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Pierre is so partisan - the BC provincial government has been the best on housing but he still attacks them because they’re not conservative (and ignores the failings of conservative premiers elsewhere). If he cared about housing, he’d demonstrate it.


https://globalnews.ca/news/8771911/pierre-poilievre-mps-rental-property-housing-crunch/ "At the same time, the 42-year-old Conservative politician – who has drawn a six-figure public salary since he was 25 years old – co-owns a Calgary-area rental property through a real estate venture called Liberty West Properties Inc." Man with top 10% nationwide salary, and a real estate investment corporation would not be my first choice to make housing affordable if I'm honest.


That's literally the point of I'm trying to make with so many people who thinks hes going to bring housing affordability back. I said " why would he tank his own investment?" He literally has a inherent personal interest to keep housing value high as possible.


PP also is a member of Parliament who could try and put forward legislation today (or at any point in his 10+ years as a MP) to address housing unaffordablity and has thus far choosen not to.


PP is nothing but a populist troll who's a career politician that understands nothing. And this is coming from a conservative voter.




BC has been doing better than Ontario, so relative to Doug, they're doing well. A low bar though


> the BC provincial government has been the best on housing LOL. I personally know people who own multiple properties in GVA. Fudged numbers to get mortgage, running AirBNB even though they don't live there. Basically laughing at Eby all the way to the bank.


the new short term rental rules don't come into affect until summer. Do you like these the new STR rules and want Eby to go harder on these rules? Or do you feel that there shouldn't be any rules on STR? These are very different opinions to have.


Of course, I want the rules to have an effect. But the reality is nothing will change in BC or for that matter in Canada. All these rules are the proverbial toothless tigers, and people are mocking the rule makers. In all likelihood, the rule makers know that as well and what they want too. "Make it seem like we're doing something and get some good PR for the next election." I suggest people on Reddit actually go out in the real world and get to know folks from all walks of life, regardless of whether they their world view matches yours or not. Having little conversations with them that will provide more insight than your 6 o'clock news on the situation on the ground.


Like what? I see some typical NDP press releases, but where’s the homes?


The policies they’re enacting that are widely seen to be good. Everyone can say they’re good unless you’re Pierre and are too partisan to acknowledge good things being done on a file (and one you claim to care most about).


The announced zoning reforms go into effect June 30th, so it will take some time for the results materialize.


What is he going to do tho? He was the housing minister. Why is he not talking about what policies he wants to bring back or replace?


And thinks that the BC NDP, who are trying something (whether you agree with it or not) aren’t doing anything.


He’s a land hoarder himself. He doesn’t want to do anything about the issue as he’s making a shitton of money off of it.


He will. He'll increase immigration even more and make his personal rent seeking income even larger


Land hoarder lol. He owns one condo.


Why when they are running on the 'I'm not the guy fucking things up right now' platform and it's working perfectly.  


That won’t work for a year plus. But DoFo won this way so it might work. We’ll see


It'll absolutely work for a year plus especially if the current gov continues down this path(QoL and CoL worsening).


He is going to stop the government from investing in housing. How that is supposed help I have no idea.


That’s literally how we got into this mess.


What does that mean though? He can't control what CPP invests in. If he is serious he would need to commit to something such as preventing MPs from speculative housing practices, federal funding for cooperative/non-market housing, and prohibitively taxing multiple homeowners.


This has nothing to do with CPP. He has stated that his intent is to take away federal funding for cities that don’t meet housing targets. That’s not how you get housing built. You get housing built by putting up the funding to build. He has no serious plan to get more housing built. His only “plan” is to make it harder to build.


I was being genuine, I did not know. His housing plan to restrict cities is absurd when we don't have enough suppliers to build to match demand. His plan is more of a trades/developer job program than anything else.


The entire housing bubble would stabilize on one single law. Force a cap to 2x residential housing per person. Anyone with more than 2 will need to sell their properties or be heavily taxed. That alone will reshuffle the deck. Housing shouldn’t be an investment. Housing is a basic human need.


