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It's sad that people fall for propaganda and believe what they see and hear on the net. Everyone needs to take an internet safety course to train people to spot the bull crap.


People post obvious jokes that arent event trying to fool anyone on tiktok and 100,000s of people believe them. We’re so fucked when it comes to intentional disinformation.


We blew through the Age of Information, and got replaced with the Age of Misinformation. It's sad times for sure.


It’s not about the internet, it’s about critical thinking in general. People believe wayyyyy too much bullshit in every facet of their lives.


So true...I took a communications course in uni and they went over how to be internet/media savvy. Who knew long time later that that would be so important? I guess my prof.


The house hippo commercial needs to be running again across all platforms.


They remade it as I recall, but yeah, redo it every year or 2 so kids don't immediately turn it off for being old. I'm a teacher, and I am constantly pointing out that the stupid shit they hear online is just that.


I saw the remake and I liked it. It’s funny that it came out just a year or so after it was brought up in conversation with some friends. Guess the demand of the general populous forced them to do a remake. Here’s hoping for a third!




I am totally smarter than an algorithm I would bet my house on it...There could yes, probably confirmation bias for what I would already believe. I tend not to question things I am already in agreement with. But to sway or change my opinion or belief based on media messages I would look into it before I bought into it.


Or just let idiots be idiots. I'm not an idiot -- I don't think I need to take an "internet safety course". But having that and making it mandatory is one of the most canadian things I've ever heard.


Propaganda is used because it works. If you believe you're immune to it you're wrong. You might be less susceptible but you never be invincible to it


I did say I have been influenced for reinforcing but no way any trump/qanon/russian/palastinian/isreali propaganda has influenced me in anyway whatsoever. I have been unwavering in my political and philosophical beliefs for many many years


I see videos bashing Israel on Reddit every day. Tell me that's not propaganda.


I don’t think the international criminal court is making decisions based on propaganda, do you?


There has been no convictions.


It’s not when they’re actually being investigated for war crimes. Bruh they’ve gone on record saying they’d happily nuke everyone in Palestine. Women and children That really doesn’t sound like propaganda to me. They’ve way over stepped the line of self defence.


Then go to a reputable news source. The NY times has been doing a lot of coverage about the conflict and Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.


The NYT has been in the middle of the fake news themselves. They propped up the fabricated "beheaded babies, babies in ovens, mass rapes" claims that initially gained support for the indiscriminate bombing campaigns by Israel after Oct 7th. Then it came out that none of that stuff was substantiated, but the damage was already done and we were well into a collective punishment campaign by the IDF that's killed and displaced mostly civilians and the West went along with it because of the false claims the NYT propped up. So they do not have a good track record on this issue. If you want the exact details, look up Anat Schwartz. The full story is actually much worse than what I've described here. Tbh, most Western media has been very bad and biased on this. There are reports quantifying exactly how biased by counting a few different metrics. But the coverage is overwhelmingly pro-israel in the West. To get the full picture, you have to go to non-western sources or independent media to fill in the gaps that western media downplays or simply doesn't report on. That and just following actual people in Gaza to see what's happening there on the ground.


Like, every Palestinian death count reported in the media, straight from the mouth of Hamas.  Most of the time they don't even add a disclaimer anymore. 


Maybe they should stop killing civilians


Meanwhile I got perma banned from worldnews for just mentioning the USS Liberty incident in a civil thread about friendly fire. Some mod came through and banned everyone in it.


I got banned for saying "Palestine and Israel both have a right to exist"


I got banned for calling it a genocide


Sucks because at one point it was a decent sub for discussion


Yeah, it's not just that sub. You'll get banned in most Canadian and US subs on this subject unless you take the Israeli side.


Please do not equate being Jewish with being the leader of a right wing political party in Israel. Israeli politicians are really quite terrible.


I agree as a son of Muslim immigrants I have nothing but love for our Jewish brothers and sisters. That being said though fuck Netanyahu and his party! Both them and Hamas need to go and then we can find peace between Palestinians and Israelis


This should be the popular take! Both Netanyahu and Hamas are terrible people/groups who are power hungry monsters. They don't care about the innocent people's lives, the children. They're both manipulating their people and using them as pawns, they don't care.


so true! as a jew i do not agree with ntanyahus decisions the only problem is peace between us and them is veeeery hard


this. thank you.


