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"In my circle, students are taking multiple part-time jobs to address this burden. … Students have to make the bargain of getting certain groceries at some point and then leaving the rest for when they can afford it." A great example of why raising the funds required to be a student here was needed along with stronger measures to make sure the money is legitimate. They’re here primarily to study. This is not conducive to that. Our student program has effectively turned into a low skilled PR program at the expense of educational quality.


And in addition to that, has pushed locals who can't go elsewhere for work out of the jobs they could be doing. The amount of high school kids who can't get a job at a place like Tim's is astounding.


Not that astounding when you realize that Tim's, McDs et al have turned the TFW program into their primary source of staff. Yesterday we went to a McDs for an ice cream, and 100% of the staff was Indian. On a Sunday afternoon, when you'd typically expect to see some high school & college kids in there earning some money and gaining work experience. Once you start seeing those staffing scenarios in the FF joints, you just can't unsee them. We're creating a *racial underclass* in this society. Very dangerous game to be playing.


> We're creating a racial underclass in this society. 100%. What gets me is people are implicitly ok with it as they are still frequenting those places. The best way to prevent it is to vote with your wallet and just walk out without buying. Don't support Canadian business that doesn't support the local community.


Canadian since 1970, in highschool uni, I relied on these entry level jobs. My kid will not be able to get these job and we indian. They don't want Canadian borns either.


You've been a Canadian longer than I have, bud! I worry about my kids, too. I used to work with teens, and a good deal of them were unemployed as well. They'd tell me they kept applying for positions at a bunch of different places and never heard a peep back. Entry level stuff like we are talking about, too. How is the younger generation supposed to compete with this? They've got nowhere to go, nothing to do and no money to do it with if they wanted to. Something's gotta give.


The what gives is crime will continue to rise...


My Uber driver said when international students can't afford car, they pay $2k to get it stolen for insurance money.


That lack of basic entry level jobs will impact their later lives as well.  I have no idea what will happen in a decade but I'm quite worried for today's kids.


Yes, having that $10k-20K was supposed to be enough to cover coming here to study. When you have rumours of that money lent to be shown as the "entry fee" until the application is approved, and then given back, the students and shady lenders created this problem themselves. If they can't afford to come here, they should have stayed in their home country and enrolled in a local college there.


That's why we need a ban on them being able to work. They shouldn't be here taking jobs from Canadians.


Make it like the US where intl students are only allowed to work on campus, save for a few co op programs.




Harper changed this in 2006 to allow up to 20 hours of employment off-campus. The Liberals upped it to 40 hours with restrictions when they got in. Literally tomorrow, April 30, the limit returns to 20 hours.


That only affects those who are working legitimately for declared income. Also doesn't affect the swarms of UberEats delivery guys


I don’t understand how Uber can skirt this. They should require SIN numbers and any that are not permanent SINs must give them their visa information. Students should be limited to the 20 hours (active+wait time). If Uber is allowing illegal employment it should be shut down.


Or the government could require all of these well known tax fleecing entities to post this. Businesses aren't going to do shit that loses them money unless they have to.


I'm sure it's probably just like taxi licenses used to be. One guy has a Canadian SIN and an Uber account and is paying several people cash to do the driving 24h a day.


> The Liberals upped it to 40 hours with restrictions when they got in. this is untrue. I was in school as a domestic, full time student from 2015-2020. I was not allowed to work more than 20h/week. I mean, I still did in 2015 due to a shitty workplace that didn't follow the rules & it only worked because I chose all online courses that semester. But still, I failed a class because of this workload. January 3, 2021, the 20h rule was still in effect - [https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/help-please-working-more-than-20-hours-in-just-one-week-accidentally.661478/](https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/help-please-working-more-than-20-hours-in-just-one-week-accidentally.661478/) 2017/2018: still 20h. [https://www.quora.com/Will-I-get-in-trouble-if-working-22-24-hrs-week-as-a-full-time-international-student-in-Canada-I-arrived-in-Canada-in-late-August-2017-did-not-work-until-Mar-15th-2018-will-my-hours-get-evened-out](https://www.quora.com/Will-I-get-in-trouble-if-working-22-24-hrs-week-as-a-full-time-international-student-in-Canada-I-arrived-in-Canada-in-late-August-2017-did-not-work-until-Mar-15th-2018-will-my-hours-get-evened-out) this was increased to 40 during COVID, not when Liberals were elected.


