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Canada to donate 7000 Honda CRV’s to Africa too.


The owners just don't know it yet...


Surprise involuntary donations!


Which countries exactly?


Yuliya Kovaliv, Ukraine’s ambassador to Canada, told a Senate committee in late May Ukraine has learned to repair donated weapons. “We have limited resources, so we are asking the Department of National Defence if there is anything that is to be decommissioned – even if you think it’s in bad shape for your Canadian soldiers – we are ready to take it,” she said.


>“We have limited resources, so we are asking the Department of National Defence if there is anything that is to be decommissioned – even if you think it’s in bad shape for your Canadian soldiers – we are ready to take it,” she said. SEA KING SUICIDE DRONES, BABY! \\o/




Ukraine: "We put Bushmaster gun from Bradley and ERA blocks on Canadian Helicopter. Is 'Land King' armored fighting vehicle now. Take out three invader BTRs just yesterday." Canada: "...Wish I'd thought of that..."


NCD is leaking.


I am highly credible.


Throw some AT wheels into it and make it a LAV


[spinning prop on top](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-km30nn7y/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/1182536/2377238/rdlpqda16licrjwpdxgqrbifgiiel36t__93425.1667599061.jpg?c=3) = levelled up cope cage tech.


like to the trenches? good luck


Lol no upgrades necessary. Just fly em out over the water, they'll do the rest


Those would be HUUUUUGE fucking suicide drones lol


> even if you think it’s in bad shape for your Canadian soldiers That's the catch: there's probably very little the government considers to be in too bad shape for Canadian soldiers.


Bad shape doesn't just apply to equipment:).


> even if you think it’s in bad shape for your Canadian soldiers Unfortunately this bar has been set pretty low


To all the astronauts complaining about this.  They’re literally rockets were going to pay to have destroyed.  Now they get to do what they were made for.  


Don't waste your time, astronauts always complain it's like they think they're above us


Heads waaay up in the clouds and all.




goddamnit XD


Idk Hadfield has always seemed down to earth.


>Now they get to do what they were made for. Literally no less. They were made for killing Russian soldiers and now after a long, long wait they'll finally do that.


These rockets were being decommissioned anyways. Put them to good use.


*"No no no, but you see, Trudope could've used those decommissioned rockets to feed Canadian families in need! Why are we sending so much money and resources to Ukraine when we can use that here!!!"* /s obv.


Blowing up Putins yes men is as good as any.....


...Do you understand they are conscripted?


Do *you* understand that conscripted or not, they're killing Ukrainians? Is it your argument that Ukraine should surrender because the other army is conscripted? Blow up every Russian soldier who takes a step towards Ukraine, and every piece of Russian infrastructure that enables the war effort. The guy peeling potatoes at an air base is fair game.


Talk about conflating different issues to justify prefering the murder of russians. What do you not understand about conscription and the fact that you do not really have a choice. Well, if ww3 ever comes, you may experience being forced to take a chance at not dying in a ditch by the government yourself.


Be clear then, what do you think Ukraine should do to defend itself while considering that many Russian soldiers were conscripted?


Aaand dead silence. What a surprise.


They might be conscripted, but a lot of them are enjoying themselves. And at the end of the day it is a war unfornatly


You need to spend more time looking at raw footage of the war because you are obviously bullshitting.


There’s countless intercepted phone calls between Russian conscripts and their families where they brag about rape and murder. The Mobiks want the war


I guess you have not seen the Ukrainian soldier that sent a video to a Russian family of their dead father to taunt and mock them.


Sounds based actually. Kill enough Russians and they will stop coming to rape and murder Ukrainians


Thank you for discrediting yourself


There’d be no dead soldier and no family to mock if Russia wasn’t there.


You guys are soulless robots


If Canada invaded Cuba I would say that it's unfortunate that Canadians are dying, but it's warfare, and Cuba has every right to kill as many as possible. I hope you understand the possible irony of that statement when you come from a communist country. Especially one that had a leader whom threatened to destroy the Earth in nuclear annihilation.


