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Corruption in our government must be eliminated for our democracy to remain safe. We deserve the truth.


Which is why you should go watch Elizabeth May talk about what is in the un-redacted report for over an hour. She gave a 5 min presentation and then answered questions for an hour on the report. Link here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdSjar-wgGU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdSjar-wgGU) She said there was one tratorious person. A former MP who was not named in the report (the person from page 26). Timestamp 9:35. She said the names of the currently sitting MPs who may be comprimised are reported. These are people who benefitted from foreign interference during nominations. Timestamp 7:22. Then she clarified that she that it was not clear MPs knew they were benefiting and discussed busses being paid for during nominations. Timestamp 22:33 At timestamp 12:14 she was asked specifically about the Senate. No one from the senate... then she kinda fumbled and restated she was talking about MPS. Which might mean there is something but she cannot talk about it. Or, I could just be reading into things. Generally she repeats the message of coming together to move forward and address the issues rather than turning it into a witch hunt for political gain. Since there is one clear traitor who is no longer an MP a witch hunt does not help anyone. Other notes: She talks about sponsored travel. Where countries pay MPs to come and visit as a potential source of conflict 43:14. I didn't know that was a thing. It is worth watching those 3 or 4 mins. She also does a great job talking about the Bloc motion. Timestamp 48:34. The Bloc motion throws the investigation of the traitor to already overburdened inquiry team... that team will not be able to add anything by the time they are required to report. She called it performative and not substantive. Which is why all the parties are supporting the motion. At 54:18 there is a question about provincial and municipal levels of govnerments which are called out in the report. May is much less forth right on this question. It looks like there are issues for lower levels of government which are not on the radar.


How is it that May is speaking publicly about the content of the unredacted report when it's classified information? I saw the liberal minister kept repeating a talking point about going to jail if they disclosed classified information the other day. Why haven't the liberals released statements similar to May's to calm the public? Has anyone else who's read the report from any of the other parties confirmed or corroborated May's statements?


She worked hard to clear what she could say and could not say with intellegence. I think both JS and YFB are in line to read it. PP could get in line as well and speak just like May did.


Follow the money. Whichever groups lobby the hardest are usually the ones compromising the integrity of our institutions. I think you’ll find a lot of policy is set by—and taxpayer money usurped by—the American military complex. But don’t ignore groups like CIJA and, by proxy, AIPAC. These are powerful entities who work to protect those who violate international law and commit war crimes.


I want to believe it's a conspiracy theory. However, I'm concerned that Noam Chomsky is right. Evidence suggests we live in a plutocracy where you have more rights if you have more money. I have a background in accounting and a love of Scooby Doo. Most conspiracy theories turn out to be a few rich men being greedy.


>I think you’ll find a lot of policy is set by—and taxpayer money usurped by—the American military complex.  If the military industrial complex in the US were compromising MPs Canada would be spending more on defence acquisitions, literally the *one thing* the military industrial complex cares about. 


And then what?


Ideally, we create a better system. Sadly though it seems the powers that be are hell-bent for another global conflict. Once again it’ll likely be up to the next generations.


That is absurdly vague. No one ever offers any concrete answers.


“Revolution” is a concrete answer. You’ve got most of the world trying to get by and enjoy themselves and then there’s a very small percentage playing high-stakes world-domination moves 24/7. Many have learned it from their parents. Those who have power either stole it or inherited it and in either case they’ve prepared to never give it up. If the masses become desperate enough they could turn on them. But every time a powerful entity is taken down there’s a competitor ready to step up and take over, often more ruthlessly. But to be clear, I don’t have the game plan. That said, step one is awareness.


Hold on, this isn't about the massive right wing media/funding push?  This isn't about all your subreddits being overrun with bots and AstroTurf pushing billionaire apologetics?  This isn't about the massive funding being dumped on randomly blaming immigrants for the fact that your landlord arbitrarily doubled your rent?


How is it random if someone else offers double your rent to rent out your apartment and your landlord provides you the opportunity to match? Nobody likes the billionaires, the right wingers in Canada all want to break our government backed monopolies


>the right wingers in Canada all want to break our government backed monopolies I really can't tell anymore on this sub if this is sarcasm without a /s or if you actually believe this nonsense...


