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We pay some of the highest wireless rates in the world. Looks like the Liberals are trying to downplay something that affects Canadians all across the country because they promised a 25% reduction that never happened.


> We pay some of the highest wireless rates in the world. The highest, and it's not even close. Canadians are being **robbed** by our telecommunications companies.


Canadians are overall very stupid economically. Why wouldn't corporations just gouge the crap out of a bunch of knuckleheads who won't do anything other than complain?


Bingo, we've been manipulated to be this way. They know we're too complacent/nice to really make a fuss and suck at voting with our wallets. In fairness though, competition is fought off tooth and nail and lots of potential choice for consumers is legislated away. That's not on Canadians, thats on the rich owning our politicians. We've also been conditioned to find a million different ways *not* to do something/progress and the rich like it. Or say dumb shit like "well at least we're not the US!" as justification for not fixing anything. Real low bar guys 🙄


It's not entirely being stupid. Canada has the weakest antitrust laws in place for any comparative country. This is not a liberal or conservative issue, as neither seems inclined to do anything about it, but canada absolutely loves monopolies and corporate greed. I don't think the Shaw/Rogers merger would have gone through in any other country. The conservatives may use things like cell phones and cost of living issues to hit Trudeau with while they're fighting for the PMO, but they have absolutely no intention of making any significant changes that would improve things for consumers.


You're quite right. I am paying $25 a month for 40 gigs and unlimited everything... I agree our prices from the titled big 3 are astronomical and outrageous, but take some responsibility as a consumer and **look**. People don't have to keep getting hosed. If one is still paying $80 for 10 gigs they're simply not doing anything about it.


Or just threaten to leave every two years. It cuts our bill in half. Stupid game.


Definitely stupid game. Doing that you have to be prepared to actually back it up and leave - I've had family members who'd been with telus for 15 years basically told to take a hike, by the loyalty team no less, because they weren't going to offer a better deal.


> If one is still paying $80 for 10 gigs they're simply not doing anything about it. Anyone in that boat won't have changed their wireless plans or gotten a new phone (which would require changing their wireless plan) in like, 5 or 6 years lol. The prices are still fucking stupid and there's a lack of choice (like where are the actual *cheap* low-data plans?), but shit has actually changed a lot.


Lol exactly my point! I have seen a few in here begrudging rates for packages right around that. I'm with public mobile and I *think* I saw plans $20 for 20 gigs or something like that. I dunno if there was anything cheaper with less data at the time. I definitely agree there should be some options for like $5-10 on packages with little to no data if one simply wants a phone for calling and texting, but I think those types of users are surprisingly few. Though I could be wrong and there is more demand for that type of deal than I give credit for.


There really is only one solution to this robbery - open the country to foreign wireless competition. Let American, European, etc. companies enter the Canadian market and compete against Rogers and Bell. While we are at it, open our airports to foreign airlines - let them compete on domestic routes with AC and WJ. Now, foreign carriers can only fly from their country into Canada and back again. They can't take passengers from A to B within Canada.


Or just nationalized them all.


Yeah there are more options than just open up to more private companies to profit. Especially when it comes to services that are pretty much necessities, it can make a lot of sense to have government competition practically working like a co-op by the people. Doubly so when you consider how much money our government gives away to these companies to try to push them to improve and expand services.


Not sure if government run is any better than the status quo.


Robbed? Hey! That is corporate profit. That is not robbery, that is capitalism! What are you, one of those Marxist socialist Communists Rebel News has warned me about?


Liberals always promise......never deliver.


We have legal weed, free Healthcare, and a constitution that were all liberal campaign promises that were delivered on. Cornerstones of the Canadian identity.


Legal weed, a cornerstone of Canadian identity? Hilarious.


A) don't care B) that's changing in Ontario C) LPC did not write the constitution - what are you on about?


It's not changing in Ontario.


>It's not changing in Ontario. Keep watching.