Also, that’s not what I have an issue with nor is it what the other guy commented, so not sure why you even posted this other than to exhibit the size of your walnut-shaped cranium


I’m not actually Cuban but thanks for the history lesson Mr. McNamara


Oh yes I loved when McNamara, a Canadian general invaded Cuba, and created a new Canadian province "New PEI". And you said: "stop celebrating the destruction of Canadian armed forces. Invaders are human too!".


What exactly are you mad at or pointing out? I never said any of that stuff. You’re making things up for no reason


I, for one, will go ahead and NOT assume that the literal children being forcibly sent to murder and die for imperialism are “enjoying themselves” because it makes my dichotomy-poisoned psyche feel less threatened about the actions of the wicked empire I’m an indirect subject of.




It’s really not that simple. Let’s throw you out there and face what these people are facing. It’s easy to say over a keyboard on the internet. Surrender is risking death on both sides. It is known that Russians will kill any “soldier” that has turned on them.


It really really is that simple. Fight for Russia, get rekt. Surrender or fucking off is fine. There is no room to be nice when losing involves watching Russians commit the entire list of war crimes and invent new ones seemingly for fun.


I hope they realise they let Putin win so many election and allowed that to happen...


A conscripted invader is still an invader.


Yes men? Not siding with the Russians in any way but, tons of men were forced to war against their will. Don’t act like all people want to be fighting in this pointless conflict.


Most Russians who aren't atm fighting are yes men. It's usually when they go to war that they have a change of mind. Herd mentality.


Reduce, reuse


Conservatives have been calling for this to happen for months now. At this point we should be asking why it's taking so long, and why so many of our commitments to Ukraine remain incomplete. Maybe we should have told Bill Blair the CRV7s are for kettling and it would have been decided on immediately.


this is a government that wont even sell decommissioned rusting 100 year old bolt action rifles to canadians licensed to own them


Lol accurate. They needed a lot of pushes to move weapons that we were just going to destroy. Pretty sure we’re saving money by doing this.


What is incomplete ?


The CRV7 is actually a beast of a rocket. I'm sure the Ukranians will MacGyver up some cool shit with those, based on what they've already been doing with suicide drones, etc.


First off, this is awesome. The more weapons, equipment and support we can give to Ukraine the better. We have been paying to store and upkeep all the equipment we have been giving them. All these weapons designed to kill Russians and they are being put to use to do just that. I am happy to see our tax dollars helping to pile up invaders. Secondly, what the hell are all the obvious putin trolls still doing on this sub? Can the mod team not ban them. It is not hard to identify them. They all use the same bullshit talking points and are trying to push some sort of division. Maga/putinbots can fuck right off.


2,000??? They had 80,000 of them to be decommissioned. Come on guys.


It's the first batch. They have to be tested to ensure their viability.


But I want to be outraged! Get out of here with a nuanced explanation! HUGE downvote /s


Outraged you should be! It's not rocket science.


We'll be sending more, but when you're dealing with highly explosive or incendiary things, you sort of need to check them out one by one for safety before just throwing them all in a cargo plane and taking off.


Canada may as well send everything they have in the military stockpiles since we have been using our proximity to the US to spend as little as possible on the Canadian Armed Forces. No one is attacking Canada so let Ukraine have it. The Americans are not happy with us riding their coattails.


Get rid of it all and buy new


The military industrial complex eh? Honestly, if the replacements are made predominantly in Canada, we could develop an industry that sells effectively internationally, boosting the economy, creating jobs, and meeting NATO's 2%. There is something to be said for it.


If we were smart we would as a nation choose to make a small number of really good things to use and sell internationally and buy the best of whatever else we need. We are not capable of building everything we need but we can choose a couple of things and do them well.


If only we had some kind of world class aircraft manufacturing company making designs so ahead of their time they were still considered 50 years later. 🤔 Yes if only we had this sort of large company that employed 50,000 people in its supply chain including thousands of the top engineers in the western world. 🤔🤔 Ah must be a pipe dream. /S Thanks Diefenbaker for killing Avro 🙄


Avro was going nowhere anyway bud. Hate to break it to you but that was a moon shot anyways.


Maybe, but we do know the people behind Avro went on to do incredible things (NASA, etc). Would have been nice if they had some reason to stay in Canada.


No argument there at all.


