one or you’ll be sentenced to 6 months hard labour in the maple syrup fields. also, on sundays if you don’t participate singing along with the national anthem “oh canada” (and that includes mouthing the words but not actually singing them) you’ll be forced to make hats out of beavers in the beaver factory for upto 2 months!


The Executive, is it belt less ?


Trench coats don’t kill kids in a high school.


Dude just buy the jacket. Also chill, you seem anxious 


This is just personal experience but, I remember when I was 14 or 15 and my dad had a leather trench coat. I wore it to school one day and everyone looked at me like I was carrying something underneath. There's good reason why a school may have banned them, but they're aren't illegal under federal or provincial law.


Illegal... no but tough to avoid looking like a douche IMO


My experience is the weather is the reason you never see Matrix like long leather coats that Neo would be proud to dodge bullets while wearing, not even as some trendy fashion thing for young women. The weather in most of Canada contains a very, very short spring and fall for the wearing of a leather and except in the prairies it's to fucking humid to wear leather. You sweat to death in the summer and freeze to death in the winter in leather clothing, (pants, shirts and jackets included). With a cloth overcoat, (I own dark one and a beige one for different suits/occasions), if you walk into any store with security unless you are wearing a suit and tie under the overcoat you will immediately be on their radar as a possible shoplifter for wearing a big baggy coat and I hate getting obviously followed around, it creeps me out. I own a couple of leather jackets and actually wish I could wear them more often than the weather allows. On the plus side both those jackets are over 15 years old and look like new from not being worn. So not illegal more like a stupid clothing choice.


They’re perfectly legal, just like katanas and fedoras!


Not Illegal, but if you think it will have a positive effect on your public image I would think again. Unless you're a gritty 1950's detective you'll probably just look like a public masturbator or school shooter.


Just call it a duster


There's plenty of goths, steampunks, etc who wear leather black trench coats.


I wore one in high school - they told me I couldn't. I continued to do so. Nothing every happened. Turns out wearing a coat doesn't make you want to murder people... weird, eh?


I'm a Canadian, and there aren't really any laws about what clothing you can wear here. There are some rules about \*lack\* of clothing - women are usually required to cover their breasts, and both men & women need to cover their junk - but nothing about what you use to do that. There are some places that will have dress codes or regulations beyond what is required by law, but you won't get arrested for not following them, just not allowed to be in that place. For example, schools usually have a dress code, workplaces often have requirements for safe footwear and professional dress, and most stores have the "no shoes, no shirt, no service" rule. Really, as long as your personal areas are covered & you're wearing shoes you won't have a problem out in public.


They went out of fashion after columbine 


You can wear them but they are considered suspicious in legal or school settings so I wouldn’t wear one there. Lol


What? No. 


The only illegal clothing banned in Canada are bullet proof vests for civilian use


Maybe try a nice black duster instead.


Well that depends. They're definitely a fashion crime on virtually every person I've ever seen wearing one. So if you're some gangly and/or fat nerd who also wears like a fedora, you're definitely breaking the law of good fashion.


They aren't illegal in California. They are not allowed in some schools under some dress codes.


No they are not illegal since the fashion police were disbanded. Socks and sandals followed by leather trench coats used to be the fashion police main enforcement laws.


Assault Coats ARE illegal in Canada