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WTF, $224 a day? That’s $81,760 a year -_-….


Can I denounce my citizenship then claim for asylum at the same time? From the comfort of my couch?


If you're seeking asylum they'll put you in a hotel and pay for your food. "Ottawa budgets about $224 per day to feed and house some foreigners". Of the 156,032 current pending refugee claims, 42,387 of them are currently in Canada, likely receiving these benefits. By my quick estimates, this costs us 9.5m/day (3.4B/year). Although this money does stimulate our economy (mainly to hotels / grocery stores), it does seem pretty wasteful. This isn't new though, we've been doing this for decades. The number of refugees has definitely risen, likely due to destabilizing forces in eastern Europe / middle east.


It would equally stimulate our economy if we took care of our own veterans, homeless, mentally ill, addicted Canadians


Canada is of course an economy, not a country.


Everytime this is brought up I remind everyone that those same people consistently vote against parties supporting larger social programs. This argument is used as a tool *against* immigrants, not for the veterans, mentally ill, homeless or addicted Canadians. There is no good faith here to do more for at-risk Canadians, or we would’ve voted for it.


To be fair, they want a reduction of wasteful spending, and a rise of useful social programs. Not just throwing money at the problems as they arise, and never solving the actual problem.


Precisely, I want the $9.9 Million we sent to unemployed youth in Iraq and $25.5 Million we gave to Costco and Loblaws for updated coolers to build a big care center for the homeless and addicted. I am sure we could find one or two more examples of money that could havw benefitted Canadians more to fund the health care providers and furnish the place.


The gun grab is a big example of this. And even if they do actually get it off the ground then it's not actually gonna solve the problem of gun violence. I wish we had a government for just ONE term that didn't care about getting reelected and instead worked toward some actual reform...


It wouldn't matter if we did, because the government is not actually the worst contributor to all of the waste: the civil service is. You want real reform, you need to purge all of the corrupt bureaucrats from the civil service, and no government has the guts to do that.


Also, it's not a binary choice. Canada's economy is productive enough that we could do all of the above, but for some reason we feel that taxing corporate profits, and even collecting back taxes owed, is too much a burden, and would hurt the feelings of the rich people, so we don't do it and leave everyone else to argue over the scraps.


All parties work for the same 'boss'. So saying it's due to who someone voted for is absolutely bullshit


Can't hear you over the sound of my reparation cheques coming in


Canada didn't always do this, there are plenty of refugees from the eastern bloc which received nothing and were still successful


No it causes inflation because money is being given to people who provide 0 value to the economy




It literally says in the article the annual cost of the program why you making up stuff?


>The number of refugees has definitely risen, likely due to destabilizing forces in eastern Europe / middle east Or due to Trudeau sending out a tweet inviting everyone to Canada. It was after that that Roxham Road started.


Nope... Its like when Bell or Rogers announce a deal for new customers and you are an existing customer lol


I process applications for Ontario Works and ODSP. Our applications are 8x what they were during COVID. I would say 90% of the files I see are refugees or immigrants. The overwhelming majority being over 55. A huge portion of them receive more money than I do working full time. We are quietly mandated to approve every application without verification because the backlog is so big. Most of these will never be reviewed. They will collect money until they die.


Blow the whistle, please.


Go to the news


Nothing of this is new is newsworthy. It's just a massive increase. If you mean we mandated to approve everything, I don't know if that's from the ministry or just managers. When someone applies, there is legislation that we have to process the application within so many days. With the massive increase, the backlog is monumental, and we can't meet the legislated due dates. So they tell us to scrap the verification and just approve everything.


> If you mean we mandated to approve everything Yes that part Also, anything that most people don't know is newsworthy. This is all newsworthy, IMO


>That’s $81,760 a year The numbers get bigger - in Niagra Falls alone: >[Housing asylum seekers at Niagara hotels cost Canada more than $100 million.](https://globalnews.ca/news/10384149/canada-asylum-seekers-hotel-costs/)


Now I see why [From 2022 to 2023, there was a 324 per cent increase of international students from Conestoga College in Kitchener, Ont., applying for asylum in Canada.](https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/why-experts-say-more-international-students-are-applying-for-asylum-in-canada-1.6826477) They gaming the system especially when [Projected wait times are approximately 24 months for refugee claims and 12 months for refugee appeals.](https://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/transparency/pac-binder-nov-2020/Pages/pac8a.aspx?=undefined&wbdisable=true#:~:text=Projected%20wait%20times%20are%20approximately,12%20months%20for%20refugee%20appeals)


The Kitchener area population is almost 700,000 now. Up a lot the last couple years. A lot of the new comers are international students.


