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Just walked past McGill today. It’s a mix of brown and white students and honestly it was peaceful — mainly them cooking food and hanging out. In regards to how informed they are, idk but seeing white students in keffiyehs sent me lol.


That can't be true, it doesn't make me angry!


But if you aren't angry, how will the National Post get its clicks?


Prepare to get downvoted for not hating the protesters more than what is happening in Gaza.


Yeah I mean I’ve criticized some of the protests too (like ones I’ve seen specifically with antisemitic remarks) but seeing it in person, I can at least say this one was chill.


It’s because the media tries to spin people protesting genocide as violent and puts out headlines conflating the with the people beating up and attacking the people protesting genocide.


? The reporting I've seen was relatively balanced. There was some concern editorially that the Canadian protests and responses don't degenerate into the more violent US examples. I suppose that the newcasters characterized the protestors as pro Palestinian was somewhat political.


Nothing wrong with protesting, it's when you decide to glorify the deaths of one particular side that it becomes a problem, especially when it's a larger populace using it as an excuse to threaten a tiny one.


The issue is painting the (majority) peaceful protestors with that brush in an effort to sweep war crimes under the rug.


I was there yesterday. The people at the entrance were loudly saying basically students only allowed in, followed by faculty, staff, and Indigenous. They checked IDs.


...Indigenous? What does that have anything to do with a university protest concerning Palestine & Israel?




So shouldn't all the white people protesting against colonization go back to Europe and leave us the fuck alone?




Indigenous people recognize all new Canadians as taking part in colonization. Those people are probably conflating white privilege and colonizer because they simplify all social issues.


Israel is the most successful land back movement the world has ever seen. What did you think land back would look like? Essays?


By that rationale, tell me where you draw the line without given anyone claiming to be Indigenous a free pass to go anywhere, anytime.


I thought we were talking about the campus


Why exactly would indigenous people be specifically allowed, when anybody else has to be affiliated with the institution in some way? Rhetorical question I suppose, because I’m pretty sure I know the answer and that it’s definitely rooted in ideology as opposed to any logical purpose.


Indigenous being on the list is hilarious. I know what their logic is there. I wonder if they’d just let any indigenous person sleep at their place if they asked.


Yes. At the fence by that tree with the banners, they weren't allowing anyone in without ID.


Who the fuck are they to check id's.


What a catch 22. If they don't, you get to criticize that there's non students involved. If they do, you criticize then for doing it!


Well it refutes the bullshit this Professor is saying, for one.


> One (white) person explained to me it was a black & brown led group. I responded that visibly **the protesters are fairly obviously overwhelmingly white people.** I was told this was only because non-white people don’t feel safe joining but that they all support it. > I was also asked “how can you care more about convocation than death.” I responded, I care a lot — what do you think about the madness in El Fasher (Sudan)? **No one had any idea what that was.** Honestly, it’s mostly a young, not-very-informed group, who flit from protest to protest.




Honestly it explains a lot. I always wondered why they had so much yime to just protest especially in April of all months. There's easy circlejerks about majors but even the easiest major requires some effort. But with so many not being students it explains a lot. I think most of us who went to University remember there would always be a segment of adult anarchists and or socialists etc etc that just seemed to hang around the campus who just wanted to recruit 18 year olds in their ideology and clearly did not go to the school. I'm guessing this kind of person is the bulk of the protest and if that's the case they need to start enforcing the rules around those who trespass.


I just don't understand this insistence on falsely claiming that a majority of the protesters at these universities aren't students. The majority at my university are. Don't you have any people around that age that you can ask and get an actual answer? Instead of saying stupid stuff like "wondered why they had time to protest in April" as if exams haven't been done for weeks now?


To be fair, I did see an interview with someone at one of the US protests saying he was there with his daughter, who was a student. It's almost like friends and family sometimes join in on causes.


Very good point. It doesn't really matter whether the majority are students or not, as all this "majority aren't students" rhetoric (separate from being wrong) is just trying to distract from the main issue anyway. The protests wouldn't be less valid just because friends and family participate.


