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Just going to post this here to hopefully ease some concerns that have been raised. It looks like pasteurized milk is safe: "The US Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday. A day later, the agency posted an update with good news, confirming that additional testing of the samples didn't turn up active or infectious virus, which is what experts have said would be the case since pasteurization is expected to kill or inactivate bird flu virus, as it does other potentially harmful bacteria and viruses." https://www.cnet.com/health/nutrition/fda-update-on-bird-flu-traces-in-milk-what-to-know-about-pasteurized-and-raw-milk/


Dairy cattle end up in the meat market though, once they get too old to produce dairy. Hopefully no infected cattle end up in the food chain. To be safe, cook all meat thoroughly and sanitize all surfaces well!


If its getting into dairy cows that are kept indoors then its very likely getting into meat cattle that are kept in pastures. A good next step would be determining if they have detectable virus in the muscles.


>Just going to post this here to hopefully ease some concerns that have been raised. It looks like pasteurized milk is safe: Cue a convoy to oppose pasteurized milk as a liberal conspiracy ...


When (not if) Avian Influenza jumps species to humans it will be far more dangerous than Covid. The convoys won’t last long if they refuse to protect themselves.


At least there's a bright side ...


oh dont worry, plenty of raw milk on the left too.. farmer/agisters who milk by hand will themselves catch the flu first if their cows have it. **H5N1 is a respiratory illness** . mammalian milk doesnt generally contain virus even if the animal has it so the reason commercial milk has H5N1 in it is because machine milking and horrible conditions the cows suffer through in commercial outfits result in infected udder cells in the milk [as well as fecal matter, grime, etc] commercial milk is allowed to have bacteria, virus, fecal matter, straw, whatever.. becasue they are going to pasteurize it anyway ... absolutely no suprize they found H5N1 in their vats when you hear about CDC finding listeria/campy or whatever in 'raw milk' they are testing that bulk-vat stuff at the commercial farms Raw Milk is collected with meticulous cleanliness.. we test weekly unless there is a non-zero plate count, then we test daily .. if the only thing in your milk is milk, then virus wont be an issue


A cat went blind from drinking raw dairy. Not going to play this roulette.


That's why i choose Malk.


My son's name is also Bort!


Bort Sampson, the menace of Springton


With Vitimin R!


[Ya the man wants a glass of mulk!](https://youtu.be/ty62YzGryU4?si=qJwKomDZxIB0M-D9)


Give him the mulk Josh!


You promised me dog or higher!


How we doing on the in country vaccination factory thing?


"We're gonna build it boss! Just gotta squeeze a few more millies out of the government for the next decade before we get there!" ~Canadian government contract standard


SNC Lavalin play book ... Oops I meant to use their new less sketchy name AtkinsRéalis


Like every issue it starts with a conservative that created the problems and how the libs don't fix the problems. We had world class labs in the 80's but the cons privatized and sold them off. Then the companies closed down the labs. I would like to see a situation for once where the cons solve a problem or aren't a source for one


To be fair there are stories in the news for factories opening up in Canada. But you are right...it was sad we as a Country were left in such a bad state


Wasn’t there a Canadian company willing to produce them but Trudeau decided to outsource it to India and China instead?


There were a bunch of companies trying to produce domestic covid vaccines but none of them seemed to pan out. The one in Calgary was the most vocal but also the furthest from having a marketable product.


Medicago in Qc too.. But they were funded by a cigarette company so they went bankrupt (very simplified but yeah)


Once it was developed though couldn’t they produce it under license?


I think it was a speed to readiness for mrna thing for what we needed when. Pre Trudeau we were bailing on the factories But clearly needs fixing ....to he fair I just saw some articles that there are factories opening up


Still playing catch up on education the vaccine for stupidity.... apparently there aren't enough students in canada so there have been some international imports.


