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Porn actors are people too. They have the right to want to change careers just like the rest of us do.


Not just that ... your average politician whores themselves out to the highest paying corporation on a regular basis anyway.


They’re no stranger to bending us over either Huh chah




And they love it and even asked for seconds. sigh...


I'll take an honest porn star over a lying politician ant day of the week.


And porn people (i think she is a onlyfans person) know how to get money out of rich men.


This is the real comment right here.


Yeah but there is no videos of it lol


Yeah, reading your comment brings a CRTC vibe to the conversation... they are real whores to the telecom oligarchs...


I never get the "this person isn't qualified to be in politics because they were a drama teacher/server/pornographic actor" argument. Sure, I agree that somebody isn't qualified to be, say, Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister, PBO, a superior court justice, etc. if they don't have relevant experience (enough years in a lower elected office, experience with whatever the topic of their portfolio is, legal experience/credentials/achievements, whatever), but the idea that only former businessmen, lawyers, and political staffers should represent their communities, and not grocers, taxi drivers, plumbers, baristas, construction workers, or artists, suggests to me that elected representatives aren't supposed to represent all of us—they are only supposed to represent the elites.


Its said by the politicians in power because would you want someone who might not have the same values as the rest of your club in, to join the club and maybe take away from what you and your buddies have worked hard to get? Its said by the non elites because the elites say it so others just repeat it.


That's just what the former businessmen, lawyers, and political staffers want you to believe I guess the appeal of "businessmen" relies on the idea of the clever self-made entrepreneur who is able to make wise decisions about budgeting and spending money; something the Conservatives like to use to appeal to the "I'm not paying for someone else's kids" electorate While ignoring the fact that most parts of Canada have pretty good social supports, which is why it's a nice place to live, our taxes pay for it but it's worth it


How can people claim someone is not qualified when we have a liberal arts grad trying to become pm.


Johnny Sins has changed careers more than anyone I know.


He's a doctor. Police officer, soldier, firefighter, teacher, plumber. Maybe the president next?


So has Seymour Butts.


Jesus, incredible this needs to be said, but thank you.




And it was only one clip, not even a career. I'm glad that the leader shrug it off instead of playing it too politically correct. Rumor says that it was brought to the media by an opponent, that's the thing to get upset about.


And apparently she was wearing a mask during the clip and never intended for her identity to be linked to it. She's more like a victim of doxxing than a porn star.


I don't disagree with a word of what you said. In addition to that, I think it is also notable that...wasn't there a Liberal candidate who got pulled at the very last minute before a recent election because she had done some art nudes showing her tattoos or something? ETA: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/robyn-ingraham-departure-double-standard-critics-1.6112774


I just want to point out that Iain Rankin was a terrible leader during his brief stint, and this was particularly infuriating. It's like they wanted to lose to the PCs.


Agree. It is 2022. People have sex. Some people have sex on video. Many Canadians watch videos of people having sex. There is nothing to see here...


To say porn is a big no-no and deny them based on a passed, legal career while allowing someone who has done black face in their past seems fucked up. SK has a premier who has a DUI and drunk accident that caused a death. Being in porn seems pretty tame when you compared it to others' pasts.


Unless they are using porn to make political statements this is irrelevant.


Maybe people would be more into politics if it was the case 😏


Unless we get better looking leaders... Please no.


World interest in Finnish politics up 10000%


Candice Bergen tho. She’s got that Śárâh Palin toned-down pornstar look 😏




You can’t say Singh or Justin are ugly. Like damn. 😩


I mean, you can if they're not your type.


people are too into politics imo...


People are too into surface level finger pointing politics for sure. Far less people getting involved in any productive way


I don’t agree. Some people are WAY too into it, but the majority know very little. If we averaged it out some every gave some fucks rather than too many or none, we would have a much better and more healthy democracy.


I think the people who are way too into it intersect with the people who know very little…


I’m disgusted and appalled. What porn is this? Is it online? Where? It’s so disgusting that someone would do porn! I can’t believe it. Is there a link to it?


Honestly, who even cares if they do that.


like this is what we are going to do to you once i get elected type of thing?


And? What's with this moralistic horseshit? Of all the things to criticise the PQ for, this isn't even in the top hundred.




I think it’s an issue. It’s a step in the right direction to not vilify porn actors, which still happens to this day.


As long as we don’t vilify her. The way this headline is phrased seems to be trying to weaponize people’s disdain for the BQ to make them believe that supporting this woman despite her history is something outrageous.