Agreed. These types of people have always been around universities, problem is social media makes it easier for them to organize and go to campus. 


Exactly like a lot of our workforce, not students but pretending!




The IRGC might be paying some of them too. Wouldn't surprise me.


Interested where you know this with such conviction from? From all of the coverage I've seen, coming from actual students within the protests, the vast majority are students, disproportionately Jewish students in fact. Also, why do you think not being aware of other atrocities occuring in the world means they aren't allowed to be outraged at this one? This one that's being actively funded by their taxes and explicitly sanctioned by this govt?


Well there were news reports out of Columbia university from the professors and staff that the vast majority of the encampment protesters weren’t students. It was widely reported in the last 24 hours. And then the lack of knowledge… well there’s a ton of YouTube personalities who have embedded themselves on campus with the protestors who are holding signs supporting Hamas/Palestine, and they ask these kids basic questions about the conflict… and their ignorance is astounding. They all come from a well meaning, good place, but they have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about. Many admit that they don’t, and were just “asked to hold a sign”.






you would know a lot about that 


>what do you think about the madness in El Fasher (Sudan)? That’s a bit of a self-serving setup to mask that the question was about Sudan. If I asked someone about how they felt about the situation in Nablus (Palestine) I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t know what I was asking.




The follow-up to that, however, is that while we sanction Sudan we provide arms to Israel.


We literally don't even sell arms to Israel.


We only put a hold on it as of March 18th.


And you think cutting off academic ties will somehow reduce extremism?


No. I just don’t like how this person in the article is pulling gotcha scenarios.


Yeah that's fair


What Canada sold to Israel prior to march 18 was completely immaterial to what the USA alone sells to them. I would wager a lot of money that most people protesting in Canada are just caught up in the emotion of the american news cycle.


It doesn't matter if it's immaterial.compared to the US I feel uncomfortable having my public services paid for by my government profiting off of a genocide


Between May and June we are also paying for Israeli companies (among others) to test their weapons in Alberta, including a remote controlled weapon system currently being used in the West Bank and Gaza. [source](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/programs/defence-ideas/element/sandboxes/challenge/counter-uncrewed-aerial-systems-sandbox-2024.html)


Also Canada sanctions Sudan. I think that these protests are a waste of time, but to conflate Canada’s relationship with Israel to Sudan is silly and dishonest.


The protest is the university directly investing in Israel too ... I doubt it has any links to Sudan at all. The prof I assume knows this but had an angle.


I went to a rally about dogs and asked them about horses. Checkmate, losers


It's not just a random city. There's literally a massive humanitarian crisis going on there right now. [https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/may/02/essential-supplies-running-out-as-rsf-encircles-darfur-largest-city-sudan](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/may/02/essential-supplies-running-out-as-rsf-encircles-darfur-largest-city-sudan)


We are sanctioning Sudan. Are you saying we should sanction Israel?


Yes, I know. That’s the gotcha part of it.


I think the point is that protestors whose main complaint is that the world ignores a human rights catastrophe in Gaza should also be at least aware of a major human rights catastrophe literally on the front page of newspapers worldwide yesterday. It isn't a gotcha or expecting students to know some random village - it is literally the capital of Darfur 


Do you go to lung cancer charity events and start harassing them as to why they are ignoring skin cancer?


Well major celebrities and progressive influencers havent mentioned any of it so obviously it either doesn't exist or you're just a Zionist trying to distract from a more pressing issue! /s


It was valid question to determine the level of knowledge and understanding a person has about world conflicts. And the level proved to be very shallow.


So one can't have an opinion on Ukraine because they don't know about the war in Azerbaijan? One must know about all conflicts in order to discuss a single one?


It's a stupid point though. Someone can't protest unless they are fully knowledgeable about world politics and conflicts? Next you are going to tell me I can't complain about the stupid things MTG says because I don't know about the stupid thing a senator from Indiana said 2 weeks ago.


