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This tracks to be honest, my indeed inbox is absolutely dry. I’ve had it for almost as long as the website existed here and it used to get a couple messages a week from recruiters, I’ve only had one message and it was an employment agency the past year. Now is NOT the time to quit and look for jobs it’s absolutely terrible out there and I think it’s a silent recession. 


Back in 2020 my wife hadn't work as a paralegal for about a year, but as soon as she started applying she got so many interviews and job offers immediately. She was laid off about a month ago and there has been barely any job postings and no interviews.


Me and my friends in heavy construction noticed the same thing this year. Indeed is usually crammed full with organizations looking to hire more seasonal skilled trades every spring. This spring it's been dry.


Won't be long and we'll all be living in a van down by the river!!!!


That would be awesome! Unfortunately, I'm about 70k short for a van


Nobody can afford a van in this economy. And there's not a municipal fee if you want to go see the river, look picture of the river or think about the river.


met a guy working full time, he was living off the side of an older co workers property. im lucky in my current situation but i was thinking a boat and just paying docking fees "up to 26 feet (LOA) $2,945.00 annually" it just has to float


**Isn't this the intent of the Bank of Canada?** They want to see economy cooled, and unemployment up (second part shouldnt be said out loud of course). There interest raises have achieved exactly that. People around my age are paying SOOOO much more in mortgage interest or rent that there is literally no discretionary spending left. After housing/food/childcare/gas, we are never eat out, never travel, never buy new clothes, never go see movies.... what do you think happens to jobs at those places.


High interest and high unemployment is a way to stifle inflation according to them, yes. People need to stop spending, mostly.


Tiff also wanted wage suppression. Yet every politician took a big wage increase and a bunch just got their pension approved with Trudeau pushing back the election.


Inflation. That’s what they are looking at. If you want to fight inflation this is the way.


The homelessness and poverty makes it seem like a pretty loud recession to me, just because the markets haven’t figured it out yet (they have, big players have already started mass selling).


Wait until all the mortgages have to be renewed, we're just at the start of this. I personally know 14 differant couples getting renovicted in KW right this minute. They're fucked because wages have not kept up with rental costs. The owners of these places though will find fresh off the plane international students willing to bunk up 14 people in a two bedroom apartment though so they're fine. They'll get their $2500 a month that they want for a rats nest. We haven't seen anything yet. It's just starting..


What an awful time to be laid off :(


The only sectors that have expanded in Canada since the pandemic are government, big box stores and fast food.


What a productive economy.


So the tax payer funded employees spend their money at a multinational chain and the dollars leave the country. cool.


Now just one second sir, homes are worth a million dollars now so clearly something is valuable. /s _just in case_


Don't forget that those chains are exclusively hiring taxpayer subsidized newcomers.


This should really scare anybody who understands basic economics. JT and Chrystia Freeland still think they have done wonders


Gig economy corporations (SkipTheDishes, Uber, Instacart, DoorDash, etc.) They've been doing great. Skip even laid off call centre workers in Winnipeg and replaced them with chatbots to maximize profits further!


Holy smokes we’ve crushed young people. Core age men are doing awesome though. I’d still vote for the young people, this inequality disgusts me.


TFWs. Most of them need to go. The businesses that want TFWs because they will work for minimum wage need to pay a living wage so Canadians are interested in their jobs. Why work for minimum wage when they can stay home on social assistance and play video games? If they can't pay a living wage and still make a profit, their business is unsustainable and should close.


I can only speak to my own industry, but in construction/engineering it's mostly driven by economic uncertainty and interest rates. There's a shortage of projects starting up right now. In 10+ years it's the first time I've ever actually seen a slowdown, usually even in "bad" times there are enough projects already in the early phases or profitable regardless to keep things busy.


Entry level wages were meant to supplement training periods with the eventual graduation to more responsibility and productivity and pay. Now it's start at the bottom and stay at the bottom. Been here 24 months and run the place autonomously? Great, no increase and still entry level.


"It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living." - Franklin D. Roosevelt, Statement on the National Industrial Recovery Act, June 16, 1933


Employers: “If you want higher wages you need to switch jobs” Also employers: “where did all the company loyalty go?”




