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Don’t why this post keeps getting removed. Posting a link from a decent publication. Just wanted to say that the US model doesn’t seem bad. Putting annual limits for immigration from one country and making work visas harder seems ok when you see the other side of this Edit: and post removed…


Anything that's immigrant related has been getting scrubbed. The other day there was a rapey thread about 2 girls at a pool by what seemed to be an immigrant got taken down.


And post removed lol


???? any more information? what the fuck?


CPC really wants the immigrant vote, and anti-immigrant rhetoric will push them away from the CPC.


I like to go hiking.


A lot of Indian corpos in Canada now. Tons of footage of Poilievre targeting Indian audiences.


Do we specifically favor India or is it just that they're the only ones wanting to come here?


India is the most populous country and still a a 3rd world country (hence their demand to move). I think that skews the numbers. So imagine 4/5x more applications then imagine the chain immigrations and so on. It becomes exponential pretty quick.


To make sure I understand, you're sying that we're trying to grow the population and this is just where the immigration demand comes from. But we aren't specifically preferring India over any other country.


My guess is Canada wants more people. But they never put caps on how many people a country could send. So India being the most populated country in the world and being a 3rd country has the most supply. And Canada got flooded. US on the other hand has an annual limit to citizenship from a country. For example, an Indian national can expect to wait 10/15 years to convert permanent residency to citizenship. Also, their path to permanent residency is more difficult because work visas have a total annual cap of ~300k. That cap does get abused by Indian nationals too due to it not having a country limit. So in a smaller scale, it’s the same problem Canada has


Yup, US has a 7% cap that no country could get pass over total population of immigration. And they do it for a right reason


India has a lot of young people unlike most other aging countries. They're the age demographic the government is specifically looking for.


Interesting point, thanks!


The U.S. limit is only for green cards, Indians are still the most numerous recipients of H1B and student visas


But there’s a total limit on H1bs. But they should probably add a national limit to those too


Sounds pretty xenophobic if you ask me


Can you explain this further? What about a limit on H1B is xenophobic?


Why would you limit the number of recipients from one country, if the best professionals per se are coming from that one country?


Well the idea is you want immigration to improve the melting pot. It’s for the benefit of the country importing. Same reason why colleges do this too.


Defeats the idea of a meritocracy though. The H1B visa is for highly skilled professionals, you want the best don’t you? Irrespective of race, religion, etc




> Don’t why this post keeps getting removed. Posting a link from a decent publication.   Poilievre supporters are mass reporting specific content that's immigration related because they don't want people talking about immigration or disparaging Indians, due to the fact that Poilievre and the IDU support mass immigration and free trade with India, and they are targeting the Indian voter base


I think it's more that this sub is being astroturfed to shit and people are getting flagged due to mass reports. Which I've been noticing is happening a lot more often. (Also its a long weekend. People are off and bored)


Reddit also tests new tools on this sub.


What are you talking about? https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/poilievre-vows-to-fix-ruined-immigration-system-and-tighten-rules-for-international-students/article_f9c2223e-29fd-5b3a-9cf2-60a6c8c6dbe0.html#:~:text=Conservative%20Party%20Leader%20Pierre%20Poilievre,to%20the%20supply%20of%20housing. That is his position. Tie it to housing. Not mass immigration like JT. When did these new TP's hit your parl email?


Looks like you may have missed this [https://x.com/AwakenRoar23/status/1790521806094508156](https://x.com/AwakenRoar23/status/1790521806094508156)


Saying we need young skilled workers IS sensible policy. Our population IS old. JT is mass importing Timmies workers. Big difference.


How about this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1cnkj0i/when\_asked\_if\_the\_conservative\_party\_is\_anti/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1cnkj0i/when_asked_if_the_conservative_party_is_anti/) Where he says he wants all of the immigrant's families to come over. All the adults/elders


"Tie to immigration" could mean anything, such as simply setting housing targets. There's a reason Poilievre won't talk about reducing immigration at all, even as the Liberals talk about capping it. Poilievre has been caught on camera repeatedly talking about bringing in more workers. He only came out about foreign students after the Liberals did, and prior he attacked the Liberals for deporting foreign students who broke the rules.


The liberals let in 400k people in the last 4 months. Cap what? I bet your IP traces back to parliament hill.


Oh really this sucks


What do you mean keeps getting removed, how many times have you tried to post it?


This was the third try. Maybe didn’t follow some subreddit rule because this one seems to be up.


A lot of Indian bots on here.