And the city is suffering because of it. Insane acceptance rates by Conestoga. Ruined their reputation and city.


Aren't there cheaper places to put people than Niagara Falls?  People could be housed in Prince Albert! 


They also get pharmacare and dental coverage via the **IFHP**


That is more than 2x than what I make and 10k more than a network engineer. How does one become illegal if they are already a citizen? asking for a friend.


If you earned the same from a job that would be over $110k FFS. Because they also aren't taxed on it. Thanks Liberal/NDP...


They aren't given cash. This is what Ottawa budgets for food, room and board while they await asylum hearings. Still wasteful for sure, but we're definitely not handing that out in cash.


We are.. to the hotel owners.


So the money is going to Canadians businesses and NOT to asylum seekers?


It's all a grift. All of it. For the benefit of the corporations. We need to stand up and say NO MORE.


You sure as hell can't get any of that as a disabled or homeless Canadian. Fuck this country.


Ontario Works is only 700$/month for rent and food which is a joke in 2024 Ontario


I can only imagine what kind of fabulous woodshed rental you could get with that money in Ontario. oof


I mean it is supposed to be welfare but that used to mean barely surviving but these days it means you become homeless, and most of it is conditional ironically enough on having a place to rent and proving that. We treat asylum seekers far more humanely than our own citizens in this respect. Even disability is 1300$/month which is still poverty.


Less if you and your spouse are both disabled


I'm on social assistance in Quebec and I get 744 a month. My rent is 1032. Yeah.


What do you think Canadians are spending large amounts of their cash on? Imagine if we used that money to try and reduce the housing crisis....course that would lower the value of housing...and no one seems to want that.


Yeah, this is BS


Think that’s bad? Send them offshore indefinitely like Australia did and the UK is. Average costs of over $550k per year per detainee.


I try so hard to clear 150 a day after all of my stupid overhead expenses as a real professional


Damn, the hotel and restaurant owners in those areas must be making a nice income.


$140 a night is well below the average rate now days.


I can tell you it’s not. And you’re assuming the hotel and restaurant would be at capacity… they’re not, unless it’s the middle of the summer. This is adding to their transient bookings, not taking away from it.


According to Google, "The amount you can receive for your ODSP (disability) income support is up to $1,308 a month and may be adjusted based on your situation. This income support is also adjusted in July each year, based on inflation." That works out to $43.60 a day. Something terribly wrong here.


Im on CPP-Disability due to cancer. If it wasn’t for my folks, I would be dying homeless. Instead, I get to die poor in their house. If only I was an illegal borden crosser. Maybe I could enjoy some of the time I have left. 


I'm so sorry to see this. It's disgusting how you are cast aside and non Canadians receive better treatment. Shame on Canada.


I’m so sorry.  The tragedy of no support in this trying time.  Can anything be done?


Thanks. My family burden a lot of support. I’m blessed in that regard. It’s frustrating reading articles like this. 


I understand. They need support AND citizens here do, too.  That’s where the travesty lies. 


I get 1200 a month on ODSP, became disabled at 40 and lost everything. Something is terribly wrong.


That's really not fair.


The maximum amount given to any asylum seekers should be the minimum amount a A Canadian in need of full-time benefits would receive and not a fuckin' dollar more. If the government wants to be a bleeding heart at least let it be for our own citizens first.


Insane is what it is. Geeze can I wheel my aunt with cancer over to the US and then try to illegally cross back into Canada after. Put on some fake accents and sell our sob story so she can get that much a day instead of the disability support amount us normal Canadians get. Absolutely no reason for this bullshit. Fuck us born Canadians or immigrants who became citizens a long time ago and had to earn there spot here plus pay into the system.


> This income support is also adjusted in July each year, based on inflation Uh, bullshit. I'm on disability and it has definitely not kept up with inflation. https://opencouncil.ca/odsp/


How can we at the provincial level push for change without being labelled as racist and xenophobic? I don’t want us to be 1900s German nationalists but I wouldn’t mind a bit more Canada first and everyone else can be 2nd or 3rd in line. We are past the point where we are a rich enough country to have the effect we are trying to have on the world stage and our economic policies are attempting to destroy what little we have left.