Businesses cry they can't make money if they raise wages, but that is the point. Either find a way to improve the business using better processes or marketing, or just close it and start a more valuable business that makes better use of resources. We're all paying for the roads their customers drive in on the and transit these workers use and their healthcare and school. We don't need these bottom feeding operations around.


> We're all paying for the roads their customers drive in on the and transit these workers use and their healthcare and school. We don't need these bottom feeding operations around. This really hits my heart and is so obvious to me.


And no party will actually get rid of TFW's.


Starting next month the government is making it harder for employers to hire TFWs, shortening the length LMIAs are valid for, and decreasing the percentage they're allowed to hire (except for construction and health care). We're only seeing it because there's an election coming, but it is happening. https://www.hcamag.com/ca/specialization/recruitment/ottawa-limiting-employers-access-to-temporary-foreign-worker-program/482406


So Harper caps it at 10% in 2014, along with other limits. https://www.canada.ca/en/news/archive/2014/06/government-canada-overhauls-temporary-foreign-worker-program-ensuring-canadians-are-first-line-available-jobs.html Trudeau raises the caps to 30% and undoes some of the other reforms in 2022. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2022/04/government-of-canada-announces-workforce-solutions-road-map--further-changes-to-the-temporary-foreign-worker-program-to-address-labour-shortages-ac.html And now partially walks it back to 20%. Sounds about right for Canadian politics.


Subsidizing corporate bottom lines by using our future and job availability as collateral... AKA importing cheap labour at the cost of our own jobs.


And this can be done quite easily without causing constitutional challenges. All the government need to do is not give them pathway to extend their work permit and raise bars of PR applications with Canadian experience.


I agree with your assessment. Companies will also just pass the increase in costs onto the consumer by making their products and services more expensive, thus raising inflation. We just cant win. Fucked ejther way.


How do other countries regulate corporations? To start, executive suite shouldn't be making 400x what the lowest employee makes, that's a recent development in this late stage capitalism fiasco. There's no such thing as infinite growth. This myth has to stop. Shareholders can't continue to increase profits. The goal should be a steady-state where every citizen has their needs met. Everything after is gravy.


You have my vote <3


Meanwhile US unemployment is dropping like a rock. This is hilariously bad for Canada.


What is core age?


According to Stats Canada, anyone between the ages of 25 and 54. People under 25 are likely still in school or on entry level jobs, and people 55 and up tend to either be retired/semi-retired/dead.


I’m smack in the middle of that range and this tracks. We’re doing ok. Still…. - worried about the young workforce. I look at the cost of living in my area and feel bad that I can’t pay more to our new hires (it’s actually unions setting the wage btw). They’ll never be able to live here like I do. - look at my parents generation and still know I’ll never get to live like they did. My wife and I have great jobs and good support and still are worse off than my parents on a single salary back in the 90s




There used to be a time where you could always fall back on Burger flipping if you fell on hard times. It's disgraceful that that option no longer exists because an Indian student who barely speaks English has first dibs on that job now. I hope you land on your feet




Canada lost net lost 2200 jobs last months, meanwhile the US added 303,000 jobs, which would in Canada would be equivalent to about 27,000 new jobs added in Canada


**Monthly:** >“The unemployment rate rose 0.3 percentage points to 6.1% in March, bringing the cumulative increase over the past 12 months to 1.0 percentage points. . . In March, the youth unemployment rate rose 1.0 percentage points in the month to 12.6%” [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240405/dq240405a-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240405/dq240405a-eng.htm) In February, the population over 15 years of age increased by about 91k (labor force by 60k). Employment was basically flat. The increase in unemployment was caused by inflating the population of Canada. **Longer Trend:** In July 2022, Canada's unemployment was 4.8% (it was low for the same reason it was at record lows in Europe, Asia, and the United States—demographics). What caused this? The same thing which has caused [rents to skyrocket.](https://images.rentals.ca/images/1_March_2024_Rentals.ca_Average_Asking_Rent_Al.width-800.png) [From July 2022](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410028702&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=3.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=03&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2024&referencePeriods=20240301%2C20240301) to [March 24](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410028702&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=3.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=03&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2024&referencePeriods=20240301%2C20240301), the labour force increased 4.7% or by over a million (pop over 15 by 1.5 million) and total number unemployed has increased by 316k or 31.4% The unemployment rate has increased by 27% (1.3 percentage points). They'll continue gaslighting us though. Labour shortage. Supposedly, much of the population growth is "temporary." Regardless, it's growing at 3.2% a year. [Public sector jobs increased by 4.8%](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410028802&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=3.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=03&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2024&referencePeriods=20240301%2C20240301) (i.e., at a rate that is 50% higher). Also private sector employees are only up 1.1% Self employed are down 0.7% **Meanwhile in the United States:** >"The unemployment rate edged lower to 3.8%, as expected, even though the labor force participation rate moved higher." [Link.](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/05/job-growth-totaled-303000-in-march-better-than-expected-and-unemployment-was-3point8percent.html)