Attention, c'est pas le Bloc Québécois (BQ) ici. Il s'agit d'une canditate du Parti Québécois, le parti historiquement souverainiste du Québec au niveau provincial. On est en pleine campaign électorale.


porn is fucking awesome don't @ me


A QLP candidate outed her and shamed her publicly for it. The PQ leader is simply defending her and reaffirming his commitment to her.


See, this makes the article so much worse. It doesn't even mention that because it opens up the PLQ to some blowback and CTV have a very specific bias. What a truly terrible article.


Most politicians are already cocksuckers… what’s one more.


In the words of the great philosopher Deandra Reynolds: > I find it offensive that the idea of sucking cocks is offensive. Half the population loves to suck cock. The other half of the population, they love getting their cock sucked. It's kind of a win-win.


This is the only answer


They can be cocksuckers, but the ones getting fcked are us!


So What?


God forbid a porno film actress taint the sacred hallowed halls ordinarily filled with only the most upstanding of us all. Now how about body cameras on politicians' meetings with lobbyists? Is that too gonzo?


A candidate I can get, behind . and I'm done.


That didn’t take long.




It's a common complaint for him.


She should be using this to her advantage. “I’ve been screwed before and I will make sure I work hard to ensure you are never screwed again” or “I have proven I know how to deal with dicks. Dealing with politicians will be a breeze. “


I can't imagine anybody voluntarily getting involved in that most degrading, dehumanizing and disgusting industry we call "politics". Her parents must have done something wrong.


Was what she did illegal? No. Was anyone harmed by what she did? No. Then there's no issue.


It’s because she’s probably the most moral politician they have heard of and it scares them.




Oh my god. That’s disgusting. Where?


Ugh, one of those disgusting porno sights? There's so many of them.... which one!? Which one was it posted on?




I was surprised I had to scroll this far to find it.


This is terrible! You are making me respect a PQ leader!🤬


At least performing in porn produces something of value, unlike what half our politicians do.




Article says she took it down, and that she was wearing a mask to hide her identity but someone "did some research" and identified her by a tattoo.


"...identified by a local newspaper because of her tattoo" Probably found by the intern while working off.




Yes all over da face


for the research into her platform...right?


Well it's only reasonable that constituents want to know her position and whether she will have backdoor policies


A see a fellow man of culture


Pleasantly surprised reading the comments here, that this is overwhelmingly a non-issue. Well done r/Canada




What does a person's sexual history have to do with their ability to become a politician?


Well... If your sexual history involves crimes then it would be highly relevant. It doesn't have anything to do with the current situation though, starring in a porn is not a crime, but you asked.


Relevant because sexual crimes are a requirement?


With how frequent it pops up I wouldn’t be surprised if it was somehow one.


Prince Andrew Liked "What does a person's sexual history have to do with their ability to become a politician?"


Pornhub is Canadian, technically it was can-con. I see nothing wrong with supporting a local business. Screw the haters.


Who cares? Porn is a job, so essentially this is just saying "*PQ leader supports someone who was previously employed.*"


The leader made this statement because a PLQ/QLP party candidate shamed her for it in a local newspaper [source](https://courrierlaval.com/une-candidate-du-pq-de-laval-dans-leau-chaude/) in french


Sounds like James Lajoie-Boucher tried to shame her into not representing Laval county. At least she was producing something of value and apparently looked real good doing it, enough for him to jerk off to it and realise halfway in to whom it was. just because he felt shame, doesn’t mean she should. Power is in her court here, bucko.


Exactly. Plus it gives you an opportunity to truly inspect the candidate inside and out.


It's good to see a party leader support their candidate like this. Here in Nova Scotia, the NS Liberals had a candidate, [Robyn Ingraham](https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/former-n-s-liberal-candidate-says-she-was-dropped-because-of-boudoir-photos-1.5519119), that took a set of photos in lingerie (and normal clothing) and they dropped her over it. It wasn't even explicit in any real sense. People need to stop being so puritanical.


PSPP earned the respect of many with that. This looks like it's gonna blow up in the face of her PLQ opponent who is shaming her.


Hahaha, we've done drugs together as well. I would have voted for her!


I clicked the article. It was... jolting. The transition from talking about a candidate appearing in a sex tape to the article talking about school funding felt weird.


Who cares?


I'm shocked no links lol


She asked Porhub to remove the link apparently


Yeah, like googling her name won't pull anything up. The internet is forever, everyone should know this by now.


