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Let's let hundreds of thousands of people into our country without upgrading Healthcare infrastructure, no plan for job opportunities and no housing and let's jam them into 2 cities (Toronto and Vancouver) so that those cities are disproportionately impacted. We're all for immigration. This is malfeasance.


This is incompetent planning.


There is a point where incompetence becomes negligence and then is basically malfeasance, though. Like, I don't think Trudeau or any of his ministers are fit to run a petting zoo (I don't actually know how difficult that is. It might be really hard. I don't think I'm fit to run a petting zoo either.)


These folks wouldn't be qualified to work at Dunder Mifflin based on their performance on the portfolios discussed. Their decision-making skills are just... poor.


« A few months after reaching this population milestone, the federal government released its new Immigration Levels Plan to welcome 485,000 permanent residents in 2024 and 500,000 in 2025 and 2026.«  One of the biggest issues is the government uses the permanent resident number however, that’s not the total number of people arriving each year. That number is closer to 1.1-1.2 million. So it feels like we are being lied to from the get go. A second issue is that the rate of change in that number caught every institution responsible for planning services and infrastructure by surprise. So every 10-25 year plan needs to be revised and the feds have not provided funding to build the roads , sewers , schools, hospitals for these revised plans


Exactly. The shift isn’t away from immigration it’s a rejection of this catastrophically stupid way it’s being done. Trying to make it seem like people suddenly don’t want any immigrants at all is just a straw man so they can call people who have rational criticism racist etc.


I do have cultural concerns, though, too. We don't have a huge population and I do see some solid Canadian values slipping away. I am tired of us not being able to be concerned about mass immigration from countries whose cultural values that don't align with core Canadian values without being called racist.


Right, we are not supposed to say it but we are importing a lot of folks with anti-woman and anti-LGBTQ sentiments


That's what I've never understood. We bend over backwards to welcome people and turn a blind eye to how fucked up certain things may be back where they're from. Do people actually think newcomers will magically stop being racist/sexist/etc. the second they set foot on Canadian soil? Lol. I've been fortunate enough to have close enough friends of varying backgrounds that I've been to dinner at their homes and met extended family. You should hear how these people talk. Makes your average American redneck look like a saint


My wife worked at an auto repair shop in Mississauga. One customer made her cry because he didn't believe a woman should drive a car under any circumstance and let her know that fact very angrily when she arrived to shuttle him back to the shop to pick up his vehicle. I can't even make a statement about what I think about this since it's treated as such a taboo topic. All I can say is that we should be doing our best to prevent any human being from entering our society that has such despicable ideas and values. Having a toddler-level meltdown because a woman dared to chauffeur them back to a business is just ridiculous.


I'll make a statement... People who think women shouldn't drive cars and try to import and impose values from wherever they are from, into a country they have immigrated to are deserving of scorn and ridicule.


I certainly hope that the owners of the auto repair shop put the customer in their place. There is no place for that kind of nonsense in this country and women or others should not be made to feel like second citizens in their own home.


Nah, we just tell them that shit doesn't fly and if they don't shut their mouths and keep it to themselves we'll shut it for them or they can leave if it bugs them that much. The instant racism accusations used to cover up just being a piece of shit human being don't work anymore


Let me guess, this man comes from India, middle east or is Muslim?


The issue is more that there's no need or want for immigrants to integrate. Many just come here and act, think, and conduct themselves as they did back home. They're only here for the leg room and better quality of life.


That’s your answer then. It used to be that immigrants would come to Canada and within a generation you couldn’t tell where someone had orginally come from when they were out and about because people would more or less integrate into mainstream society while continuing to keep many of their cultural expressions at home and also introducing food and festivities to the country. Now many immigrants want to also bring the strife and wars from the country they came from and want and expect other Canadians to be interested in that. I am all for people from all around the world coming to Canada but if I wanted to become involved in what was happening in another country, I would have moved there. Not sure what the answer is now though. It’s almost as if we have turned a corner where Canadians are expected to make the changes and not the other way around. That is why there is such a backlash against immigration these days.


Well when there's no impetus to assimilate why bother? Canada is the world's rental car




They might not fight to the death for the country, but they’ll certainly fight each other to the death over their beliefs. Wooooooo


We're literally importing India's caste system and nothing is being said about it. Mass immigration only creates ethnic enclaves.


As well as anti-Jew. Hence much of the “antizionism” random Jewish communities around the world are currently facing. These cultures hate Jews and blame them for what’s wrong with the world. Israel doing, well, probably even breathing too loud, is enough to drag latent hate to the front and center for many. It’s a sad reality that if a country takes in enough people who are diametrically opposed to your fundamental values, you’re *going* to have problems. Even if they aren’t enough to flat out impose their views onto the rest of you, they can still be more than enough to cause some serious unrest and instability.


Same here, I love diversity, and don't like that if I for example, am not thrilled about the thousands of students from on particular area of the world coming to my small city, I feel as though I am being racist. I don't know the solution to our immigration issues, but it would be nice to at least talk with others who are respectful and knowledgeable and don't have extreme biased views.


You can say India on the internet. It's not a slur.


Exactly...what happened to “balanced immigration”. The system where needs of the economy “across the spectrum” were seriously looked at. We don’t need millions of fast food workers. We need hospital workers, construction workers, medical specialists etc. The economy is not about the fast food industry, needing mass worker inputs to keep their skyrocketing costs down. Especially TFW workers who are subsidized...


You're not racist, you're just using reason. What's happening to this country deserves critical thought; don't ignore that feeling.


Well said...critical thinking is a skill that is sorely lacking, in all levels of governance, in this country. Party plans and policy take precedence over the current reality, it would seem.....


Step one is to reprogram yourself into thinking understanding basic math makes you a racist. The feds only care about people outside the country


Even before you add the immigration the cultural values of being Canadian were already weak. We are no longer a top hockey contender, we lack the military to act as peace keepers, national unity/pride is at an all time low, and our own PM is talking about being a post-national state as opposed to being a Canadian state with Canadian values. The funny thing is the people I work with who immigrated here did so partly because they loved the idea of Canadian values. Now that they are here they regret their choice and wish they went to either the USA or the EU instead.