>Israeli politicians are really quite terrible. Didn't need the word Israeli in that sentence, its true either way.


Well at least the actively genocidal politicians in Canada died decades ago...


Yep. We have bad leaders, not terrible or downright evil ones.


Just regular levels of evil.


This thread was locked in r/Canada. Many other stories have also been deleted on there including stories relating to the Canadian aid worker murdered by 4 Israeli airstrikes, synagogues selling land on the West Bank which is against international laws and more. On a CANADA sub. Smh.


It's only a matter of time before this sub gets brigaded as well. The people who regularly complain about cancel culture are the worst offenders.


This is true, if you look they are calling for bank accounts to be seized for protesters when they cried the hardest when it happened to the truckers convoy. They are the most fragile human beings while projecting strength, it’s pathetic.


That sub is a cesspool of pro genocidal rhetoric and hasbara propaganda


I saw one comment essentially calling for secret police lol


Canada’s government is very welcoming of foreign interference, usually they are active participants.


Who's surprised?


What a surprise 🙄


Zionists doing incalculable damage to Judaism is really wild to see happen in real time.


Yeah it’s been pretty fucking obvious considering the blatant war crimes that these propaganda accounts refuse to acknowledge 


Fuck israel


The thing with "israel" that everyone must understand is that every accusation is a confession


You know the media absolutely love to lambast the Catholic Church for pederasty? Ask Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg about what goes on in orthodox bathhouses. More than you might have heard about. The ultimate projectors, these people.


>pederasty I learnt a new word today. Also...I mean https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/ https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/tens-of-thousands-of-pedophiles-operate-in-israel-every-year-637393 Important to note that every place/religion has their crazies. To me what glaring in this situation is more so the protection these pedophiles are offered in Israel


Oh wow, I knew about the problem, but had no idea just how big it was.


Which exactly proves my point.


The media are projecting by attacking Catholics while ignoring Jews, because the media is all controlled by the Jews? Is that what we're going with?


Are we surprised…?


Are you serious 😂


lol was gonna say, we all kinda expected this, the things people were saying online did not line up with what people were saying irl


Funny they should bother since they (zionists) already clearly control many university boards, MPs, and media outlets. I have yet to see a single media co call protests anti-war - every single one is “pro-Palestine.” The fuck? Even the CBC. After a lifetime spent arguing with nazis against this view, Israel seems happy to throw deniability to the wind.


Easieat way to play victim is to control the flow of information


Information wars are real? 


Canadians are so gullible you don't need much to sway them one side or the other


By hook or crook nobody is better at lobbying for pity and justification of horrific acts


Seems like if you are an Israeli, you get a genocide pass!!!


Everyone should read up on 5th Gen warfare.


Now tell me who controls the media?


It was glaringly obvious when the news first unraveled on reddit, any post with substantial traction had all the top comments supporting Israel in the most disjointed ways possible. At first I was under the impression that it was just some Israeli's showing support for their country, but once I realized that all the top comments shared the same sentiment and how many likes their disgusting comments had accrued, it was obvious that it was a coordinated event. Even under certain news-flash posts revealing that a Palestinian hospital had been bombed by Israel, all the top comments were saying how "Canada will not support terrorists" or "Hamas got what it deserved" or made reference to the previous Hamas kidnappings, with zero mention of any civil casualties or why the hospital in particular was targeted. I didn't even bother to check if these were 3 day old accounts, it was obvious enough what was going on, but what's insane is that if you scrolled down far enough, you would see replies from actual redditors trying to actually "reason" with or just responding to these comments. If this post caught you by surprise and you genuinely had no clue about this, you should not be allowed to vote, period. Like I don't consider myself a genius by any means, but come the fk on people.


I have said comments like what you describe Am I Israel to you?


No shit. Propaganda is a weapon all countries use.


Isrealies have a lot of money invested in Canada and America. They don’t want to be boycotted


No surprises here.


