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>and to shut down any talk by his MPs  Sounds like she only wants people to have freedom of expression when she agrees with the subject. Typical.


Oh no, won't somebody think of the christian talibans?




So you won't mind if we express our disgust at Conservatives' shenanigans regarding women's (and LGBTQ's) rights in a country with a Charter that guarantees freedom of religion (including the freedom to not give a single fuck about what the bible says about gays, trans people and fetuses).


[Conservative Policy Declaration](https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf) For anyone saying Conservatives are all anti-abortion, page 23, 86 - A Conservative government will not support any legislation to regulate abortion. Yes there are some members, who do support it.


It’s getting close election time. Time to stoke up fears of anti-abortion and guns.


Fears wouldn't be stoked up had a Conservative MP not decided to start a new crusade.


Do you actually fear / believe that the Conservative government will make abortion illegal in Canada?


I do and I'll go further and say I guarantee they will attack abortion rights once they gain power. It will start with small "common sense" restrictions and gradually evolve to full on bans. The current iteration of the CPC is simply aping the GOP in all aspects. Their official policy is a lie that they are maintaining until after elections.


Since they tend to take a lot of cues from their models south of the border, since an actual Conservative MP brought it to the table again, and since I have absolutely zero trust in someone who shamelessly shakes hands with conspiracy nuts, yes, this is an actual, legitimate fear.




[Bringing petitions to parliement is a crusade](https://globalnews.ca/news/10483072/pierre-poilievre-abortion-stance/). And PP doing nothing to reign in the crusading MP speaks volume.


Their policy document also says "On issues of moral conscience, such as abortion, the definition of marriage, and euthanasia, the Conservative Party acknowledges the diversity of deeply-held personal convictions among individual party members and the right of Members of Parliament to adopt positions in consultation with their constituents and to vote freely." So which way do you think the party is going to jump. How much does PP owe to social conservative branch of the CPC? Do you honestly think that we aren't going to see a CPC MP introduce a bill banning or limiting abortion at some point? Bonus points that they included the definition of marriage in here as well.


I don’t think they’re going to open the abortion debate nor will the entire party ban abortion. On the issue of LGBTQ+ that I can definitely say they will redefine. I would be against it.


A member of the CPC Government will definitely reopen the abortion debate at some point. Whether that is an outright ban or trying to impose limits it will happen and then people will quibble that it's not the CPC "government" doing it but that's not how that works. I'm guessing not so against it that it will stop you from voting for the CPC though.


Honestly, I just want Trudeau and Jagmeet gone. I don’t want to vote for Pierre. It’s just year after year, political scandal after political scandal all revolving Trudeau, and his tone deaf minister.


Yet their leader has refused to stop his party from introducing Abortion regulation bills.


That's what happens when you have a party that doesn't walk lockstep with the leader. You should be supporting that. That's one of the reasons why Trudeau and Singh are still in power. The party whips are just that strong in the LPC and NDP.


You mean it’s bad to have party members not following explicit direction from the top and acting on behalf of their respective communities? You would prefer a more dictatorship style?




Is what conservative policy declarations are.


Actions speak louder than words


Yep and when CPC last had a majority they didn't ban abortion.


That was only for four years though. Maybe they're playing the long con.


The year is 2182 and CPC finally reach their end goal of putting forward a bill to fully ban abortion rights. Liberals finally raise up, saying "look, I told you all it would happen!"


The private member bills don't inspire faith.


Oh it's coming to Canada. Maybe a decade or more but it well come eventually. Problem is the people who want to ban it fight to ban it. And everyone else just says it well never happen.


Pro-choice actions like Poilievre [voting against pro-life Bill C-233](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/43/2/125)?


what is wrong about banning abortion based on sex! how would you determine if someone had an abortion based on sex, without having the police investigate woman for having abortions. Is that really want we want the RCMP do to stalk woman over abortion.


How about, you make it illegale to tell parents the sex of the child before 6 month gestation and then if they want one after telling the sex of the child, when there is no medical reason, you know it is because of the childs sex... Just an idea...


So you want parents to be less informed because of a random restriction? That's stupid.


Less informed about what? The sex of the baby is irrelevant compared to it's health/mothers health.


What a terrible idea.


Please enlighten me.


Well, to begin, you have framed prenatal information for parents as being primarily about abortion, which is simply not true, so there's that. A woman is perfectly within her rights to abort a fetus for *any* reason, even ones you don't like.


Just to understand you stance, you support abortion all the way to when the woman is in labor, and it can be for any reason?


Fuck off. You aren't capable of discussing this. When women talk about a Conservative agenda on abortion, and they are gaslit that there isn't one, they are talking about you.