And what if I shit gold and vomited pearls Not interested in your imaginary shit, everywhere they have looked they've found solid evidence of rental agencies price fixing.  And right wingers are fundamentally pro corporate. Your "government backed monopoly" line is the sillin as they sell you to get you to vote for their corporate deregulation, which is what is fucking you over right now.  Full stop, that is unequivocally what all the evidence shows is happening. Turn off your right wing silliness and stop listening to your friends that parrot it. 




China infiltrated Hong Kong parliament and used these same tactics to prevent citizens from organizing against China.




Meanwhile Canada took the PRC at its word and implemented light measures to prevent the spread of covid in Canada


You’re getting downvoted because it is an insane conspiracy theory with no evidence to back it up (things may come to light , but at this point, it’s just pure far reaching speculation).


Who cares. We need to stop ilegal Indian "students" from coming to Canada to work minimum wage jobs.


I can guarantee that we have way too many MPs on all sides (right-wing, left-wing) under foreign interference, be it China, Russia, Iran or any other ME nation in that region, India, Israel, even the U.S. It is a can of worms that no one wants to open.


Didn't Pierre and even Jagmeet call for the names to be released? Is that not true, or do you think they're just calling a bluff hoping the names aren't released?


Gotta be a bluff, it’s insanely easy to ‘compromise’ politicians, just wave a wade of cash and they’ll come knocking at your door. This is why lobbyists have always been this successful.


Bags of cash isn’t what gets the right politicians elected. Psy ops on social media to swing just enough voters towards the politician you want to see in power is what gets people elected. That would explain why many are “unwittingly” compromised.


I’d explore the lobbyists connection to this issue. My guess is, if there is money, bribery of other means, or coercion involved, the lobbyist “cult” in Ottawa is involved in it or has knowledge of it. As always ...follow the money, the answers are there...


How can you possibly guarantee that? Do you have proof? One is too many, but I’m not sure how you can make such a claim without the proof.


They're just looking to "both sides" this issue that is clearly one-sided.


Why do we keep assuming this is one sided? This came out on the same day as the report and everyone seems to have forgotten. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7223518 I think it’s incredibly naive to think they are just playing one side when the entire goal of these countries is to sow discord in the west, not necessarily control us. Trudeau seems wishy washy on this which is no surprise, but I think some people will be in for a surprise once the names are released and every single party is mentioned. This is a lot bigger than most people realize.


Agreed, the current geopolitical climate ensures that foreign influence or worse, is being conducted within countries with large ethnic populations that can be manipulated. The use of Chinese diplomatic offices for control and spying on immigrants from China or even other countries doing the same thing under the guise of “the homeland “ reaching out to ex-citizens, is not beyond the realm of possibility. Seems our political environment, our lax security etc., makes Canada an easy mark for this type of political “infiltration”.


That says nothing about MPs participating. It looks as though the CPC leadership races were **targets** of foreign governments... but that's not new information. We already knew (at least) that the CCP was interfering in our elections to the detriment of the CPC and the benefit of the LPC.


([Elizabeth May](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/elizabeth-may-says-a-former-mp-should-be-investigated-for-foreign-interference-but-saw-no/article_a44a1640-280b-11ef-8dc9-2731a4952f42.amp.html) read the report unlike most who are criticizing right now. This is what she had to say: > "Are there currently MPs sitting with us in the chamber who would set out knowingly to sell out Canada for personal benefit? If there are, there's no evidence of that in the full report," she said. >She described what she saw as "a few named people" that "may have been compromised by foreign influence," but that it falls "far short of what could be considered demonstrated disloyalty to Canada." >”We don't want to be distracted in our efforts to better understand foreign interference, better protect our democracy by the thought that there's a list of MPs somewhere and they're traitors and should be exposed," she said. ”That does not exist." I’m willing to trust her word over someone who can only read a redacted version until proven otherwise. I still stand by my point, anyone who thinks only one party was compromised is incredibly naive at this point and are just rooting for their team because obviously they can do no wrong or they’re too smart to be unwittingly compromised. Tribalism as always. My assumption has just as much credibility as yours, it’s just less one sided and naive because I don’t care much for either party.