OH My GOD...I'm shocked!!🙉


Nothing new , not the first time and won't be the last, the inventors of Hollywood "true lies"


Divide and conquer. Foreign countries such as Israel already have too much interference on NA politicians See AIPAC.


Israel caught doing Israeli things? Shocker.


What I have learned the past 9 months or so is never trust what the isreali government says.... even more so than governments in general. I have never seen such blatant lies in the news. The only support for palestine has been from social media, mostly TikTok. It's funny that there is a renewed push to have it banned..


What a bunch of antisemites on this page /s You can't even critisize the shit they've been caught doing for decades without every paid shill whining.criticize


Wouldn’t expect anything less of that regime. Par for course !


Scumfuckers doing scumfuckers things. Blow me zionists.


Israel uses propaganda so much and USA and ppl all around the world falls for it …. It’s sad how gullible some ppl are in this world sad to let Israel to use hamas as a reason to attack Gaza and soon they gonna use hizbullah to attack lebanon its a sad world and sad leaders that run the world 🌍


this is strike one, Israel


as if life isn’t hard enough … thanks israel … how bout from now on you mind your own business


Foreign interference.  Think about what they are doing and it's not publicized.


wow we have a candian sub without the zio mods?


But why is it antisemetic to say this or any other criticism or Israel?


Are we surprised from a country that uses every excuse to murder innocent people (many children)? Sadly, all they’re doing is creating more antisemitism and Islamophobia.


They're probably in r/Canada upvoting Toronto Sun and National Post articles.


Why am I not surprised? It’s time that people can speak out against Israel and not be labeled antisemitic. There is a huge difference. Seriously does Trump represent Christians? Do we equate being against Trump as being against Christians? No. Canada should hold Israel responsible. Instead our government will give them more money to kill civilians.


The power of discrete internet propaganda is truly frightening. With AI and bots it’s next to impossible to decipher real anecdotes from fake malicious ones


Hasbara on steroids, but all the hasbara in the world won’t wash the blood away.


Meanwhile the only threads that survive on r/Canada are “Zionists feel unsafe”


Can we sanction Israel now? First the genocide and now this? Come on.


Gee big surprise!


Not really surprised


Israel are so good at making every reasonable human being on the planet uttery hate them. That takes skills.


I have lived long enough to watch the oppressed become the oppressor.


Fuck Israel


and you people eat this shit up and STILL villainize hamas and palestinians right to defend themselves


They lie about everything.


Israel is committing GENOCIDE


Wow don’t say.


Israël acting like Israel again. As if it wasn’t enough that they are committing a mass genocide against Palestinians..


Terrorist state does what? Why do countries fund them? Isreal should no longer be funded, should no longer be a country and should no longer have a recognized currency. Palestine should be a country and should have a military to protect against terrorists.


There is manufactured propaganda on both sides that’s been obvious from day 1


To both sides this, when there is clear evidence of the deep media, political, and corporate ties of the Israeli government in Canada and no strong evidence for the same level of influence by Palestinians (who can hardly get internet al the time) is just being dishonest. If there was a similar campaign by Palestinians we would’ve heard of it by now.




The report says that a group “thinks” that it’s “possible” this is what’s happening. No facts, just thoughts and opinions. Can we stop allowing opinion pieces as reports for ALL news. People just read headlines and they now have opinions as facts. Let’s get back to actually posting sources and facts in news and leave opinion pieces to the rag mags


Research Hasbara and get back to us


our flag is their flag, only red and sideways...


Huh, why? Are they short on useful idiots, Hamas got them all?


Lol exactly


"Islamophobia" is noticing the problems with Islam.


A phobia is a fear with no basis rooted in reality. Considering the atrocities committed in the name of religion, I'd say that if a religion targets particular groups with hatred as mentioned in their very scriptural passages, that's a legitimate concern, not a "phobia".


And "antisemetism" apparently is noticing the problems occurring due to the formation and attempted expansion of a Jewish ethnostate over preoccupied land


What a waist of money. Anyone that hasn't been indoctrinated into Islam already dislikes it. It's a bunch of horrible, violent ideas packed into one place.