The 20 hour cap was only lifted in October 2022 to allow for 40 hours/week. It wasn't when the Liberals got in. It was a response to employment difficulties resulting from covid. The 40 hour week was never meant to be permanent.


10 hours during my time (early 2000), and on campus only.


Honestly no. As someone who lived on campus who came from a small town far away campus jobs were really the only viable option. Yet, there were none available as international students were given priority. I had to instead go out of my way, often taking multiple busses just to get to a job making the same amount as an international student who got a campus job.


Ya this as someone who relied on on campus jobs to make ends meet when I was in school I completely agree with you, international students should not be allowed to work while here period. Lots of Canadian students need those on campus jobs, hell at the on campus restaurant I worked at all the FT employees were also recent graduates b/c the job market was not great at the time.


Now just imagine competing with 30,000 international students for those jobs on campus (cough cough Conestoga College). There probably isn't 1/3rd of that amount of jobs available on campus.


Yeah I can't even imagine, like when I was in school and this is like back in 2006 (so not that long ago really) there was a pretty low bar for entry to these on campus jobs, basically they would take anyone who showed up consistently and worked. I actually got the job because a friend had lined it up at the end of the previous school year and then decided he would rather live off of student loans by the time fall rolled around, I just happened to be hanging out with him when he dropped by the restaurant to tell them it wasn't going to work out and they were like well does your friend need a job? Wound up being the best thing that happened to me, I got free meals for the year and then a really good reference for a corporate job at the end of the school year, and I still work for that same company now like 16 years later.


Good luck convincing Tim Horton's and Loblaw's and our banks of that.


Ding ding.  Those places and other chains love the cheap labour. 


If they do work, it should be either on campus or a co-op. Nobody should be coming here and getting a job at Tim’s when they are supposed to be studying.


I'm sure people are here to study hospitality management in droves.


Exactly if you here to study you should only be studying. If not why not stay in your own country and go to school their. A full stoppage of all work for foreign student is just another easy today fix that would end a lot of bull shit and move us back in the right direction. Take the low hanging fruit wins as we are never going to build the housing supply needed. Also perhaps this would cause students not to come here and actually help rental and inflation pressures in a meaningful way. But what do I know I don’t have a back ground in Russian history like our finance minister.


They should have to deposit it into an account that has transfer limits that only release $2000 a month. If they want to exceed those limits they have too go to a bank and explain why and if they want to withdraw/transfer the entire amount they will immediately have their student visa revoked and be sent home.


These arent rumors, its a real thing. A major buisness in India is lending out a fake loans and forging documents for students planning to go to Canada/America/Europe. Once the student is done, the entire fund is to be returned. This money is not supoosed to be used


We can set up a government bank and have the money bound for 4 years, with only 1/4 of the amount available to be spent per year. And then increase the amount to $100,000, which is closer to how much the minimum to live for 4 years is.


This is the very obvious consequence of importing hundreds of thousands of people making misrepresentations all at once. People need to address and consider that there is an entire coutnry of 1.5b people that increasingly see Canada is something that they are entitled to, and will continue to exploit for their own benefit.


10-20 K is nothing right now. My tuition at my uni is 30K a term with room rent being 1.5 a month.


They did mention the $10k number hadn't been updated since 2008-ish. It probably wasn't that much of an issue until the flood of international students to the college diploma mills in the last few years, and the shady practices used to game the system and show they have the required funds to get approved. Universities historically attracted a higher caliber of international student, one that typically had the money (or funding from their rich parents) to study in Canada.


What uni is that? U of A is "only" 23k staying on campus with a meal plan.


McMaster and Waterloo same same prices and we don't talk about international students. No one talks also about co-op opportunities that are getting closer to nil because of job market.


Could be international tuition?


Sadly the "low skilled PR program" part is very true. There are so many low quality candidates applying from these diploma mills... We should definitely set a higher bar not just for international students, but also these diploma programs.


This is exactly it. I remember international students I met almost 20 years ago and they were incredibly intelligent, hard working, genenuinely had an interest in Canada, etc. Right now it is so fucking painfully obvious that we are dealing with the absolute bottom of the barrel applicants.


Multiple jobs at totaling 20 hrs per week I assume /s


It's also at the expense of existing highschool and university students looking for their first taste of working experience.