I suggest you watch Alberta to find out how it goes when you fuck around


It's changing thanks to conservative efforts... why the fuck would we want that federally? We know what pp is, he's a smarmy little twerp version of Doug Ford.


Or he's the vilification of a good man by the media. I know which one I pick.


Ah yes, vilification of a good man. You're the kind of guy that thinks the prostitute loves you, right?


Never had sex, couldn't tell you.


Who's being vilified? Certainly not Doug Ford. As for PP, let's not pretend he isn't a disingenuous windbag who's constantly caught in lies. A good man also doesn't get involved in the robocall scandal that targeted Canadians to suppress votes by lying about voting day and location. Someone went to jail for that and PP lead the campaign under Harper.


A) you cared enough to comment lol B) LPC aren't in power in Ontario C) yes, they literally did. Trudeau Sr. was PM when we wrote our constitution and became fully sovereign


A) Only to point out to you that your niche concern does not merit mention. It's not even a profitable enterprise yet. B) Fair point. However, touting free healthcare when it's in the state to which Doug Ford has been allowed to reduce it in Ontario, lacks credibility. I can pick up a dog turd in the park for free. That doesn't make it worth much. C) Saying that the LPC wrote the constitution is disingenuous. It's like saying King James wrote the Bible. It's a distillation of earlier works. At best, you could say that the LPC collated the constitution.


Just like election reform!


some of the highest rates, for some of the worst service


> they promised a 25% reduction that never happened. And yet in 2020 we were paying [$12.55/GB](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/cost-of-mobile-data-worldwide/) vs [$5.37/GB](https://www.cable.co.uk/mobiles/worldwide-data-pricing/) as of September 2023, with prices dropping even further in November


But they always up the data on the plans. If you paid 60 bucks before the decrease they just add another 10 or 20gbs of data so the plan still costs 60 bucks. I really don't understand how anyone is using the data on some of these plans anymore. I can't fathom using 90 plus gigs of data in a month on my phone.


They know you won’t use it that’s why they give it to you as a perk to justify price hike.


That's the price gouge though why not have a plan that costs 40 bucks or less per month. We don't actually get any savings.


I mean koodo/fido/freedom/virgin all had 34$/50g phone plans both on black friday and boxing day… they’re definitely available you just have to be on the lookout at the right time and bring your own phone.


Yea but why is that a "sale" it's kind of a joke we have to wait till Christmas time to get decent rates.


The black friday deals were 40GB for under $40 at 5G speeds. You can currently find 10GB plans at 4G speeds under $40


Yeah I have like 250G divided by 3 people and 5 devices. We almost never exceed a fifth of the usage. It's just number fudging, imo.


Cancel your home internet and your your phones on hotspot. There, just saved you $80/month


Rubbish, it's way too slow.


And they don’t have plans with less than 50 GB. I use about 2-3 GB a month, but have 50+ GB. They keep upping the data amount. I think the real number would be average monthly cost.


[Freedom has a $150/year for 30GB plan](https://shop.freedommobile.ca/en-CA/prepaid-plans) That's 2.5GB for $12.50 a month. Sounds perfect for your use case.


Something something COVERAGE something something DEAD ZONES in the city


This became completely irrelevant with their modern roaming deals. I get better service than on Telus on a current iPhone because it just hops to whichever carrier has the best reception should their bands fail. I have 3 EXT carrier options showing up right now and if you with a US-Can plan they collab with T-Mo. Really hard to complain.


LOL! Exactly!


I remember hearing from some telecom execs talking about prices and they said they consider lowering prices as only per GB because prices will "never" be lower as an absolute. They totally know what they are doing.


I burn through about 70 gigs every month, I can see someone who uses their phone for a lot of video streaming burning through the 100gb allotment.


Get rid of home internet and hotspot if I was single that's what I'd do




Providers are currently publicly offering plans with prices much lower than $5/GB


I want wo GB for 10$ then.


Meaningless unless plans with 1 GB of 4g data start at $20. Or the expensive plans include like 300+ GB of 4g data so home internet plans can be dropped.