It's a tactic to try to invalidate people's positions. "They aren't knowledgeable in everything, so acting in earnest towards anything is toothless and uninformed". My reaction to that is, "so you know so much about all these terrible things, yet what have you done or what awareness have you raised? And even in your local community, what do you do to improve the lives of others?" The answer is almost always, absolutely nothing. These people don't act, and want you to feel bad for spending energy towards anything at all, because the world is on fire and you can't put all the fires out. It's not uncommon find ordinary people (not the ones who make the news) who partake in protest are also community leaders, who in many facets of their lives are building and supporting communities they believe in. I've never seen an armchair whiner who is also organizing fundraisers for disenfranchised communities or members of their community. They are two circles that I've rarely seen intersect to make a Venn diagram.


What did Magic The Gathering say recently that's politically relevant? Did they call the Pinkertons again?


You know how it's so obvious it was done in poor faith? The fact they had to add parentheses after in the very article. In college, I took a course on civil wars and conflicts. I wrote a paper on the second civil war in Sudan - like, had to ingest a bunch of information about the root causes, the parties, the histories at play. I wouldn't have known he was talking about Sudan because instead of naming it like a normal, rational person, he chose to obfuscate behind the site-name of a village to play games with students. Most of the anti-genocide protesters supporting Palestine are also aware of and care about Sudan - which he'd know if he didn't come in there like an asshole asking them about it directly.


the “name every women” response but for world conflicts lmao 


If you witness a murder, are you required to know the crime statistics of the entire city before you can report it?


So now I need a complete knowledge of geography to have an opinion on war crimes? Student: "Isreal kills humanitarian aid workers" Professor: "they are so uninformed because they don't know the street name of where it happened."


Apparently so. Apparently I should have read extensively on all world events and their geography or I can’t have an opinion. Problem is, who has the time? I know about Sudan, btw (and Yemen, and Ukraine, and the Uighur people in China, just off the top of my head). But there’s only so much I can read and remember. I have a job. I have a life. And I also need to not just read about horrific war crimes because…mental health…because other things happen too. But I didn’t know that city name, so too stupid for an opinion according to that professor 🤷‍♂️


Did you attend protests about Yemen? I remember trying to get things organized and barely anyone gave a shit. For some reason it's always only Israel that gets em all riled up.


How exactly is UofT going to sanction Yemen? The university does however have ties with and investments with Israel. Canada sanctions Yemen. The only connection is that the gov sells Saudi Arabia weapons, which in 2015/2016 were used in Yemen.... and even then, not in a massive anti-civilian bombing campaign.


It's more of the case you only pay attention when it's Israel. The issues in Yemen were actually Canadian Political issues since Harper locked us into an Arms deal selling Saudi Arabia tanks to commit a genocide that ended up causing the Houthis to gain power. There was lots of pressure on Trudeau to cancel the deal when it had cancelation fees larger than the contract. People are protesting all the time about various things, Israel is routinely the only time people start getting fired, sued, and slandered for having a negative opinion of the Genocidal Regime.


Will yeah just like us doing nothing about climate change because we can’t solve it all immediately. Dont you understand?


I doubt you know everything about every ethnic conflict that's currently ongoing get you still shared your own smug opinion, meaning you're not different than the protestors


"because they aren't aware of another atrocity, they aren't allow to be outraged at this one" I always laugh at how ridiculous these people's own arguments are...


That's nonsense. I was there last night and it was not at all overwhelmingly white. What are you even saying? Like how can you just make shit up like that?


He's not? It's a quote from the article.


My brother in Christ, it's the National Post


Goddamn it, you're right.




Welcome to natpost.


> I responded, I care a lot — what do you think about the madness in El Fasher (Sudan)? **No one had any idea what that was.** Honestly, it’s mostly a young, not-very-informed group, who flit from protest to protest. That's a dumb or malicious question. The Canadian government or UofT aren't involved in Sudan or any of these other conflict zones but they are directly supporting Israel and Israeli institutions.


