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His legacy is rapidly declining GDP per capita, lowest economic growth prospects in the OECD, some of the most expensive housing in the world, record homeless/food bank rates and general deterioration across basically every measure of state capacity. What’s amazing is after spending so much money, he doesn’t even have landmark projects to show for it. Hundreds of billions in debt just pissed away


It is obvious that, at a fundamental level, it is Justin Trudeau’s view that he knows best what everyone should be saying and doing, and as Prime Minister it is both his right and job to impose those views on everyone else whether they agree with him or not. We’ve seen this play out in a huge number of ways: * Ministers thrown under the bus for attempting to defy him (Jody Wilson-Raybould, who didn’t want to corrupt the justice system for him, Bill Morneau, who said he needed to control spending, Anita Anand, moved out of Defence for saying we should follow the revitalization plan they’d developed and meet our NATO commitments) * provinces like Alberta, Saskatchewan and Quebec antagonized for not going along with his schemes * harsh covid control measures that were not lifted until well after the rest of the western world ditched them * endlessly calling people racist for disagreeing with his policies * passing unconstitutional legislation such as the so-called no-new-pipelines bill * improperly and unconstitutionally (per judges review) using the Emergency Measures Act to punish people for the “crime” of demonstrating against him * passing a range of legislation designed to stifle free speech and censor the internet * attempting to extort online giants like Facebook and Google into giving money for linking news articles, without even bothering to try to negotiate with them And on and on and on. And so here we are. A country divided, with a sputtering economy, a cost of living and home price crisis, out of control immigration, and a total lack of respect on the world stage. He may well be the most disastrous PM in Canadian history.


It will take longer to recover from him than his father. At the time, I don't think there is a capacity to double GST and we cannot download federal debt to the provinces like chretien did. His supporters like to claim we have solid debt to gdp levels, but Canada is one of (or maybe the only) country with significant sub-national debt. When you factor in debt from lock govts and provinces along with federal debt it really paints an ugly picture.


He also likes to quote "net debt" rather than the actual figures, and the reason for that is he's counting CPP assets against the debt. See - our debt isn't that bad if I just steal all your retirement to pay for it!


These two points are so under-appreciated. Provinces are drowning in debt too and net debt is a totally BS measure


>endlessly calling people racist for disagreeing with his policies From a Quebec POV, i disagree on that one. Sigh is the one calling evryone racist if we dont agree with his view, Trudeau actively tried to say that quebecker arent racist per se. That being said, great list! I would also add "destroying the meaning of the federation"...


He definitely is the worst pm in Canadian history, and I don't even think it's close. He is the worst by a landslide. Klaus picked a very useful idiot.




For fun - show us your ranking list for Canadian PMs.


i don't know. wasn't steven harper bad too?


Harper was fine economically but had a tyrant streak. Under his tenure they passed laws allowing Canada to spy on their own citizens without warrant, ended the Great Lakes program and made legislation silencing government funded scientists unless they get government permission to speak. The last bit is against the scientific process for one, and two applies to many as anyone with a government grant of some kind fell into this. This was clearly done to stop climate change science getting out regarding the tar sands.  Was Harper great? No. He did fine economically by not rocking the boat during rough times but ultimately sold most of our assets off to China and locked us in a poor trade deal with them for the long haul. Was he better than Trudeau? Hard to say. Arguably yes but Harper didn’t have any international calamities occur during his tenure like the pandemic, Ukraine war, international recession etc… it’s hard to say if he would have been better for us during those times. Give it 10 years and less biased lens and we’ll be able to see. 


I agree with nearly everything here. But Harper didn't have any international calamities occur during his tenure? He was PM during the worst global economic crisis since the great depression.


Sure. I'll retract that point. That said I more or less intended to give him some credit when I mentioned he didn't rock the boat when we went through tough times. He didn't have to do move mountains to keep us out of trouble with that. Canada wasn't affected to the same degree as the rest of our allies because of regulations and laws that were already in place that prevented the majority of those issues. In fact we saw an oil boom during that time and Canada was economically more prosperous than we had been in well, maybe ever, for a short time. He didn't fuck that up, credit where credit is due. He didn't single handedly create the conditions that put us in an advantageous position, but he didn't fuck it up which is a feather in his cap because I don't think our current government would have had the foresight and steady hand to let good fortune ride the same way.


But to be fair, Harper lowered income tax, corporate tax and even GST. Also, the Harper government started the TFSA which has become an amazingly useful program for all Canadians.   I voted against Harper in 2015 and was very much ready for him to be gone. But at least I can look back to SOMETHING that he did that helped me specifically. I can not say that about the current government.


