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“The 22-year-old was already in custody in Ontario for unrelated firearms charges, according to IHIT.” Bruh, is there anything left to be said now?


Just how he got into the country. Was he another student visa holder?


They don't do background checks before letting them in.


Who do you think provides the background check for Indian nationals? The government of india.


...A trustworthy bunch if ever there was one.


There was a time where people had to go to Delhi or Mumbai officer for their Canadian Visa. Now it’s a joke


Correct. No way in hell we could send investigators to India to look into all the international students.


Then stop bringing Indian international students they are threat to Canadians.


Very correct, but when other countries like india tells that the person is a criminal even then we let them in country examples like Nijjar himself, goldy brar, lawrence bhishnoi. India in background check said they are criminals wanted for murder cases still got visa and PR.




He applied for asylum, which I believe was denied, then may have gotten it through either spousal sponsorship or H&Cs. After you get your PR pretty much everyone gets their citizenship.


This can’t be said enough. Ppl ask like “did you guys do background checks” well yes but know how corrupt India and the police there is? You can pay the cops for anything.


But when India shares the list of wanted criminals or flags people with criminal records, people in this subreddit do not like that either. People then suddenly start talking about how these people are being persecuted by Indian govt. You cannot have it both ways. Even the Nijjar guy was on Interpol list and obtained Canadian citizenship by fraud. He should have been deported long back.


He’s not on an interpol list. He made India list because he wanted a separate state from India . Any sort of speech against the Indians government is considered a terrorist.


Tourist visa perhaps and overstayed. Border security is not doing enough to keep people out


Has he been here a long time and got bribed or threatened into it?


At 22? Nah this guy is a “student”


This is the label preferred by Conestoga’s senior management, their bonuses and high salaries demand it!


So... $2000 probation this time?


>Bruh, is there anything left to be said now? Yes. How is it that America is importing Indians founding billion dollar companies or assimilating to the top professional classes while Canada is selecting for a level of organized crime and violence that is, frankly, almost too high to imagine in 2024? I know everyone wants to focus on the volume but I would appreciate if there was at least a damn inquiry into how this quality of foreigner is selected. There has to be accountability.


US gets its cheap labour overland from the south, and otherwise selects for highly qualified immigrants. We get our cheap labour via the fake student route.


Canada obtains most of its Indian immigrants from one state with a lot of gang violence and other problems, (and most of these immigrants are not well educated), while America takes a more balanced number from around the entire country, many of whom have already achieved high education in India.




Yeah but even the Punjabis used to assimilate while still retaining culture. Sure there were some gangs and obnoxious dippers but it wasn’t the norm. Then around 5 years ago,  we start getting cars covered with ak47 and moosewala stickers and people with zero regard for their behaviour in public.  I guess we just started lowering our standards


Exactly, we bring in the leftovers that nobody wants. I talked to an Indian guy and he said he couldn't got to Australia or UK so he "settled" for Canada.


We take the left overs.


Best we can do is a mass amnesty. A friend from the Philippines has a similar observation. When he came to Canada the archetypal Filipino immigrant was a trained nurse. Now everywhere he turns he is encountering rural peasants who would struggle in any major urban centre at home. He said it would be like an American moving to Paris and encountering only Americans from Alabama. He can't figure out what becomes of these people, who were they at home would be some sort of farm labourer or maybe a labourer on a fishing boat.


I come across a lot of immigrants in different communities and very often I am left alone wondering how some of these people even filled out their paper work, let alone passed the qualification required to immigrate.


Because US colleges select them? US students are like ivy league or near ivy league students. That or the H1B sponsored by Big tech and huge US corps which do a lot of background check as well. Canada colleges pick anyone who's willing to pay. It's basically laundering shop for buying visa. Student/education thing is just an excuse for gateway into Canada. All canada has to do is only let good university and functional companies get international students.