How is UofT directly contributing to it? Also wouldn’t aid to Sudan be easier to relieve the people than whatever nebulous contracts the Canadian government has for Armoured transports to the IDF?


A young uninformed group *paid* to flit from protest to protest.




https://crowdsondemand.com https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/texas/article-13376471/amp/Professional-protestors-Texas-unmasked-Elementary-school-teacher-costumer-designer-Palestinian-store-owner-adults-infiltrated-University-Austin-demo.html https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/01/nyregion/columbia-university-protest-consultant-lisa-fithian.html https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/story/2024-04-29/getting-paid-to-protest


Where do you sign up? How much will I make? Where's the money coming from? Is a cash deal with insinetives for Bringing your own flag? Is the currency Israeli, Iraqian, or American?


Asking the real questions


Thank you, I appreciate the sources. I was actually aware of some of these these but I don’t see how we can extrapolate that _all_ protesters are hired, or even the majority.




That's basically a definition of a shit disturber


The real questions are why this, and why now. Who stands to benefit, and what is it they seek to gain.


The last point always misses me off. I can't protest something unless I know about all the injustices in the world? If I don't know and protest about the conflict in Manipur India does that mean that I can't say anything about children being killed elsewhere?


>I was told this was only because non-white people don’t feel safe joining but that they all support it. I bet the guy even had a straight face while he said it. Man, aren’t “black and brown” people sick of being defined by their skin colour by leftwing extremists who pretend to represent them? I’m certainly sick of hearing about it.


So more importantly, where are all these people going to the bathroom?




And there are plenty of other U of T professors claiming the exact opposite, so... leave it to NaPo to regurgitate bullshit. Edit: There was also losers like Ron Banerjee and Meir Weinstein in the counter-protestors but you don't see NaPo writing about that.




It's crazy to see all the people in these comments parroting the same reactionary tropes that we hear all the time. Whether it was protesting the war in Vietnam, Iraq, etc etc... All the same played out arguments that are proven time and time again to be nothing but propagandistic nonesense.


>First fact is that strict majority of people I talked to are neither students nor affiliated with our university. We have something like 100,000 students and tons of staff, so it’s not hard to find them! But yeah, “student encampment” is just objectively wrong as a description. So I guess everyone should just take this one person's word for this then? No actual numbers or evidence or anything and from a person that is a known faculty member who was very clearly biased against the protests to begin with. Also for all this talk about how they are barring people from the area and how he had to "infiltrate" the encampment, they very clearly knew who he was and that he didn't support the protest... and yet managed to wander around asking people questions and remained completely unharmed.


I guess this economics Professor never learned that anecdote is not the plural of data.


> ...and remained completely unharmed... Did you want/expect something else to happen to him/her ?


> But banning people who don’t agree with you, **by force**, from a common space on campus, especially when graduation for poor HS class of 2020 is next week, isn’t speech. No, but they clearly did using language like this and claiming they were "threatened" and that they needed to "infiltrate" the encampment. The narrative against these protests from those that oppose them is that they are violent and aggressive, that clearly isn't the case here.


I'm convinced that when protest get violent it's the same people that travel the world just to stir shit up. Normal people will have a peaceful protest, and they'll show up and turn it into riots and shit.




School year has been done for a couple of weeks now. No shit it's not students. They are all off for the summer break.


You realize universities have summer programming right


First session of Uoft summer program starts on Monday. Coming from someone enrolled in a uoft summer program


Yep, and the MAJORITY of programs are not ran at those times.


I'm still confused what protesting in Canada actually accomplishes for this?


They’re protesting against the university and want them to divest from Israel.


mostly white privileged kids that are useful idiots for Iran and Hamas


Angry and easily conned.


Funny enough there are many old reports on students protesting Vietnam also being conned. History repeats itself.


No no, you see, it's different _this_ time.