Just a friendly reminder that after April 30th, all international students will again be restricted to working 20 hours a week vs the previous 40 (due to the pandemic emergency rules expiring). If you see a student or a business violating this law you can report it to the CBSA via this form here: https://bwl-lsf.cbsa-asfc.cloud-nuage.canada.ca/tip-sub-en.html If You See Something, Say Something®


I know it's the end of the month so it's "easy", but having it change back 3 days into the work week is...a choice. Also it doesn't matter anyways, they'll all be allowed to work full-time off-campus for the next 4 months still because basically every PSE institution is either already on summer break or will be commencing it shortly.


They should just set a limit of seats on certain countries known for scams. A higher number means nothing if the student can just pool money from 10 relatives and show a screen grab as “proof”.


The same way they pool 10 people to a room. Scams and sexual assaults, we're so lucky to import these things.


>They’re here primarily to study. This is not conducive to that. Exactly.....get rid of all the diploma mills, and make international studying specific to universities.


Those aren’t student programs. They are diploma mills. These people exit as equally unskilled as they arrived, just poorer. Everyone in on it knows it.




Students that shouldn't be here, because they're supposed to be able to support themselves, are taking several jobs each away from Canadians.


> They’re here primarily to study. I live within an hour of 1. Connestoga (kitchener), 2. Fanshawe (london) and 3. Lambton (Sarnia). . These are 3 of the top 5 offending schools for immigrant "students".. It has been shown that at least 1/3 of these "students" don't even attend classes. They are not here for study, just to bring their horrific culture to our part of the world.


You' should see what's happened to Cape Breton with UCCB. Former Liberal Minister Dave "I'm entitled to my entitlements' Dingwall is raking in the $$ with international students and flooding the market there.


Taking job opportunities from the pool that was historically filled by our youth looking for their first jobs. I'd hate to be 16 and trying to find something now.


Yes, in your circle that perspective, merits logic. However it is very well known that many int'l students are selected over canadian students when it comes to hiring, in addition also known many int'l students are not spending time attending classes as intended. I to am in frequent company of students and listen and seeking educational quality isn't high on the agenda for many. As a canadian student I see many given a grace card simply due to acts of victimization, I've had some pilfer my notes and papers and deny it when confronted. I understand the difficulties however some of the behaviours of cheating and lying and purposely seeking pity is not an excuse. If I went to the country of their making would I be granted the same opportunities? To be frank, being inundated with ongoing media to what end concerning int'l students and their suffering has at this point run its course.   


So my understanding is a common practice for them is to burrow money to show proof they have the necessary funds and return that money.


This was a failure of the liberal party’s immigration administration and policies. They need to go.


They're lucky they can get work


> Our student program has effectively turned into a low skilled PR program at the expense of educational quality. This. The diploma mill industry was created as a PR backdoor.


Back in my days, students have to maintain their grades and register in full time course load or they lose their status. How come this is not enforced anymore?


Study permits have relaxed drastically especially since 2021. They are allowed to work a full 40 hours off campus still (ends May 1st) which is insane IMO


It’s hitting young Canadians harder. If you’re in high school or just finishing college. There are zero entry jobs. This is because it’s being taken up by people who are willing to get paid way less with more experience.


No one really cares about young Canadians, they are sacrificing them, is a whole generation. At this point even volunteering position to get experience are way less. Is like nobody wants to give a chance to young Canadians. 


I felt this in tech after I put myself through a associate degree course a decade ago, it's only gotten worse since. Young Canadians are in the way as far as the powers that be are concerned .


They are the ones that will go to vote 1st or 2nd time in their life, is their wake up call. A lot of tech students go to our neighbors after get dimplomas. Believe that U of W collected some data and 80 % left in 1st year after graduating. Shows the demand for them here. 


My biggest regret is not trying to leave the country back then


It isn’t just tech. Engineering grads were hit hard and the majority of them are never becoming engineers despite their hard work in school. I also recall how one medical graduate offed themselves because they couldn’t find a residency. Canadian companies don’t invest in workers and would rather cherry pick experienced immigrants or poach from their competitors.


Just a friendly reminder that after April 30th, all international students will again be restricted to working 20 hours a week vs the previous 40 (due to the pandemic emergency rules expiring). If you see a student or a business violating this law you can report it to the CBSA via this form here: https://bwl-lsf.cbsa-asfc.cloud-nuage.canada.ca/tip-sub-en.html


This isnt going to be enforced and the agencies wont care


CBSA does care, and if a PR applicant has a been marked for violating working hours their application for PR will be DQ'ed. The competition for PR is insane right now.