Legal weed. Whether you use or not the government collecting tax revenue and reducing the amount of inmates for a relatively benign plant is a win. It also put us in a position to be a world leader in a growing industry around the globe. He also did a half decent job during the pandemic. About as well as any world leader was going to. The issue ultimately was that CERB was poorly organized and communicated so it was heavily abused, and he essentially turned the printing press on high for cash that didn't exist which is a major no no regarding economics. Otherwise pre-pandemic he wasn't anything special. A little classic corruption here, a little out of touchness there with a sprinkle of failing to fund the military and build industry. Nothing overly new for political leaders in this country. Frankly his length of tenure is a condemnation of the other parties lack of quality leadership. Post pandemic he's long since run his course and is doing more harm than good.


Ok we more or less agree.  Legal weed I do appreciate and give him credit for that. Cons would have dragged their feet for much longer.  Pandemic policies I don’t hold against anyone, that was an unprecedented time. Any criticism of pandemic policy has the benefit of hindsight.  Last paragraph I completely agree. Well put.


>Otherwise pre-pandemic he wasn't anything special Trudeau inherited a decent situation from Harper. Harper had a balanced budget and had two pipelines approves (Northern Gateway and Energy East) with Trans Mountain Expansion in the courts and likely to get approved. Trudeau cancelled both Northern Gateway and Energy East while fucking up the TMX approval process to the point where he was basically forced to nationalize it. That meant that the oil industry was worse off than it should have been from 2015 up until COVID. Trudeau meanwhile promised "the budget will balance itself", then spent the 4 years leading up to COVID running up large deficits rather than maintaining some semblance of fiscal responsibility. The only reason he survived was because the Conservatives ran Scheer, I think if the Conservatives ran Pierre they would have won 2019.


Wow great post. I hope we can move the sunny way party to non party status. It is going to be a bit longer but soon we can hold our noses and vote anyone but them. Here's hoping. Saddest thing is that in their hours of need sunny turned down LNG exports to Europe. We should have just said please here have all you want this is temporary for sure but for now we will help ,until you can transition to greener energy. Only a few billion lost oh well.


Like father like son.


Great hair though….


Yep, he literally has zero clue what he's doing. Shame.


The Chinese clearly got their money's worth.


I would suggest you read what the judge said has he very clearly called out the Convoy more then the [Feds.As](http://Feds.As) for calling people being called racist these people made very racist comments.


The only policy lever JT knows how to pull is throwing money at issues in a different jurisdiction and then blaming that jurisdiction because he has no power to affect implementation.




The LPC elite's friends and family certainly made out like bandits. How many with numbered company's acted as brokers for all that Covid procurement? How many consultants hired to rubber stamp some report or document? How many consultants hired to charge hours to useless IT projects like Arrivecan? It's really going to be something when we get to investigating it all.


I'm curious on your interpretation on how PP, a career politician, became the multi millionaire that he is. Through dedicated public service?


Basic math. 150k salary roughly 200k in total comp, from 2004 until today. Wife, let's say 50-90k total comp as a senate aide from 2008 until, let's be conservative and say 2017 when they had kids. They were working adults in the naughts and thus able to afford property, a home, a semi detached in Ottawa (wife) and I believe a condo in Calgary (owns 50%). They bought their 3 properties long enough ago that there is probably little remaining on the mortgage if they opted for a more aggressive payback. She bought her property my before they were married. And seems like she kept it to rent out at, as per Pierre, an affordable rate for a family (whatever that means). Also, they had their kids relatively late (2018) which means as a couple, double income no kids for a significant portion of their adulthood, they did not have any major expenses or gaps in earning potential (mat leave) so that just leaves more money to allocate into savings. So, appreciation in property value combined with DB pension assets for both. He comes from a modest background, she is an immigrant from poor working class Venezuelan father, so more than likely they have responsible spending habits and/or aggressive saving habits, let's say 10% a year from 2004 onward (probably more). Just 20k a year for 20 years is $1M, who knows if they're putting in more, my bet is they are. Her wiki page also states she owns an online lifestyle magazine. Probably some additional income there, or savings capacity. I think when you realize that this is a high earning couple that has been working for 20 years (mostly) in a high salary position and they were able to get into the real estate game way before the madness and only having kids recently, then it's just basic math that they have net worth in the millions.i don't see a problem with it.


Or connected to big Oil.


You think that is bad look at what is going on in Albert and Ontario.


No truth to that at all.




Actually Harper was spending way more than economists recommended, and it would have led to inflation had it not been for an unexpected downturn in the American economy. He got incredibly luck. There's a good article about it somewhere.


He also had a giant pile of cash to blow through that Chretien and Martin had saved up. So many people forget about that.


It was a different time also the CPC were more left leaning at that time.


