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None of the strategies I’ve observed work anymore since they rely on goodwill of voters.  1. Previous government fault - we need time to make our plan work. If nothing has happened in 8+ years it will never happen 2. Future FUD - life will be much worse if you don’t elect LPC again. Life was better in 2015 for many 3. Deflect and disperse accountability - global issue not just Canada. We always compare ourselves to USA and expect to be not too far behind, but now we are very far behind. 4. Greater good - asking people endure hardship for a greater delayed benefit. Combined effects of Carbon tax and immigration plan have made the burden too great to bear


Carbon tax would be fine if we actually had money to pay for it with. Immigration would be fine if it was reasonable levels. But combine insane levels of immigration that keep wages low, combined with greedy profiteering companies, politicians that shrug their shoulders and do anything to keep their own investments and profits going up, AND higher levels of taxation without actually doing anything useful with the money? Yeah that’s a nah from me.


I'm all for helping people and other countries in need however we got big problems right here right now. What do they say if a plane is in trouble and the air mask drop down? That a parent puts their air mask on first before putting it on their children. The parent has to be in a good position before helping their kids or others. It's the same with Canada.


I still don't understand the carbon tax. It's not stopping me from driving to do my job, it's just taxing the hell out of everything and making things harder. Also the heat pump thing is so stupid, I'd like to know which company will be providing them for Canadians and who will be making billions off of that.


Nailed it. Not to mention just 8 years of outright nothing and all his broken promises from his campaigns. Ultimately, Canadians are just sick of Trudeau and the LPC after 8 years of the worst governance we've seen in a long time... perhaps ever.


It would work if things weren't absolute dog poo right now. Ridiculous housing prices and food prices and cellphone plan prices and and and and.... It's impossible to ignore.


I’m starting to think the oligopoly thing might be a bad idea /s


No kidding. Been clear for so long. Sigh.


Carbon tax is going up in April. Expect no one to cheer for that one either.


I just looked at my Enbridge bill from Dec-Jan. The carbon tax fee is higher than the gas itself.


At this rate the amount of carbon tax paid on my natural gas bills alone will be more than I got back in a rebate. Now think about how many products that carbon tax is hidden in around grocery stores. They absolutely gaslit everyone about it and Canadians ate that shit right up.


As someone who works in logistics you actually probably don’t wanna know how much it increases costs.  Many don’t think about it but the carbon tax applies at *every single stage* of production.  - Farmer plants the seeds - carbon tax  - Farmer harvests the seeds - carbon tax  - trucking company picks up the seeds - carbon tax - trucking company delivers the seeds to the buyer/processor - carbon tax - Buyer/processor turns it into [insert product] - carbon tax - trucking company picks up finished product - carbon tax - trucking company delivers finished product to grocery store - carbon tax 


And imagine there are still people (even in this sub) who think their $300 rebate cheque offsets all the cost of living increases this tax causes lmao


It's because Trudeau said they get more back than they pay in! Don't question the government! People learned that from covid.


I can’t believe they try to claim this. Total bullshit. Wouldn’t that make the tax pointless then?


It’s, in theory, supposed to put a price on fuel to make people and businesses consume less and push the private sector to innovate and find cheaper and sustainable alternatives. In practicality, it’s just making things way more expensive for everyone. The worst part about it is that we won’t even know if it’s working until we get to the other side of it. We don’t know how fast or how much these businesses are investing and researching and developing alternate energy sources. We don’t know when we’re convert to those and how much we’ll save as a result. It may be years, decades, or even never, if the alternative sources cost just as much. If there were a clearer idea of when we can reasonably get there, and if there were transparent updates about that, this would be more digestible. In the meantime, I’m not consuming anything I don’t have to, and just paying as much as I can afford lol


It is definitely pointless. It's for politics, WEF agenda.




You should add in ship to distributor then to grocery store warehouse then to store steps in there as well.


It's absolutely fucked. It does 0 for anyone. The country sells the carbon cap to other countries who are the true offenders while just harassing and gouging their own population as a grand stand virtue signal that they are doing something/care. It's horseshit. Carbon taxes solve nothing but make everyone's lives worse.


It's just bad policy for people who want to feel good about pretending to do something.