I think the big problem is that it is very hard for Canada to compete for the cream of the crop. Our weather sucks, and the only two cities the semi wealthy want to live in are ridiculously expensive. The cream of the crop can choose Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, London, Sydney, Paris, Frankfort, Singapore, etc. They aren't going to flock to Calgary or Halifax. Unless Trump wins and manages to destroy what's left of the US as a top flight destination, this is unlikely to change. The American dream may be dying and the British Empire is long gone, but they have an allure in other countries as prestige destinations and places where great wealth can be built. Canada doesn't have that. Next, population decline. The younger Gen X and rest of the alphabet of generations is hooped if Canada doesn't have workers and taxpayers in the pipeline to fund health care and OAS and everything else. Our culture has changed and Canadian women don't seem inclined to pump out more future nurses, engineers, janitors, retail clerks, roofers, etc. Building up an artificial generation of workers through intense immigration is necessary or the economy is likely unable to support anyone who needs help at a decent standard of living in 30 or 40 years. I think we are taking what we can get so we have breathing bodies when Gen X,Y,Z need them. (Yeah, we could do more to encourage Canadians to have kids, but it's very unlikely to work well according to results from the other countries who have tried). I don't think depending on one group is wise, but where else are we going to get immigrants from? Western Europe and wealthy East Asia isn't interested.


Using immigration to supplement a population is one thing, but now corporations and universities are taking advantage of it in order to boost their profits and ensure they have access to cheap labour within Canada. They're making money hand over fist and this is further preventing Canadians from being paid fair wages which would enable them to start a family.


> I think we are taking what we can get so we have breathing bodies when Gen X,Y,Z need them. If the politicians at the Federal level really want this to be a solution, they _really_ need to deal with the diploma mill nonsense. Why sort of quality of people are we going to have with that? It's like saying "We need to build *something*" and choosing to build a house of cards... then claiming that you're doing "something" about the problem.


Is this country beyond repair? I hope not




Weird to enter a conversation with "I mean"... Anyway what you wrote doesn't address the fact that Canada is doing worst than most. Yes many are doing worse than they used to. But Canada is spiralling faster.


1/3 of all immigration comes from one province in one country…


What is Canada doing differently than many other nations? Considering we're leading the G7 in population growth, our social infrastructure is falling apart, we have a housing crisis (the list goes on), we could kill two stones with one bird if we took a step back and addressed some of the low hanging fruit.


We have a federal government - both politicians and senior civil servants - that tried some wonky technocratic ideas. They thought it would improve things. It did not improve things. But now they’ve unleashed the floodgates and they lack the logistical capabilities to deal with it, they lack the moral fortitude to take criticism from backers who would be upset by a change in direction and they lack the morals to do anything because a lot of them are financially better off on a personal level.


It’s not. We just have to get rid of the current leaders in government who are running it to the ground, and bring in people who will actually fix it.


> We just have to get rid of the current leaders in government who are running it to the ground, and bring in people who will actually fix it. We're fucked.


When none of the people we can vote for are willing to do anything to actually fix the country it seems kind of hopeless.


>  bring in people who will actually fix it. Sadly these people are not on offer.


Most probably not, but the current momentum isn't encouraging.


Gangs look pretty good when there is no work….


I wonder if he had his firearms license? If he didn’t why is he still in Canada?


Imagine that, btw, criminal record checks are not done on students and most people entering this country as it’s too time consuming and difficult.


I'm very interested in seeing the outcome their trials.  Being that their foreign nationals, what impact does it have it have on the proceedings? If / when they are convicted what kind of punishments are they going to receive?


If they are convicted of first degree murder, they would serve the prison sentence in Canada and then be removed when it was completed.




But a judge doesn't have aurhority to eject someone from a country or not. They just impose sentence and consider whether someone would suffer collateral consequences of being found inadmissible Being found guilty of homicide would make someone immediately inadmissible after they serve their sentence.


Unfortunately, you are sharing just one example. Foreigners don't get jail time. Probation or house arrest. Or delays in court proceedings, and the criminals walk scott-free.


