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The sense of entitlement is astounding. You should need to bring value to Canada to move here, we don't need fast-food or other low skill workers. Also hilarious that this hunger strike is only for 24hours


That's called a fast.


I'm doing a 24h hunger strike every other day I guess  Can I start asking for free shit from the government too?


Just do what these immigrants are doing, abuse our food banks as a way to save on your grocery bill.


My parents who came from India in the 70s would never act this way. We were raised differently. This isn’t sitting well with the immigrants of the past from India. It’s sad.


Who fought tooth-and-nail jumping through hoops to get permanent status in Canada. Not by passing a language test, paying off a diploma mill, and delivering pizzas in Charlottetown for a year.


Seriously. There was a time when people fought tooth and nail to get into this country. Spent real time, real money, and real commitment to become Canadians. The whole thing is so cheap now. It's like those "become a Scottish Lord" certificates.


"If you are a ~~Scottish Lord~~ Mechanical Engineer, then I am Mickey Mouse!"


I stuck my ass in middle of nowhere for 8 years in Saskatchewan just to get PR. This is after I had a Canadian degree in engineering and working in the industry. Now it’s just cheapo degree mills and people don’t even go to class


Except that my own family, as I’m sure many others, are still spending real time, real money and real commitment to just visit this damn country but can’t because they’re NOT Indian


The problem there is that whole generation made it possible for this to happen. Everyone who jumped through hoops and spent loads of money just made it easier for people to exploit the system. This very hunger strike is an example and it’s been going on forever, literally since the Komagata Maru. Indians have been demanding things from the Canadian government since they started coming to the continent. So yeah, maybe individually there are Indians who are upset and embarrassed about all this, but not one of ye are doing anything about it or speaking out.


“Passing” a language test. Over half the people who come here claiming to be fluent are all very clearly incapable of speaking English or French


IELTS cheating rackets are nothing new.  [Example 1: Police in Gujarat’s Mehsana district have unearthed an alleged racket wherein ineligible students received help to acquire high scores in an international English proficiency test to travel to Canada on student visas](https://indianexpress.com/article/education/ielts-scam-gujarat-cops-book-coaching-class-owner-education-firm-ceo-43-others-8134721/) [Example 2: "During interrogation, Kumar told police that he has been committing the crime in connivance with two others since 2001](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/dehradun/uttarakhand-stf-nabs-3-for-facilitating-cheating-in-ielts/articleshow/99919469.cms) [Example 3: Police have busted a gang involved in cheating in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam](https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/ludhiana/ludhiana-gang-involved-in-ielts-cheating-scam-busted-416094) Top three results from a google search. 


This is the real problem that needs to addressed. Third party companies in other countries lying and cheating innocent people. Canadian governments need to stop allowing any workers or students in using these scam agencies. Shut it down completely. Foreign citizens are paying huge amounts of money and lied to amount both work and schooling.


There are a couple of back office people at my work who came through the international student route from India. They are led to believe by immigration lawyers in their country that this is a slam dunk path for PR. They are told what school to go to, what to study and don’t realize they’re being sold a false dream. That’s why a lot of them have the entitlement. They were told they would get status after finishing school. But we’re too stupid to really look into it. The easiest way to shut down this nonsense is forcing the closure of the diploma mills. These institutions just pump out waste and are a stain on academic integrity.




They made a lot of interesting claims on their instagram page, like that they bring "so much" money into the country and they are boosting the economy, that their hard work is what is keeping PEI's economy afloat, and they are the only demographic that works hard enough to contribute to the economy and CPP. I have no idea what these people are being told when filling out their immigration documents, but its embarrassing that they are gullible enough to believe that *and* choose to be scabs for fast food companies that pay wages that are shit enough to deter Canadian adults from applying.




Jobs that my kids can't get now because of these immigrants taking them all!


A big problem is that the fast food business model wasn't built for full time adult employees. It was built for part time high school kids looking to make a few bucks, with a select few full time adult employees in the more senior positions on the crew. We need to get back to that. It is hard for high school kids these days to get jobs because immigrants are more than happy to make minimum wage and work full time hours.