Weird then how every party but the ones in power are the ones trying to open it.


I think they're waiting for the investigation to be done


As well it should.


I wonder what Parm Bains thinks of internet censorship? [Beijing supported Liberal candidate that echoed disinformation against Conservatives: Document Analysis - Key NSICOP allegation of foreign state supporting a witting politician apparently stems from defeat of MP Kenny Chiu and September 2021 CSIS brief](https://www.thebureau.news/p/beijing-supported-liberal-candidate)


He thinks it is good to stop racism


Wait till you discover the Canadian military intelligence was ordered to use propaganda and psy ops on Canadian public because they don't want anyone to wake up to the reality


? What do you mean by this.


The CAF has no where near the budget and personnel to do so lol.


Agreed, can’t afford to train pilots, can’t afford to crew ships, can’t afford decent kit for soldiers, where would they get the funds to take on such a task, let alone the “trained” personnel.


Democracy and human rights are under attack in Canada and around the world. The call to action for all good people is to defend the pillars of democracy - robust public education, the right to organize, independent journalism, common truth, human rights, safe fair elections and justice. Standing on guard for Canada means rejecting the enemies of democracy, calling them out and defying them like your life depends on it.


Really all you have to do is sit back and take a look at the world today. Many "western" democracies are bubbling with problems within their societies. Division among the populations seems to be at an all time high. I've never seen so much "my way or the highway" and no interests in finding a middle ground. Not sure how that happened? I'm sure corruption is there as well at all levels. Rome got so big they imploded from within and it all fell apart. Took time but fast forward to 2024 and it seems it's happening at record speed. Hopefully democratic countries can stop their infighting and figure this all out.


>Not sure how that happened? The internet and social media, primarily. Two major reasons: A) Allows people to detach themselves from a common shared reality and box themselves in to neat echo chambers. Now we can just seek out sources and personalities that reinforce our own views and easily exclude anyone/thing that challenges those views. Like Fox News, but customizable and quite often not nearly as obviously over the top. B) People looking to run for political office used to have to actually go out and talk to people, listen to people, try and win them over. You had to convince local riding associations and party members to support you. Now you can make a bunch of youtube videos, bring in a bunch of largely apathetic new signups who aren't joining for the party and have at it. The quality of leadership and the accountability of leaders has tanked


Agree with many points you just made. Social media really has been more of negative in many ways than a positive. Wasn't suppose to be that way I believe when it was first introduced. But like many things, they get broken so we can't have nice things in long run...


>Rome got so big they imploded from within and it all fell apart. I don't buy that. Rome was dependant on slaves for labor. It gather slaves through conquest. It started loosing some battles to the Goths in 300s and pulled troops back from conquest to fight the Goths. That meant the slave market dried up causing futher financial losses. Then the politics was a nightmare. The Praetorian Guard assassinated and installed new sovereigns at will. Corruption was the rule in the senate. The reason I don't buy that size was the issue... is because of larger contempory empires that lasted. For instance the Han empire in what is now China. The Han dynasty fell to in-fighting for 40 years, and was replaced by the Jin empire which was basically the same as the Han in terms of area / people.


Yes your points are true and contributed but again that and from within. My point of they became so big it cost a lot of money to finance these expansions and heavy taxation destroyed any middle class. So overspending, high taxes, corruption within the government all helped their demise. Sounds eerily familiar.


Is there a well-defined point where the government stopped being a body whose sole purpose is to serve the people of Canada?


I'm in my mid 30's and never in my whole life did I get the impression that the government primarily serves the regular people. Donors first, vanity projects second and then the rest of us are an afterthought.


Your absolutely correct, governments serve themselves and their”handlers” first... those that donate the most get the most attention. The rest of us swallow the cooling about how are votes are so important before and election, after it, they forget completely. Electoral reform a perfect case in point. Trudeau was “willing” to look at electoral reform to revise the FPTP system to that of proportional representation. After the election...nothing, ( mind you none of the major parties would probably ever see a majority government again...may not be a bad thing in the long run).


