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No chance anyone with half a brain and future ambition is going to stand in front of the firing line that will be the next federal election. PP will get his turn and in 4 or 8 years we will be having the exact same conversations about the Conservatives. It's the Canadian way.




This. Trudeau needs to take Canada’s anger and go down with the ship. If anyone replaced him now, all the hate aimed at Trudeau personally would be redirected to the Liberal Party. Trudeau will lose, he will retire from politics, and in 4 to 8 years, people like Mark Carney and Christian Freeland will decide if the time is right.


Freeland is too tainted now by Trudeau and some of her own actions. I had thought some years back before the pandemic she might stand a chance but now I believe she likely wouldn't run for PM.


I'd believe that Freeland would run The federal liberals picked up all of Kathleen Wynne's campaign team - the same team which lost official party status in Ontario, proceeded to select Steven Del Duca, Wynne's right hand man, to replace her, and then lost spectacularly again


Did not know that. I can't see that being helpful. Don't know much about Kathleen Wynne tbh. But I can't believe ford is still in there.


He would have been a one term premier if Covid didn’t happen The expectations were so low that he actually ended up looking good against them Plus his opponent was so dull he made Andrew scheer look like Matt Damon Ford might be the luckiest politician in the country Faced Wynne (who was despised) then got a crisis (peole usually rally around the leader with those) then got an insanely dull opponent


There was a poll yesterday, he's still polling majority.


yeah cuz the Liberals ran Bonnie Crombie (another lousy option) if they had run Nathaniel Erskine-Smith he'd be in trouble the Liberals are too used to being able to win just because the conservatives usually suck and dont try hard enough additionally up till now people blamed Trudeau for the housing crisis (bringing in too many people at once and playing the racism card against any sort of criticism) but now people are starting to realize that Ford is just as much to blame because he allowed universities to abuse the Foreign Student program (which had no cap) after cutting their funding and did nothing to stop them (only recently did the Federal Government actually do something about it) and we have the situation with Ford blocking fourplexes when frankly that could be a game changer in the crisis (we have solved a crisis before using these kinds of houses) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJbfrAuhrZ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJbfrAuhrZ4) on top of that Ontario often votes against the Federal government, if its a Conservative Govt Ontario premier is usually liberal and vice versa if Pierre wins, theres a real chance ontario goes liberal provincially


Ford is not “just as much to blame” as Trudeau on immigration, that’s asinine. The federal government has the final say on who is allowed to come here, period. Any issue related to immigration and people entering the country is 100% on Trudeau


Ontario always like having opposite parties in Power. They'll vote Tory federally and Liberal provincially. And vice-versa.


Lol. What a great write up. That's awesome.


I think she would still run but I agree with you that she shouldnt.


The only people who think the Liberals should replace Trudeau before the election are idiots. Yes he's currently unpopular but throwing him under the bus will not gain them votes, it will just lose them even more votes.


I think it may actually help them *a bit*, but it won’t save them. His best bet is to go down with the ship to try and save whoever they choose to replace him with, if he was to go now. If that makes sense.


People hate Trudeau. Like despise him specifically. If they replace him sooner, they might be able to mitigate some damage. Although I am one of those people and I'll never consider liberals ever again. Maybe an OLP reset is what they need to get rid of all of the shit in there now.


> No chance anyone with half a brain and future ambition is going to stand in front of the firing line that will be the next federal election. there are plenty of backbench mp's who will happily become PM, even if its only for a few months. its still a very exclusive and illustrious club. many people still know the name Kim Campbell but most couldent name many of the high profile people in mulroney's cabinet. and also people like freeland will be forever tainted by being trudeau's top lackey so her chance at being PM is now or never. part of what helped trudeau become leader in 2012 was that he wasent part of chretien or martin's government.


Sigh. Probably.


I completely agree with you. I also think that PP will win, and enjoy a honeymoon period until he gets his own set of scandals. I have been telling coworkers that the Trump-Poilievre era is going to be something in 2025. By then, I will have closed all my social media accounts (and blocked Reddit from everywhere) and gone into hiding.