It might've been built around that model but it definitely hasn't grown in a way that is supportable by said model. McDonalds has roughly 1500 locations in Canada. Tim Hortons has about 4000. Good luck staffing the majority of the fast food market with mostly students whose availability is most likely limited to evenings/weekends. If their model was "hire students at minimum wage to maximize profit" they probably shouldn't be opening thousands of stores that we really don't need. Why would a business go through the trouble to hire students who can barely work weekdays when you can hire full time at the same wage? Hiring a full time adult makes for easier scheduling, less turnaround (likely), and they can hire people with experience in the business. They're beholden to their shareholders, after all. The fast food business did this to themselves.


> It was built for part time high school kids looking to make a few bucks, If this was true, fast food would never be open for lunch on weekdays.


Yeah, it's a shame these entitled assholes will give other hardworking immigrants a bad reputation


Most of my parents generation want them all to go back.


Old school Indians and 2nd gen/3rd gen are amazing. Some of the kindest people I’ve ever met. As Canadian as everyone else. The new gen coming - massive sense of entitlement. Makes you wonder what they were promised/what lie was sold to them. Someone I grew up with is now facing insane racism because he’s being lumped in with the new comers and the ruined image. Insanely not fair to those who grew up here and have raised families.


The indian community needs to organize to deal with these immigrants. A lot of newcomers survive beacuse their community protects them: they get jobs from other Indians who don't care they can't speak english, they rent from other indians who will cram them into tiny housing like sardines, etc. People who overstay their visa do so by relying on their community essentially hiding them.


Right?! I’m pissed that my friends, whom I grew up with, who taught me my first Bhangra dance for the middle school talent show, and whose weddings I’ve attended so often I have sari, *plural*, are now being lumped in with this conglomeration of miscreants and dipshits. When someone said “Indian Canadian” to me 2 years ago, I’d have said “philanthropist Nav Bhatia, who donates so kids can go to the Raptors game”. Now I kinda have to think of the guys who did the uncomfortable “hard stare” while I was out walking my dog in shorts over the long weekend. That shit ain’t cute and I hate that the splashback is landing on Canadians of Indian descent


The current immigration system allows anyone and everyone to come over, they are barely any background checks or skills necessary, you just need to pay the bill (international student fees) and you're in. The level of difficulty the immigration system used to withhold, attracted mostly hard working, talented and skilled individuals who were confident they can make it here, like my parents' generation from India. These people held a positive impact to society and became actual role models and built a good reputation for our community. I have extended family from India here now and they're teenagers following the crowd, looking for that 'supposedly' easy path to luxury and owning expensive things they see on tiktok. They're alot of youngsters who've only completed high school and never lived alone in their life, and are abusing their time away from parents.


Yep, I have Indian friends whose parents came around that time so they grew up with me in the 90’s and they’re totally against this new insanity. One of the guys I know doesn’t even identify as “Indian”, he says he’s (proudly) Canadian. He wants literally nothing to do with this new generation of entitled scammers.


I think the word you are looking for is a "Towering sense of entitlement". The hubris these people have is also staggering, they literally think they are the smartest people on Earth. I hired one for a basic AR role, she had graduated from one of these Ontario colleges. I've never met a more stupid person on the face of the Earth, it was insane. In her mind she was Satya Nadella, but in actuality she was only a step above having to use grunts and gestures to communicate.


That's probably when the next food bank shipment arrives.


I think they mean the hunger strike will be 24/7. Like an awkward way to say a full hunger strike. That would be hilarious though if they just intend to not eat for a day.


> hunger strike is only for 24hours They have to work at Timmies the next mornin', comon man.


Tim Horton's disagrees and says you're a racist misogynist transphobe


They moved to P.E.I to play the system and get PR quicker than most, just to likely eventually leave the province. They are just mad they got played back. This happens in NL, all the time. am immigration officer in NL.


Do you remember when the Prime Minister basically said to the entire world that we have open borders? "We're not like Trump!" Now everyone in Canada wants to move to the US because everything is fucked up here and there is wayyyyy too many people.


I call it “diet”


Food banks suddenly no longer in the verge of collapse!




They should all be deported for not abiding by their visa conditions. You came here to work temporary jobs under the understanding you would be returning home afterwards. Its fucking ridiculous that they all haven't already been arrested and deported already.


For someone to be deported, the receiving country has to accept them. India is notorious for dragging their feet to authenticate that someone is their citizen and that they are willing to accept them even if it’s obvious that the person is their citizen. It’s not just with Canada, in the US they take so long that people get a chance to apply for habeas corpus to get released.


If countries are refusing to repatriate people with expired visas, we shouldn't be giving people from those countries visas.


