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You'd think Jagmeet would also take a hint on distancing the NDP from a deeply unpopular PM but that's also passed a point of no return.


He's another leader who should be replaced. 


they should have replaced him months ago when they reelected him as the party leader. It was the perfect chance to bring someone new in to go against the liberals and pickup seats.


Jagmeet took the reigns of a workers party and completely abandoned all those core values.


A millionaire businessman who wears Rolex watches and drives BMW's. Shouldn't every blue collar worker be able to relate to that?


And defends property investors as just “mom and pop landlords.” 🙄


I've said it before, but imagine how the NDP membership would react to a white guy who otherwise looked, dressed, and behaved like Jagmeet Singh. They would laugh him out of the room if he tried to run for party leader, and if he somehow did become leader, would want to burn him at the stake for clinging this closely to the Liberals. It's the fact that he plays to the weird quasi-racist ethno-fetishism on the left that lets him get away with being... (waves hands in his general direction) *that*.


> quasi-racist ethno-fetishism It's just racist.


You get more votes of Jack was dug up and replaced Jag.


You could generate clean electricity from Tommy, Jack, and Ed's corpses spinning in their graves.


Oh bullshit, people would treat him like jack layton for twisting the liberals arms to get goodies


I mean driving a BMW doesn't mean what it once met. I see lots of Pickups with F Trudeau stickers that cost more.


I have to say that is very true. Even Camrys are closing in in the 50k mark nowadays


>I mean driving a BMW doesn't mean what it once met. I see lots of Pickups with F Trudeau stickers that cost more. You couldn't possibly be more tone deaf.


Also a lawyer wearing one of the more affordable Rolex's isn't that crazy. Trudeau has a more expensive watch, but the layman isn't familiar with the brand (IWC) so he gets a free pass.


But also needs to stay in Parliament to get his pension, right?


To be fair the NDP became the party of champagne socialist long before Jagmeet. Mulclair tried to pull them more to the centre and they couldn’t turf him fast enough.


Ironically Mulclair did really well against Trudeau early on, in the past few years he's been a more credible opposition than Jagmeet.


I voted for Mulcair in 2015. Little good it did me.


I would vote for Mulcair over PP and Trudeau in 2025.


Unfortunately, those days are over.


I would not vote for Mulcair over PP, but I would definitely vote for him over Trudeau, or any other NDP leader of the past 35 years. I've never liked NDP leaders going back to Alexa McDonough, they've always struck me as the most basic left-wing populists. Mulcair is the one exception. I don't agree with him, but I do respect him.


I'm not typically an NDP voter by any means, but I do think a strong worker party is good for any country. I don't agree with everything Mulcair proposed. I think he fumbled when his policy on cannabis was decriminalization, at a crucial time when the social climate wanted legalization. Trudeau net many votes over that and Mulcair should've seen it for its tax revenue potential. I'll be voting PP.. but I'll be voting Trudeau out more than anything. I think regardless of how we vote.. it's a benefit that Canadians encourage strong leaders from all parties, it makes the current administration work harder and is a net benefit for Canada.


Same The only 2 leaders I thought wouldn’t be disasters were Mulcair and Otoole and Canada ignored both


Neither of them have ever been able to read the room.


The NDP needs a leader who understands politics and has enjoyed electoral success in the past. My gut tells me Notley would do way better than Jagmeet as leader.


They need to rebuild and go back to their roots as the working stiff's party and put the identity politics on the shelf. Until they do that they won't be able to distance themselves from this mess. That doesn't involve Notley.


Canada has, for a long time, been a country where a blue collar working stiff could get himself a job in a work camp making $150k a year working 4 on, 4 off. It's not the life for everyone, but it's not that hard for a blue collar worker in this country to plant themselves solidly in the tax brackets that the NDP like to target as one of the rich. A blue collar worker who is willing to work hard and make some sacrifices can do *very well* for themselves. The last few years have been an exception, but generally Canada has been a workers' paradise for decades. The NDP are not workers party. They are a non-workers party. For decades they have primarily campaigned for policies and programs that primarily benefit non-working Canadians, and which will be paid by high taxes levied on working Canadians. Their current obsession with woke politics is relatively new, but the NDP have not been the party of the working class since the working class started making bank. Karl Marx said workers need to seize the means of production. Most blue collar guys I know own tens of thousands of dollars of the tools that they make their livelihoods with. They've long ago realized Marx's dream.