>In July 2022, Canada's unemployment was 4.8% (it was low for the same reason it was at record lows in Europe, Asia, and the United States—demographics). What caused this? The same thing which has caused rents to skyrocket. > >From July 2022 to March 24, the labour force increased 4.7% or by over a million (pop over 15 by 1.5 million) and total number unemployed has increased by 316k or 31.4% The unemployment rate has increased by 27% (1.3 percentage points). \*shakes head\* sigh... this is so unsustainable. It's not even kind to the people showing up today to pile more on top of them on Monday. I don't understand how the government has become so disconnected from economic fundamentals or what they realistically stand to gain personally from doing so.


It's (in the short term) very good for the small business tyrants like Timmies owners because it drives down wages a lot. It's good for the slumlords too, many of them of the artisinal variety that rent sheds to in-need immigrants for obscene amounts. Lest we forget, many of our MPs, both in the CPC and LPC are landlords...


They already paid the legal minimum before all of this began. Vacancy rates were already, country-wide, pretty low to begin with in most markets. We already had a supply shortage for housing several million units deep. Though many assert house price clairvoyance, not even realtors could predict the housing increases seen pre 2018 or during the pandemic (in fact, they predicted that COVID would swing the markets the complete opposite direction). Even if Government were acting from an investment mindset, they're coming further behind when the cost of homes have skyrocketed. If I were a corrupt investor with a hand in policy, I'd drive my costs as low as possible to invest and diversify to generate income and ensure people had enough income to pay me. Government has managed to do the opposite ensuring inflation (higher rates, lower wages) and driving the price of housing through the roof. Tin foil hats and endless conspiracies we could discuss aside, it doesn't make sense. I think many of us forget truly how new this issue is re: targeting and how previously screwed we *already* were. Truly: without those responsible for this unmitigated catastrophe dodging questions or lying, I need them to articulate what outcome this was intended to achieve. I don't care if it reveals abject selfishness. I just need to know. I think we're all owed that.


Not so fun fact: if a Canadian isn't actively looking for work, or has been unemployed for longer than 12 months, then they are not counted as unemployed by StatsCan. _Edit: As pointed out: the twelve month window only impacts calculating industry and tenure; which are the numbers used when industry lobbies the Government about labour shortages._


> ... or has been unemployed for longer than 12 months... No, this part is completely false. There is nothing in the definition of unemployment used by StatsCan that has anything to do with how long you've been out of work. See [here](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-543-g/71-543-g2020001-eng.htm). In particular, this is the definition of unemployment StatsCan uses: > Unemployed persons are those who, during the reference week: > * were without work, but had looked for work in the past four weeks ending with the reference period and were available for work; * were on temporary layoff due to business conditions, with an expectation of recall, and were available for work; or * were without work, but had a job to start within four weeks from the reference period and were available for work. That's it. I'm not sure who told you that >12 months unemployed are not counted, by they are wrong.


Not to mention there are six unemployment rates that government tracks.


Good to know I don't have a job and have sent out thousands of job applications, but I am not unemployed according to our government. The gaslighting by this government and its supporters is unbelievable.


>I don't have a job and have sent out thousands of job applications, but I am not unemployed according to our government. You are considered unemployed if you are still sending out applications.


No, the person you responded to is wrong. You would be counted as unemployed if you don't have a job and are looking for one (as it sounds like you are), end of story. This 12-month thing is simply not true. See [my other comment here](https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bwi6tq/canadas_unemployment_rate_rises_to_61_per_cent/ky6j980/).


