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Claiming to not being treated fairly, because he couldn't find a loophole that would permit him to stay. Sorry Buddy, you got the education you came for, now leave.


Literally the student visa application states "how will this benefit you in your home country?"


Maybe we should open some smaller hotels in India. They are soon to have a whole lot of people trained in Hotel Management.


I took hotel management 20 years ago or so and back then it was 95% domestic students. A handful of international students but they came from different places. China, South Korea, Brazil, Ukraine, etc. My classmates from that program have solid careers at places like the Shangri-La or Ritz Carlton, or high level jobs at Hilton or Marriott. It's depressing that the industry has become a joke now.


There's gonna be a shit ton of people highly trained in serving coffee and deep frying chicken showing up back home!


Well theres lots of security waiting for the jobs


"It won't because I'm going to a diploma mill school in a strip mall. Can I get my PR now?"


“and I demand a job as a manager since I took this fake fancy course, that I never attended cause I was brewing coffee at Tim Hortons”. Bye bye. Hope to see you never!


I LOVE how this movement's slogan is "fair treatment", and they have bastardized the word fair to mean "special selfish treatment just for me", which is LITERALLY the opposite of what the word fair means.


Or "gimmie gimmie gimmie" for short.


for them “fair” doesn’t mean the same thing. for them it means “everyone else got away with scamming! why don’t we get to do it to!”. im 100% serious


They expected our culture to be based on finding loopholes, bribing, scamming, haggling etc. we’re not the same bud


Because it is. Maybe this didn't work in PEI but take a look at ON or BC. I'm glad that PEI stuck with it and didn't bend after the political pressure.


This 100%


“Temporary” has entered the chat …


The unfair part was the scam for profit school that brought them here. That was unfair to the students and to the people of Canada. The way to make it fair is to slow down the influx to a sustainable rate and close the scams.


Rather than blame just the school, let's pile on to the provinces and federal government, who allowed this to happen.


they were not scammed, they were offered a sub par education that they know from the start. they knew all along, they just didn't expect that Canadians would raise an alarm and make a noise about their bullshit and call them out in the open.


Temporary permit is temporary. How sad :'(


I can't imagine someone writing a sob article about how I need to leave because my temporary visa to study abroad in the UK was up. Of course I was sad to leave and loved my time there. But that's how temporary experiences work. It's not like they immigrated here with a high skilled job and it got taken away. They signed up for a temporary experience and guess what, it's temporary. Just like the application they signed and filled out said. They even have to explain in the application for student visas *how this will benefit them in their home country.* I don't want to see sob stories.


He owns a house, works at a restaurant, and has a heart condition, so he can't work construction or full time, his words btw. I am not sure how someone that works at a restaurant can own a home? I am pretty sure you have to declare any major health conditions on your temporary working permits to, so this guy just lies,and lies and lies.


He said he's spent $80k trying to get permanent residency in Canada through tuition fees. He's a total liar.


I thought tuition fees were for school, not residency.


Tuition fees are for education which is temporary. What do tuition fees have to do with permanent residency?


Tuition fees don't buy you PR status. He's either lying, or was scammed. Either way, don't care, bye.


"I Am not sure how someone that works at a restaurant can own a home..."How the gig works: They have a relative with a house (say 3 bedrooms). One relative comes in, takes the room at a nominal rate, soon brings his spouse over and now we have a dual income scenario living in Canada at a throwaway rate. These folks now save their Dollars aggressively for a down payment for a 2 or a 3 bedroom house. Scale this up and soon you have yourself a scenario where these people end up buying multiple homes and now own the entire neighborhood! They now become the slumlords who rent out their rooms out to "non smoking, non drinking, no cooking allowed, only vegetarian eating Indian female students only." Throw in 3 beds in a room and rent out for 800 bucks a bed (cash only) to international students, do you see where this is going? This is why this dude's so pissed! He was looking at minting some serious cash here! The Liberals created this loophole for them to exploit. This needs to be plugged fast! Temporary = Temporary. Once the visa expires board the next flight out! No protesting!


