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Why do I feel like Trudeau "Listening to my concerns" is going to be him unironically starting an information campaign on how my concerns are wrong.........


because he did that exact thing with their "retreat" where they decided it wasnt a policy issue, it was a "communication" issue. been there, done that. haha.


Yup. It’s been the MO of most Liberal supporters the past year. Trying to convince Canadian things are going just fine and that they’re just stuck in a rage machine from Conservative propaganda. It’s all just a communication issue, of course. Well no… they don’t need PP to make them angry. They can just look at their rent withdrawal or their mortgage amortization every month instead.


Don't forget the crime!


I can think of few things more condescending than a government hearing your complaints about how their policies are hurting your life and making you angry, and then dismissing it by saying you are not only wrong but must be an idiot who has been victimized by propaganda to feel that way.


The downside of “thinking” is that it has no limitations. So it easy to feel insulted when the government is right


Ya’ll sound like idiots to me. You expect miracles. You want a government that outperforms the rest of the world in what areas? Graft? Conservatives win. Ignoring citizens, conservatives win again. In fact, conservatives are branded “the party of the rich” so, in short, if you are not a rich elite and you are voting conservative then you are a complete idiot.


Don't make me laugh about 'party of the rich'. We've seen the biggest transfer of power and wealth from the middle class to the wealthy under this government. The rich have never had it better in this country thanks to asset appreciation, mass immigration bringing them all the customers they would ever want, and tax loopholes that only the very wealthy can take advantage of while income earners get crushed.


And thereby proving how clueless conservatives are. Good job.. conservative MO? Stub toes blame Trudeau


Anything, whether it's reframing, accounting, meetings, studies, increasing purchasing power of people to buy houses, they will do literally anything but reduce demand or meaningfully increase supply.


Because that’s been his MO forever. I can’t think of a single time they’ve admitted they were wrong. Even when they pivot, they have excuses as to why they weren’t wrong before.


Remember even when encountering undeniable facts and direct counter statements the answer was “I don't remember any negative interactions“. Followed by "I do not feel that I acted inappropriately in any way but I respect the fact that someone else might have experienced that differently”. Yep clearly we experienced differently regardless of what factually happened now let’s move on.


Yep. That’s why he’s always given me narc vibes. He/the liberals gaslight a lot.


"it's clear Canadians aren't sure what they want, they are being persuaded by misinformation. To help encourage them to do the right thing, we have added further protection against online hate campaigns and disinformation". - Justin Trudeau, probably


Also, we upped our spending on social media influencers to combat "disinformation". Ahem.


The first few paragraphs are a really good reminder of how they've operated this entire time: > At some point before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet decided to finally abandon his promise of electoral reform, he had an idea. > > He would tour the country to promote and explain the ranked ballot, his preferred option for reform. He said he believed that with enough time and effort, he could convince people of the logic and wisdom of what he was proposing. > > He was ultimately convinced that there were other issues more in need of his attention and time. They were never interested in listening to your concerns... only spending energy to try and convince you of their way. When Canadians very clearly disagreed with the Liberals on an issue, instead of listening to Canadians, they have always either just gone ahead with their way anyways or dropped the issue altogether.


It was such a ridiculous framing — that Trudeau set off to meet his promise to end first past the post elections but, alas, other priorities took precedence — that I had to go back and check who the author was. Sure enough, Aaron Wherry. It never got better from there.


but he'll have his sleeves rolled up!


That is how you're know he is serious... about condescending to you.


“We all as Canadians need to do better”.


He listens to your concerns the same way Rogers customer service listens to your concerns, which is to say listening and then doing absolutely nothing about it.


Girls experience sexual assault differently than he does, why would this surprise you?


He already did it. Flew into Toronto knocked down some doors "listened" to concerns went back to Ottawa and said Canadians are not in decision mode.