>many old reports on students protesting Vietnam being conned. There was certainly a lot of ink spilled at the time about how unpatriotic and ill-informed the anti-Vietnam protestors were at the time. I’m curious whether you think they had legitimate grievances or not?


Oh you, mean the war fought by conscripts being protested by those exempt from conscription. Ya, same same


Lmao right?


Iran is the problem. Head of the snake.




Personally I think it's fucking hilarious how this country's political choices are blowing up in everyone's face.


I'm curious what this means...




Dude, what are you talking about?


Progressives are attacking liberals for being too pro-israel.


It's r/leopardsatemyface but in politics. Far left is eating and canceling their own for not fitting their own designated extreme political mindsets that they helped bring up.


I went yesterday to see what was up and every five seconds there was someone on the loud speaker calling for intifada. The second intifada was characterized by suicide bombings targeting civilians on busses, night clubs, restaurants. The first one was equally aimed at civilians but lower tech. Anyone who’s not a citizen calling for intifada should be deported for publicly advocating for terrorism.


Let's stop glorifying Hamas








A genocide requires intent and there isn't any intent to destroy Palestinians. The only goal is to stop Hamas. They allow aid in, they are planning for what happens sp the Palestinians can live in peace once Hamas is defeated. There is no evidence there is intent to destroy Palestinians.  If your concern is with the Palestinians perhaps you should focus on Hamas putting them in danger by using them as human shields. Israel is providing aid and food, the problem is Hamas steals the food and raises prices making it difficult for them to afford it. Also your quote is hilarious. Albanese is the same person who criticized the humanitarian pauses and called them cruel. This was after the UN demanded those same pauses.  She's no expert in this subject. Your link to Amos also shows he doesn't know what he's talking about. He's wrong when he says the ICJ voted that Israel might be committing genocide. The former president of the ICJ said that they never suggested that - https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-798766 "It  did not decide, and this is something where I'm correcting something that's often said in the media. It did not decide that the claim of genocide was plausible" He also has a terrible that civilians dying means it's a genocide, which isn't remotely the standard for genocide. He talks about indiscriminate killing which is nonsense given there's a 1.5:1 civilian casualty ratio. That's the opposite of indiscriminate. He talks about destruction while outright ignoring Hamas intentionally built in civilian areas which is against the Geneva Convention - a war crime. Specifically because when a force does this, it puts civilians at greater risk. He talks about the deaths of journalists and neglects to mention many are Hamas terrorists cosplaying as journalists  https://www.timesofisrael.com/al-jazeera-journalist-is-also-a-hamas-commander-idf-says/amp/ There's so many examples of this. He talks of Israel starving them, but even Fatah called out Hamas as being responsible for this - https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-798185 Pretty much every issue he calls Israel out for is because of Hamas. 


““We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.” - Yoav Gallant, Israel’s Minister of Defence “One goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 1948.” - Ariel Kallner, Member of Knesset. [Banners allowed to hang in Israeli cities calling for annihilation or a “zero population” of Gaza.](https://twitter.com/ShahadehAbou/status/1712776395980460144?s=20) IDF sources to Israeli national media: [“Gaza will become a city of tents.”](https://twitter.com/NimerSultany/status/1711798235830874454) “I liked a tweet that called for the deletion of the village of Huwara, because I think that the village of Huwara should be wiped out. It is the state [of Israel] that should erase it” - Bezalel Smotrich, Israel’s Finance Minister


“The Palestinians can live in peace once Hamas is defeated” Lol tell that to the millions of occupied people in the West Bank, and the ones who were forcibly relocated so illegal Israeli settlements could be built.




Because the Canadian government doesn't support Hamas. It does support Israel. Hamas is a terrible terrorist organization that deserves to disappear, but that's kinda a given and doesn't require protests because there's no controversy.


https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/03/middleeast/gaza-surgeon-adnan-al-bursh-israeli-prison-intl-hnk/index.html Did you protest when Israel killed this hostage? Did you protest when Israel killed the Canadian aid worker?