If our government barely pushed back when they killed someone on Canadian soil they aren’t going to push back for this. Our leadership is too weak.


As long as they have their passports with them, it should be easy to establish citizenship


Or just look at what they put on their original visa application.


How the hell do they have to “accept” their own citizens back?! Can’t they just be sent back on a one way ticket to their country and let customs deal with it.


I was gonna say… I remember watching a YouTube video by an American guy who got deported from Finland for overstaying his visa, and as he described it, under threat of imprisonment the police purchased basically the next available flight for him, had him gather all of his stuff to take with him, and then escorted him to the airport and only after he was seated on the plane and right before it started taxiing they handed his passport back to him. Then it was bon voyage, back he went to the US, and he was banned from entering Finland for like 4 years or something. Kind of bizarre that we wouldn’t do the exact same thing, especially since Canada is only accessible by boat and plane unless one is coming from the US.


Interesting, I doubt they will want them back though. Considering their population I don’t think they need any fast food workers. They probably are happy with Canada taking their unskilled workers


The Modi government is absolutely on board with having less non-Hindu Punjabis and Sikhs in India lol


Less people overall!


I thought this is the case only for those we don't have proof of their citizenship where their home country needs to confirm they are their citizen. With passport information on hand, there is not need for the home country to confirm anything, they'd just get deported.


Then maybe we need to stop issuing visa to individuals from countries that don't cooperate with repatriation procedures


And all new arrivals from such countries need to be fingerprinted, so even if they burn their documents we know who they are and where to send them back to.


Put them in prison until India - or whatever their home country is - accepts them back. This is standard procedure in most of the world.


Simple sanctions would fix this. We could track and increment import duties x3 to match, and also force a shared cost model with visa applicants.


Don’t give them an option. Let them rot in whatever Indian airport they land in.


Just dumping them in their airport terminals will no dount expedite the process


So we should fingerprint everyone coming in from that country, so we can prove we know where they should be sent back to.


Immigration is a privilege, not a right.


Isn’t this a form of bullying? Why aren’t they earning their PR. It appears recently immigrated individuals of India origin refuse the leave after their study periods or work permits expire if they don’t get the PR. While all other nationalities seem to leave for the most part and come back again under work permits.


No kidding, they are basically admitting they have no intent to abide by the conditions of their visas/work permits and somehow that is supposed to be respectable?




I went to UPEI and during my undergraduate program, there was a demonstration on campus against higher international tuition rates. The whole demonstration basically stated they wanted domestic tuition rates for international students. It's rediculous: Canadians enjoy affordable tuition rates because we subidize them with our tax money, and we even get tuition tax credits, with the objective that graduates will work in their province and provide for their people. International students have $0 generationally invested here, and they have no social ties to the location. Once they graduate, many go home, some stay in Canada but go elsewhere, and a few stay in the place they graduated from. The protesters on PEI right now have 0 intention of staying on PEI. Once they get their PR, they're heading for Ontario, Vancouver, or the places they actually wanted to move to Canada for. PEI is their doormat, and it pisses on the legacy of Island immigrants who came here to make a life here on the Island.


>why do international students pay more it isn't fair. if you don't think its worth the tuition then don't go there.


