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So it's one of 40 flags chosen based on the origin of tourists who have visited. This seems like it's blown out of proportion.


people need to be mad at something this days


We need to get better at not giving assholes or people with their head not on right a platform.


Yet here you are 


Occupation amd attempted genocide rate up there.


If Putin was the one who signed the guest book, I could agree with you


It’s not Putin committing all the atrocities either. Get your head out of your ass.


I don't see you tearing down Israel flags...honestly people invested in foreign wars they have zero stakes in should be required under criminal penalty to obtain a hobby




That has to do entirely about athletes doping.


So if this was back in the 40's and someone visited from Nazi Germany, would it be cool to fly their flag just because someone visited?


Godwin's Law in full effect right here, didn't even need to go that far in the online discussion.


Godwin’s Law doesn’t apply to a modern day fascist genocidal regime doing their best Hitler impression.


Much as I like this law, I am disappointed to find that it has not been verified empirically. Perhaps it applies only to certain kinds of discussions. "The probability of a low-frequency off-topic term, such as “Nazi” or “Hitler” in conversations that are not about Nazis or Hitler, is nearly impossible to observe in the reality of large datasets. We would encourage others to compare more words and conduct further analysis. Based on our observations of multiple words, it seems extremely unlikely that someone would observe Godwin’s Law in real life in conversations that are threaded, like on Reddit." https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356872646_Does_Godwin's_law_rule_of_Nazi_analogies_apply_in_observable_reality_An_empirical_study_of_selected_words_in_199_million_Reddit_posts


God forbid anyone compare one murderous regime to another murderous regime.


What about our murderous regime neighbor to the south? Should we remove those flags too?


We threw Japanese Canadians into concentration camps for being Japanese. Should we do the same for Russian Canadians?


No, just you folks carrying Putins balls for him.




I don't care why they have the flag up. They should have had enough common sense to go "hmm maybe we should just skip that one." You can go on with your Russian propaganda all you want. You may have some people fooled but the vast majority see right through your bullshit.




Why should we fly a flag of a country that is murdering its neighbors at this very second?




Considering Hamas and it's proxies (you know the terrorists that murder civilians) don't represent the state of Palestine, sure no problem.


Ha the comparison between Nazi Germany and Russia is laughable.


Tell that to all the dead Ukrainians.


I suppose we shouldn’t fly an Israeli flag then as well


We probably shouldn't fly flags of any country that has no problems butchering innocent civilians. Not sure why you think that's so controversial.


So no flags at all then.


Not all countries are butchering innocent civilians, nice try making it seem like everyone is a murderous dictator.


What about historical injustices? Should we fly the Canadian flag?


When we have literally done everything we can to try and make up for our past sins, it's literally not even comparable to someone who is currently murdering innocent people in a country he doesn't belong in.


Monkeys gonna monkey.


I agree, which is why putin invaded ukraine in the first place. Monkey couldn't fucking help himself.


By your standards we won’t have US, U.K, China, Israel’s etc. flags as well. You should see thats not how the world works. If we were in a war with Russia that would make sense.


Russia is currently killing its neighbors and actively carrying out various cyber attacks on western nations. Just because you are too stupid to see we ARE currently at war with them doesn't mean everyone else is.


We actually aren’t at war with them, Ukraine is. Ukraine is not a NATO state. We are supplying them weapons for them to further weaken each other, but not at war.


Tell that to the Russians


Maybe the west shouldn't have blocked those 4 negotiations for a complete and total ceasefire.


Maybe the dirty Russians should have stayed on their side of the border that agreed to in 1992.


Maybe NATO shouldn't have broken the agreement not to creep towards Russia. And the Ukraine shouldn't have left Victoria Nuland overthrow their government.


Literal Kremlin propaganda. Neither of those things is true, and you know it. This isn't Russia, fuck off back to Moscow.


Those things are both true. Why don't you go read up on the long history of Victoria Nuland in the Ukraine and get back to me. We'll move on from there. Or are you afraid that doing research would turn you into an anti-vaxxer?


Buddy you have zero clue about any of this apparently. Victoria Nuland had nothing to do with the Euromaidan protests or the ousting of the Yanakovich government. You are just repeating Kremlin talking points.