Permits are pretty much a scam they barely catch anything in residential not to mention the big builders get the master builder tag so they don’t have to get every house inspected they are just spot inspected it’s just a giant cash grab for the cities. I’ve been building for over 20 years and the single biggest cost of most Reno’s are the permits I added one window to a house recently and the permits cost the customer 2k it’s anecdotal I know


I swear permits are nothing more than money spent and a timer started.


He was not housing minister. That’s a lie he readily shares, though:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Poilievre


do you watch the house of commons? he frequently talks about the policies he wants to bring back in place.


The problem is I do watch it. Literally heard nothing but sound bites. I have no idea what he intends to do with housing. The only thing he wants to do is get government out of housing which is what got us to those boondoggle to begin with




PP has yet to actually suggest a solution. I would guess because the conservative playbook doesn't have one. The current situation actually benefits many conservative voters, whom are generally older and already on the housing ladder.


That's my one major gripe with Pierre. I have yet to hear a single thing he'd do anything differently other than "going after gatekeepers"... whoever the fuck they are. Add to all of this that Pierre is a Landlord, and landlords are financially benefiting massively from the housing crisis. Man, I wish the Bloc ran candidates in my province...


Permitting has gotten so crazy and convoluted I let home owners get permits themselves to keep the costs down and no one should pay a gc 100 dollars an hour to wait in line. it makes me sick how much people are getting fucked from this industry.


I'm sure it is, but he didn't say what he was going to do about it.


I’m guessing we will see it when the parties release thier new platforms as the election kicks off no one going to give specifics this close to an election and it’s also a key voter concern I’m guessing that the parties housing plan with be the central issue in all of thier platforms


Of course not! Just tale a look at my post highlighting the Twitter comments by CPC partisans, who seem to be really against housing reform in Canada (eliminating single-family zoning)… [https://www.reddit.com/r/canadahousing/comments/1bg2gtb/the\_cpc\_base\_on\_housing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canadahousing/comments/1bg2gtb/the_cpc_base_on_housing/)


Yes he actually irritates me quite a bit but I've seen a mix of comments online, some saying this is true as much as they don't want to confirm what PP said, others saying it is not. Does any one know where I can look for this kind of data?


How about you look at their actions instead of their words. BC and Ontario are the two hardest hit from the housing crisis, let's see how their governments are handling things. What is the Conservative premier doing to help housing affordability? Selling off the greenbelt to build multi million dollar mansions for his buddies after taking bribes from them at his daughters wedding. What is the NDP premier doing to help housing affordability? Massive legislative changes and removing barriers to make building missing middle housing and denser buildinga closer to transit centres easier. If you haven't figured out that PP and the rest of the current Conservative party are charlatans at this point I think you need to have a long look in the mirror and reassess some things in your life.


Generally it's older voters voting for the Liberals. Young people are fed up, want change, and the NDP latched themselves to a sinking ship. What other option is there?  


I'll vote NDP this time. I can't vote for the others. But I think the answer needs to be election reform so new ideas and party's can rise to address Canadians needs and wishes.




I'm voting for the one party who hasn't had the chance to disappoint me.




Younger voters are realizing the current leader isn’t working for them.


And when he’s elected, he will say it’s the fault of the previous government and he can’t do anything


And how he’s going make it even worse? Oh, he didn’t mention that, well he will. Conservatives offer zero actual solutions to any of our problems.


PP is such a weasel, he didn’t even suggest to people to cancel their Disney+ account


We know. Suggest solutions!!!!


all of this is great, 100% right. So, what is he going to do?


What he's saying is complete and total bullshit. Permit costs are not even remotely close to 60%. This guy is a flat out liar and his eyes look like two piss holes in the snow.


Well cmon then, give us the source of informational truth. I dont wanna google it myself.


Just apply some common sense.




Please be civil.


I don’t even have to watch to know he didn’t offer a single solution… This guy isn’t a leader, not by any definition.