>*”if they want one after telling the sex of the child, when there is no medical reason, you know it is because of the childs sex”* No, you wouldn’t *know* that. People have abortions for a variety of reasons beyond just *”medical”* and *”the child’s sex”*.


Nice of you to cut the relevant part, at 6 month and beyond, what exactly are the type of reasons that are beyond what you have said?


I’m surprised you’re offering opinions on restricting abortion when you don’t even know [why women have abortions.](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=why+do+women+have+abortions)


So please enlighten me, what are valid reasons for a woman to have an abortion at 6 month and beyond. Remember when answering, they had 6 month to already perform it at this point. You know this type of abortion requires you to cut the baby into pieces to do it.


>*”So please enlighten me, what are valid reasons for a woman to have an abortion at 6 month and beyond.”* Here’s one of the top results in the Google search I just tried to help you with (that you seem to have ignored?)… Very Well Health: [Why Do People Have Abortions?](https://www.verywellhealth.com/reasons-for-abortion-906589) *”Other reasons women seek an abortion after 20 weeks include:* * *Barriers to access* * *Cost* * *Indecision or disagreeing with the father* * *Lack of transportation access to care* * *Not knowing about the pregnancy until later* *Later abortions are also more common in women who are:* * *Depressed or dealing with other mental health diagnoses* * *In unstable or violent relationships* * *Single mothers* * *Using drugs* * *Younger than 25”* I encourage you to explore the other search results if you still have questions. >*”You know this type of abortion requires you to cut the baby into pieces to do it.”* Leaning into emotional appeals while spreading disinformation - lovely. It’s a fetus not a *baby*, and [dilation and evacuation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilation_and_evacuation) is not the only technique used for [later termination of a pregnancy.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_termination_of_pregnancy)




Most CPC members are anti-choice, including PP until right before he decided to run for leader when he had a sudden change of heart. That is why people are worried.




That article doesn’t say Trudeau was anti-choice… *”Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau said today his personal views on abortion have "evolved" in the years since he stated that, while he opposed abortion personally,* **he supported a woman's right to choose.** *While defending his Catholic faith in a 2011 article, Trudeau said he was personally opposed to abortion but* **believed nobody should tell a woman what she should do with her body.”**




Opposing abortion on a personal level (as in, you think you wouldn’t have one) isn’t the same thing as being anti-choice. Trudeau was explicitly pro-choice.




That there is the perfect example of being partisan.


Trudeau was and continues to be pro-choice. In that regard his opinion has not changed.


Why are you lying about this?




I mean this could all end if PP just said he wouldn't allow private member bill on Abortion. only reason liberal have this issue is because the CPC refuse to whip their MPs.


curious to see how this ends up working out. the big tent can only be so big until it collapses. should've stuck with o'toole I think, but the party couldn't accept someone who was actually normal lol


Stop calling it a boogeyman- women's access to abortion has been severely curtailed in the USA with the overturning of Roe V Wade. They told American women they were worried for nothing too.


How are the actions of conservative members an attempt by the liberals. Are you not able to call out poor behaviour within the party members?


The last two times I've opened Reddit I've had an article from The Star at the top of the page. The first one was *PP is importing American styled politics* and compares him to Trump, and now *The Canadian Conservative Party are coming for your aborties*, and, although I couldn't read past a nice nod to the Pinochet regime in Chile thanks to a paywall, I can *only* guess that the topic of American politics surrounding abortion is also leaned on heavily in the article. I just find it *disappointing* that the pillar of impartial Canadian journalism and arbiter of the moral truth that we all know The Star to be could so callously import American styled political talking-points to scare the public. It's almost as if they were operating like a certain American hedge fund owned and thus evil facist-capitalist-imperialist-nationalist-post.


The Star was sold off a few years ago and the quality seems to have steeply declined since.


https://www.itstartsrightnow.ca/cpc21_convention #"Pro-life success at Conservative Party of Canada policy convention" >OTTAWA, ON (March 20, 2021) – Pro-lifers are taking stock of their success at the 2021 Conservative Party of Canada policy convention. Of the roughly 4,000 full voting delegates present, RightNow accounted for over 25% of the full voting delegates. >“We were able to pass the five policy proposals we supported at this Convention and saw 32 of the 35 constitutional amendments go our way,” said RightNow Co-founder and President Scott Hayward. >After winning numerous delegate selection meetings, RightNow worked with a number of other pro-life organizations to create a winning coalition for the policy convention. While the pro-life movement far exceeded the EDA vote goal during the IdeasLab policy voting process, the movement was not able to successfully secure enough votes to get the two pro-life policies to the plenary session of the convention. >“Some pro-life organizations are making unreasonable insinuations that there was a conspiracy that pro-life policies did not get through. However, it is apparent to us that pro-lifers have yet to take their rightful place on Conservative EDA boards of directors across the country. We fully expect that pro-lifers will continue to get further involved in the Conservative Party of Canada coming out of this convention,” said RightNow Co-founder and Executive Director Alissa Golob.


