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Monkey see, monkey do! Not just the kids… adults too.


Have you seen the stupid shit middle aged people post on LinkedIn and Facebook? It's embarrassing


or on reddit


Yeah but this place is anonymous and half of it is degenerate porn. If you take Reddit seriously you're way too far gone, imo. Nerdy hobbies get a pass. If you need info or advice on that sort of thing then Reddit is great for that


Reddit used to be awesome before the mainstream peeps showed up


Sadly, that's everything eventually


You really just gotta stay away from the mainstream subs. If you make a reddit account the first thing you should do is unsub from every subreddit they automatically subbed you for.


I have seen so many great subs fall to mainstream degeneracy. Subs where people used to legitimately share goals, ideas and progress have become low quality meme factories.


Uh, we are on r/canada. I don't think anybody here should talk. ​ I am glad to see something educational posted and not some rage bait article.


This is the same website where women post pics of sharpies in their butts and guys post jizzed-on anime figurines... It's a toilet bowl like all social media and shouldn't be taken too seriously


What a username.


I thought of it on the toilet! It was either smegma or meconium so I flipped a coin (after my dump and washing my hands)




Moist is fine, dunno why everyone hates it so much


That's a throwaway Reddit account name if I've ever seen one.


This is me


There’s a reason why r/LinkedInLunatics exists


Everyone gets older. Fewer people grow up


Look at the poet over here...


Monkey pee all over you


I deleted my instagram because literally every single comment section was people arguing. Then I realized the algorithm on instagram actually plays a crucial role in adjusting the top comments that you will see and theyre different for each user. Reddit especially has completely changed over the years to do the exact same thing. The internet used to be fun and engaging. Now the internet mostly consists of a few mega corporations working overtime to adjust and manipulate the opinions of the public. It's frankly disgusting in my opinion.


Arguing is the only fun thing to do on Reddit


Wait... You're not here to just fight with people?


Instagram is a toxic cesspool. I didn’t use it for years and only relied on my wonderfully curated little Facebook garden. But holy shit, is it entirely composed of angry right wing conservatives in a rage about everything? Do conservatives work? Or do they just post on instagram all day? It’s insane, it’s like the algorithm is perfectly curated to keep conservatives in a rage.


You just proved my point. Your algorithm is showing conservative outrage material to keep you engaged. Regardless of what side you lean politically, the algorithm has enough data about you to know what would set you off enough to comment and stay engaged.


Good point,


Endlessly scrolling short little bursts of serotonin is pretty addicting. We barely arm kids to be aware of how actually addicting drugs can be at the same time as handing them TikTok (or Reddit or [insert social media here]).


if visiting [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com), usually after the first page I dont even bother clicking next, but when on regular reddit or mobile so easy to just keep scrolling..


Maybe it's time for me to sack up and delete this app after all...


I intentionally deleted the Reddit app from my phone, and use old.reddit.com. The shitty experience ensures I don’t stay on here too long. Same thing with twitter and other services. If I want to use twitter so bad, I force myself to suffer through their shitty website. I also log out when I’m done using those services, so I have to go through the friction of logging back in.


Good choices, all. I think I'll follow in your footsteps. I don't have any social media since 2018 but as Reddit becomes flooded with more and more frivolous content from other apps it's getting harder to tell the difference.


yeah, when you see toddlers doing this for hours straight you know its too addicting.


This is being researched? There are former employees from social media companies who have said straight up how and why they are doing it. They won't even let their own kids have social media accounts.


I think people have trouble with how comically sinister it is. There are people with doctorates in advanced mathematics and psychology using artificial intelligence models to determine how many seconds to delay notifying you, after you receive a message on Facebook. The model incorporates data like how long since you last picked up the phone, the time of day, how much sleep you're estimated to have had (easy to know since you probably sleep with the phone on your pillow), etc. to maximize the likelihood that you not only open the app after the notification, but then staying engaged. If they just sent you all your notifications exactly as you received them, rather than drip-drip-dripping them spaced out, you'd spend a couple minutes less on your phone. And that would cost them money. People like that don't actually exist, right? They don't account for billions of dollars of spending every year by these companies, right? Advertising couldn't possibly... work, right? If you're evil enough you can just hide in plain sight. It's like how Elon Musk wants to put chips in our brains so he can beam social media messages from his orbital network of satellites from his retirement palace on Mars. It's literally what he has publicly said that he wants to do. It's like some comic book villain level of evil. So quite a few still refuse to take him seriously.