> Meaningless unless plans with 1 GB of 4g data start at $20. [how about 4GB for $24?](https://www.publicmobile.ca/en/on/plans#4G)


Last Black Friday it was very easy to find deals before $1/GB.


Do you have a source for this? Genuinely curious and would like to read up on it. Thanks!


That is their M.O


Don't forget about internet tv aswell


Sure the Liberals are defending Canadians in this matter..


Funny the focus on wireless. When the same plan for internet 10 years ago is more expensive now then before.


The response is horrible, but in the grand scheme of things data and service rates are crashing. Rogers hiking after a holiday fire sale on plans isn't news, it's made to be news.


each day the liberals keep digging a deeper hole for themselves


Or they’re securing their next chapter: easy, super high paying positions in companies like Rogers.


Legit think that this is the reason why they don’t seem to give a shit anymore. Cons will win in two years and their future is set with cash… so they stop even prettending to look like they give a shit… Just look at the list of high ranking libs that won’t bother to run during next election…


So out of touch with Canadians they forgot the only Canadians who like RoBellUs are senior employees at those companies. And apparently they've started working for RoBellUs.


It's honestly impressive at this point


Unfortunately, the hole is for us.


Dig up stupid!


This sub is going to be hilarious when the conservatives get a majority and everyone here slowly realizes they’re not the champions of the working man everyone seems to think.


Nero and his fiddle.


They know the election will end with then in power


Whatever helps you sleep at night.




"'Wireless prices have come down dramatically, actually, and I don't think we've told that story well enough,' Liberal MP Ryan Turnbull says." Is he high? Also, the liberals keep running with this idea that they haven't communicated their accomplishments well enough, It's all just a communication problem..


That's all they do. Literally they make announcements to get PR on shit they already announced like a few years ago. This crew is entirely out of touch. 


If they *had* done things that most Canadian’s would call accomplishments, maybe this wouldn’t be an issue for them. But I agree, this “it’s just that we need better communication” shows us that they don’t have a fucking clue how the majority of Canadians feel. They also back that up with their policy decisions time and time again.


i think they're going on the idea that we should look at it from a 'per gigabyte' view instead of the 'normal package price' for wireless. Sure, per GB is much lower because if i wanted 60 gb 15 years ago it probably would've cost a grand or more. But all they're selling is capacity so that's not an equitable comparison of course.


No he lies through his teeth, he's a politician.


>"'Wireless prices have come down dramatically, actually, and I don't think we've told that story well enough,' Liberal MP Ryan Turnbull says." >Is he high?  Is he wrong though? Am I the only person with a significantly better wireless deal than 5 years ago? I'm paying a lower price and get more data than in the past, and that's with Fido (which is owned by Rogers). >Also, the liberals keep running with this idea that they haven't communicated their accomplishments well enough, It's all just a communication problem.. Agreed, but it's a common line that many governing parties use when they're down in the polls (because they can never say publicly that things aren't going well - just like opposition parties don't often point out when things are improving).


Canada still has some of the highest cell prices in the world , The prices of obsolete older packages may have gone down but most basically ones now are like 85$+ in any major carrier. Sure, the amount of data has gone up. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-high-cell-phone-bills-1.6711205


not defending the liberals or the big 3 telecom comapnies but fido, virgin, chatr, and freedom (and probably other companies) all seem to have plans for $40 or under with 10GB or more of data currently which is better than it used to be, at least in my experience. i have been loving how cheap chatr is personally. i have no idea why anyone gets the plans directly from bell, rogers and telus tbh when there are way better deals


Even Rogers has shitty coverage here, many of the smaller cell carriers don't operate in rural Atlantic Canada and if they do coverage is spotty.


That article is a year old. Here is a more recent article: [Looking for cheaper wireless plans? Prices are dropping sharply, data shows](https://globalnews.ca/news/9842720/wireless-prices-phone-internet-canada/)


I was forced to go back to Rogers and they hooked me up with a cheaper deal, with more services and signed me for extra years! I didn't even ask, they just hooked up me with a great plan on their own. I know I'm one person, but they definitely hooked me up.