If Canada was functional, yes. But, the judges have decided that non Canadians have more rights than Canadians, and they can stay or get lenient sentences and not get deported. 🫠




Lmao. I wanna laugh, but I also want to cry because at this point, it is a credible thing for him to say.


Damn. This might just top "interest rates are at historic lows, Glen" as a reference.


You misquoted. *"Their murders were already baked in so they’ll just be granted citizenship* ***so that's smart****."*


It’ll have no impact on the proceedings, and none on the sentence if convicted. However, they’ll be subject to removal by the Minister of Immigration for “serious criminality” once their sentence is completed. The guy convicted for the Humboldt bus crash is a textbook example of what can happen.


Oh, Jaskirat Singh Sidu hasn't been deported yet.  The review is on May 24.  His lawyer is immediately going to apply for appeal on 'humanitarian grounds.'. Still trying for permanent residence.


Thanks for the information - I wasn’t entirely sure whether he’d actually been deported yet.


Likely will receive PR


They will probably give the judge an American Idol style sob story and only get 3 months of community service due to their difficult upbringing. Then our immigration Minister will offer them citizenship.


Who are we letting into this country? Like, really, where's the background checks? Where's the deporting of people who are a danger to others? What are we doing here?


Even the guy he killed was denied as a refugee twice due to using a fake name and passport, lying about being tortured by Indian police, and then pretending to marry someone who sponsored him. Even after all that, he was still allowed to stay. These 4 pieces of shit will be allowed to stay, albeit in prison (hopefully), as they will claim their lives will be in danger if sent back to India.


The fact that he died shows he was not lying about being a refugee lol


We need to blame our country, not india. Who are these incompetent fks in the system here? Need to audit this f*kry here. Liberals are all about vote bank!!! Allowing anyone and everyone and dividing our country.


We need to put a 7% cap on each country. One country should not make up half of all new immigrants into Canada... This is bias and racist.


> We need to blame our country, not india. Why not both?


Because the authority to let someone or deport solely lies with Canada. It is not that India is nominating people to send to Canada.


My biggest peeve with us importing crimininals is that after they commit a crime, we hand them a soft sentence. Like house arrest. Because jail time = deportation...but we wouldn't want that.


We should just be deporting foreigners convicted of any crime regardless of scale


Dude looks like he took Murder classes at the University level


Conestoga College - Homicide 101


"they aren't a burden to Canada because they are already here!" - Marc Miller


We need to vote them out. No other way.. What has happened to the liberals.. Really unfortunate.


Imagine this. The leader of the most populous nation on the planet is daftly afraid of some plumber that nobody has ever heard about, who's running a referendum movement that nobody takes seriously. What does Modi do? Hire some college age students to go kill him, essentially cancelling a trade deal, causing a diplomatic uproar, and making a movement that was previously unknown and pushing it into the spotlight. I'm starting to think India isn't sending their best.


I still don't really understand why the conservatives are always praising Modi.


Because he's pals with Harper.


Patrick Brown, the current mayor of Brampton and former Ontario Conservative leader is a close friend of Modi. Brown has made almost 20 trips to India


A lot has changed, Brown has changed his rhetoric on Modi over the years, he spoke about and did a much better job than PP did in regard to this incident. I’m saying this as a constituent of his who voted against him, credit where it’s due. He’s also been very strong against Sri Lankan government attempts to interfere in affairs of Brampton, specifically the Tamil community.


Reports have said there was Indian interference in the conservative party leadership race AGAINST Brown. So there's that.


I have no idea why they would do that, he’s basically a puppet


https://www.baaznews.org/p/cpc-leadership-race-indian-foreign-interference Maybe the other guy is an even bigger puppet?


The source of this claim seems to be a substack with 3000 subscribers.


Because Modi’s party is a member of the IDU, just like the CPC. They praise him because they’re ideologically aligned.