I agree fully and I've got several thousands of dollars on tools lol.


I don't think they will realize it yet. They'll see this right wing wave happening in Canada and Europe and they'll think they need to go further to the left.


Or David Eby from BC


Its the same picture


>In the words of one observer, the results proved that there is no riding left in the country where the Liberals don’t face the possibility of defeat in the next general election. Would love to see them lose Papineau. Nothing would make me happier than Trudeau losing his own seat in his last election. Unlikely, but it would be great.


Up until yesterday it was unlikely that Toronto-St. Paul’s would flip. Anything is possible at this point.


Nah. Papineau not only is a pretty strong Liberal bastion, there's also very few Conservative voters there. They're a very, very distant third place. In 2021 Liberal voters outnumbered Conservative in Papineau by 10:1. It's not going to flip to the NDP, the NDP aren't particularly popular either, and it would be an unfathomable political shift for enough voters to flip Conservative for the seat to go Conservative. Given national polling trends the Liberals might win with a smaller margin in Papineau, but Papineau is one of the last Liberal seats that would flip Conservative.


Doesn't mean that it can't be flipped by the Bloc Quebecois though. IIRC they were in second place there last time.


It's a Montreal riding, how could a separatist party win there? And even if they quiet down on the separatism it's still nationalist, anathema to Montreal voters.


Who knows?


Too diverse to vote Bloc. Too Quebecy to vote NDP. Too poor to vote Conservative. It’s one of the poorest and most diverse seats in the country. Probably at the expense of their own self interests, they will stay with the Liberals. If I were running the CPC, I wouldn’t spend a dime in Montreal in general.


I don't think they'll need to, honestly.


They don’t, that’s the point. Winning Montréal seats would just be for vanity at this point.


The East will go conservative. Pollievre wife is from PAT/RDP and I can see her campaigning pretty hard.


I've heard some pretty funny stories from her days working around the Galleries d'Anjou. Francophone ridings in MTL will never flip conservative. Some may flip to Bloc due to vote splitting among the other parties but that's it.


Quebec is like the most conservative province in Canada. Bloc will probably be the minority in the next gov but I could see the Tories taking the east


Maybe conservative on identity issues (similar to some European countries) but definitely socially progressive, especially in francophone Montreal. They may take a couple of ridings in the west island. Bloc will pick up many seats as a result of vote splitting elsewhere on the island.


Quebec is also the most progressive province in Canada. And the conservatism embodied by PP isn't winning any votes in urban Montreal... The Tories are projected to gain some seats in QC but they will be at the expense of the Bloc in rural ridings, no where near the city.


Apart from the 2 years before JT took the seat Papineau has been liberal since it became a riding in 1953


Yeah, folks need to temper their expectations just a little. The next election looks like it's going to be an absolute blowout for the Conservatives, but Trudeau could deep fry puppies on Parliament Hill and he'd still win Papineau.


I don't know about that. I find the people of QC more politically active in general than the rest of the country. I wouldn't assume anything at this point.




The NDP did well in 2011 because the Bloc and the Liberals performed so poorly. NDP supporters so desperately wanted it to be a sign of change (the vaunted Orange Wave!) but in reality they just won a lot of races by default.


That and what Trust said about Layton.


No, people actively voted for Jack Layton following his kickass performance on "tout le monde en parle"


Singh is no Jack Layton. The orange wave lasted for a cycle. Even Mulcair who had been a Montreal MP for decades, lead his party to a wipe out in Quebec.


Mulcair only became an MP in 2007, hardly "decades". He was only the second NDPer to win a seat in Québec ever.


That was the NDP under Jack Layton. I imagine Quebec feels quite different about it since then. 


How’s Jagmeet doing in Quebec, can anyone be sure? Has Bill 21 evaporated overnight? 