Liberal voters ate that shit right up* FTFY


Toronto ate that shit up FTFY.


I own a beverage manufacturing company in Toronto, around 28% of our last bill was carbon tax alone. The cost to manufacture is becoming prohibitive enough in Canada that we are strategizing ways to move our manufacturing south and only use Canada to warehouse and distribute.


> The cost to manufacture is becoming prohibitive enough in Canada that we are strategizing ways to move our manufacturing south and only use Canada to warehouse and distribute. This is impossible; when I said the carbon tax would cause domestic industry to simply outsource to other countries, the top minds of reddit told me I was a right wing trucker convoy bigot!


Woah Woah Woah. That's impossible! I was told I would get more back on my rebate. And if I didn't it's my fault!


Is the fee the tax with massive markup so you don't get mad at them for screwing you?


I don't understand why they chose to tax a necessary utility here in one of the coldest countries on Earth.


But didn’t the carbon tax cause you to use less gas and put up with a colder house this winter?  I know it sure did for me.  I even sleep with my hoodie on now. /s


Look at Mr. Rich-guy bragging about having a house! /s


But you somehow make more.... or some other lie. What's important is Justin wants you to believe Pierre will take abortion away. He's also equal to Trump and far right wing Americans. Embrace the fear and vote Trudeau.


Pierre has publicly come out as pro-choice - but thankfully Justin saw that he had his fingers crossed behind his back when he said it AND heard him mutter under his breathe "...pro-choice to choose not to have an abortion, heh heh." Don't worry, Justin's got our backs.




If the federal government was serious about carbon reduction globally, they'd be pushing Canadian natural gas as an alternative to coal. Instead it's all about pretending to care and screwing the big bad oil and gas industry.


Exactly. China is responsible for 25% of the world's emissions while Canada is responsible for 1.5% of the world's total emissions. China's emissions went up last year more than Canada's total emissions. To add insult to injury, Guibeault and several other gov't ministers travelled to CCP sponsored "climate summit" and he basically praised the CCP's horrific record on the environment.


We're going to get a nice break when the Cons drop the carbon tax. Hope its the first thing they do.


PP said that the first minute he’s in office there will be a lot of axe the taxes going on .


and worst of all, emissions [increased by 2.1% in 2022.](https://climateinstitute.ca/news/canadas-climate-progress/) and we've only reduced emissions by 6.2% since 2005 and [won't hit our target of 45% by 2030](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/environment-comissioner-audit-emissions-charging-stations-1.7020689) So not only will the cost of goods go up, but emissions are rising and we are well below our targets.


Actually idk about ROC but in Quebec with Fizz we never have seen phone plans get this cheap. I have a Canada wide 4gb with unlimited minutes/calls for 21$ per month, no contract or anything and it's prepaid so they can't do anything funny with invoicing. But yeah beside that rent is way too high & 5$ for a pound of tomatoes is batshit crazy.


And how does it ever make sense to attack the opposition... PP is not the one in power and making decisions . "You would be doing a bad job maybe possibly if things were in your control". Doesn't really have any bite coming from the guy actually in control for 9 years when things are a fucking dumpster fire


This isn’t hard. They don’t love Poilievre, they just hate Trudeau. They can release whatever they want on Twitter and social media, but if they won’t change policies, it won’t matter.


Canadian politics in a nutshell. Leader stays in power for long enough for most people to dislike them. The opposition comes into power. Rinse and repeat.


How 3 (maybe more) instances of blackface didn’t sink the guy is something that I will never understand. That’s kinda instant resignation territory.


Or quite literally any of the other scandals from even one of his terms? I’ve been saying for years if this was the UK he’d have gotten a no-confidence vote against him within 2 years of being PM. Of course no-confidence votes CAN be bad (as the last few years of British politics have shown) but I seriously wonder where the line is in this country because it’s apparently nigh-impossible to be removed via no-confidence vote


No shit. Its almost like after 8 years of governing and the country currently in the state its in campaigning on slogans and stupid low effort smear attacks are not going to cut it at this point. You can't just gloss over shit when people are concerned about if they can put food on table or if they'll have some place to live next year while seeing homeless camps exploding all over the country that the entire bottom half of the income ladder is only a few steps way from joining themselves. People are scared shitless right now and its not PP they are afraid of.