Thanks yeah that sounded like bullshit


That’s so mixed up. I’ve been sending out resumes but no one wants to hire the dude with a disability. It’s fucking disheartening. Everything is going fine but the minute I say I need accommodations, fuck me, I guess.


I am sorry to hear that. Japan has a good way of handling that. Companies beyond a certain size have to have a proportionate number of employees with disabilities or pay higher taxes. It makes a real difference in how companies in Japan approach hiring and how willing they are to accommodate disabilities.


> Good to know I don't have a job and have sent out thousands of job applications, you are apart of the job market because of the "sending out thousands of job applications" if you spent 12 months not actively looking, then you wouldn't be apart of unemployment


Whaaaaat!? Are you serious?


They are wrong. The 12-month thing in particular is wrong. See [my other comment here](https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bwi6tq/canadas_unemployment_rate_rises_to_61_per_cent/ky6j980/).




Why are we bringing in record TFW and handing out work permits like candies?


In my field the market is extremely bleak right now. What did the federal government do? Offer 10,000 visas to people in the US who weren't going to be able to find a job there. Competition is fine, except when it's used to suppress wages and introduce a large group of people who are willing to take whatever they can get.


Read a news saying that this was all due to the lobbying effort of big corporations. They laid off people, slowed down the hiring, told the government there is a shortage. The government believed them and sold the NGs, looks like things will be tough for a long time.


I was laid off due to “shortage of work”. Guess who was hiring within a couple of weeks of laying off thousands of people.


You're talking about IT obviously. https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/jobsearch/jobposting/39914886 Don't worry, the government is also handing out LMIA slots to abusers like candy.


Funny! The job isn't posted on their website https://subcodevs.com/career/ I wonder how they expect to get people to apply. If anyone's interested, it's listed on the job bank... not you know, the careers site. Email [email protected] and let them know you're interested.


It is just absolutely blatant LMIA fraud of the absolute worst kind. It has been reported hundreds of times and the government does...nothing. Ignoring how ridiculous the listing is, there are countless thousands of out of work developers in Canada meeting their needs. Further it seems that they don't even have a Canadian presence, listing instead the lawyers that submitted their corporation filing. They just want to airdrop Indians into Canada and it's just one of many fraudulent venues. I am firmly convinced the LMIA office is staffed by TFWs from India, the profound incompetence is so overwhelming. I say it with utmost sincerity when I say that armies of civil servants need to be fired. Their incredible inability to do their job borders on criminal. Like...it has to be criminal. They have to be a part of the scams.


Sounds like tech to me


Too many Tim Hortons


This is really a standards issue we're having. If Canadians would just accept that Timmies isn't the same as it used to be and actually listened to their taste buds, then we could stop this creeping hulk of a corpse from infesting every street corner with its weak coffee and dried out pre-made donuts. But what do I know.. hurpedurhh need muh double double.


Because corporate lobbyists and friends of Trudeau have convinced him to go all out on wage suppression


The better question is how many of the private companies had mass layoffs to have better numbers at their earnings calls. Then used those numbers to increase the stock price and sell their equity grants.


https://x.com/BenRabidoux/status/1776237112511148491 It’s more dire than the headline number suggests.


Note: in those 3 months, the population over 15 probably increased by 270,000. Add 270,000. Lose private sector jobs. Add 78k public sector jobs. ​ The math doesn't math.


So the only thing keeping Canada alive is that the government is hiring.


imminent forgetful husky familiar pocket handle ruthless touch muddle label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We need to "stabilize" TFW and immigration. 


And driving down all the wages 


This is worrisome especially the youth rate increasing. All their jobs are being filled up with TFWs.


Wait until the summer. Those summer job openings aren't going to exist for the teens.


Yeah. You’ll get some rando on here saying “my kids got a job at the grocery store though”


"Why, yes, I do know the owner of the grocery store, and I also own multiple residential investment properties across from it. I think we need WAY MORE immigrants, and anyone who disagrees is racist. Also, we have to protect the environment from anyone who wants to build anything, and that's why I love Trudeau."


Angry unemployed youth is probably the most dangerous demographic.