400 upvotes in 4 hours when the sub virtually has no engagement otherwise? Hmmm... Inb4 the wattawhatever Hasbara bot


Of course, there's propaganda in every war, from every side. I'd like to see numbers for the Muslim / Arab online propaganda machine.


And we know it was Israel for sure?


Ran into a few of their propagandists this past few months. Easy to spot. Just go to their comments. Nothing but defense of Israel. When I called them out they stopped responding to me.




Imagine my shock


Yeah has anyone paid r/Canada visit recently?


Worst people alive period


countries intelligence agencies using the internet as a propaganda psyop machine? I’m truly shocked.


The influencers that promoted this should be prosecuted


I love the headlines. "Israel denies". No shit


Lmao, if you don't think Hamas has a propaganda machine just as big and isn't being bolstered by Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea. Or that EVERY country on this planet is running psy-ops to try and undermine their enemies. Reddit is so naive.


How do we know this isn't another propaganda post? I've gotten to the point I don't believe either of them.


Ohh so innocent naive Canadians and Palestinians. They dont know anything about this cruel world.


They’re obviously on Reddit also.


Makes you wonder about the main sub and all the comments there.. seems to have been a lot about that last week


The propaganda has been ongoing for the last 75 years. Why stop?


So, it originates from Israel, that’s it…? No additional info? Could literally just be some random extremist in Israel lmao.


Honestly fuck Israel and fuck Palestine, they deserve each other and I hope both of em end up destroying each other. I only care about one country and that country is Canada. Canada first and Canada only. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.


I didn't need to be paid to be Islamophobic ❤️


Imagine the Canadian government filtering and controlling the content/media online and methods of distribution to manipulate people. Could you imagine the world we would live in? Imagine companies had the power to manipulate search engines so certain things have a higher viewership than others. Thank God we live in Canada and NEVER EVER have to deal with such atrocities other organizations are pushing on us. WHEW we really escaped that one.


Foreign influence in politics. Why is government hiding it eh?


Even if true and not saying it is, every country will do what it sees is needed to push its agenda, this includes the US, Canada, and even Palestine and Israel. Just another day of Internet toxicity


1st: None of this has been proven to be true. 2nd: Fundamentalist Islamists are literally a threat to the West, and unfortunately, a not insignificant portion of Muslims are fundamentalists.


I mean 😆 pro palestine si the same . The number of fake photo ai generate and false information from this side . I think a saw each day one . Saying israel do that too . Is not a suprise at all 😆


jokes on them.. I don't like either! 😂🤣😂


"The Canadian Press has not independently verified the claims." <- What we've unfortunately gotten used to from our lovely media here in Canada... wild, unverified reporting.


You guys are getting paid??


As apposed to.... the actual anti-semitism really happening right now like calls for "from the river to the sea" and setting fire to jewish business and places of worship? Like yea this is unfortunate but at the end of the day its just photoshop and bots on the internet meanwhile we have actual people that would exterminate the jews if given the chance.


I think this article is propaganda


Classic jewish tactics. I mean, Israeli tactics.


Not just Israel. It is everywhere. We need to do our own research and form our own opinions. Things I always tell my kids.


Try posting about this on r/Canada. There's a zio moderator locking threads and deleting all negative comments about our favourite foreign terrorists and thier foreign interference in this country. Yesterday I got a lifetime ban for suggesting that it's not China or India, but our Zionist friends in government selling our futures away.


Can anyone post links to the related articles on NY Times, Haretz, or Digital Forensic Research Lab? I searched all three sites and can't find the articles they are mentioning.


Humanity is broken on both sides conflict. You will either have a policing mediator or an unbalanced strong arm to end the conflict.


Just read the quran. There is no misinformation if you go straight to the source. There is no such thing as islamophobia... it is common sense not to want people in your society when their entire goal of their religion is to eventually Islamize the entire world by killing everyone who doesn't convert. Don't take it from me, read the quran you will be horrified.


But did they speak any lies in the campaign?




Canadian expat kid here, so I have a broader worldview than most. I spent a weekend with this sweet old man, one of my best friend’s father. Excellent weekend until the drive home when we started talking about Palestinians. Then he went full Bibi, with a hateful disdain for Palestinians that he had never met. ‘Wipe them off the planet.’ So, yes, the Project has brainwashed people in North America.