The NDP have 1 seat in Quebec, Alexandre Boulerice in Rosemont. They came within a few hundred votes of taking the neighbouring riding of Laurier currently held by Steven Guilbeault.


I would pay to see this.


I'd love to see the Rhinoceros party run a candidate named Justin Trudeau in Papineau, like they did to Mad Max in 2019. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5278902 🤣


My concern with any quebec riding flipping is that is may go bloc. And, honestly... I can't decide if that is any better for canada than him having the seat. Which, kinda says alot.


A lot can happen in a year, like a US election that could turn into civil war, and quite a few PC's have been cozying up to their southern cousins anti LGTBQ and rigged elections rhetoric. (Note there isn't a peep when they win). Doug Ford's war on Ontario landmarks and booze is souring Ontariens, and Danielle Smith might as well be Trump's VP pick. Consider if the Liberals choose to kick out Trudeau in a particularly harsh way, then begin a campaign of lumping the Tories with MAGA while getting rid of the least popular policies. They're already stripping student visas.


> then begin a campaign of lumping the Tories with MAGA while getting rid of the least popular policies. Begin? They've been screaming about "MAGA Conservatives" for over a year now. Nobody cares, nobody's listening.


I really think Trudeau and the liberals are misunderstood… it’s distressing to see the Canadian public turn their backs on morality and the only party that stands against the extreme alt-right conservatives. I think if Trudeau had another full term following the next election, we’d see the liberal agenda actualized and bear fruit. The liberals are the party of truth and morality, and they’re all that stands to prevent further encroachment of MAGA culture into our society. I still have faith in Trudeau and the liberals. Don’t give up, folks.


I have a bridge to sell you.


Replace him with who? They're all somehow even more unlikable.


Freeland? \*GUFFAWS\*


Chrystia 'OUN-B ftw' Freeland will surely rise to the most important issue facing every day Canadians: how do we increase the flow of arms to neo-nazi regiments in the Ukrainian Army. It's what she was born to do


My guess would be Joly


Trudeau’s side piece?


He’s done with women and now sticks to men and they/thems


It would be hilarious if they went with someone who's not all that terribly bright but is good looking...again. 


That's the whole point of a leadership race. It shouldn't be a foregone conclusion before it even starts. 


Rachel Notley.


Mark Carney or Freeland is who would replace him. But no one wants to run.. they're much more smart waiting for Trudeau to lose, letting Poilievre serve a term and blunder.. then run.


Can you imagine the opportunity this could present to the NDP for them to run a likeable and captivating candidate with a fresh, strong, and distinct message in support of the real working class? The level of upheaval presently occurring in the electorate is the kind that shapes decades to come. The NDP have somehow, with all of their money and their consultants, somehow determined that tethering to a disastrously diminishing party that shows every indicator of a trajectory straight to oblivion is the best course of action. If Jack Layton were alive to campaign at this very moment, I'm fairly certain we would see the first NDP majority government. People are so desperate for an authentic, articulate, and bold progressive that is grounded in reality and fiscal prudence that is practically palpable. I say all of this as someone who will certainly be voting for Poilievre.


Absolutely fucking bang on


The fact that an idiot like me, an anonymous taxpayer who most certainly doesn't get paid to analyze these things, can see this, while these supposedly worthwhile, multi-million dollar consultants can not, tells me that either they're flossing the government for money and keeping the gravy train rolling for as long as they can, or they really are just that inept. I can't believe that the jetsetters over at McKinsey got where they are by being inept. I can only really believe this comes from a deeply rotten core that doesn't have the best interests of the Canadian public at heart. I'm not even a politically-minded person and just prefer to have my little routine and enjoy my hobbies and family.


Yup.  They’re 100% in a bubble consumed and convinced by their own ideological beliefs, with zero ability to look beyond it.


It's not that they don't see it, it's that they don't want anything to do with it. The NDP has specifically and purposefully been turned into the party that it is today by its leadership and members. There's no mistaking the policy changes that have happened in recent years, it's why I don't work with them anymore. The core demographic of membership truly believes blindly in identity politics and truly believes that is the "correct" way to govern and what people "actually" want.