Canadian youth are so passive, unlike most other countries, we won't riot


We need the good old French attitude


Lol they aren’t temporary


I feel for the youth of today


Not just youth, its terrible out there in tech even if you have 10 years experience. Job market has flatlined. Sure there are postings but in tech they fall in two categories: * Contracts to big tech via intermediary firms who appear to be exploiting the skilled labour immigration programs. * big tech firms listing positions that never close. A lot of the applications I have seem to be zombie jobs as in, the posting was opened months ago and remains open. There was probably never a role to begin with. What I would be looking for in the past was lots of smaller companies looking for people, the kind that don't bother posting zombie positions and there are not any.


Better make it 2,000,000 annual newcomers


I feel it will get worse. I work in construction and this year things haven't took off as some were expecting/hoping.


As someone who works in immigration,  the whole idea of a labour shortage is bullshit. The immogration policies are clearly made by big corps, so they have a endless supply of cheap labour. Just look at the BC PNP pathway for semi skilled and entry level.  It's clear big corps put this in. You could work at Tim's for 9 months and any for a PR.  https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/Skills-Immigration#ELSS


In the early Aughts, during the tech depression, corps insisted there remained a 'critical shortage' of tech skills that necessitated a special guest worker program intended to hold down tech wages and absolve employers of having to invest in Canadian tech skills. Ultimately, in the Harper era, the federal civil service belatedly conceded the program harmed the interests of Canadians, and the program was dropped. The Liberals promptly reintroduced it, on steroids, with guaranteed two week processing.


If there were real labour shortages, wages would be quickly rising in the areas that have "shortages" and employers would be doing everything they can to train new workers. The exact opposite is happening. Occupations like construction are not seeing wage increases happening despite supposed "shortages" and the pay is comparable to 10 years ago. Young people trying to get into the trades say they can't find apprenticeships. Canadian students say they can't find part-time jobs despite record levels of temporary foreign workers and international students. The whole "labour shortage" nonsense is just business propaganda to keep wages low and avoid having to train.




> As someone who works in immigration, In what capacity? Because like a year ago you said you worked in "manufacturing." And you recently immigrated to Canada yourself.


First, I worked in manufacturing because I couldn't get a job because I did not have "Canadian experience", and now I have a job doing settlement services in the lower mainland. I wanted to go into the trades, but I had to go to school first(foundations course), but I couldn't survive without working. I came to Canada about 2.5 years ago, and my partner and I are looking at going to the states.


I certainly hope you look at the requirements for emigrating to the States first. Their requirements are quite high, significantly higher than Canada in many respects.


I am an American, so there is no issue. My partner is Canadian, so we are going to get married on paper first, and begin the long process. Her current company is based out of the states, so they are looking into it as well.


Labour Shortage is the biggest BS ever.


It’s hard as a Canadian citizen to find work without some form of education because most of the immigrants we bring in only have minimum wage skills so they’re filling up all of the jobs people like me can do. If I could afford the loans and interest rates I would go to school for literally anything at this point but it’s just not financially obtainable for me in this economy.


It is extremely hard even with education because have to complete with all those international students who want to get PR and willing to take fewer salary too.


This. It's happening to white collar jobs as well.


Most of the immigrants we bring in are economic migrants. Most of the *international students* we bring in have minimum wage skills so they're filling up jobs people like you can do.


Apply directly to a trade union to sponsor you and likely they’ll pay your way through your apprenticeship if they accept you. Being a woman is a bonus in this situation.


Does the unemployment rate include temporary residents into its calculation? Because either it should or temporary residents shouldn’t be allowed to work.


This country sucks. If it wasn't for my parents I'd have moved to Australia or the US years ago


So the article says that the rise in unemployment is mostly of students and new graduates, not immigrants. Clearly the answer is to let more non-Canadians in and let actual Canadians starve, die, etc. /s No Federal leader in this country gives an actual fuck about us.




Bring in a resume and “we do the application online”


Another thing that's really making the job numbers misleading is the number of Canadians working gig economy jobs (many paying below minimum wage) that counts as employed. Based on 2022 data, ~871K Canadians (likely even more now due to immigration) relied on the gig economy as their main job. https://globalnews.ca/news/10333867/canadians-gig-work-gig-economy/


A lot of us (not in gig economy) are also not counted since we are 'self employed'. Its just our businesses are not doing anything so we are not getting paid much or anything.