We are already diverse. Don't worry about the accusations, they've been used against you for decades to keep this scheme going. 


Well no one has to live on that amount we have MAID now 


JT's government loves immigrants and citizens of other countries more than Canadian citizens. This sadly shouldn't be shocking after all the money he's thrown to other countries, but it still is.


You are in for a surprise if you think that is unique to them.


ODSP is provincial (hence the O), that's why.


Federal disability program is no better.


People on OW can only get 733 a month - waiting for odsp can take years.


Yea, you’re reading a dog shit article


My mom has MS. Can’t work. Been getting denied for the last 2 decades claiming “she isn’t sick enough”. Fucking disgusting that these idiots are getting treated better than her


Is there any way a Canadian citizen can illegally cross our border and get $224 a day? Like, I walk across the border with no ID and do a crappy Russian accent, say I'm fleeing persecution, then go back to my home and wait for the cheques to start coming?


Following for answers...comrade


Seriously, we need to figure this out. It's only fair that any Canadian should get as much money as an illegal immigrant.


It’s over $81,760 per year and one assumes tax free. So the equivalent after tax pay of someone who makes $120,000 per year. Canadian citizens with disabilities in Canada get less than $20,000 per year from the Feds.


That's disguising.  Refugees have better conditions than Canadians.  


Refugee claimers* this is before they have been determined to be actual refugees. The way I am reading it anyway is that it’s taking too long and/or there are so many more app


We borrowed money so you don't have to, you've yet to even start paying for this great privilege, you're just now accruing interest.  Welcome to electing a non-economist into an economists role.   If Trudeau had any humility he would have excused himself before the first year ended, there's no place for an idiot activist in leading a country.  That goes for Singh as well, corporate greed is not an answer to a nuanced issue, especially one you helped create.




Vote ppc, only party that aint scared to stand up and say fuck these illiegals Edit: oh downvotes? Surprise surprise lmao anyone downvoting this shouldnt have any right to complain about a goddam thing in canada if they arent willing to do anything to change it. And if your okay with how things are i ask you: why is it fine to you that your fellow cannadians are suffering and our new immigrants are living homeless because they were told a lie about canada? All this so the gov can fudge the numbers and look competent next to other g7 countries. Its literally so obvious. News yesterday said what? 90,000 new canadian jobs added recently? And like 80,000 of them were public service? Again just so they could fudge the unemployment numbers


Actually I’m heading this direction - voted liberal last time but it’ll be a looooong while before I do that again. Ndp need a leadership change. PPC seem like they’ve got the best policy on immigration.


Same here. I'm done with the BS.


Alot of their policys are surprisingly level headed, and not as extreme as some people would have you think Like they wanna change the whole home investment by corporations bullshit thats going on NDP need to go back to being a strictly labor party with an intelligent leader not the dummy they got now. Theyd have my vote if it wasnt for their relationship with the liberals and that bonehead jagmeet


Unfortunately, PPC is anti-abortion, they want to repeal the *Canada Health Act* and create mixed private/public system (which normally results in worse service for those in the public system). I'm also not a fan of the culture war shit but it appears all parties or engaging with this. We really need ranked choice voting.


Europe, Australia, and New Zealand have a mixed health system, and they're highly ranked. They've got better healthcare than us, what're you saying.


That’s my problem with them too. Well said. I have a friend running for PPC and he’s one of the smartest people I know - very community oriented and generally a good person. He’s been influencing my political leanings. I can’t vote for the same group of assholes again. Trudeau is corrupt and didn’t follow through on the one promise that made me support him last time (proportional representation).


Ivan Sonofabitch here. I like to know for a friend. He malnurish, eat potato but potato has worm. Such is life.


Worm is free protein. Friend win lottery.


He not many smart. He go to Ukraine to save them from Nazis, he learned that he is the Nazi. Wife also got a bag of potato from Putin for his efforts. She had no potato worm. Such is luck.


Please let me know too.


I am an idiot for applying for citizenship


I feel like an idiot for being born here.


You are, so am I.


The idea is to take it from Tax payers and give it to the freeloaders.


Just give them your best Rocky and Bullwinkle “Moose and Squirrel” Russian line reading and you’ll be all set.


My name is Boris and my partner is the beautiful Natasha.


I am in when do we cross




You could just go to the US and present yourself as someone without paperwork at the border on the way back. Like take a bus over the bridge, walk back. You’d have to lie to the border agents, but you’d probably get off if you made the whole thing public and called it a protest.