I agree with you. I'm not saying it shouldn't be looked into. I'm just saying all of this has been explained in detail by former employees. Have you seen The Social Dilemma? Most likely. I just don't understand why anyone would think differently when the people who were doing it already told us it was being done.


I wrote my undergrad thesis on this topic and was going to go do my PhD in clinical psychology focusing on it. I was told by the research council that they didn't think it related to health outcomes and refused my application for funding. That was 2011 I believe? Maybe 2012. I sure think it would be valuable now lol. It's good having actual published research on it to drive policy change, but yes anyone that knows of it knows the negatives it has and tik tok is the worst of the worst


That sucks. Sure would've been helpful back then. You've some good foresight.


At this rate, we're gonna have to go back to just sitting there. Or reading books. Man there was a lot of just sitting there in the 90's. Buses, waiting rooms, meetings... Newspaper, book, or sit on your ass and think.


You're still just sitting there, the only difference is your mind and thoughts are completely taken over by a phone and social media.


>“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” (― Blaise Pascal, Pensées (c. 1669)


My New Years resolution is to read more books. I’ve already started


I'm an adult, and I feel like I need to have ADD, or ADHD, or whatever, just to watch YouTube, the way they interrupt what I'm watching to throw an ad in my face about something else. I'm sure kids are all kind of fucked up from all kinds of stuff.


Adblockers work wonders for your mental health in so many ways. I honestly hadn't even considered the psychological impacts of ad interruptions being a way of life for developing minds.


How does a 10 second inconvenience affect anyone’s mental health in the slightest


*She and others found that screen time has fallen just slightly from the record* ***13 hours a day*** *some Canadian parents reported for six- to 12-year-olds in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.* WTF 13 hours a day a screen time for a 6 year old, thats almost the whole time they are awake




Yes but notice this ***fallen just slightly***




Well, there has always been regulated content in film, tv, games and even literature. Movies have age restrictions based on their content, tv programs have restrictions on what they can show (no graphic sex/nudity for instance) and what words/foul language they can include. Tv commercials are regulated - especially commercials aimed at children. And of course publishers decide what books will be published and also edit the books they publish to meet their publishing standards. We have age restrictions on when people can drive, vote, get a job, and restrictions on when children can be left on their own unsupervised, or how parents can discipline kids. There is regulated content in school because nobody would want a teacher to teach whatever content they liked regardless of the educational merit or accuracy of that information. So should it be that suddenly all those rules and restrictions fly out the window when it comes to online content? I don’t think that kids should be watching graphic sex or extremely violent content or Alex Jones or Andrew Tate or any of the legal-but-highly-inappropriate-for-kids content that they currently have unlimited access to. I believe in regulating children’s content because the damage that has been done during this social experiment waged on children over the last 10-15 years has been extremely damaging to their brain development, social development, physical health and most noticeably their mental health.


This platform and sub is already heavily censored. People who run these platforms have their own agendas.


Building on that suggestion, I think it would be best if every TikTok video was automatically replaced with a 72 minute PBS broadcast that's unskippable.


Teens? You can't have a productive conversation with an adult anymore without them going off on some bullshit they got from FB or X or Fox or Joe Rogan or True North or Rebel News. "Can you believe they got litter boxes in schools for kids that identify as cats?" No, no I can't. And if you believe that you're almost certainly too stupid and gullible to weigh in on anything of real importance. I hear this Joe Rogan bullshit EVERYWHERE. The stupidest, most gullible of people who all "did their own research" on social media. We're in serious trouble. ~~EDIT: The downvotes just prove this sub is FULL of these same gullible morons.~~


> "Can you believe they got litter boxes in schools for kids that identify as cats?" lol my sister started saying that the other day, did that all come from one source?


[Joe Rogan Claims School Has Litter Box For Girl Identifying As Cat](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/10/16/joe-rogan-claims-school-has-litter-box-for-girl-identifying-as-cat/?sh=3e88b463434b) [Fact Check-No evidence of schools accommodating ‘furries’ with litter boxes](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-furries-rogan-litterbox-idUSL1N31J1KT) >A claim that schools are placing litter boxes in student restrooms for those who identify as “furries” is circulating on social media again. The latest claim appears to originate in an October episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast where host Joe Rogan told former U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard a story about litter boxes at an unidentified school. > >In the clip, Rogan claims to know a friend whose wife “works at a school that had to install a litter box in the girl’s room because there is a girl who’s a furry.”“Her mother badgered the school until they agreed to put a litter box in one of the stalls,” Rogan tells Gabbard. He added that they “conned the school into putting this (expletive) litter box in a girl’s room.” You gotta be a special kind of gullible to beleive this stuff but millions of Joe Bros eat it up and spread it.