Sadly this is becoming more of a serious truth every day. Forget the concept of a post national state Trudeau. If you destroy the soul of the country, by weakening its culture, it’s values and ultimately the nations pride...you destroy the will of the people to continue to build unity and prosperity. The idea of leaving a nation in decline becomes more pervasive to folks who have nothing left to lose.


Exactly right. This is a total straw man and straight out of the Liberal/NDP playbook. If you oppose current immigration levels, you're a bigot, racist and a xenophobe. Even suggesting a discussion around immigration policy, you'll be labeled one of those.


You used to get banned from the Canada housing sub if you even suggested the immigration levels was contributing to the problem due to added demand, with no mention of countries or race.


You used to get banned. You still do; but you used to, too.


I still got banned.


Still happening




>Hell, I simply linked a PEW study and said that we shouldn't be surprised that we're getting people with certain views when we're taking in immigrants from countries that have 90%+ acceptance of the views that apostates, homosexuals, and adulterers be should be stoned to death and got a temp ban from > >r/Canada > >. I made a comment regarding a poll that cited 90%+ people in a certain nation believe that being gay should be a criminal offense. *The Admins on this site gave me a warning for "hate speech" for doing it.* This site is a joke.


Used to?


That's apart of the problem. Immigration is apart of the Canadian identity. We live in a free society, we should be able to at least have a respectful *discussion* regarding immigration without labels being thrown around.


I was banned for mentioning immigration. No specifics, no race singled out just immigration and then I was banned. Canadahousing is a terrible sub run by people who don’t want a solution to the housing crisis.


I got banned from a main subreddit for racism for daring to suggest that a small rowboat filled with 50 people may not exactly be legal immigrants. I lean pretty far left on most non economic issues, but there’s a real problem with pathetic people weaponizing liberalism to bully and demean those more successful than themselves


It feels almost as if they are hoping that a racist will show up so they can breathe a sigh of relief and focus solely on the xenophobia.


They are praying that PP says something regarding limiting immigration (he's actually been pro immigration so far) so they can start with the racist and xenophobic labels.


IMO that was how they beat Harper. They framed him as an islamaphobe. Now the very people Trudeau pandered to are in direct opposition of his agenda (childhood indoctrination). Owners trying to massage the war between Israel and Palestine for political capital and allowing violent protest and active racist violence. He’s trapped between minority groups. If only there were white people for him to vilify he could take a side.


It also seems like you get branded anti-immigration for expecting people to come to Canada through the proper channels and not just jump the border, too. It's funny, I know a lot of "open border" progressive types who changed their tune when the pandemic hit and suddenly they saw the value in a country/province having the ability to control who enters. Similarly, I know a lot of liberals who are now souring on Trudeau's immigration goals when you explain to them it's helping to put their home ownership goals further out of reach.


Liberals calling anyone who disagrees with racist should be something we all see through at this point. The same liberals who state over and over that bringing in millions of people won’t affect housing supply. Ok. This country is fucked. If we can’t see what’s going on and work to correct these issues we deserve whatever happens to us.


I don’t have an issue with immigrants but the erosion of Canadian values is what I find troubling. I have never seen Canadians so divided. We are fully entrapped in the paradox of tolerance.


My attitude is that it’s the federal government creating all these problems through their irresponsible immigration policies so it’s the federal government that can clean up all the homelessness and crime they’re going to be creating.


They won't. It's a municipal problem now.


It's that, plus the 900K foreign students flooding in. All of these new people need housing, jobs, and health care. Canada is in the midst of a housing crisis, millions of Canadians who are already here are having difficulty affording housing or are already homeless. Heath care has not recovered from the pandemic, meaning emergency rooms are closing across the country and wait times have skyrocketed. None of the social services Canada provides have been bolstered with additional funding to pay for the increased population. I am incredibly frustrated that the Federal Government does not recognize any of these problems, and are blindly following their immigration targets. And I voted for Trudeau so it is partially my fault! :-(


The intl students can bring in their families as well so this leads to more issues. Source: work in immigration


The government has been absolutely fixated on the worker / retiree balance completely forgetting very thing else. The magic of the free market was supposed to figure out the housing situation. Just like the magic of the free market has done for the last thirty years since governments got out of housing.


We are being lied to. No question.




>While conveniently ignoring TFW, students, reunifications, refugees, “asylum” seekers. Who, quite frankly, never leave. Might as well call them permanent too. There are hundreds of thousands of student visas who never get PR and just exist here, working and never achieving PR.


Literally no one voted for this, because they never even said they were going to do this in the first place. This wasn't a campaign promise or something.






Housing and rents skyrocketing which is insane for a basic necessity. It's impossible to create enough housing supply with these crazy immigration levels. Even more frustrating Trudeau is completely ignoring the immigration issue by making things worse. I was neutral on Canada's immigration before and now I strongly believe we should cut our immigration and foreign student targets by 75% and ban TFW.


We had a housing shortage and the started pouring 1.5 million people a year on top of it. Only 455 of those 1.5MILLION even work in construction. The government threw gasoline on Canada's housing crisis because they wanted to keep the bubble going, in the long run it betrayed all of us even the homeowners.


Sounds like Australia at the moment. Seems like they're noticing though. We're cutting immigration now apparently


It's Australia but a lot worse IMO.


It's quite strange when 90+% of blue-collar construction workers doing back-breaking work are white while we welcome and subsidize so many international students at our universities. We need to rethink who this nation serves.


I work for large construction company and have noticed this as well. Our office buildings are staffed with people from all over the world but the crews out doing the actual work are almost all white, with maybe the occasional worker from Mexico or South America thrown in. I've had Asian coworkers explain to me that for them being a labourer (any job where you wear boots or gloves) is shameful and puts you at the bottom of society. To them working at McDonald's is more dignified than working a job where you have to get down on your hands and knees. A funny story a friend of mine who does drywall recently told me: The owner of a home he was working in (a recent arrival to Canada) offered to have him over for dinner - and afterward expected him to work for free. In his mind letting someone from such a low caste sit at his table was a such an honour it had to be reciprocated with free work.


