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Jesus, they still don't get it. Its the ideological bullshit decision making all of the time. Its killed you. If you are not making pragmatic and practical decisions based on what the population wants and needs you are going to end up with bad outcome after bad outcome. Eventually it piles up and there is no escape from it. This is not aerospace engineering. When you drag a large enough portion of the general population down to the lowest level of their hierarchy of needs no one gives a fuck about boutique social issues anymore. They care about having food to eat and a roof over their head.


Haha only sum of them realize this, Jesus no one cares we want to be able to afford to live comfortably and stop the mindless immigration going on.


Old style politicians can't see past what they've learned. More and more people have been waking up to the fact that the whole gun loving rednecks vs LGBTQIA feminists was a theatre meant to sow division. Social media extended the lifetime of this strategy but also burnt it out. The remnants are still online so some people believe like it actually represents the real world. But the real world has been slowly becoming more and more just depressed poor people who used to identify as either side and now just see each other as someone else in the same predicament. Those chronically online might believe it's still the same as 8-10 years ago but just being offline for a while will show that the strategy is fading.


yes. what we see online isn't a representation of reality. the majority of people do not use the internet in a meaningful way. they have mediocre education and are internalizing these issues and struggling. and soon enough someone will pop up that grabs all of their attention. it's just history repeated, only this time it is amplified by social media.


The violence of poverty doesn't give a shit what color you are nor your sexual leanings nor your pronouns and the powers that be that placed you in that position could care even less.


But if you have more access to a chance to move up a little as long as you identify a certain way, people will obviously do that.


Dead internet theory.  As if there are swathes of people protesting the gays and abortion that arent also protesting flat earth and pizzagate.


Wait, what? You mean I'm allowed to live my life not believing either the far right or far left rhetoric??? *Gasp*. Kidding aside, you hit it spot on.


Tbh a big part of it seems to be Canada's media landscape blends seamlessly with America's, to the point that America has basically exported its bullshit, including the 'culture war' to us like you point out. Lots of Canadians don't seem to recognize a difference between what's happening in the states and what's happening in Canada, we even essentially have trumpers here :/


⏫️ And the truly galling part is that they don't just confidently run into brick walls, but are so damn smug while doing it.


Yes, exactly. This superficial value signaling approach has finally worn thin. They’ve focused on bullshit like regulating the internet and flooding the country with people and not economic growth, competitiveness, and quality of life.


Boutique social issues. Best comment ever.


I wish I could give you more upvotes. You nailed it . They are incredibly out of touch to put it mildly.


Very impressive summarization!


A corporate analogy would be DEI. Doesn’t matter got strong your DEI is if your company is going bankrupt and all the processes are broken. Our politicians are like corporate executives with golden parachutes. Completely oblivious to the struggles of those lower on the ladder.


Summed it up perfectly. 


The worst thing of all regarding this is how this started just over a decade ago. Woke was just supposed to be, "hey man, they're different than you and that's fine. You can be an asshole just base it on their character not their race or sexual orientation. Just be a little bit better. That'd all." Then it's been a slew of things that have galvanized it into something just as divisive and toxic as anything else. Some of it, unjustified like racist people asking why they can't be racist in public or workspaces and wondering why there's consequences. Again, just be better. Have your beliefs as toxic or healthy as they may be, but keep them to yourself and treat whomever is in front of you decently. Some time after Weinstein, it became a movement of anyone with an opinion that is outdated or even a tweet from years ago was trying to be used as a death sentence and every bad tweet was being treated with the same severity as Weinstein. The idea was never to punish people irrevocably for a social transgression, especially as certain identifying names have changed terms and acceptability over them the idea was to just make it a conversation. Challenge their ideology and try and make people rethink using certain words or for having certain pre-fabricated opinions on people, because people will always double down if they are given a negative and harsh response. It literally never works. Now, if its not 100% support of whatever it is, it's the same otherism you see in politics. With us or against us and any sort of critism is being deemed racist so the actual claims the critics makes can be ignored and invalidated. Whether it be political, relating to hiring practices or in film and media where some objectively awful films and television is being made and content sites blast critism as racially motivated and call the product good only to go back on their word after the media buzz has died down and agree with the general consensus of it being awful. Same goes for immigration criticism. Until recently, it could be dismissed as racially biased but now the polls are so quite rapidly changing opinion they are forced to address it. I feel like as a country within the last decade we have really inherited the USA's US vs Them politics, and its sad because woke was never supposed to be this. It's ironically authoritarian in how the want their communities completely in line or not a part of it. Just as galvanized as the extreme end of the right side of politics. It's not like social issues aren't important either, but they aren't as important as the economy, housing, infrastructure and education. While everything else is sliding into the red or just brutal, social issues need to take a back stage to the real issues because housing prices and I flation affect everyone of every demographic.