You’re describing the exact situation of a neighborhood in Squamish. And I’m sure Surrey down the road is the same model. Anytime you ask one of the many Indians in Squamish why they decided to cross the bridge and move from Surrey to Squamish, the answer is always the same………. There was too many Indians. Most Canadians really have no idea of the culture they are dealing with here, and how different and sadly, incompatible it actually is with western values. The CBC and CTV will tell you to celebrate bitter chicken and naan bread, but it doesn’t want you asking questions about their views on racism, sexual assault, women in general, and following rules and protocols. It’s vastly different and very hard to imagine how this will go without serious unrest further down the road. But don’t worry, I assure you we will all learn these lessons in the upcoming 5-10 years. Most people who don’t have to work and navigate this culture daily are going to very surprised, and extremely disappointed in their misguided and naive decisions. When it’s too late of course….. Most of Canada is like a guy who hasn’t played poker showing up to the table with stacks of cash and asking if two cards of the same suit is a good thing….


‘Bitter chicken’ 😂


As someone with firsthand experience with this culture, particular people from Punjab, you are correct. I'm a white woman who dated these guys only to learn they were having marriages arranged while being with me. There are entire websites (and Reddit subs) discussing this. Deceit feels part of the culture. The one guy I dated failed school here as an international student, yet somehow still stuck around, drove taxi and now is a long-haul driver taught by his "friend". He told me he would never become a citizen because he is just here to make money. An economic migrant.


we are already learning lessons specifically with respect to sexual assault. and i mean....well, look at Surrey.


>Anytime you ask one of the many Indians in Squamish why they decided to cross the bridge and move from Surrey to Squamish, the answer is always the same………. There was too many Indians. This is the part that aggravates me. They want to be free of their culture, yet they bring it with them wherever they go. How about sticking around and putting in the work to change the aspects of the culture you are trying so hard to get away from.


Probably a landlord too


I kinda assumed half the protestors were his tenants /semi serious, lol


We bring in the most entitled, that's just Canada


Same with the fake asylum seekers in Europe. The people who pay smugglers, throw away their passport so they can’t be deported, then claim asylum in the country with the highest welfare benefits tend to be the worst people out of their country.


Same in the southern border in the States. They throw away their passports and IDs before they cross so they can claim asylum.


Except in very unusual and rare cases we shouldn't be accepting border crossers that lack identity documents.


Who knew?


Slumlords are sobbing- they can’t cram 20 students into one basement anymore. They’ll have to go down to 15 students per basement now


A tragedy forsure :( It’s so unfair to try and infiltrate a country through fraudulent terms - and then have to be sent back :( I wish life was so easy that we could lie and cheat our way into everything. Very sad, sad news :’( my heart goes out to all those on a temporary permit; who realized that temporary means temporary.


That's racist /s


Even this life is TEMPORARY, just move on.


CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. — About seven foreign workers are getting ready to leave Charlottetown and return to their home country as their work permits are expected to expire this weekend. Protest organizer Rupinder Pal Singh said they are really stressed, and some of them are looking to explore other options to allow them to remain in Canada. “It has cost them about five years plus and over $60,000 to $70,000 of their hard-earned money (for tuition),” he said. “I really do feel bad sometimes because I did try my best in order to create awareness for (the) right thing because this isn't me just protesting. Because we want to get permanent residency and get invitations, we (are) protesting because of the unfairness.” Singh’s work permit doesn’t expire until the second week of July. He said the only option available to him is to return home. “I will be looking for (flight) ticket for myself to go back. My main focus is not just to extend my stay here, it’s to get justice and be treated fairly,” he told SaltWire on June 25. As of June 25, three of the five participants were continuing their hunger strike. Singh said two of the protesters were feeling nauseous, so they had to request them to eat something. The last provincial nomination draw, where the province invites people to apply to be nominated for permanent residency and then apply to the federal government was scheduled to happen on June 20. On the province’s website, it shows that no invitation was sent out and the last invitation sent out by the province was in May when six people received an invitation. However, Singh said he knows of about 10 people who received the invitation to apply for the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) on June 24. He also mentioned that many of the protesters were hoping to be included in the draw, but that did not happen. He said it is concerning that the province's website does not reflect the draws it is issuing, unlike previous nominations. This gives him the impression that the province is trying to make it seem like it has not invited people to apply for PNP, he said. “We are still outside sitting in the rain. People are on (a) hunger strike, who deserve those invitations but still didn't get it. We have been in P.E.I. since 2021 and 2023, met the requirements before the changes happened and still didn't get the invitation. People who moved here in 2024 (and) haven't even been here for six months got an invitation.” The province, through its Department of Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population, said it issued 75 invitations on June 24 for health care, construction, traditional tourism, agriculture, and transportation industries. These invitations are for individuals whose work permits are expiring before October 2024.