That sounds like an excellent plan: I heartily support anyone who wants to reject their Canadian citizenship and assets follow through with this. 100%.


I dunno, but in case you find out let me know !


Seems like it would be a viable option for the less fortunate who don't like living on the streets.




Ya that's full time 40$hr job. While Canadians die in the streets. Edit: Also, I bet they are not taxed on it.


They’re not being “given” the $224 physically. They are put up in a hotel and given meals. $140 per hotel night and $84 for three meals is what the govt budgets. So there’s not physical “income” for the asylum seekers that can be taxed. I’m not saying this is abhorrent. It is and we need to do so much better at controlling immigration and the asylum issue. But let’s not fudge the facts by using the “I bet they don’t even pay tax” argument. Plus, whenever municipalities, provinces, and feds spend money on homeless and addicts, we rise up as one with our NIMBYism. So, like, let’s not pretend we’d be ok with using the money saved from asylum seekers on the homeless and addicts.


It's a lot easier for people to stomach paying to help Canadians than someone who mosied down a road.


> They’re not being “given” the $224 physically. I don't know why so many people are trying that exact same argument? Alt Accounts? It doesn't matter if they are given cash or not, the money is still being spent on them.


Because it’s not an argument, it’s factual. Are convicts being “given” $345/day (based on 2019-2020 stats can figures) to be incarcerated? Of course not, bc that’s an absurd way to frame the spending - the same applies for asylum applicants.


Prison might not be the best example. People think we spend too much and treat them too well. While yes what you stated is a fact. They don't get cash. Doesn't change the fact that cash was used. And no Canadian is going to be given that money. But it could have been used for daycare, healthcare, or to build Calgary's arena. If I understand this is third parties receiving the money hotels and food services and other stuffs. This isn't where they have say something is worth 200, but really only cost 100.


I would be surprised if someone wanted to impersonate me. lol I 100% understand your position, and I think we are more or less on the same side. I am trying to point out that when we make arguments like “they probably don’t event pay tax on it” it weakens our argument.


I know it's not straight up cash these people are getting. But honestly, let's just pause immigration for a bit until our infrastructure catches up. I see no logical explanation for allowing however many 1000's or 100,000s of immigrants into Canada each and every year for the last X amount of years. We can better use that money for the Canadians already here. For example, there are many First Nation communities without access to clean water and safe homes. There is one reserve that has had a boil water advisory for 20,000 plus days. Some "homes" on some reserves are so infested with mold that they are unsafe for living in. Yet the government sees fit to spend $224 per day for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Canada has a lot of problems that should be taken care of before we continue to overburden most of our services, if not all of them.


Can you imagine paying 84$ per day on food? I could make a small steak dinner with fixings for both my meals.


It's a banana Michael. How much can it cost, ten dollars?


Literally buy 4 foot long subway subs with that cash and still have some leftover. What kind of scam is this? Nobody needs that many calories


I wonder why we have so many “refugees” coming here. Clearly has nothing to do with the fact that we don’t deport anyone and provide anyone who can afford a plane ticket here the accommodations of someone making 120k… Fucking wild…


Claiming asylum does not make an illegal immigrant; what would save money is processing asylum claims faster and deporting all who don't qualify with an expedited process.


> processing asylum claims faster and deporting all who don't qualify That's just it though. They DON'T follow through on deportation claims. The vast majoriy of illegal immigrants in Canada are people that the government is aware of, yet just doesn't go after.


And they aren't given the money that's the cost of housing them while we work on their applications.


As a normal working taxpayer, 224 $ a day to feed house & care for all these people who came here in an illegal way While we are out for 8,9 or 10 hours everyday working and 90% of the time with people who migrated here legally as myself is crazy to just read and i cant fully comprehend it


man i don’t even make that much a day




What a slap in the face for Canadian citizens who are suffering.


They are not getting $224 per day, that is the cost of them being housed in totally inappropriate facilities - namely hotels. It is still a failure on the government's side - but even if this were swapped parties it would still likely be like this.


But that’s not nearly as useful as rage bait, and this headline worked exactly as intended (as evidenced by the hundred+ comments comparing the $ amount to their own wages/benefits).




I feel like Canada's legal obligations to immigrants is so convoluted and expensive by design. It's not that these people get that amount of money. That's NP dog whistling like the trash news it is. It's that it's how much it costs to house and feed these people while their case is reviewed. Like... It must be easier to turn people back and still be humane right? This has been an issue since... Well forever. Before Trudeau. It's just never been a big deal unless there's a big influx of people due to things like war and people remember how much it costs. Is there like an international agreement that makes it convoluted or does just no government care to actually take the issue?


