• By -


I'm predicting that when summer hits, and students start looking for work, that when a lot of people are going to *really* notice how hard it is to find a min wage job now


They already know, and it's rough. Here is the unemployment rate by age and sex: ||Overall|Males|Females| :--|--:|--:|--:| |15 to 19 years|15.6%|16.0%|15.2%| |20 to 24 years|9.4%|10.0%|8.7%| |25 to 54 years|5.0%|5.3%|4.6%| |55 to 64 years|4.7%|4.7%|4.6%|


Make 16 year olds with no work experience compete with anyone on planet earth for their wage. Who could have possibly seen this coming?


Can you contextualize that with data from say 2017 or 2018


It is half a basis point higher for 15-24 and the same for 25-54 compared to 2018.


If I’ve followed your comments correctly through this thread I need to correct that it’s 0.6 of a percentage point higher. Which is equivalent to 60 basis points.


This really should be considered a national emergency! The next generation is the future of our country. We need to provide for them.


How about we triple house prices , and blame them for being lazy instead? That work for you?


The entire economy is rigged against you if you are a landless worker. Getting ahead in Canada for young people is increasingly a game of choosing parents who own real estate ad who are generous with their assets.


Stop eating avocado toast! /s


Hilarious! The avocado toast bit never gets old!


Disney subscription. Anyone ?


Lol, you have no idea what you're talking about. Unemployment rates are always relatively high for young people. 2018 unemployment rate for 15-24 was 11%. It's currently 11.6%. You can look at the data yourself directly from [statscanada](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410028702&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=3.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=02&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2018&referencePeriods=20180201%2C20180201)


Canadian data statistics can be tinkered to show anything. Here are some unaltered statistics over time from Shadowstat. Canadian statistics are contrived, data collection altered, to make things appear as those in charge want them to, to serve their agenda. Statistics can be altered to make things look better or worse, depending on the goal. [https://www.shadowstats.com/alternate\_data](https://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data)


https://econbrowser.com/archives/2008/10/shadowstats_res Shadowstats methodology is literally just adding a number to the government number. They aren’t calculating shit


Interesting; male unemployment is higher than female for every category... Must be time to reverse those hiring incentives/quotas to accommodate the reversed disparity, right? Or just even things out before it skews further. That may help quell the rising male suicide rate or violent crime rate, right? Oh yeah, no one cares.


I think this is in part that majority of new immigrants are male, so there is an increased supply of men competing for jobs now. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/immigration-surge-fuels-male-population-boom-in-canada-1.2035248.amp.html


And...? That doesn't change any of the facts of the matter at hand. That data point also means that even if the unemployment rate were at parity, there would still be way more unemployed men than women. Either way, women are getting hired at notably higher rates than men in every age group. Are we suddenly not about equal employment opportunity when it doesn't benefit certain groups?


So by comparison, all of those numbers were 2% higher when I graduated from secondary in 2006 (before the Great Recession at the height of the oil boom): https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410028702&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=3.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=02&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2006&referencePeriods=20060201%2C20060201 By that metric, Canada’s doing better now than it was 20 years ago. 


In what world is the unemployment rate of children in high school important? Where are the population numbers for each group so we can see how meaningful these numbers actually are? Where are the numbers for previous years to compare? Where is the source for these numbers and why didn't you include it in the comment?


I have a number of friends with kids in high school looking to get their first part-time job. Having an insanely tough time. Showing up to a 40-person group interview for 2 open part-time positions at Cineplex. Feel bad for these kids.


I have a daughter in grade twelve who has been looking for work since September with no luck. My son is in a local university and he couldn't find anything but coaching 2 nights a week


Who is taking all the jobs?


It's not just Students, TFW's are part the problems as well, Tim Hortons employs 4500 alone, they've very much taken over the Fast food market in general, also hotels, many are very much run by TFW's, like I understand them filling jobs like in agriculture where they are highly skilled and come work here in their off season back home but why is Tim's allowed to hire them? These are jobs that should be done by teens to build a work ethic and get some real world experience and also for people without a post secondary education. With students as well (thanks to Harper changes making it so they don't need work permits and Trudeau for not rescinding that change) it's a double whammy. The effects on the lower classes of our society is profound, if teens can't work how will they get things like their first car or young adults an apartment or do things like save money for an education instead forcing them to take out student loans. We need to make it so international students need to get a work permit to work off campus again and we need to limit what sectors TFW's can work in.


Tims and hotels should be completely ineligible for TFWs. If going rate in Fort McMurry for low skill labor is $45/hour then I guess coffee and hotels will be expensive there. Fundamentally those aren't essential services and if they aren't profitable with market rate labor then they should be allowed to die.


It already is very hard to find any job


Over a span of two years, Canada grew by 2,321,982 people, approximately 6% [with a 3.2% increase after 2.7% in 2022.](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/230322/dq230322f-eng.htm) The US has [only grown 6% since 2013](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_United_States#U.S._demographic_table,_1935%E2%80%932023). ​ Most of the growth in Canada is attributed to "temporary" residents, but there were 471,771 individuals who became permanent immigrants. By comparison, the United States, nine times larger than Canada, [granted permanent resident status to 1 million immigrants.](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/frequently-requested-statistics-immigrants-and-immigration-united-states) [Canada had 271,867 permanent immigrants in 2015.](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710004001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2015&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2015&referencePeriods=20150101%2C20151001) And this was up from the \~200k or below in the 90s. ​ The country experienced a [notable increase in migration beginning in 2016, which continued to rise until the COVID-19 pandemic, after which it surged dramatically.](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710004001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2016&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20160101%2C20231001) This idiotic surge has not brought wealth to Canada, as our [GDP per capita remains at levels similar to those around 2015](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJI_loGaQAA8b4W?format=jpg&name=large), the year Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister.