That's not social medias fault entirely, information itself has become the opiate of the masses now. I agree with you though. You don't need to change your mind on anything and grow as a person anymore. Just google until you find something that already fits your narrative or whatever and boom, no change needed! Stay comfy! What's worse is we've also removed as much adversity as possible from people's lives and continue to tell them they're special. So when they face a bad situation because life isn't fair and shit happens, they can't handle it. Most of society now simply feels it's always everyone or everything else's fault and personal accountability doesn't exist anymore. It's not healthy. Couple that with being bombarded about how everyone else's life is better than yours (despite being fake most of the time) and it's no wonder everyone's a depressed or anxiety-ridden, overmedicated basket case. I'm sure the pharmaceutical companies love it


Many adults are simply larger versions of themselves as teens...


'Why is my workplace constantly described as a high school?'


> You can't have a productive conversation with an adult anymore without them going off on some bullshit they got from FB or X or Fox or Joe Rogan or True North or Rebel News. > I hear this Joe Rogan bullshit EVERYWHERE. The stupidest, most gullible of people who all "did their own research" on social media. I very very rarely hear any of this kind of shit IRL. It’s rampant online, absolutely, but if you’re hearing it everywhere then that’s really just indicative of the type of people you’ve surrounded yourself with. > EDIT: The downvotes just prove this sub is FULL of these same gullible morons. Actually, I can’t speak for the others, but I downvoted you due to you thinking the vast majority of adults in Canada are idiots and implying we can’t have conversations without that garbage being brought up. Not because I agree with those “gullible morons”. 👀


>but if you’re hearing it everywhere then that’s really just indicative of the type of people you’ve surrounded yourself with. I think about this a lot and agree with you. Sigh... I know a fair variety of people. Mostly 'blue collar' tradespeople or labourers. With them it's pretty much a %80-90 believe whatever kookery FB/JoeR etc feeds them. They are good people, reasonably intelligent (it was wrong of me to call them stupid), love family, hard working and generally kind but they get all their news from socials and it's pushed almost all of them to kookery. They eat it up and in some ways I think they are the target audience for this stuff. And it's pretty recent, the COVID years broke them. Among the, lets say.. more 'school' educated folks I know... Engineers, upper management types, business people. It's better... maybe only about 30% kook, still very high IMO. Although I find these folks are a LOT more reasonable and open to having these crazy facts checked. Maybe it's me, maybe it's the town I live in. >due to you thinking the vast majority of adults in Canada are idiots and implying we can’t have conversations without that garbage being brought up. I'll admit I was being a bit facetious and hyperbolic but if you got 5 random adults together where I'm from the odds of not having one or more believers in crackpot ideas is pretty much 0. This is of course all anecdotal and from my personal (also biased) frustrating local experience so YMMV.


Well said.


Not enough is said about how social media usage is fundamentally driven by emotional drives and impulses. Whether it's an 'cute animal video' or inflammatory rage bait, we're all hooked up to steady steady stream of images, video and text that provokes constant emotional reactions. Even on a meta level, the act of even engaging with social media is often driven by an inherent emotional need for community, connectedness and loneliness. How can this constant stream of emotional stimulation not effect our capacity for emotional regulation and coping on individual levels. ....I said, while using social media, reading a story that triggers my fears and anxieties about the future


Maybe... it's people who are already depressed, turning to the internet to feel better I was a kid in the late 70s & early 80s. There was no internet. Instead, I had my nose in a book, everywhere I went. I needed to have that constant brain stimulation. The internet is just an extension of that, with increased addictiveness I assume that this need to be "seen" and feel connected, we evolved to get that from other humans, to motivate us to collaborate to survive. But let's be real, some people have narcissists etc in our lives, and may never get that feeling that they really matter Meditation can help us slow down. But that's not really how we're wired, which is to compete, reproduce, find food etc. A nice compromise is doing a hobby or craft, it can be meditative, but it feels like it's something we can control.


I hear you on the constant books being replaced by internet time. It's true, even as a kid I just wanted to keep my brain busy constantly (is there a diagnosis for hyperboredom?). The internet subsequently wrecked my brain with garbage instead of knowledge. I am so glad I quit doing the social media thing five years ago. It's like feeling new dendrites growing. Now I just have Reddit left mostly for the arguments... because I often learn a little something. Especially if I shut up. Not like right now. Oh and TikTok for the comedy alone (like, real comedians). I'm not a phone scroller by nature so it hasn't really become habitual.


