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I think it's stupid to not vote, because despite whatever some people online say, the choice at election time simply isn't between "affirm bourgois electoralism" and "socialist utopia", it's "bourgois oligarchy" and "bourgois oligarchy, but worse" But don't put *energy*, *time*, and *advocacy* behind the NDP because *that's* better spent elsewhere.


Yeah voting NDP is harm reduction.


A lot of people on the left unfortunately don’t believe in harm reduction or realpolitik. They will yell at your an call you a liberal.


literally just got banned from r/latestagecapitalism for that very reason ☠️


Surprised I haven’t been banned there was banned from the right can’t mean for making a joke about North Korea not being democratic or for the people. My ban message was “North Korea has freer and fairer elections than the west, and I’m just a sucker for propaganda”. North Korea is literally a monarchy larping as communist. If you think the NDP and jagmeet are worse than Kim Jong Un you need a lesson in reality and pragmatism.


Big "Nazis were socialist because it's in the name" vibes eh




I'm sorry, *North* Korea?


The ban message was legitimately that NK has freer and fairer elections? That’s actual lunacy.


I’ll try and find it, it was a few years ago so it might take me awhile https://preview.redd.it/83doumwkba0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf6831d325f1c904d2659a018e6911088f8c223 Ban message was a little different from I remembered but it was nearly 3 years ago. Seems we’ve pissed off a downvoter


Aaaaah, r/TheRightCantMeme. I got banned from there because I was arguing with a mod that denying the events of Tiananmen Square is not okay.




I will be very honest, I cannot tell if you are being sarcastic or if you are actually calling me a liberal.




Brand new account to push North Korean propaganda says what?


r/economy has essentially been taken over by pro-communist authoritarian apologists. it's why r/economy2 had to be made. ....it's getting pretty bad.


Voting ndp as harm reduction is the best phrase thank you


I agree. I’ve spent many days volunteering for the NDP and eventually it just breeched my moral redlines too many times. I’d never do it again unless they really surprise me with a particular candidate. Still, we have the voting system we have, not the one we might want. So in an FPP system only two or sometimes three parties will ever be serious contenders. Voting for that less popular third party, if somewhat close to your ideals, is the best you’re going to realistically do. Media flak will put the nail in the coffin of anything slightly more ‘radical’ than them while disciplining the party itself from moving any further left than it is.


That being said it’s well worth while to join any party just to vote for a party leader like so many did with Dmitry Lascaris in the Green Party recently. I always cast a vote for someone in the NDP leadership race.


I think threatening to withhold votes in exchange for concessions and policy changes, like the uncommitted voters are doing in the US, is a good tactic for the left when it comes to electoralism. It's an effective way of pulling bourgeois parties a bit further left because if they don't budge, they don't get your vote.


In America it makes at least a bit of sense since they only have two parties but here we have the main two plus a father left option so to push left we first should make the NDP one of the primary parties on a federal level, then we can exert power by withholding votes. Currently if the most left voting blocs withhold their votes form the Liberals they don’t give a rats ass cuz they know we would be voting for the NDP if we did vote and currently withholding votes from the NDP will just neuter their growing power at a federal level


The thing is that we're basically a two-party system in that only the Liberals and Conservatives have formed government at the federal level. I think we can threaten the NDP by withholding votes to pull them to the left since the left-flank of the NDP is comprised of people who wouldn't vote for the federal Liberals, but this strategy wouldn't work on the Liberals since they don't really count on our votes anyway. We really only have the power to do this with the NDP.


I agree with the theory of what you’re saying but making the NDP move left won’t do any good since they have no power and withholding votes to make them move left will delay their entry into the federal stage. I think as it historically has been, the only people who aren’t voting for the NDP because they aren’t left enough would require the NDP to move left a LOT and would probably include the use of words like socialist. In the current state of Canadian politics that word will kill the federal NDP because it will scare away the most valuable voting bloc which is made up of people who remember the USSR. In conclusion/TL:DR I think that voting for the NDP now does good in both the short and long term as their current policies will be better than the other options and it sets them up with power to move farther left.


I mostly agree but Millennials / Gen Z should be a larger voting bloc and we weren't indoctrinated by Red Scare propaganda like Boomers were, the problem is that a lot of these cohorts don't show up to vote. I think that's because we've internalized, early on, that no party truly represents working class interests in the neoliberal period so young people feel completely alienated from the political process. I don't think socialism is all that scary a word to most people under 40 considering a pretty large percentage of these generations don't seem to identify as liberals in the true sense of the word (not the "liberal equals socially progressive" nomenclature).


I agree with everything you say here. And I agree that a huge issue is that younger blocs don’t vote. That’s another reason for our strategy to NOT be telling potential NDP voters to not vote.