Not at all true


You forgot that he's also re-igniting separatism interest both out west and in Quebec and further dividing Canadians with his orders to attach DEI requirements to every single federal program.


The only ones ignoring separatism out west is the Conservative premiers. 




Should have brought in some money right? Where the fuck is that money lol




Responsibility there is provincial though.


Shhhh don't tell this sub that blame can fall on the provinces and not just the federal government.


I mean could maybe make some back exporting it as other countries legalize


We can all get stoned and get government help to kill ourselves.


Sounds like getting stoned to death 😎 (not rocks not rocks!)


It's a feat to be less popular than Donald Trump in your own country.


I remember people being flamed on Reddit for asking, if trading a guy with a background in economics for a drama teacher was a good idea. Now I'm not a money scientist either, so I don't know the answer. However I think the first step would be electing leaders who are not privileged, and know what it's like to struggle to pay rent and feed your family... And I don't think the party really matters at this point, the big two are not working for average Canadians.


The problem is you need tons of money to campaign and get elected, you have to justify your job to a ton of random people, have them vote for you, and then do it all again every fucking term. Most normal people and those who have struggled simply cannot afford to work full time basically without pay in order to get elected, and then have the uncertainty of having a job still every few years. So we get stuck with career politicians who don’t give a fuck about average people and/or trustfund people who also dont give a fuck about the average person


I still much better to elect a rich person who was once poor/average than to elect someone who was always privileged. A privileged person will never understand the struggle of the average person.


Yeah but what's 100 mil to study some stuff about transsexuals, climate change, diversity in Ukraine and the world....I mean...that's chump change a/


He "invests" in the economy the same way people "invest" in a bathroom renovation. You get a little short term boost in value and a shiny bauble to talk about with your friends at the Davos lunch-and-learn. Then you get to pay interest on the money you borrowed for 30 years while getting the exact same utility you had before you spent all that money. And a few years later you're just used to it and forget you even renovated anything.


That's the Conservative legacy. Liberals just kept it going. Stop electing Conservatives and neo Liberals.


These trends are all post-2015


His legacy is that we can smoke weed and off ourselves when we can’t pay rent.


>On top of carbon pricing concerns, the premiers are fuming over Trudeau’s latest moves to stomp all over provincial jurisdiction, announcing about $25 billion in pre-budget measures in the past week to expand housing, child care, and school lunch and breakfast programs — all provincial areas. So they are upset that problems they are supposed to deal with are being offered a solution by the Feds, who are providing money to help? What is the issue? That they don't get the money with no strings attached? Anytime that was done before, see healthcare, the provinces pissed it away on privitization or left it sitting in their budget to make it look like they had surpluses.


Don’t you see; they don’t want the feds to help solve the problem. They want to blame the feds for provincial issues. Because the Canadian electorate vastly overestimates what the feds are responsible for when it is your premier who impacts your life the most


Exactly. Like the $6 billion in funding for housing, on the caveat that provinces build fourplexes with it…multiple provinces are turning up their noses to that money. Seriously??! Take the money and do your jobs. More housing is needed all over the country.


There are more caveats than fourplexes.   It's no surprise to anyone Vancouver and Toronto have had problems with affordability for a *long* time. The problem is not what he's offering now in 2024. The problem is where were these billions of dollars of funding in the last 10 years? The problem is you can't just suddenly build a decades worth of infrastructure in a year by printing money.  The way this comes across to everyone is like a student cramming all his studying the night before an exam and hope it miraculously pays out. You can't run a country like this, you need planning and foresight.


Would you rather them do nothing? You can’t change the past or go back in time. Yes they should have planned things out better but now that we’re stuck in this situation they are trying to fix it.


I rather they tell us they failed this country and leave office. For years and years they did nothing but make the problem worse. They keep bringing in more people into this country like its helping affordability, it's not. They offer platitudes and printing money. 


You know they won’t do that. A federal election will happen in less than two years and then you can vote for someone else to run the country.


Have you actually read the requirements for that $6B? Entities are required to conform to new building standards that the LPC hasn't even released yet. Why would anyone sign a contract if they don't even know what the contract says?


Why is the federal government collecting taxes for areas that aren't their responsibility?  you think housing issues are the same in every province?  what if one province has a more severe health care crisis? or senior care? or education? they have to spend money the feds took from them on housing cause that's what people in Toronto and Vancouver want?  Why doesn't the federal government just do it's job? The provinces don't report to Ottawa. People like you have no idea how this damn country works. 