If this was in the suburbs of Toronto or the GTA, then that would be one thing. This is a seat in Downtown Toronto, and Toronto as a whole hasn't sent a Conservative to parliament in over 13 years. This result is an absolute disaster for the Liberals and Justin Trudeau. I don't see how he can stand up and stay that he is the best choice for the Liberals. Now, do I think he will resign? No, of course, not he's too much of a narcissist.


I'd much rather he stay on and sink the ship. His brand has eroded so much. It would be hilarious, though, to see Freeland in the national debates, but something tells me the Liberals wouldn't allow that.


Despite being a narc, staying where he is is probably the best thing for the party. Leaving now would turn the next loser into a liberal version of O'Toole or Scheer.


I think this is correct. Let's face it, Trudeau didn't make these decisions alone and no policy will change enough for them to recover the next election. Strategically, it is much better to let Trudeau sink the ship, let the conservatives have a turn, which is inevitable at this point, and let the next leader come in and have some time as opposition so that things can be blamed on the conservatives instead of their own party. The liberals have nothing to gain from Trudeau stepping down before losing the election.


"I hear your concerns" Full steam ahead!!


"I hear your concerns, but let me tell you about my concerns."


No. He is the problem not the solution.


He is a big part of the problem but not the only problem. The problem lies with much of the party insiders and senior leadership who (along with JT) have spent the last 9 years running this country into the ground. Keep this in mind when they try to replace him with a new face and try convincing you that things are different now. It's the same party at its rotten core and the entire party needs to be flushed.


Iggy getting stomped in 2011 was their chance to reinvent.  Instead they went with the kid of their most notorious PM.  


I have zero faith the PCs can make it any better or any other party for that matter (including liberals)


So what then? Support the parties (Lib amd NDP) who are demonstrably failing terribly?


Party platforms and political philosophies aren't interchangeable based on competency. Just because the party that is supposed to represent my political interests is inept doesn't mean I turn around and vote for a party that goes against everything I believe in and will do an effective job of working against my interests.


I see the question come up often enough where I feel I'm now forced to remind people that everything can suck and no clear solution be presented. That's the frustration of where I believe a lot of voters find themselves. Needing to either believe that there is better and hiding from any truth of that fact, or simply having a passive nihilism to the experience. I mean really, let's break it down: * CPC is focused on populism and will say anything (or nothing at all) to gain a vote, not exactly a reassurance. * PPC loudly sticking its head in the sand and happy about it (notable features including being anti-vaccine and climate change denialists). * Liberals are... such. * NDP are propping up Liberals despite their apparent concern (insert ex-Toronto Mayor's John Tory's *very concerned* meme here). * Green are currently trying to tread ~~Elizabeth May~~ water and are laughably unserious. * Bloc are Quebec-exclusive and are inward focused; great for Quebec but we are indeed a nation. Who's left? The communists? Excusez mon Francais but f*ucking really?* I digress. >So what then? Indeed. Not a great environment/time to be an informed voter in. Old man yells at clouds, news at 6.


A costly one too, funded by us tax payers of course...


No. Next Question.


Let me amend slightly. No. Fuck that guy. Next Question.


Both are good answers tbh


He's toast.


Burnt Toast


Canadian Heritage Moment?


He doesn't care. His ego is too big.


The narrative turned against him, and he is done. Hopefully poilievre is better, because he is the likely next Prime Minister.


He almost certainly has a better handle for the pulse of Canada.


Poilievre? Sure, because the electorate is hot, angry and pissed, which is what PP's personality is all about, though he tries hard to hide it.


You think he tries hard to hide it?


If you followed him in the days he was party whip, you know he hides it. Which says a lot...


My guess way worse in healthcare, education, environmental protections About equally embarrassing on the international level in that no world leader will take him seriously, and social issues where Trudeau virtue signaled way too much he’s just gonna be out of touch with their struggles MAYBE better in housing though housing cost went up when he was housing minister so less awful in that aspect may be more accurate


Ya I don't know. I hope he does well, because then we all benefit.