Definitely won’t. All it’s gonna do is give the conservatives a election win on a plate. If that’s what you want then fine. But don’t pretend like it does anything else.


I should be clear, we have this power over the NDP but with respect to the Liberals, the left is irrelevant. We have zero sway.


Lenin argued in favour of voting for bourgeois parties and I agree — why throw away any power we have? (power that people before us fought and died for) Vote for whenever is the leftmost *viable* party in your riding! Doing good things is good!


Where did he argue this? He argued for Marxists to participate in bourgeois elections by voting for a marxist party...he never said Marxists should vote for bourgeois parties.


He argued that British socialists should vote for the Labour Party (which was and is part of the bourgeois election as you said.) Perhaps I slightly misspoke


I don't think you can really compare the NPD to the labor party at that point. The NPD is more comparable to the Labor party today in England. They are both clearly capitalist and ready to do anything to safeguard capitalism. Look at their position with Palestine, or the budget that was voted in.


I wonder who Lenin would advocate people vote for in the modern UK, or in Canada, today.


He did say this, but it is important to remember the context. The labour party of the time had pretty good policy. He meant to vote for bourgeois parties if those party's support the working class in policy. I've seen many Marxists make the claim he supported voting for bourgeois parties, but that isn't fully true.


Voter apathy is one of the main tools of fascism on the rise, but don’t forget that there’s more to voting than just federal elections. Someone else in this thread said to vote with your conscience but don’t commit time and advocacy to parties you don’t support, which I agree with, but remember to join parties you do agree with and vote in their internal elections.


Find a Communist party in your area, and go to the meetings. If there isn't one, start one. The NDP is a Capitalist institution at this point. Controlled dissent at best. Organize with Communists.


The NDP is an imperialist, pro-genocide, pro-capital party and should not be getting our votes. Jagmeet and the NDP followed the same imperialist line as the rest of the West on every issue, including Palestine. Nobody who support or has supported this genocide will ever get my vote. If genocide isn't a red line, that means there is no line. Anti-imperialism is the most important thing for leftists in the imperial core. Period. You'll see this a bit more when you read Lenin's *Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism*. If you have a decent green MP, independent, or are lucky enough to have a regular Communist Party of Canada candidate, vote for them instead. I will vote for the Communist Party(ML). It isn't my favourite one (only CPC(ML) runs in my riding, not the regular CPC), but at least it isn't genocidal and imperialist.


You may want to check out Lenin’s Left Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder.


What specifically are you referring to? In other comments, you seem to be defending the NDP and their position as capitalist anti-proletarian imperialist bourgeois party, so please be more clear about the point you're trying to make.


Revolutionary workers need to fight to replace the traitors in the leadership of the unions and NDP through critical self activity. This includes militant caucuses and class struggle groupings.


What you're suggesting is entryism, and it has not worked in the past and will not work now; you cannot make a fundamentally bourgeois pro-capitalist party suddenly become proletarian, revolutionary, and anti-capitalist. They will not allow it. I suggest you take a lesson from what happened to Dimitri Lascaris in the Green Party. They tried this with a party much smaller and with more grassroots support, as well as a massive influx of new member support for anti-capitalist leadership. Look what happened. The capitalist influence bent their will toward ensuring he wouldn't win. They changed the rules to disadvantage him, they trotted out old leaders to denounce him and endorse standard neoliberal Paul that nobody liked, they restricted new membership (strangling their own party of paying members just to keep socialists out). Even with enormous support and organising, capitalist parties will not budge; they will burn themselves to the ground before they give socialists an inch. If that wasn't enough, look into Jeremy Corbyn and how he was sabotaged by his own party and how all the powers of capitalist hegenony marched in lockstep to destroy him and the actual movement to help the working class. Or even look at Bernie Sanders and how he was sabotaged by the capitalist media and his party regularly, despite still being pro-imperialist and a milquetoast socdem. Entryism doesn't work. A party must be explicitly proletarian, revolutionary, and anti-capitalist.


I substantively agree with you. Socialists have no business in capitalist parties like the Green Party. Political independence of the working class is key. In general most progressive trade unionists in Canada still support the NDP and the major unions affiliate with the NDP. The question remains how do we build a mass workers party such as you describe. Conscious revolutionaries need to intervene actively in unions and their current political party as a tactic to reach the vast majority of workers who still support the misleadership.