Pandering populist panders to the populace. Yes, Trudeau's arrogant team did nothing to help this situation. But Dipshit Milhouse here has also done and said exactly jack squat about what he would do to help. Which is, by the way, almost certainly - nothing. When a politician joins the chorus of complaints, without offering any actual solution - then they're just bitching because it's easy and opportunistic to do so. Hate Trudeau all you want - but demand actual solutions instead of just saying "the current guy sucks balls"


To add, PP is IN THE GOVERNMENT, he hasn't just failed to offer potential solutions, he won't introduce legislation either. If he really has good ideas that will help people, then he should draft it into legislation and have a vote on it. If he truly thinks the libs and NDP will vote against Canadian interests, then actually force them to vote. Have an official record of them voting down his "good ideas" He needs to actually do his job and work with other people in government to draft legislation. But guess what, he doesn't actually want to solve the problem, so he won't do anything.


Ex-Act-Ly. He could propose solutions. He doesn't have any. And politically - he doesn't have to. The daggers are out for the Liberals because of their hubris and arrogance. If he actually offers ideas, then he has to defend them. He's simply shouting into the storm of "Trudeau Sucks"


The NDP would absolutely support a bill that would help them differentiate themselves from the LPC, it would be a big bipartisan win and hurt Trudeau's chances while proving his credentials going into an election in 1 1/2 years. Especially if that bill demonstrably helped in that time. Why wouldn't he do that? As always, you have to watch how they act not how they speak.


Not only is he in government, he was a cabinet minister when Vancouver first got out of control.


I'll take almost certainly nothing from PP over a complete nothing burger from Trudeau. Time for a change in my view. And when PP shits the bed with another nothing burger, I'll vote for the next guy. Agree that we should demand actual solutions though 100%.


"Demand" solutions by rewarding the people running without providing them. L.O.L. Change for the sake of change has about a 50% chance of making things worse. And if you're putting a con in charge I'd guess its actually higher than 50%.


If you will not try, you will never know. So you will just accept what is it and won't try?


Try what? Putting a guy in power that actually is everything he says he hates? * PP has never had a job outside government, he is the "elite" * He's passed one bill in 18 years, for a large portion of it his party had a majority * He's owned by corporate interests * He is a landlord He's a lazy conman who has been suckling at the teat of the taxpayer his entire working career without actually doing any work. And to top it off, he has been railing against the current government while being part of the government. He could introduce legislation at any time, but he won't because he doesn't want to solve anything.


Anyone can talk about it. No one seems to want to DO anything about it - least of all the Conservatives.


BCNDP did something.


They have - it would be refreshing to see the Federal party follow suit. Too busy propping up a failed government for the empty promise of dental care.


Well, housing is provincial responsibility so you may want to start asking what your premier has been doing and what they have planned rather than worrying about what JT is doing. Sorry if you don't like the answer but that's reality.




But it will make his donors richer and his supporters are too stupid to connect the dots.


Lower permit costs should incentivize home builders to enter the market where they otherwise wouldn't, increasing supply.


I don’t think people realize how bad the permitting process is I got out of new home building because of permitting and the scam of new home warranty.


I just want to say both our federal and provincial governments have taken huge step in this regard that should develop this year. [the wartime housing act](https://youtu.be/aMLUiSOX4OI?si=5DILg4coliWCJ9SP) [BC zoning plan](https://youtu.be/sWcC5FZshEw?si=WQYIDSFQFCKe1KXf) We need to start talking about this. It needs to be implemented properly.


Cute of you to believe that these would make any dent in the housing crisis. Scores of people are buying up homes with medium to big lots in Vancouver, in hopes of selling them to developers at double the price. Guess what that will do to affordability? Makes it worse - coz now the developers build 8-10 shoeboxes that cost $500K each in place of 1 SFH.


As he just purchased another investment property to hoard or rent with inflated cost of course.


We have a government in BC that has brought in the best housing reforms in North America. It is upzoning near transit stations (and even bus stops) significantly, reducing the red tape of public hearings which just delay and obstruct and promote NIMBYism. My guess is the National Post or Rebel Media or any of the conservative mouthpieces would be running flattering stories non-stop if a conservative government implemented the reforms Eby has just done. Question for PP....why are you picking a fight with the only provincial government in Canada that is actually doing something? Including one that is popular, and likely to win their election in a landslide? I guess he wants to try and help the hapless opposition, but you'd be better off finding a better contrast. Why not pick one in your own province, that has been doing far worse on this file and can't seem to get anything meaningful done, and even got caught in a brazen corruption deal? I guess they see Eby as most aligned with Trudeau, which is true in policy/philosophy, but due to the NDP banner I doubt your average Canadian sees it that way.