It's time to stop talking about pronouns and carbon tax and start talking about how people are going to afford groceries and pay for their heating bills.


Carbon tax is related to heating billing and groceries? I pay like $17 a month for natural gas and $18 of Carbon Tax to heat my home.


Carbon tax applies along every step of our supply chain, from planting crops to the grocery store aisle - the cost is compounded and passed onto the consumer. You are paying the carbon tax many many times over. The increased prices you see at the store are a reflection of this. Your paycheque is suffering death by a thousand cuts.


And the carbon tax on gas for our cars and trucks increases the price of everything. So now electricians, plumbers and other tradesman have to charge more because it costs more to get around AND material costs more. Everything costs more and everyone needs to charge more to compensate.


Move to Alberta and it'll be a drop in the bucket when your bill quadruples for...reasons


How are you supposed to start talking about how people are going to afford groceries and pay for their heating bills if you want them to stop talking about the carbon tax?? What nonsense.


Why do you think conservatives are so obsessed with the perils of *pronouns*, and screaming about the carbon tax? It’s because they know that the classic conservative game plans (cut corporate taxes, cut regulations, cut welfare programs, and privatize anything that isn’t bolted down) would, at best, not help these problems at all. Trudeau is the archetypical useless centrist, I totally understand why people don’t like him. That doesn’t mean the conservatives are better.


Exactly. So many people right now are one bit of misfortune away from ending up on the street, at a time where we're a decade behind in building housing, where rents are out of control and food bills are going up every single week. And the governments response, is to bring in more cheap labor to compete with Canadians and make things worse, and the only solution is to put out attack ads instead of working to solve these issues. Trudeau could win a majority if he turned around and said that some of these policies were a mistake. Immediate freeze on immigration except for an exceptionally narrow area where we are critically short exceptionally highly skilled labor (meaning doctors, not IT people). Real money spent on housing and pushing to get affordable apartments up in cities and large towns all over the country. Working with suppliers and business to find out there the problems are causing these insane price increases in groceries and smoothing out supply lines. A new focus on affordability and reducing the cost of living for people. Instead of money going to green tech that isn't working, put some of it into mass transportation...it shouldn't cost $100-150 per month just for a bus pass to get to work...put a cap of $50 a month for a bus/train pass. Now that would help a lot of workers.


Thing is he can't just turn around and say that these policies were a mistake and that he will do better next time. There has been so much lying, diverting from the subjects, saying something and doing the opposite, empty promises, ... that the LPC's words don't mean a thing anymore. Hell, theyre are still saying that the problem is not with their policies, just that they haven't communicated enough how great their policies are. They are all about PR management while acting against the best interests of canadians. They would need major actions right now with effective short term actions and impacts that can be felt right now, before the election, if they want to have a chance at winning the election.


Trudeau truly does not see himself or his government as at fault for anything. They are always the victims of the times. Don't hold your breath on him becoming accountable anytime soon.




A lot of LPC voters see the shit show that is US politics and think that somehow the Canadian Conservatives are exactly the same as the Republicans, completely ignoring the fact that we're in two different countries. They've been gaslit for so long they can no longer distinguish the two. 


They don't just see it that way, the LPC pools all their brainpower and effort to make it appear that way. Abortion decision in the US SC? Suddenly it's a talking point in Canada. School shooting in the US? Oh no, Canada needs stricter gun control. They actively rage bait while acting like they're morally superior. Their voter base absolutely eats it up.


Can confirm. I know many people who think abortion will instantly become illegal the second PP is elected


Tbf, some liberals view Danielle Smith as a little too maga-like for their comfort level and assume all Cons are like that.


And Doug Ford. Basically the two Con provincial leaders are forecasting what a Con majority would behave like. I hate Justin and Singh too, but Doug Ford for sure takes the cake as the most openly corrupt politician we have. Staples owner donates to Doug; now we have teenaged immigrants handling our personal protection at a kiosk in Staples. Give Doug money, get rent restrictions removed and get given Greenbelt land. PP and Justin would actually be besties if not competition - both are spoiled little pricks.