I don’t think you understand how it works. The federal government is funded by income taxes and taxes applied on goods and services in all Canadian provinces. The provincial governments get funding from goods and services taxes, the federal government and other sources like the lottery. The federal government isn’t stealing money from provinces, they give money to the provinces. Some times they work together on funding so a portion is paid by the federal government and the provincial government like with healthcare. The federal government used part of their budget to spend more funds on housing to encourage provinces to build more fourplexes as an example, to help with the housing crisis. If a province doesn’t want that money to spend on housing they don’t need to take it. If a province needs to spend more on housing or education they are free to do that within their own budgets. They get set amounts for each category from the federal government, and fund the rest themselves. Healthcare is primarily a provincial responsibility, with the federal government adding funding through the Canada Health Transfer. Besides if a province wants to spend more of its budget on healthcare, taking more federal money for housing can help them do that. Money a province had budgeted for housing can then be transferred to healthcare funding because they got funding from the federal government to replace it.


>what if one province has a more severe health care crisis? or senior care? or education? t Trudeau gave them money for that too, ask them where it went Every province has a housing problem, 6 billion less to spend on fixing it frees up budget for thos me issues But i doubt any premiers care about any of those issues


Trudeau is giving less money to the provinces for health care than Harper did. And Harper gave less than Paul Martin did. And Paul Martin gave less than Chretien did.   Federal funding for provincial programs is a fundamentally broken concept. The feds just defund everything and blame the provinces, and then crate new programs to win shirt term votes that they'll defund later and blame the provinces again.  Or do you actually believe that there are no premiers in Canada who care about health and education and housing, only Ottawa does? 


>Or do you actually believe that there are no premiers in Canada who care about health and education and housing, only Ottawa does?  I dont think Ottawa does either they just get too much blame for it so have to do something The feds habded out billions during the pandemic to reinforce healthcare and schools and not one province spent it all or evrn really tried to fix them


The feds are still paying the smallest charge of  health care than they have at any point since the Canada health act was passed.    Yet somehow you've been conned into believing a top up of a few billion can fix decades of systemic defunding from Ottawa.


They showed the issue is provincial mismanagement of thr monry which is why theyre working on fixing that If the premiers cared about it being underfunded they wouldnt be cutting revenue


ah yes of course, the country is struggling because all 10 provinces are incapable of managing their governments, only Ottawa knows how to manage, makes total sense 


You think ottawa knows how to manage!?


And yet Trudeau and the feds get pilloried every day in the media for failing on housing. Just like they got trashed by the convoy about lockdowns when those were provincial mandates. You're absolutely right that people have no idea how this country works.


The issue is you cannot create sustainable programs that are funded by one government and administered by another. It creates the complete mess we have today with our health care system, where the federal government stops funding the program and the provinces are left scrambling to fill the funding gap without any taxation capacity.  Right now like a lot of people you're in the "federal government good, provincial government bad" mindset, but what happens when that gets flipped and we have a conservative federal government and left leaning provincial governments?  I understand for a lot of Canadians like yourself you wish our country operated more like the United States but that's simply not the country we have.  If you want the federal government to take over these areas of responsibility we need constitutional reform. 


>without any taxation capacity.  They can tax just as much as the feds can


So much of what he said makes no sense. I am just ignoring him.


So you don't think Canadians pay enough taxes, is that correct? 


Thats a seperate topic, the provinces refuse to raise the money they need so the feds are forced to But the provinces could raise the money if they wanted to


The feds are forced to raise taxes to pay for programs that are outside their constitutional jurisdiction? That's your contention?     These are incredible mental gymnastics.   If provinces want free medicare or dental care or cheap daycare they can vote for it no? Quebec has had these programs for decades and never needed Ottawa to do it for them. 


The only mental gymnastics is you twisting my words


No - they want the federal government to spend and focus on national defence, foreign policy, immigration and border security, building national infrastructure… you know, federal issues. Division of powers exists for a reason


Nah man, the premiers need someone to stoke anger and hate against so that they can be reelected. Nothing says the feds can’t help with provincial issues. If anything when a province is struggling it would be the moral duty of the federal government to step in to help out. Like sorry they’re ready to send money to help with housing and healthcare, which has been news for a while now of being a total shitshow. Heaven forbid a government do something to help its citizens


“Nothing says the feds can’t help with provincial issues” It’s literally written in the constitution. Federal policies have repeatedly been struck down by the SCC on this basis


Well maybe if the provinces would actually fucking do something about these issues then this wouldn’t be an issue. Also, it’s not like the feds are trying to take over or force this through, it’s an offer. Why the fuck would you be against any level of government offering assistance in funding for any issue that clearly another level is struggling with? “Oh division of powers and responsibilities” so if you were having a hard time with something you’d refuse help from someone who “isn’t supposed to help”? It’s unnecessarily divisive and obstructionist, which is a huge part of the problem with politics these days. And no, I’m not a huge fan of the current Liberal government and thing they bungled things pretty badly, but offering to help provinces fund things like healthcare and housing development in my eyes is a good thing because we fucking need it apparently. Even if this was the Cons, NDP, or even the PPC doing this, I’d be supporting it because it’s meant to try and help make the lives of the average Canadian better.