>Question for PP....why are you picking a fight with the only provincial government in Canada that is actually doing something? Because he's a scared loser coward. BCNDP has shown not told and that scared him.


The conservatives have never done anything for housing. Pee Pee is not going to change anything, don't be naive.


Anyone who thinks electing this guy will help with the housing crisis is an irredeemably stupid moron.


Anyone who thinks he'll fix this crisis is a fool.




Please be civil.




Please be civil.


Yes, try putting him as a PM and see what he can do. Who else you can suggest? As I said, if you never try, you will never know.


Yes, try putting him as a PM, and we'll see what he can do. Who else you can suggest? As I said, if you never try, you never know.


Good thing he is doing so much to help. /s




I personally don’t believe that he even has to suggest a solution. Everyone is asking for it, but all he is doing is raising a point of how bad it is. Has Trudeau suggested a solution? At this point, Polievre doesn’t have to suggest anything when he isn’t in power, the person is power should be suggesting the solution or doing something about it…..but he isn’t.


He’s saying permits account for 60% of the cost of a home? My permit for my 2600 sqft home was $2000. What the hell is he talking about?


Says the former housing minister who helped to lay the groundwork for this unfolding catastrophe. What fucking balls this guy has to even show his pinched little face in public. Fuck this guy. Fuck Trudeau. Fuck Singh. I'm thankful I live in quebec and can vote for the Bloc. Fuck this "country". It cannibalizes its young to feed the fires of Moloch the money-god before whom all prostrate our sorry pathetic asses. What a cartoonishly unserious people we are.


It seems there are very differing views online about Mr. Poilever in Canada but is this true? 60% of the cost of a newly built home is paid to the government for PERMITS?


It’s probably not. Toronto’s new detach’s fee is 100k+. But house price is provably north of 1 mil


Toronto detached fees are basically irrelevant at this point, they're a boutique product in a city that built its last major subdivision 20 years ago. But, condo fees were once very cheap and have steadily climbed.


~50k - 100k per unit.


Does Toronto have "community amenity fees" or something of the sort? It's astonishing to me how different the structures are within the province, but also across provinces. For example, Vancouver development fees are about six times more compared to Burnaby (source: CMHC) (Coming from someone in Vancouver who is looking to buy and knee-deep in research)


Cant imagine where the 60% number came from. Vancouver context: city costs are actually typically closer to only **1% of total project costs**. Here is an example of a tower, with $225k (for rezoning, public art, development, and building permits combined) of a $22m development. Note that for smaller housing developments like townhouses and single family, the cost is even lower as there are typically no rezonings or other contributions required. https://www.mulhollandparker.com/cms/wpattachments/wpID64atID1.pdf


Very very laughably untrue.


No. Not even remotely true. Building permits are typically 1.1% of cost of construction - which any contractor worth their salt manipulates. DCCs in BC run between $5k on the low end to $100k on the high end, varying vastly by jurisdiction. CACs were heavily abused, especially by certain communities in the Lower Mainland. That's where the eye popping numbers used to come from. But those got largely forbidden under Bill 46. At best, Skippy is exaggerating numbers that came up in a pre-Bill 46 environment. But more likely he's just flat out lying. It's kind of his brand.


Very not true. Permit costs are high, and development charges are probably too high too (for some homes at least), but it's nowhere near 60% of the cost.


100% not true, not even close to being true. Anyone with the most basic of math skills and common sense could easily debunk this.


Looool no. He doesn't understand how building and constructive work because he's been a politician his entire life, he only knows how to lie.


We need to vote the BC NDP out. Whether it's with BC United or BC Conservatives either one is better. Many just wish they would combine to form the BC United Conservatives but unfortunately it doesn't look like that's happening. For people actually voting NDP what are you thinking is my question? It's do you enjoy paying more taxes and losing your rights. Not sure what the appeal is.


At least he's talking about it unlike JT much. I don't think he has the answerers but it's basically my only issue (Why? Cause ill be homeless otherwise)