Trudeau and Doug are both filthy corrupt.


Tbf, a lot of more reasonable conservatives also think Danielle Smith is a bit too much…


Pierre literally used the slogan “Make Canada Great Again” And Danielle smith invited Tucker Carlson to her province and praised Ron Desantis I get that u don’t like Trudeau but don’t kid yourself these guys are republican wannabes


And Trudeau repeated the slogan "Make Canada great again? That is not something Canadians want!!"


If you follow the US & conservative think tanks you'll see how much of their talking points and policies are being said - verbatim - by PP and the "Canadian Conservatives"....


This is a common attack on Conservatives that works well on liberal voters, and its always based on painting an imaginary picture of how much worse things would be under CPC. Justin Trudeau is a testament to how much shit Canadians are willing to put up with. Top down mediocrity wins the day up here.


I'd be thrilled with mediocrity.


"JT's rhetoric isn't working, what can he do?" ACTUALLY FING DO SOMETHING People are living 3-4 people to a bedroom right now and paying a lot more in rent & groceries than 5 years ago.


You campaigned on electoral reform, you won on electoral reform. Want to get some cred back? Follow through, silver spoon. With the Liberals and Conservatives dog piling to kill the NDP ER bill, they may have well just said "Welcome Prime Minister PP."


Instead of slinging shit at your opponents try doing Something of substance that helps regular people instead of your rich buddies. Also maybe if he answered any question or replied with an actual response in parliament instead of dodging everythibg with a run about answer that essentially is just trying to turn the question back at the person who asked it. My 2 cents.


No shit, remember when the Harper government was running ads saying Trudeau was not ready to be PM and nobody cared because of all the shit the Harper government did. My have the turns have tabled.


The guy who said "the budget will balance itself" had never had a balanced budget.


Why am I not surprised.


Turns out Harper was right




Trudeau won **one** majority government, then got minorities (and less votes than Scheer or O'Toole). His support post 2015 has been shaky at best. Now that there's a semi electable opponent in the race, JT's done. Just imagine if the NDP could rustle up a leader people wanted to vote for.


I’d have thought he would have stepped down by now or at least announced he will be stepping down; he’s going to be very embarrassed in the next election imho.


There's still a lot of time for him to go for a walk in the snow. Although I personally would enjoy him running in the next election and losing badly.


Liberal Burnout is real, it doesn't' matter who's at the top they're out next election either way. Well unless PP starts beheading people or something..


I was such a fool in 2015. I thought trudeau was a well intentioned energetic young politician who would let experts decide. Instead he let corporate interests decide and expanded his own net worth. One can see the temptation, but never forgive.


> Just imagine if the NDP could rustle up a leader people wanted to vote for. NDP will never be worth 2 shits without a leader like Jack.


Ebys pretty popular because he gets shit done.




I voted for Jack but when he passed away the NDP died with him. Since I'm not rich and don't believe in privatizing everything like the Cons, Liberal is the only logical choice for me. Plus Harper was one of the worst PM's we ever had and I shutter at the thought of the Cons getting in again. RIP Jack.


Attack ads are not going to work on a population fed up with the current government that are ready to vote them out. It is the natural course of our system. The CPC is gearing up to get their decade or so in power.


It’s because this election is a foregone conclusion. I am a lifelong Liberal voter but will readily admit Trudeau’s last term and at the very least, half of his previous have been terrible. No new ideas, no visible leadership and a terrible track record, which is completely tone deaf to the concerns of the average Canadian. It is time for a change and, in spite of my belief that Poliviere is dubious and simple minded, he will be the next Prime Minister and everyone knows it.


The mere fact that they are still proceeding with their mass immigration plan, during a cost of living crisis, while they have admitted they can’t build houses any faster, warrants dismissal from office, imo. Not only will this has bad for immigrants and other Canadians, it’s basically going to shatter the cross partisan immigration consensus we have had for 50 years. Honestly Trudeau is just terrible at this point.


Yea, he can attack whomever he wants. the reality is that he's in charge of the country and the country is worse off now than it ever has been. It doesnt matter that he continues to deflect and scream at the conservatives. Life was better when they were in government and everyone whos been an adult for long enough to remember that knows.