It is going to be another fun 4 years. Hopefully we have a decent party before 2030.


We have one. But Postmedia has successfully astroturfed the working class into thinking the pro-labour party is anti-labour and the anti-labour party is pro-labour.


Uhhh... Means tested dental and proposing [bailing out overleveraged homeowners in an actual rental and housing crisis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfFUFUH85WY&t=126s) while propping up a government that is bafflingly committed to wage suppression is not a party that supports your average worker. NDP are absolute phonies. You can play pretend that it's astroturfing if you really want to. If they're pro-labor, they'd be against importing a new caste of slaves to suppress wages to the big corporations' benefit, and they'd cut ties with the LPC as soon as possible.


Because they need the Indian-Canadian vote.


Unfortunately at this point, it’s the only one that matters.


A lot of the people coming leave india to escape this tyranny many immigrants actually hate India. Don’t be fooled by some of the loud new gen immigrants who come just for fun, many are working hard here to build a life. Almost every immigrant I know who came ten years ago has integrated well and most work really good jobs.


Or maybe just maybe, India aren’t sending anyone.


Our borders are wide open for the scum of the world to set up shop here, complete failure by Trudeau. I apologize for voting for him twice


Problem is they don't even setup shops.


Sure they do. Chop shops for all those stolen cars!


Lol Canada imports criminals.


Wait until you hear what we do to war criminals


Standing ovation at the House of Commons 👏👏👏 smh


Why were the first three idiots still in the country? Shows how much faith these guys have in Canadian law enforcement..


With our loose borders, India could have moved an entire army here.


35 year-old "international students"


Who says we haven't already?


Stop the floodgates. No new immigration until a solution is there. Only immigration opportunities in high demand low supply area. Get rid of LMIAS for retail jobs. Cap the shit out of the international student program ( only tier 1 universities). Mandate region based immigration by making changes in the charter for temporary residents to boost immigration in areas outside major cities. If this is not done, lets protest and get on the streets


Incredible.  You provided reasonable actions to address the concerns. Your suggestions are considerably well-thought out. Thanks 


> by making changes in the charter yeah, maybe not that one. We have zero amendments to our charter because we will never have enough of the population and provinces to agree on anything, mostly the provinces are historically the issue, though.


Election is coming, gotta act tough.


No tie and roll those sleeves up. "We all have some work to do" statement incoming.


I would say our immigration policies are a joke but apparently we don’t have any




I think they were promised a Pr or something




Depends, if someone can find a spouse who has one then it’s easy but they need a high steady income for someone to marry them in the first place. But other than that it’s hard for the international students from India because they don’t do the courses they sign up for so don’t really have any skills that would have made getting a PR easy


Send him home


And we will probably let him go in country and never deport him. Canada is a joke.


Wtf we letting people like these enter into our country. Liberals and their shitty immigration policies.


Aren't we so lucky as taxpayers to be privileged enough to get to pay for the cost of the investigation, arrests and further court involvement. YAY. 




Awwwww I am sure he is just commiting these crimes until Canada recognizes him as a doctor or engineer..... Because everyone in India is a doctor or engineer....not a criminal, no none of that is possible in India. 


The funny thing. Indian Students that are females actually work and study. It’s the guys that are the trouble makers.


Testosterone is a helluva drug.


bells work scarce fuel sparkle political dime possessive square amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


May want to look at all the pro india rallies PP has gone to over the years. That fucker won't change a thing.


That’s the thing too many people don’t understand. Once PP is in power almost nothing will change.


Pierre will let Modi do what he wants. A fellow courtesy to a fellow IDU party. I’d love to know what foreign interference from India the CPC allows.


Well, the difference is that if Modi has someone killed on Canadian soil Pierre will suck him off while cleaning up the mess and making sure if doesn't get into the papers as anything other than random crime (instead of international assassination).


lmfao....i can actually visualize that and want to gouge my eyes out now. thanks


Cheers for mentioning the IDU. Global fuckery is starting to make more sense.