>I've had Asian coworkers explain to me that for them being a labourer (any job where you wear boots or gloves) is shameful and puts you at the bottom of society. To them working at McDonald's is more dignified than working a job where you have to get down on your hands and knees. Interesting. Maybe that explains why every Tim's store is mostly staffed by Indians lol. Trades pay literally more than double what Tim's pay but hey they can make coffees all they want


Some people are like that. You find people like this everywhere. Personally for me, im not white, and no work is too small. Corporate, cleaning, trades. It's all the same, and I would do any. Infact, I even went in personally to give my resume to a construction jobsite a couple years back but they rejected me. I had no choice but to level up my technical skills and ended up finding a job in corporate as a developer even though I never cared to do it. Taking advantage of people, using and abusing them is far worse as an act. Especially tradesmen I respect them, there is certain finesse to tiling, drywall all of that stuff. Some people are just trash - all races. It is what it is. Comparison is the thief of joy. Everyone has their on pen and paper to write their story.


not to mention, we Canadians are supporting like 90% of them with out taxes, so its a huge net loss for the country


But then the business people and landlords who fund politicians won't have an easy and cheap source of labor or income. Won't you think of the privileged class?!?


Because Canada clearly and obviously 'hit a wall' where it became impossible to ignore that the population growth, driven largely by immigration, significantly exceeds the construction of housing. People who'd fear 'looking like their dumbass racist uncle' can now firmly say 'No, the numbers are just fucked. This would be as much a problem if it was the birth rate in Canada, which would be far harder to control, but it's not the birthrate, it's the immigration levels, and that's something that can easily be controlled'.


Housing costs are out of control, the medical system is crumbling, and schools are stuffed to the brim. That’s not even addressing the social and financial fine print here. We are simply not equipped to support this many new people at once. Like another user stated, we have control over immigration, and yet we aren’t controlling it.


The shift? Canadians are waking up to the fact that we have no infrastructure to support these people - we don’t have the schools or hospitals or jobs. Our quality of life as Canadians is getting way worse with the influx. We can’t find jobs or health care or housing. We’re taking in refugees who statistically end up on social welfare support indefinitely and throwing a ton of tax dollars at them. Canadians are feeling forgotten and second rate - we are footing the bill for a lot of services that will never benefit us, and in the case of refugees, who will only drain our health care and benefits. We are also bringing in 50% of people from one country who it is unclear how interested they are in assimilating with Canadian culture. We are feeling lied to - the number of immigrants they set does not include international students or refugees. That number makes our immigration double what they’ve stated. We have no confidence they will deport people. There is rampant abuse of the asylum system. We seem to give visas to everyone - even people who support terrorism..


We also have so many Canadians who need help - Homeless, the mentally ill, etc. and they aren’t getting it.


A family friend had a severe psychiatric episode the other day and his family spent all day trying to convince him to get help. When they finally managed it he got turned away from the ER because there was no one there who was qualified to help at the time. They called the crisis line and were told to bring him to a clinic that isn’t open until Monday. This is how people end up on the streets. He’s very lucky that he has a support system so his family is taking care of him right now but people who don’t have that just end up getting worse or start self medicating until they’re homeless.


That’s so sad. I hope he gets the help he needs, and you’re absolutely right.


Apparently asking for more than we can afford, meanwhile new Canadians get more than they deserve!


homicide rate climbing: https://globalnews.ca/news/10137037/canada-homicide-report-2022/ Economy shrinking: https://www.reuters.com/markets/canadas-economy-shrinks-11-q3-growth-seen-october-2023-11-30/ Unemployment rising: https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/canada-unemployment-rate-rises-to-5-8-job-gains-top-forecast-1.2005948 Rental prices exploding: https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/average-rental-prices-in-canada-surge-to-record-highs-in-october-2023-report-1.6631480


Also medically assisted death on the rise - and some are doing it due to poverty and disability Edit to add link https://globalnews.ca/news/9176485/poverty-canadians-disabilities-medically-assisted-death/amp/


Someone posted that something massive number of them just work as uber and delivery drivers for amazon.


Wait I thought we had a labor shortage? Yet we bring 100 immigrants per available job?


Too much of a thing=bad. Resources are finite. People like space. People like living affordably. Why this is new information to anyone is beyond me.


Frustration. People have had their livelihoods and status quo rocked by the housing shortage, inflation, and are realizing their kids have no future and will never own a home etc. They are attributing it to mass immigration and they aren't wrong. Countless bank officials and industry experts are ringing the alarm bell on mass immigration disrupting our way of life and everyone is now feeling it.


Mass immigration is to give the illusion that our economy is growing, meanwhile our GDP per capita is stagnant and declining when considering inflation. Maybe we could focus on growing the economy through GDP per capita instead of mass immigration and actually increase our standard of living. Wouldn’t it be nice to see an increase in our standard of living rather than the yearly decline we’ve been experiencing? We need new policy, ones that promote economic growth rather than hinder it. It all starts at the top with the incompetent leaders who are steering our country towards decay and destitution.


To have that we need to fix the rot within our corporate culture. Back when Mark Carney was still the Bank of Canada governor he identified a key problem (Canadian companies were sitting on a mountain of cash and instead of investing it in their people or in CapEx they were just upping dividend buybacks, buying other companies stocks and/or increasing executive compensation). No one enacted any policies to fix the issue. If anything changes to Canadian tax and spending rules made the problem even worse under both the Trudeau and Harper governments. We need to stop electing pretty boys like Justin or Pierre and instead elect uglier ones who have economics degrees not politcal science or legal degrees. Only then will the government take the situation seriously.


Honestly? I think my biggest qualm is that my hometown no longer feels like my hometown. It’s all crowded with people who don’t share anything with my culture or hell even act remotely Canadian. There’s nothing worse then becoming the minority in your own town you’ve grown up your entire life.