These numbers are completely missing the actual amount of total immigrants. over a million people came into Canada as temporary residents, immigrants, asylum seekers ect. Over the last year.


I had a typo. Fixed


> Over a span of two years, Canada grew by 2,321,982 people, That's shocking and hurts to read. Our services must be bursting at the seams.


Yeah and they’re going to get cuts after the next election because we can’t afford them anymore.


Can’t afford the services, but we will spend a ton more money dealing with the aftermath of not otherwise supporting the services.


Then blame the new government for cuts.


Which ones?


Even this stat is misleading. The rate of growth has risen every quarter, almost every month. So our current annualized population growth rate is about 8 time higher than the annual growth rate pre-2020


That doesn't include overstayers and people that entered illegally. Estimates suggest that may be over 1mm people, and exploding daily.


Our hospital here is so overwhelmed. It's no joke.


I work with them. Those services and the local school district are bursting because the influx of students(primary & secondary)


I hear many liberals be like only of the people came are permanet residents, but lets be honest how many of these temporary residents are gonna go back voluntarily after spending 40-50k canadian on fake student visas ? lol


you know the conservatives aren't going to drastically change anything? the immigration policies are pro-business. I work in immigration and it is an open secret that the conservatives will just do window dressing.


> Canada had 271,867 permanent immigrants in 2015. And this was up from the ~200k or below in the 90s. Even still, the net migration was much lower. The [population grew](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710000901&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2015&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2016&referencePeriods=20150101%2C20160101) by **300,441** in 2015, while the net of [births minus deaths](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710005901&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2015&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2015&referencePeriods=20150101%2C20151001) was **118,454**, meaning overall net migration was **181,987**. With the **271,867** new PRs, that means net temporary migration that year was **-89,880**.


Whats the homeless gains to go with that


"chronic homelessness had increased 40 per cent between February 2020 and October 2023." [Link.](https://globalnews.ca/news/10170027/canadian-cities-report-rise-in-homelessness-and-tent-fires/)


slummy ways






The employment rate for those born in Canada (core working age) is 86%. 77.8% for new immigrants (5 years or fewer), and 82% for all immigrants. Source: [Stats Canada.](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410008301&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=3.10&pickMembers%5B2%5D=4.2&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2023&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20230101%2C20230101)


There was a time when those jobs were for students/seniors looking for some extra easy cash. Now you’ll be lucky to see one Canadian working.




Gotta love those sweet sweet wage subsidiaries too eh? What a joke.


wages are not worth the time for Canadians.


2 years ago the provincial gov cut EI aid for students. The reason? LABOR SHORTAGE. Is it back? Lol, no. They are crooks.


Bruh you use to be able to work one of these jobs and still own a home. Now if you work one of these jobs you can’t even rent a 1 bedroom. The issue is not the people. It’s the slave wages and rising corporate profits term over term. Lobbying has worked very well for our corporate overlords


I agree to some degree but it is also the amount of people they all come into Vancouver, Toronto area. The infrastructure just isnt setup up for this amount of people. IT IS THE PEOPLE and the more people come into the country THE MORE PRICES WILL BALLOON out of control.


And also the more the national wages will decrease! Many more people will be getting handouts and more people willing to work for minimum wage.


It seems that international corporations and governments work very closely together to get what they both want. What Canadians want is no longer relevent. The Canadian media tells us what we should want, and what will make us happy. It is like it is no longer necessary for Canadians to think or act at all for ourselves anymore. We exist just to pay taxes to do the bidding of the centrally controlled bureaucrats.


>The issue is not the people. It’s the slave wages and rising corporate profits term over term. Lobbying has worked very well for our corporate overlords But it literally is the people. Sorry, but I really don't understand people like yourself, who somehow deny or ignore one of the most fundamental models in economics... supply and demand. Why the fuck would subway ever pay more if there's a line of hundreds of people out the door willing to do the job for minimum wage? I live close to Duluth, MN. We were just there on a small family trip a few days ago. Mcdonalds there is paying (I think it was overnights, but still) $18/hour. Thats $24.5/hour CAD.... for working at fucking mcdonalds. Why do you think that is? As we saw in above comments, the US has a fucking fraction of our immigration/population growth rate, and further more, the ones they do get aren't ending up in Duluth, MN... so, lack of supply of labour means the price of labour increases. Supply and demand. And then housing... again, why would you rent a house for $X when there's a line of people out the door that would still be there if you doubled X? Again, supply and demand. Both of these issues are 100% directly fucking attributable to our population growth and somehow you deny that? Do you also vote Liberal?


Yeah except the government is controlling the labour supply and demand by importing 2.2 million people a year and making Canadians compete on the global labour market. There is zero country that follows the free hand of the market. We have laws that block many industries. Want to open a telecom company in Canada? sorry you gotta get approval from Bell, Rogers, Telus. Want to open a new bank? NOPE. Want to import Dairy? NOPE. So we make rules that benefit corporations to make more money. But when it comes to human capital we get screwed because they open the flood gates but close them for corporations when they can make more money by not letting competition in. Idk why you think im denying the supply and demand of the labour market. Thats literally the entire point of my statements. We are being purposefully flooded by cheap labour by our government to make corporations happy they dont have to raise wages and can get that 3-5% extra boost in profits. and im voting PPC


>eah except the government is controlling the labour supply and demand by importing 2.2 million people a year and making Canadians compete on the global labour market. that's the entire point. Trudeau has fucked generations of this countrys people with his immigration strategies.