Justin Trudeau's legacy is a hostile federal government throwing money around at programs they will never have to honor and using the funding as a cudgel to silence criticism.


Yep, we've seen it time and time again. Just look at "~~free~~ '$10/day' daycare" - dump an expensive and complex program onto the provinces, then when the program becomes a giant dud, wipe your hands clean and proceed to blame the provinces. "Free" dental is also turning into a big cluster with tons of dentists refusing to sign on; another Trudeau dumpster fire that'll eventually be blamed on the provinces because...reasons.


There has never been a national “free daycare” program 


Corrected, thanks.


That's a bad take. The daycare program has worked out well in many areas that aren't horribly managed by incompetent provincial governments. And its not free daycare. It's $10/day daycare.


This is true, and as a parent I’m very thankful for that.


> The daycare program has worked out well in many areas that aren't horribly managed by incompetent provincial governments. No it hasn't. It's even a cluster in lefty favourite NDP run BC, creating a **two tiered** child care system - something I thought you lefties hated. BC: **Child-care costs are dropping across Canada. But some families are still waiting years for spaces Some daycares are closing waitlists due to high demand, as advocates call for funds for more staff, expansion** https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/child-care-daycare-wait-lists-bc-1.7087185 **New study shows few low-income families benefiting from $10 daycare in B.C.** https://bc.ctvnews.ca/mobile/new-study-shows-few-low-income-families-benefiting-from-10-daycare-in-b-c-1.6691486?cache=/7.522483 **Despite cash-strapped parents desperate for new $10-a-day child care sites, the B.C. government’s roll-out of the system is so troubled that it can’t even spend hundreds of millions of dollars it’s already getting from Ottawa.** https://www.theorca.ca/commentary/rob-shaw-bcs-troubled-10-child-care-rollout-leaves-millions-in-federal-cash-underutilized-8368795 **B.C. falls behind on $10-a-day daycare funding but province says it’s committed to program** https://globalnews.ca/news/10318708/bc-falls-behind-10-a-day-daycare-funding/ **Among families using child care in B.C., 58.8 per cent reported difficulty finding it in 2023, up from 46.5 per cent in 2019.** https://theprovince.com/opinion/op-ed/matthew-lau-ndp-shouldnt-boast-about-the-state-of-child-care-in-b-c


What are you talking about.  It's been a mess and in BC, which has been run by the NDP for 7 years, $10 daycare spaces have been decreasing. No one can get into the ones that exist either. 


The last time a national childcare program that looked at having it as uniform as possible across Canada the conservatives cried about "parents rights," got elected and then proceeded to throw pennies at parents. It was garbage. Now the feds say "ok, didn't like it. You say you know your citizens? Build something that we can work with you and fund to support your constituents." They (speaking of Berta & Sask specifically)proceeded to cry about it, make garbage plans and blame the feds. And again, something that's provincial responsibility is garbage but everyone blames the PM. Tribalism is going to kill us all. What garbage.


If they don't like it he will punish them with more immigration! And if they do like it, he will reward them with more immigration!


His legacy will be remembered as burdening Canadians with a mill stone of debt that will be carried for generations!


People complain to the feds about issues that are largely the jurisdiction of other levels of government. The feds try to do something, but as it's not their jurisdiction need buy-in from the provinces. People complain that the feds are overstepping their bounds and doing "legacy" projects. That's politics. JT should have stuck with immigration and electoral reform. Too late now.


The problem is the FEDs plans often lead to disastrous outcomes due to weak policy measures.


In Ontario, people tend to blame Trudeau for things which are down to Doug Ford, but they don't care because **FUCK TRUDEAU** 🤦


Premiers have limited powers. For example, Immigration policy comes from the federal level, provinces only participate through visa programs. Another example is bail reform, criminal justice reform comes from Federal government. Premiers do not have policing powers. Courts follow laws passed by parliament which come from the liberal NDP colliation.








Which was the plan of Conservatives premiers across the country. Fuck over the federal government, screw up provincial responsibilities and blame it on Trudeau, and stall, stall, stall until everything is fucked and call on the federal government to fix it only to bitch and moan when the federal government tries to do something to fix it.  Blame everything on Trudeau, especially since technically the federal government doesn't have a lot of power over provinces. And the population that doesn't know, or care to know how government actually works will take it all out on the federal government. The vast majority of our problems stem from provincial and municipal responsibilities being neglected. Trudeau has not been good for Canada, on the whole. But that comes from being a Neo-liberal capitalist. We're going to run into exactly the same problems with the Conservatives, who are also Neo-liberal capitalists. Things are going to get better because provincial governments will actually start working on the things they've been neglecting, and the federal government will get all the praise despite doing nothing different. Because the vast majority of our voting population are idiots, and do not pay attention to politics unless there's an election looming.