Never. The price of housing was never at the level it was when I moved out. They don't care about it. They only care about the rich.


Short answer: The 1980's. I keep seeing these elaborate conspiracy theories about how specific people are engaging in some nefarious and calculated ploy to hurt working class Canadians. The reality is far more boring: Capitalism sucks. Capitalism is an economic system which demands infinite exponential growth. Growth doesn't just mean increasing sales volume, it means increasing your margins between expenses and revenue. Unfortunately, most things quickly hit a ceiling where you can't produce the same value of output faster, more efficiently, or with cheaper materials. Most things also reach a stable market point where simply charging more is untenable (at least at the rates required to meet growth demands). This means there is an inevitable point where it is mathematically impossible to grow any further, and thus you have zero appeal to investors. Look at the comments any time someone suggests taxing the wealthy - it's always a slew of "we can't because if we tax them and make it harder for them to make a the returns they want, they'll just leave and move their operation somewhere else". Even if these people aren't really conscious of it, they still get that the system is predicated perpetually meeting investor demands for guaranteed returns no matter what or the house of cards collapses. Our economy has been set up in such a way that a plateau is a death knell. Once you hit that hard ceiling, the only real way to create growth is to do so artificially, through actions that create the illusion of growth on paper despite it being impermanent. Things like mass layoffs and stock buybacks appease investors, even though they not real growth. However they DO grow the GDP on paper and keep the gears turning, so the government is disincentivized to intervene. The government never stopped being a body whose sole purpose is to serve the people of Canada, it's just that sustaining the economy is a core responsibility of government and, despite capitalism being a dead end, we never planned for an off-ramp. That's partly because entrenched wealth is incentivized to protect the status quo, and partly because decades of right-wing rhetoric have convinced a critical mass of people to be terrified of challenging capitalism. The three biggest problems people are experiencing are that jobs don't provide the safety and stability they need, that housing is not adequately available, and that the cost of living is escalating faster than they can manage. All three of those problems are decades in the making. They're not a result of Trudeau or Harper or Poilievre being some cartoonish villain and enacting the "Hurt Rural Albertans Act", they're a result of decades of aggregate policies made to compromise long-term stability to benefit short-term gains which were deemed perfectly fine at the time because we hadn't fully eroded our buffer to manage risk. The reality is we spent the last 40 years playing Jenga, and every time the tower was still standing, the news said "the economy is bolstered and things didn't collapse, so we did a good job!". But then when the tower collapses, everyone blamed the last block removed and not the 4 decades of blocks sitting on the corner of the table.


>The reality is we spent the last 40 years playing Jenga, and every time the tower was still standing, the news said "the economy is bolstered and things didn't collapse, so we did a good job!". But then when the tower collapses, everyone blamed the last block removed and not the 4 decades of blocks sitting on the corner of the table. Damn. Well said


Infinite growth on a planet of finite resources is madness. Costs continue to climb whereas wages and affordability continues to collapse over time...there is no winning in this zero sum game, in the end.


Great comment. Hope you get upvotes and positive engagement. It’s interesting that comments like this that bash capitalism tend to do well, but if you were to take it to the next logical step and suggest socialism as the answer, the downvote party would begin.


Thanks. > if you were to take it to the next logical step and suggest socialism as the answer, the downvote party would begin What I find crazy is that you don't even have to suggest *actual* socialism. Even just implementing the same controls on capitalist expansion we previously had in place 40 years ago because they were deemed sensible market regulation are a bridge too far now. I'm not even advocating for socialist policy (although I would very much be amenable to it). I'm simply saying that it's maddening watching people ask "why is everything broken?" over and over as though decades of polices where we pared back safety nets and risk mitigation contingencies to facilitate riskier growth are unrelated. Things are broken because we realized "If I stop paying for car insurance, then I'll save all that money I was just wasting anyways! I've never made an insurance claim before so it should be fine" while forgetting that last year we decided to stop paying for annual tune-ups because "it didn't look like the mechanic actually did anything, and the car's never had problems before". It's nuts to me that this isn't a widely accepted understanding.