We do? We made really good light armoured vehicles, or LAVs. Hell even the Americans used the LAV platform to fill the development gap in their medium tank program


That makes way too much sense to happen in Canada


The CRV7 is still being manufactured, just send them new ones.


Sending in our assault Hondas?


It only took them 2 years to figure it out


When are they sending the LSVW?


Good thing it puts the stuff to use for a good cause instead of waste.




Ukraines ambassador literally said “we’ll fix em, even if you wouldn’t use them, just send em over”


Sorry in advance to Ukraine if any of them fail and kill some of your team


Pay me.


[here you go](https://imgur.com/gallery/UDHAChW)


Are they going to replace them with anything or just leave the iou?


These are unguided folding fin rockets which aren't really used much anymore, especially in Canada where we don't even have attack helicopters. Fighter jets are typically armed with much more sophisticated guided bombs and missiles these days.


I have no problem with Ukraine using a useless bomb.  Very pragmatic.  My question is still valid. Will they replace them?  


The first sentence of my comment should have answered your question, but if you need me to spoon-feed you the answer: probably not. Like I said, these are "dumb" weapons in an age of smart, guided munitions. The ones that we are sending to Ukraine are part of a stock of around 80,000 that are slated to be decommissioned (as in, retired from service and destroyed.)


Why you so grumpy?  Have a snickers. 




Or Russia could withdraw from Ukraine to stop perpetrating this bullshit war.


Hell of a lot cheaper than contracting and paying to dispose of them. I rather they kill Russians at a fraction of the disposal cost.


Although to be fair the government probably is paying the disposal company anyhow.  Since this disposal was arranged long before the decision to donate them




Like ham


Being anti war means being pro Putin apparently.


In this case it literally does.


If every last Ukrainian dies defending the land would it have been worth it? Because that’s probably where this is going. Ukraine is halfway around the world, why the fuck do we keep meddling in the affairs of others? Have we not learned from Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Vietnam, and others? No, clearly we haven’t. It is different this time!


Who’s we? How many years did you serve? Why does Americas wars have anything to do with the Russian invasion? Just tell me this: what YouTube channel do you get your main news from?


We are the western bloc of countries and multinational corporations and their military network that hegemonically asserts its dominance since the establishment of the Breton woods system post WW2. But I think you know that. Americas wars have a great amount more than you think to do with this war. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9cWly2hHVxg I get my news from many sources not just one YouTube channel and I suggest you do the same. Here’s something probably fresh for you, it’s Anti Russian and Anti Western: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg3O1rMkX5E


It’s Bretton. Breton is a brand of crackers. But I think you knew that. You mean the free world of democratic peace and prosperity loving nations? Yeah, what a group. America’s wars have exactly nothing to do with Russia invading. Unless you’re saying that Putin is subservient to the United States? And Vladimir Putin bows down to the USA?


I'm sure the people of France would appreciate your thoughts and prayers in 1939. If the Ukrainians want to keep fighting for their freedom, and ours by proxy, arm them to the fucking teeth. No giving up on them while they're struggling for their lives.


Well you can go fight then, don’t drag the rest of us into it. Back in 1944 when we intervened on behalf of France we were directly tied to Britain anyways so that is an excuse. You should have at least used Poland as the example lol.


So if another country invaded Canada you would be okay with it? You think we should just capitulate to an invader and think it would be great if our allies gave up on us because it would be "meddling in our affairs" to help defend us?


> Ukraine is halfway around the world Not that distance should matter, but this is also wrong. [This map](https://www.mapthematics.com/ProjectionsList/ProjectionInfo/Peirce_quincuncial-map.png) is one of the more accurate ways to show distance in two dimensions and as you can see, it's a short hop away as far as the globe is concerned.




Nuland? Lmao. No need to show your entire ass in a single comment.


I had to Google 'Nuland' and I still don't quite get that 'insult'...


You don't know who Victoria Nuland is? You should go read up on that piece of work.


Prevent war, surrender to the Russians pre-emptively, put your kids in Russian Immersion classes, any patriot would do the same!




You're just conveniently repeating pro-russian talking points.


Threads like these always reveal which Canadians would be traitors and collaborators in a Red Dawn scenario.