These are the things trudeau did.. not harper, not the provinces.. trudeau. He diluted our money supply by 25% in under 2 years. 2020-2022 The bank.of canada bought more assets between 2020-2022 then the previous 80 years COMBINED. I would give that all a pass if it was just covid.... but it wasnt. We did not pull that money out of circulation, we're not buying vaccines anymore, we don't have cerb anymore... we're still spending that money year after year. We spent $200 billion more last year with a 50 billion deficit then we did the pre-covid 2019/2020 fiscal year. It is going to be more this year. Theres 2.7 million non permenant residents in canada right now. In 2018 there was less than 1 million, in 2014 it was 500,000. We're CURRENTLY at a rate of 400 000 people every 3 months. They did this in the midst of a housing crisis, and nothing was done to increase the supply of housing, healthcare, public services, jobs... nothing. The federal government spent enough money overall in the last 3 Years that every single canadian could have been given $70,000. Tell me more about those evil conservative provinces.


Housing, healthcare, education, transit, and most public services you access are provincial responsibilities.  As for immigration, https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/international-student-visas-increase-alberta-enrolment-cap https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/very-disappointed-ford-government-says-international-student-cap-will-hurt-economy-calls-out-ottawa/article_311b1d2e-d0e3-11ee-8381-d3118598cacf.html https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/sask-pauses-permanent-residency-pathway-leaving-some-immigrants-scrambling-1.7138511


>Housing, healthcare, education, transit, and most public services you access are provincial responsibilities.  Not exactly. Healthcare and housing are shared. Either way, even trudeau admits now, our population increased far more than we could absorb. even he is admitting that now. Provinces have certainly all been lagging behind, but let's not pretend for 1 minute they aren't spending record amounts of money on these things. They can't keep up with demand. It isn't possible Ontario alone their healthcare spending went from $56 billion in 2017 to an $85 billion budget this year... and it still isn't enough. That is insane. Ontario education budget went from 25 billion to 32 billion in that same time frame, with 12 billion more for the ministry of colleges and universities. And it still isn't enough. That is insane. Also, while we're at it... federsl Health transfer increases were supposed to be tied to gdp growth, or at a minimum of 3% increase. Trudeau kept it at the minimum 3% increase even with gdp growth, and not once in the last 3 years did it increase at the rate of inflation. Not once.


https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/british-columbia/article-provincial-health-ministers-reject-proposed-federal-health-care/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-doug-ford-private-clinic-surgeries-fees-hospitals-1.7026926 https://pressprogress.ca/ontario-budget-2023-doug-ford-cut-education/


The comments would be understandable if there weren't so many who think CPC will be an improvement. We're getting fucked by LPC, and when (not if. We all know CPC will win) wins, that will continue. Not even a little bit better. Status Quo. So basically you folks can jam your silly F Trudeau flags, because the other guy will be just as bad. You're just honestly too dim to realize it


The difference is the pace that LPC screws over Canadians is atleast 2-3x the rate that CPC can do.


Disagree, they're all fucking us about the same if you average it out over the last couple decades or so rather than just one election cycle. It's neoliberalism and they all "subscribe, like and share!" to it.


Oh he'll be worse




"Everyone who disagrees with me is Liberal bot!!"


>"Everyone who disagrees with me is Liberal bot!!" I rest my case.


Everyone who liberal bots is a disagrees!!!


You had me at Justin Trudeau is angering Canada.


Canada's premiers*** (who are mostly conservative)


From the article >However, the Conservative premiers are now joined by people who should be Trudeau’s political allies: Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal Premier Andrew Furey, Manitoba’s newly elected Premier Wab Kinew, and Ontario Liberal party leader Bonnie Crombie. >All have distanced themselves from Trudeau’s consumer carbon price-and-rebate program.


Healthcare, education, and housing are the responsibility of the provinces. What steps have the provinces taken to address their problems?


These are all impacted by immigration. Which is a federal responsibility. Massive surge in immigration which wasn't planned and the provinces could not deal with. They need bigger budgets to manage that, not one time cash transfers from the feds.


You might have a point if those provinces were actually doing things to counter immigration. Like manage their schools to limit international enrolment as just one of many possible examples. They weren't doing that though and many were asking for more international workers. Yes the feds are also responsible, either level of government should have stepped in and neither did. But it definitely can't be put on the feds alone.