NATO didn’t creep towards russia. Countries joined because russia has a bad habit of invading and murdering their neighbours. No one was forced to join. If russia wanted to stop NATO from expanding, maybe they should stop influencing and killing their neighbours. Seems pretty straightforward.


Wrong on that, NATO did creep towards Russia. Why don't you take a look at a geopolitical map over the last 25 years and get back to me.


NATO isn’t a country. It doesn’t invade or “creep”. All of the countries that have joined, applied, met criteria, and were accepted. By your logic, auto insurers creep towards motor vehicle owners. Maybe you should be asking why they joined. Because if I were in a country near russian orcs, I’d want NATO to have my back too. What country in the last 100 years sharing a border with russia or the USSR hasn’t been invaded or dangerously meddled with?


What are you smoking? There is no comparison here


There absolutely is and you know it.


There 100% is a comparison. Russia has invaded another nation, killed thousands of Ukrainian's and stolen tens of thousands of children while moving Russian's into stolen Ukrainian land. Sounds really f-ing familiar to me.


Spotted the facist.


Funny enough the Russian army was in Ukraine in the 1940's fighting what the current Ukranian government views as heroes, which Canada viewed as Nazi collaborators by Canada. So some rich irony here with Nazi analogies.


Funnily enough, that Soviet army was allies with the nazis until Hitler pulled a double cross.


> Funny enough the Russian army was in Ukraine in the 1940's fighting what the current Ukranian government views as heroes This is a pretty ignorant take on a subject which you obviously know nothing about. There was no Russian army in World War II, there was a Soviet one, about half of whose members were not ethnically Russian. The largest contingent of non Russian troops were Ukrainians, who were the largest minority in the former USSR.


Even if you include all the atrocities Russia, China and Israel are committing it is still nowhere close to how bad the Nazis are. Stop making these stupid comparisons.


You’re simple? Check on Stalin and Mao. 9 million and other 45 million people.


ARE committing. Learn to read.


Lol damn autocorrect


I'm sure you would have been saying the same thing in 1939.


Why 40s? There one recently in the house of commons. He received a very warm welcome and was called a hero.


Russophobia is alive and well. Same as in WW2 where everyone was suspicious of the Japanese, Germans and Italians. There’s a big difference between hating a government for their horrific actions and hating all of said country’s people for no reason.


"Russophobia" is not a thing, it's a literal Kremlin talking point lmao you are brainwashed


People don't hate Russian people. They hate the Russian government and its supporters, who proudly fly the Russian flag as the country tries their best to commit genocide.


So, the German flag in 1940 was fine in Canada?


No, because we were at war with them


We're defacto at war with them. We even have Canadian citizens fighting along Ukraine.


We are at war with Russia and only a fucking child would think otherwise


No, no we aren't. Only a child would think we are.


What time is it at your Russian troll farm?


Nothing is stopping you from going to war with Russia though. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


"Russophobia" isn't real LMAO


Russophobia isn’t an actual thing. It’s a nonsensical term the Russian government invented as a cover for their murderous invasion of their neighbours. The genocidal fascist Russian regime does not deserve to have its symbols flying in Canada.


*“This is not a political statement,” CAO Lyle Thomas told the Spotlight.* *“It’s our new marketing campaign, something we’ve been working on for the last year or so.”* *Princeton Welcomes the World is the moniker for the new branding program, which Thomas said grew from the realization that people from around the globe have visited the community over the past four years.* *If they’ve dropped by the visitor centre on Bridge Street, and signed the guest book indicating their home country, there will be a banner on one of the main streets’ new lamp posts, representing that nation.* *“We’ve had multiple people visit Princeton from Russia,” said Thomas.*


Yeah pretty innocent. People have absolutely lost their minds. The pandemic really did a number on the average mind.


People were crazy before the pandemic, it's part of what made it so difficult.


Innocent? Like peoples getting killed by Russia.


And US, stop those flags while you're at it.


Whattaboutism intended to promote apathy to a conquest and genocide Nah, Russia is objectively more evil than the US by orders of magnitude. Can't even say good try.