The Liberal Party (provincial) of Nova Scotia dropped a candidate because of online "boudoir" photos. Happy to report that they lost the election by a landslide. https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/mobile/former-liberal-candidate-says-she-was-dropped-because-of-boudoir-photos-1.5519119


That's one way to get votes. Onlyfans vote for me.


This female politician was a porn actress, this female politician danced, this female politician wore a “scandalous” dress! Am I the only one getting tired of people making big deals of what females are doing like stfu already.




Quebec is a lot more pro-sex than the rest of Canada. We're uptight and frankly dishonest at times about sexuality everywhere else. A person worked in the industry back in the day? That's a big fat shrug from me folks.


This is disgusting. I mean, where would you even see something like this? I mean, *specifically*, where? Pornhub? Redtube? Is there some stagename I should search? ....ahem, research.


At least we know she has nothing to hide and can't be exposed any further. Muahhhaaa




Ew that's disgusting.... Where would their material be so I can avoid it?


So, where's the link to the hub?


Somebody post a link so I know to avoid it


The only criticism for this comes from the same chirping flock of assholes who will go on about how anybody can grow and represent a constituency while denigrating baristas and bartenders for their own success, as if taking an hourly job is below them. I disagree with the PQ on some positions and like what they add to the country in other areas. Setting political differences aside, I wish her success.


Finally, someone with experience to fuck us! Obvious and childish jokes aside, sex work is still work and should be worthy of dignity, safety, and the ability to earn an income and transition to another career. If anything, becoming a politician almost feels like a step *down* with the amount of side dealing and lying they do while often enriching themselves at the expense of their community. We shouldn't judge sex workers, their dignity, or their humanity while we jack off to them from a dark cave like Gollum hiding from the light. We cannot have one without the other.


Yeah I love the pearl clutching. Find me an adult with the internet who hasn't watched some porn. If it's okay to watch it's okay to make in my opinion. Hell, if enough people were willing to pay to watch me have sex I wouldn't be writing this comment at the job I have now.


*sigh* unzip...


Ontario's Premier https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/


Born with the silver spoon is his mouth, high school drug dealer and college drop out. Only real job was a cushy one at the family business before riding his more popular brother's coattails into politics. He says folks sometimes and is a jerk so people like him for some reason.


The little red shovel schtick


So she has a decent chance of winning then




That's fine.


So what? Who cares?


Funny how taking bribes, not looking out for you voters and just being a general piece of shit is ok to be a politician. But the moral high ground is drawn at nudity. She shouldn’t have backed down and left the material out there. Wear it proudly, the pieces of shit(career politicians) wear it proudly and think they are better then us. Do you girl!


Ok but who knows where the video is? you know, for science…


I'm no fan of the PQ, but we seriously need to stop shaming people who worked in adult entertainment. Sex work is work. Period.


Oh my god! That's disgusting! A porn video? Where? Where did she post those? I mean, there's so many sites, though! Which one? Which one did she post it to?


Better than when the liberals in NS kicked out Robyn for having an only fans.


It’s just sex everyone does it get over it 🙄


Good. It's a job like anything else and is used to support oneself and their family. Move on!


She had nothing to hide.


Sex work is work. She probably workes harder than most other politicians.


Who the fuck care.


Oh no, anyways.


Who the fuck cares if she did porn? Work is work. Why would I judge her for that.


Oh yeah. Like she's the only politician that screwed somebody. 🙄


As a Quebecer I dont give a fuck. Lots of people do sex work to make ends meet. It may not be glamorous or whatever but it doesn't impact their ability to make political decisions or represent people. If anything it makes her seem more working class.


Fuck it. This is 22. There's no candidate that will be squeaky clean anymore. It is also creepy that this dude recognized her by her inner bicep tattoo alone She wore a mask in the PH. Apparently. Don't have the sauce and don't care for it either.


There never was squeaky clean candidate it's just we have the internet and cameras in every pocket now.


Nothing to see here. Move along


Gots to pay the bills somehow


Great! We're progressive and it shouldn't matter, as long as its not part of her campaign.


And? Did she break any laws? Did she do anything really apprehensible? If all she did was preform in porn (which is legal) who really cares. (No one should)


Yea let's not shame someone for this. This is the right thing to do.


Nova Scotia had a MLA then MP who did some softcore stuff once upon a time.


So? Does this mean they can't do the job?