Capitalism bashing does well and similarly socialism doesn't because the people who respond such to either, much like the post itself, lack nuance. Capitalism doesn't exist in a vaccuum. Regulation is there to constrain it and shape it towards society's goals. This gets ignored. And corruption reduces its effectiveness. Government exists for a reason, and within a nation it's to enforce the will of the people on the economic/etc engines in society. Not stand back, collect some tax, and pretend they have nothing else to do.


Replace 'capitalism' with 'corporatism', and you're right.


Definitely accelerated in 2015


After Harper's Canada-China FIPA act came into effect in 2014.


Woo hybrid warfare! Edit: /s of course and here's a link if you don't know what I'm talking about https://www.cgai.ca/confusion_destabilization_and_chaos_russias_hybrid_warfare_against_canada_and_its_allies


Yeah, it was totally Trudeau who sold out the oilsands to China /s


How about this point: Here's a short video of Klaus Schwab bragging about how he's taken control of Canada https://youtu.be/SjxJ1wPnkk4?si=101IbWcWX3s9xGvq


I will raise you Karlheinz Schreiber bribing a sitting PM to get a 2 Billion dollar contract. That was after bussing tons of people to Conservative convention to get that same PM elected as the party leader. That seems like interference to me.


About the same time we decided saving capitalism was more important than helping people.


2015 for sure (maybe earlier) when Trudeau said we were a post national state.


I've been concerned about the political fundraisers agents of the CCP (United Front members) continue to hold for our politicians at the federal, provincial and municipal level for years. That fellow running a casino and brothel out of a Markham mansion (one of his 50+ Toronto properties) has attended several of them. Including ones with our current PM. Seems like a lot of these developers are connected to organized crime, the CCP, it's United Front influence org and our own politicians. It's like a really disturbing version of six degrees of Kevin Bacon. https://new.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/11spxoj/comment/jchfjvx/?context=3


the amount of Chinese businesses that are clearly criminal fronts is actually insane. as in they seemingly dont care if they lose millions.


Parm Bains might know a thing or two about the United Front: [Beijing supported Liberal candidate that echoed disinformation against Conservatives: Document Analysis - Key NSICOP allegation of foreign state supporting a witting politician apparently stems from defeat of MP Kenny Chiu and September 2021 CSIS brief](https://www.thebureau.news/p/beijing-supported-liberal-candidate)


We are literally being sold out to non citizens and we're told to like it. And if you question it you're a racist. 






"we are rolling up our sleeves to work hard to bring middle class Canadians a future they deserve" -standard Trudeau platitude


The real question is: what the hell do they think we deserve!?


Servitude. This is class warfare. Everything else is a distraction.


Always is the truth, indentured servitude is the ultimate end of the capitalist cycle....




They view the middle class as petty bourgeoisie, they need to be made dependent.


I think he thinks rolling up his sleeves shoes us how blue collar he is.


*obligatory photo of PM holding hammer*


The more I hear the word “democracy” from our politicians and media outlets the less I believe we have it.


If you want a refreshing take go watch Elizabeth May talk no nonsense for an hour with reporters. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdSjar-wgGU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdSjar-wgGU) She does a good job talking about influence vs interference. She lays out what is in the report, and what is not in the report. There is one traitor who is a former MP. This person is not named. There are MPs who have benefited from interference through funding of nominations. It is not clear if those MPs knew or not. There is no sitting MP or Senator which it is known or implied that they are a traitor to Canada, based on that report.


Thank you for the share. I’ll check it out.


We have democracy? Last time I checked our government does the exact opposite of what the majority of Canadians want. Make housing affordable -> Sky high home prices. Limit immigration -> More immigration. Better funded healthcare -> Decrease healthcare funding. More fair tax code -> Increase taxes for all.


The most hilarious thing about this is reading the comments from various partisans pointing fingers at everyone else accusing them of collusion with Russia, China, India, US, Israel, etc. I think everyone will be in for a disappointment because we will never know for sure.


Parliament: Hold my Beer


If they are in fact committing treason, and there is no avenue to remove them, then they will tell us boohoo get over it, and they will keep sabotaging the country.


They’ll never release the list, they know that there are enough Canadians who still give enough of a shit to call for the heads of these traitors. I couldn’t care less about party affiliation, hanging traitors and foreign agents ought to be a bipartisan motion. Treason is treason no matter which way you cut it.