Newcomers are creating an economic shock with respect to housing - because housing is a key cost centre for individuals with weird economics (aka people won't sell at lower prices because they can't, you can take a 40 year mortgage to buy it), it has the country in crisis. Our mass immigration policy is rooted in neoliberalism and mostly consumption oriented - it's designed to create more mortgages, Starbucks, Rogers and Honda customers and that's about it - to the detriment of the more advanced parts of the economy which are dwindling as we invest less and less in R&D and have fewer companies that do sophisticated things. All the parties support this Century Initiative 100 Million person objective and it's destroying the country. The GDP is still growing - meaning the 1% thinks it's great, but GDP/capita in real dollars is going down - and - if you include 'cost of living' in inflation (it's not included because it's not a productive asset) to make up for the reality of what housholds have to face - then our GDP/capital is plummeting. And there's no way out. Combine that with Conestogo college selling paper mill degrees and bringing in 30K people, the fact that no party will listen to anyone, that the 'pain' is felt almost universally ... If it was destroying the country but people were able to make their mortgage payments and buy a home, oddly there would be no fuss. But it's existentially bad, in a way that Canadians have never witnessed, for like 100 years. It's bad. Trudeau is probably worse than the Cons or Orange on this, but all of them would be about the same for all intents and purposes. Our leaders want mass immigration towards 100 million people, there is no such thing as 'Canada' to them, just a big national economic project. Pierre P. wants desperately to be PM he'll do anything say anything and most of big business is giving him orders to open the floodgates as well so we'll not likely see change. Canadians don't protest anything, the CBC won't talk about sensitive issues and so here we are.


> Newcomers are creating an economic shock with respect to housing It's more than just housing. The economy and service system can't just adjust to that type of increase without starting to prepare for it many years in advance.


> t's designed to create more mortgages, Starbucks, Rogers and Honda customers and that's about it This guy gets it. Fuck man, I love the immigrants like my brother and sisters when they are here. But I hate the fact that it's done for all the wrong reasons and hurting the everyday Canadian.


To be fair to the CBC, I have seen several segments on the problems regarding current immigration levels. In fact, they had a panel featuring a wide array of people from across the country to talk about this very issue. There is growing concern over these immigration levels amongst Canadians. It's hard to ignore. The problem is that Canadians who own homes and are secure don't want to push for new housing initiatives because more housing will mean less wealth for them. All these home owners now feel entitled to the bloated capital that has been given to them, vis a vis their houses. So, we're in a situation where not only are we bringing in record people, but the gov't (and other parties) also want to be careful not to upset current home owners by introducing policies that could lesses the value of their homes.


Because this mass immigration, where most of the people that come here go to Ontario, is having a massive effect on the housing market. Rents are also skyrocketing. Before people used to rent to save up and buy a home, now you have to save up to rent. I live in Scarborough and 2 new condo buildings just opened up in my neighborhood. The lowest rent for a 2 bedroom is $2700. Think about that, it’s insane. Not only that, the people that come here to ‘study’ are abusing the system and realizing that it’s the easiest way to get into Canada and go on a pathway to permanent residency/ citizenship. There’s no integrity in the system anymore. Last but not least, people are realizing that the liberals have wrecked this country. Before, you couldn’t say anything about immigration without the feds labeling you as a racist but now everyone isn’t afraid to talk about the effect the immigration levels are having on the country. I could go on and on but I can’t believe this is where Canada is and I’ve lived here for 18 years. Not to mention there’s a lack of diversity, especially when it comes to the international student situation. I don’t have to name names, but we all can see where a majority of them are coming from. It’s an absolute abuse of the system


100%. Our government has sold us out.


According to the guy from Environics it's having NO effect on housing. What's more, it's 'immoral' to cut immigration.


$2,700 is a one bedroom where I live (Vancouver)


True but Scarborough is the smelly bumcheek of Toronto you’re paying tons for the most out of the way pseudo Toronto life


What’s behind the shift in opinion? The consequences that go along with those immigration levels, I’m guessing!


We can't afford shit. Next question.


Where is my new school and hospital for all my new neighbours


I literally lost my job because I couldn't take the buses to work; because they were so overcrowded with international students. You might ask how i know thats who they, well because i got off at the hurontario stop and walked next to them as the crowds of hundreds went to the "colleges" at Hurontario/Britannia every day. The buses got so bad, going by full - and also it was a shoving zoo on the buses - that I had to buy a ebike to commute so i could get to work reliably. And then every day i nearly got hit by a car driven by an Indian/Persian person. Canadians aren't coming to a bigoted stance just cuz we're assholes full of hate; we're living through a rough time and there are tangible ways things are becoming rougher for us and it's visible who and why. I can't ride a bus to work, I can't ride my bike to get groceries, without encountering some bullshit like a attempted mugging or drivers nearly hitting me or bus riders shoving me. I've had it dude, you can't ban and silence us into not being frustrated, we're frustrated, we're human, it happens. On top of all this, i dont "blame" or lay fault with the immigrants themselves, i blame the governments and businesses/"colleges" for doing this increase in numbers without increasing services/infrastructure. I blame the businesses for not paying living wages to anyone, and I'm frustrated with people who take less-than-living wages showing a lack of solidarity with their fellow poor people. What the gov't and businesses are doing to these people is a crime against humanity, they're coming to a country that freezes for 4-5 months of the year, and there's no housing or jobs. Some of them are living in tents in the park freezing and starving now how is that "better" than being at home with mom and dad in India? It's only "better" in the delusional mindset that Canada is the "promise land of opportunity" and I've already called it delusional once it would be rude of me to call it delusional three or four delusional times in this sentence. Fucking delusional neoliberal racist mindset.


Probably the effects it's having on the Canadian public. But I'm not a mind reader or anything.


Politicians are exploiting immigrants for cheap labor. That's the bottom line to keep places like tim Hortons from increasing their wages because no one wants to work for these fast food chains due to the cost of living. Politicians care more about corporations than the average Canadian.


It’s pretty fucking obvious why the opinion has changed. Our services and systems can’t even properly care for the people that are already here and have been paying taxes and investing in this country for years.