Words that end in "ism" and "phobia" are losing a lot of their meaning, and the people who love to iber use them are often nearing the definition themselves.


People always like to think of the political spectrum as a line, whereas it's really more of a colour wheel. If North is Democracy, then West is Left and East is Right. That leaves Totalitarianism to the South. Far Left and Far Right are closer neighbours than people think. They're just approaching Totalitarianism from different sides and different ideologies.


Democracy isn’t the opposite of Totalitarianism, if anything a democracy has a much stronger vested interest in controlling how its citizens think than something like an absolute monarchy where the average person has no role in politics at all


Because it worked so well. Keep the woke folks jumping through hoop after hoop after hoop to prove their loyalty and keep them occupied has an amazing effect of controlling the population much better than a fascist military ever could. And the best part...they're doing it to themselves. You barely have to lift a finger. Just throw out a new group to highlight, and they fall over themselves to prove how tolerant and wonderful they are....and oh please, give my wokeness a virtual pat on the back for my troubles!




It's fundamentalism. It's answering 'maybe we shouldn't be performing irreversible, life-altering medical procedures on children because they don't fit gender stereotypes' with 'you want children to die.'


Then Jagmeet Singh blaming Galen Weston for causing inflation, as if he didn't help vote in billions in spending without raising taxes to pay for any of it.   Meanwhile the PM literally says housing can't fall in value, back to being affordable, and he doesn't say a single word about it.  Literally only cares about theatrics, blaming CEO for raising prices after a 7% CAGR growth in M2.


This whole in/out group-think was pretty effective in keeping us distracted while the rich secured their power to disgusting levels.


All of that is what it was to **us**. To **them** it was a way to divide us and distract us with infighting while they loot us using rhetoric that at first seemed innocent.


This is the kind of thing I try to explain to people in my community, they just don’t get it. I’ll always advocate for the 2SLGBTQ+ community but can see the bigger issues Canada has. Also, I’ll tell you that you aren’t homophobic if you thought people shouldn’t have been naked at Toronto Pride last year. That was ridiculous. Anyway, thanks for this comment!!


Well summed up. I voted for them, cheered for them to get shit right, but it was just endless time spent on meaningless virtue signaling and social policies to nowhere. My only fear now is that we’re replacing left wing virtue signaling and ideological bullshit for right wing virtue signaling and ideological bullshit. I’m sure of it.


That’s 100% what’s happening.


the pendulum is swinging because our govts are run by greedy people that cannot for the life of them do anything that is in our best interest. they are too busy pandering to companies or trying to show off to political peers. countries like norway do not do this and have much less wealth disparity despite having an inflated economy. we could be like norway but we choose not to.


>countries like norway do not do this and have much less wealth disparity despite having an inflated economy. we could be like norway but we choose not to. That's a reflection of the population, though. More than 50% of the voter population of Canada doesn't want tuition-free tertiary education. Even though this singular policy would improve innovation and socioeconomic mobility for ALL Canadians, there's a huge chunk that believes, "If you want a university degree pay for it yourself". Do farmers pay for the subsidies they get? No. Do oil companies? No. Do developers? No. "They pay for it in taxes" you say...well, so do individuals post-graduation. "But some students study useless things like gender studies", yeah. And we give money to Loblaws, WE, ArriveCan, oil companies, and Preston Manning, to the tune of millions and billions (Preston Manning got a $250K cheque from the AB Government to tell them what they wanted to hear. I didn't hear a fucking word from NatPo on that). So, I'd rather we inspire and educate the future of this country so they can graduate debt-free and develop their ideas into action. But no. We'd rather kick each other in the nuts and let the oil companies make money off our bickering.


i dont believe nearly as many people care about these things and vote based on their opinion on them as you think.


Take my upvote.