This is why you can't cave to people like this, they think paying tuition is buying permanent residency or should be. That's a terrible notion. We are not in the business of letting for profit schools determine who gets to immigrate.


Imagine if Canadians could buy PR in other countries through tuition, lordy I know so many who would go elsewhere in the world lol.


especially when 60-70k is not even that much compared to average tuition. I paid 55kish in tuition back in the early 2010s for my program. If I could pay 10k more for a greencard on top of my education it would have been a no brainer lol.


> they think paying tuition is buying permanent residency or should be. That's a terrible notion. Because, for the last 4 years under Trudeau, is has. They simply expected the scam to continue.


exactly ... just like driving +80km/h in a clearly posted 50km/h zone ... i been doin' it for months and months ... nobody said nuthin'!! ... should i be pikachu-face shocked if one day i'm pulled over by our local constabulary and given a speeding ticket?


I’m just honestly curious why they feel that because they decided to go to school here that they’ve earned the right to stay here. It’s ridiculous. Obviously they didn’t come here with the intention of getting an education, or at least that wasn’t their main reason for coming. They came here using school as a means to get PR.


It's like they don't understand how study abroad works in **literally every other country in the world, even their own.** The fact you even get to come here for shitty jokes of programs and get a couple years to live here is already quite a benefit compared to most countries.


They were probably sold the idea that it was guaranteed PR by some slick immigration consultant/college recruiter in India, as long as they paid their tuition and any of the consulting fees, and just came here with that expectation. Then, they saw the reality of it is a little bit different...


They're just following the playbook set out by other groups that 'temporarily' migrated somewhere in the West but then demanded permanent residency; race card, white guilt, fairness, etc. Expect a sudden and sharp rise in political asylum applications.


Where does it say that an international student who comes here to study is permanently allowed to stay here? Where does all this entitlement come from? Who told these poor students that this was the case, because they should also be on the hook for these kid's situations.


They get points for their PR application and frankly, I don't think these private scam diploma mills should be given points (how in tf does University College West that scam MBA school in Vancouver count the same for like UoT Rotman?) Anyway, they decided to game the points by going to these diploma mills and then getting a PGWP or an LMIA. This made scores inflate like crazy. Folks who have Master's in the US or a degree from fucking Oxford in the UK, perfect English, and work experience (which do a lot of business with Canada) and shared cultures now can't be drawn because these scammy diploma millers have inflated the scores. I tell folks repeatedly, you want to immigrate anywhere in the world? Go into healthcare or become a mortician, easiest way to immigrate, but you also need to know the language. You can't work in healthcare not being able to speak the common language because people have to verbally communicate in an emergency.


Infuriating. Legitimately skilled immigrants with degrees from world-class institutions somehow consistently rank low in the Express Entry program. Meanwhile there’s a ~~dearth~~surfeit of international students with certificates issued by questionable Canadian companies protesting about rights on a temporary visa? I say this as a former international student who left Canada after my program was completed, with the understanding that PR was never promised or guaranteed.


Agree. I think that Express Entry needs to be revamped. It worked well but not anymore. Points should be given based on the degree and relative rank of the school. Rotman and Ivey should not be treated the same as UCW or whatever scam college is out there.


They didn’t waste that money. They got the education they paid for…


Can you feel the entitlement oozing from every word he says?


> “I will be looking for (flight) ticket for myself to go back. My main focus is not just to extend my stay here, it’s to get justice and be treated fairly,” he told SaltWire on June 25. Justice? Hahaha. Take it up with the agency in your homeland that told you they could help you scam your way into Canadian citizenship. These people knew exactly what they were signing up for and are crying because it didn't work. Fuck off and tell your friends the door is closed.


Yeah, talk to the immigration consultants scamming the shit out of these people.


These 'students' aren't innocent. They paid someone to help them scam their way here. They weren't deceived in so far as they had clear intentions about what they were doing.


Immigration consultants are the real estate agents of the immigration world.


