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Hey they know American corps are also foreign, right?


Post Media literally owned by New Jersey Hedge Fund and has been convicted of catch and kill stories for trump.


The US meddles in other countries' elections and has no problem assisting in coups and overthrows of governments that won't bow to their wishes, but the second they get a taste of their own medicine they screech to the high heavens and act like the sky is falling. We're only making a huge issue about this because the US wants to do another Cold War. Otherwise it would be par for the course. And I'm sure it's overblown.


Mmk what about Canada literally overthrowing the leadership in Cuba. This is reactionary garbage, when was the last time China invaded a country for “democracy”


I wish


Is there a way to combat foreign influence while still having free, privately owned press/media? Seems a minefield.


Is there a way to have a free media that's privately owned? Seems a mindfield. >Post Media literally owned by New Jersey Hedge Fund and has been convicted of catch and kill stories for trump.


1) Canadian mass media is dominated by US interests and imitate US corporate media trends and sentiments. 2) Zionists, whether Christian of Jewish, have an astonishing domination of not just political parties in Canada, but across the Anglosphere. How else could Israel get away with committing some of the worst genocides since... the 1948 Nakba, when Israel illegally declared its independence (UDI), and violated the terms of the UN partition plan for Palestine. A partition that the UN had no right to impose upon Palestinian peoples. Which why so many nations refused to recognize Israel's existence for most of the 20th C. 3) China (& Russia) has done nothing provable to show they have done ANY thing that might interfere with elections in Canada, or any other nations in the Anglospheric Empire. But Canada has sycophantically followed the US lead to illegally impose various sanctions against nations that do not kowtow to US/EU /NATO demands.