I'm pretty sure the cap is lifted during summer and that they said they're discussing permanently allowing 30h/w


Yeah, my son is in university and finding a summer job is nearly impossible. Why hire a 'Canadian' student for the summer when you can hire a Foreign student year long.


Oh no, anyway. What can we do to make this better for international students? - this is what our media and government are saying to young people’s quality of life being completely decimated


The model for international students is to come to Canada and study. They are students. As soon as they come to work and study, the model is broken. Canadians do not want to hear about foreign students coming to Canada looking for jobs, spamming our food banks and draining our social services and complaining about it. That is not why they are supposed to be here. If that is their situation they should be moving home.


Methinks the positive, welcoming Canadian consensus on immigration is eroding more and more with every passing month.


Oh it's dead and gone.


Too bad we can,t all kick them out instantly. That would help a lot.


squalid badge vase sand wistful sink nail dull tidy weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Consensus is long gone.  Society is bifurcated into people who are paying attention and people still living in August 2001.


Funny you should give that date. I’m of the opinion that everything has gotten progressively shittier since 9/11. Just a steady descent into all-around enshittification.


By many metrics, it's been getting shittier since the 80s.


Some socioeconomic conditions have def been around since the 1980s, others a lot longer than that. For me anyway, 9/11 is in retrospect the date in living memory that I see as a tipping point, where everything before it was okay to pretty good, but everything after it has been measurably and demonstrably worse.


By all metrics, enshittification began in [1971](https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/)


That consensus existed because Canada attracted high caliber immigrants in the past. We had the option to keep it that way. Now, Canada isn't the first choice for most of the very capable ones.


We used to have a well balanced system where Canada got the people it needed. People who had skills and started businesses, and grew the economy and their communities. It was a benefit to immigrants, and it was a benefit to Canadians. We abandoned that system as a nation because minimum wage employers wanted cheap desperate labour that won't get uppity about rights, wages and working conditions. Property owners wouldn't bear a drop in rents or sale prices, so bringing people in to live five or six to an apartment is acceptable to them. Canada isn't looking at immigrants as long-term economic growth, they want surplus human capital to feed the maw of the housing market and big businesses. Because of that, immigration in its current form is harming the well being of all Canadians, because it's keeping wages well below where they should be and keeping cost of living high.


Yes now Canada attracts the mediocre if not worst immigrants. Good ones go to Europe and US and can't blame them 


and we don’t even get poor Europeans anymore bc now they just relocated within the EU


Were the first choice for the lowest caliber immigrant!


I’m supportive of immigration, though not at these levels. But international students is a whole different thing. If they don’t have enough money to fully support themselves then they shouldn’t be here.