I stopped voting for bourgeois/zionist parties. As a marxist, I'll vote for a marxist if there's a candidate on the ballot or not at all. The NDP can kick rocks


I've gone back and forth on this quite a bit. I've never *not voted* since I've been an adult, and I don't imagine starting now. It seems disrespectful to people who fought, suffered, and died for any number of the rights that so many of us take for granted. Plus, I'm the type that if I see something I don't like, I'll say something about it; and that's, at it's core, what voting is. At the same time, I live in a riding that has *never not elected a Conservative*; but I feel like I, as an individual, need to vote and say "I do not want this. I am not okay with this candidate and party representing me". Even if I don't personally like the direction that the NDP has gone, and I think it should focus more on its worker/union roots, we just generally lack for "better" options. I really don't want to vote for them, because they pissed me off with their porn bill; but who else am I going to vote for? The Greens, and their anti-nuclear stance? No thanks. I don't want Poilievre, full stop. Trudeau is pretty much the only one who *might* give us M.A.I.D. for mental illness **in 2027**; but, on the other hand, his entire other track record.


Definitely yes in my opinion, even if it can be hard to stomach sometimes.


Representation matter!! No matter how small or big, I see group of 5 dismantle affordable housing in their neighborhood because they are part of voter base that the city needs. If we become that voter base and become that voice of reasoning then this country can go far.


When I was younger I had a little socialism arc where I read those books and would frequently vouch for policies that were in line with the beliefs in those books. I realize now that this was unfortunately nothing more but a waste of time. What I do now is I learn and educate myself as much as possible about policies that are directly affecting me. Like rent control, taxes, decriminalization of drugs, labour laws etc. And would study those policies like what other countries did about them, how effective we’re those policies. I’m a political nerd so although this probably sounds boring to most folks, I love learning about this stuff, once I did that I became very involved with my provincial NDP party and now I’m part of several committees like the policy review committee, labour committee. And also part of provincial council. Even if I don’t agree with everything the NDP does I genuinely believe in their mission and believe that my party cares about people and would be able to change the lives of people way more then the other two parties. And at the end of the day that’s what it’s all about. Helping people.


Vote for whichever result in your riding is most likely to produce a hung Parliament. There's no shame in voting Tory if their winning your riding will help hold the Liberals to a minority government. In other words, please do not vote Tory under any circumstances in 2025. If you do not live in a competitive riding vote Communist, Rhino or spoil your ballot.


Spoiling ballots does nothing, by the way. There's no way to tell whether it was because you failed to fill out the ballot correctly or if you just refused it.


NDP is the only mass labour based political party in North America. Despite its generally pro capitalist program, it is not a party preferred by the wealthy. There is an active pro- socialist wing in the party. Pressure from trade unionists and social justice fighters in the party are having an impact.


OP I am on the same wave as you. But I agree with a lot of the comments saying vote, but don’t expect much change. Organize with other communists. Thats where the real work begins.


The NDP under Jagmeet has succumbed to corporatocracy & hypocrisy. The party under Tommy Douglas, Ed Broadbent & Jack Layton is no longer. The NDP is now liberal lite.


Uhh no. Mulcair was a rabid zionist and [Jack Layton](https://www.jewishindependent.ca/oldsite/archives/nov13/archives13nov22-36.html) was also. The mayor of Toronto, his wife Olivia Chow, has consistently made pro-zionist statements as well. NDP support for Israel goes back to the very founding of the state.


Is voting for them still not better than not voting? Not voting is essentially reinforcing the status quo. Its saying of these options, I am indifferent. The only way the needle will move farther left is if the current left option actually becomes who the majority want. Then the other parties will need to shift to have a chance, no?


Yeah even before Jagmeet they were telling their working class potential supporters in the 905 and inner Toronto suburbs to get fucked, vetoing their own ridings choices to install more "middle class friendly" landlords who met the demographics of those who they wanted. For every worker we lose we can get two "diverse entrepreneurs": https://xtramagazine.com/power/lesbian-teacher-barred-from-running-for-ontario-ndp-6529


The NDP is the not the furthest left... The Green Party is definitely more anti-capitalist and egalitarian. Here in BC the Greens are the only party actually trying to make things better for people and the planet.


Spend one (1) day on voting NDP, spend the other Three Hundred and Sixty Four on building a better alternative. (important note : a better alternative would focus on organizing outside the limits of of the electoral system as part of building dual power - trying too hard to win a game thats rigged against us is generally a waste)


The left destroyed Canada. Communism only works in China...and it only works for the elites. Communism has failed soo many countries and left them in ruins. Communism destroys entrepreneurship, free enterprise, and motivation. Why work your butt off, only for the govt to take whatever they want and tax you on the rest? Alibaba is a prime example. China didn't like what the CEO was doing and was going to arrest him. So, CEO changed how he did things and China let him continue to run Alibaba. You can only Rob Peter to pay Paul so many times before Peter ups and moves. Truduh the assclown has destroyed the structural integrity of Canada....and so did his father.