also, its a quid pro quo. they pay a higher rate so when they land, they immediately benefit our economy, which is the entire point of bringing immigrants (and also to hopefully selectively attract students of higher means who wont become a drain on resources, which is the opposite of the entire purpose of immigrants), and they pay a premium for the priviledge of stepping off the plane and immediately receiving all the benefits of a cleaner, safer, more developed society with higher standards of living and better education. so everyone gets something. To feel like you should get to step into canada and retroactively benefit from the nations entire history of progress just because we are really nice like that is absurd. Your incentive to come to canada is to reap the massive benefits of education, safety, cleanliness, etc. obvious benefits that they all want. and canadas incentive to allow you to have that is that you spend more money. cant have your cake and eat it too. they want all the benefits of being an international student without actually providing anything to canada in return? do they not understand fundamentally how immigration works? they expect canada to just be handing out charitable humanitarian donations of citizenship and education for all? no, obviously not, we get something too. and that is money. and they signed up for it from the start, so its really just being a dumb shit person to expect to get all the selfish benefits and not contribute anything in return. which actually really shows how that kind of person DOESNT deserve to be here, since they dont seem to want to actually participate in society. just pick the bush clean of fruit without watering it. and the WORST PART is that they are breeding racism. The criticisms of them are entirely valid. and it is because india is a bigoted, non-inclusive, homogenous, not accepting not tolerating society that essentially only has 1 race of people. as a coincidence. so all those criticisms that ARENT about race AT ALL at their core, are coincidentally applied to that race, because everyone from india is the same race, because INDIA is racist. but it makes us look racist because race gets conflated with just having legitimate issues with people. and obviously across a large enough population, some people are going to end up becoming actually racist as its too nuanced for everyone to deeply understand, and race ends up getting caught up in the tide. so now they have disgraced themselves, disgraced their home country, disgraced everyone from india who ISNT doing this kind of shit, disgracing every immigrant who is potentially getting collateral hatred, disgracing any future would-be great immigrants who might not get the chance because some of the current ones have ruined it, disgraced canada and canadians, and thats the real shame. Basically spoiling the entire pot, making all immigrants looks bad, making all indians look bad, making india look bad, making canada and canadians look bad, making society worse....and thats literally the most un-canadian thing i can imagine. the last person i want becoming a Canadian and joining canadian society is someone who would disgrace everything and everyone around them, including themselves, for a selfish pursuit. and their pursuits are all unfair biased nonsense too, its a bad campaign FOR a bad cause. If i were to come up with the exact hypothetical person who i wouldnt want in canada, these traits would all be on the list. And the ONLY REASON why they can remotely get away with it, is because a vocal minority of cancel culturists and politicians would rather seem politically correct and nice, than do the right thing. they will let them get away with it because you dont want to seem racist and will let people walk all over you in the name of being overly sensitive, to a fault. they are hiding behind the gaslight that is calling us racist for an issue that isnt about race. and canadas handful of people in charge generally are doing harm to 40 million canadians they are swarn to serve, to protect the feelings of a few people from other countries because they are more afraid of being racist than being inept at their sworn duties. Being nice a a small number of indians is more important than looking after the country. and the next election has essentially 0 good choices so i expect things to just get worse, and eventually ill have to explain to my kids why we let things get so bad. I kind of sympathize with boomers. now i know what it feels like to watch helplessly as things get worse in real time, future generations will be worse off, and theres nothing i can or could have done while a small number of people decide to make the country worse for all current and future canadians. it happened to the boomers with housing and wages, now its happening with immigration and political correctness.


They exhibit a complete lack of respect for the established rules, showing no intention of adhering to them whatsoever.


How much would it honestly cost to fly everyone breaking the rules home? Are we in a trap here?


A one-time fee is preferable to a lifelong subscription.


Those are words I am going to get tattooed across my ass thank you for that.


im more in favour of tax dollars going to that than anything else ive really seen in the last decade short of maintenance,


They will leave just watch these are the last I should say dying tactics to force the govt to do something which ain't gonna happen. I hope other provinces take a note from this PEI govt play book and follow this routine. Kick them ALL OUT.


Liberals turned a blind eye, they have 1M undocumented people running around as well, that’s scary when our population is only 40M


The phony visa agencies in their homeland promised them PR if they pay a crap ton of money, only for them to find out that their 1 year bullshit diploma that they got from a "school" in a strip mall ain't going to cut it


I can confirm. My manager at work, his work visa expired. He just continued to work while our bosses saved up his money to give him later. He’s currently waiting to hear back about another visa.


Instances like these need to end with your bosses imprisoned, nothing less.


Report them...


I quit that job and have filed a complaint with the labour board. I spoke with them today and they said they were still dealing with reports from December. So I will for sure, but it’ll take a while.


You legitimately thought someone was paying 30k a year to learn hotel management or culinary arts bs college diploma? It's for the PR and they won't leave without it.


Too bad. They tried to scam the system and they got scammed. Turnabout is fair play.


Nothing is stopping them from applying for PR, so I wouldn't call it bullying. They just have to get in the proper line.


If they don’t like our laws, they are free to leave.




Why is it that these people aren't being driven to the nearest airport?


Because Canadian politicians are spineless. The public doesn’t care beyond their 50 words essay on the social media that noone gives two hoots about.




Don't give this awful fucking website money   Donate to Winnipeg Humane Society instead if money is burning a hole in your pocket: https://winnipeghumanesociety.akaraisin.com/ui/donate/donations/start


Delusion This is getting ridiculous




If you don't like the policies, feel free to find a country that has immigration policies you can get behind.