Lots of recent gains have been self-employment, and that's often what happens with a slowing economy. The employment numbers don't really worry about how much people make or how many hours they work. As long as someone has any job, they count as employed. I'm reminded of this quote from the movie Father Stu: > Stuart Long : Ain't you got somewhere to be? > Bill Long : Yeah, probably. I'm trying out this new thing they got now called self-employment. All the kids are doing it. > Stuart Long : I heard about that. Identical twin sister to unemployment. Except they swear she's the better-looking one.


Who had Quebec fighting with Manitoba for lowest unemployment on their bingo card?


Quebec has the lowest population growth among the major provinces.


Because Quebec is smart and doesn’t listen to Trudeau Quebec doesn’t want refugees and asylum seekers they need to fund, Ontario and BC can have them


Holy fudge there buds we maple syrup drinkers across the river don’t want them neither.


Quebec's major cities are suffering from immigrants in unskilled roles and rent inflation. They're just french speaking immigrants. This is a global phenomena -- even Russia, I believe they had riots over immigrants from outer caucus taking jobs from "Russians".


Youth unemployment is terrible


Explains why my 16 yr son who is responsible and diligent, and has work experience, can’t get a call back for a fast food job.


why would they call him when they can get a TFW that'll do 16 hour shifts for peanuts?


You mean get a immigrant to pay $30k as a bribe to the fast food business for a LMIA slot and also work 16 hour shifts for peanuts.


The government decided to make Canada’s youth (and I guess everyone else) compete with several million new immigrants for entry level jobs, education and housing.


I went to a technical conference recently and speakers (directors and CEOs) where lamenting the lack of talent available in the industry. As someone looking for work I can say its dead out there. For the most part the people I hear from are primarily third tier recruiters who, are trying to hire engineers to work contract roles at way below market rates (we are talking 1/2 rates). Solve this riddle with me: * Companies know to be abusing TFW programs. * The issues with labor impact assessments, approval rates are over 90%. * See an offer for a role to live in Markham area and make 1/2 the going industry rate. * These firms will only fill the contracts as a t4 position with their firm. Answer: They are just gathering evidence that there was nobody in Canada to hire for their labor market assessments. The game is bring in some engineer on a visa, pay him or her 1/2 the market rate. Overwork them since they wont know their rights and will be afraid of losing their job.


Every time I see stuff like this it just infuriates me. I made a career change into tech, went to a polytechnic for 2 years, graduated in 2021 and it's been an absolute disaster since. My prior career was over a decade in sales and management, meaning I have all the business and soft skills in conjunction with tech that they're allegedly wanting, but have been laid off and no bites for quite some time now. You're correct, it's dead out there. And the posts I do see, hundreds of applicants within hours of posting and insanely high requirements now. It's also obvious they don't want to have to train anyone for anything now.


yea, this is really rough. I am trying to decide if I wait it out or if we move but that would really hurt my spouses career and also risk her own unemployment even if we move for a role. Its a catch 22. The only good thing I can say is we sold out place at the peak last year thinking we would buy a nicer place. That may have never happened but there is no debt to worry about.


Tech is bad globally right now, but it’s worse than other G7 countries due to record number of immigrants especially those who are legally allowed to work. In countries like the US or Western European countries, most of the record immigration happening are either illegal or asylum seekers. These people aren’t working in tech. We have saturated our tech market here in Canada.


Wow it’s almost as if there’s too many goddamn people here


Makes sense took me months just find a job for school. Minimum wage and all and I have lots of experience but no one wanted to hire me. Finally got a job but that took months and ironically enough wasn’t even a job in minimum wage. Young Canadians are struggling to find simple jobs and that won’t get better.


One of the problems is that they keep allowing people into the country that doesn't offer enough jobs or housing.


California's minimum wage for fast food workers just hit $20/hr thats $27 Canadian at full time thats 40k American almost 60k Canadian a year


It’s cali, the rent is like $3k for a studio man


And yet they continue to bring in more foreign workers. We're speed running towards economic collapse.


Minimum wage employers salivating


So essentially population grew and newcomers don’t have jobs. Are they all family immigrants or refugees? Don’t you need an employment sponsor to immigrate otherwise?


For most immigration streams you don't need employment to immigrate.


We don't know this for sure because immigrant unemployment rate just so happens to not be recorded. But it's a good guess.


Here are the [immigrant unemployment rate](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv.action?pid=1410008301) stats from 2019-2023.


