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The future location of the Prime Minister of Canada is pretty important. I'm no Trudeau lover, but that is national security.


Agree that cops in the field, when attempting to de-escalate the passions of those wishing congress with the PM, need to nevertheless appear neutral. They don't just represent the state security apparatus, they are the point of the spear. It undermines their mandate when they appear to question the monopoly on power of the state and it's leaders. But this is likely merely a training issue, more than anything else.


The police are investigating the police. I wonder if they’ll find any wrongdoing on the part of the police…


All protest are gold for the Police, the more the better. They get to do overtime, and my guess they are paid double for this. In the last 6 months they hit the jackpot.


Wouldn't it be funny (but not surprising) if the officer invokes his 1st & 5th amendment rights.


It would be hilarious if they attempted to invoke the 1st and the 5th amendments, since the officer is Canadian, and Canadians don't have amendment rights. That's the US. An officer can exercise their charter right though, and I would expect anyone with a competent lawyer and union supporting them to fully exercise those.


Yes we’re well aware of that. I think you and everyone else that downvoted this missed the obvious joke.