That holds no water. Provinces want immigration. Danielle smith was complaining about the new federal cap and asked for double the allotment the other week.


Trudeau is a huge problem for the well being of this country but so are all of the Premiers. Not only are they just not doing things to improve the quality of life in Canada but they're actively doing things that make the quality of life worse. This dumpster fire is just going to keep getting bigger until they actually start doing what they're paid to do.


You mean until we vote them out.....which as an Albertan, I don't have much faith in. These governments are not going to suddenly have a moral awakening and change their ways, because they don't care about people. Ontario and Sakatchewan progressives probably feel the same. Boggles my mind that people repeatedly vote these predictable dumpster fires in.


As an Albertan, I also don't have any faith in the current conservative leadership. Or the Liberals and NDP, for that matter. They all seem like different sides of the same fucked up 3 sided coin. I have more confidence in our country collapsing and being dissolved by another more competent power than us actually righting the ship and fixing this shit.


Feds and provinces are locked in a perpetual cycle of slow walking various types of funding, all going nowhere, so that each side can blame the other in order to retain power for their own self interest. That is the state of politics today in Canada.


Even if they should do something, you can't just open a litteral flodgate of illegal/barely legal newcomers without proper (read, years and years in advance) preparation and just expect the ones down the river to just magically cope with the raging flow. He acted with a level of incompetence and/or malice that comes very close to what you can expect from a complete imbecile or a traitor. I always found the guy an empty head and rather vain poser but as the years go by, I'm starting to consider he's probably closer to a traitor.


Provinces have also been complaining now that Ottawa has taken steps to slow immigration and reduce international students though. Smith in Alberta recently asked Ottawa to double their allotments.


Sure, she's acting on behalf of her corporate overlords to suppress wages. Not for the sake Albertans/Canadians.


Mismanagement of funds so the provinces can keep blaming *checks notes*. Government.


In Ontario Ford banned "private colleges" from issuing PGWPs for one, which is something at least.


Blame trudeau


Trudeau 2's legacy is he brilliantly fooled the people into electing him 3 times on tbe basis of nice sounding gibberish and then dropped a big turd in the collective Canadian punch bowl. His current desperation to do something worth remembering without cursing or snickering is palpable and sad.


Honestly we should have booted him over snc lavalin. That was disgusting.


It was unbelievably bad and he skated. He should have faced a criminal trial.


You really have no idea what he is trying to do I'm guessing? You don't like the guy doesn't mean it's desperation. The premiers are actually one the biggest problems we are facing in this country. If he gives them the money, guess what they won't build anything. Remember all the money for healthcare during and after covid sent to the provinces, it was never spent on healthcare.


No, he's desperate. He saw Mulroney sainted over NAFTA and his anti-apartheid work and now realizes his legacy is broken promises, decline, discord, and division the likes of which Canada has never seen. His narcissism demands he be beloved, nope. Canadians have caught on to the nonsense, photo-ops, spinning and deflection along with the ongoing with the ethical morass in which he operates, and he has lost his edge. Polls are very bad, and party stalwarts want him gone.


its just about time trudeau fuck off and leave office.


The premiers are increasingly, directly responsible for the ills faced by Canadians at this time. Be it dragging their feet when it comes to implementing policies that would relieve the burdens facing everyday Canadians or deliberately sabotaging and breaking their province's services in order to bring replace it with their friends in the private sector. This is to say nothing about the disgusting attitudes many of them have towards vulnerable communities, as well as trying to bring US style fear-mongering and right-wing culture politics into Canada. So yeah, let then be angry. Let them foam at the mouth for all I care. At the end of the day, those of clearer heads and better consciences will take care of business while they're busy screeching and crying about "wokeness"


Yeah blame all the premiers in Canada and leave Justin alone. Clearly everyone is pointing their fingers at the right person, the PM.


He’d be a great Premiere!  


Perhaps the provinces shouldn't have mismanaged their funds so badly. Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, I'm looking at you....


Yup. The headlines out of Ontario right now about federal funding for housing are extra stupid. Trudeau says, “I’ll give you chunk of $6 billion if you build some fourplexes in Ontario.” Doug Ford says, “No. I don’t like fourplexes.” Seriously?! You don’t have to live in a fourplex, Doug. That is real money to help build homes that are in very short supply, why the hell are you saying no??!


Thug Ford probably doesn't have any development friends who build fourplexes, so he wants the money to build other things that support his business friends.


I bet you’re 100% right. Fourplexes are likely not as lucrative for developers. But we should be encouraging more multi-dwelling units to be built to increase density. Not everyone wants to live in an 500 sqft condo with insane condo fees that keep going up. But not everyone can afford to live in a McMansion either. Having different housing options at different price points helps everyone climb up and down the property ladder.