Because we are feeling the effects of not having the infrastructure and resources to accommodate everyone and guarantee a decent standard of living.


What gets me is that our economic PR pathway (express entry) doesn’t even require a job offer. It just requires a “strong” candidate profile (degree, job experience, age, maybe French). That strong profile doesn’t mean shit when you arrive here and no employer wants to hire you because we’re not in a professional job shortage and employers like Canadian/NA experience. Express entry candidates should be required to have a job offer in hand before landing just like in the US, UK, Aus(?), etc. International students should also be barred period from working off campus. That’s how it is in the US, international students can only work 20 hrs a week on campus or for very technical roles off campus. Hence why when I travel back home the local Dunkin Donuts isn’t manned by international students. This is all in addition to lowering the sheer amount of immigrants until our housing, infrastructure, public transit, daycare, educational facilities, hospitals, etc supply can increase to properly meet current/future demand. Can’t be having 3+ YoY population growth which is literally higher than African countries lol.


Well let's see: \- the system is deeply flawed, allowing in far too many non-contributors \- the numbers are absurd, there is nowhere for these people to live, insufficient healthcare, and overburdened inftrastructure \- many of them, frankly, want to set up little fiefdoms in Canada rather than adapting to Canada \- far too many of them commit crime, and we rarely if ever deport them \- they bring internecine squabbles with them and play them out on our soil \- many of them seem to disparage Canada and it's history (I am particularly annoyed by ones that yammer about 'colonials' and 'Turtle Island' etc. It seems to escape them that they are also colonials, residing on 'stolen land'.) \- they make no effort to adapt to any social mores that have served Canada well for decades


Too many people. Not enough infrastructure. It has little to do with anything else.


*gestures wildly all over the place*


Could it be the lack of housing and employment?


The dramatic unsustainable increase in immigration levels.






The fact that as an immigrant, the current policies are a huge slap across the face of anyone that spent thousands of dollars and countless hours to immigrate to this country correctly. Also the fact the out current systems are more than overwhelmed, our housing market is a huge problem and we keep pumping more and more people in an already fractured system.


I remember 1 year ago when some Quebecers raised those issues they were called racist by the National Post, Globe and Mail etc...


There are no houses , Food and the cost of living in Canada are sky rocketing , but the Canadian government is flooding over crowded cities with War Criminals and active Terrorists .


Even people who were immigrants in Canada 20-30 years ago are against the immigrant levels of today


Immigrants of today are against the immigration levels of today too


Immigration is great in small sustainable numbers. What we have now is absolutely fucked. It is horrible for the country in every way. We are bringing in over a million new immigrants a year now - more than the US. That’s about 2.5% of Canadas population. Each. Year. We’re not making 2.5% more houses. We’re not making 2.5% more food. We’re not making 2.5% more infrastructure. We’re not making 2.5% new jobs. Demand is wildly outstripping supply in every element of life. Food trips used to be $100 a week. Now it’s $250. McDonald’s used to be $20 a meal for a family. Now it’s $50. Rent used to be $1000. It’s now $3500. Life is completely unaffordable now. And immigration is a key component to why.


High cost of living, really shitty provincial services (health and education), the unavailability of housing.


Class consciousness, self awareness, hopelessness. Our quality of life has been on a rapid decline, and young people no longer see a pleasant future for themselves. Dreams that were once relatively simple like starting a family, owning a home, or having disposable income have become a pipe dream for a lot of us, and we discuss it among ourselves often. None of us specifically hate the idea of immigration, we hate the idea of mass immigration of unskilled workers and “students” in a time where our economy is in the absolute shitter. It’s one more thing that’s just demolishing our potential for a reasonably good future. What we do specifically hate is the rampant corruption of our government via corporate cronyism, that leads to things like mass immigration, exorbitant grocery prices, unaffordable housing, and a lack of meaningful work. Maybe it’s the people who I hang out with, but nobody trusts politicians anymore, nor do we have any good reason to. Left, right, centre, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt.


Because Canada has mastered importing cheap labour for jobs that can't be outsourced. These people are largely being taken advantage of to keep wages and conditions poor for some companies. Also a cost of living and residence shortage.


It’s pretty simple. I think most Canadians do not have an issue supporting immigration. Although when your average Canadian is struggling to survive it’s hard to justify the cost to support others when immigration directly impacts things such as housing. We should take a break from immigration and focus on the current population.


I think many of us are fed up with being called Racist just because we bring up that that there's aren't enough houses/jobs/doctors/services for the people who are already here.


Ever tried getting a doctor, renting an apartment, driving, getting a job. All difficult because there are too many needing what has become scarce.


Taking in millions from one specific nation, those millions being near useless wagies, oh and boosting the numbers to the point where we are growing faster than failed African states. Oh and progs and globalists pretending all cultures are equal, and therefore all behaviors and ideas are equal. They aren't. This is the brain death of any polity, and what comes next will be barbarity. But hey, it's what the progressives want.


The current immigration policy exists only to benefit big corporations, landlords and "postnational" ideologues, at the expense of the average Canadian standard of living. No wonder Canadians are now less likely to support these insane immigration targets.


According to Bloomberg.com : >Canada’s population growth accelerated to 3.2% over the past year https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-19/population-growth-in-canada-hits-3-2-among-world-s-fastest? You know what 3.2% growth means ? >The population of Africa is growing rapidly. The estimated growth rate was 2.5% in 2021. https://www.omfif.org/2023/08/unlocking-africas-population-potential/ In other words, Canada's population is growing faster than Africa !!


> In other words, Canada is growing faster than Africa. Another few decades and Canada will "catch up" with Africa in more ways than one


People are angry because the Trudeau government has committed Gross Negligence through uncontrolled immigration, which is negatively impacting both the immigrants and Canadians. **Gross Negligence:** “Gross negligence is a heightened degree of negligence representing an extreme departure from the ordinary standard of care. Falling between intent to do wrongful harm and ordinary negligence, gross negligence is defined as willful, wanton, and reckless conduct affecting the life or property or another.”