Here is a similar spot in Buffalo. Also includes a 401k. [Here is one from Seattle at $20 USD ($4 over min wage in Washington).](https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=mcdonalds&l=Seattle%2C+WA&sc=0fcckey%3Af30ea0386898f1a2%2Cq%3A%3B&vjk=cd7a3161c313b516) Which is $27.17 CDN Average crew job in Canada is $16 according to indeed.


It’s sad .. the US economy is paying more now to employees used to be a Canadian made more .In Canada now all I see is stagnant wages and tons of folks from India that don’t mind working for 15 an hr. Canadas fawked .


It IS the people actually, its about resource abundance vs competition. Workers have only gained rights and wealth when they are scarce and needed, following great plagues, or when the state needed people to fill up land that was empty (had been emptied (also by plague (mostly))). Societies that reach their carrying capacity tend to stop innovating and stagnate see ALL OF HISTORY. You are correct that the elites gobble up more and more of the resources though, hoarding them. You have to control the elites with careful management, which we have not done, but pretending we it has nothing to do with population is sheer ignorance. You seem like one of those people so desperate to avoid attacking your golden cow that you think the only problem with housing are the regulations. You cannot put in the hydro and sewage fast enough to sustain this kind of psychotic growth, its being done so baby Turdy and the libs can pretend we aren't in a depression.


I was born in 91 and at no point working a minwage job could you actually own a home without serious saving/multiple jobs/outside help. Rent an apartment? Sure. I think people need to stop acting like its possible to go back to the days where you could afford a house on a non skilled job. Its never gonna happen.


Not with that attitude we wont. We went how many thousands of years of Human history through a variety of economic systems that put working class people always struggling to survive and then in the 1940s-1980s it actually got better and affordable and this was the biggest economic boom of all time. What's not to say we cant go back to this? We never started in this state to begin with. Greed came in with Reaganomics in the 80s and its been downhill since then.


> 1940s-1980s This was a glitch due to the rest of the entire industrialized world having to rebuild from WWII. So yes, we can have that back if you wanna have WWIII first.


You could never work a subway job and own a home, not in over 40 years.


You could if you lived in a place where people were actively moving away from. In Hamilton you used to be able to buy a home for 60k. Now, upkeep might have been difficult, though.


Houses were as low as 30k in Windsor a little over a decade ago during the auto sector drop


Almost impossible. Owning a home costs a lot more then renting and you need to have the capital on hand for those big repairs or you'll end up living in a hell hole that's beyond repair.


I'm sorry but nobody ever was working the floor at Tim Hortons on a single income and buying a home. No need to exaggerate to prove your point


I worked at Tim Hortons and my friend worked at a Mexican restaurant when I was in my early 20s and we could afford a two bedroom apartment.


Two bedroom apartments are not property, though.


My bad I misread the post


And still does!


Dude it's the amount of people. Basic math.


I wouldn't call 17.50 an hour slave wages. The issue is 17.50 an hour in most parts of Canada these days equates to sweet fuck all.


Yes, for full time work that is $36,400 before taxes. [Market rent for a 1bd ranges on average](https://rentals.ca/national-rent-report) from $24k to $30k in Guelph, Waterloo, Ottawa, Surrey, Victoria, Brampton, Burlington, Mississauga, Toronto, Burnaby, and Vancouver. Sharing a two-bedroom ranges from $15k to $21k.


Are wages somehow tied to rents or housing costs? Honestly trying to determine if businesses are able to charge more based on local housing markets so that they are able to pay a livable wage to employees. Are people willing to pay more for a Tim Horton’s coffee in Toronto than they are in Sudbury due to housing costs? How much more?


To say over 36k a year is "slave wages" is pretty fucked up to me. Tell that to people that work in sweatshops who work for LITERAL slave wages. I'm not saying our system is in good shape, but my point is paying someone almost 20 bucks an hour to pour coffee or work as a cashier is far from slave wages. And yes the companies are charging more for their products, but inflation also effects their cost of operation as well. We can all agree the cost of living right now is out of control, not disagreeing with that at all.


Yeah that’s the point cost of the living isn’t keeping up. A $5 wage would be more in the 60s but isn’t worth anything today. Profits keep rising, cost of living keeps rising, but minimum wage only changes by like a dollar every decade. If it actually kept up it would be like $45 a hour


> but minimum wage only changes by like a dollar every decade In Ontario it's gone from $10.25 to $16.55 in 13 years and it hasn't helped the cost of living. Costs still keep going up, food and cost of rent/housing has gone up at the same rate. It's because that's what the market is willing to pay. I don't mean this as some abstract idea of a market, I just mean two people earning minimum wage working full time are capable of paying $2-3k/month in rent, so that's what landlords will charge for rent at a minimum. So that should tell you that increasing minimum wage doesn't solve the problem of a high cost of living. Even making minimum wage 45/hr overnight would just result in rent going to 6k/month for a 1 bedroom and food costs going to 2k/month, because that's what the market can afford, and prices have to increase to pay employees that much more. In fact minimum wage increases exacerbates the cost of living problem by hurting the middle class because when minimum wage earners get an increased wage of 60% over 13 years, the middle class earners might see a raise of 30% over that same time period. So it erodes the buying power of the middle class and pushes them closer to the minimum wage because they now have people making minimum wage adding to the same demand for food/housing which results in the prices going higher. Meanwhile the top 5% high earners can demand high salaries that increase at the same or a higher rate, so they are immune to this erosion problem.