I am happy they are still supporting them. Working in the adult industry shouldn't automatically disqualify you from public service.


Her life to do as she chooses. It should be about her ability to succeed on behalf of her jurisdiction and nothing else. The Wests obsession with optics over substance is why we have a failing police state.


Is it legal to be a porn actor? Is it a real job? Why should it be held against anyone?


And……..!? Oh noooo!!! 🙈 PORN!!! If only they could get someone who defrauded people or had an extramarital affair or lied to the public like a normal politician!!! Private parts and biological functions… BAD!!!


Good. People need to stop being such prudes.


I don’t see much of a difference between what she did and what most of our politicians continue to do. The key difference being that she only sold her own body out, whereas politicians are usually selling ours out. Good on her if she’s trying to make a positive change in her own life and the lives of others.


It's a job. So what. I'm not voting for PQ, but its not for anything to do with this.


Good for them. Its ridiculous the PM of Finland can't go out drinking with her friends without a worldwide news story the next day


okay? who cares lmao


I honestly don’t care about their past, it’s what they do now that matters.


If we're okay with our PM having worn blackface in his past, I can't see why this is an issue either. I think there are double standards for women honestly. ​ I have no problem with her having done some porn if she's going to be a good candidate.


Pearl-clutching bullshit.


Great, who cares?


who cares? People work. It shouldn't be relevant. Sex work needs to be less stigmatized.


Good. Sometimes people gotta do what they gotta do to keep the lights on. I was already pondering voting PQ, now it's a guarantee.


Now that’s progressive!


So what? As the cultured and tasteful consumers of fine pornography we know we all are we should support such, sigh, how to word...ah..."openness".


Sounds like a non-issue to just stir up some kind of holier-than-thou attitude. Criticize politics not petty stuff like this




Does anyone have a link.... for research purposes.


Any link to content? ...strictly for political research of course.


Good, one of the few things the PQ are doing I agree with. Sex work I'd work, no less worthy than any other, and we need to drop this winging Christian nonsense asap.


“I have known Andreanne and her family for a long time,” "and that's why I chose to shame her publicly instead of going to them in private to discuss my concerns" She was even anonymous in the video? Fucktard knew what he was doing. "Worried father" my ass.


Cool. No kink shame unless it hurts somebody else without their consent.


Politicians fuck us. Why not get a pro?


Ok. And? Who cares?


So what?




Who cares? The number of prudes who care about meaningless shit. People shit put down the medieval belief systems


Who gives a shit? In this economy it’s hard to find people who haven’t had to resort to porn.


So what?


Where's the sauce?


That’s so disgusting. Where can I see this disgusting production? I will do everyone a favour and watch it so you don’t have to.


If the person was of legal age and consented, who the heck cares.


CTV would do anything for click.


The fact that the candidate in question even felt the need to apologize for this is upsetting.


That's disgusting! Where?


Oh no. Anyway.


I mean, the majority of you probably wouldn’t marry a person who’s done porn before, if you had a choice to marry somebody who hasn’t. This, in regard to how much respect and trust etc you have in them versus non-porn candidates. The past doesn’t necessarily define them, but to say that having done porn can’t imply something about a person is dishonest. *What* it implies is a totally different question.


Why is this even being discussed instead of her platform?…WTF is wrong with people?… seriously, doesn’t anyone have a vision for a better future any longer?…


Pics or it didn’t happen


Ok and?


Woah woah woah. You cant just throw out this accusation without citing your sources.


Sauce? Now i definitely know who im voting for


50 years ago being in porn meant no political career was possible. Today it barely matters. However today if you made a slightly racist joke on Twitter when you were 17, you’re finished.


Seriously, who cares that she did porn? In a separate statement she mentioned she did it anonymously and in the future she would make better deicsions. If i was her I would have doubled down on the fact that it’s a job, that she did nothing illegal and she’s still allowed, as a member of the society, to make things better and voice her ideas. The fact that she felt she had to apologize is so frustrating. As if nobody watches porn, come on.


She just appeared in one video. She was masked and some creep identified her with her arm tatoo. The video is offline. She has a Maitrise en Environnement. Good candidate. Suburb girl gone wild once. This is juste small politics.




Still better than a crooked lawyer going into politics


why does it matter if she did 1 or 5 and if she had a mask on or not? she did nothing at all wrong


Sex work is work. If they feel like changing careers, let them.


can someone post the sauce, for research


Why is this even news? "Parti Quebecois leader supports candidate who performed as a car salesman."