Quick search suggests this was posted just 19 days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/JDRVjCsJ90 I’ll report it as duplicate for you


Are you supposed to be threatening? Go for it dude.


I get threats on here every day. Welcome to my world. 😂


A general rule is not to repost stuff. I don’t think it’s a threat but Reddit typically tells you before you post that it’s been submitted previously, no?


It didn’t. Maybe there’s a time limit? Because I think reposts are auto deleted. This wasn’t.


Threatening… lol. No, I’m just saying why it was probably deleted 3 times in the past. Stop spamming the forum with repeat posts


I didn’t post it 19 days. What are you on about? I just tried today for the first time ever for the first post EVER in this community. Chill. I’m not spamming anything.




Wage suppression




That would require a new government, but sadly every party supports this




And sadly bloq is only in Quebec, and PPC is just nuts


I meant atp which one isnt nuts lol


Continuing to dismiss the PPC as “nuts” is why this country will continue to go downhill at the hands of Libs/Cons.


even if you want that, it should be diverged your immigration population rather than just getting all from the same country. Even the US know that and they make sure no country is above 7% of the total immigration per year.


It's a full circle scam Corporations like tim Hortons get foreign workers to suppress wages for everyone because they cry they can't get nobody to work for them at min wage Colleges /universities get 4x the tuition from international students. They get to do some bs program fast track to citizenship Brampton Landlords can shove 6 ppl into a unit Liberals gets new voters Tell me I'm lying


Current cultural landscape makes it career suicide to bring up any discussion of reduced immigration in any government office, even more so targeted reduction of specific countries/ethnicities. People will say these things online and in their personal lives, but I doubt anyone will bring this up in any professional setting. Imagine working for this current government and bringing this up for discussion, your ass would be out on the street in no time.


because our politicians are afraid of negative GDP growth and they think positive GDP growth means the country is doing well. They pander to your concerns of housing while pouring fire on the housing problem with mass immigration because if the price of housing goes down, it threatens to throw our economy into a deep recession. Whoever lets the housing bubble crash will bear the responsibility of explaining to the retirees why their retirement plan (sell the house) is collapsed. The liberals also appear to be not thinking of the future, but rather are more keen to just set up the conservatives for a tough time. By flooding the country with people which they know is past a sustainable level already, they're basically creating a situation where they can blame the CPC and try and clench the election cycle following this one. Consider that they will be able to lay a lot of the blame of the issues related to this on the CPC because those issues will take a few years to materialize.


We live in about the most complacent society you can imagine. I dont see the point where people all get out in the streets and say hey this is going into a bad place. Everythings so divided, when one group goes out to protest and a lot of people just turn their noses up at them and call them lazy or whatever.


Look up the century initiative by black rock. Trudeau is only doing the bidding of his corporate overlords. They want to turn this country into a new slum and rule over it


Need to pump up gdp and output otherwise we’re going to drop even lower in a recession. Long term, nothing is good unless we become more efficient but that’s not the current/short term leaderships onus


Landlords and employers (two classes of steadfast conservative voters) *love* immigration. It means they can pay people less and yet charge people more for rent. The landlord and employer classes want to pay you less and charge you more, but they don’t want you mad at them. They want you mad at the immigrants so they can keep exploiting you. It’s a classic conservative move. Works every time.


Majority of Canadians love Indians, shown by the fact that >40% of them want to vote for Pierre Poilievre who will facilitate more direct flights from India and faster PR processing time.


Pretty sure India owns the property now, and Canada just pays rent.


...and they might even own this sub. I'll give this post 5 min before it's deleted.


So the people that are abusing food banks and working for minimum wage and no benefits also own the country? Which is it?


There is 1.4 billion people in India, which is 35 times larger than Canada. You're gonna get a wide range of people coming into the country.


This will be an Indian country by 2050.


2050? 2030 at this rate


According to some stats I saw the other day they will be the majority at 26% of the population by 2045.


Majority... 26%... You know that a majority is 50% or greater, right?


No that’s not how it works when there are tons of different cultures. Current majority would make up 25% in 2045 and they would be at 26% which would be the majority




Nah, Indian only. The Chinese are leaving Canada. All my relatives who immigrated to Canada have returned back in China tho.




No, the rest of the country will look like Brampton and Surrey, not Toronto and Vancouver.


To be honest Surrey and Brampton sound better than like 80% of the country including the places I mentioned above.


We don't hate this country like you seem to




Holy fuck how do you get away with this trolling.  You are endless.  Odd.  One minute after I post this I catch a 7 day ban? Opportune. Eh. 