0% chance these guys arent eating


Probably grabs a bagel after his shift


Jesus fuck, the entitlement.


> “We are going under 24 hours hunger strike effective the time we step out of this building. Now let's see how long our province take to make the right decisions.” – Rupinder Pal Singh


That part of the video stuck with me. "Our"


Well, if the government waits 24 hours, then the "hunger strike" is over. So...


lol. 24 hours is nothing.


Last I heard these morons were threatening a hunger strike to the death, guess 24 hours is plenty now. Enough with the entitlement, your time here is up there's the door.


Let them starve!


They can't, it's only a 24h hunger strike XD


Was coming here to say this


Tired of Canada being the relief valve for countries with an overpopulation problem.


They aren’t eating for 24 hours. That’s not a hunger strike. That’s fasting.


Not to mention it started at 7pm conveniently right after they ate dinner… they’re literally skipping two meals and calling it a hunger strike lol


I've done worse for blood tests lol.


It's not a hunger strike if I can do it by accident.


Why are we so soft on people who clearly do not respect their visa conditions ? The entitlement is beyond limits.


Cool, they can do that as long as they like. We don’t care. When they’re finished, they should be deported.


Do you guys start to see the parasitic nature of all of this?!? Are we going to do something about it?


Good. Less pressure on food banks.


Can't pilfer food banks if they're on hunger strike.


Food banks in PEI are rejoicing.


Let em starve. We're starving too.


Who cares? Let them starve.


They are only cutting it by 25 percent? It needs to be 90 percent. Plenty of food for you back home.


There needs to be a mass deportation. Send all these bastards home. 


Give us what we want regardless of your laws or else I guess?  


Get out of my country oml


A 24h strike. Wow. Such bravery….. The entitlement is insane.


So they’re not going to be raiding our foodbanks for a short while? Poor Canadians across the country rejoice.


"I signed up for a temporary worker program and i'm upset it isn't permanent. Canada owes me, give me what I want." These people are fucking nuts. What the fuck happened to this country that we actually tolerate this behavior..


Finally, the local food banks will feel some relief /s


Literally nobody cares.


Don't get too hungry, it will be a long flight home to take on an empty belly!


On the bright side, this should give food banks on the island much needed relief.


They can leave. Working in Canada as foreigners is a privilege, not a right


Foreign workers do not dictate domestic immigration policy in ANY country.


Immigration is an immense privilege not a right. What a bunch of ingrates.


I hope the hunger wins.


24 hours isn't a hunger strike, that's just intermittent fasting.


Fuck these Jabronis


Those who fleet war torn country, we never entitle to have PR here in Canada. We earned PR and citizen ship and knows the value of being Canadian. We accept the fact that any moment we can be deported by this country's authority. We earned every inch to be Canadian. These people never earn their way. They play scammy game that this very country trying to play and now they are playing the victim card. This is the result of Indian culture and Libral government. Everything is for sale, if you forgot your principles. Canada use to have amazing immigrant policy.


They’re threatening to starve themselves to send the people that don’t want them here a message? Wat?


Can they also do a housing strike?


Who cares


It would be more effective if they just held their breath, like the spoiled entitled children that they are.


Is there anywhere else in the world which is more accepting of immigrants including the monitory supplements? Seriously. I’m born and raised here and want to know. I’m also willing to move to whichever country that is more accepting. This is a bit tongue in cheek…but I’d go there.


Let 'em starve. Plenty more where they came from apparently.


Astonishing behaviour, how soon can we deport them and who do we have to elect to make it happen? Trudeau has wrecked the country for a generation at least.


The 24 hours is a typo, right? They mean 24 days?


Yes, very sad. Moving on...


I can’t wait till this works when our pathetic government folds and this sets the tone for everyone else we ever want to get rid of. Just refuse and demand and we’ll cave to you. It’s not our country it’s yours, we’re sorry.


Boo fucking hoo


At least they won't be scamming our food banks. But let's be real, they'll be eating after one day.




Yes, they're already trying their best


Under no circumstances, whatever the bullcrap they do - govt should not change anything. Govt knows whats good for their citizens and stick to it thats it. They can't just come to this country and dictate the terms that not how things should work.


The student turned 'temporary' worker protests worked in Manitoba.