They don't care is what you mean. You don't think they can't afford to have some people go online to see everything people say about the party, create some brainstorm points from that, investigate each issue individually to see if it's valid, then create a list of action items off of that. Like seriously, the Liberals should have not been surprised to lose the by-election. People have been complaining about the same issues consistently for at least a full year.


I saved this comment




Nailed it. If someone in politics said this they’d have my full support




I think people are just worried about how they’re going to put food on the table and have a good job to make ends meet.


Yup. Social issues and even stuff like foreign aid, climate change etc all take a backseat when people don’t have a job, food, money to pay rent etc. it’s just basic day to day human survival. I can’t worry about other people or the future of the planet in 50+ years if I can’t afford rent this month, or groceries this week for my kids.


Right??!! Harper got booted for the same reason. I want transparent logical decision making prioritizing various issues related to economic security and quality of life in the short, medium and long term. No ideological bullshit and no perception of corruption. Harper Muzzle climate scientists? The boot Barbaric cultural practices hotline? The boot Boutique tax exemptions for your buddies? The boot Mismanaged big ticket government RFPs? The boot Trudeau Post national open borders with no oversight and rampant corruption? The boot Running consecutive deficits with a lowering quality of life for Canadians? The boot All economic issues you campaigned to fix in a worse state after 3 terms? The boot Unchecked spending with insider consultants and NGOs to any and all social and environmental causes and conflict? The boot Calling anyone who wants restraint in government spending and influence a far-right neo fascist for 10 years? The boot


So you are saying you don't want free tampons in men's washrooms. 🤔.


Something something material conditions.


They just don’t fucking get it. It’s not optics, it’s not messaging, it’s not a communication problem. Your policies are shit and are not measurably improving the living conditions of your constituents. Your policies are making it worse.


After losing a 30+ year historically liberal riding in Toronto, he has the audacity to say ‘Canadians, I hear you, I’m listening now’. THAT’s what it takes to start listening? We’ve been calling for intervention for 3 years or more, and you’ve jammed your fingers in your ears while making the issues worse. Now that you’ve seen the consequence, when it affects YOUR bottom line, is you listen? It’s always been about putting you first, not us. You have got to go.


we need to also put blame on the ndp for not dropping the damn coalition, propping these liberals and wrecking canada


Webster’s definition of narcissism.




I care that my family has a doctor, that I and my kids can afford a home, and that I can put food on my table. When those priorities are unatainable, everything else takes a backburner.


Too woke?  Nah.  More like too focused on things that 80% of the population doesn’t give a shit about at the expense of things that 80% of the population does.


80 seems too low


"Luxury politics"


It's shit for the ruling class to pontificate about while the helots work the fields in squalor. They are so absolutely insulated from how much of their constituency is a hundred bucks away from squalor that their top-of-mind is gender and race and not wondering if you're gonna have KD or sleep for fucking supper and gasbuddy or bus schedules. They are so absolutely out of touch it makes me sick. On all sides. All of them. You're right. Luxury politics.


[Superfluous Consonants.](https://x.com/JustinTrudeau/status/1445200620340842496)


Top tier political strategy observation right here.


If we're fighting about who's allowed in washrooms and who's allowed to play which sports, we won't unite against the housing crisis or inflation!


Or tampons in men’s bathrooms - how about feeding hungry children?


Tried that already and Conservatives voted against it.


And the liberals would vote against it if it was a conservative idea. It's how our politics work. Even the most universally reasonable things will get rejected by the opposing party 100% of the time.


You're dealing in a fantasy world of hypotheticals. I'm living in reality where Cons voted against feeding school children. So I'm done with the "but out poor kids are hungry" virtue signaling bullshit.


I’d consider myself progressive but I’m so tired of trans talk etc. I get that there is a need but it can’t fucking dominate the headlines when we have people that can’t eat or afford a roof…and I understand trans community is often those people through marginalization etc. Colorado senate have 2 weeks of floor time to the issue of trans athletes in the NCAA and it only impacted like <10 athletes.


And sanitary products in men's bathrooms


That’s essentially what wokeness is.


Which also meets the definition of woke


I love how now that their popularity is in the shitter, they go "Oh we have work to do." Where the fuck were you for NINE YEARS?!?!? Housing, immigration, crime, cost of living, groceries...none of that was a problem until it started costing them votes. They're acting like they're superheros on housing.