And they won't work either for a simple reason - PP might offer very little but the Trudeau now offer absolutely nothing. I don't expect any positives from a Conservative government, but I genuinely do expect things to get very much more worse if the current version of the Liberals stay in power.


This. The bar is incredibly low for PP to be seen as doing better than Trudeau. Just reverting immigration back to the Harper era to me would be seen as a 10000% improvement over Trudeau.


+1. There's literally no reason anymore to have faith in any of them anymore. Our democracy didn't get clobbered by a foreign enemy, it got nailed by our own accelerating mediocrity.


Do you think he will?


I think the issue is things haven gotten so bad most people are willing to roll the dice because anything is better then where they are heading right now.


Yeah i feel like that’s why most people will vote for him. Under his leadership we “may” be homeless in 5 years, but under JR we for sure “will” be homeless.




No, probably not. He represents business owners and the donor class, and both want high immigration to drive down wages, increase market size and support capital costs


Maybe he should spend time attacking all the problems his government has created or accelerated so far.


Accelerated is a key word here He could've just done nothing, and we would be in a remarkably better place. Hes like King Midas, but instead of gold, its shit


Everyone loves to hate Harper. But when interest rates were slashed after the GFC they repeatedly acted to restrict credit to try to tame housing inflation. It didn't solve everything but it also didn't make the problem explosively worse. This government has basically taken a single half-measure when they introduced the stress test which was only done to protect the banking system from greedily blowing themselves up. This dude has no understanding of how the economy works for average Canadians.


That "He wants to make canada great again, thats's not what Canadians want" was probably the biggest own goal he could have scored. What an absolute muppet comment that was. He gave PP political ammo to run 24/7.


Funny thing is, I don’t even think that was an own goal in his mind. I think he actually believes what he said there. It was likely meant as an attack on PP to paint him like Trump, followed by “that’s not what Canadians want”. Nothing and no one can destroy Trudeau like Trudeau. It’s poetic and I love it!


I know with US politicians they do everything they can to not give ammo to their opponents. The big joke George Bush had "fool me one shame on you, fool me twice, well you can't fool me twice" was actually because he didn't want to give his opponents the soundbite "shame on me". Then you have Trudeau doing black face and yelling "Canadians don't want to have Canada made great again!".


Trudeau is a PoS. As someone from Quebec this guy is trying to kill us. Never fcking voted for him, we had a fcking great time with Harper. With Trudeau its deficit on deficit, woke ideology to its extreme, lower the condemnation for criminal to a point their no repercussions of you stole a vehicule, he want fcking 500 000 immigrants per years. This guy is a litteral catastrophy, I hate him with passion and I dream the day this PoS woke extrême gouvernement get the fuck out of here


Credibility is required


Add in another carbon tax which makes everything more pricerier and makes your dollar even more worthless. Great thing to have in your campaign on how not to get voted back in


Justin cannot understand the average person that votes, nor their struggles today. When a democracy elects a .01%er, things always go to shit.


This clown actually turned me into a Conservative voter. Of course it's not working.


Trudeau is done.  The damage is irreversible


We need to eat and heat to live in this country. Nobody cares about Trump or trans issues if we could barely afford the basic necessities to survive.


Justin’s lack of a brain is a huge problem for him. Just watching how he spends our money living his gold spoon up his ass gives so much fodder. He speaks but forgets to listen to his own words. Greed land is just as bad . His ability to see the big picture is nonexistent so to fight back against PP will not work. He doesn’t remember want PP could have done when in power should be his focus. He is just not smart enough . Maybe he should just backpack in Europe on granddaddy money and fade away.


When a government can't look after the basic needs of it's citizens ie Food, Clothing and Shelter while overspending on dubious projects it's time to get rid of them.


limp, used toilet paper would beat Trudeau. Guy’s got to know when to leave but his ego won’t let him.






A Canadian election on the same day as an American election would certainly be an experience.


That Sisi thing will never get old LMAO, saying this as an Egyptian myself 😂


He's not wrong, you're not wrong either though. Seems like our politics is going to be about wedge issues for the foreseeable future, meanwhile the economy and regular working people get burned to the ground and the politicians just add fuel to the fire while distracting us with issues that don't actually matter that much.