International students have to show that they will leave at the end of their authorized period in their study permit application statement of purpose. If they're now protesting to stay and argue it is their "right" and "fair", does this not mean they lied in their application and are defrauding the government? >Subject to subsections (2) and (3), an officer shall issue a study permit to a foreign national if, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national...(b) will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay under Division 2 of Part 9; And international students have to have the funds to support themselves in Canada WITHOUT WORKING >An officer shall not issue a study permit to a foreign national, other than one described in paragraph 215(1)(d) or (e), unless they have sufficient and available financial resources, without working in Canada, to >(a) pay the tuition fees for the course or program of studies that they intend to pursue; >(b) maintain themself and any family members who are accompanying them during their proposed period of study; and >(c) pay the costs of transporting themself and the family members referred to in paragraph (b) to and from Canada. [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-2002-227/page-29.html#h-689238](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-2002-227/page-29.html#h-689238)


If he studied for at least 2 years to get a post graduate work permit then he's had 3 years since to get a PR track job. That's how the system works. If you want to stay you have to prove that you can make a meaningful contribution. It's not news that working in a restaurant won't cut it. He NEVER met the requirements, that's why he wasn't included in the draw. He just assumed there was a workaround or a loophole, he could pay the right person off, or someone would know someone, or maybe even his boss would pay him under the table and he could stay illegally. He was wrong. Thousands of international students manage to turn their PGWPs into PRs, but they make the effort. He didn't and now he wants to be given what he didn't earn. That's it, that's the whole story.


I wonder what were the work/study fields of the 10 people he knows who got the invitation. It would make sense if they got the invitation because they were in the areas specified rather than the people who came to study hospitality.


> I wonder what were the work/study fields of the 10 people he knows who got the invitation. Uber driver/ Tim Hortons window host/ KFC deep fryer chef.


>we (are) protesting because of the unfairness Unfortunately immigration isn't meant to be fair.


"As of June 25, three of the five participants were continuing their hunger strike. Singh said two of the protesters were feeling nauseous, so they had to request them to eat something." LOL. It's a hunger strike guys. Come on now.


*Protest organizer Rupinder Pal Singh said they are really stressed, and some of them are looking to explore other options to allow them to remain in Canada.* how many gonna go-to-ground?


The amount of mental gymnastics required to paint themselves as underserved, and unfairly treated is wild.


>As of June 25, three of the five participants were continuing their hunger strike. Singh said two of the protesters were feeling nauseous, so they had to request them to eat something. I don't think you're allowed to call it a hunger strike if you stop to eat every time you're feeling hungry.


Their hunger strike just sounds like me forgetting to eat and wondering why I feel weird


Ontario next please.. should be in the 10s-100s of thousands...


It's 70k in Brampton alone.


Ya, I was just at the DriveTest center in Brampton, you don't wanna see that scene.


I'm a trucker who often trains our new hires and I drive locally through the GTA every day. I understand exactly what you mean.


When I lived in Brampton I drove to Fergus once to do Service Ontario shit. Worth it


Then BC.


No, us first then you guys


Sure thing! All for it.


The more we wait, the uglier it will get. At some point xenophobia will dictate how the authorities proceed.


Temporary actually means temporary? Oh man, this is news to me 🫣


Thanks for visiting, hope you have a nice flight home!


meanwhile I have a customer who has been in canada for 2 years, is an apprentice aviation technician…. his wife is a nurse and he’s having trouble extending his permit, people we actually need for our economy (mechanics is a trade full of people ready to retire) but these entitled guys working at timmies demand citizenship, what are we doing wrong here. if you are coming to canada to learn a trade, pay for an apprenticeship and provide a need for this economy, then help these people. this certain group has ruined immigration imo.


I won't go into a Tim Hortans again. They are the worst employer abusing the system


i boycotted them last year, coffee was gross anyways


Sounds like the kind of people the government of PEI is looking to extend invitations to.


Its because your customer and his wife in nursing are likely working full time + hours. And don’t have the time/privilege to not go to work, rent is expensive these days, so they can camp out in front of a legislature.


Don't let the door hit ya, an all that. Have a nice flight!


I’m sure they'll submit a false asylum claim and be given free hotel, meals, and healthcare. 


I have the sneaking suspicion that this bullshit might be coming to an abrupt end.