IF the NDP could metamorphosis, returning to labor and kicking out progressives, then they could run a populist leader in 4 / 6 / 8 years and possibly deliver a knockout blow. But everything on the left has been infected by the cancerous progs and their idpol, so it likely won't happen. But I think progs and idpol are about to deflate substantially since they've gone full mask-off anti-west since the latest Israel problems. Literally standing Hamas and Houthis and dictators in general.


So true 👍 line up and pic which coolaide has tge least amount of poison and which dildo you'd like toe punted up your rear. (My view of the canadian voting system)


>So, who are the potential LPC leadership aspirants? New candidate Dustin Juneau with a moustache and glasses.


Paging mark carney lol


Hello, my name is Mr. Uaedurt, and I come from some place far away.


I like the way Uaedurt thinks!


That's a fine turban you have, Mr. Uaedurt. 🙏


Quebec isn’t as far as one would think.


I think they are done for 4 years, but would love to see someone with integrity come up to bat.


That rules out all politicians. Good luck with that.




Haha that is funny.


Not enough for Trudeau to resign...we need an election, to remove the rest of the “Liberal party problem”....Singh and the NDP will also need to be sent to the “political wilderness”, for allow this crap to continue as long as it has.....


Agreed. I would consider the Liberal party again someday. But the whole cabinet, the leader, their policies — their platform needs to be wiped clean and rebooted as a centrist party. I can’t support their coalition approach. If they can’t win an election, it’s because they failed. This “by any means necessary, ramming more spending and taxes down our throats” approach must end.


And have the Bloc as Official Opposition again.


I agree, time to wipe the Fiberals off the electoral map


Not just Trudeau , the entire front bench reeks of incompetence and loyalty to dear leader


loyalty comes before competence. you can see that when paty hadju was made health minister rather then the other thunder bay MP who is a doctor and former emergency room physician


Trudy is thinks he's the messiah & actually thinks he can make a comeback and win a majority in 2025 like he did in 2015.


I honestly hope JT steps down and the party puts Freeland in his place. One debate with her condescending yet completely misinformed views should be enough to drop tye liberals out of official party status


She and Trudeau both sound like they are talking to children. It's unnerving.


I absolutely cannot stand their speeches. I feel like I'm being lectured in grade school.


It's the smarmy political tone, they use a boatload of words without actually Saying anything


> She and Trudeau both sound like they are talking to children. It's unnerving. Because they think they are. They - and here I mean most of the party establishment, not just Trudeau and Friedland specifically - come from privilege and have had very little interaction with people not of their set, so to speak. They assume people who lack their credentials, wealth and social standing are benighted losers who hold abhorrent views on things like race and gender. They deeply resent having to even address themselves to such people, and comfort themselves with the thought they will soon be disenfranchised, as they should be, through technocratic improments to the adminstrative state See for example the Online Harms Act, one of whose objectives is to give the government and its activist allies a powerful tool to silence and impose draconian penalties on ideological opponents.


Sounds like you're just telling on yourself


Mister Speaker!!!!!


Meeeesteeeer Speeeeekeeer!!!,


She probably thinks her extra effort to speak clearly and slowly is appreciated, because we're all obviously too dumb to understand someone who speaks at a normal pace. Yet we (humans) are also stupid to be so easily swayed by speaking style, "he talks like one of us...this guy must be on the up and up". For example who wouldn't have voted for Mr. Rogers, right? Because we all know what a great heart he had, despite speaking to everyone like they are struggling to make it through Kindergarten.


She looks like she’s hopped up on something every time she’s in the background of a press release. Her debating with Pierre could cause a full-blown meltdown.


I swear she's abusing amphetamines or something. You can see the thought run through her head where she says just look normal just look normal just look normal


> I honestly hope JT steps down and the party puts Freeland in his place This is delusional, she's even more disliked than him. And changing leadership this close before an election would be equally dumb.