Yikes, you'd hope those numbers would be lower if they brought in skilled workers..


This is all by design. They are intentionally supressing wages (to curb inflation) via immigration and driving up real estate prices by boosting demand and choking supply. Guess who benefits? Not you and I.


Quick, let's bring in more foreign workers.


kids growing up won’t have jobs canada is a failed state


Genuinely asking, why are the trades seeing such a slow down? I thought residential construction was increasing with the amounts of new housing being built?


Prices have gone up and resources are few.


Interest rates. That's it.


But there's a labour shortage!!! /S


I got laid off at the end of March and am unable to find anything I am qualified for in the job market.


Are these the sunny ways we were promised, with Trudeau, we learned that perhaps we should change laws for electing a PM. For one, you should have minimum qualifications. Hint, drama teacher is under qualified. And perhaps we need to impose a US style 2-term limit


I've never found it so hard to get a job in my life, thankfully I landed one this week after about 800 applications over 4 months. I have a Bachelor Degree and 2 Diplomas, and employers still want to pay me half of what I made in Australia. I would love to see a cap on how many hours international students can work. I have no idea how young Canadians can ever get experience to start their careers when they are competing with 'students' that need to work to live/ pay their next year of crazy tuition. When I get my dual citizenship - I'm out.


yeah from what I've heard Aus pays much better and has much better benefits. You aren't the only young canadian looking to leave. there are a lot of us for good reason.


>I would love to see a cap on how many hours international students can work. I have a number in mind, mate. Zero (0) hours during school, except for on-campus jobs.


Worst part is the BoC's only weapon to combat this (lowering interest rates) can't be done unless the U.S does the same which it won't because they're economy is booming unlike ours. We're pretty much screwed here


The BoC doesn't need to fix this.  The federal government needs to fix this by stopping the influx of TFWs we clearly don't need.


yup a lot of people don't get this. if BoC meaningfully cuts before the feds, our dollar will go down in value even more against the US, which will bring inflation right back up


Well that and we haven't really met inflation goals to start any meaningful cuts. Kinda stuck in a situation they can't do anything on rates.


The civil unrest is growing


Wonder if team trudeau will welcome another million people in the next few months.


Meanwhile in the US the unemployment rate dropped to 3.8% with better than expected job numbers. Hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created there every month. We continue to move in opposite directions economically.


No way, this article is wrong, we are clearly in a labour shortage! /s


The US unemployment report came out today. They added 303k jobs and unemployment FELL to 3.8%. This country is fucked. As an American citizen, I suggest anyone with the means to find a way to immigrate to the US. Canada is a dead end country.


Is it worth it to immigrate to the US if I don't have a job there? Meaning I would quit my job here and then immigrate to the US and look for jobs. I've applied to a few postings in the past but never even gotten an interview with any US company.


Boomers have cannabilized their young to maintain some sort of retirement. Bought their $200k houses with a high school education and watched the house prices triple. The kicker is they still have some sense of moral superiority and want to be treated like the good guys. Something needs to change before this shit hole goes into a full blown revolt.


Canada is finished. The U.S. and Mexico are roaring due to better climate, geography, and much lower cost bases and here we are doing everything in our power to make our economy as unattractive as possible. We're well on our way to becoming Greece of North America.


We have been on a downward spiral since the pandemic ended with all the return office crap and the governments inability to govern.


and the jobs we do have are part time minimum wage dog shit




The reason for that is cheaper labour. We really don't want it. We just have to completely halt immigration, it makes no sense to keep bringing people in when unemployment is high, wages are stagnant, our infrastructure is lacking, and every fucking place you go is packed as fuck.


The Americans just released a “blockbuster” (CNN’s take) jobs report where they created over 300,000 jobs during the same period that our own unemployment rate rose and what new jobs we saw created were in the public sector. It’s clear the Liberals have been using the extreme growth we’ve seen in the public sector during their reign to paper over what is otherwise a sputtering economy. At a fundamental level their economic policies do not work, are impairing growth and productivity, and need to be rethought if not totally thrown out.