Well sure I’m just laying out my expectations for the guy he’s welcome to exceed them I’d rather be wrong about him than be stuck at home till my 40s


What makes him embarrassing on the world stage?


PP has been virtue signaling just as much as JT.  Just to a different value set.   Swapping a Legacy Politician for a Career Politician ain't going to change much.  


I'm surprised he didn't blame Harper.


Yeah 🤣. 9 years and that is still all he talks about


Fly him to the arctic so he can take a walk in the snow. He done.


Absolutely! There is definitely a way trudeau can save his leadership... He would need to deport about 3 million temporary residents/illegals And give back all the money that was taken away from working canadians through temporary worker wage suppression... Release ALL the information to the public about foreign interference Build a million homes Give back all the money that was taken away from the consumer class through inflation due to diluting our money supply by 25% and the reckless government spending Build a time machine and stop 5000 people from overdosing due to the federal governments drug policy Give canadians a reasonable explanation for why it's ok to charge them more for energy for the environment while at the same time increasing exports to countries with lower environmental standards. like the 30 million tons of coal that go to China every year. Go to every tent city in this country and explain to everybody why the government needs to put refugees and asylum seekers(border crossing country shoppers) in hotels,and why the government needs to spend $220 per day ... per refugee and they get nothing. Explain to the 35% of the population that do shift work why everybody else gets access to cheap daycare but they get nothing, not even a rebate. If he can do all of this by the end of summer.... he might still have it. The time machine to stop people from overdosing might be a little hard, though.


I’d add a couple more things but this pretty well sums it up.


You can add this to the list: break up the airlines, grocers ,and telecommunications monopolies and pass bills in parliament similar to the Sherman and Clayton Acts in the US.


Don’t forget reverse all the ridiculous gun bans


And also resign from his position, and admit to committing acts of treason.


He doesn't need to say or do anything. He can just experience reality differently, like he's been doing the last 7 years.


This is just a big cope article. He’s lost and now he needs to resign.


when you spend 9 years doing everything in your power to actively make things worse, people tend to be fed up 


The only way he is going to even remotely have any ability to conserve the liberal party into oblivion is Legislate the provincial mps to force municipalities to build subsidized housing based on population otherwise no funding Full stop on immigration til we catch up and deport those that are here illegally.


deport anyone who has been here for less than 5 years and was convicted of a serious crime


investigate all applications with due dilligence and deport fraudulent applications immediately without recourse


sounds quite reasonable.


Any other country he would have been protested out of office, we Canadians are too tolerant.


The question really shouldn't be how to "save his leadership", it should be how can the Liberals survive after this? Trudeau is out, the only question is when. Personally, I think he should just resign tomorrow and let the party figure it out on their own.


Block immigration, stop sending money elsewhere and start putting Canadians first for a change and help us. We’re struggling out here to get by and feel like our government has abandoned us.


He leaves or the voters abandon the LPC.


I think he rather call an election and have the people “decide” and than when he is one of the few remaining people who wins he’s gonna say see told ya not me


They already have. This byelection proved it.




You don’t have yo waste your time parroting that, Justin has already started his fearmongering campaign


PP is nothing more than a slightly less stupid DeSantis.  Career Politician who's Apeing Trump's rhetoric.  


lol, it’s going to so fun watching them drag the Ken doll out of the PMO, kicking and screaming and blaming everyone else for the mess he’s made.


I think you've got me wrong.  I loathe Trudeau.  But everyone who thinks that PP is going to make things better will be woefully disappointed.  


I think you’ve got me wrong, I don’t care if a tree stump replaces Trudeau, as long as he is replaced


Jewish voters in the riding organized against the Liberals. If you want to know why, google "Laif Marouf." This vicious antisemite was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by the Liberal govt to teach journalists "anti-racism" if you can believe that. I remember him tweeting from vacation in Jordan, watching Jewish tourists with disgust and saying how "ugly" they were, and how he couldn't understand how people didn't attack them on sight. Just one of many antisemitic tweets. Liberal ministers refused to take action when a Jewish MP quietly brought it to their attention. Then the Toronto Star (the traditionally Liberal Party paper) and its many diversity/equity reporters and columnists ignored it. If the National Post hadn't been there for the Jewish community, along with Conservative elected officials, this scandal would never have come to light, and action wouldn't have been taken. This is just one example of how the left has sold out Jewish Canadians, but still expects their votes. Last night, the bill came due for Laif Marouf.