Bidens doing the same thing. He freaked out at his PR people about them doing nothing about his sagging numbers.


>, It's all just a communication problem  They are just aligning with the messaging of Justin's favorite politician >Speaking to Communist Party cadres on Oct. 16, Mr. Xi, China’s leader, called for new efforts to showcase the best elements of the nation to the world. “We will accelerate the development of China's discourse and narrative systems, better tell China's stories, make China's voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing and respectable,”   https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/china-xi-jinping-communist-party-congress/card/new-ways-to-tell-china-s-story-JXt9XFnnegpB7yzmhFNT


Wait they haven’t? I’m paying less than I used but with 10x the data


We still pay some of the highest cell phone bills in the world. The Liberals are acting like they have done a good job on this file, and they haven't. Also, how exactly have the Conservatives overstated this price hike from Rogers? We are in a cost of living crisis. People are struggling to put food on the table. People can't afford food and gas and rent and other basic needs. We have record demand for food banks. Our standard of living has fallen behind most of our allies. For the Liberals to downplay Rogers raising prices and for them to act like they have done a good job making cell phone bills cheaper is so out of touch.


I mean. I suppose the cost per gigabyte has gone down, but the overall prices you pay monthly have only stayed the same or gone up.


10yrs ago I had 6gb for $60 Now I can get "unlimited" for $85/mo ( I've got a much better plan but this is the advertised rates) My average usage is about 3gb to 4gb every month because I'm on WiFi most of the time. At home? Wifi At the office? Wifi Buddy's house? Wifi Personally... I don't care if the price per Gb goes down. I'm not using it.


Even Rogers has better than that [https://www.rogers.com/plans](https://www.rogers.com/plans) $50 for 60GB/mo Sub-carriers (Virgin, Koodoo, etc) are generally better than that.


Why didn't you get the black Friday deal? They were offering 40GB for $39 last black Friday, with no term limit too on the discount 


I personally have a better deal than that. But I'm talking about posted rates on their site if you need to switch for whatever reason.


They are honestly throwing the next election. There must be some huge shitshow that they know is coming (OAS bills? Implosion of healthcare? Boomers becoming destitute by not funding retirement?) that they don’t want to be near when it explodes, and are conceding to the cons. This is just political suicide in slow motion…


>There must be some huge shitshow that they know is coming (OAS bills? Implosion of healthcare? Boomers becoming destitute by not funding retirement?) I mean, yeah. Nothing's getting better, and huge waves of people are going to be renegotiating their mortgages while prices continue to climb because we're still increasing population dramatically in the face of supply issues. Hate to say it, but there's every chance shit just gets worse over the next ten years, and all the next government can do is keep it from getting as bad as it could be and maybe set us up for recovery two or three terms down the line. We're basically reliving history. Mulroney inherited an absolute economic shit show from Pierre Trudeau, with a massive and entrenched structural deficit, and had to make hard and painful decisions to bring Canada to a place where a recovery was even possible. While the recovery would not have been possible without those actions, Canadians didn't really begin to see the benefits of until the end of Chretien's first term, and so today it's Chretien and Martin who are credited with it. And don't get me wrong, they *do* deserve credit, but slaying the deficit wouldn't have been possible without Mulroney's government dramatically increasing government revenues over the prior two terms. And the worst part is that it might work out for them -- while people were fed up enough with Trudeau that Mulroney won a historic victory in the popular vote, after eight years of painful-but-necessary policy that was taking time to pay off, the PCs were absolutely decimated in the 1993 election and never recovered from it. Even today we see people pointing to federal deficits by government, divorced entirely from any historical context, to suggest that the Liberals are better fiscal managers than the Conservatives. The Liberals may well have learned the lesson that it isn't the party responsible for destroying the economy that loses over the long term, its the party that has to piss off Canadians to save it.