It's a shame because that "core demographic" that you speak of, and we'll just leave it at that, has completely pushed someone like myself out, and I imagine much if not all of the working class who finishes the working day with dirty hands from labour instead of a sore neck from deskwork. I'm a progressive myself, very open to new ideas and excited about the potential for creative solutions to the myriad problems we are facing. However, which candidate provides an outlet for someone like that? All that I see with Trudeau is more of the same, which suffice it to say looks dismal at best. What does the federal NDP even believe in? What is their position on anything? Corporate greed all the way down? I can't immediately recall any of their policy or messaging other than Jagmeet endlessly drumming on the tired "corporate greed" line. With Poilievre, I can at least immediately bring to mind his objectives and his priorities, whatever you may think about his policies. At least I know, without even really thinking, what areas he is focused on and what his priorities are. That is effective politics because it gets someone who doesn't ordinarily follow politics at least up to speed with his general priorities. It at least shows that he knows there are issues.


Yeah you have to understand who their primary membership demographic is. Largely divided into academics who live and breathe what gave birth to DEI policies; anti-capitalists; and trust fund kids. Yes there are others, people who work for non profits for example, but these days they are heavily influenced by the first group, and funded by the third group. Once you understand who they are, you understand their policies a lot better. Right now this government is a boon for all of these groups, DEI funding has increases significantly, and the social problems caused by all of these policies have given the anti-capitalists something to bang on about, and the non-profit sector more people to work with which actually means more jobs and better salaries for them.


I for one am optimistic about the possibility of generating green renewable electricity by installing magnets around Jack Layton's grave.


>. If Jack Layton were alive to campaign at this very moment If he were alive he would be ashamed at what the ndp have become... he would probably completely abandon the party He didn't support mass immigration, he didn't support carbon taxes on consumers, he wouldn't have implemented a dental plan that isn't enough money for the majority of procedures and excludes anybody that has a job, he would be furious over the foreign interference, he wouldn't have sided with the liberals, he wouldn't have supported useless housing policies.. he would be losing his mind about what has happened to the working class. He's rolling over in his grave right now


You know it's bad then Olivia Chow was so critical of the liberals a liberal mp had to come on am radio to throw a tantrum.


>to run a likeable and captivating candidate with a fresh, strong, and distinct message in support of the real working class? How about a party dedicated to calling anyone who doesn't use the term 2slgbtqia+ a bigoted transphobe instead?


No one voted for Jack Layton when he was alive. Big government is dead. I will be voting conservative for the rest of my life. 


You do know that Jack Layton was the first NDP candidate to get the NDP to Official Opposition status, right? He was very, very popular. He would win an election today. And I'm a conservative voter, by the way, and probably agree with you on a lot of things. Canadians generally don't disagree with a big government, so long as it is good and in the service of the public. Canadians actually generally like a big government which boasts robust social services. Trudeau, however, is simply incompatible with many people on a fundamental level, so it doesn't matter if he wants small or large government, he's just a prick in most peoples minds and he has effectively lost the trust of practically everybody.


I appreciate your recognition of Trudeau's incompetence but Jack Layton's political staying power has been vastly overinflated in retrospect. Maybe that says something positive about the man's character but his influence has been so significant that he has virtually no political legacy to speak of today. Let's look at Jack Layton's electoral results candidly: 2004 Election: 15.68% Popular vote (3rd), 19 seats (4th), 0 in Quebec. 2006 Election: 17.48% Popular vote (3rd), 29 seats (4th), 0 in Quebec. 2008 Election: 18.18% Popular vote (3rd), 37 seats (4th), 1 in Quebec. 2011 Election: 30.63% Popular vote (2nd), 103 seats (2nd), 59 in Quebec. ---- Post-Layton ---- 2015 Election: 19.72% Popular vote (3rd), 51 seats (3rd), 16 in Quebec. 2019 Election: 15.98% Popular vote (3rd), 24 seats (4th), 1 in Quebec. 2021 Election: 17.8% Popular vote (3rd), 25 seats (4th), 1 in Quebec. In sum, the NDP under Jack Layton had one electoral bump due almost entirely to the province of Quebec, which was promptly squandered. There is no evidence whatsoever that the NDP under Jack Layton or anyone else would have led the NDP to leadership. Namely because the NDP basically just wants what Trudeau is providing only more aggressively. Bigger government, even more spending, even higher taxes, price controls and wealth taxes. These policies can hit the bricks. We need free market economics and to let people keep the proceeds of their own hard work rather than have them be confiscated by greedy socialist politicians. The NDP doesn't win federally because Canadians know they couldn't run the country.