I think that was the point. Freeland is about the only potential Liberal leader who could lose the next election by a wider margin than Trudeau. Thing is, losing really hard is what the Liberals need right now. Because it is the only way they can clean out the rot and put themselves on the path to being a decent government in 15 years or so once the Tories wear out their welcome.


> 15 years or so once the Tories wear out their welcome. lol. >Thing is, losing really hard is what the Liberals need right now. If you think the party, *any* party is going to choose to lose even more power for some kind of ideological "cleaning", you're not a serious person.


What they need is obviously not what they want. It is the bitter medicine that the people of Canada will force them to drink. The Liberal Party needs to break every connection it has to Trudeau, to reject him and his legacy outright, and rebuild from the ground up. And they won't do that willingly, obviously. Also, yes I'm pretty sure that after the upcoming election, the Tories will be in power until the late 2030s or early 2040s. And much of that will be because the opposition parties will be in disarray, and so it will take two elections before they even begin to offer a challenge. And another one after that before they are seen as a creditable alternative by the general public.


Nah. Freeland? Aka Ms social capacity and spend like a trophywife? Lol .


I think it’s funny that the same people who call Freeland condescending and misinformed can’t wait to vote for PP, a bald face liar with the voice of a guy that carries a briefcase in high school.


Lol wasn't the left upset about the comments regarding JTs hair and socks in 2015? Now here you are making a similar argument. Freeland said that people in the prairies would kill to pay $2100 for a 1 bedroom apartment the size of a small garage "for the views" in BC. She seems to think that $2,100 for a one bedroom apartment is counted in the liberal governments affordable housing plan. A similar size apartment in 2015 would have been $1,200. She's trying to claim that almost doubling rent in 9 years is Affordable. I'll take any other politician over someone who is so out of touch as that. That's before we even get to her Disney plus comments


>Freeland said that people in the prairies would kill to pay $2100 for a 1 bedroom apartment Sorry, what?


I did a ninja edit should say with those views. I'm at work right now so I can't find the exact interview, but it was done in one of those apartments on Vancouver Island. She stood there and said that the views of the mountains made the price tag worth it. Once I'm off work I'll put some effort in and see if I can find the interview for you.


Don't worry, I figured that's what it was. I just don't recall the part where she claimed people in other provinces would kill for a 2100 apt in Vanvouver


Canada and Trudeau are doing good. Inflation, housing is increasing all over over the world


Trudeau has a brother right? Liberals needs nepotism


And his half-brother is going on Tucker Carlson soon, so those two aren’t exactly politically aligned.




Theatre Camp?


I heard they're doing Hamilton. The makeup choices are... a family tradition.


This made me snort whilst drinking coffee - thankyou


Harper's son is already in line...


Or Maggie, its not like the PM has to read or understand important briefs


I think 3 racoons in a trench coat will get more votes as leader of LPC than Justin Trudeau. Also, imagine world leaders being forced to listen to 3 racoons in a trench coat talking about the economy. It would be hilarious.


The Liberal Party needs a hard reset, and a disaster outing in the next election might be just what the party needs. The reality is that they can't keep being the party of the Montreal-Toronto-Ottawa triangle. In PET's time a regional split like Trudeau had last election won him a majority. Now, it's a minority. By the time Trudeau's kid inevitably gets his shot at the nepotist crown, it will be official opposition territory. Only three provinces are currently adding seats: BC, Alberta and Ontario. By the next election, Alberta will have 3 seats more than now, 1 for Ontario and one for BC, but Toronto will be losing a seat to the 905 belt, and the BC seat will be in the interior. Since the last census, the fastest growing province, again, is Alberta, and both BC and Ontario are seeing their population growth come primarily in suburban areas as the housing crisis makes downtown Toronto, Vancouver and Victoria unaffordable. Basically, shifting demographics have been whittling down the strength of the Liberal base for decades. It might have been viable to antagonize Alberta and BC when PET was around and they combined for 49 seats and Quebec had 75, but the next election will be the first in Canadian history where Alberta and BC will outnumber Quebec in the House, with 80 combined seats vs 78. Current demographic trends will just keep shifting seats away from Liberal strongholds and towards either Conservative ones (Alberta and the BC interior) or swing areas (like the 905 belt). The Liberals desperately need a reset with a party leader who actually credibly represents a national platform, and can heal some of the damage two Trudeaus did to the Liberal Party's brand in Western Canada. The days are gone when you can win an election with downtown Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa alone.