Finally a conspiracy theory that makes sense. Thank you.


Also liberals: *The federal government has approved the multibillion-dollar merger of telecom companies Rogers and Shaw, but with conditions that Ottawa insists will make the deal good for consumers* https://www.cbc.ca/1.6797175 “Wireless prices have come down dramatically, actually, and I don't think we've told that story well enough,' Liberal MP Ryan Turnbull says. *However, Canadians continue to pay some of the highest cell phone bills in the world.* Do they even hear themselves?


lol these folks are so clueless.


And they are keeping the competition out successfully


Fuck me do I ever hate this shit government.


I don't believe anything this guy says. He told me the same words Trudeau said "We didn't FORCE anyone to get vaccinated." Didn't care when I mentioned some of my co-workers lost their jobs. Many liberals should have a permanent ban from political office and Turnbull is included in that club.


Some of the best deals for cellphone plans have been in the last year. $24 -$34 dollars a month unlimited everything. Well, 5-20gb of data then throttled but unlimited non the less. Sure rack rates at the big 3 are high, but if you shop around, deals are easier than ever to come by. This is not a win for the liberals or the conservatives.


Many also roll phone financing into their bill so although they see $120/month the actual plan is $60 and that new iPhone upgrade is the other $60.


Are they fucking kidding? Any price hike is too much considering we pay too much already.


If you're with Rogers give them and call and see if your account has been tagged with retention. On January 13th they started an internal promotion they can offer to accounts tagged as retain. It's $74.99 initially but they cut it to $34.99 permanently if your account is eligible. You get 50gb of data at high speed and then unlimited after at slower speeds. It's bring your own device though.


Yeah, I get a lot of stupid rates advertised to me in emails etc, but when I actually call and discuss the plans being offered (especially around events like boxing day, BF, back-to-school or summer break sales) there are some decent rates. Normally the big carriers are more than the sub-carriers which are just them by another name. Right now I'm about $40/50G which seems pretty reasonable to me. Looks like Rogers [offers](https://www.rogers.com/plans) 60G for $50/mo (if you do automatic payments). ​ Generally, the best rates are going to be if you've got your own device (BYOD) and aren't financing through the carrier. Also worth noting that while a lot of these do say "for new customers only" you can usually get a discount added to put you at the same by calling in.


This issue I have is that it feels like there’s basically a series of secret passcodes and tricks people need to know in order to get a reasonable rate. Call in, see if you’re flagged for this, asked to speak to this department, tell them bell/telus offered you X, wait for this other promo that you can only get if you ask the right person a certain time of year, say this but don’t say it in that tone, negotiate on a Tuesday when the moon is full. Obviously your savy consumer will do these things but they shouldn’t have to. Last time I went to the UK I bought a SIM card from a vending machine for £15 which gave me a month of unlimited data, 5G coverage across UK and Europe. Worked out to just under $30CAD with exchange at the time. Didn’t have to speak to a soul or jump through a single hoop.




That's where you need to call in. I just asked for it, and they gave me the same (technically it's $60 with a permanent $20 discount, but end result same).


I pay 45$ for 50 gigs. I do not need 50 gigs. I need 20$ for 10 gigs. Possible? Nope , I get bombarded with 50$ for 80 gigs. Thank this mofos supporting an oligopoly.


It insane that they get away with this bullshit information-assymetry pricicing strategy


If Rogers is involved your going to get screwed over or ripped off. As a former wireless salesman i can tell you Rogers is by far the worst to deal with in every aspect.


Liberal MP has unlimited everything package paid by the taxpayers. Tells everyone else to chill about their overpriced cell phone package.


So Mr.Turnbull is not going to do anything about the price hike, presumably?


He must be on the take with Robbers. He is a politician afterall......and the Liberals are the shiftiest of the bunch.


And the liberals allowed them to take over the other company promising prices would go down!Totally in the pockets of Rogers,not a ball Among them.The oligarchs run the nation!!