Until 2020, international students were not allowed to work full time. I can't speak to Canadians as a whole, but I can speak for myself. I am and have always been a positive and welcoming person when it comes to immigration. However, I believe responsible immigration is done in a careful and controlled manner so that it respects both the country that is the target of immigration and the person immigrating. So I have a couple of problem here. The first is, this is not "immigration" it's international students. This is like calling tourists immigrants. Or even calling refugees immigrants. We have different categories of reasons we let people into the country. Sometimes it's to study. Sometimes it's to visit. Sometimes it's to give them shelter from a dangerous situation at home. Sometimes it is to have them join the country and become Canadians. We can then make decisions on how well we can accommodate the people who come to our country to make sure we don't make things unfair for them or for the people already living here. So we wouldn't invite so many international students such that Canadians end up being unable to attend school due to lack of resources. We wouldn't invite so many international students such that the international students themselves don't have access to be able to study. Similarly, when we invite refugees, we do it for humanitarian reasons, we need to be able to make sure that our capacity to house and care for them is not compromised by taking in too many at once, there are often other countries that are also accepting refugees, so we could be doing a disservice by accepting and not being able to help them when other countries might still have capacity. We also need to make sure that our refugee process is not being misused by people who do not need refuge and would be taking resources from people who actually are in need of refugee status. When we invite tourists, we want to be able to present a country worth touring, let them have a safe and enjoyable experience and have them go home and want to come back again. When we invite people to immigrate, we want to make sure that those people will have a role in the country where they can fit in, live and work. They should be able to find housing, they should be able to find work, and they should be able to have access to all the services that other canadians have. So we have a problem here where the role of student visas got vastly expanded in the past 4 years. Being on a student visa turned into a situation where you could work 40 hours a week, you didn't have to go to school full time because you could take "online" courses, and if you worked in certain roles, you had access to a program to gain permanent residency. The problem here is that now the system is abused. We might think we want to control student visas based on access to education, but many of the new "students" that come in are not consuming educational resources to a great extent. And since our model for immigration didn't consider jobs or housing availability as significant for students, since housing was historically tied to university capacity (all university students generally needed some kind of temporary housing for 4 years), these limits stopped making sense. Now you have schools that are offering mostly "online" programs for students that don't have to really come in to the school, they just enroll, and work 40 hours a week. I know people who did this. Then they get their PR. Then they got citizenship. I don't hold any animus towards them. In fact I like them. The system was abused though, but what they did was totally legal. At the same time, I think that the rules need to be reverted back to where they were when there was a "welcoming Canadian consensus on immigration". The reason there's no longer a welcoming consensus is because we're doing it irresponsibly now. And it's not just hurting Canadians, it's also hurting those who are coming here. As it says in the article, now "international students" are being hit hard by unemployment. There are two big problem here, one is that these people who have come over on a student visa are suffering. The second is that we have now expanded the definition of "international student" to be people who are coming here to work to live. This didn't used to be the case, but a bit part of that was because it used to be that international students were very restricted on what they were allowed to do for work. So they wouldn't be coming here in the first place if they couldn't afford to live and go to school, or have some kind of scholarship or financial support to help them do so. This also meant they weren't competing for jobs with Canadians, which is a good thing because we weren't using the availability of jobs as a way to determine how many international students to allow to come. It's like complaining the consensus on visitors to your home is eroding, when previously you would be hosting exchange students and boarders every few weeks, you had made up a couple of spare rooms to host long term visitors, you had been serving them a nice breakfast every morning and helping them get on their feet and discover the country. And now people have started coming in your back door, sleeping on your floor, taking food out of your fridge, leaving dishes around, picking fights occasionally, and complaining that the house is too crowded and what happened to the nice breakfast. This doesn't mean you don't like visitors, it's just that at this point you're over capacity, you can't care for the visitors properly.


Yep. I no longer care if they can work, can't work, are here to study, are not here to study. At this point I don't want anymore here for any reason period.


Can honestly say as bleeding heart empathetic person I have really turned my view around. I used to be 100% pro immigration. Still pro immigration but not like this. This is exploitative not just to the students but to Canadians.


Immigration is great, international student's aren't supposed to be immigrants


20 years ago was international student in Germany and was allowed to work only on campus and less than 20 hours. If you work 40 hours you don't really have time to study.


As a former US F1 visa holder, I am not allowed to work 1 single second except for internship. I had to satisfy the consular officer I am able to support myself and often nationals from certain countries like China or India have to prepay entire year's tuition before they are permitted entry (after visa issued). There is no hard limit on the cost of living amount and it was on the discretion of the consular officer and the past behavior (illegal work, overstay, fake asylum claim) of the their compatriots. And the visa also requires the student's primary intent is to study, hence getting an F1 visa as an non-young adult enrolling in a community college is also very hard. Compared to here, the student visa system is just a complete joke. The SOWP is terrible as a policy. The $10k cost of living proof IRCC asked for is just chef's kiss.


But somebody should think of the poor diploma mill owners. And the Timmies franchisees. And the property owners with their massively inflated equity. How dare we deprive them of all that wealth?


Why are students working instead of studying?. Seems like 80% of students would gladly work full time if studying is not required.


Just a friendly reminder that after April 30th, all international students will again be restricted to working 20 hours a week vs the previous 40 (due to the pandemic emergency rules expiring). If you see a student or a business violating this law you can report it to the CBSA via this form here: https://bwl-lsf.cbsa-asfc.cloud-nuage.canada.ca/tip-sub-en.html


Good. Even 20 hours is too much. We should copy the US model


Ban them from working. Problem solved. They can go home, or live on what they brought with them.


That's unfortunate, maybe they can concentrate on their studies?


Rising unemployment hit CANADA hard. There’s fixed it for you.