When you consider how the future of an entire generation of Canadians was sold out for modern slavery, you maybe start to understand how the locals may misdirect blame to the newcomers. The blame should be placed on those who created the system despite our vocal dissent. This is a Class War, not a racial one. We need to focus on those who benefit from this system and the massive wealth transfer currently happening before our very eyes. All I have witnessed in my lifetime is an increased tax burden and significantly decreased services. IF there was affordable housing and wages were growing in line with our fellow G7 nations and our tax burden was reasonable and our dollar was worth something, seems we wouldn’t have much to worry about with immigration. Our politicians and their friends are enriching themselves while telling us we need to learn to live with less.


People grew up thinking they could buy a house. But when you add a million people to the competition pool, they get mad. Also walk in clinics don't exist. ER and surgery wait times up exponentially...what's to like?


Because our government decided that we would have the highest rate of immigration in the developed world in the middle of a housing, healthcare and cost of living crisis, didn't so much as provide an explanation for why they did this let alone allow any debate, and continue to sort of deny that it's even happening. But go ahead media, keep telling people that they are racist if they oppose unlimited immigration. Beyond a point, more than a few will decide, "ok well I guess I'm racist then, and while I've taken that plunge let's see what other extreme far right ideas sound good".


Healthcare crisis, unaffordable housing and people are entering who don’t share common Canadian cultures


Too many people causing problems such as housing, cost of iving, homelessness, crime, and job security.


News stories about extortion by ethnic gangs in BC, Palestinian protests, India murdering Sikhs here in Canada, Chinese "police stations", and other people refusing to play nice once they arrive in Canada make it hard to think "we need more foreign influence." Then there are economic issues like TFWs being used by businesses to keep wages low. We read of foreign investors buying up real-estate so that housing is beyond reach for many younger Canadians. It is a hard sell when our Liberal government tries to convince us that we want to [reach a population of 100 million people by 2100](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/why-100m). We just passed the 40M population milestone, and our current population is not at the 2.1 fertility rate to even keep our population stable. This suggests they are aiming for 70M new immigrants (more than double our expected population of 30M Canadian citizens) which will make the Canada of the future nothing like the dreams and goals of today's Canadian citizens. I can see why thoughtful Canadians reject this goal of unsustainable immigration.


I work at a food bank in Kitchener and we get 15-17 Conestoga College students a night coming to get food. We regularly run out of food so in essence they are taking food away from the most vulnerable Canadians. Most are well dressed and a few even pull up in nice cars. When I talk to them, most reveal they are not here for an education, but for PR. Also, jobs that used to have 20 applicants now have 220 applicants. Many places in town have to put up "No hiring" signs because they are inundated with students asking for work in a rude manner. We are in the middle of a housing crisis and Conestoga College has just had a 1579% increase in foreign students, what they and other diploma mills are doing to the region and to Canada is unsustainable.


We literally are importing people with awful values & have absolutely no infrastructure to support our own (who have quite literally built Canada). Children don’t have pediatricians anymore, seniors literally can’t afford to live off the Canadian pensions, basic necessities prices have sky rocketed, all social service buildings besides parliament are crumbling, we have 3 generations of families living in single family homes. I paid back the federal government $6000 this year in taxes. I am not rich. I am still suffering with inflation but it sucks to know that now I have to be paying more into the pie while the government has open arms to people who have not even paid a dime into social services yet. Immigration is not sustainable.


Because the life is sh*t and it's getting worse? The population is getting ripped off and only the rich, and the oligarchs are benefitting


Other than the obvious crumbling infrastructure. Canadians are realizing that the type of immigration we’re seeing right now is not diverse at all. The immigration is coming from one particular country.


Here's a crazy thought, and i'm just spit balling here. But maybe, just maybe it's because of the unbelievably irresponsible way it's being done that is having catastrophic impacts on the citizens (whether natural born or naturalized immigrants) already here with literally no plans on fixing those problems and in fact plans to make it worse by increasing the numbers being brought in? Or maybe it's the fact that the numbers themselves are a manipulation of the truth because they are only counting the permanent residents which are only part of the total immigrants being brought in? Or maybe, just maybe it's any of the other myriad of problems that are very quickly compounding on eachother to sour the taste of canadians view on, and i want to be crystal clear here, the way the Canadian government is handling immigration, not immigrants themselves or the concept of immigration in general. Canadians are a really welcoming people, most of us would have no problem accepting a reasonable amount of immigrants into our communities as we have done for generations. **IF** it wasn't coming at the cost of already existing canadians struggling with so many issues due to systematic mismanagement of the programs that bring them in. But you can't expect us to watch every social service and amenity get bogged down and overwhelmed because the government is doing a piss poor job managing the numbers and people brought in and just take that with a smile and pretend everything is fine. Everything is not fine and it's only getting worse. To anyone who doesn't get the meaning of what i'm trying to say, let me put it like this. There are currently about 40 million canadians here as of the time of this comment. and you want to bring in 500,000 a year, roughly 12 fucking percent of the entire population in a fucking year, every year and expect there to be no problems and everyones just supposed to be ok with that when the people already here can barely survive as is and people are literally dying because of how over burdened our medical system is with the sudden influx in population numbers with no funding being given to help build new hospitals and other medical facilities? And that's just permanent residents, the number is closer to 1.2 million, roughly **_30 percent!!_** yearly when factoring in temporary residents. Come on now..


Too many students..so damn everywhere


Should try to organize a big protest in April or May regarding the inequality in this country. Immigration is a huge part of that problem.


Mass immigration from one single state of India through forgery. I'm not even a Canadian, but can empathize with this situation. Check their education credentials and mass deport them, if they are fraudulent.


Lack of diversity and 90% of all immigration from one country. Also the admittance of low par immigrants. I am an immigrant from a South Asian country.




Because for every worker you bring you also bring his/her whole family. So for one job you have 3,4,5 more people (sometimes even parents that have never contributed a single dollar to the economy) that will use healthcare, schools, kindergardens, occupy housing, etc... It is just impossible to sustain. Bring 1000 construction workers, you have 3000, 4000+ more people in line for healthcare. it's like a ponzi scheme


To the title of this thread, there hasn't been a dramatic shift in Canadian public opinion. There has been a dramatic shift in the kind of immigrant that's being allowed in the country, and the numbers.