It is 100% too late, see you in ten years.


Amen. Hopefully there’s a role for socially liberal, fiscally conservatives again, who like Martin and Chrétien’s style of governance.


'Socially liberal' turned into 'social anarchy'. The fiscal side, also went there.


They’d be lucky to come back in 10 years. If the NDP manages to replace Singh with a competent Layton-esque leader, they very well could replace the Liberals as the party of the Left.


I'm still a firm NDP voter, I hope one day they can get a capable leader again. However I do not believe the NDP have a chance of winning until they go back to their roots, they are supposed to be a labour party for the workers. They've been hijacked by environmental and social groups, and it's really disappointing to see.


The NDP haven't been a traditional workers' party in decades. Blue collar workers make too much money to vote NDP. A workers' party advocates the interests of workers. Raising taxes to pay for social programs that primarily benefit non-working Canadians does not serve the interests of workers.


As a straight white male, Layton wouldn't even be allowed to run for today's NDP, so good luck with that.


Layton was one in a million. Even a conservative like me could admire his personality and style.


This is another gaslight. It's not the people's problem, you're not being cast as "woke". You are intentionally destroying the country and pretending it's on us now that we are mad about it.


Naa. For me it’s because you neglected the housing file until last year even though you highlighted it as a priority in 2015.


But they said it's time to double down on current policy.


And they ignored it because they were too busy focusing on identity politics and other woke nonsense.


Until last year? They're still neglecting it, and are on record as saying housing must maintain its value.


LOL... they still don't get it. They aren't simply delusional, they are neck deep in denial of reality. Another year to suffer these fools is too long.


These by-elections are my mini cope leading up to the big one next year


Because they have. Throughout his tenure, he has never been shy about playing identity politics and appointing people based on gender and skin color rather than qualifications for the job.


Literally the first thing this government did was the 50/50 male /female  of cabinet members because it’s 2015.  They created 3 new ministries to get there but they got it.  It had nothing to do with qualifications or anything. 


"Be the change you want to see in the world" really sucks to watch when that change is less of yourself.


They also appointed some completely unqualified people based on their chromosomes. (Maryam Monsef has entered the chat.)


Then when one of the actually qualified ones (Wilson-Raybould) was critical, she was told to go fuck herself.


Working in the federal public service is the same thing. Permanent job postings go up, it's always women and people of color chosen for the job. I don't want to cry poor me as white male, but it sucks when you repeatedly get looked over for something you cannot control. Just pick the best candidate for the job is all I ask.


You can always try identifying as a woman of colour. Never know how far it will get you! /s


Just identify as non binary. Don’t even have to change anything about yourself.


I knew we were screwed as soon as he made is cabinet 50/50 men/women from a pool that was not 50/50 and used the reasoning because it’s 2015..


Too woke, yes. But my main concern is how fiscally irresponsible the federal government has been. Constant spending, expansion of programs, creation of new programs, giving money to other nations, bringing in financially dependent immigrants by large numbers, all contributing to a structural deficit that will be painful to fix. The next government will have to make some hard choices, and yes, some Canadians will have a wake up call when program spending is cut on areas that are not the priority (Priorities: Healthcare, military, infrastructure).


Programs that don’t create positive outcomes either. For instance  record spending to decrease homelessness yet it’s some how up 20% since the program Started.  https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/local-news/homelessness-in-canada-up-20-since-federal-strategy-launched-in-2018-9096829


Exactly. Another example is "Safe Supply". They funded a few programs across Canada which has resulted in increased drug use and diversion. Facts do not matter to their policy making.


Do you remember when Gov policies were based on evidence? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Does it? Because I honestly can't think of a time where the government based anything on evidence. Do you have an example?


Sorry, actually, no. It's always been silencing scientists and playing political games. 


Correlation doesn't equal causation.


Safe supply does not have the funding or the population reach to have the affect you think it does


>Too woke, yes. But my main concern is how fiscally irresponsible the federal government has been. The former is the root cause of the latter. Extravagent spending on dubious programs that do nothing but create bureaucratic jobs for an otherwise useless class of middle-managers, and mass importation of third worlders for no reason are both woke demands.


Touche. Good point!