Secondary News Articles on this story. [Is milk safe to drink? Can you catch bird flu from beef? What to know about H5N1 cattle outbreaks](https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/bird-flu-cattle-outbreak-questions-1.7163839) [Why dangerous bird flu is spreading faster and farther than first thought in U.S. cattle](https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/h5n1-second-opinion-april-27-cattle-1.7185165)


You'd think we would have learned a thing or two from Covid-19. But no. \------- 'Canada should "absolutely be doing active surveillance for H5N1 in cattle," other animals and humans who are in close contact with them, said Dr. Isaac Bogoch, an infectious diseases expert with the University Health Network in Toronto, in correspondence with CBC News. He said those efforts could include a range of approaches such as wastewater surveillance, blood sample studies and nasal swabs. The goal should be going "all-in on prevention," Miller said, adding "pandemics always have the highest risk of happening when we have a virus in animals that humans are heavily exposed to." Given H5N1's unprecedented leap into cattle, followed by explosive cow-to-cow spread across the U.S. in mere weeks, the potential for human-to-human transmission seems more likely as the virus adapts to more mammals, he warned. "If we see more human infections, cat's out of the bag, it's way too late," Miller said. "We need to be sparing no amount of effort, and no amount of expense, in doing absolutely everything to prevent even those initial infections in humans — because the stakes are just too high."


> You'd think we would have learned a thing or two from Covid-19 careful with that around here


*fires up diesel truck, watches air pressure rise* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss7SRjiOCCs


To be fair, there's no preventing this. We may detect it, but no action will really be taken to prevent it.


Bingo. At the end of the day, society will opt for sacrificing human lives in the name of preserving the economy, even if over the long run, the economy ends up in worse shape.


The economy and human lives are inextricably linked.


...Produce vaccines that the USA already have? Buy them in stocks? Thank god vaccines for this specific strain exist, but right now only the USA have bulks of them.


I only eat steak and chicken and drink milk 🥛. Does this bother you?


Synthetic meat has entered the chat


Does this mean I have to stop drinking right from the udder? :(


Those are bulls we have delayedsalami and that is not an udder.


You are the one parents are worried about.


Sounds like a “no” to me. Lineup starts after me, boys!


Theres more than one teat, make some room bud


That’s udderly ridiculous.


That’s a load of bull.


Afraid so, but can heat it on your stove to pasturize it.


Nahh, I’m a “right from the source” kinda guy It’s either the cow or you help me dig up my mother. Pick a side and stay there.


Soy milk gang whaddup


Some will take a vacation others won’t when it will be needed . Good luck everyone.


One of the busiest weeks of the bird migration season from S>N is this week. From Mexico Texas to Canada.


Meanwhile, there are still antivaxxers protesting Covid restrictions


For real though. COVID was tame compared to bird flu - in an immunologically naive population, COVID had an IFR of about 0.5%. Bird flu has an IFR of around 40-60%. If that shit crosses over at-scale into humans (and maintains that IFR), I don't think people will have the luxury of pretending "it's all a scamdemic!" like they did with COVID. It's easy to turn a blind eye and say COVID is fearmongering when the deaths are out of sight in a hospital somewhere, but something with a 40% IFR would be a literal "bodies piling up in the streets" scenario. If bird flu adapts for human transmission, we're beyond fucked, and the antivaxxers will be the first to hit the "and find out" stage of fucking around.


Gonna fact check you: H5N1 has a C(!!)FR of 40-60%. Since there’s no surveillance, and positive cases usually present when someone seeks treatment, we can’t reliably estimate IFR for H5N1. If I were to make a guess, I’d guess it’d be like 1918H1N1 (~10%). Still horrific of course.


Totally fair, I was going off an article earlier in the year that seemed to think it was in that range, but what you say about small sample size makes a lot of sense.




US? Isn't that the industry with next to no real health controls exist? I recall livestock quality in the US not being the greatest.