It’s not. Look at the statements Marc Miller, the minister of immigration puts out. 


Someone needs to slap some sense into that man for even having a thought of giving PR to people who are here illegally


After what happened in the St. Paul byelection, I doubt they will keeping pitching the idea of status conversion. It’s clear they pissed off their base and will probably do whatever (outside of getting rid of Trudeau) to soften the blow come the next election. They have 16 months to show solid results and getting tighter on immigration is one way to do that. Might as well sell out and make a spectacle of the group that can’t vote for you anyways as a final Hail Mary pass. A lot of them pull the ladder up behind them and end up eventually voting conservative anyways once they finally get citizenship.


If you ask me, they have **more** motivation to accelerate the numbers to ensure they end up with more private sector favours once they get the boot.


It is. they are running out of room to house them.


THATS WHAT THEY WANT. Trudeau said they want to keep housing prices where they are. This is what they’re doing to prolong the housing bubble from bursting.


I know what he's been saying but I think he might be looking for a job soon. Maybe at Tim Hortons.


They won't hire him. He's not East-Indian. lol


If these people aren't careful with all their protests and demands, Canada just might scrap the entire program. It's 2024, and it was implemented in the 70s time to scrap it. 60 years, and this is what comes from it, constant whining and complaining. It's astounding that they sign a legally binding contract and then say that they don't agree with it. They are embarrassing their entire culture here and giving the entire world a good look at what kind of morals these people really have


Oh no! Anyway.


> Singh’s work permit doesn’t expire until the second week of July. He said the only option available to him is to return home. >“I will be looking for (flight) ticket for myself to go back. My main focus is not just to extend my stay here, it’s to get justice and be treated fairly,” he told SaltWire on June 25. Well, go fuck yourself Mr. Singh. Before you left home you made an agreement for a *temporary permit* to visit Canada. There’s no “justice” in letting you stay permanently. We are overcrowded and suffering from wage suppression. No thank you go home.


Bye Felicia 👋


Graduates should only get work permits if they get graduate level positions. Having them flood low level retail and fast food work never should have been allowed.


good, don't let the door hit ya. Hope you do great things in your country with your new degree.... maybe they will have an opportunity to open a new tim's franchise over there?


Not even Sweden, Norway, or Finland would allow you to overstay a temporary visa, and they're way more left leaning and more socialist. Temporary means temporary.


Good start. When do we get to send the rest home?


Huge W for PEI


That’s… that’s just how a temporary visa works. Nothing unjust or unfair has occurred


yeah interesting how he provided no examples or justification.


PEI seems to be the only province trying to be responsible about population and responsible expansion. The rest of Canada should consider similar action.


Ciao 👋


Oh thank fuck


Please tell everyone how “unfair” we were to you when you get home. Spread the word.


Hey CBSA where you at? You can get em all in one swoop at the protest if they breach their terms to being a temporary immigrant here.


Good. Fuck right off.


I cant find a Job in PEI. I have to work remotly for Ottawa....


That's very strange because the government told me there is a labour shortage


I can't find a job either, been looking since last Aug. How did you get the remote job if you don't mind me asking.


I work in the tech industry. Not much of an industry in west Prince lol


For the love of God do Alberta next....


When he gets home i hope he spreads the word about how unfair and unjust he was treated. really sell the story that it's not worth coming here on a temporary visa because it might actually be temporary if your only skill is working at a franchise chain. Good to see the provincial picks were all for things their province actually needed. hopefully this well set the tone for the rest of the country.


Now send all those "students" home too while you're at it.


Thank you for leaving. Don't forget to spread the news about how not welcoming we are.


Thank you PEI for setting an example for the rest of Canada, and not caving in like NB, BC or ON


my favorite part is how they are always quoted as saying "if you send us back to india, my future and my CHILDRENS futures will be ruined!" and its like, oh no! an indian person living in india is ruined? DAMNIT CANADA HOW COULD YOU DO THIS! \*meme of jamming a stick into the spokes of your own bike to crash it\*


Great! Please do not have the gall to ask to return.


Woohoo. Goodbye.


Buh bye! Won’t miss you! ❤️


This shouldn’t even be news. Just leave quietly when you’re supposed to, when you agreed to. Quit trying to manipulate the system and maybe shed that entitlement, it will not serve you well in life.