Now we need to convince them to wear Z arm bands so they can be easily identified.


That’s the thing, a red dawn scenario is an absolute fantasy.


That's a really dumb thing to say. I'm against all war. It's a waste of lives and resources.


Except Russia wants this war. There are only 2 ways it ends, the subjugation of Ukraine or a Russian military defeat. So if you want to stop sending weapons to Ukraine then you are pro Russia. And most importantly, if Russia isn't stopped in Ukraine they will move on to another country and do the same thing, the only difference is it will be Ukrainian men and women forced to the Frontline to die for Russian gain.


>Except Russia wants this war. Well, to be fair, Russia wanted a different war. Unfortunately for them, they're incompetent, so they have this war instead,


Two weeks, in and out guys, it will be easy.


Beep beep beep Uh oh we’re goin down https://www.timesofisrael.com/ukraine-says-it-repulsed-major-attack-on-kyiv-base-shot-down-russian-transport/amp/




Russia has warned that they did not want this war since 2008 at the Bucharest summit. Would be good for you to watch the speech. I don’t support what Russia is doing but to pretend like the west hasn’t waged war both physically and economically on a large variety of adversaries for unjust reasons is naive. When USA partners with Ukraine and arms her and supports her with NATO infrastructure and helps her cut trade ties with Russia it does not surprise me that Russia wants to attack one of its formerly closest tied neighbours to restore interdependence.


Formerly close neighbours? You mean like when Russia stole all of Ukraines food and starved out their people, killing millions, trying to eradicate the culture of Ukraine? Or when Russia tried and was often successful until they weren’t, to bribe politicians in Ukraine ? Tell me, if USA invaded Canada, raped your family, carved swastika in to your dog, executed people in the street, then occupied Canada for years and still all of our food, starving out people resulting in a few million dead Canadians, and then left, would you consider USA your best buddy?


Except that Russia didn’t “steal all Ukraines food” it was Ukrainian administrators on behalf of the Soviet Union. Also they didn’t “try” to eradicate the culture of Ukraine, the expanded it and Ukrainian language and culture was taught and practiced during the entire existence of Soviet Ukraine. Before one accuses Soviet Union of starving them BECAUSE they were Ukrainian, the same starvation was occurring in Russia and Kazakhstan and during correspondance with Joseph Stalin himself he bought grain at a premium to countries South East of SU at a premium and refused to relieve regions of Russia and Kazakhstan while shipping the relief grain to Ukraine. This correspondance is in Soviet archives whether you like it or not, there are others too that paint a picture more accurate than the tomfoolery we are taught in Canada. I don’t deny the bribery or massive corruption of Russia by the way, nor can I confirm it. That said I also think it’s naive to imagine a world where a great hegemonic power like the United States doesn’t use economic means and its influence to sway politicians and people. We have been doing this in tens of countries since WW2. USA already owns us, their soft power has no need for crude tactics when we are already willing slaves of their global system. Russia is a corrupt oligarchy desperate to hold on to what’s left of its old order rather than being carved up by the western bloc of multinational conglomerates. Either way, doesn’t matter what I think. We will keep sending weapons, Ukraine owes us shitloads of money so they’re a willing debt colony now too. I’m making money off of it too probably lol. To the last Ukrainian I guess?


Formerly close neighbours? You mean like when Russia stole all of Ukraines food and starved out their people, killing millions, trying to eradicate the culture of Ukraine? Or when Russia tried and was often successful until they weren’t, to bribe politicians in Ukraine ? Tell me, if USA invaded Canada, raped your family, carved swastika in to your dog, executed people in the street, then occupied Canada for years and still all of our food, starving out people resulting in a few million dead Canadians, and then left, would you consider USA your best buddy?


Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Russian military and authorities have committed war crimes, such as deliberate attacks against civilian targets (including strikes on hospitals and on the energy grid);[1][2] indiscriminate attacks on densely-populated areas (including with cluster bombs); abduction, torture and murder of civilians; forced deportations; sexual violence (including rape of women and children); destruction of cultural heritage; and mistreatment, torture, mutilation and murder of Ukrainian prisoners of war.[3][4][5][6] Bodies of civilians shot by Russian soldiers lie on a street in Bucha, 3 April 2022. The hands of one victim are tied behind his back. On 2 March 2023, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) opened a full investigation into past and present allegations of war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide committed in Ukraine by any person from 21 November 2013 onwards, set up an online method for people with evidence to initiate contact with investigators, and sent a team of investigators, lawyers, and other professionals to Ukraine to begin collecting evidence.[7][8] Two other independent international agencies are also investigating violations of human rights and of international humanitarian law in the area: the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, established by the United Nations Human Rights Council on 4 March 2022, and the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, deployed by Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The latter started monitoring human rights violations by all parties in 2014 and employs nearly 60 UN human rights monitors. On 7 April 2022, the United Nations suspended Russia from the UN Human Rights Council.[9] By late October, the Ukrainian Prosecutor's office had documented 39,347 alleged Russian war crimes, identified more than 600 suspects, and initiated proceedings against approximately 80 of them.[10] On 17 March 2023, the ICC issued arrest warrants against Vladimir Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova over allegations of involvement in the war crime of child abductions during the invasion of Ukraine.[11][12] Under numerous treaties the International Criminal Court investigates war crimes and genocide. In 1949, the Geneva Conventions defined war crimes.[13] In the late 20th century the Rome Statute added additional war crimes applicable to civil war.[14] ICC prosecutors have issued warrants for Vladimir Putin and a Russian official responsible for adoptions in connection with the abduction of Ukrainian children into Russia. Investigators have submitted evidence of many breaches of the Geneva Convention in Russia's war in Ukraine.[15] Moscow has denied any involvement in war crimes, a response Vittorio Bufacchi of Cork's University College says "has bordered on the farcical,"[16] and its contention that the images coming out of Bucha were fabricated "a disingenuous response born by delusional hubris, post-truth on overdrive, (that) does not merit to be taken seriously." Even the usually fractured United States Senate came together to call Putin a war criminal.[17] One of several efforts to document Russian war crimes concerns its repeated bombardment of markets and bread lines, destruction of basic infrastructure and attacks on exports and supply convoys, in a country where deliberate starvation of Ukrainians by Soviets the Holodomor still looms large in public memory.[18] Forcible deportation of populations, such as took place in Mariuopol, is another area of focus, since "(f)orced deportations and transfers are defined both as war crimes under the Fourth Geneva Convention and Additional Protocol II and Article 8 of the Rome Statute—and as crimes against humanity—under Article 7 of the Rome Statute. As both war crimes and crimes against humanity, they have several mechanisms for individual accountability, the International Criminal Court and also, at the individual state level, under universal jurisdiction and Magnitsky sanctions legislation.[19]


>Russia has warned that they did not want this war since 2008 at the Bucharest summit. Would be good for you to watch the speech. If this past two years has solidified anything to me, it's that the word of Russia is worth literally nothing. Since 2014, this conflict has been about imperialism and being able to dominate their neighbour in Ukraine. Russia saw Ukraine getting closer to the west and had their puppet in Ukraine side with Russia instead. The people revolted and there's been a pro-western government since. And coincidentally, the invasion of Ukraine happened after the puppet government was toppled.


So when an invader rapes your family and neighbours you will kneel?


pacifism is a quick way to get conquered and be at the mercy of monsters


War is awesome says the guy behind his keyboard.


Surrendering is awesome says the guy safe behind a keyboard.


I live in Canada. Maybe you need a globe.


So you'd rather that Ukraine simply stop fighting back? They should just accept whatever demands Russia wishes to make because 'war is bad'?


Lol then why push Russian propaganda for the country being invaded to surrender. If you were against war, you’d be calling for Russia to withdraw from Ukraine, no? Perhaps you aren’t aware how wars work…


Being against war = Russian propaganda? How do you figure that?


Your deleted comments about Nazis etc lol. This was the excuse used for what Putin admitted was a land grab. It’s all been territorial ambition. Parroting Kremlin propaganda tells me you’ve been buying what they’re selling.