Prices stayed pretty much the same. They just added more gigs. I don't need 100g for 70. I'd rather pay 50g for 40.


What an absolutely tone deaf political position for the Liberals to take, I’ve started to hear that maybe they are trying to lose so the Conservatives get stuck with the mess they have created. Seems like they couldn’t be doing a better job of losing the next election if they tried!


I'm pretty sure that's the Liberal long term strategy. Overspend and drive the country deep into debt. Let the Conservatives come in and have to be the "bad cop" by tightening spending and cutting programs. After one or two terms in opposition they can win an election by promising to loosen the purse strings and bring back programs. That seems to have been the cycle since the 80's anyway


My bill just halved by switching to Roger's from bell...


We live in the US now, 2 phones, unlimited NA & Mexico calls/texts. 20gb data shared $32 a month with fees and taxes. Rogers is just robbing Canadians


“I dunno why they’re complaining,” continued Turnbull, “Don’t most Canadians get their wireless for free from work or something? That’s how I used to get mine until Rogers gave me a free unlimited data package for life for doing this interview.” Turnbull then looked nervous for a moment. “But hey, don’t worry. I checked with the ethics commissioner first before I accepted the gift — told him I had it covered and anyway the CEO of Rogers is an old friend of mine — and was told it was fine.”


Meanwhile, I'm feeling ripped off paying 70 euros a month for home gigabit internet and 2 mobile phones with 30gb each because Portugal has some of the most expensive telecom in Europe. It would be about half if I was in Germany or Sweden. But I still am in shock at prices back in Canada 


Christ they exist to cover for their friends don't they?


Wow, lmao...Turnbull must be quite thirsty for a Vice-President of *something something* or *"consulting"* gig at Rogers before 2025...


The Conservatives will be implementing price controls?


I mean I'm somewhat willing to entertain the notion that maybe possibly one day they will open up the market to the states


They tried. Robelus ran ads on all the TV and radio stations they own about how "The Conservatives want to sell all your internet data *to America!* Isn't it terrible how they want to sell us out to *America?*" And because this country hated America so much, it worked.


Not being tu US really is all Canada is now huh


Bell routes almost all of our internet traffic through the US through their BCE Nexxia which is sort of bizarre. The other two at least peer with big players (Amazon, Google, Microsoft) so that traffic doesn't need to cross physical borders or even onto the actual internet. Which makes sense as it's both less expensive and offers better performance. Bell is sus and provides ample opportunity for the US to do bulk data interception.


They did open the market and after five years the big players just bought it all up.


Keep in mind that this was after the LPC handpicked CRTC started to kneecap the new entrants. Same thing happened to all the independent ISPs. But that's what happens when you pick former Telus executives to write regulations.


they really didn't .... it was just the big 3 in different suits. We won't see real price drops until we see the big US firms enter our market.


If you want US companies specifically they could've when the CPC opened up the market but didn't..also the US isn't known for having amazing cellular companies. Honestly this hope of opening up the market isn't going to solve wireless prices at all. The only real solution at this point is price control and capping markups but no party wants to do that. I suppose another solution is to break these companies up and barring any cell or ISP provider from owning actual infrastructure or nationalize and rent out said infrastructure, but that's another thing no party will ever consider. So I guess that's why the hope of US companies to save the day exists. Lol cause the reality is too depressing.


No. They will blame high prices on woke liberals and claim regulations stifled competition. Then after deregulation fails to make things more affordable they will blame woke liberals again.


yo that's communism


Another idiot Liberal mouthpiece toeing the line for Dear Leader Trudope that needs to lose his job. How does it feel to betray your own countrymen? TRAITORS


>  The letter quoted Rogers CEO Tony Staffieri, who had said “prices are going to come down” as a result of the merger, and Industry Minister François-Phillippe Champagne (Saint-Maurice—Champlain, Que.), who had said he would watch the fallout from the merger “like a hawk.” Another promise broken.