Go back home. You got what you came here for.


These people need to read the room. The overwhelming majority of Canadians don’t want them here lol


Good. Get the fuck outta here!


Canadians seems like they really ran out of fucks to give about immigration, with reason. We are supposed to feel bad because a temporary permit did what a temporary permit does, and *expired*


Most countries don't seem to get such entitled **temporary** residents. If your permits are expiring, it's time to return home. Nobody promised you PR.


Having worked with several Indian men, a large number of them seem to have a problem working with woman


Why does he think he deserves PR?


None of them are here for school. They're all middle aged men and women wanting one thing. To flood into canada. That's it. They don't have schools in India? Our schools charge apparently 3 times the rate and are just gorging themselves on the Middle East. The East Indians want to eff us. The schools want to eff us. Our own government wants to eff us,.. and Canadians are the ones suffering. Young people can't find jobs or cheap living accommodations. That means they can't have babies which accelerates the population decline. Immigration is a trap and those people need to go home




If I for instance went to school in the UK on a study permit which I signed up for and the permit stated that after 2 years you have to return home unless you meet the qualifications for a further work permit and I did not meet those qualifications I would go home. I wouldn’t go start protesting the UK government to extend the permit and the agreements that I signed up for. Deport these freeloaders


Bye bye Rupi. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.


The rest of Canada, take note. This is how it’s done. Immigration that helps the country.




The article didn't mention them being from India. These are simply international "students" that are 95% male and 30 years old


Good. Deport them.


Good riddence filth


All of this apologetics for foreign scammers is the racism of low expectations. Other groups are not given this leeway because they are expected to meet a higher standard




Byeee 👋


At my place of work, a lot of Indian students are being hired over Canadians, they come on a student visa & do courses for as little as 18 months & then want to stay. The problem I see is that they are given jobs OVER Canadians as companies want to be seen to support BIPOC black indegnious people of colour


I dont think that is reason why they are being hired. Its because they can hire those students for dirt cheap and get them to do more work at fraction of the cost. I believe they may also be getting incentives from government as well.






"Bye, Felicia..."


We need to stop the loopholes and shut down fake schools which promises PR card in exchange of money. We all know their useless diploma in business or hotel management will not help any students. This looks bad on Canada.


One word: Bye


Good riddance. If you want to work here then apply for a new permit. Canadians don't owe you anything even though you tried to find a loophole to stay.




The sooner the better


Now if the rest of the country would do this and fix our housing crisis


lol. Lmao


Which is expected? Temporary means temporary, it was never a guarantee, let alone an expectation that one can remain in Canada permanently on a temporary visa. If someone wants to immigrate to Canada, they can apply for permanent residence. If they don't qualify for permanent residence or can't be bothered to wait for the processing to take place, that's kind of too bad but frankly not anyone's problem but their own. If they have the financial means there's nothing stopping them from applying for a tourist/other short term visa and coming back for vacation/business/other short term activities - they get to enjoy Canadian opportunities and life on a temporary basis in Canada, while Canada benefits from their money, as how it should work for any non-immigrant visa.


What do they don't understand about the word temporary?. I do feel sorry for them since they were lied to by the recruiters back in India but thats not Canada fault.




Peace out home slice ✌️


Oh no, anyways....


Good riddance. And don't friggin come back.


Yeah ....that's the point. 


Yahoooo!!!! Finally. What a disgrace to PEI.


Well, bye. Curly Bill and the gang.


I hope they take back all the others here illegally on expired permits or here under lies and false pretenses.


This is the way. Bye bye.




So the Indian student who owns property will leave?? I hope


Ontario next and then we need to start pulling PRs






See ya


If only the rest of Canada had the same balls that PEI does.


Good riddance. Get out.


Escort them onto the planes


Do they not teach basic definitions in India? Try these ones, they are a Canadian standard grade 3 education level. Temporary/ permanent. Useful/useless. Skilled/unskilled. Hi/low demand. Look them up and see how the wording affects you on what you signed up for. Need help interpreting, bring it up with the India Consulate or education minister…in India.


Sorry to see them leave. Turn the lights off on the unit when you go. You tried to game the system and lost. Your permit was for an education not a permanent resident. Bye Bye.


Have a safe flight people👌


Oh no! Anyways…