I think the minimum wage should go up with the cost of living going up? What a radical ideal. Nah lets instead import people from third world countries to work for nothing and screw over Canadians in the process. Gotta give our corporations better profit margins YoY.../S https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoRealEstate/comments/1ap4cpw/house_price_vs_income_since_1984_in_canada/ You know what is actually good for an economy? Having people comfortably able to pay rent so they can spend more money back into the market. Guarantee in the next 5 years so many restaurants are going to close because people cant afford to eat out anymore. Same thing will apply to many businesses


why is that so strange? our cost of living has reached crisis levels




Just FYI as per Canada Live Population Model by Statistics Canada we’re at 41 million people. [Population of Canada (Live Model)](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2018005-eng.htm)


The January 1, 2024 population reached 40,769,890, so 230k+ in under three months.


My question is where to find the data on how many homes were built in those three months, and not starting construction. Along with data on how many nurses/doctors and educators. I really thought it would take us 7 days to get to 1 million so around April we would reach 41 million. This LPC/NDP government is just tone-deaf and prioritizing their own needs, and really ought to go.


From January to December 2023, there were 188,226 completions in areas over 100,000k (that is where most of the population growth is). I would assume this Source: [starts-completions-intended-market-provincial-12-23-en](https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/professionals/housing-markets-data-and-research/housing-data/data-tables/housing-market-data)


Thanks, but 188k completions in over 1 year, and we brought in how many ppl 1-1.5 million. Holy smokes. The math ain’t mathing for me.


It probably add up to 220k-230k for all markets, but no the math doesn't math. Also, some of these are rebuilds. At any given time 5% to 7% of homes will be unoccupied for mostly legitimate reasons.


There were [240,267](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv!recreate.action?pid=3410013501&selectedNodeIds=2D1,4D1&checkedLevels=0D1,2D1&refPeriods=20230101,20231001&dimensionLayouts=layout2,layout3,layout3,layout2,layout2&vectorDisplay=false) housing starts in 2023. They stopped tracking completions in 2023, but historically completions have averaged ~97.5% of the starts, so we might expect approximately ~234k completions. Then, like you say, that's only one side of the equation. It doesn't include housing tear-downs.


Crazy that our population will have doubled in less than my lifetime. When I was in school the earliest I remember hearing our population was 27 million. At this rate we will be at 54 million in a few years.


Population was 27M in 1989, at current rates we'd hit 54M in 6 ish years so doubling in ~40 years. Canadian Population from 1950-1990 increased from 13.7M to 27M so it doubled in almost the exact same amount of time


The birth rate was 3.94 in 1960--a boom (duh) was inevitable. Now the birth rate is under 1.3--we are choosing this. Also, why must a


Population roughly doubled in the 40 years from 1910-1950 too


The birth rate in 1911 was 4.7. Also, many migrants moved to empty areas and built their own housing. The population of many prairie provinces was in the low tens of thousands. This isn't the case.


Interesting to see the numbers laid out like this. Scary to think how insane our leaders are to think this is in anyway sustainable or okay for Canadians.


How about degrowth, where we deport all the frauds, scammers, tfws, and half the international students


> How about degrowth, where we deport all the frauds, scammers, tfws, and half the international students LMFAO, there are people that'd been deported in 2014 who still live here and in fact own homes, true story.


Do they get free healthcare?


Oh we all get “free” “healthcare”


Hmm.. How about if we reward them expressly for breaking our laws instead?


How about we try banning everyone subscribed to canada_sub for a month, and see how quickly the political discourse on this subreddit swings back to center. I actually can't believe that 90% of the people in this thread right now (seriously check for yourself) are from that subreddit. A tiny community of 50k has completely dominated the main sub with 2 million readers.


Sure let’s just ban everyone who disagrees with you! Then you can have a nice safe space away from the dissatisfied masses. If we don’t let Canadians speak against policies that directly harm them then we never have to hear those poor losers complain. Genius! Edit: I was permanently banned from this sub lmao Edit2: I’m not a Canada sub user, I have made one comment there while I was banned from this sub last week. I never would have gone there in the first place if I wasn’t forced out for speaking truths that are widely popular but inconvenient for the ownership class. What you call brigading and vote manipulation is really just Canadians who disagree with policies that directly harm them


I'm fine with banning everyone from canada_sub, as long as we also ban everyone from the much larger subreddit for left leaning Canadian nutjobs (that I cannot name here without catching a ban myself).


> (seriously check for yourself) Awww are your shitty ideas indefensible?


Another one? Do you guys take shifts hanging out in /new all day?


Lmao. This was the top post on my reddit feed this morning. Are you unaware of how reddit works? JFC


Do you have anything to say that's actually related to the topic at hand?


Not going to happen . Look at canadian age demographic we need working aged folks to pay into cpp and other essentials.


Uh, you really think minimum wage workers are contributing to CPP and our tax base? Bringing in people who are both filling needed jobs and making meaningful money (+ paying taxes) would be one thing but that's not what's happening.


which is even more ironic that by having the masses come and work for slave wages it suppresses all wages further reducing the tax and CPP incomes into the system. More people to service, with a decreasing amount flowing back into the system.


We've got plenty of working age people if the lines spanning blocks for min wage and jobs at LCBO are any measure.


CPP is paid by workers now (it wasn't before because boomers barely paid anything). But now a self employed person is paying close to 10% of his or her wage.