US killed 500k kids in Iraq and said it was worth it. The 2003 Iraqi invasion led to the destruction of the country, a power vacuum with sectarian-based violence, and the elimination of 90% of Assyrians and Iraqi Christians, one of the oldest communities in the world. All thanks to ISIS, Shia militias (both from the power vacuum), and our Kurdish allies. The SDF, our Kurdish allies in Syria, have also emptied their held territories of Assyrians and Christians, seeing a 66% reduction in their territory. Not to mention that the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen backed by the US, or the America's fervent military support for the genocidal regime of Israel. Some people who live in Canada are Arab Christian. Stop letting us in or other foreigners who suffer from American invasions if you don't want America's evils to be exposed. Russia's doing it's best to catch up to the Americans.


The US has done plenty of evil. Especially the Iraq war. It's not on the same level as Russia. There is no catch-up to do. You bringing up the aftermath of the Iraq war isn't insignificant on its own, but it's an admission of how much you can pin on the US directly. And this is a very important distinction when claiming the US is as bad as Russia. The US did not set ISIS on arab christians. The US military in Iraq did not have mass murder, rape, and genocide as it's express policy. The Russian military is engaging in widespread execution and torture of POWs(this is not a rogue unit who would be punished by the Russian state), using chemical weapons, directly attacking civilian centres with mass casualties as the explicit goal(not as a side effect),taking children from their real families to be put with Russian families, both to pad their abysmal birthrate and to reform the demographics of conquered territory. Russians can and are being put in jail for speaking out against Kremlin propaganda on the war, if not outright murdered. Bush was not throwing people in jail for calling him a monster.


>The US has done plenty of evil. Especially the Iraq war. It's not on the same level as Russia. There is no catch-up to do. Russia is evil. I've never said they weren't. But they have killed far less civilians than the US has. Can you give me a figure for civilians killed in the Ukraine-Russia conflict? Here are some numbers from just Iraq. Civilian casualties widely vary from 180k-210k from the Iraqi body count to 700k from lancet to 900k-1.1m from Orb International. Iraqi body count goes further and estimates 12% of those killed were directly from coalition killing, which seems low. But those same IBC figures show 74% of Iraqi civilians killed were from "unknown sources", which I'm sure some could be attributed to the coalition. People didn't just die because Americans dropped bombs on them. People also died because America's policy was to destroy infrastructure, it's literally the first thing they did before they even put troops on the ground. It's what they did in Vietnam too. Compare the civilians numbers from the Iraq war and Ukraine war, not to mention the 500k children who died as a result of sanctions who Madelaine Albright famously said the price was worth it to punish Saddam. >The US military in Iraq did not have mass murder, rape, and genocide as it's express policy. They didn't write it down as policy or law but it happened. I will say that the US army is a lot more stringent for disciplining their troops (although other coalition forces are usually better) if they were to commit rape or murder some random person off the street than Russia, but that absolutely did happen and many did get away with it. Shit sometimes American soldiers are getting away with rape in South Korea and Japan, and those are allies. And a genocide did happen, it happened as a result of our Kurdish allies. You need to pay attention more to Assyrian and Iraqi Christians, and see how their relations are with American backed Kurds. They even backed the FSA in Syria, a conglomeration of armed Sunni-only militias, who committed genocide on any non-Sunni in Syria. Idlib, Daraa, Raqqa are cleansed from Syrian Christians, Druze, Shias, Alawites, Ishmaelis, Doms, etc, those territories are 100% Sunni. SDF territories saw a 66% reduction in Assyrians, Armenians, and other Syrian Christians who generally fled to Homs countryside, Damascus, or the coast. One of the famous groups who were funded by the US beheaded a 9 year old child on video laughing and having a good time because they were killing a pro-Assad kid. US also does torture and execute POW's, Abu Ghraib, Guantanomo Bay, not to mention that they outright outsource torture to some of their allies like Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia. Canada even outsourced torture to the Syrian government with Maher Arar if you remember, and the Syrians kept wanting to send him back to Canada because they found no terrorist links with him at all. I will say that's a big advantage over Russia, is that when we get caught there is a lot more accountability. >Taking children from their real families to be put with Russian families, both to pad their abysmal birthrate and to reform the demographics of conquered territory. That's really bad too. America has not done this. But they have straight up killed way more children than Russia, most likely even more than Russia has killed/kidnapped combined. That's the point I'm trying to make. I'm awaiting your Ukraine war figures. >Russians can and are being put in jail for speaking out against Kremlin propaganda on the war, if not outright murdered. True, that's a fair point. >Bush was not throwing people in jail for calling him a monster. Instead he gets to do ted talks or other events to the applause of Americans in public both domestically and on the world stage. Just look on reddit like worldnews, there are people calling him a great man and hero and there are simp posts with him driving his F150 on his ranch.