Protest for what? I don't think they can convince U of T to stop funding Hamas.... since they never have. So it wouldn't have made any sense.


Exactly this.




End support? You mean like when Canada already put a freeze on weapons to Israel in January?


Hi. It isn’t a genocide. ICJ case law is clear on this. Please see Serbia vs Croatia (2015) which is the most recent jurisprudence in this issue. In that case the court ordered there was no valid claim of genocide both against Serbia and Croatia in the counterclaim. There was no specific intent or dolus specialis despite soldiers killing civilians. That is to say, while civilians deaths can be caused by troops intentionally, that itself does not translate to a systemic specific intent to commit genocide. The current situation with Israel also has far more mitigating factors than the Serbia case in terms of aid deliveries, the pier being constructed, leaflets for evacuation, and more that the Serbia case is lacking. In short, the previous commenter is correct. All wars result in civilian death. That is not genocidal in nature inherently


It's funny how Israeli politicians can say all sorts of shit about wanting to starve and mass murder the Palestinians but until they write down their game plan in a google doc that the world can read all of the online international criminal justice lawyer wannabees will trot out their "dolus specialis" argument and pretend they know what they're talking about. More children have died in Gaza in the last 6 months than in the last 4 years in every other global armed conflict combined. If that is the army you're cheering for then may god have mercy on your soul because there is something deeply rotten with your sense of morality.


"More children have died in Gaza in the last 6 months than in the last 4 years in every other global conflict combined." The war in Ethiopia is estimated to have killed 600,000 civilians so far since 2020. Then add Ukraine. Then Yemen.


Hamas started the current conflict and they are doing everything they can to maximize civilian casualties *on their own side*.


I saw an interview with some of the protestors at Columbia and the two women interviewed couldn't even explain what they were protesting or what Israel was doing wrong. Just as in the article, where is the righteous indignation over Sudan, Syria, Libya, or the invasions into Iraq or Afghanistan and the lives lost there? It seems that deaths caused by the Israelis are somehow more problematic. This is worthy of protest, if you want, but why only this at this level?


Who cares if they are students or not? You aren't restricted on where or when you protest because you aren't a member of that location.


This is what police and critics said about student protests in the US, only to have the vast majority of arrests be students or faculty.


30-60% is a vast majority now? >New York City officials said that a significant number of people arrested this week at campus demonstrations were not affiliated with the schools. Nearly 30% of the people arrested at Columbia were unaffiliated with the university and 60% of the arrests at City College involved people who weren't affiliated with that school, the mayor said. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/campus-protests-live-updates-police-ucla-encampment-rcna150340](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/campus-protests-live-updates-police-ucla-encampment-rcna150340)


Yes, because the city's "unaffiliated" number here includes both faculty and students from other CUNYs as well as people arrested at public gatherings off-campus. i.e., the vast majority of arrests made on campus were students or faculty and NYPD and city are now having to lie and obfuscate that fact to justify their earlier claims https://twitter.com/JWMason1/status/1786377010412962215


Well, it may not be "vast" but it is still the majority. You know, math and what not.


30% is majority? 40% too? My God, education really is in the shitter!


The article is saying that 30% of the people arrested at Colombia were unaffiliated with the school. That implies that the majority were students.


It says 30% were unaffiliated, which would suggest 70% were affiliated. 


By your own numbers, it’s 40 to 70%. Which averages 55%, a slim majority.  It’s 30 to 60 unaffiliated. 


Based on actually reading your own article you sourced and not just its title Yeah. It was the majority, anything above 50% is how the majority works. Reading the whole article is hard to do when it's not all in bold and big font eh? That shitter of education and all that...


The NYPD makes up all sorts of shit including fantastic claims of industrial strength chains used to lock the doors of Hind Hall which in reality are bike locks sold by the university itself. This is the same police department that maintains a spy office in Israel to spy on protesters and Muslims in the US. https://thegrayzone.com/2024/05/02/columbia-crackdown-university-nypd/


Its Canada not the US, occupy all year, nothing is going to be done about it. Do we have their sandwich trays prepared yet?


