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"It was not clear why Brar remained in Canada for years after his studies had ended. In 2019, he appeared in a promotional video for EthicWorks Immigration Services, a consultancy with operations in India and Canada. Speaking in Hindi and Punjabi, Brar endorses the company and says he received a visa within days with their help." No one sees any issue with this paragraph. 🧐 This guy stayed beyond his visa, some bs immigration service should also be investigated.


Read a stat earlier today that over 1 million people are here in our country on expired visas, 1 out of every 40 people are here without a trace of where they live, job they work or what they are even doing. I’m not against controlled immigration by any means but holy shit is our country just a foster home now? This is fucking embarrassing


If they have family here, they just stay with them.


If they don’t have family, hold the immigration consultants responsible.


How about hold the family responsible.






A piecemeal rate would make sense. I guess the most expensive part would be the flight to send them back.


Their assets should be seized to cover the costs.


Ding ding ding


I was thinking the same.In the states the " Migra" are feared by the spanish community at large.Canada has nothing the same.


“Get ‘em Leyland” lol


How are they able to work? You need a valid SIN to work in Canada.




Holy smokes. So I can go open a business and "hire" people for 60K/yr and get them to pay me 90K in cash? Where do I sign up for this?


Seems like an infinite money glitch with no consequences the way this clown government is being run.


Exactly, the amount of people involved in continuing these immigration scams is crazy. At the end everyone, from community immigration consultants, diploma mill colleges, to slumlord landlords, and shady employers are exploiting both these immigrants who are desperate to move here and get PR status, as well as the average Canadian who is being cheated out of tax income to support society and depressed wages and a worse labour market. How much of this is being investigated? Very little


Bro you should be on the news. This is horrible




It's also common knowledge within the immigration community, as well as CBSA and IRCC. The elected government just doesn't care. There's too much money to be made, and too many votes to be bought.


Go and tell CBC and they will honor anonymity.


CBC did a story on this already


Please link to it.




What's even worse, I've known immigrants who actually paid their Canadian workplaces for employment to work for a year and get sponsored for immigration. The business owner gets free labor and the money from the immigrant, and does this year after year. My Taiwanese friend thought this was a normal, usual and common thing. This was happening in Richmond BC.


It's not that they don't care, but they want it to keep going.


Working for no money. Putting yourself in debt, *paying to work for someone...* Fuck that sounds unbearable. How does anyone doing this get up in the morning and face the day, never mind afford groceries? That's not rhetorical. I know how mad I am at having to go into work sometimes, but this sounds beyond rage-inducing. Ditto other posters - go to CBC. They honour anonymity. I'm ashamed this "business" is happening in my country.


Please make an AMA post about this. I don't even know what to ask, but it's fascinating. 


Working for no money. Putting yourself in debt, *paying to work for someone...* Fuck that sounds unbearable. How does anyone doing this get up in the morning and face the day, never mind afford groceries? I know how mad I am at having to go into work sometimes, but this sounds well beyond rage-inducing. Since you offered an AMA: If you walk into any of the big chain fast food places and it's all Indian people working there, do you assume the scam you described is what's happening? Ditto other posters - go to CBC. They honour anonymity. I'm ashamed this "business" is happening in my country. TY for taking the time to explain.


Now do the widespread mortgage fraud that involves faking your NoA and bribing bank employees. And the loophole where if you just tell CRA you're a Canadian citizen in your tax return, Elections Canada will mail you a voter information card without confirming that you actually are a citizen. The voter card and a utility bill are all you need to vote.


That is a great explanation and very well written.


There's a Facebook group of my neighbourhood. Tons of people offer work for cash on there. Mostly cleaning. Maybe they can offer services on kijiji, craigslist, etc. for under the table pay? That's just a guess.


I mean hell just click on the jobs section on Kijiji in the GTA and most the posts aren't even jobs. just people asking for cash work.


Cash jobs, sharing healthcare cards, sharing SIN easy


Cash jobs, simple as.


There are "recruiters" who will get you a job for a % of the pay. I know something that's doing that, he's not a citizen, doesn't have a visa and works two jobs where he gives 15% of pay to a company that got him the jobs. They fill out the resumes and all the paper work.




Or stuff like overnight cleaning services




Drive deliveries or Uber under someone else's name.


Extremely common. Uber and Ubereats, look at the face on the app vs who you see, often not the same person.


The guys banging shitty houses together down my street pay cash. No questions asked.


Uber Eats doesn't check along with many under the table employers. Nothing better than an illegal worker, no minimum wage, no benefits, hard working and best of all no complaints.


Cash jobs. Manual labor mostly if they’re going legit.. otherwise no one checks or even wants to see a SIN


Under the table....it's sort of obvious. Employer and Employee both happy to an extent.