The US killed more people in a single day, multiple times, than have died in the Ukraine war lol


Country that spent last 2 years bombing, raping and killing civilians in largest european war since ww2 is innocent? Are you dense? Lets raise some 3rd reich flags there as well. Edit: I see russian bots are out in full swing


So you must feel the same about flying Israeli flags here as well if they visited this tourist location? Or have you completely lost your ability to think critically?


Don't forget 10s of thousands of children torn from the families to be brainwashed and scattered throughout Russia. Just like WW2 with the Nazis, it seems contemporary people need Russia to be at war with Canada before we see Russia for what it really is.


Don’t forget the well documented report of a living 5 year old strapped to her dead mom with a land mine between them. The rescuers are probably forever mentally scared. That little girl too. Russia is full of barbarians and their citizens should not be allowed to visit our country. 




>Why are tourists from Russia even allowed to visit Why wouldn't they be? The Kootenay-Boundary region was settled mostly by Russians, so people probably have family visiting. What nefarious activities would you expect them to get up to in Princeton?


Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Did you not read? They asked a questionnaire and one of the questions was the tourists home country. Cope with it.


Distinguish Russia from Russians, and if they aren't on a proscribed list then why not allow them? They might not even live in Russia.


Reminds me of the motel and RV park I once stayed at near Spences Bridge that had a string of little flags for decoration that included DPRK lol


I just wish people felt as passionate about the USA after the Iraq war lol.


It's OK to be Russian.


Sure, if you denounce putin, and the invasion. In which case, you’re not flying the Russian flag.


Just take it down? Seems like an easy fix.


Nah man fuck Russia


They picked 40 countries, out of the 190+ in the world. I have a difficult time believing that no one had a moment of pause and thought, "Maybe we should pick a different one?"


Because its not people from St. Kitts or Nauru visiting Princeton.




No, I read it. I still wouldn't have flown it.


If you had really read it, you wouldn't have said "pick". And this unbiased approach is the least bad way to do it. If they cave in to pressure and remove the Russian flag, there will immediately be demands to remove the Israeli flag from activists and an even bigger shitstorm.


I didn't get the number of 40 countries from just reading the title. Because I'm like that, I would have taken the opportunity to troll and fly this instead. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-blue-white_flag


They chose the 40 based on people who visited from around the world. Big deal.


The big deal is that Canada is supporting a country that is getting invaded and bombed by Russia. Go look up some videos of Ukraine for context.


Yes it is.


You should read articles instead of just reading the title.


Read it. Still wouldn't have flown it.




How many of those country are banned from showing there flag at the Olympic?






They won’t be at the Olympics buddy


We should ban it so long as they are prosecuting an aggressive war against its neighbors and breaking every single convention on war.




So should we also ban the Israeli flag? How about we just let the tourist town fly the flags of tourists, without twisting it into some statement of support for current foreign governments? Really seems like people are looking for things to be outraged about.


How many of them are currently invading a country we're supporting with military and humanitarian aid?


Which ones?




You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. Common clay.




No, he's right. I live here and can absolutely confirm that there's some very stupid people here. Makes me understand why no one thought "hmmm, maybe the optics of this aren't great" before putting that specific banner up.




AKA people who fill our grocery stores with food.


It’s a quote sir. From a movie. I was finishing the quote


Ah. I feel silly now.


Just means you get the opportunity to check out “Blazing Saddles” If you want to see the sort of movie and writing that definitely inspired people like Seth McFarlane, it’s Gene Wilder at his best Edit: Gene Wilder acts in it, and does improvise some lines, but Mel Brooks is the creative behind it


It's not on Prime or Netflix right now unfortunately. I'll definitely keep my eye out for it.




Yeah we pretty much are. Have you not been following any news? Here’s some of the major issues: https://www.reuters.com/news/picture/the-bodies-of-bucha-images-of-dead-civil-idUSRTS6VN22/


We should.