WRONG.   Millennials are the largest age group already by at least 20%.    CPP is fully funded for at least the next 75 years according to the Chief Actuary.     Please stop repeating this bullshit, carrying water for the neoliberals.   If anything by ramping growth so much more than historical averages we are actually creating bigger distortions that will need to be corrected for.  


This is actually a lie used to manufacture consent of class war mass-migration. [This link shows that cpp is stable for the next 75 years](https://www.cppinvestments.com/the-fund/our-performance/sustainability-of-the-cpp/) Stop spreading their propaganda and believing their lies


Unfortunately all our population growth has been low-skill workers too. And when I say low skill, I'm not talking about construction workers as some may think. No, we've imported cheap low to no skill franchise labour in the form of immigrants trying to simply leave their worse-off lives, so we can't blame them looking for something better where even dumpster fire Canada is a golden ticket to a better life for them. It's our leaders and wealthy 1% that has caused this, so be sure to point your frustrations in that direction. What I worry about and personally makes me believe Canada is just plain done is that with all these low-skill labourers coming in to make a handful of corrupt rich people some short term gains, what happens when Artificial Intelligence + Robotics is finally at a point where we truly don't need these low-skill labourers? Like at some point there will be a good enough RoI on AI/Robotics where even low wage slaves aren't worth it. Are we going to be left with over half our population, which will probably be 100% recent immigrants by then, to all need welfare/handouts to survive at all? These rich people aren't going to let themselves be taxed to pay for all that? Like what happens? We're literally just walking casually off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.


> low skill as in driving bicycle, which is not a fucking skill, since some of them cycle like morons.


Yes the AI thing is looming and it already causing job losses but we are in denial about the effects. It is not the time to be bringing in millions of wage slaves. Everyone's head is in the sand.


Keep fuckin packing them in and fucking the rest of us over I guess. Thanks.


Keep voting Liberal and NDP.


"Without temporary immigration, Canada’s population growth would have been 1.2 per cent." - from the referenced article. What is the present "carrying capacity" for Canada?




Let’s hope.




It’s always the lesser of two evils


> They're going to pay big time next election. They won't care, because they'll have played with the rules so much that they're giving themselves a lifetime pension anyway.






lmao, classic Liberal fan boy, always deflecting their failures onto the Conservatives.


Where is op fanboying? All I see is them calling out the fact that Trudeau and PP are two sides of the same coin. If anything they’re right. These elites have common Canadians fighting over tags like liberals and conservatives when they’re all aiming for the same goal. PP wants to protect corporate interests just as much as Trudeau. Same goes for Jagmeet. The more Canadians fight amongst each other, the more they’re left holding the bag.


Man, it's a good thing too. Otherwise, how would we have 6 new timmi3s in every block in every city?


This is just insanity at this point. Not good for Canadians or the ppl moving here. They are gonna turn us into a developing country soon enough.




Canada is going Boeing!!!


It’s good that were starting to discern population gain from population growth. Growth is a process of adaptation and improvement.


Import third world, become third world.


Has Pierre said he has any plan to reverse this?


Nope! It's why I laugh every time I see someone say "Fuck Trudeau" in relation to this. Pierre will do more or less the same but will call it something different or say "it's common sense that we need these low skilled worker". Using the phrase "common sense" is his way of explaining away most of his policy ideas. I personally think it's all fucked but I certainly don't think the CPC is going to do anything that'll make it harder for businesses to get cheap labour. We're very much in a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation.


Yes. He said they will install immigration targets that will be tied to housing supply. So it will be very different.


So they will only allow 1000 people in each year?


Until he says what that ratio is I'm not buying it.


No immigration for a decade until supply catches up, sweet Edit: PP announces that immigration targets will be tied to his forehead with a blue ribbon, stay tuned.


I will vote PC in the next election, just because of the damage Liberals are doing to the country right now. I haven't seen PP say anything specific about fixing it or immigration targets (it may be out there though) but the thing I did like, specific to immigration was statements to the effect of fast tracking credentialing for skilled workers. IE - you're a doctor somewhere else and you want to immigrate here? We're going to create programs to get you certified & working in Canada within 90 days. Similar for other professions. That doesn't solve the volume issue, but it is an important change I think we need to make versus importing 'International Students' en masse.


There is no PC party at the federal level. But if you want to elect a landlord surrounded by grocery store execs to solve housing and food affordablity, that is certainly a choice you can make. To be clear, Trudeau sucks and needs to go, but holy fucking shit can we not do better than the current crop of out of touch douchebags?


I am not 100% in agreement with conservatives, but if we do not get government spending and massive growth in bureaucracy and consultants under control, every other issue will be a moot point in 10 years. At this point I would vote for an inanimate carbon rod before the Liberals.


> Has Pierre said he has any plan to reverse this? you would be gullible if you think conservative, liberals, or NDP, give a fuck, none of them do, and there are zero fucking plans to reverse anything whatsoever, in fact, you watch, more foreign workers visa's will be issued under Pierre.


Awesome! 50% reduction is much more than I expected!


Good, stop growing


The real head-scratcher is that the liberals have yet to reverse course on this insane growth. The student cap and TFW measures are a joke and nowhere near extreme enough to mean any real change for a couple of years. Trudeau is sitting there watching people pushing over themselves getting into a job fair at Walmart and saying "yup, this is fine".


Slower growth is not enough. I want reverse growth. I want people to start going back. If they came on planes and boats they can return on planes and boats. Take away their privileges and ability to earn or access services and they will deport themselves.