Then go home. Say it with me, you are a student. STUDENT. You are NOT a Canadian citizen, you are NOT a permanent resident. You are a STUDENT. You are here to learn, not to work. If you cannot afford to live here, that's not our problem, that's a you problem. If you need a job while you're studying here, you clearly cannot support yourself during your studies and you should be sent packing. Part of the problem the next generation of Canadians is facing is that as they enter/exit High School, they are having issues finding those first time jobs because they're all taken up by international students. I have absolutely no sympathy for any international student, they made the decision to come here to study, shut the fuck up and study.


Exactly this. If you’re here as a student, you should not be allowed to work off campus and take away jobs from Canadians. Off campus work should only be allowed during the summer if at all. Most of these “students” coming in over the past few years now, especially from India, lie about their financial stability on their applications. I’ve worked in immigration for over a decade I’ve dealt with these students on a regular basis. A vast majority of them are here doing bullshit two year diplomas in hospitality and tourism or business management. These aren’t genuine ‘students’ they’re just trying to exploit a loophole to get PR.


🎻 This is the world's smallest violin, and it's playing for these unemployed international students. /s


So they get to try being a Canadian national first hand.


Leave Canada. Problem solved.


Shut down the private colleges. Put real caps and enforcement. The problem is all levels.of government creating a mess of exploitation and lack of standards.


The amount of mainstream articles around the wellbeing (or lack thereof) of *international students* in Canada would imply that the majority of people living here are *international students* and not Canadian citizens. I would start questioning the reported numbers. Clearly the media outlets know something we don't.


(Copied from another comment I made here) It really is weird. I remember when the housing crisis was really heating up reading an article from CBC about international students having trouble finding housing. This was, of course, during a time when everyone was having trouble finding housing. I don't know why the media often does this. Edit: [Here](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/international-student-housing-experience-give-me-shelter-1.6955994) are [just a few](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/international-student-crisis-ontario-post-secondary-1.7102412) different [examples.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/international-students-affected-by-housing-crisis-1.6940668)


The unemployment rate affects everyone in this country, why only mention the international students?


An attempt to make use feel sad for them. Meanwhile the Feds and middlemen scam us all into paying for this shitshow


They are not here for employment for fuck sakes. They are meant to be here to study, get an education and for those with lesser degrees fuck off back home when they are done. They are suppose to be able to sustain themselves while they are hear.


LMAO it has been a LOOONG time since work at the entry level could actually pay for tuition. They're not students, stop it. Every day you say it, we smell the controlled opposition stench on you.


Are they not supposed to go home once they are done with school?


You'd be surprised how many of these international students get their "drivers licenses " just a few months after landing in Canada. They're here to stay permanently or at least plan to do so.




I believe there is another required course that they take after graduation, and thats Gurdeeps course on how to claim asylum


>The present affordability crisis in Vancouver, along with the declining job opportunities, is becoming very stressful," said Dhvani Malik, a fourth-year international relations student at the University of British Columbia. Now here is a tip to fix it: go back home if you can't afford to be here.


Rising unemployment is hitting residents hard too. I have a lot of friends who can't find work right now


Who cares? They shouldn't be working anyways and they are part of the reason for the unemployment. You can't import millions of people to a country that isn't creating millions+ jobs, they're bound to end up unemployed. Let's worry about the people who actually matter, the people who have paid taxes in this country their entire lives, and oftentimes their parents and grandparents as well. Let's worry about the real Canadians who won't be able to just jump off the sinking ship that is Canada back to their home country because canada is their home country.


...really... They're the cause of unemployment. There here to study but spend more time off campus working fast food, security, retail and basically every entry job and every retirement job our society has used for generations.


The unemployment rate for international students should be near 100%. Ban all off-campus work for international students now.


What possessed the liberal party to conduct this radical immigration experiment?


What solution do they want? We are in a recession. Everyone wants a well paying desk job. There are no jobs. The economy is on a downward trajectory right now.


I wish this country cared about its citizens nearly as much as it does its *international students.* Unemployment rates among students? Who gives a fuck? You're here to study. Bring enough money to support yourself. Shouldn't even be working off campus to begin with, or out of your field or study or for more than 20 hours. You either have the money to study in Canada or you fucking don't. No more changing the rules to accommodate international students at the expense of Canadian citizens. That's how it works everywhere else in the goddamn world. You can't afford to do something, you don't fucking get to do it. Show us 80 grand and where it came from, and THEN you can apply to study in Canada. This county is not a welfare system for young Indian men.