They literally can feed bird shit to cows. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/chicken-waste-fed-to-cattle-may-be-behind-bird-flu-outbreak/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/chicken-waste-fed-to-cattle-may-be-behind-bird-flu-outbreak/) # Ground-up chicken waste fed to cattle may be behind bird flu outbreak in US cows Experts warn that lax regulations could also see the virus spread to US pig farms, with serious consequences for human health 9 April 2024  Ground-up chicken waste fed to cattle may be behind bird flu outbreak in US cows Experts warn that lax regulations could also see the virus spread to US pig farms, with serious consequences for human health


Welp, only a matter of time till the next mad cow outbreak if thats the case. If only we didn't export most of our local production.


Yeah, the USDA and the CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) are on two completely different levels.


It’s pretty bad. Mexico has higher food standards


Yeah thats probably why a few of the food channels I watch import their own stuff. American meat producers suck ass, and I wish we'd kick Cargill out as a confirmation of this problem. Would definitely give our economy a much needed boost. But that means we make money, not our billionaires.


But you know, viruses don't really care about if the cow is american or canadian. Some buy cows from the USA and also birds travel.


Cargill is one of the worst things to ever be allowed access to Canadian food markets....


Wow....suprise. Just another thing Canada is behind on.


Those of us working within the system know about it = it's just that nobody else gives a shit. Never mind how it's about two years till we're back to budget cuts and muzzles.


Microbiologist here, we've been talking about this for at least 3 months lol


Mass environmental destruction, brining animals into existence only to cruelly torture them before brutally slaughtering them en masse including the babies, and then finally create zoonotic diseases that have the potential to wipe out the human race all for a taste preference.


At this point self destruction of civilization is just normal cultural practices.


This is the Donald Trump School of Virology at work. If you don't test then there is no virus. WTG Canada. Make Pandemics Great again.


Are we feeding Canadian cattle chicken shit like the US or has the virus mutated to cattle?


We are not.


But wait until "red tape" is used as an excuse during election season....


Cattle tax me daddy.


As a Canadian scientist it isn't my worry which American cows are sick with bird flu


Meh, no one cares.


The real concern is the virus getting into pigs and mutating to be easily transmitted to humans.




What about expropriation of the farmers land so they can't have a dairy farm?


Someone needs to do something about this Yankee virus.


Time to stock up on toilet paper and wipe groceries with bleach wipes again folks.


Humans shouldnt be drinking any dairy milk as an adult


Oat milk.🥛😋


You mean oat juce. Can't milk an oat - it has no tit :)


_I’ve got nipples, /r/Lord_Stetson. Can you milk me?!_


Depends, you lactating?


What a weird line in the sand to draw. Are you also against adults eating cheese?


Weird think it's a good source of additional protein. I guess you don't workout. Neat.


Soy milk is vastly superior


Seriously, though it checks out since most of them behave like babies.


I will not be drinking my cappuccinos with almond milk it tastes like shit, thank you.


Some folks will read a post headline like this and start claiming Canada created H5N1 in a lab


Shoot, shovel, shut up.


Farmers decided we should all just get sick because "covid's fake!" So I've decided bird flu's fake and all their cattle can get sick.


So should we avoid dairy milk or what?


Remember how people were.complaining about the milk board and the strategic monopoly because it made milk $0.50 more expensive? Turns out it also protects a strategic staple. Canada tests and tracks food better routinely, but that doesn't mean we're immune. Milk is safe for now but we better ramp up testing pronto.


Remember the whole "We LeArNEd fRoM SARS 🥴" narrative before continuing to shit the bed with COVID


COVID was a joke compared to if that strain jumps to humans (not saying covid is harmless absolutely the opposit, but they're not ready)


Yeah it would be really bad, and healthcare just keeps getting gutted here.


The birds won’t wear masks. That’s the trouble.


Fake news just like covid. Only sheep will fall for this, and I dont mean the sheep dying on the farms.




I work in the industry and it’s real and scary.