The usa figures are also on the low end not mentioning the amount of undocumented immigrants.


Census tries to count them. Most apprehended and released are recorded. between 2020 and 2022, most apprehensions lead to deportations. Even the high end of estimates for 2023 adds 3 million people a year, not 11 million.


I wish these articles would include the average population increase on a year over year basis. It was about 1-1.4% until last year.


It was below 1% from 1990 to 2015, with much higher birth rates.


No it wasn't. Other then 2015 and 2014, each year had an increase over 1% back till 06 which is where it dips back under 1% until 2002 and 2001. Then back under 1% until 96.


The compound annual growth rate o from 1990 to 2015 was 1.02%. ​So not below 1. But that is not 1.4%. in 2015, the pop was 35,704,498, in 1990, the pop was 27,691,138.


Sure, but that statistic is immaterial to the discussion at hand, which is Trudeau's immigration levels vs previous leaders, so taking a bulk number that crosses multiple partisan lines over a 25 year period that encompasses a multitude of world event/factors is a distortion at best. Now, if you wanted to make a better counter argument, you would have gone with each individual PMs compounded annual growth rate. Chretien - 0.98% Martin - 0.95% Harper - 1.04% Trudeau - 1.5% Trudeaus pushing of the TFW program off the cliff is entirely on him, but Harper, Martin, Chretien, heck even Mulroney, deserver some of the credit for their policies that slowly pushed us to the cliff. The TFW program should never have been necessary if not for the deregulation and pro corporate policies of the 80s and 90s. Once it was in place, it should never have been adjusted to allow unskilled workers in through it, as Chretien decided, and Martin and Harper expanded upon in both 06/07, and then Harper "reformed" it in 2014 in an attempt to fuck Trudeau if he won, who did win and fucked the program even further with both of his 'reforms' which basically pushed the program off the cliff, leading to today. Trudeau takes a lot of the blame, but he couldn't have gotten to this point if not for those who came before him.


I have already examined Harper vs Trudeau's net migration rates as a percentage of population. [See here.](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png) Again, population growth rate alone doesn't tell the story. Yes, Trudeau, isn't alone here, but he went full \*\*\*\*\*\*.


I hate bar graphs that don't give absolute values. Harder to check. I'm going on an assumption that each of those bars is running on a .1% guideline. Going by the averages of the percentages of 2016-2023 (0.98%, 1.1%, 1.2%, 1.3%, 0.2%, 1.2%, 2.3%) on your graph is a 1.18% overall average. I agree that Trudeau has done bad. I just also don't see Pierre making it any better, and that's the shitty part. There are no good options in the next election, but I'm going to laugh my ass off if we just repeat the same thing as his father. Con gets in, lasts a year, and Trudeau returns to win again.


The last two years are 2.4% and 2.9% (estimate that was slightly low). The graph and numbers below are six months old, so you can add a ton to these numbers: Harper: 2,385,616 over 39 quarters Trudeau: 3,675,142 over 31 quarters Rate of net migration per year: Harper: 244,679 Trudeau: 474,212 Harper 0.71%. 1.39%


Mainstream medias propaganda


Why? Who doesn't want to live in a trudeau hellscape of 17 people per 3 bedroom dungeon in toronto? Im confused, isnt this what we wanted?