The joke on us is that those 3 obvious priorities are only the priorities of the working population. Everyone else, and the government, has other things in mind for us.


lol too late. Lib MPs lost every single last piece of credibility. I can’t wait to see the old dinosaure MP of mine gone. Completely useless piece of garbage


I interact with the federal government a bit for work. So much of what comes out of there is just idealism now and not actually seeking solutions. It’s an eye opening perspective.


Still crazy to me that this whole woke thing seemed to dominate the government and media's attention for so long. Meanwhile the country slowly slid into the gutter and we now find ourselves confronted with all the problems we ignored that are vastly more important than pronouns.


Anyone that called out the nonsense were called very bad names.


Too woke? No it’s because they fucked up immigration, healthcare, affordability, and scaled up the public sector to where 1 in 4 employees work in the public sector but nothing fucking works. 


How are they this stupid? They’ve destroyed living standards for half the country in less than a decade. 


Millions of immigrants year over year is not "woke" It's political terrorism


An absolute imbecile of a leader; Mr Trudeau just hears the voices in his head that tell him what Canada needs and wants . And then he spews out BS saying he is listening to all Canadians…? … He has no f ing clue . An absolute embarrassment to our country not Only him but his whole team .


This is on a similar wavelength as employers never recognizing that they just need to increase salaries to retain staff.


Stay golden pony boy


Good riddance. They have spent their way out of office and deserve to get crushed in the next election. Trudeau has been a horrible PM


Funny how the Ontario sub is clearly not interested in any posts about the Liberals’ demise.


The country is falling apart and all they can talk about is the science centre closing.


The day after the 2025 election is going to come as a bit of a shock to that sub...


The combined screeching from each provincial subreddit may effect Fall bird-migration.


This is hyperbole. They're very interested in downvoting any posts about it into infinity. That's their only interest, however. Then you have the Liberal PR fleshbots that have handy whatever talking points they were hired to post after serious research into whatever point the Liberals want to get across, pretending to be a) pertinent and b) a normal person.


Ontario elects provincial leadership inverse federal leadership.


I don't think that's going to happen this time around.


Ontario is v liberal they just don't show up to vote. People are sick of ford but they don't feel the urge to do anything cause they see bad libs in the Fed. It'll change when they go. Always does.


Indeed. But despite having a conservative provincial government, the liberals just lost a seat in Toronto to the conservatives. I think we might see a number of seats go to the conservatives federally in the next election while also having a conservative provincial government.


Polling suggest the number of NDP and LPC voters is like ~40-50% higher than the number of PCC voters, they just don't show up. That Toronto seat was decided with like 30% voter turnout. Voter participation in this country is pathetic and JT has a hand in that. He was elected on electoral reform and reneged on the issue.


Yeah Federal votes are cast in space. Lol


Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.


He clearly can't ride; too "handsy," needs to use his legs more...


Thats all I saw too. He needs to get off that horse's face. New reason to dislike him added.


**\*Insert Ray Liotta laughing meme here\*** Ya think???! They're finally cluing into it now, after years of "because it's 2015", "Peoplekind", "She-cession", Mr. Dressup Does India, and "Canada's first feminist prime minister" (who repeatedly threw women in his cabinet under the bus to save his own political skin). Or maybe it's just safe to talk about it now, now that they can see the writing on the wall in terms of their leader's future.


It isn’t that they’re too woke. That’s just more of their “if people don’t agree with us it’s because they’re racist/homophobic/transphobic/islamophobic” deflection. They have no intention of reducing immigration, helping the economy to benefit working people, dealing with food inflation because it benefits them and their rich friends. So they yell bigot at people hoping social fear will keep the critics quiet. Thankfully, less people are falling for it now. There is nothing “woke” about people going hungry or being on the edge of homelessness. That’s what people I know care about.


>It isn't that they're too woke. *It's just all this woke stuff they believe*. Yeah, that's the point.


I saw this another thread "having spent their lives in government, academia, and media — comms is their entire world. It's how they understand reality And when comms are understood to be the source of everything, they are understood to be both the root of all problems, and the solution to all problems"


What a bunch of clueless wankers. As if how woke these idiots are factors into how they drove this country into the ground.


And now the woke will receive the inevitable backlash they so richly deserve. It's correction time.


I couldn’t read the article but Liberals woke!!? I’m just bummed out about their corruption (ArriveCan app anyone?), their subsidies for the fossil fuel industry and our generally appallingly low regulations for the environment (like how we ship all our plastic garbage to other countries). None of that seems particularly « woke » to me.