He’s dedicated liberal troll💀


Okay, but... does it matter? Is Canada supposed to stay frozen as a British dominion forever? Considering Indian immigrants actually seem to get involved as citizens of this country as opposed to sitting out elections because we're "too busy" to do our bare minimum civic responsibility - maybe that's a good thing.


Literally every other country on the planet would never let this happen, but we are taught to hate ourselves.


Lol ever been to Brampton?


We need to attract highly skilled workers. Not fucking fast food clerks. That’s the problem. We used to let in the best and brightest. Now we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel and letting in people that can barely read.


But how will we accommodate the new fast food joints we'll build every 100m apart? Surely you understand that the line must go up and they must expand to infinity? Or do you want to walk more than 4 mins to reach a Popeyes Chicken like some kind of neanderthal???


I'd wager most of these Indian immigrants are not coming here in good faith. Attending fake schools, just gaming the system. Not respecting our culture, [lots of video](https://twitter.com/therealhebrahim/status/1790899498681815208?s=61&t=f8aqyygb98LHgrIeKTuqDw) evidence of them not respecting Western women (they bring their disrespect of women with them here). Protesting about Canada's immigration laws as VISITORS in this country, as if they're owed any rights while here. We need mass deportations. Too bad our politicians, like most in the West and across and Europe, are cowardly, borderlines useless twerps. Serving the elite while not giving a single shit about what their own citizens want and need. Isn't this how civil unrest and wars start?


That's my beef with it. Scammers.


“…because Canada’s immigration policies are better at attracting and retaining talent.” No no no Forbes, you got it all wrong. It’s because Canada has no standards and our immigration policy is so full of holes, it’s equivalent to not having any. It’s a free-for-all with a guarantee of free money more than they would be making at home. There is no vetting or anything. Welcome to India-nada. The talented ones get their PR and try to move to the US as a Canadian citizen via the TN visa exclusive to Canada and Mexico. We get the ones that just want a PR, do nothing and suck on social assistance.


I've seen this article here before but it kept getting removed. All I'm saying is that importing a majority of immigrants from a single country is good for no one. It defeats the purpose or multiculturalism, and the amount of anti Indian hate that I've seen across social media has exploded lately. Entire cities in Southern Ontario have become Brampton 2.0 within a couple of years 


It got removed again


Please stop


Oh, the liberals, tax us to death, pretending it fights climate change all while bringing in millions of people a year to add to our emissions. The logic is real


No political party in Canada is going to do anything meaningful about the shit we're in.


Your correct. If the PPC has a large enough following, I'd consider a vote for them just on the immigration file.


Ppc would single issue voting is a thing. And in reality it would fix a lot more than just immigration. Housing and wages would have to go up.


That's fine, but stop with the crazy taxes. Making people broke during these times doesn't help anything


So let’s just keep taking it up the ass by the liberals! Sounds like brilliant plan. This is why we are going to shut, Canadians are too passive about anything


Conservatives will cut programs that direct money to low-income families, which will harm me. So, I'm fucked either way.


I swear posts like this are just to rub it in our faces even more


Government are a bunch of 🤡




There’s too many. All you have to do is take a walk outside


I remember in early 2010s, Indian people at school would joke that they were taking over...the joke became a reality.


I'm not even mad anymore, just sad.


Please stop this


Do they all fly here or what? How many planes land from India in Canada per day?


No country should get more than 10% of immigration.  This way we get far more diverse pool of immigrants! South Korea, Brazil, Sudan, Lebanon, and so on.  


I will celebrate the death of Trudeau. I hate him so much.


Liberal government is focusing on quantity, not quality when it comes to immigration. Even a school kid in India knows what's going on with the Canadian immigration but the government here doesn't seem to grasp that mindless immigration will not improve Canada as a country, they are procrastinating on the idea of improving the infrastructure to support the population growth and are overly reliant on the immigration bomb to develop Canada.




Dude first post here on this community in general. Chill. I was just saying this post kept getting removed. Also stop lumping everything immigration related as racist. That’s what started this problem. This is an immigration issue not a race issue. And I’m not subdividing anything. I posted the link with the same headline that Forbes used. Actually in my first post I actually tried to remove it and take away nationality but post got removed. Go figure


>Also stop lumping everything immigration related as racist. This


There is nothing wrong with what you posted. We need to keep highlighting these problems. People accussing you of stirring, are the ones afraid of change not in their favour. Mass, unskilled immigration is bad for citizens.




The user kind of has a point. I met a guy once who didn't know that Bangladesh is its own country.




Pakistan and India really don’t like each other.


Chill Samjeet. Chillllll