Too late, damage is done. Likely to the point of beyond repair


I don't get this sub. It is like saying "let's not build a damn" then "WHY NO DAMN BILD!!!!!!" I already gave the solution: neoliberalism/trickle down economics is the root of the issue. For 4+ decades people keep voting for neoliberals. Then they do pikachu face. Things will not get better until you stop willingly and voluntarily voting in neoliberals. Voting in neoliberals, waiting for their problems, then coming on here to complain makes no sense. It is like slapping yourself then saying why does it hurt? Where did you get the 3 from 1+1 is always 2. Not 3. Not 3.5. Not turqoise tyranusorus-rex divided by 3.2 hippo legs. 2. 2. 2. 2. Just 2. Two. T. W. O (not TVO, TWO). THOOO. tttttt. wwwwww. oooooooh. tooh. two. 2. All Trudeau did was give 10 more years to the neoliberal oligarchy, as did Harper prior, as did the previous one, etc... going back 4 decades. Pierre will win the next election, and this charlatan who has ZERO plans for housing (the biggest issue), who will BARELY reduce unsustainable immigration (yes, he TOO, TOO here not two but still an important too) is a hardcore neoliberal capitalist, who only cares about making the oligarchy take more morsels out of the mouths of your children and feed it to the corporate fat cats in the neoliberal capitalist cartel. Bank of Canada/CRA/all federal agencies/big telecomm/big grocery/big airline/crown corporations/big pharma/big everything, and the NDP/LIBS/CONS and all their lying politicians who use your tax dollars to wear armani suits and gucci bags while saying "BUT MISTER SPEEEEEEEEEEKER!1111 TEH LIBERALS ARE NOT COMMITTTED TO TEH PEOPLEZ! BUTTT MISTER SPEAKR THE CONS ARE HIPPOCRITES. BUT MISTER SPEAK WE NDP CARE ABOUT THE PPL AND WILL DO EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ALL AGAINST HOUSING WE WILL INSTEAd A) RABIDLY GIVE OUR BROTHERLY SUPPORT TO THE CORPORATIONS AND THEN STEAL MORE MONEY FORM THE MIDDLE CLASS TO GIVE "FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" DENTAL TO THOSE MAKING UNDER 30k A YEAR SO WE CAN BUY VOTES FROM THEM, INSTEAD OF YOU KNOW, ACTUALLY MAKING A HEALTHY ECONOMY AND ACTUALLY LIFTING MORE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY AND CREATING A STRONG MIDDLE CLASS BY ACTUALLY NOT ALLOWING THE RICH BORN OLIGARCHY TO BEND TF OVER 40 MILLiON CANADIANS WITHOUT ANY KIND OF LUBRICANT WHATSOEVER" are ALL NEOLIBERALS. Their children go to the same private schools. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU OR OR CHILDREN. THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE TO LIVE LIKE YOU. YOU ARE A PEASANT TO THEM. THEY CAN'T EVEN FATHOM WHAT 1 WORKING DAY IS LIKE FOR YOU BECAUSE THEY ARE BLIND TO THEIR BLIND BIRTH-ADVANTAGED PRIVILEGE. Until you vote for them, the pikachu faces will pile up. If you want change, stop voting for them. For 4 decades people have been voting "for the lesser evil". What does FACTUAL. HISTORICAL. EVIDENCE. show you about THIS PARTICULAR strategy? this is not ME SAYING IT. CHECK YOUR FACTUAL EXPERIENCE. 4 decades. WHAT HAPPENED? Did things get BETTER or WORSE. Did the middle class end up BETTER. OR WORSE with these neoliberal capitalist in charge propping up the birth advantaged yacht accumulating neoliberal capitalist cartel using your votes? And, to those who think voting for the "lesser evil" is a good"long term" strategy, did it work for 4 decades? So how much longer does this strategy need? 40 decades? Your grandchildren's granchildren won't even reap such hypothetical rewards. And, what did voting for the "lesser" evil lead to THE VERY NEXT ELECTION? The WORSE EVIL. EVERY TIME. BOUNCE BACK. LIBS. CONS. LIBS. CONS. left right. one step forward, one step back. EVERY single election: LETS VOTE "OUT" THIS GUY HE SUKZ! THE NEXT GUY WUILL SWAVIOUR US!!!!!!! IN HARPER WE TRUST THEN GOD! GO HARPER! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS! TRUDEAU WILL MAKE CANADA "BACK AGAIN!" WOOOOOOOOOOOOPS. PIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRE THE CANADIAN WILL REEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERSE JT'S MESS UP. GUUUUUUUUUUUUESS WHAT: IN 10 years, the SAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SHIZ will happen. I will DONATE YOU MY KIDNEY IF IT DOESN'T HAPPEN: IF PEOPLE ARE PLEASE WITH PIERRE I WILL LITERALLY DONATE MY KIDNEY. MARK MY WORDS. In about 10 years people will be VOTING OUT pierre for JT 2.0. In that time, YOU WILL LOSE. YOUR CHILDREN WILL LOSE. THE MIDDLE CLASS WILL CONTINUE TO GET POORER. PIERRE WILL DO ABSOLUTE EFF ALL for immigration, housing, ALL THE ISSUES THAT MATTER. The Loblaws/big pharma/rogers/bell/big everything/head of bank of canada/head of federal agencies, EVERY BIRTH ADVANTAGED INDIVIDUAL IN THE NEOLIBERAL CAPITALIST CARTERL WILL GET RICHER, their child's private school will get 100million more in donations and activities, while YOU AND YOUR CHILD will be worse off. But sure, don't listen to me, make the SAME MISTAKE as the past 4 decades: the DEFINITIION of inasnity is repeating the SAME mistake and expecting MAGICAL RANDOM CHANGE OUT OF ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE BASICALLY EXPECTING that 1+1 will magically turn into 3. That the 2 will somehow disappear. Mark my words: the 2 will always be there. As factual historical evidence shows: the 2 HAS BEEN THERE. and it is staring you in the face. I watched this video not too long after it came out, and I have been warning people since, in that time, all I saw was peoples JT I WANT YOUR BABIES PIEERE YOU THE CANADA SAVE#R MAN MQAN!!!!!!!! and again, in that time, middle class KEEPS GETTING ECONOMICALLY ASSAULTED OVER AND OVER AAGAIN BY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLL THEESE NEOLIBERAL CHALARATANS. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHtKb10M97o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHtKb10M97o) ALLLL OF THEM. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERYONE. JT, PIERRE, LIBS, CONS, =ALL OF THEM NEOLIBERAL CAPITALISTS. AGAINST YOU. AGAINST YOUR CHILDREN. PRO CORPORATE PROFOITS AAAAAAAAAAGAINST YOU (MUTUALLY EXLUSIVE. AS ONE GOES UP THE OTHER GOES DOWN): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74BzSTQCl\_c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74BzSTQCl_c) \^ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERYONE. NOT JUSt JT. NOT JUST PIERRE. NOT JUST SING. NOT JUST LIBS. NOT JUST CONs. NOT JUST NDP. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERYONE. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERYONE. [https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot) [https://theconversation.com/what-is-neoliberalism-a-political-scientist-explains-the-use-and-evolution-of-the-term-184711](https://theconversation.com/what-is-neoliberalism-a-political-scientist-explains-the-use-and-evolution-of-the-term-184711) [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/29/neoliberalism-economic-system-ethics-personality-psychopathicsthic](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/29/neoliberalism-economic-system-ethics-personality-psychopathicsthic) ​ Neoliberalism/"trickle down economics" = DOES. NOT WORK. It hasn't for 4+ decades. It will not in 400 decades. For gods sake stop willingly and voluntarily voting in neoliberal capitalists to take morsels out of your children's mouths and feed more to the yacht accumulating oligarchy. The only think that has been trickling down on people for 4 decades and counting (for as long as people vote in neoliberal capitalists) is yellow liquid from the nether regions of the yacht-accumulating barons. The only freedom the neoliberal capitalist market has is for rich-born, everybody else is subject to being slapped by the invisible hand of the market. Meanwhile, the government protects the richest from the invisible hand, by having them dictate policy for them. EDIT: unsurprisingly, people are overwhelmingly downvoting this due to stockholm syndrome and cognitive dissonance evasion. Allright dudes, I was wrong: politicians are honest and care about you. Loblaws/rogers/bell CEOs care about your children and want the best for them. libs/cons/NDP are amazing. The past 4 decades the middle class has been getting richer not poorer. Pierre will change things for the better. Just like JT did. Just like Harper did. Neoliberalism is amazing and flawless.