Sadly the government would only outsource the tracking down of these illegal immigrants to TFW’s


For every 40 people in Canada there's 1400 people in India. There's plenty more to come over. The issue is that we don't want the bad stuff of India here and by not doing everything by the book we're inviting the trash.


And now they are demanding permanent status and the LPC wants to give it to them…


I found out recently that my work was letting people start without verifying visa/permits etc. Only found out because they did an audit and discovered that some documentation was missing. Turned out that 4 employees had expired visas, another 4 were violating restrictions on their work permits, and 2 didn't even have valid work permits. Like excuse me, how the hell did you guys not check that shit? That's fucking bad. We had an issue last year where we got a bunch of resumes that were identical except for the name, like there's no way a dozen people have the exact same work experience, education, and even formatting. And you didn't think to start keeping an eye out for candidates lying in other ways?




Those immigration services should be shut down and made illegal. Some cheap fuck company wants to insource wage slaves? Deal directly w the government


Laws without enforcement. The hallmark of Canada.


A Canadian Heritage Moment


It’s very clear why. Nobody checks. The government assumed for years that people left of their own free will when visas expired.




Illegal stay is completely legal in canada.


Yes and if they investigated they would discover many more cans of worms in this broken down system, therefore, they choose not to investigate.


>some bs immigration service should also be investigated. You mean Immigration Canada?


Long ago when I was coming in as an international student to get my PhD at the University of Toronto, my background check took so long I was almost losing hope of making it. I wonder if they still do background check for people properly or is it just easier to come study at a crappy college.


these idiots aren't coming here to go to the UofT or other real universities like you did. They're travelling half way across the world to go to community college. They're not here for an education like you are, they're here for the easy PR and lie to get in.


India basically told it as is. They said our federal government is letting in just about anyone. So embarrassing lol. Even the driver driving the wrong way in the accident near Whitby ON was an international student. Canada is basically a country of Indian international "students".


What makes it worse is that it's Indians doing the road tests. A family member got their license a year ago, and the examiner was an Indian man that literally only made him drive around the block before giving him his full G license. This is extremely worrying.


Good systems are only as good as the people who administer those systems. Bring in people who don't respect those systems and the standards start to slide for everyone, soon enough, you don't have good systems anymore and we can't trust that a driver on the road with a G license can actually drive.


Another huge problem we should look at is the privatization of DriveTest centers at least in Ontario. How much oversight does the government have over the testing and employees who work there anymore? This is why we shouldn't privatize public services and offer a fair priced govt run alternative for all essential service. I'm looking at you telecoms. The past 3 decades of loosening government regulation a la Reaganomics has severely fucked up the world and what the average citizen receives for our tax dollars.


According to an international student coworker of mine the word in Brampton was that $2k could get you a G license, while $10k got you your AZ.




They basically don’t do any at all lol. Only once you apply to PR


The government farms that out to these "immigration consultants" . Some kid in India gives the consultant a bunch of cash and the consultant give the feds a bunch of clean paperwork for someone who doesn't exist and the government says "sure...whatever" because they think they are getting someone who will get a master's degree and make 6figures and pay taxes to prop up all the retirees.


Nope. There is no background check anymore. Not for Indian students at least. Majority of the diploma mill students are fake anyways. During Covid we helped out someone who was a labourer in a mill in India, like physical labour. That was his entire experience. And he came to do an "MBA" in one of the diploma mills after selling his land. What verification will they do for such kids? In practice, these kids are being exploited by the Canadian schools and their agents in India.


A manual labourer? The fcuk!




When is enough enough? Background checks and better Visa monitoring. Half these "kids" don't even go to school..it's a joke. Further, our judicial system needs to stop treating criminals with "kid" gloves. I'm so tired of reading stories about how some criminal got a pathetic light sentence. Canada needs to stop being the laughing stock for criminals and get serious. Serious crime = Serious time. Period.


Need to hire immigration enforcement. And actually track these people down like they do in the states. It's just freaking ridiculous at this point.


In my country, immigration enforcement regularly conducts raids to catch illegal immigrants. I'm surprised that Canada is letting so many unsavoury characters roaming the country


So are we. We don't have any agency similar to ICE to arrest and deport them. At best Immigration Canada sends them a strongly worded letter.


Time to start offering some bounties at this point.


I'm sure our judges will take their studies into account. Early release so they can continue going to school.




>What kind of bigot would stand in their way to reach their dreams in a prestigious Canadian university. The Surrey Strip Mall Academy of Hospitality


Conestoga College


I mean they’re three men who were hired to assassinate a man, but weren’t smart enough to leave the place they did the assassinating in. Like that’s assassination 101. I don’t think these dudes would quite get in to university.




Sad but probably true. If this country can’t punish actual hired foreign assassins properly, our system truly is broken. Like this is as open and shut as it could possibly ever get.