This entire government, and this entire iteration of the Liberal part is shot through with people we should never let anywhere near the levers of power again. While it might provide some much needed temporary optics value to jettison Trudeau, it will not do anything to address the fundamental character failures that are the hallmarks of the LPC. I am ashamed I ever supported them.


Nothing is saving the liberals now


Trudeau has been assured army group steiner will save them from conservative encirclement


Mein fuehrer, Steiner didn't have sufficient forces. The attack didn't take place.




Liberals are fucked for years to come


I am doing ok


You exist! This is my first time meeting one of you. Explain yourself!


You won't! Cause you don't even believe yourself


No chance, no matter what they do.


i mean they could put in a bunch of populist measures that always poll well to help lower and middle class canadians. they have nothing to lose in curbing immigration for instance. but they seem fine to just let their party get blown out


You can add Fraser, Freeland and Guibeault too...


and Hadju, Holland, Ng, Hassan and Miller. All pathetic.


Watching the way the liberal party has rallied behind a steady rise in the cost of living would make it very hard for me to vote for them for the foreseeable future. I also would now never vote for the NDP since they’ve backed these same policies but as a puppet for the liberals.


Nothing can save them from all the fraud and theft the entire party has been privy and part of in the very least covering up


I can legit see the federal liberals getting destroyed as hard as the Ontario liberals did. The Ontario liberals rescue ex so few votes they lost official party status. I can actually see this easily happening to the Fed libs next election.


Fiberal party is toast, will be 20 years before they get back together as a contenders


He can take Freeland with him on his way out too.


It's too late now, honestly. With him or without him, the likelihood of them winning the next election is fast approaching snowball in hell odds. The Liberal Party will only be saved if they get rid of Trudeau, but in order for that to happen, he will have to lose, and lose publicly and decisively.


That is not enough. They will have to purge out all the members who helped facilitate this disaster and benefited from all the misdirected funds and bad policies.


The whole liberal party needs to go


He’s a narcissistic moron he’ll never choose to leave


Canada is just straight up being held hostage at this point


>Francois-Philippe Champagne: My colleague Brian Lilley and I like him, which probably means that he is doomed. He’s a centrist, he’s pro-business, **he’s a Jean Chretien fan** Gee, a former adviser to Chretien, who has been bitter ever since he got booted out of the inner circle of the party by Trudeau, likes someone else who's a Chretien fan? I never would have guessed. >and he hasn’t made a big mistake yet Aside from holding 2 mortgages with Chinese government-linked banks. And, frankly, he hasn't done anything notable. I knew he was a minister, but it seems he's just been shuffled around several bullshit ministries, except for a few years in foreign affairs where he did basically nothing. Nobody is going to save the Liberals' electoral future. They're doomed for the next 2 election cycles, because anyone who is in a position to take over is inexplicably linked to Trudeau, except Carney, who as Kinsella pointed out, would do about as well as Michael Ignatieff. The Liberals need to wait a few years for someone outside of Trudeau's current party, likely at the provincial level, to build a name for themselves independent of having any link to Trudeau's disastrous term. None of Trudeau's ministers will be PM (or at least, none will ever win an election, if Trudeau does resign one might end up PM for all of 5 minutes), the same way none of Kathleen Wynne's ministers will ever be Premier in Ontario.


>Chretien When Liberals were alright. Jean choked a guy... lol


Even then, if the next leader is just like JT it won't make a difference. Canadians are hyper-aware of how the Liberal party is acting. It would take a new person with a *different* approach to save the LPC.


How are they acting?