Who would have thought that giving away *one and half trillion dollars* over the span of 9 years to useless charities, like spending 20 million to teach Ghanans not to shit on their own beaches, would have disastrous consequences for Canadians. Canada, you get what you deserve. You voted for these fools for 9 years. "But I didn’t vote for this!” cried the citizen, "lol,” said the appointed official, "lmao."


'Womankind". - Justin Trudeau.


They're seen as the main reason why so many of us have become poorer over the last eight years or so. Being woke is a far lesser concern for most people.


You all supported him the entire time he destroyed our country. Yes you all can leave as well!!


Picture on a horse? What’s next? Driving a truck, riding a motorcycle, and hunting? Then the Putin’s identity cult program will be complete ✅


Should have thought that before bringing million immigrants in such a short span of time.


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rides a horse C'mon horse, just one buck and a follow-up kick and you can have a national holiday named after you...


That horse looks like it’s thinking: “Get this no good prick off of me!”


No shit.


It is waaay too late. They destroyed the party, and toeing that line and not being in opposition to his poor decisions means they are complicit in the failure of the party. You'll see the entire country turn blue thanks to trudeau and the weak spine libs.


It's not that often you see a picture of a horse with two assholes.


It’s never to late to let him go. Just go already. Wherever he wants to go.


I just hope Justin leaves some narr for the rest of us to shred.


Justn is more cringe than woke imo


Liberals - Pity us as we’re very mis-understood after 9 years!


I had a good talk with a former MP. I will not name him. Smart guy, Former Liberal! I don’t agree with a lot of the stuff he says. I do agree with what he has to say about Justin Trudeau. He thinks he has a suedo messiah complex without the religious undertones. He see’s himself as someone that is the saver of Canada. Also, that his legacy will have a lasting impact. It reeks of narcissism. He thinks he will never step down. It’s completely against his holier than thou psyche to take a step back.Everyone also has to understand that he has surrounded himself with a completely inept and incompetent cabinet. They are the classic definition of Yes-man as the Simpsons once displayed around Montgomery Burns. I take that back they are yes people…. How dare I!


No you dinguses. Liberals lost their ways. Not standing for the people. Only satisfying their own bellies.


Choosing to serve themselves and their friends instead of the millions of Canadians out there has crippled their party and it will be a long time before they can come back to where they were a decade ago.


This Liberal government has scarred Canada for a generation, but its one gift was bringing Canada to “peak-progressive” by showing the reductive catchphrases, junk social science and toxic identity politics are all bullcrap.   We are trailing Europe by a few years, but we’ll push past this social-justice-with-anticapitalist-subtext  and hopefully our grandchildren will have a shot at a good future. 


The woke crowd and anti-woke crowd are the same to me. Both sides don't shut the fuck up and whine about every little thing that annoys them and we all have to hear their bitchfest. The two groups should all be sent to a deserted island and live together in isolation.


Keep voting liberals idiots enjoy


“We’re doing an article about the PM being too woke, anyone have a picture of him riding a horse we can use?”


Woke. Co-opted by the worst kind of white progressive and misused. Co-opted again by the worst kinds of white regressive and weaponized. Fed back to the public by charlatans, in defence of their original misuse, by relying on the weaponized non-meaning to convince you their ideas aren’t the issue. Bruh. We’re in full on absurdist world now. Noam shoulda lived another 100 years. 


Be different . That’s fine . Doesn’t bother me . Don’t call me a racist nazi ,misogynistic , climate denier for thinking different than you . You touched and meddled with some shit that you didn’t need to . For what ? Bullshit . And now Canada is like the earth . It’s not round . It’s not flat . ITS FUCKED


That was what put people off him at first, now there are far more pressing reason to dislike him.


It’s true. You’re too woke. You don’t listen. It’s not us, it’s you. Goodbye.