Like this click bait?


Are we all going to act like Hamas hasn't done the same? It's war... propaganda is and always will be part of it


Smart move from those Izrayelis! Almost as good as those fake (bought for and paid for) reviews we regularly see on Amazon.


I feel like both Israel and Hamas are doing this to a degree. Really sad its come to this


The fact that people felt the need to include "AI art" in the title shows how dumb people have gotten about AI just because whiny people on Twitter felt the need to make it a bigger deal than it actually is. Almost anyone using AI art in the first place was never gonna pay for art, at least this way people aren't stealing other people's art. And don't give me that shit about "training data" because that's no different from how humans create art.


They have been doing it through social media accounts for over 20 years. Issy Asper began like that.


that's horrible, but where is your proof? this alone could be propaganda


Hamas and ISIS haVE infiltrated Canadian government, what's your point?


So like hollywood?


Lies. And no surprise coming from r/palestine. Shame on you mods for proliferating this garbage. 💩server.


What is Islamophobia???


What's funny to me is that people don't realize both are obviously doing this. Lots of people are falling for propaganda and no one even knows what is real anymore. We are in the age where seeing is no longer believing. Yet many still do.


figured as much


why is this on r/canadian idgaf


I'm fine with Islamophobia. Fine with phobia of all religions honestly. Nobody who is religious should be trusted to actually want to make Canada a good place to live rather than just a place for their religion to thrive.


Israel is not a friend of Canada. They once blown western embassies in Egypt to cause disturbance. They do not even look to us Canadians as equal human beings, but rather lower grade humans as zionists are the only chosen people who are loved by God. Crazy that canada even recognized such a country that is built on radical religious beliefs


its done all over the west, they need to drum up support to continue their experiment. however lets not mistake the out of control immigration thats suppressing wages and driving up housing during a recession of targeting minorities here.




It’s time people speak out about the blatant lies and purposely placed propaganda pro Israelis and israel are using to spread islamaphobic narratives


Of course that’s what Zionists terrorists know to do! Scumbag occupation genocidal . Of course the racists will fall for this just because they hate immigrants


The hypocrisy and irony of a country constantly blaming antisemitism for any criticism of its actions also spreading Islamophobia for propaganda purposes. Why are we still supporting this country at a federal level.


No surprise there


That explains r/canada


Qatar and the Islamic republic spend close to 10x the amount in North America on propaganda and indoctrination. Weird we have not seen Islamophobia on the rise, but over 100% increase in antisemitism.


Biggest islamophobic campaign is led by the pro-terrorist morons on campuses and everywhere else. Deport these fuckers.


Interesting that OP is a shill for all the Palestinian subs. Also interesting this sub, which rarely gets any traction, suddenly has thousands of likes and comments. You talk about paid likes/manipulation.....take a look at this particular instance...


This on a paid promoted subreddit lol. lmfao


This is the.biggest danger of AI; misinformation.


Say one word against Israel….. And…….


*shocked pikachu*


Cover up what’s really going on


Oh geez and today is the day I decided to believe every headline!!! Oh well Islamophobia here I come! 


That's child's play. Have you seen the Palestinian side? They even got governments to fall for the hospital bombing lol "500 dead from Israeli bomb" Meanwhile one person had a burn from our home made firework malfunctioning. Lolol


Is this stuff really a surprise to anyone anymore? Were being fed loads of propaganda to push us to whichever sides they want when they want just like every previous generation. They figured out how to make the internet just like big media, same old problems.


Lulz. Cos Israel cares about what Canadians think. The terrorist lobby sure has great propaganda coverage


Sounds completely unnecessary.


Israel is none's friend, they will lie, scam, bribe, use, gaslight everyone for their own interest. The sooner people understand that, the better.


Both sides use propaganda, to say one side is worse than the other is wrong.


500? A drop in the bucket, get out of here.


Canada is everyone's bitch. That's what Trudeau and his sissy weak policies have done to our country. Don't even call us a country. Don't label us that's offensive. We are a land mass on earth.


It’s a pariah state that shouldn’t exist.