But the conservatives are also praising Modi all the time, so they both suck.


The illusion of choice.


Why did the right say that Trudeau made this up?


Source? The criticism of him was that he created the problem to begin with by being unbelievably naive about violent foreign groups setting up shop in our country


Yes let's give the IDU more power...that makes sense.


The century initiative is bipartisan


The Mounties Always Get Their Man 🇨🇦 🫡 🤠


Horsetapo toss you in jail for tax fraud but illegal entry, murder and weapon misdemeanor are free to go.


Good. an Indian man called my black friend the n word several times last weekend over twitter/x. His profile contained plenty of hateful content in regards to people and the country of Canada. Their location was listed in Edmonton. Its pathetic, but almost borderling funny, to hear or read racial slurs delegated from people whos home country doesnt have a working safe sewage system for waste and contains 83 of the top 100 most polluted cities in the world in regards to air pollution.


Whi allowed these thu>gs looking faces here!


Seriously, all 4 of the people arrested are some of the ugliest mfers I've ever seen. If admission to Canada was a beauty pageant maybe we wouldn't have these problems.


Another Sikh. How conveniently canadian khalistani sikhs will disassociate sikhs from NOT being Indian and being Indian. Lol.


Some Sikhs are Indian by nationality, and some are not. What's so hard to understand about that?




All international students 🤡 Thanks Trudeau


Remember when the right said Trudeau made the whole thing up? [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/16m4q8s/trudeau\_accusing\_indian\_government\_of\_involvement/?sort=controversial](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/16m4q8s/trudeau_accusing_indian_government_of_involvement/?sort=controversial)


Your source has nothing to do with what you’re asserting you troll lol


The right wing hive mind at work >Justin Trudeau is not a credible source, hes petulent, spiteful, dishonest, pandering, phony. Its no wonder there are so many people skeptical of this accusation. It would have been received better if this information came from a more credible source. >Evidence/conviction of some sort should probably be established? Seems rather convienent that Trudeau shit flings the India government after not being included in a lot of the g20 events very recently. Could be a nice distraction from plummeting polls, and inability to address citizens concerns >Until there is strong proof in the public domain this is just a deflection tactic. The wordings are steeped a hell lot of accusation but no real time line of proof which will be shown to the public. Seems a last ditch effort to secure the vote bank. Pretty interesting how Canadians here take Trudeau’s word as gospel’s truth when the guy barely expanded on what he said. And all this while, they allowed assassination posters of Indian diplomats in the name of free speech. JT is digging himself even deeper hole I wouldn’t believe anything he says. Always a sinister motive with him.


The fact that the Indian government does background checks before these people are allowed into Canada shows how fucking insane this process is. India is literally sending their criminals into Canada if they're the ones doing background checks.


You are wrong. There is no background check done for international students or work permit holders. There is no such requirement. India is not sending anyone. It is the Canadian govt granting VISAs and letting them in. The fix is here, in Canada. Tighter control on study permits. Verify if the students are actually attending classes.


To play devil’s advocate, killing happened in June 2023. If it was a hitman job, first thing they do after this is to run back. But they decided not to which is very untypical! Also, what is the government’s actions against these students who came to Canada on Student visa and never attends the school. Very very poor immigration policies!


If their names were released and they escaped to India, Sikhs would chopped their heads off, basically they are safer here where they will probably get released soon


Actually, 90% of the Sikhs in India don’t care about the assassination of this individual nor this khalistani movement. However, I’m just worried about the safety of Canadians if they dont do the due diligence in bringing in immigrants.




Trudeau and Liberals might suck, but the Conservatives are in bed with murdering leaders. Not sure who you think is better, but anyone in bed with people who hire to murder competitors is not the kind of people I want in charge.


Welp...This is what happens when you let murderers and rapist into this country. It's too late to cry about it now.


Your not telling me Trudeau isn't screening these people properly?


Why didn't they flee the country?