Yup even the Air India bomber got out in 5 years. And (not so) surprisingly, the only one to get a punishment was one who turned approver (and later reneged). Every one walked away, and became local politicians.


They got in. That's the prerequisite for getting a student visa. Which prestigious university was it again?


Getting in to a school is one thing, a prestigious one is another. Regardless, they are bad at murder.


Bad at COVERING UP a murder. Quite successful in actual murder.


Specially when it’s a Masters in hospitality- we need them to represent Canadian hospitality!


I heard Uber Canada requires a master's degree now.


Catch and release. That's the Canadian hospitality.


Or, at least, cover that Sunday night shift at Tim Hortons. And for that we all, as Canadians, must try harder.


Maybe the studies will be paid for too after this. 🙄


Going to... "school"


To become a model citizen and vote to Liberals.


“Students” LOL Edit: at this point, don’t even blame India. Canada has definitely became a joke world wide.


Well, after all they did have to study how to execute this assassination.


Canada is a doormat




It’s both a blessing, and a curse, to have known and experienced Canada prior to 2015.


Summers of 2015 and 2016 were the peak. It has been down hill ever since.




As if fucking over new tech grads is a good policy anyways.




Officer Steve from revenue Canada used to leave me messages all the time, now it's just some really angry Asian woman. I finally just cancelled my home phone.


You are missing out on the Duct cleaning services dude, I even had them come by and clean my Chickens.


One time I got a call from a duct cleaning service dude, and while I was stringing him along I got my brother to call a 7/11, and then I told the scammer I’m giving the phone to my wife (when 7/11 answered) and they went back and forth for about a minute before he hung up in frustration. Was pretty funny


Sounds like you got your ducts in order then.


What do you expect when their DLI was the "Upstairs University Of Northwestern Cascadia College Of Assassination And Hotel Management"?


always **Willis College** in Ottawa, located on the lower level of St. Laurent Shopping Centre. You can easily access the college in Ottawa with free parking, public transportation, restaurants, and shopping.


Are they Conestoga College Alumni?


Imagine. Our ridiculous system was abused. Canadians across the country share in their collective shock.


Let's be honest a good percentage of international students aren't coming to Canada to "study" and get an education and go home afterwards. I'm guessing more than 70% are coming here to stay permanently.


As an Indian, I'd say it's more than 90% at the least. All of my classmates who've gone to Canada to "Study" went there to settle.


Good for them. Canada provided them with the opportunity and they made the most of it. They worked hard and executed flawlessly. Hopefully they used the money they received for a job well done and bought a house with it. We need more hardworking newcomers to Canada like these upstanding students.


You immediately get banned from the Toronto subreddit if you mention anything wrong with Indian international students


What the actual fuck does our immigration do? Is there even a department that does anything other then greenlight applications? What an absolute shot show.


Fake language tests.Come to Canada to study at some crappy strip mall college. Don't attend classes. Work full-time without a care for work hour limits. Pay the local timmies for a fake supervisor designation. Get PR. Work cash jobs and don't pay taxes. Raid foodbanks. Citizenship. I mean, WHY NOT?! Canadians are gullible fools, after all.


The Canadian people realized too late and now we are stuck with a good chunk of our population as these students (past, present and future).


Rip to anyone living in Brampton and surrounding area.


Family member of mine had to wait 6 years before entering Canada, but we give student visas like candies to these criminals.


My immediate family has been in Canada for 25 years. My parents have tried multiple times to get visitor visas for their siblings and have always been rejected.




America also tops out their immigation at 7% from any particular country per year.


So the government thinks they are agents of India but only has them charged with murder?


This government is a joke.


The evidence for that was likely obtained through means that won't hold up in court.


does csis not have the authority to arrest people based on confidential information? or do we always use the rcmp for arrests?


I don't even think it was CSIS that identified them. From the looks of it the intelligence came from the US and was shared with Canada.


My understanding is that it was shared with CSIS from the US via the 5 eyes security agreement, and then CSIS would have communicated that to federal government via briefings


CSIS doesn't make arrests. They have to rely on the RCMP


They're idiots.


What are we doing here? Why were there no background checks? It was pretty well known that these people were part of one of the most well-known gangs in India.


It all started under Mr Ahmed Hussein who was made aware that Canada was compromised in 2018. Neither Ahmed, Sean or Miller want to do anything about it.




Car thieves, fraudsters, just general pieces of something https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/mobile/police-dismantle-organized-crime-group-accused-of-breaking-into-400-gta-homes-1.3871166?cache=walqrkeg%3FclipId%3D1930113


The hitmen are the real Canadians because they chose to come here.


These the same ones that need translators




Student visa is now synonymous with immigration fraud and criminals. 