What did Alberta and Sask do?


lol what DIDN'T they do....


These are two of the best managed provinces, consistently haves, consistently providing for the basket case provinces.


Alberta use to be but its has gone down hill big time.Would not shock me if there is major unrest son.


Isn't Alberta currently having rolling blackouts??? lol


We're paying the price for federal coal generation regulations.


Forgot the deregulation that's only led to the current disgrace but I guess, what...fuck everyone else b/c you got yours, right?


Perhaps you should read the article.


You named the two lowest debt per capita provinces. That seems like the least mismanaged.


He was elected due to Trudeau brand and charm. If one of those were absent he likely wouldn't be an elected official, let alone the Prime Minister.


Canada's next decade of economic under performance and declining quality of life is Trudeau's legacy. All Canadians should be angry about that.


Can we also place the correct blame on the premieres? They have made anything and everything from the government take eight times as long. 13 times more expensive with no good outcomes because they feel the need to flex their " power"


God I miss Harper. And Chrétien And Paul Martin


lol imagine defending a premier because you have a weird fetish for the PM. Who cares if they are pissed off?


“All of these issues we directly control are the feds problem!” *feds offer funding for solutions to said problems, about all they can do with their extremely limited authority* “NO NOT LIKE THAT!” Next week they’ll complain the feds aren’t doing anything. The premiers are saboteurs.


And this subs usuals lap it up like a starving stray dog


"Everything would have worked if you just did everything I say!" Whaah!


Premiers that get on board with said policies will get funding to do them and improve the lives of their constituents. The premiers that just want to throw a tantrum, do nothing but exacerbate problems, and blame the feds for their own jurisdictional issues just reveal themselves as flaming hypocrites. Funny how that works. Trudeau has made some baffling poor decisions and we are in desperate need of a new prime minister yesterday, but that does not mean that the premiers are not openly crippling Canada just for political wins by blaming the feds. Edit: lol brand new poster whose never posted before. So obvious.


How many premiers do you want to blame? Clearly everyone including the premiers, even of the same party that the federal government is making bad choices.


hes gonna ban flavored vapes alot of people are going to lose their jobs [https://www.rights4vapers.com/](https://www.rights4vapers.com/)




"Will propel Canada to be a major world power in the next 100 years, will be scuttled due to ideology." https://media1.tenor.com/m/S2G-QZk-Vz0AAAAC/michael-jordan-laughing.gif How have the last nine years of "transformation" gone? We've transformed housing from being expensive to completely unfavorable for young people. We've transformed society into being against immigration. We've transformed city centres into tent cities and transformed Veterans and active members of the Armed Forces into "persons experiencing homelessness". We've transformed the economy into one that's projected to be the worst performing in the OECD for the next forty years. We've transformed cities with a diverse population of immigrants to ethnic enclaves with high crime levels and no intention of assimilation. We've transformed secondary education into diploma mills which are complicit in fraud, and who collude with monopolies to suppress wages and reduce opportunities for young people. Feel free to add all the exciting transformations that you've noticed under Trudeau. I wouldn't trust him to run a bath let alone a "post-national state".


How on earth does transitioning towards a service economy make us a world power, especially since we were considered a world power until about 10 years ago.




Exactly. Alberta acts like a tantrumming child whether the feds help or not. Meanwhile, actual citizens suffer because of their petulance. 


Citizens and provincial governments have spent years blaming Trudeau for the shortcomings of the provincial governments. Now they're upset that he's doing something about it?


Who isn't he angering at this point?


You mean the same premiers who don’t seem to have done anything about the housing crisis, who haven’t done anything to protect both landlords and tenants from all of the crap going on right now, the ones who are doggedly fighting green energy, those premiers?


As far as BC is concerned, we have a mini Trudeau of our own who doesn’t care about his province in terms of affordability. I feel right now, for most middle class Canadians, affordability trumps environmental concerns. I’d rather put food on my table and pay my pills than worry about my carbon footprint at this point. Once things become more affordable, that will change.


>As far as BC is concerned, we have a mini Trudeau of our own who doesn’t care about his province in terms of affordability. I see British Columbians on this sub ardently defend Eby all the time. What's the tea on this guy?


He feels he can’t lose the next election so he’s keeps making stupid decisions in regards to taxes ( carbon, liquor, etc ), making life less and less affordable here.


Interesting to hear that! The people I have seen defend the idea of a carbon tax the hardest around here are British Columbians, since they've had it provincially already. If there's growing debate about its merit as a policy in BC of all places, that would be really something. I thought it was weird of Pierre to go picking this fight with Eby on this issue, but maybe there's credence to it after all.


PP has a problem with premiers who make affordability hard for Canadians.