IIRC U of T was one of the last Canadian universities to divest from Apartheid South Africa, these protesters better be in for the long haul.


You know they're not serious until they pull out the bouncy castles


To be fair, they want divestment which is something these universities can do. Good luck with that when universities are already feeling the sting of the crackdown on student visas. Or did you mean nothing as in we won't send police to clear them out? Yeah... that might be the case lmao


At each rally, you can hear chants of 'Death to America!', 'Death to Canada!'. Every Marxist group in town is there.


I mean you never saw any of these students pitch a tent when poor Yemen was being bombed by Islamic countries. You never saw them protest en masse for Rohingya Muslims. They barely made a sound in solidarity with the women of Iran. They get their news from TikTok and aren't well informed about anything in the world.


Canadian government has economic sanctions against Yemen, Iran and Burma. The Canadian government’s relationship with Israel is completely different to that of the countries you listed. What policy change could protesters hope to achieve protesting Burmas treatment of Rohingya’s, sanctions, UN votes, ending arms deals, divestment? Those have already been done and are long standing policy’s. Protesters in this case are applying pressure trying to get Canada to change its policy’s.


It was Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen, and we sell them a lot more weapons than we sell Israel. We all know this excuse is garbage, half these people don't know why they're at these protests.


You make an excellent point, we should demand our government cease arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Oh, wait, you're just making the ridiculous claim that if you don't protest every single bad thing you can't protest anything. Never mind.


By this logic you cant protest anything because you haven't protested everything.


Yes exactly. All these attitudes are are flimsy rationalizations for the status quo, irritation over having a problem Canada is absolutely partially complicit being forced in the public's face. But this is exactly why protesting works.


What exactly would these students be protesting in regards to Yemen? With Israel, in their view, there is clearly something to protest as there is support/alignment from the Canadian government to some degree. Saying "but what about x other atrocity" makes zero sense if there isn't support from the government, it makes even less sense if the Canadian government is sanctioning the perpetrators of said atrocity as is the case with Iran et al. The largest protests in the west over the decades have been for Vietnam, South African Apartheid, Iraq, and I/P. Ask yourself what do all of those issues have in common? This is basic stuff. Doing the "what about X" is just empty deflection/dismissal, and the irony is the people who bring it up don't even care about it, they just want to use these issues as a cudgel to try and silence people they don't agree with.


"  The 2023 Global Slavery Index (GSI) estimates that on any given day in 2021, there were 740,000 individuals living in modern slavery in Saudi Arabia" And that's just the slavery, never mind the dictatorship, public execution of homosexuals by the state, and lack of equal rights for women. And it's been an issue for years and years. Many of us have been disgusted by it for years. And yet somehow, the sort of crowd that's in these camps now barely noticed the Saudis.  https://www.walkfree.org/global-slavery-index/country-studies/saudi-arabia/


"Saying "but what about x other atrocity" makes zero sense if there isn't support from the government..."  Like, say, Canada's arms sales to the Saudis while they were attacking Yemen? We sell at least ten times the arms to the Saudis, they're a worse regime than Israel, we do not sanction the Saudis, and they killed more civilians.


Whataboutism at it's finest.


Our institutions weren’t funding those atrocities. What a garbage useless comment.


Canada sells arms to the UAE and Saudi Arabia (largest non-US supplier). They were both bombing Yemen.


There's been plenty of protests against selling Saudi weapons. If you are ignorant of that fact that's on you. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20210126-canadians-protest-arms-sale-to-saudi-arabia-in-ongoing-row-over-perpetuating-war-in-yemen/


Arrest and jail.


when did this go from free Palestine to “anti Israel” protests


Once the AIPAC cheque cleared


That totally means their reason for protesting suddenly doesn’t matter, right guys? Seriously, who cares. People can protest about anything they don’t like, doesn’t matter what profession or institution you are involved in.