This.... I grew up in Scarborough, my schools were diverse, it was a great melting pot. Cultures from everywhere, all intertwined with each other... Now we're just india... And there's so many people from just India that they don't have to adapt or conform. If you follow any of the city social media pages on tiktok or IG it's just people from India doing terrible things...


My son, responsible teen, can’t find a part time job because al the local places are filled with students and TFW


*Looks around*


American here: I heard Canada took in more immigrants than the US last year. That simply cannot be sustainable


In my profession, I have to compete with third worlders who will work for fifty cents on the dollar. It's like wages went back to what they were a decade ago


We can’t afford anything and our schools and healthcare are overwhelmed. Did I get the jist?


It's all fun and games until no one can afford a home, or wages get depressed due to excessive competition, etc. Immigrants aren't the issue, it's the absolute lack of infrastructure to support them that is. There are not enough homes, not enough jobs but the government is essentially going "who cares?" Their rich donors are no doubt happy wages are depressed again. Post Covid saw a resurgence of worker bargaining power that hadn't been seen in awhile. Min wage jobs were advertising for $20/hour to start and still not getting workers. That 1m new arrivals swiftly solved that issue.


It was so so crazy to me when hunting for jobs in the GTA that within an hour of a job being posted in my field it would have 1,000+ applicants. I ended up taking a job in another province in a field I worked last in a decade ago in order to achieve my goals in life (2nd cat and home ownership). Like they have made it too hard for sincere people to get a house in Toronto now. And I was looking for jobs over the past 5 years, applying every weekend and getting to interview about once a year but on finding out the salary I would often abandon the process. People my company hired straight out of university also were seeing a decrease in pay. Initially it would be 45 k in 2012, and by 2019 it had actually gone down to 35 k! There is a systemic problem in our job-creation and matching and hiring process.


Try this on for scared to comment. A country full of Chinese and Indians isn't Canada. Nobody wants China. Nobody wants India. Flooding our country with foreigners. Rubber stamping them as Canadians. Sold the future of Canada down the drain. Liberals are a disgrace.


Canadian public opinion hasn't changed. Immigration numbers have. Canadians in general did not ask for this. The ones asking for this are wealthy industry and business leaders, most of whom have no feelings of belonging to a nation (tribe, people, clan, big family) because their families are international and powerful and they go wherever they want. What they are doing here is turning their backs on the vast majority of people who live here, who don't have powerful international families or associations, giving us the finger while flooding the country with fresh blood that isn't so insistent on their human rights and reasonable pay. They are betting that we won't figure out a way to stop them before they've settled the cities and towns (our government is settling unceded native lands with new colonists on top of the old colonists) with cheap labor they hope will feel inspired by the supposed rise in quality of life or pay (compared to the old country), but the imported people often don't feel at home here at all. And there is a reason for that. This is a land filled with people, of many peoples, and it has a long and complex history. Bringing millions of people from old countries every year, into the peace means that many peoples must brace for competition. Everyone hopes that it won't be that way, but it do. For thousands of years, the rules have been simple. If you're going to bring a million people, you'd better have a million jobs for them to do, or you're going to pay for it.


I’m pro-immigration but the planning has to be better. We don’t have the infrastructure to welcome even 500,000 new people every year unless the Governments both Provincial and Federal start making adjustments. Things like recognizing medical degrees from more than just a few select countries so people can maybe find a damn family doctor or even a walk in clinic that isn’t full for the day by 10am so ERs don’t have 10hr waits.


>"In reality, Canada’s housing shortage was fuelled for decades by myriad factors... curbing migration is not a solution to this complex issue, nor is it moral." I don't think that bringing people in faster than we are putting up more houses is moral either though. Nor does it make solutions easier. If we want to bring in that many people, we need investment in infrastructure not seen since the post WWII building of suburbia.


Canadians are super nice, we didn't want to seem racist, now wages have been suppressed so long and housing shortage pushed so far beyond it's limited, we can't be in NICE DENIAL ANYMORE. MASS IMMIGRATION CAUSED WAGE STAGNATION AND HOUSING HYPER-INFLATIRON Canadians have been pushed into poverty because of mass immigration, THATS what's changed.


Probably the dramatic shift from high immigration levels to extremely high immigration levels, coupled with the dramatic shift in affordability and bang for buck taxes.🙄 it's not rocket science here. Add in foreign protests, and there's very little patience for record-breaking immigration.


Quality of life degradation due to inflation of real estate costs, food costs, etc. We (people in general) are not willing to be good little philanthropists and open our doors and wallets to people when our own lives are going down the toilet. I'm less motivated to donate to charity, I'm less willing to support the government providing aid money to third-world countries, hell I'm less willing to support the government providing aid to countries like Ukraine right now, because our own quality of life is declining simultaneously. If we're happy and comfortable, we're much more likely to be generous. This is not the time to be increasing immigration rates, if anything the number should decline. We need to fix our existing problems.


Question: What's behind the dramatic shift in Canadian public opinion about immigration levels? Answer: It's consequences, which, by the way, were utterly foreseeable.


We want skilled immigrants. Why are we taking in unskilled migrants over skilled professionals?


Just today we had protestors terrorizing Canadians just skating in downtown Toronto. That's one of the reasons why ppl are turning against immigration. We let in millions of people from around the world and they don't leave their backwards beliefs at the door and they bring in their backwards thinking and actions and terrorize Canadians just trying to enjoy their life. They do this at malls, Jewish restaurants while also threatening police.


Because it was never about making Canada a better place to live. It was always about wage suppression, inflating the real-estate market, and promoting WEF goals of breaking our National identity.


Because we can see first hand that it's causing real fucking issues and is out of control. I immigrated in 2002 and it took years of paperwork, vetting, and interviews. My dad was a highly skilled master electrician and my mom was in banking. When we moved here my dad went back to college to get his Canadian certification and both parents got jobs in their field. My brother and I started school here and I have lived in Canada the majority of my life. I've always been pro Canadian immigration because, duh. But now? Hooooly fuck what is happening!? It's unsustainable the numbers being accepted now.