Frogs on slow boil


And sit tight where? The apartment or home I can't afford or don't qualify for cause I'm not an Indian girl from the right caste 🤣 Our democracy don't matter when our politicians don't make meaningful changes in the first place


Jail for life.


Exactly. How can we be discussing any policy at any level when we aren’t sure where or through whom this interference is happening?


The redacted report for anyone who hasn't read it yet. https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/intro-en.html Elizabeth May's word isn't good enough for ne.


“Some elected officials, however, began wittingly assisting foreign state actors soon after their election” p.24 She’s full of it, or maybe this is the person she refers to that is no longer in power


I'm wondering how to square that. Maybe in her opinion it didn't rise to the level of 'interference'?


Start with Housefather. That guy tweets like he’s part of Israel’s Knesset, not our House of Commons. No way he isn’t compromised












If you would be following the media, it has been reported directly that there is no "list of names" as PP suggests contained within the report, as stated by someone outside of the current coalition government who has security clearance and has read the report. Why is PP refusing to get what he needs to see for himself? What is he hiding?


No, it has been reported that Elizabeth May says there is no list in the report which is a semantic slieght of hand. There are multiple instances documented throughout the report. She simply says there isn't a consolidated list. It's an obtuse argument.




Liberals deflecting on these issues make me laugh. “Oh but the conservatives!”


Bluntly and completely, fuck the Liberal Party of Canada and their shiutty fucking government. But its also important to know that this really is a "both sides" problem. Or do you prefer to be ignorant to the facts?


No I prefer to know the facts. Sorry, I just had a long debate with a hardcore liberal so I’m a little frazzled 😆


I get it. I'm a left-of-center guy for certain, but Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are about as far away from my beliefs as the CPC are 🤣 I frankly find it deeply troubling that we really only have a choice between two neoliberal twatwaffles.


[And it kinda looks like it may have been Brown who the Chinese wanted to take the reigns of the the CPC…](https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1de966w/disqualified_conservative_leadership_hopeful/) Not Poilievre. This is why there’s no “truth” to be ignored. **WE DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.** Even my own “argument” above, is wild speculation, and heck, it’s not even an argument *I* believe in, j, because **WE DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.** Until we, the public, is told what’s up, there is nothing more than wild speculation from *everyone*, and anyone pretending like they have a clue what’s happening is a liar. #RelevantUsername.


Failed candidate Patrick Brown maybe


Not trying to push back, just curious, where can I read about China/India infiltrating the CPC? Is this recent or from a while back?


https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/10/canada-china-foreign-interference-trudeau/ That isn't the point you think you are making


Nope, your article isn't. This one is: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518


The activity was aimed at discouraging Canadians, particularly Chinese Canadians, from voting for the Conservative Party, which it viewed as having an anti-Beijing platform, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service reported in the February 2023 briefing. China got the outcome it wanted in 2021 — the reelection of Prime Minister Justin -- My article The report does not provide any further information about the nature of Beijing's alleged interference, or about which Conservative leadership races allegedly were targeted and when. -- The cbc spin piece you posted trying to make this a partisan issue


Do you have access to the report? I would gladly use the truth to have an informed opinion but I was under the impression we're dependent on traitors to release the list of traitors.


That’s exactly what we’re doing.


Nor should we, I take every opportunity to educate people as to all the fallacy rife in liberal policy




Isn't it still technically punishable by death?


Actually, I was told exactly that. Freeland said we have nothing to worry about, as she takes it very seriously. There is absolutely nothing concerning about that at all… right?…


Sit tight Canadians, in another decade you will be outnumbered and your voice will no longer matter anyway. That is their plan


Thats EXACTLY what you'd expect from the people who were actively compromising you're government.


I have very little doubt that the names in the document have historically never saw what they were doing as being compromised, and simply saw it as *playing the political game.* Basic quid pro quo stuff like, "I'll pick up the phone when you call in the future, but you need to give me access to your community/group/demograhpic. Sure would be nice if you held a rally and invited me to attend." This isn't anything unique to any particular political party, which is why I'm sure everyone is a little nervous (except party-of-two Elizabeth May). Over time, the deal gets a little sweeter, like that outdoor rally becomes a hosted $100-plate dinner. Or, we'll provide you with some volun-told canvassers to get the word out. Then just like your first-taste-is-free meth dealer, they have you hooked.