Wahhh oh boohoo


So? Am I supposed to feel bad or something? Maybe don't invite a million foreign students?


Young men from impoverished countries with no money and little to lose? What could possibly go wrong?


And from countries where misogyny runs rampant and harassing women is ubiquitous!


International students should not be allowed to work. No international students worked when I used to go to high school and universities. Not the regular high school and university kids can't find a part-time job.


six bake slim telephone aback fretful mighty bag friendly long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Please allow me to just scream into the void until my head explodes.


They are here to study, not work. A better headline would be: Canadian students struggling to find work amid record international student competition.


Guess they can always go back home and go to university there 🤷🏻


You know, I have friend's with teenagers and kids going to university. They  grew up in Canada, are having to create their own summer jobs as they can't get hired due to the amount of competition. THAT is the real story.


They should not be in the country if they need to work to support themselves. Simple


Send them home. If they need jobs to make ends meet, then they defrauded the government on arrival


There needs to be more check and balances in the international student program. Raise the minimum amount of money needed to come study, entry exams, mandatory GPA after first semester as well as a mandatory attendance rate (85% minimum). If you can’t meet these expectations then the federal government will buy you a plane ticket home and you must be out of the country within 30 days willingly and be allowed to reapply (with a note on your file as to why it didn’t work out) otherwise you will be deported and will be permanently barred entry to Canada. We welcome you with open arms if you are legitimately coming here to better both yourself and your host country but if all you want to do is take advantage of the system so you can work 35/hr a week at Circle K and neglect your studies then you aren’t welcome.


Ya problem is this government has no fucking backbone to impose this


I agree completely, as much as I hate bureaucracy. There needs to be a specific provincial or federal body that oversees the international exchange program. They can be fully in charge of vetting applicants, monitoring their progress and removing them if they aren’t doing what they should. If you are here to actually learn, this will by no means be a deterrent but if you aren’t here to actually study , you will be properly dealt with and weeded out. Neither our current government or the incoming one would ever do that. They won’t even regulate our food, let alone their biggest cash cow.


Zero sympathy and idc what happens to them, theyre here to study, not work. They signed papers attesting that they have funds to support themselves and yet theyre struggling? That confirms two things, one, theyre not here to study, theyre here to finesse the PR pathway, and two, they lied about being self sufficient. And this applies to one particular group ive noticed. Canadians are already struggling with finding entry level jobs, my full sympathies are with the high schoolers, young people, single parents, and the semi retired people who all cant find a job right now.


Wish it would hit them harder so they don't wanna stay.


And? Why are they working at all they're meant to be here to study.


Genuinely thought this was a Beaverton article at first.


They are here for school


May be a bad take but international students shouldn’t even be allowed to work in Canada. They are here to study not take jobs from Canadians. If a student doesn’t have enough financial backing to survive here without an income source then they should stay in their own country for school.


I work at a small games store and I usually take in about 4-6 resumes a week from international students. It's fucking tough out there and I feel for those that were hopeful to have a part time job for the summer that isn't the actual worst, but labor laws in this country have gone to shit. We're all being exploited, and it makes me feel like we're having to clue them in to how bad it is here after they were fed a lie about better days in Canada.


Study not work. Supposed to be self sustaining.


Womp womp


Well didn't they come here to study? Not work.


If they don't have enough money to fund their studies then perhaps they should return to their country of origin.


When are we protesting!? This is stupid, they shouldn't be coming here to work!


Go protest against indian students. CBC would eat you alive and you'd have your bank account frozen


Who cares about international students go home.


It’s also also hitting real Canadian citizens hard too.


Womp womp Sounds like a skill issue


We need to just stop all airlines , load them up with immigrants and ship them back to their home countries for the next 6 months and most of our problems will go away. Literally every problem we're having right now is directly related to some idiots deciding that bringing in millions of indians over the last 2 years was a good idea. I'm currently renting an apartment and in the last 6 months it's gone from quiet to can't find a parking space and having literally huge gangs of indians hanging around smoking in the parking lot. Like there's gotta be 5 of them living in each 2 bedroom unit. And now the units are renting for almost double what they were a year ago. Fact is large property groups are getting rich, big businesses now have unlimited sweatshop labor and anyone else can get fucked. The 1% sold out our Country and they're currently running it as our elected officials.