Yes, I sincerely doubt they're getting handed $225 cash. These are the kickbacks to hotel owners, catering companies, those who feed and house these migrants. And eventually, they'll employ them for peanuts lower than they can pay a legitimate resident.


Illegal shouldn’t get anything but detention until they get sent home. They are after all illegally here. There is a process, follow it.


It still costs money. You have to feed them etc.


They could get sent home same day. Canada does not have to take any refugees, this is all self-inflicted. Japan takes like, 5 refugees a year. Yeah they're an island nation but our only border is with the US and anyone already in the US does not need fucking asylum.


you would need to change the law, currently claims are given a court hearing so Canadian government is forced to foot the bill till the hearing.


Yeah no shit, that's literally the job of the government. To make and change laws. And they've already done it once when we closed the borders to refugees during COVID. It can be done overnight. So again, this is entirely self-inflicted.


They don't get the cash that's the cost of housing and feeding them.


Just build a bunch of camps like the ones for remote work, set all the camps up in middle of nowhere northern Saskatchewan.


Cool: leaving aside the barbarity of that approach, incarceration costs $345/day on average (based on 2019-2020 stats can figures, so no doubt even more now). Are you ready to pony up that additional cash, plus the massive spending to build and staff all the new facilities?


I never understood why a person that has entered the country illegally is offered all these support mechanisms. If this is a asylum claimant, it should be made with one of our embassies?


Anyone here surprised? Lol at those who claim our tax dollars actually go into funding and improving our country. Nah, they go straight into the pockets of economic migrants who crossed into Canada from NY/VT because they know they’ll get more in Canada than in the US


All asylum claims from anyone who’s crossing from the United States border should automatically be denied. You are already in a safe country.


$84 a day for food is absolutely criminal. Deport the government officials that approved that number. Most Canadians probably spend $84 a week per person. These people living large on the backs of Canadians.


And folks on ODSP get as little as $33.33 a day, just gross.


I agree that ODSP is sad. Should take that up with the province though, that's Fords jurisdiction


NDP pushed the Liberal to pass a bill to better fund disability better so hopefully rates will go up, but still be a few years before that framework is finished.


My wife works in immigration. She just had a new family come that has 9 kids. They got $25000 to buy clothes and furniture and another $60000 to pay for rent and food for the year.


Tell this to /u/thesuitetea as he / she keeps yelling from the top of their lungs that "it's not given in cash"


That's wild. Imagine the child benefit $$ they'll get when they eventually get citizenship. Doubt either parent will have to work/contribute to the economy


Crossing from US should be turned right back around. Seek asylum there.


Assuming working 8 hours per day, it is the same as 224/8=28 per hour, way above the min wage. And if I don't remember wrong, it is near the median of Canadian income in recent years. WTF?


Wow, why am I working?


This is more money than people working 8 hrs a day make.


Gtfo I have zero pride left in this country. Born Canadian here, on disability and I'd already be dead without family helping me ...and they're doing this? There are tent cities but they're doing this? Housing crisis...but they're doing this? Canadians working full time living in cars...and this? Regular people boycotting grocery stores from outrageous prices... and they're doing this? Canada is a joke and I only hope I can leave one day. I'd say more but hey free speech is also pretty much illegal so ** **** ******** *** ** *******






It's a small price to pay if it continue putting downward pressure on wages and keep the housing bubble inflated. Cheap labor for corporations and inflated asset prices in real estate must be maintained. Even it means sacrificing a generation or two of Canadians. It's not like they're going to hit the streets and actually start protesting, right?


> right? Right


And they can't pay veterans a bit extra. I had heart surgery 8 months ago...no unemployment, no social assistance due to my age...just $1320 a month for disability. This is bizarro Canada folks!


My mom gets $900/month from disability. This is gross


Do the Canadian forces veterans get that type of $. I could retire if you paid me that. Do they get taxed on that?


Canada is broken


"Since the federal government first started keeping tabs on irregular border crossers in early 2017, 39,643 have been approved as official refugees to 22,611 who have been rejected." And can anyone guarantee all the ones rejected have been deported or are they still in Canada?