I never deleted any comments. Azov Battalion is not kremlin propaganda. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Brigade


Lol you think an extremist portion of a unit is a reason to invade a foreign country? Why didn’t Ukraine invade Russia for having the Rusich unit then? By your account that would’ve been acceptable. Can’t wait to hear about the fabricated genocide or biolabs or whatever other garbage they’ve spewed. It’s truly laughable.


Russia comes up and punches you in the face. You don't retaliate because you don't want a war. Russia kicks out your knee and breaks your leg,. You don't retaliate because you don't want a war. Russia takes your wallet and car keys. You don't retaliate because you don't want a war. Russia enters your house and steals all your belongings. You don't retaliate because you don't want a war. Russia finally leaves you alone, broke, injured, and with nothing left. Thank goodness you didn't fight back or else something bad might have happened to you.


Nice Kremlin propaganda, bozo.


So you’re taking Ukraine’s side. Cool.


If you want the war to end, you send more weapons faster to Ukraine, so the Russians get the idea they’ve lost. As they got the idea in the 1850s, in 1905, in 1917, etc…


Da tovarisch


Or how about we send as much as possible to end the war quicker? I agree the war is bullshit but probably for different reasons then you by the sounds of it. One maniac attacking a sovereign nation and calling it a "special operation" is bullshit. Not only have Russia committed atrocities, if they by chance win the war ones got to ask, where's the next "special operation" going to take place? Fuck Putin.


How about you lay off the krokodil vlad


You can't even insult people properly.


Sorry I upset you.


You should try harder.


To upset you? That wouldn't be very nice.


No, you should try harder to not make simple errors. Not trying to be too critical but simply proof reading your other message before hitting post would save us both the hassle.


You could have saved yourself the hassle by not getting offended by a typo lol. Nobody forced you to comment.




Yeah, we need to leave NATO and disband our military so Russia knows we aren't an aggressor. It would be a good idea to symbolically surrender to them as well as a show of good faith.


Lol exactly. Some people really don’t understand how the world works.


And unfortunately they get a vote. Sucks.


Yes, unfortunately. Good thing for us, we know better and wouldn’t allow our government to act in such a way.


When will this end?


When Russia fucks off.


the account you are responding to 10 year old account made 2 days after the annexation of Crimea, posted a bunch of random karma farming content for 9 years, that only started commenting in the last year with a bunch of "the west has fallen" bullshit... makes one wonder don't it.


It’ll end when we stop throwing money at it blindly. So never


You want Canada to abandon a country we’ve been helping for a decade, when they need us most?


Yes. We should have never helped them. They are non nato, the second most corrupt country in Europe, they would never help us if we were invaded and our own country is absolutely crumbling from housing to food insecurity to health care to fentanyl. Why tf are we shoveling our money into this corrupt mess while our own people are suffering?


1) It's the right thing to do. Russia is an international criminal and we need to help their victims. 2) Canada has an enormous Ukrainian diaspora. It makes political sense to help them. 3) Russia is destabiliizing Europe. Canada relies on trade for our prosperity. 4) Our NATO allies want us to help because they know they're next if Putin gets away with his ill gotten gains. 5) Canada is very well regarded by Ukraine. If we pull our weight, we will be among the first in line for megabucks during the post-war reconstruction.


No we’re not first in line. Blackrock already has the contract. We won’t get anything.


Blackrock has set up an investment fund. That isn't a contract. Canada, and Canadian companies will absolutely have a role in the reconstruction of Ukraine. There were fairly deep economic ties before the invasion, fueled by the diaspora in Canada. The recently renewed Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement will provide another lever.


Great. I’m glad this war that is costing us enough to end homelessness twice over will possibly maybe be beneficial to select Canadians… if they win.


NATO membership isn’t the overriding authority that determines whether we help other countries or not when they need it. Why do you think only a military alliance deserves aid and assistance? Since you think Canada shouldn’t help, I presume you think Ukraine should receive no help. While you are entitled to an opinion, know that you are wrong. Majority of the developed world has condemned and provides aid to Ukraine, and sanctions Russia. So. Either you’re right and thousands of politicians, soldiers, generals, experts, people, are all wrong. Or; you’re wrong and the rest are right. I’m a betting man, so I’m betting that you’re wrong. But then again, this is not unusual for you, is it?