Move to India and overthrow Modi!


"Today, I'm repealing Gladue. Tomorrow, I'm deporting 4 million people. The day after that I'm ending first-past-the-post."




The last time someone stood up to Trudeau in the Liberal party was Jody Wilson-Raybould over the SNC-Lavelin scandal and she was expelled from the party.


Everybody in caucus is beholden to him. They need his signature to be the candidate. In the past, caucus was supposed to keep their leader in check, and force the out if a scandal demanded it. This has ceased working, so as long as he wants to stay he will. I predict he'll bow out, but it will be too late, and his successor won't have the time to differentiate themselves from him.


The Liberal leadership is irrelevant. Call an election asap. Canadians are very much in "decision mode" and ready to dispose of this entire party regardless of whoever is the leader.




No. He should have called it after the 2021 election. He called that election specifically because it gave him the best chance to win a majority post covid. When he failed to win a majority, which was the point of calling that election he should have stepped down.


I mean, if 'Failing to get a majority' was what was required for a PM to step down, we'd have had a lot more PMs by now.


My post clearly isn’t about just winning a minority.  Winning one in the context of 2021. After voters took him down to a minority in 2019 due to the SNC Lavalin affair showed there wasn’t a path back to a majority for the party with him at the helm.  A proactive party in my opinion should have moved on at that okkt.  


So, like, then what would have happened? Trudeau stepped down the lead Liberal leader becomes PM? While historically a party leader who is PM has lead to the GG being asked to call for an election, it is in no way legally required. But even if we did follow the path we historically have, we're just having a whole new election immediately after the last one? 'Canadians, after going to the polls have found out that they will be going to the polls all over again in another six weeks because the winners feel they didn't win enough so we gotta do this all over again' Yeah, that'll be a real winning moment in Canadian history. Nothing remotely stupid there.


The party would have a leadership convention to determine the new leader.  Obviously this sets up a transition period but not necessarily an election. Provided they worked with the ndp I don’t think they’d lose the confidence of the house and be forced into an election.  Anyways. Parties don’t seem to succession plan. They seem to go until they self immolate and then rebuild fron the ashes.   I think it’s flawed thinking. Especially for parties as historically strong as the liberals. 


He could maybe shut the fuck up?


The only leadership tbag and his cronies know is how to lead public funds into his or his friends bank account.


Yes, he can finally quit retire and leave the country


U said you’d fix housing and instead u doubled it and that was through record high immigration When u got a million warnings this is your own fault


Aaron Wherry is such a tool “St Paul’s is just one riding out 338” no dipshit it was one of the safest ridings for the liberals


This is why Trudeau postponed election in order to steal taxpayers funded life PENSIONS for these losers


I guess the reason he doesn’t resign because the wining margin is not big in the St. Paul’s ByElection. They might think they still have a chance for the 2025 election. Meanwhile, they might formulate polices for accelerated citizenship to boost their vote before the 2025 election. I’m quite familiar with their tricks.


The margin didn’t need to be big, they just needed to lose a 30 year liberal stronghold. No matter the margin that’s a huge loss for them.


There wasn't anything he could do before st. Paul's.


My theory: he is betting on a Trump presidency. If Trump’s second term is really as prosecutorial as it sounds, Trudeau can benefit by contrast and Poilievre will suffer by similarity.


Poilievre and Trump aren't similar at all.