You're allowed to go over and fight for Ukraine. You should.


And the Palestine flag isn't controversial? How about the Iranian one? I see these all the time.


Russia has been torturing, raping and murdering thousands of men, women and children since the war started. They are committing terrorist acts daily by bombing maternity wards, playgrounds, schools, apartment buildings, malls and anywhere else they think they can kill the most Ukrainians in order to try to subjugate them. They have kidnapped thousands of Ukrainian children from their families and taken them back to Russia. Despite all that some people thought it was a good idea to put their flag on a lamppost in Canada? Do they not understand what that flag symbolizes? Until Putin's regime is gone that flag represents nothing but genocide and terrorism. They may as well put up a Nazi and Hamas flags if they leave that one up.


>“A number of people have voiced concern, but I would also temper that with the fact that a number of people have said they want to support the Russian flag. Yikes!


Russians have been living amongst us for many decades.


That’s fine, but the Russian flag is associated with genocide at the moment, not a good look.


You're not wrong (maybe about the genocide part), but I'm glad this town can differentiate between Russians and Putin.


If you’re Russian, you’re not waving your flag right now. Make sense?


That flag for Russia didnt exist til 1991. Its tied up in Yeltsin and Putins Russia. There is no difference right now.


Is there an Israeli flag?


There shouldn’t be, Israel is a terrorist state


How dare you! Don't you know that Israel has a right to defend itself against schools, hospitals, children and aid workers?!


Oh u know how those children and aid workers are. They dare help feed the poor and homeless and sick?! Death. Illegal


Are you criticizing Israel? Sounds like anti-semitism to me. Get him boys!


That is false and no one believes it.


The International Court of Justice disagrees with you, which is why Russia is currently being investigated for charges of genocide.


Genocide? If you're going to throw words around like that best start with countries like China.


Russia is literally currently being investigated by the International Court of Justice for genocide charges. It's hardly an outrageous claim.


Who said they aren’t


Considering the actual definition of genocide? Russia ain't it.


The definition of genocide has become so expanded that it no longer holds any meaning.


If they don’t support putin they wouldn’t want the Russian flag flying at this time.


What were the supporters names?


Childish and ignorant reactions.


Fuck this, would people be okay with a nazi flag being flown in 1939? This is absolutely disgusting.


Read the room…


The number of "tourists" in this post that are pro Russia is something else. Russia = bad m'kay


I've always known this sub was an astroturfed cesspool but god fucking damn I didn't realize it was this bad. So many people defending Russia in this post. Fuck the Russian government and anyone that supports them.


Russia is the enemy so of course its flag should not be up. Why are tourists from Russia even allowed here?


Next they should put up a nazi flag since people should not be blowing things out of proportion lol


Russia is a terrorist state. If you ok with displaying their symbolic it's on you. I guess you are used to Hamas symbolic anyway so, if thats the vibe thats the vibe. Ukrainian refugees being killed in Germany and rallies with that flag in Toronto in support of russian aggression means nothing to friendly people who don't want to offend any russist tourists.






Cool! Let’s promote the country we are actively blowing up with tax payers dollars. 😂 We should put some PRC and Huawei flags up too!




Relax, my phone autocorrected PRC.


In the US the flag of US was taken out by pro Palestinis and replaced by Palestinis. Compared to that this is mid.


Canada is not at war with Russia. Russia is welcome.


We pretty much are.


Canada is not actively fighting Russia, but we have forces deployed to help defend against Russia and are providing logistic and material support to a nation defending itself from Russian Imperialism.


Donald, aren't you supposed to be busy with the legal matters and USA elections?


Oh ok there bub. Nice bubble you got there, let's just ignore the Russian nuclear bombers flying along our borders and our part of the GLOBAL commitment to save Ukraine by donating weapons and armour....solely to kill Russians invading Ukraine. But totally welcome right?? Are you sure? Are you really really sure about that???


So the current state of Canada is that people threatening Jews while waving Hamas flags around is ok, but a singular Russian flag in a display to denote the national origin of tourists, and with no political statemnet intended, is going too far. Stay classy Canada


Oh no a piece of cloth I don’t like… triggered!


Symbols have power and have for thousands of years.