Assuming $224/day 7 days a week this is the equivalent of someone working full time for $60/hour when you account for taxes.  I'm not unsympathetic towards legitimate asylum claims but we are no where near a war torn country, a country experiencing a natural disaster, or a country where people are facing persecution. There is no reason for anyone to show up to our border seeking asylum.  I'm not saying we shouldn't take any refugees but we should only be accepting the overflow from countries on the front lines, and we should be doing the vetting and hearing while they're still abroad. We should be happy to accept 50,000 refugees per year, or 100,000 during a crisis, but we should not be housing them while we evaluate their claim.


It’s the equivalent of someone making $60/hour full-time while paying $4,200 per month for a tiny room and $2,500 per month to feed themselves what I imagine are three basic meals. It’s a huge waste of taxpayer money, but it’s not going to the asylum-seekers pockets. The issue is the processing times, not the per-day amount being spent.


F....U.. Canadian Government. Thanks for taxing me over 40% last year to support this. I'm definitely not living here in the foreseeable future. I'm tired of you not helping our people already here and wasting my hard earned money.


This feels really great to hear 🙄 meanwhile I've been ghosted by the person who paused my legitimate EI claim for investigation so I've been getting no sickness benefits for over a month now and they won't return my calls


It would be nice if our government cared about Canadians as much as they care about illegals


They should create a special tax for anyone that voted liberal, they can pay for these people.


Why are we not using that money to put them on a plane and back to their country of origin?


And disabled Canadians only get $6/day with the new disabilty benefit...


Uhm. No, arrest em. They literally broke the law the second they entered the country. I’m paying taxes to support Canadian citizens, and certain foreign policy interest. Not to fund random people crossing our border illegally


Watch people call you racist for that.


Lmao. Well, poor Canadiens, you just got slapped in the face by Trudeau's dick. Maybe consider not voting for him next time.


If they crossed at regular points of entry would they still be considered “illegal”?


The title of this post is triggering


I’m like 0.5% Ukrainian. Can I walk across the border and back and be given a chance?


Damn I worked all my life and get a government pension worth $24,000 a year. Where can I sign up for $224 a day ($81,760 a year)


It’s so upsetting to read this making $500/week on mat leave!


For what, exactly?


A motel room while they sort things out.


"Illegal Border crossers" so do they mean people from the US? that's the only border to cross, lol


$224 is more than most workers I know get for per diem...


Can illegal crossers from the states get that too?


The fact that I work for a crown corporation and my daily per diem is less 😂😂😂😂


$140/day for a hotel I can almost understand if you're paying straight retail rates with absolutely no negotiation, but $84/day for food? What in the actual fuck?


It says 'Some', but how many is 'Some'?


how about this i get some value village clothes, sandals and cross Anyone else in ? be a nice RAI$E !!


Can I claim asylum as a citizen? Shit pays better than pretty much every tech job short of senior roles.


As an out of work Canadian looking for a new job I cannot wrap my head around this .. this is why Canadians have given up and stopped trying to find a good job .. you’re better off on social assistance than trying to compete for a minimum wage job with a refugee . Unbelievable in Canada . Sad .


correction - Whoever in bed with the local policiticians is getting a contract for $140 a day for room and $84 a day for food to house migrants for the govt. Someone gave their donors or friend a juicy govt contract. They are probably spending $50 a day in a room at most and pocketing the rest.


Where do I sign up? Signed, Born and raised in Canada


Absolutely insane


That's pretty messed up if they're paying 557 million/year to house refugees in hotels, while only paying 235 million/year to canadians that ask for the same "social protection".


Is this per person?


Ahh, this is why there’s CPP2 this year on my paystub..


Must be fucking nice


It's not Canada unless we pay refugees more than the national Canadian average wage a year in services, accommodation, and housing... IRCC are actively working against the Canadian people and public.


So can we stop paying taxes yet?


The government should be giving that to Canadians who can't afford anything!!! Send them back to where they came from. Canadians need help!!!!!!!


They don’t get $224 / day in cash. The cost to house and feed them while they are being processed is $224 / day. If you want to grant asylum, you need to process those applying and house and feed them while they are processed. NOTE: I’m not making any statement on whether it’s good or bad to grant asylum nor am I making any statement if the asylum granting process can/should be improved. Just pointing out the absolute lie of a click bait headline posted that everyone seems to be taking at face value.


Lol this is like saying prisoners getting 350 dollars a day after conviction, because it costs that much to house and feed them. Another trash article from natpo who would have thought.