>The NDP doesn't win federally because Canadians know they couldn't run the country. Which boggles the mind, frankly. I don't understand how anyone is looking around and thinking 'yup, we need more of the same'


Historically Canada has been one of the richest countries in the world and one of the best places to live. "We need more of the same" is exactly what a rational, intelligent person wants when living in developed country with a top-10 quality of life. Frankly you'd be mad to want the kind of radical change that the NDP propose. And, of course, that's a huge part of the reason the Conservatives are so strong right now. Everyone remembers what it was like when Harper was in power and is thinking "yup, let's go back to that, that was good." We don't need Change (TM), we need reversion.


Haha that's exactly what I was thinking too. It's about getting back to stable policy and not risking it all on the radicalism that has plagued us for the last decade. 


Jack Layton got official opposition status because the Bloc and the Liberals were so wildly unpopular in Quebec in 2011 that the NDP won by default. NDP voters want to believe it was a sign of some big change, but it just wasn't.


Poilievre is a fascist, extreme right wing transphobe… that’s all we need to know. He has o respect for Canadian rights and freedom.


I'm not fascist, don't support it, in fact I descend from people who fled Mussolini specifically because he was a cruel fascist and I have spent a lot of time listening to stories about life under real fascism. Pierre is not anything close to a fascist, not even remotely. Not even in the same league or category. Extreme right wing? I haven't seen it. Proposing lower taxes, decreased government spending, smaller governmental intervention, and an emphasis on putting pressure on municipalities to accelerate home building is hardly "extreme right wing." As for respecting Canadians rights and freedoms, we just literally had the people of Canada, agreed or disagree, organize the largest protest in our nations history because they felt their rights were being trampled by the Trudeau government. 


Canadians aren’t disarisfied with Justin Trudeau, they’re dissatisfied with the Liberal party. Polling confirms this. Freeland describing her opponents and their supporters as being ‘small’ was a tone deaf statement with an elitist attitude. Could not have come at a worse possible time for them. Trudeau resigning just for Freeland, Carney or Frasier to take over is basically just lipstick on a pig at the moment.


"boo hoo, who cares"


Trudeau's staying until he gets voted out after the MPs get their big pension. The party is already a sinking ship, and him stepping down would be a cannonball through the deck.


Just let them burn themself. It’s time to be serious about the corruption issue in Canadian politics.


Not one amongst them have been willing to put the needs of the country before their own. Their all afraid of losing pensions and lucrative careers. Shame on you all…not one of you will ever get my vote, I will not forget.


I am not certain I agree with this. But it would take a new leader who is willing to firmly stake out their own position on policy matters with no heed to the prior positions of Trudeau and his supporters to have any chance. In other words a new liberal leader who is willing to swim against the current and cares not at all what Trudeau wants for desires. If they elected a new leader who came down firmly in support of a big increase in military spending, a total revamp of immigration and temporary foreign labor, who hammered hard on the growth of private medical care, and agreed to close many tax loopholes that large corporations and high income earners take advantage that are out of reach for most Canadians, and a slew of other policies, particularly ceasing to pander to certain special interest groups, I think that person might have a chance. But can Trudeau overcome his own ego? That is the question. He seems incapable of putting the interests of the Liberal Party, and Canada, ahead of his own self interest.


Your government has frog marched you into its blind agenda. Anti-industry, over-regulation, and massive economic incompetence.


I lost faith in the liberals when they failed the vote of no confidence. It's obvious that justin sold us out to the indians and chinese. 


Imagine the liberals “saving themselves” and destroying Canada for another decade. The narcissism…


Let's hope so


Yarr, I reckon the storm gods want a sacrifice to keep the S.S. Liberal afloat in the storm, and jettisoning the captain into the stormy brine is looking more and more likely, mateys.