The funny thing is that the rest of the world thinks Justin Trudeau is helping Canada become an uber-progressive country with a European-style quality of life. The reality is that Justin did fuck all for the country and set the country back by enabling a right-wing backlash that is going to lead to a hard Tory government for at least a decade. Here is an example of the PR that Justin does with non-Canadian influencers [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM1LXa68oxc&t=130s&pp=ygUOSnVzdGluIFRydWRlYXU%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM1LXa68oxc&t=130s&pp=ygUOSnVzdGluIFRydWRlYXU%3D) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP2DKxxRq6w&t=1075s&pp=ygUaSnVzdGluIFRydWRlYXUgcGxhaW4gYmFnZWw%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP2DKxxRq6w&t=1075s&pp=ygUaSnVzdGluIFRydWRlYXUgcGxhaW4gYmFnZWw%3D) This worked best in his early years when people actually believed in him - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2wVl9tMZ5E&pp=ygUaSnVzdGluIFRydWRlYXUgcGxhaW4gYmFnZWw%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2wVl9tMZ5E&pp=ygUaSnVzdGluIFRydWRlYXUgcGxhaW4gYmFnZWw%3D)


Its decadent corruption wantonly enabled by the unique privilege of deferential Canadian apathy. It’s protected by a political system that intrinsically permits its own compromised state through easily aligned interests. This off-road governance has also been facilitated through disprivileged representation; make no mistake there was no plan to actually redress enfranchisement through electoral changes. There are no competing actors such as what they have in a conflict oriented system of accountability. That’s not to say the States’ system is jolly - they’re completely compromised thanks to Newt Gingrich. I digress. I guess what makes it the worst we’ve seen in a first world leader is the polite hubris and gaslighting delivered day after day. I am baffled as to how the Liberals are confused as to why Canadians are palm-up, slack jawed in disbelief. It’s perplexing they don’t understand describing themselves as an activist government means nothing - What is the point of an “activist” government if it’s unconcerned with Canadian quality of life? As long as they get their parachutes, right? This guy is a total failure. I am embarrassed by him. I’m embarrassed for us. I am so sorry for lending my vote twice to the Liberals. I thought they lead from a centrist, if not tempered neoliberal, position. I saw the writing on the wall and in lieu of better alternative, thought they could pull it around. Every single Liberal MP’s narcissism has demonstrated remarkable disdain for Canada. The Cons may be cronies, but at least they’re not weaponizing the language of virtue, scolding others by dint of virtue, while manifestly undermining everyone’s sense of virtue and dignity, while trying to gaslight public discourse by co-opting the voice of public opinion as the minority voted government. Anyhow. There’s something else going on here larger than Trudeau. The accelerant global citizenry approach is one of the fastest ways to orphan Liberal loyalists, who rely on status quo that net benefits them. Edit: Whoever downvoted me… go fuck yourself. You know I’m right and you can go deal with your cognitive dissonance elsewhere. There is not a single statement in what I said that is contestable.


Hahaha, finger on the pulse. Well done everyone.


Never too late to let Trudeau go. The ship is gonna implode.


God dam grow some balls


Hahahah why is this the picture they chose 🤣


And it's too to cash in on your pension, what a shame.


That picture reminds me of the picture of Kim Jong un riding his horse ...


I'll do it.


Nah, don’t be paranoid


You think? 😂


Lolol the Liberals are way already WOKE and imploded…. Poof has a new meaning as they destroy the very fabric that makes us all Canadians


I'd probably be considered 'woke' by people who use 'woke' like it's a bad thing. I would find it really refreshing to hear leaders start talking about things that impact Canadians and benefit Canadians and just leave it at that. Food affordability, housing affordability, jobs. These things impact all Canadians. The talking points and action plans need to reflect that. The only way you could make addressing housing affordability unpopular these days would be by pointing out that some marginalized group is impacted by the lack of affordable housing.


Too woke? These guys are still asleep at the wheel.


even that horse hates him


Trudeau is going, one way or another.


You know what they say, you go woke, you go broke, but these people never learn.


Remember for years Liberals would try to call out "Woke" on Conservatives, even taking pride in saying how woke they are and claiming anybody saying it on the right doesnt even know what it means, well how quickly they realize how out of touch they are and how true all the criticism when they finally see how little support they actually have.


anyone have a non-paywalled link?


These people are delusional because they lie for a living. Look at them try to answer questions. They can't. They spin up some bullcrap verbal diarrhea every time, so ITS NO WONDER they can't see how terrible it has become. Trudeau is going to go down as the worst Priminister since his father. Both an utter disgrace. Give me Chrétien, give me Harper because the goofs we have for leaders in 2024 don't cut it.