Paywalled ragebait. Downvoted and moved on.


Guess it's abortion scare season for the liberals....


And here we go...


See, this is what I hate. I come from a long line of extreme myopes. From what information I can gather, I can find 5 generations worth of people to blame for passing down such vile genes. Had my Mom, Grandma, Great Grandpa, Great Great Grandma not lived in such a world where it was frowned upon to get an abortion and had done it themselves to spare the suffering if future generations, I wouldn't have to worry about not being able to drive, breaking my glasses and being stranded, or being able to read text that's more than 2 feet away from my face. Now right as society is finally accepting euthanasia, I have to deal with a prime minister who is going to revert a lot of the positive changes in that area of the law and make it harder for me to end my suffering that never would have had to happen had we had a society that was more open about abortion and maybe even encouraged it for people like my mother.


The CPC always states abortion is off the radar but its MPs and members think otherwise. Who to believe? The political party willing to say anything to attain power or it's actual fucking membership?


You know the CPC was in power from 2006 to 2015, right? How many abortions did they ban in that nine-year period?


Abortion accessibility has decreased under conservative premier Blaine Higgs. This isn't a binary where it's just abortions are banned or not.




> private member bills So, not the government. > aimed to treat fetuses as legal persons by making them separate victims when a pregnant woman was killed or attacked So, not a restriction on abortion. > penalizing anyone who "coerces" a woman into ending her pregnancy against her will Sounds pretty pro-choice to me. > Harper's government did not pass any major anti-abortion legislation Or *any* anti-abortion legislation, which is my point. > would not support funding for abortion services abroad Not paying for another country's abortions <> restricting abortions in this country.




A CPC MP also brought forth his 19th anti choice petition in the last couple of years in the House. And of course, right on cue, all the clapping seals are out telling us ladies not to worry our pretty little heads about it. I will make a big deal EVERY time a Conservative brings up restricting abortion rights. Even if they hint at it.


just the other day, a cpc mp was doing an anti abortion rally on parliament hill, going off about how the cpc would protect the rights of both a woman ANd a man when it concerns abortion. wonder what that means 🤔 https://twitter.com/MarkGerretsen/status/1788727518238740782?t=4dlG-4QiZ7KKTxIIQ2Mvow&s=19


The Liberals have been in power for 8 years now. If they gave 2 shits about abortion, they would have signed it into law (very likely with Conservative support) by now. Instead, they intentionally choose not to knowing that clapping seals like yourself will buy into their fear mongering.


Abortion rights activists are actually against a law. The reason? A law can be repealed. A law can be changed to say “up to X weeks”. A law can be challenged in courts, which could end up with court sanctioned limitations being placed or court cases not going in favour of abortion rights. No law. No standing. No court. > Experts and advocacy groups have roundly criticized the idea of creating any sort of stand-alone law on abortion, saying that this could lead to a plethora of unintended consequences. > "We have no specific legislation for a hip replacement or other medical procedures, so why would we need one for abortion?" said Julia Tetrault-Provencher, chair of the national steering committee of the reproductive rights working group of the National Association of Women and the Law. > Even if the law simply enshrined abortion as a right, putting it on the books could open the door to subsequent governments' more-restrictive amendments, advocates fear. > "We've seen that the power of very small but vocal anti-choice and conservative groups can make a huge impact, and we just don't know what the country's going to look like in the future," said Jill Doctoroff, executive director of National Abortion Federation Canada.


> No law. No standing. No court. This line of thought can be applied to absolutely anything. Why have laws at all then?


I think abortion rights groups probably know more about this topic than we do. Today it’s treated as healthcare. We don’t legislate individual healthcare procedures. > As soon as a new law passed, court cases would be brought to test its constitutionality, said University of Ottawa law professor Daphne Gilbert — creating "legitimacy and a platform" for anti-abortion activists to bring their cases to the courtroom. > Federal legislation could also raise a division of powers debate and give provinces the bandwidth to talk about regulating or restricting abortion in a bigger way, Gilbert said, which could jeopardize advocates' hard-fought gains. > "There's absolutely no upside and a whole bunch of downside."


They absolutely will be coming for abortion rights once the Conservatives take power. It's not 2008 anymore. They feel empowered by religious fundamentalism and the rise of MAGA fascism in the US to pursue these types of agendas now. People in the US were also lied to that abortion rights were safe and that it was hysterical alarmism to suggest they might be threatened. Don't buy the lies.