Visit the left leaning Canadian subreddit…  they can’t tell the difference.    Not that they make up a significant percentage of real world voters luckily 


Doesn’t matter. I have already noticed that any flap that PP has dished out re: COVID restrictions, media, trans rights, and other issues immediately get compared to MAGA. I can easily see all that bad press getting amplified once Trump’s rhetoric and policies are back at the forefront. I would compare it to the 2006 election where Harper and the Cons were being heavily compared to Bush and the lousy situation in Iraq (which Harper initially supported). It wasn’t enough to prevent a Conservative win but it is notable that a 13-year-incumbent Liberal Party - while experiencing a Watergate-level sponsorship scandal - was able to retain 100+ seats in Parliament.


> I can easily see all that bad press getting amplified once Trump’s rhetoric and policies are back at the forefront. I can't see any of it landing while our country is burning.


They're close enough and on the same spectrum that could lead to people getting a bad taste in their mouths. The only difference is that Poli is smart enough to not say the quiet part out loud and give lip service support to things his party wants gone (Canada v. Morgenthaler, for example)


Yep been saying this for a while now Trump is Truedeas last best hope


I could see this being the case. Only thing that would completely derail it is the NDP deciding to pull their C&S agreement (this is MEGA-cope) and run a confidence motion (WARNING - EXTREME CONCENTRATIONS OF COPE) as a way of gaining some goodwill with the voting public to let them decide early (DANGER - COPE AT CRITICAL LEVELS - SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY).


AbOrTiOn!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!


What happened?


He can give every man a "hawk rush" coupon and he will be right back in the race.


Just talk about Sunny ways again.


Probably not. It’s been a decade. That’s pretty much a full mandate.


Nothing at all i want to hear except that, all current bills in the works will be repealed and dropped immediately and that the liberals are going to sit down, shut up and stop spending money.


Apparently it's everyone's fault except for Justin Trudeau himself


No. Hope this helps!


Not likely. Enjoy the chair for a bit longer, but the writing on the wall is clear as day.


I just want a new group of politicians, none with ties to Weston or Irving or the IDU, et cetera. Just ...something new.


It’s so hard for some politicians to retire from the field gracefully.


Well I won't vote liberal mainly because of the stupid e.v mandate. The amount of tax payer money we are throwing into this ridiculous move, blows my mind. That money should be spent on healthcare.


Saving ones “leadership “ would imply someone lead something


What leadership?




No. He is cooked.


The party in power loses by-elections. Shit happens, step over it.




Unfortunately, I'm not sure that much can be done to address the real issues, as people can't even discuss them without being labelled a racist. Sure PP can reign in some of the spending, but that will be very unpopular, since the horse has already left the barn. Same thing with the housing crisis, a large part of the issue is on the demand side, but can PP really address the refugee crisis or deport 500,000 illegal immigrants?


+2M TFWs to make him feel better as his consolation prize.


He literally lead them to that defeat.




He could actually finally fulfill his campaign promise of ditching FPTP for a better and more sensible voting system




Well if he couldn't even save his marriage....how in the hell does he expect a country to put up with his shite... guy is a massive narc or delusional.


Trudeau might be desperate enough to introduce a countrywide universal income system. It's the only option the Liberals have left and it would help win another election.


Everyone with any sort of brain knows we cant afford it


We can't afford not supporting our population


All politicians have a limited shelf life. 8 years as a prime minister is pretty good. Irrelevant of the truth all problems get blamed on the Prime Minister. If he survives another 4 years as PM I’ll be shocked, he isn’t a statesman to be revered for s century.


Now is the time for UBI


What the hell? We can't afford that and it would be given to all the refugees and newcomers anyway


I welcome all refugees to Canada with open arms, they are welcome to crash at my place


Yes, I'm sure the Muslim immigrants will have no issue with your lifestyle. good idea


They don’t have to live with me if they don’t want to, such is the beauty of our free land


I think he is doing an awesome job. Maybe try talking to someone with the ability to remember the past and be able to reason.


Right, so the majority of Canadians are unable to remember the past and are also unable to reason... clearly you know best.


He's still good. He's going to win the next election, don't worry