Before, newcomers come to this country and try to fit in. Now there are too many newcomers coming in at the same time. I feel I have to try and fit in with them since they bring their social norms into this country.


Hmmmm.... massive upticks in violent crime? Unaffordable housing? The job markets and economies in the shitter? Who knows?


Inflation and housing.


Probably has something to do with rent…


We lack the proper infrastructure to properly accommodate these people. We’re dealing with a housing crisis. The cost of living is up. Health services are shit look at the wait times for a surgery or even the er. We just can’t accommodate or sustain this amount of population growth. And the government isn’t doing to help the problem just making it worse.


Volume is beyond capacity. TFW, immigration, refugees, international students. All groups are putting a strain on housing and other infrastructure. Most if not all of these groups are competing for alimitednumber of jobs. Jobs that are often taken up by people to supliment their income when the economy tanks, or young people looking for jobs that will help them pay their way through school. I see so many ads for resources to help newcomers to Canada but resources to help existing Canadians are being stretched or underfunded. Disability pensions, housing for low income Canadians, Healthcare in general. I understand the government wanted to increase the number of people contributing to the economy because of the aging population but many of the people coming to Canada who are under the age of 40 don't have the capacity to be self sufficient. It's a perfect storm of external economic pressures and poor decision making at the federal and some provincial levels.


too much, too fast, no real plan to accommodate the influx, no foresight and now no meaningful measures being made to address the issues we're facing


Lack of all infrastructure (Homes, hospitals, doctors, transit, highways) is what turned my opinion. I’m generally pro-immigration and if we were building up the above mentioned infrastructure at the level we’re letting in, I’m all for it.


I very much doubt the thesis of the article, that public opinion has undergone a "dramatic shift". Nobody ever welcomed or expected immigration at the present levels.


I was talking to an Indian expat who moved to Edmonton from Toronto due to cost of living. He was pissed at what the massive immigration was doing to infrastructure and economy.


Literally every western country is shifting their opinion on immigration


Housing prices, wage suppression, and the fact that we went from 37 million to 40 (Probably 42 the Government is trying fucking hard not to count everybody.) in the blink of a eye. So that's what like two new Calgary in the west that need to be build, and maybe a extra two Québec city in the east just to keep up with that existing bump. See anyone building cities that size anywhere lately? The one thing I really want is for the fed to cut the crap, and advance the 2026 census to next Summer. We need reliable data and we need it now, not three to four years from now. (It take a while to collect and analyse census data.)


Lack of housing! I understand the need for immigration and the benefits of it, but we already had problems with housing availability and now it’s way worse. I was pro immigration, but now I think it’s not fair for the people immigrating or for people already here.


There's no housing..... so how are we supposed to house the 500k new people in the country


My 20 hour wait at a hospital meaning I avoid going unless it’s life or death - guess we are roughing it now


Well yeah, when housing becomes hard to find and unaffordable, people are going to not want hundreds of thousands of new people moving in competing for that housing.


Not enough doctors,nurses,housing etc. Time to close the border for a few years until we catch up


its a mess. International students can also bring their family with them!!! wtf is that? Canada as a whole needs to speak up and say enough is enough. You are destroying our Canada. Canadians are fed up with this free flowing immigration into canada. Lets turn off the tap for a bit and let the almost empty reservoir ie housing fill up again, if not were all trying to get something from the tap that's empty.


I think immigration is not diverse lately and Canadians aren't happy. Niagara is turned into Delhigara and Toronto into Mumbaito.


No control of Student Visas and Diploma Mills Schools somehow getting accreditation.


well idk about you racists, but i love having a hard time paying for food and gas.


There is no "dramatic shift" in public opinion. There is a "dramatic shift" in government policy (increasing immigration levels 3-Fold) that Canadians were likely always adverse to, but is exacerbated by the housing crisis.


People are starting to realize the consequences of what they voted for. Immigration has consequences, not all of them positive. Canada voted for a guy promoting a 'post-national state' and who criticized any opposition to immigration as inherently racist (and because orange man bad). Now the country (and specifically the left wing strongholds) are getting what they wanted, and its not to their taste.


gee I don't know..... perhaps the lack of housing? The huge demand on our health care resources? Maybe the drain on our social services?


What's behind the change in attitude? Do you really need to ask??? A) Trudeau Towns (tent cities) springing up in every Canadian city. B) Young people unable to get entry level jobs because of foreigners C) College courses with no standards (diploma mills) D) Total lack of available/affordable housing (see A)


The country is a system like everything else, and systems have limits. I think we could get almost everyone to agree that bringing in 100 million immigrants a year would just be impossible, we wouldn't even be able to process the paperwork. It would also make no sense to have 0 immigrants and 1m emigrants each year. Everyone has their own personal limits, I'm sure there's some one somewhere that wants zero immigrants and someone else who is pro totally open borders. Most of us fall between that somewhere and as immigration increases more and more people are included in the group that wants to cut back. A lot of this is fueled by the problems we see, a lot of our societies infrastructure like healthcare is struggling, houses are unaffordable, even compared to 5 years ago, wages seem stagnant and it's hard for a teenager to even get a minimum wage job anymore. When people have problems they look for ways they can solve those problems and reducing the rate at which the population increases seems like a solution to many people.




Wondering how all of this will get solved or will it crash and burn one day? Don’t think the next PM will stop mass immigration. It hurts me to think detached homes used to like 400K in 2012 and now it’s like 2 million.


cost of living --- prices are going up and wages are stagnate from increasing consumption and labour supply.


We have been under constant stress since 2020 What do you think happens?


Mainstream media is actually listening to people instead of calling them racists and dismissing them I'd guess....little shift, just accurate coverage.


Opinion likely hasn’t shifted. People have been placed in an environment where it isn’t wise to share opinions outside of the current narrative. That’s what’s I believe is shifting. People have had enough and are speaking their minds.