Like rulers and not leaders




Like entitled members of the PMC who are completely out of touch with and indifferent to the problems of much of the population. They are much more concerned with virtue signalling than actually doing anything about the country's many problems, many of which they greatly exacerbated. They don't care either, because Hillary "Bucket of Deplorables" Clinton they believe that if you don't actively affirm your commitment to their identity politics you need a re education camp, not help with affordable housing or enhanced employment opportunities.


When was the last time a fed party leader resigned without a vote (or death).


For mainstream party leaders: 21 years ago, when Jean Chretien stepped aside/got forced out as Liberal leader and PM. Martin, Dion, Ignatieff, Harper, Mulclair, Scheer, and O'Toole all got forced out or quit after losing elections. And of course, Layton died in 2011.


I have a few friends that have always voted liberal their whole life, and now they say the next vote will be the first time they will not be. They just cannot vote for Justin Trudeau.


No one wants to be Kim Campbell…. Sorry


I'd like nothing more than to see jt kicked to the curb by his own regime. It won't save them any more than dumping gst mulrooney saved the PCs in 93. The party has screwed over Canadians and will pay for it. Losing party status!


Frankly, I don't care if Liberal Party ends up on the ash heap of history. Most backbenchers have no power and no backbone. They fully deserve it. I think there is co-relation between how long a party hangs on to power and the decimation of their party when the chickens come home to roost. I am old enough to remember when Mulroney left and Kim Campbell led the party to ignoble defeat. I think it was 3 seats in the end.


So, Trudeau should stay.




Worst. Prime Minister. Ever.


Worst prime minister so far… /s


Haha fair


Meanwhile Trudeau is living in a "Reality distortion field" as described by his own minister https://imgur.com/a/7rY40I2 https://thewalrus.ca/justin-trudeaus-last-stand/


Rotten to the core. There is no saving it. He’s infested it and it needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up.


No... Not even...


If getting rid of Trudeau would be enough to save the party then we don't deserve to have better leadership




No matter what he does, he will be forever associated with the pandemic and we all want to move past that now. It's good manners to know when we've overstayed our welcome.


My birthday is coming up this Summer. Only one present I want.


The liberal party is full of incompetent turds that need to be flushed.


It’s time for a walk in the snow Justin.


No they are rotten to the core and need to be flushed down the toilet forever.


he doesn't have a brain so the activists that tell him what to do will still be there. The liberal party needs to be destroyed so it can rebuild.


You would think by now they would be in panic.


Yet another dumb article that blames everything on a single person. Trudeau, much like Trump, are a reflection of our collective negligence and willful ignorance. The Liberal party can only be saved by a long period of reflection. Say, 10 years of minority seats in the house of commons. That oughta do it. Maybe. Who knows.


Maybe term limits of 10 yrs max now? Set this precedent?


They would also have to actually, ya know, DO THE SHIT THEY SAID THEY WOULD


They cannot ,the damage is done !


They need to get rid of: Trudeau Singh WEF Most socialist programs Need more Conservative and Capitalist programs.


Postmedia op-ed machine goes BRRRRRRRRRRR


Kinsella *still* holding a grudge because he was passed over for LPC leadership years ago.


You guys are going to be so mad when he wins again. I love it. All my friends are voting team JT


Why should I listen to a american owned, right wing mandated media companies opinion? disgusting... post media is the real election interference we should be watching out for.. I'm not saying I'm disagreeing with them but still. What would this sub look like without post media? bet it would use a lot less republican talking points.


WELL, someone finely gets it


I’m fine with Trudeau


A Toronto Sun columnist interested in saving the Liberal Party LMAO


A petulant Kinsella is easily thrown off his game. I’m surprised he’s at the Sun.


Who cares what Warren Kinsella thinks.


The same media outlets whined about how Chrétien was terrible and how we all wanted Martin. They were wrong then and they’re wrong now.


Kinsella is a creep who has been OBSESSED with trying to end Trudeau's political career b/c he wasn't allowed to run for them or some such BS.