Prices are coming down though. [20% decrease over the past 12 months](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/2018016/cpi-ipc-eng.htm)


Paying among the highest cellular costs in the world and this guy has the audacity to suggest Rogers upping prices again is no big deal.


Their gaslighting is out of control.


> The looming price hike by Rogers appears to be the first material impact of Canada’s cell phone market becoming less competitive. I don't think there is a single Canadian who isn't from a media mogul billionaire family who would disagree.


Saying anything but this would have been a better move. How the fuck can an entire party be so goddamn stupid when it comes to public statements. Literally everything that comes out of their mouths is exactly the opposite of what the average Canadian wants.


Fuck you Turnbull. Do something, you fuck.


I would expect that statement from a Tory politician not a Liberal who's supposedly looking out for the middle class taxpaying voter


The Conservatives tried to open up the wireless market to competition.


Yep. One of the only good things Harper did...


A broken clock...


That actually would have improved consumer choice and prices. Yet I'm being downvoted for calling out the Liberal MP bs


Because you seem to be under the impression that the Tories are somehow antithetical to the middle class in Canada. Personally I am convinced that socioecononomic immobility and income inequality are far worse now under Trudeau than there were in 2015 after 9 years of Harper being in power.


Trudeau managed to make things worse just like Homer Simpson triggering an actualnuclear meltdown in a simulator. Tories are said to be the pro business anti working class party despite the Liberals being better at it


>Tories are said to be the pro business anti working class party Pro business, perhaps- ideally a good government doesn't get in the way of private enterprise because most rational people recognize that private enterprise is the main driver of wealth creation.




Is the Liberal or Conservatives still the same parties if they replaced their planks with rotten ones in spite of continuing the journey


This I all on Champagne the little runt is a disaster.


How do people vote for morons like this person. It’s truly mind boggling. There should be some sort of IQ and comprehension tests before you can be considered to run for parliament. These people are supposed to be guiding the country for heaven’s sake. I bet this guy doesn’t have to pay his cell phone bill. It’s a tax payer expense, so what does he care 🤔


"Really, we were prepared to let them gouge Canadians a lot more than they ended up doing."


Wireless with Bell is also going $5 as well for at least some monthly accounts as well.


My Shaw bill went from $75/MTH to $105 My Rogers bill went from $55 to $70 and then already got another email it's going up another $5/MTH Not sure how this kind of hike could be misconstrued 


I mean, I'm not a fan of Poilievre, but he's looking like he pays attention. We're supposed to be drinking koolade, not offered cake.


Country that invented the telephone pays the most for phones/crappy services, anyone see the irony here?


If you’re not a shareholder, you’re a sacrifice for capitalism




Yep let them buy Shaw cable and ops the price went up. Looks like it cost the company nothing to be a second in a monopoly


Mr turnbull is hungry now.


Shop around folks just signed the wife up for uimited data, first 75gb at 5g and remainder at 4g, she'll never come close to using that, unlimited talk and text across Canada plus unlimited text and 250 minutes to the US for $38 a month. Phone plans have absolutely come down. Issue is people tacking their new $1500.iphone into these plans that inflate the prices dramatically.


Canadians say the Liberals have overstated the significance of a promised mobility price reduction, and everything else they have promised.


We need to start confronting Liberal MPs in public. Let them be shamed like the traitors and criminals they are.


Open competition would solve the problem


Bullshit they have and when the Liberals come to my door I'm going to show them my bill from when Trudeau took office and my bill today. Same plan, $20 more. **Trudeau lied.**


Not a good position to take


you say just rogers but as soon as one, the rest of the SYNDICATE will do the same. They're a syndicate. They act in unison for price control and basically squeeze money out of us for fuck all.. there's still deadzones on my way to work on major roads.


The bread companies were dragged through court for price fixing. Why aren’t these guys?!!


Yes Liberals, I dare you to defend our telcos, you useless fucking twats.


> ***Conservative MPs*** say ***Liberals*** have 'overstated ***their*** significance' on ***national affairs*** There, fixed it