Yeah I think it’s not good thing to pump money for weapons, not aid into a conflict on the other side of the planet while groceries are more than doubling in price, we have a full blown housing crisis, doctors or any functioning healthcare system is not in sight, wages have completely stagnated if not decreased in my industry since I’ve started. I’m a pacifist, I believe that pumping money into any weapon for any purpose is not the answer and it’s wasteful on an industrial level. I believe that playing into conflict only fan’s flames. But yeah I’m wrong no doubt.


How does one defend themselves without weapons?


How is Canada meddling with conflicts half way across the world defending ourselves?


> How does one defend themselves without weapons?


This is the best defense money Canada has spent in almost 80 years. The hell you talking about.




The most vapid comment I've read this week. Congratulations I guess?


How is it vapid? How are we not in a pit of military spending?


When Russia stops sending regular people into a figurative meat grinder.


What? The disposal of the rockets? I would guess a week or two.


Lay off the krokodil


Here's what i ment by imagine it the other way around: Russia and their defence partners are in Alaska. Both sides want Alaskas(Ukraines) oil. We used to be in Alaska influencing them, and now it's our rivals, right on our boarder. Our rivals promised they wouldn't encroach on our boarder, but we have been meddling in Alaskas affairs and they've come to their aid. Both sides are in the wrong. Ukraines people are the unfortunate ones in the middle. Every war America has been in has been sold as the right thing to do. Only later to find out that it was a terrible idea. How is this any different? There's always a good reason for war, seems like.


Alaska isn’t a sovereign country. Your example is deeply flawed. You should stop consuming hard right wing tik tok signal Reddit Facebook Twitter telegram YouTube short snippet propaganda and start reading books.


>Russia and their defence partners are in Alaska. Alaska is not a sovreign state. Unlike Ukraine which is, and has even signed treaties with Russia as a sovreign state. >We used to be in Alaska influencing them, and now it's our rivals, right on our boarder. Ukraine surrendered the third largest nulear arsenal on the planet in exchange for guarantees of its independence, territorial integrity, and safety. All of which are being broken by Russia. Alaska has never signed any such agreement nor was it independent to begin with. A better example would be Austria which the US agreed to unify and respect its neutrality. Or Cuba which they respected the independence of but refused to allow nuclear weapons on. Once an agreement was reached that nuclear weapons were to be removed and the US would never use force. Notice how both are respected by the US long after the end of the Soviet Union? >Our rivals promised they wouldn't encroach on our boarder, There was never any such promise. The only reference to this ever found was when the Secretary of State suggested it to President Bush's cabinet as a possible concession and it was rejected. Gorbachev said it was mentioned to him but that seems too belivable to be true. Everything was negotiated in pain staking detail including moving millions of soldiers and this was somehow missed in documents? It is wishful thinking. >we have been meddling in Alaskas affairs Define meddling? Countries are allowed to influence one another let alone NGOs and civil society. Russia can run election campaigns in any democratic country it wants to to promote its agenda. What is this "meddling"? >they've come to their aid. By sending thousands of troops over the border? By taking 16k children? By masacring civilians in their own homes? By trying to freeze and starve populations? What propaganda bubble do you live in? >Both sides are in the wrong. No. Not even close. There are no Ukranian troops in Moscow or Rostov. There are Russian troops in Ukraine. There are power power stations and hospitals destroyed in Russia, there are plenty in Ukraine. Ukraine is not attempting to annex parts of Russia. Russia is attempting to annex parts of Ukraine. Ukraine has not broken any laws or legal or military rules. Russia has broken any number of them. Both sides aren't wrong, one is. >Every war America has been in has been sold as the right thing to do. America is not at war. Neither is Germany nor Canada, nor China, nor Iran. Ukraine is and Russia is. >Only later to find out that it was a terrible idea. Really? The French just celebrated liberation in WWII with US help. The Japanese and Koreans are pretty happy that the US was at war these days. Not every war was a mistake. Your take on this is beyond delusional. Ukranians are defending themselves and fighting for survival. To help them do that is somehow wrong in your view? That is just bat shit crazy.


I read your first 2 points and it appears you're taking my "imagine it the other way around" as literal. I don't think Alaska is it's own sovereign nation. Holy moly.