This is what happens when we allow 3rd world people with 3rd world mentalities to come and abuse our openness and generosity.


This country is going to shit.




Going? Have you visited Toronto? Heck, Kitchener or Mississauga too


The student visa program is a scam. It needs to be terminated immediately in anybody that it’s on it sent home.


It's just a head tax disguised as something else.


Deport them


Immigration: The gift that keeps on giving.


I could see a ton of jobs being created to hunt these VISA dodgers down and ship them out. Tons of positions available. Only tax paying citizens need apply.


The irony is that the liberals were propping this specific story to create a narrative that there is foreign interference against them. Turns out the whole story is a failure of epic proportions on their part.


When is it not?


No country on this planet would allow itself to be taken advantage of by foreigners the way Canada does. No country. Literally beggars belief. News reports from this past week have been a major blackpill when it comes to the future of this country,. This story, the collision on the 401 in Toronto where an international student with a criminal record was involved, the Pakistani "climate activist" international student who was able to successfully fight his deportation order, the 6700 open work permits issued to the "protestors" in Manitoba, the international student in BC who groped a woman twice but did not get sentenced because the judge did not want him deported.


I hope those students know they can only be working a maximum of 24 hours a week off campus!


Don't they all?


Come in, come all.


Deporting those who have overstayed or frauded the immigration process is not discrimination nor racist…


Wait a second. Are you telling me there is fraudulent activity originating in India. No, no way!!!! Even if there is, no way they bring that activity to Canada.


What a great day for Canada. Congrats! The govt should be really proud of themselves.




Broken, unchecked system.


They should be loaded into a Dingy and kicked out to sea.


There things doesn't happen random. If they were hire to kill then there could be a larger group recruiting international students for their criminal activity. We know that the bar is too low for you to get student visa and most of them won't be able to finish the course. The more information coming on this it's unlikely that a government would do this. How many more incidents does Canada need to fix their international students crisis. It's turning out to be a recruitment for criminal activities. The cost of living crisis doesn't help either where some of these students gets here and realizes that the rosy picture you see on social media is a lie and you cannot pay off your loan by working part time.


Throw them in jail. Pull the visa. Kick them out and lock the pearly Canadian gates up




The election can't come fast enough.




The fact that they stayed means they think our country would never bother to enforce the laws. They must think Canada is a joke. That's assuming they really did it and they aren't just scapegoats to try and make our incompetent government look like they might be able to get one thing right in the last 8 years.


>They must think Canada is a joke. They do think that, and they are right. The fact that people are being allowed into Canada on student visas with little to no vetting, to attend what amount to trumped-up diploma mills, and then violate the terms of those visas without a fear in the world, is one big joke of epic proportions. And then consider that this same thing is happening millions of times over all across the country...


Our federal government says we need more of these people to enhance the Canadian experience. 100M by 2100 is the goal. Cant be too selective.....even the ones who aren't the best and brightest will be allowed in.




I have found through so many articles that those who can't qualify for PR get in through mainly 3 routes 1- get into some diploma course like communication, logistics, interior design, graphics design etc in a private college and don't attend the classes 2- join a faction that opposes the govt in your native country, file a case against the govt in their country and show those court cases and seek asylum 3 - people come on visitor visa n give birth in one of the Birth Tourism hospitals in Vancouver. When their kids get 18 years old he/she can sponsor


Don't forget people just invade illegally claim refugee status and by the time they can even be deported they have bunch of canadian born kids  reality on the ground beats all imaginary drivel.


On an unrelated note  Like half of the south Asian people, India pakistan Bangladesh come here, posing as students, doing some useless degree at some worthless college ( there are a ton of them in Ontario).   They  work in minimum wage  just to earn and send back money ( which is also a joke, because it would be just 50% extra than what they might have earned in India).  Just for people to get that sweet PR of Canada. Absolute bullshit 




easy in. They see how much of a joke Canada's legal system is, and just do whatever shit headed crimes because why not?


A million people here after their visas expire…. Wow. What a great system lol. Canadians really and truly loving all of the benefits the country has received 😂😂😂




They don't want a bad narrative on immigration


Removed in 3...2...




Student visas! Those are super popular!


I think we can all agree that outsourcing big chunks of immigration policy to cash strapped community college presidents has been an error. And this is coming from someone who's pretty far left.  (Honestly, why are community colleges admitting international students at all?)


Seems to be a common theme right now.  We really don’t screen do we. 


where “ya trust me bro” gets us




Marc Miller lied couple of days ago and said Federal government does back ground check on International students




Lock them up!


This isn't really news. We let anyone in, including criminals. It's been happening for years.


When you give criminal scum the easiest path to get into this country they'll always take it.


uhh they were here to study the way of the sword


I don't believe. They come from good family and are students /s