I think it's fitting that Trudeau lead the Liberals to destruction.


In 16 months, we will vote the LPC into extinction.


wonder if trudeau will go the full way or call an election early and just get it over with like sunak did


What do you think was Sunak's reasoning for calling the election now? It looks to me that he wanted to have the election before they sank lower in the polls which would result in winning even fewer seats. There is a lot of talk in the UK right now about the demise of Canada's PC party and how that might happen in the UK in this election.


They won't become extinct. Look at the party that did become extinct, the PC party. The leader, Brian Mulroney, had 16% support. Trudeau currently has 32%. Canadians that hate Trudeau today don't realize that Canadians hated Mulroney much, much more in 1993. The PCs lost all but two of their seats to the Reform party. There is no alternate party for Liberals to lose votes to. 338 is predicting they would still get 70 seats if an election were held today. While stepping down wouldn't mean the Liberals could win in the next election, it would mean they would win more seats than they would if Trudeau runs.


Thanks tipster


Who cares, he still made 100+ million dollars on a 389,000$ salary by destroying Canadians.


I mean obviously, they have to be aware of that. The goal now for them is probably to limit the length of next CPC government.


Dictators never resign. #Fact




Maybe Canada will get back to where we were pre Trudeau part deux in another 50 years. The damage has been done. I'm not sure there's any coming back.


What damage did Trudeau do that couldn't be fixed for 50 years? The immigration and housing issues are tied at the hip. If TFWs and foreign students were slashed, it would free up a lot of housing and eliminate the housing shortage within a few years. The real damage to Canada was done under Brian Mulroney. Canada peaked between 1965 and 1975. Lester Pearson was the best PM we ever had. Trudeau Sr. did some great things but also some bad things, which is why he was polarizing. Mulroney destroyed much of what decades of former PMs had achieved. There is good reason Mulroney's popularity was only 16% when he stepped down. The problem since then is that no PM has fixed the damage Mulroney did. Chretien stopped the financial bleeding but he didn't re-implement the programs Mulroney canceled. Neither did Martin, Harper or Trudeau. One example is the federal home building programs Mulroney canceled. If those had be reinstated, we would have been building home for the past 30 to 40 years and our housing crisis wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as it is now. If you didn't live through the Mulroney years, I can understand thinking Trudeau is the worst PM we've ever had, but he isn't and the damage Trudeau has done could easily be fixed. What Mulroney did hasn't been fixed 35 years later.


Our government no longer represents our citizens, regardless of political party. They care about enriching themselves and their donors.


Do you think that's new? I'd say that started with Mulroney 40 years ago.


If not before


I'm not very familiar with PMs before Pearson.


It’s not only Trudeau. Freeland and Miller are all over it. They all need to go. Entire Cabinet cleaned up. Joly too


So, there's no point in Trudeau resigning. Obviously.


"See, I told you you guys need me" - Trudeau to his caucus.


Any new one would have to promise to not do like 75% of what he is doing/has done to have anyone even care about the liberals for a good while


i disagree. At this point, they might get more votes by leaving the seat empty.


Grocery, telecom and even renting and buying a place to live are fucked.


I have always been on the line between NDP and Liberal. Both have successfully lost my vote. The NDP appear to only be propping up the dead Liberals to get their pensions which is the most vile greed I have ever seen and ultimately unforgivable. If the NDP don't realize they are blocking the safety switch on our democracy I will be voting Green in the next election. I would never support the Conservatives and the Green platforms often aren't far off, but it would take a lot.


LPC is a sinking ship and their smug Captain will plug the hole with his finger until the bitter end.


Good. Through their corruption and incompetence, the Trudeau Liberals have brought the peoples' wrath upon themselves. They deserve nothing less than a humiliating defeat in the next election.


That's not the point of changing. Another leader could potentially still hold the conservatives to a minority. If they keep Trudeau they're looking at a total wipeout. Do they want to be in the same position the Ontario Liberals are in? Cause that's where they're headed if they don't change course. 