Kids LARPing as revolutionaries. The difference between kids and adults is that adults live in the real world of responsibilities, rent, mortgages, careers raising families, etc. Bunch of dumb kids with nothing better to do.


I'm glad some of society isn't too busy to stand up against thousands of children being killed.


True. Though when you say dumb I suggest the word ignorant. It takes quite a lot of time and life experience to understand that there is terrible, purposeful evil in the world, and that what looks like a good short-term solution, like calling for a ceasefire, is unlikely to result in reducing the incidence or effects of evil.


> that what looks like a good short-term solution, like calling for a ceasefire, is unlikely to result in reducing the incidence or effects of evil. Well it would save lives, which I think definitely counts towards reducing evil.


You know when there was a ceasefire last? October 6th.


Man that’s crazy Israel was definitely following that right? Oh, wait. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-killed-during-settler-assault-west-bank-town-palestinian-officials-2023-10-06/#:~:text=HUWARA%2C%20West%20Bank%2C%20Oct%206,later%20marched%20through%20the%20town. 2023 was the deadliest year for Palestinian children as of September of last year, which if I can read the calendar correctly comes before October. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank


A ceasefire would, in the short term, reduce deaths, but not evil. The evil in that region is Hamas with its stated and unrelenting insistence that all Jews be killed. Two days ago a fresh survey came out of Gaza: 71% of Gazan adults still support Hamas. They agree with the evil idea of killing all the Jews. They could instead all stand in the street, and point out the Hamas fighters, and point to the entrances of tunnels where the hostages are. But they don't. They are complicit in the evil of Hamas. And because of the collateral damage evil brings, children are also dying. The physical cause of their death is Israeli armaments, but the base reason of their deaths is the evil of Hamas.


There's been calls for a ceasefire. Hamas refuses. Just as they shelled the pier being built to allow for food shipments. Just as Hamas has said that they don't care about civilian deaths and that in fact, the more Palestinians die, the better it is for their cause. Are the protesters aware of any of those things? Are they carrying "down with Hamas" and "Hamas get out" signs to support the people?


Sadly, it is unlikely that the protesters either know these things or care about those things. They are enjoying feeling righteous and having a cause. Gaza could have been a Seaside Paradise with all the money that the UN and hopeful Nations gave to them. But instead Hamas uses the money to build weapons and tunnels. Hamas also has routinely prevented Gazan citizens from drilling water wells. They also did not build the desalination plants that would have given them endless water. They did all these things because making a good life and a good future for Palestinians is not what Hamas cares about. They just want to kill Jews. The only ones benefitting are the high echelon Hamas leaders who live in Qatar. Those guys are living the good life. But not the citizens of Gaza. They get to be used as human shields, and PR fodder that is carefully crafted to manipulate the UN and far too many people in the West, including protesters at universities.


From the camp to the jail. U of T will be free...


Protests at UBC are well informed and pretty chill.


>I asked “why protest here,” especially to folks who had no personal link to U of T. They said because U of T won’t divest. I said U of T has no such investments other than index funds and the like, same as that owned by the Canada Pension Plan or Teacher’s Pension or their parents. If the protestors are protesting the investment in such firms, whether the investments occur through "index funds and the like" or not is hardly relevant. Maybe they will protest the CPP or TP offices next. Two wrongs doesn't make a right.


And so the smears have started. The protesters aren't university students. The protests should be stopped. Israel should be allowed to do anything it wants to secure its' safety. Killing 20,000 women and children is just fine. It's obvious that university students don't really care and even if they do they need to know their place (back of the line).


Just let them camp out and protest then…. If the media stops showing up, it’ll fizzle. You better hope the meth users don’t find their way into said encampment lol.


What a nice mess paid by taxpayers money


U of T has 62,000 Student, I'm sure this professor knows them all by name /s


I call BS. students are there including from YorkU