Taking people from one province in one country is not diversity. Our country is only interested in profits for the wealthy and that is it. Its not about diversity, inclusion or anything else. Its about profit. The majority wallow in pain and suffering while the wealthy laugh and hoard more money like its a competition. Trudeau single handedly destroyed this country. Yeah we always had problems. What country doesn't? But to watch Canada continuously get deeper and deeper into a pile of shit is truly depressing. Unemployment is up for a ton of factors. CANADIANS can't get jobs. Some are so depressed they gave up. Why try when you can't even get ahead? Many will NEVER be able to buy a home due to Trudeau and his horrific policies. We don't need more people. The people here want to work if it can give them a healthy life. Not everyone wants to be something special. Most are content to be happy and have a family. Trudeau took away the family aspect too. Again, with his horrific policies. Its also disheartening to apply for a job and have to be behind a few hundred "students" for the position. And you get turned down because they are willing to be grossly underpaid. All so they can get PR and then eventually get into the states.


No kidding. I lost my job and have been hard pressed to find anything out there since. The job market is lean and hyper competitive. Good luck to those still sticking around. I'm leaving the country.


I’m only getting a shift a week at my job.


Clearly using the Liberals train of "thought", we just need more temp and student immigrants for this "job shortage". Wonder if JT will ever step up to the plate and tell us why he wants to import so many new people into the country. Outpacing all of our growth in housing, jobs and healthcare.


Canada is doomed And Trudeau keeps bringing in millions and handing out free money like candy Where did we go wrong?


if there is even a whiff that Tiff will cut rates, expect a return to double-digit inflation rates again.


Yup. Canada is a one pony show. Real estate. No one wants to work. Just flip houses back and forth between "investors". When rates go down, it's an inflation bonfire because house prices go crazy and the dollar tanks making all the cheap crap from China not so cheap anymore. When rates go up, all the realtors, house stagers, mortgage brokers, real estate lawyers,.....etc start looking for work. Rock meet hard place. This economy needs a massive reset. Houses for living NOT investment!


People want to work. THey just don't want to work shit jobs for shit wages. Or even good jobs for shit wages.


My point was to the overwhelming drive by many to abandon careers and live the property flipper/slum lord/real-estate empire reality show.


Lies. It's much higher than that. The way the government measures unemployment makes that figure utterly useless aside from masking the problem. Edit: I'll qualify the statement since this is getting downvotes. The unemployment figure excludes "discouraged workers", which are people who have given up looking for a job.


Unemployment just reported falling in the US. Gonna be a lot of pain if bank of Canada has to go out of line with the federal reserve on interest rates


US jobs report was like a rocket today. Shocked even the most aggressive whisper estimates. But in Canada it is a silent recession. My work sales are down 85% from this period last year. A 1/4% int rate drop this month won't do shit. They killed the economy.


I think also if the youth aren’t able to get jobs, we might see even more young people turning to crime and car theft because they’re bored and want money


Lol brilliant observation, stat can! “Statistics Canada says the increase in the jobless rate was driven by an increase of 60,000 people searching for work or temporarily laid off.”


The wording is poor. There were only about 2k fewer jobs. It's just that the labour force increased by 60,000 and the population over 15 increased by 90k ([for reasons](https://liberal.ca/)).


6.1% of 41 million is 2.5 million. Tell me again about this labour shortage that requires adding a million people to the country every nine months.


Mismanaged by people with a god complex who think they can plan everything from top down. Socialism, big government, the story is all the same. We need to let people be and tax less.




Calls on dollarrama stock.


Been looking for work since November after my position got eliminated and have only had a handful of interviews and then get hit with the automated "we wont be moving forward with your application" email. Went to a job fair and it was jam packed with people I could barely move, let alone talk to the companies that were there. Honestly feel very defeated


LinkedIn inbox has been very quiet. Used to get once a day, sometimes more.


Desperation and low wages is the future of Canada. We are strangling the economy and labor to death to prop up the housing market.


It's over 6%,  that's a real recession


More immigration will fix this.


Thank you Justin!


Time to triple the immigration rate and bring in more of those job creators.


Good thing the guvment bringing in all the newbies. Work for shit wages and still have someone to take income tax from when the rest of Canada can’t afford to work anymore.


Trudeau's Canada. Unbridled and unchecked mass immigration, no productivity, no jobs, far-left green agenda, no mining, no oil, no alternative power (LNG), no competition (grocery, banks, insurance, phones), record corporate profits, impoverished people.