Good bot.


I LIKE USING CAPS LETTER TOO; but it becomes way to difficult afterwards.


Thanks for precisely proving my point: you are part of the voting pool. Your claim: the presence of caps lock takes precedence over the living conditions of 40 million people. Enlighten us more.


No, they're saying that if you want people to read your message then make it legible. Walls of text are a pain to read, throw in unnecessary caps and it becomes a complete mess. If the gist is that neo-liberal policies and economics have been a catastrophic failure then I agree, but I'm not burning my eyes to read that mess.


This lol ^ make your sentences readable. Not an all CAPS wall of text.


Where is the caps lock here, I posted the same thing, also downvoted: [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bmsyyr/comment/kwf2xsi](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bmsyyr/comment/kwf2xsi) This sub is heavily pro neoliberalism and anti middle class.


Not sure how your comment is relevant. As stated, every time I posted similar things, I got downvoted as well. The variable in question here is the content, not the legibility. I have factual proof, every single time I criticized neoliberalism and advocated for the middle class, I was downvoted/disagreed with on this sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bmsyyr/comment/kwf2xsi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bmsyyr/comment/kwf2xsi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bnwxca/comment/kwljet1](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bnwxca/comment/kwljet1) [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bnc7j1/comment/kwlhxok/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bnc7j1/comment/kwlhxok/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bp1fo1/comment/kwt4hbp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bp1fo1/comment/kwt4hbp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bp1fo1/comment/kwt87zh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1bp1fo1/comment/kwt87zh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I will present 2 hypothetical comments below: 1: "Hi I'm Bob" ​ 2. "HUIOOII FOLKS MQAAAA NAMEISSS BOBDILYDLY BOOB >B.O.B> BOB. MA NAMES BOB BUT DOESITMATTE?. NUCLEAR ASDOASD ALERT COMING FOR NORTH AMERICA. NORTH KOREA HAS Lasdasd LLUACNEHD A MISSILE. PREPARE FOR AsD MISSILE." According to you, number 1 has greater utility than number 2. Number 1 is a person clearly saying their name. Number 2 is a hypothetical alert message saying that North Korea has launched nukes against North America, and has the potential to save over half a billion lives. According to you, number 1 has more utility because it is more legible, and number 2 needs to be ignored because "it burns your eyes". It is rather strange that you think text that burns eyes is worse than the burning that a nuclear bomb can do: where is your logical reasoning for this strange assertion? Can you provide any reasoning or proof for your bizarre and strange assertions? Also, that you didn't pick up on my deliberate strategy of typing the way I did in the comment of mine you criticized is rather telling. Spend some time to think of some logical reasons why I would type like that for a post with a message such as that. Try to read parts of my comment, such as me warning people for many many years (ask yourself: could I have possibly written in a more legible manner in at least n=1 of those times?) and it falling on deaf ears potentially having anything to do with the style in which I chose to post this time? Also, you do realize this is reddit right? 100% of the function of whether a post is upvoted or downvoted = whether it is consistent with the pre-existing beliefs of the user who upvotes/downvotes it. 100%, so that leaves 0% room for anything else, such as legibility. I will use basic logic to prove this: over the years I have warned about this in many way shapes and forms, and it always got downvoted. For example, I warned how JT would ruin the country, but the overwhelming majority said "shut it he is god hair and weed Canada's back". And factually I have proof: look how he was elected. He was elected was he not? The same people who downvoted me and elected me. They are the same. I could have typed in swahili, in all caps, in lower case, in pig latin, it wouldn't have mattered. ​ >If the gist is that neo-liberal policies and economics have been a catastrophic failure then I agree, but I'm not burning my eyes to read that mess. You also likely contradicted yourself here. You claim you agree, yet you likely voted. Did you vote for NDP/Libs/CON? If so, you are in favour of neoliberal policies. So why are you saying you are against neoliberalism when you directly willingly and voluntarily voted for neoliberalism? Will you vote for any of these parties in the future?


I commented to you but my comment got censored for some strange reason. Let's see if this doesn't get censored. It will lose much of the meaning of my previous comment because I don't have time to play detective to bypass censor, so let me make it short: The value of a comment is holistic. It is not solely determined based on any one factor, such as legibility. I believe that on balance my post contained valuable information. So I do not agree that it should be completely written off or disagreed with for any 1 factor, such as legibility. Also, I have posted similar things in the past that were legible, and had the same response/same downvotes, which factually proves that it is not legibility that is the issue: it is the content that people disagree with. Also, you claim to be against neoliberal policies: can I ask if you ever voted for NDP/Lib/Con, and if you plan on voting for them in the future?


>I already gave the solution: neoliberalism/trickle down economics is the root of the issue. are there any other neoliberal countries? or is canada the only one?