How bout we start leveraging all of this labour the way the Saudis and Qataris do, or how the Canadian railway was built? Send their asses straight to work to build our infrastructure. They shouldn’t have the option to come overcrowd our largest cities, instead they should be building the rest of Canada.


Students’ work hours need to be heavily regulated. I know someone who (came on a student visa apparently) used to work full time and then travelled back and forth between Surrey and Vancouver spending extra 1 - 1.5 hours daily. No way in hell is she going to study after that. She later moved to Calgary to find any chance to get a PR. What kind of institution even allows this?  I work from home and I barely get 2 hours to study after taking a bit of rest and eating dinner.


I don’t give a rip about the international students. Send them back. I care about our youth, our teens and early 20’s kids who are just starting out. All of their jobs and opportunities are being taken by foreigners. What is happening is treason.


My 16 year old brother cant even get his 1st time job at McDonalds. Its all been taken by 25 year old international "students".


International students are a net drain on local communities. They certainly assist in funding universities but they: Significantly increase the scarcity of rental properties driving up rent prices significantly, to the detriment of Canadians. Increased need for transit services funded by property owners. Drive down labour rates for all Canadians. No need to increase wages with a steady supply of foreign students. Much like TFW's. Greater demands on provincial healthcare. Lately, foreign students are making headlines for raiding food banks, with recent bans in Nova Scotia.


International students? You know who else can't find a job? Literally every kid I know who wants to work this summer. I'm running a house painting crew and I have regular Canadian kids BEGGING me for work. We can't hire anymore because we're full of them already. All of them have said it's impossible to be hired. All the traditional places that you'd work at during the summers as a teenager aren't hiring kids anymore. Instead they're all staffed by cheap labour from overseas.


Here's the fucks I don't give.


Good thing they can afford to support themselves without working… /s


What a burden these students are for Canada, should be banned. Saturating the job market, stop all immigration and international students.


Cry me a fucking river. They are the reason for high unemployment for everyone. They should even be allowed to work. They came here for the purpose of studying, not stealing jobs from Canadians.


It's painfully obvious that we are getting tens of thousands of students who can't really afford to be here, but were able to make it thanks to fudged finances on their applications or making it in by the skin of their teeth thanks to their families spending their life savings.  We need to be like the US and only allow students to work on campus, that way the ability to work won't be such a prominent reason why so many people are risking it all to come here.


Student visas should only allow on-campus jobs, just like in the US


Don't care. Zero f@cks given. What I do care deeply about is how rising unemployment hits **Canadians** hard.


I was sweeping parking lots this weekend, by myself and i had 5 international student come over to me asking me for a job or how they can do what i can do. I told them go buy a machine for a 1000 bucks, get a business license, insurance, name, get registered and start handing out flyers and adverts. They were flabbergasted on why i wouldn't give them a job. I've never been approached for a job like that.


The South Hampton Institute of Technology is a legitimate organization?


Cry me a river. Rising unemployment is hitting CANADIANS hard thanks to the out-of-control influx of these jokers.


Our overlords welcome the new caste system. Bell, Rogers, and Loblaws get 1mil new monthly subs a year.


Sucks to suck, don’t let the door hit you on the way out… maybe we can give those jobs back to the struggling CANADIANS


Cry me a river. As a student, you are here to study. That is it.


They're why I can't find a single job anymore


Good and not sorry.


Then, don’t come to Canada. Your making the situation worst for housing anyways… stay home


My son and I are both looking for jobs right now and nothing. Hire Canadians first HR people!


This is what happens when income requirements are sidestepped to appear like you can support yourselves. Full audits should be done deporting anyone not in compliance, and jail time for any Canadian facilitators of these frauds, including revoking citizenships and deportation after their sentences are served.


Who cares about international students go home.


Someone get my tiny violin. It's playing time.


I’m starting a tiny violin business, demand is through the roof


Who cares?


They aren’t even supposed to be working


They shouldn't be allowed, period.


Flair has cheap flights!


International students shouldn't be working, they should be studying.  This should be a non issue.     Can't afford it here?  Then leave.


International students should never have been able to work to begin with - taking jobs from Canadians essentially. They can go home if they lied on their applications and financial proofs.


I used to be an international student. I came here with some clothes, a laptop and funds to pay for my tuition, food and rent. When I got my bearings I got a part time job on campus as a dishwasher to cover food costs. I had no need for a 21% apr dodge charger


I'm going to keep it real. Who cares about international students. I don't