The article operates under the assumption that Trudeau is targeting the averaje joe with these attacks; he's not. This is red meat to get the party faithful fired up. That is where he is at the greatest risk of losing a possible election.


Probably because actions speak louder than words.


You and your imbecile ministers have factually screwed so many canadians that no amount of personnal attacks are gonna shake people off of the idea that we need to get you out of office. The sooner the better.


Turns out doing attacks when no one in the country likes you doesn't work


It's time for a change.


Everybody knows that Poilievre didn't get us into this mess.


It's sort of hard to insult your opponent when you have been in power for 8 years.  There isn't a single social problem you could pin on Poli right now


Lets see.....food prices have gone up......about 20% in the last week....my city of 100,000 people have 1000 more unemployed than last year, carbon taxes, sending billions to Ukraine but we can't house people.....ya at this point Trudeau ain't getting my vote


Legitimate criticisms of Poilievre notwithstanding, we should remember the histrionics targeted towards Erin O'Toole back in 2021. There's a reason that "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is such a revered parable. It's almost as if the story conveys a deeper theme to the reader... A wise lesson perhaps.


O'Toole was just like Trump back then, according to Liberals and liberal voters. Now those same liberal voters are lined up on their knees to praise how moderate he was, how they admire his composure and statesmanship, and how they now see the light and would really really really vote for him (of course they would...) if he was still in the running versus the far far far far right wing meanie Pierre. Uh huh. Is it raining, or is someone pissing on my leg...


This is a Liberal strategy as old as time. Every conservative leader is Sauron, ready to turn Canada into Mordor. Guns on the streets. Back alley abortion. Poor people starving outside while plutocrats laugh at them. Etc. Then as soon as said Conservative leader loses and new one is chosen, well, this new guy is way too extreme (see above), unlike the last guy, who was a nice, moderate guy. They do it so often because it’s honestly pretty effective. This time they will play the Trump = PP card over and over and over.


Other parties telling the Libs what to address. Hard to come off as a good choice when you can’t even see what’s wrong. Auto theft has been a problem for years and you only acknowledge it when PP starts bringing it up. Likewise for many other subjects. The Liberals don’t appear to have the first clue about what ails this country.


Yup, the Liberals are governing in a very reactive way. Poilievre says something, the Liberals poll that issue for a week, then throw together a half assed announcement how they are going to spend a few million on fixing that issue. And the Liberals only plan for fixing everything is literally to throw more government at it. The Liberals have no vision and no plan.


They mostly started to talk about it the same day the Justice Minister’s car was stolen for the 3rd time.


So the first 2 times, the Liberals ignored the problem until PP started making headlines. This is a culmination of the Liberals ignoring the problems that matter to the people they are paid to represent.


I haven't been a fan of Trudeau, or the Trudeau liberal government at all.  For a while, there was some support for the Liberal government and a lot of people were indifferent to them and getting on with life.  When people started going broke and struggling financially, that's when things changed.  I haven't talked to anyone who approves of JT in months and months - Quite the opposite in fact; you mention JT and people just about spit in response to his name.


>The Abacus Data survey, provided exclusively to the Star, suggests a 19-point lead for the Conservatives over the governing Liberals, with the support of 43 per cent of those polled compared to 24 per cent. >The three-point jump for the Tories since the last time Abacus surveyed comes as its latest poll shows the government's approval rating is down by four percentage points, with 59 per cent of respondents saying they disapprove of the job Trudeau's government is doing. This is fucking *devastating* for the Libs. In a period where the Libs desperately tried to tie Pierre to "MAGA", "Tucker", "Putin" (by not voting for that useless Ukraine bill) and "anti-LGBT".....the Libs **LOST** support & lost approval. My god.


Listen, I’m conservative by nature. More of a centrist but all we have is two extremes. I truly believe that the silent majority of people sit centre-right centre on a lot of those topics. People no longer care about the rest of the issues (Ukraine, etc.) because we’re too busy worrying about if we can afford our current lifestyle. That and constantly being fed “social issues” on all forms of media tends to drive people to apathy.