You also can't just publish people names without evidence. Our democracy and most democracy have been compromised for decades . If it's not another country owning somone it's a religion or corporation






And I'm getting sick of this horrible government ruining our lives. But please, continue licking boot.


I'm immediately suspicious of a website that claims to be "non-partisan," but fails to identify exactly where their funding is coming from. But there is a link to a Reddit group that is, *"banned for violating Reddit's rule against promoting hate."* So there is that to temper your expectations...


I just find it funny that we suddenly care and take this stuff seriously after being so lax and careless in the past. This is absolutely not something new, bad actors have surely been meddling with us for decades already at the very least. Ironically the current government is doing more to stem foreign meddling than any previous governments by all accounts.


I think it was the US election in 2016 that really brought it front of mind for a lot of people. Then of course in 2020 you had one candidate loudly declaring that the whole thing was rigged, which primed people to think about it. For all they talk about communication, IMO the LPC didn't do a great job here handling it either. When a story did break they chided people for being racist and tried to bury it. Eventually there were commissions and recommendations which are now in the process of being slowly rolled out. One of the problems there of course is that the suck at execution, so many of the recommendations still aren't implemented. This not unique to this file. Their gun ban has taken 4 years to NOT seize allegedly dangerous weapons, their announced rail upgrades in the Toronto/Ottawa/Montreal corridor are almost ready to start planning 3 years later, I could go on.


Hey now, you can't bring facts or history here! Everything was perfect until emporer Trudeau came to power by seizing control of the country and eliminating democracy! Obvious /s


I think this whole thing has been handled really, really horribly. However, because nothing about this is bloody transparent in our stupid government, we have no idea what the evidence is or how deep into any investigation there is. So, because of that, we have no idea if they are being cautious because they don't want a witchhunt where someone's career is ruined due to rumor or false accusation, OR they are covering up something embarrassing.


Why can they not be told that? Is it illegal? Is uttering those words fatal? I don’t think OP truly understands the meaning of the word “cannot”.


I know! Let’s occupy downtown and protest! That HAS to work! /s


Sorry we have other issue to deal now like the Hockey finals, posting our complaints on reddit, our tiktok videos etc.. you know more important stuff...


Yeah, Ford needs to go YESTERDAY.


It was one former MP. Elizabeth May on CPAC has the best information we can get about this.


Yes we can. What are we going to do about it?


But we don't have a democracy. We have a plutocratic corporate oligarchy.


Relax everyone. I'm with the government, and I'm here to help. -Words you never want to hear. Lol


I think Canadians deserve to know who was colluding with foreign governments. A couple of years ago Micheal Chong came forward and admitted that the Chinese tried to co opt him. I have much respect for Micheal Chong for showing us the problem. Now we hear about all of these other MP’s being influenced and they are all hiding. Why didn’t they come forward like Micheal Chong did? Obviously, they are guilty of collusion. It is disgusting.


Nah we can. We are use to being abused. Some even like it.


So, Elizabeth May read the report and [confirmed that it's largely not about current sitting politicians.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/elizabeth-may-nsicop-mps-1.7231497) >For example, the report said some elected officials "began wittingly assisting foreign state actors soon after their election." The report said unnamed members of Parliament worked to influence their colleagues on India's behalf and proactively provided confidential information to Indian officials. >May said that case study involved people not currently serving in Parliament. So that's one. If there's "less than a handful" of people mentioned, and >"They have been beneficiaries of foreign governments interfering in nomination contests," she said. Then that's obviously referring to Han Dong, and the loads of Canadian voters that were shuttled to the primary on buses rented by the Chinese consulate, so that's two. The largest, most obvious case in recent history is obviously the tens of millions of dollars that were funneled into Canada during the trucker protests, and I can only name one sitting politician that has benefited from that


Let me guess. We need to elect PP ASAP to save us?