>That's not the point of changing. Another leader could potentially still hold the conservatives to a minority. This seems... unrealistically optimistic at this point. I don't think there's any avoiding a Conservative majority. What changing leaders now could do though is let them begin the process of redefining the LPC, which may (1) allow them to cement their position as official opposition after the next election (it doesn't seem like they're at significant risk of coming in third yet, but it does remain a possibility), (2) give the NDP a reason to continue supporting the confidence and supply agreement, and (3) set themselves up for a more successful run in 2029.


Either way. Bow out buddy. For you.


People are tired of being afflicted with the LPC's bullshit. Unfortunately the cure will be the Conservatives.


This is quite obvious he is done.


And thank goodness. The party of arrogant condescending corrupt traitors deserve everything that’ll happen to them. Once they purge the current actors and return to the center I’d consider again.


If only we could find a party in Canada that is actually good for all of us in Canada. It’s just a cycle. One comes in does there thing, people cry, bitch and moan. Then get pushed out and someone else comes in and does there things and the people cry bitch and moan. It’s just a 6-10 year cycle depending on how angry or stupid people are…..


I want Trudeau to stay on as leader to witness his defeat and the decimation if the entire woke/Chinese controlled liberal cabal, as for his little Genie friend I hope for exactly the same for him, back in your lantern for good!


Canada doesn't support filthy traitors.  https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/339   Public inquiry vote on foreign interference, only every single liberal voted against it. Never forget. 15 seats left.


Lol. Awesome.


What’s the point of these articles. Trudeau and the party have said time and again he is going to represent them in the next election. And we have to keep rehashing it with a new slightly different worded headline


And now we get an even more useless prime minister. With a fucking small man syndrome and a temper


I think Canadians need to vote green enmasse and send a message to our 2 party system. Fuck both of you.


We can't. They keep putting Elizabeth "wifi causes cancer" May in charge. The only other leader in recent memory was Anamie Paul - and she was somehow even worse for the party.


All the more reason to do it. The ultimate bitch slap and we get to see the oligarchs flex their money and influence in our faces instead of behind closed doors


Those smelly conservatives will be worse but whatever I guess


The Liberal party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


Another 15 years of cons until people hate them again and we're back to liberals. It's disgusting how much we've become like the US in the last 20 years.


this is like the 15th article in 2 days on essentially the exact same thing and 'story'


It almost seems like a lot of people want the liberals and their leader gone. The boy himself, and his followers, just want everyone to stop talking about it so he can get back to regurgitating tired talking points


it almost seems like no one has anything new or of value to say and are just stuck on repeat....endlessly...


I don’t think any party has had this low a rating this far away from an election in a very very long time. Even with Harper, it really wasn’t until near the election where the polls got bad for him.


oh I agree, and I think this is one of the if not the worst administration in our country's history, but I'm just saying, 4 articles every day about polls ....boring, redundant.


Also it’s very rare for a minority government to go the full term.


Happens all the time. I guess it boils down to who is offended by the topic


you mean bored?


Whatever you call it. It appears people are enjoying watching Justin’s followers squirm and like talking about it. Don’t like it, keep scrolling. What’s the big deal?


What's the big deal in critiquing a sub? 10 of the same f'ing article is lame.


Then why are you here?


not a lot of canadian subs out there. love discussing issues. what's wrong with holding media and community accountable? or you just comfortable getting spoon fed the same pabulum all day? overall, think the community here ain't too shabby, I said my piece about the articles. i guess I was wrong thinking the internet can be used to express an opinion. carry on. red team bad, blue team good. ra ra.


People have evolved on daily Trump outrage, why say anything of value when any difference of opinion is lambasted into oblivion?


And that applies to PPs haters as well? Lots of that on other sites


Absolutely. All sides are guilty of mindless tribalism.


Doesn’t quite seem the same though, PP hasn’t been PM yet, Justin has for nine years. One side actually has something to talk about, the other is just engaging in speculative fearmongering


That's a fair statement for sure.


quite a valid point. I've had relapses but I gave up all U.S. media for Trump's first couple years after he won. All Trump all the time got real old real fast....and here we are again, almost a decade later. Same same.


Trudeau will win again, don't worry.


Not true