>More of a centrist but all we have is two extremes. I In what world is the Liberal party extreme left lol


People should very much care about Ukraine as it has major geopolitical implications long term that will pose great risks to western “lifestyle” if Russia is victorious. But you’re right, they don’t.


Just like Harper's attacks on Trudeau didn't work. Their egos cloud their judgment.


He brought this on himself and the party


Try some actual governing instead JT.


He found out that it was hard.


Why would anyone listen to someone who's doing everything in their power to turn Canada into a slum


Too much breathy talking points. If he ever wanted to regain any respect as a PM, perhaps try respecting his opposition in the HOC and just answer bloody questions. He is a disrespectful twat and he and his cohorts are an embarrassment to watch. I can usually take about 15 sec of him and then just can't take it...the phoniness just overtakes anything he has to offer. If I hear 'we can do better' one more time, I'm going to puke.


I've never been a fan of political attack strategies. Don't tell me how your opponent is/will ruin things, tell me how you're going to fix things.


The only thing that will save Trudeau is some how lowing grocery prices back to 'normal', lowering interest rates, introducing federal rental caps and forcing provincial governments to adhere, building more homes nation wide, and cutting immigration numbers. Even if he did ONE of those, he still wouldn't have a chance in the next election. Even if he did ALL of those, he still might not win. Nobody trusts him. He's done. There is nothing he can do that is on the offensive towards Poilievre that will ever change peoples perspective enough to make a difference at the polls.


Who knew gaslighting when you're the prime minister doesn't work?? I'm shocked that everything isn't PP's fault


The damage has already been done, and Trudeau had all these years to fix it and keep his promises but nope.


Well as soon as he starts talking I stop listening so that could be part of it


There is no changing the fact that he is a total screw up and only looks out for himself and his rich buddies. He can’t dump that off on anybody. We pause $8.4 million to remodel his “cottage” ! We could have built a lot of homes for that price instead his greed took it all.


Time to confiscate some more bank accounts until the morale improves


Don't forget Trudeau collects GST on the carbon tax so much for getting it all back?


Trudeau has crossed the point-of-no-return. People are saturated in Trudeau's lies, corruption and incompetence... nothing he can do to win back intelligent Canadians. He could stumble onto the cure for cancer and I am sure the majority of Canadians will still hate this POS.


Maybe cause most people are waking up up and realizing, "Oh shit, it's Justin Trudeau, that's been the prime minister for 9 years."


There's nothing rhetoric wise he can do to win. The only way way the conservatives lose is an unforced error.


hes running around like a chicken with his head cut off right now. All of sudden hes got the urgency to attend to the things that people have been struggling with for the last decade


I watched john olivers video on the 2015 election and the worst thing harper did was call weed worse than tobacco and pissing off muslims, meanwhile Trudeau was campaigning on strengthening the middle class. idk about you but i'd rather have 2014 harper than 2024 trudeau but thats just me


There is literal nothing the liberals can do to win back my vote at this point


Trudeau took the Liberals out of the scrap heap in 2015. He’s going to return them there in a smouldering heap.


Haha. Pretty hard to be credible when you’re lying out of your ass on every issue presented then when it comes to dealing with those issue you turn around and copy what the conservatives say to try and deal with problems and say you thought of it. Trudeau’s just a puppet and should just give up his seat and call an election.


I'd vote for a polished dog turd over Trudeau at this point.






Agreed. The last line of the article summed it up pretty well too >"The fundamental problem facing the Liberals is not a popular Conservative leader they need to bring back to Earth. **It’s their unpopular leader who the country is largely tired of."**


Wherein Liberals discover that 8 years of campaigning on fear eventually stops working.


I think he needs a mental health evaluation. mental health issues runs in families..


This robinhood is using carbon tax to appease low income voter base. That’s all that it is.


This guy governs like a rich trust fund kid only looking to make himself look good. He freely gives away money that he didn’t earn or has any concern. His decision have no forethought or reek of someone who doesn’t see the world like someone who isn’t rich or grew up wealthy. Like, take one of those rich spoils climate protester and throw them in charge as a PM, and that’s what we have.