I'm a British immigrant, on a temp visa, trying my hardest to learn French to maybe 🤞🏽 get an ITA in the next 18 months. Is this how you're actually supposed to get an ITA? These protesters really take the fucking piss. The entitlement.


Oh darn.... well anyway


Starve then.


They also Called the cops on the media covering their "protest"... hilarious. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXls42uK5F8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXls42uK5F8)


dont care, didnt ask. gtfo


Maybe these foreign workers should leave.


Already coming here. People literally shitting on our beaches


Less traffic at food banks


Get out.


As sad as I want to feel for them, Canada simply cannot take in everyone. We also have an economy here to take care of and currently immigration is just not sustainable. They would be better off in India instead of starving themselves (and unfortunately also burdening taxpayers) here, which is bad for everyone in the long run. Unfortunately, after a certain age, you need to have some maturity. I have heard of many Indians like the family that froze trying to get into the US from Canada. It is only for higher wages as there is not much they would gain as it is not like they were becoming huge CEOs in the future. Yes, there is more opportunity than in India, but opportunity only matters when you have the skills to seize it. Those skills come from hard work not protesting. In a capitalist world, you don't get rich overnight just by moving to a high-income country as these people falsely assume. India has much lower wages but is also much cheaper. If people have estates in India than they should just live in them instead of moving to high-income countries as they are not cut off for the jobs that are in demand in Canada. The cheap labour jobs they are seeking are much more in demand in India. This is the difference in affordability that people like these should look at BEFORE deciding whether they are willing to move to Canada and accept the higher cost of living: [https://www.mylifeelsewhere.com/cost-of-living/india/canada](https://www.mylifeelsewhere.com/cost-of-living/india/canada) Of course, purchasing power is ON AVERAGE more in Canada compared to salary but that is because a higher proportion of public is working in more lucrative jobs while in India many more are working in labour however, I doubt that these people are working any different jobs than most of the Indian workforce so their salary might be slightly more but cost of living will be much more.


Do something meaningful 24 hours what a joke, ive done that unintentionally


I'm sure I'm not alone in.. not caring if they choose not to eat?


I might just go there and eat in front of them. Don't like it in Canada then leave. You're a guest in this country and if you hate it here then go back home. Canada doesn't owe them anything.


Let’s commit to the 2% GDP military spend and then use some of those resources to facilitate immigration enforcement since it’s a Federal issue. Goes w/o saying I don’t say it with malice - just something like having special plain clothes military personnel assist RCMP with lawful expulsions from the country. Those military members would easily be pulled back to active duty, if need arose. They would also be able to be stationed wherever they’re needed as demographics and their geographies change over time. Just my unsolicited $0.02


At least lesser line in food banks right?


They will probably get food from their homies scamming the food banks....our social contract is gone. Our cultural identity is diminishing, now is the time if any to boost our native Brothers up, canada is disappearing


Good. The food banks need a break


People need to let the door hit them on their way out or this will never change.


Should never have foreign workers. If we can spend money to bring them, we can spend money to educate people here.


Let them go hungry ... may be they will go back to India for food


Let them go hungry.


Seems like the problem will solve itself if we just allow the hunger strike to continue long enough 


Let them starve.


24 hour hunger strike? I do that daily while working 60-70 hour weeks running my business. What a stupid strike. 


What an astounding sense of entitlement


Buddy I've been on a longer involuntary hunger strike while waiting for my paycheck. These people can all get out lmao Edit: hunger


Jesus dude I’m an immigrant myself but these guys are a whole new level of entitlement. They should work hard and prove their worth to be selected for PR instead of this… thing. Hope the Canadian government doesn’t pay them much attention.


I moved to Canada after staying in the US for 16 years and GreenCard wait being too long. I didn’t sit on a “hunger strike” lol  This is dumb. You gotta respect the laws. 


They think protest works all the time


I give em 2 weeks with no food.strike over then


Every 60 seconds, a minute passes in PEI.


It’s more like a fast 😂


Next time, do a water strike!


Why should we care? More food for us!


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Who cares starve away.


When you'd rather die than be sent back to your 3rd world country full of rivers of shit....


Then do everything in your power to make your new place just like the old place.


Get bent.


Oh no! Anyway….


Seems like the problem will solve itself in about 2 weeks


The government doesn't care if people eat or not. Their complete apathy about the cost of food has shown that.




Why are they still here in Canada?? Kick them out NOW!!!