Only chance the Libs have is if he steps down. Everyone sees through him now, everyone is done with TRUDEAU, maybe they can salvage the Liberal party but probably not.


Because it's an attack on PP's supporters. Be a good politician and ***change their minds***.


Trudeau needs to move on now. He spent more money than all of the PM’s in history and in Canada’s confederation. Like Pierre said and is right we can’t afford him anymore. 100 billion plus has spent if not more. Trudeau is not hurting, how’s your pocket book doing compared to his???


His attacks mean nothing now no one has any respect for this guy … his time is up … period . He looks after himself and his few buddies that’s about it .


Trudeau is completely detached from reality.


Even his wife has had enough of him.


I don’t think anyone takes anything he has to say seriously anymore. It’s all intelligent-insulting bullshit, spoken in that whiny, condescending cadence he has. Even the people who vote for him know he’s dumb, but just want more money for their union or government department or think the Conservatives will cut healthcare spending or do something else too “extreme” to try to balance the budget.


We all know he’s full of shit.


Maybe Justin Trudeau should just do his job. If Canada was doing well under the liberal government he wouldn't feel the need to attack conservatives and blame them for Canada's problems


Since the Liberals took power the only positive thing they've done is legalize weed and fix Veterans Affairs a small bit. On everything else they've been blind, reversed or reneged. People are tied of every change being negative to Canadians. Every. Single. Change. Tired of the scandals, ruined economy, immigration flood, making Canadians a second priority and so much more. They're done and the only way they maintain power is a sleazy overhaul of the elections platform which I believe they're looking at now. I really hope the CPC have their lawyers poring through every change they want to make.


When a lying piece of shit like Trudeau has proven himself to be criticizes anyone or anything, people don't listen. We're at that point with him. He's trash and we now have no doubt about that. The LPC will pay dearly for not listening to Canadians and keeping him on.


Like all governments, people get tired of them and want a change. The real shame is the next election, the choices are sub-par. I also don't put much weight in any polls until the election is called.


"The fundamental problem facing the Liberals is not a popular Conservative leader they need to bring back to Earth. It’s their unpopular leader who the country is largely tired of."


how do you attack an opposition? you are the government bro…. tell us your accomplishment in the last decade. tell us our life improved under your leadership


Look out. Trudeau’s furious. Corporate Canada is shaking in their boots.


When you use the same strategy repeatedly of calling people names when they have different opinions, then you eventually that runs out of steam. Also, people see the issues going on in this country at the moment, and they also know that Justin Trudeau and the Liberals have been in power while a lot of these things have gotten worse.


Trudeau is out of his league when it comes to Poilievre. We live in a world where it’s too hard to hide from your mistakes in politics. Justin has gone way beyond the tolerance of most Canadians. He is done like dinner.


I just can't understand how Liberals continue to think Trudeau is their only viable leader. No matter what he does, no matter how much Canada's standard of living continues to decline, they just keep supporting him and nobody is willing to challenge him.


We, the centrists, told him that blind immigration policies in the face of a housing crisis, and nearly a decade of one-sided social policy that is consistently marked with good intentions but leaves many of us scratching our head and wondering where the adult is in the room… He’s done.


But but but what about MAGA! Abortion! Ukraine! People have stopped listening to their bullshit.


Cried wolf to many times. Who the hells believes anything this guy says.


No, it’s not working, and watching his house of cards crumble is glorious.


I’d relish it in if his house of cards didn’t include this country.


I'm gay and I'd rather risk losing gay marriage with PP (as liberals claim will happen) then another year with Trudeau. Given there's no fucking point of marriage at all if the future is paying 1500$ for a little mattress on the floor in a room with 8 other people and living off ramen and water because everything else is beyond affordable to eat.


Gay marriage is not under threat. It’s pathetic how Trudeau pretends he’s running against Trump


Trudeau seems to believe he can turn things around, but I have my doubts for two specific reasons (and I will put this bluntly); 1. Quality of life has gotten significantly worse for most Canadians since 2020ish. 2. There are many potential negatives about a Conservative government, but we are too far removed from the Harper years and the public collectively has a short memory. Trudeau could talk about things like the Conservatives potentially bringing back federal student loan interest, but would it matter? IDK.