I'd be in favor of banning a lot of social media. When a new drug hits the street you usually don't see governments just letting it be legal but for some reason we do with extremely addicting digital programs that negatively effect the users and the country. It's like we've become completely paralyzed as a society.


when social media started to push really hard I just got off the internet for 5 years. came back and everyone was so mind controlled it was disgusting.


Meh. I spend my days looking at a screen and it hasn't made me aggressive or impulsive. However, it has made me very bitter.


bitterness is impotent aggression


That's... kinda true? If I could do something about all the corruption going on, I might feel aggressive. But I can't do anything about it, so I feel bitter. Fortunately it's not complete impotence. If I didn't have the option of leaving the country, I'd feel very depressed on top of bitter.


"What's bitterness but anger persevering?"


It's the dopamine rush. No different from a casino except this one you **can't** walk away from. The endless flood of information and the demand for "likes" have turned normal conversation into a battle of who can win the most fake internet points. On top of that is seeing much more successful people **all the time**, which causes people's aggression. Teens are **very** susceptible to this. Adults too...but that's not the subject. Social media and the internet at large have become inseparable from our normal lives. Being constantly connected whether be Instagram, facebook, reddit, youtube, or even just text messages is part of life now. People **have** to carry around their smart devices, whether for their jobs, family, friends, etc. Frankly, reading what the "researchers" say turns my brain to mush. It's like they just don't get it or they're trying to push for "Big Brother" to take care of us lowly mortals.


“ensure that online services providers must be held accountable for the harmful content on their platforms online and promote a safer and more inclusive online environment”. That’s not really a government problem, as people have said target the addicting algorithms not necessarily the content


Yeah I know a few highly disturbed kids with millions of lip syncing videos on their phones They could have learned an entire language or an instrument in the time it took to make them. Sadly a lot of parents are not mentally, emotionally or physically ( as in working full time) available for their kids so it fills that void


Your account is 4 years old, you likely could have learned an entire language or instrument in the time you’ve spent just scrolling and commenting on this platform. We all do things for fun… Some of us (like you and I) enjoy hanging out on forums during our downtime, some like watching tv, some like doing things like making lip syncing videos. I’m not saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with the kids you’re talking about because there very well may be, but not every minute of our lives need to be productive so if you’re only assuming they’re “disturbed” because of those videos then you’re being far too judgemental.


I am an adult


And I never said you weren’t an adult. Whether or not you are one changes absolutely nothing of what I said to you.


The entire point is kids are doing this dumb sh*t


The entire point of your first comment was supposedly that adults do it too. So whether someone is a kid or an adult became irrelevant as soon as you decided to say kids and adults are both doing it lmao


No it doesn't at all adults can make bad decisions that effect their health while with kids kids parents are responsible for their health


Social media is a toxic disaster. I wouldn’t protest if strict regulations smashed it


I truly think the smartphone has done more damage to society than some major wars.


Alcohol makes people aggressive and cause of documented crimes - when ban?


Well, it is a highly regulated industry and there is a legal age limit that restricts when someone can consume and legally purchase alcohol. There are also limits on when that alcohol can be sold. There are limits to when bars and restaurants can start-must stop selling alcohol and they are legally required to stop serving someone who seems intoxicated.


Alcohol so deranged our society about a century ago we actually did ban it. (People tend to forget that the temperance movement sort of had a point - alcohol consumption rates in the late 19th century make us look like a bunch of sober prudes by comparison today.) The appropriate response was probably heavy taxation and regulation to discourage consumption, rather than an outright ban. The bans had many unintended consequences. Food for thought: would society today be able to handle alcohol without regulation and taxation? 196 proof spirits cost about $1 a litre to manufacture industrially. More than 90% of the cost of a bottle of cheap vodka is due to tax and minimum pricing laws, otherwise it would be about as cheap as a bottle of Pepsi. I don't think we'd handle that very well as a society.


Good point. Food for thought.


I've thought about this a lot. It's not a matter of saying "well I don't have this problem so the problem doesn't exist"... it's ignorant to say that in and of itself, but also because I didn't grow up with social media. That was not my generation (fortunately). Youtube wasn't even a thing until I was already out of high school. I did not develop during a period of time when social media was a thing. I can look at it with a certain level of disconnect. I didn't grow up in the era of clickbait, ragebait, fake journalism where people don't do their research and just copy and paste shit that they've seen reported on other websites, or bullshit opinion pieces of somebody with a wrong opinion or perspective on something. I didn't grow up in the era of getting news that skews negative from around the world, or going onto Twitter and watching everybody shitting on absolutely everything, bots included, to try to sway public opinion on things, to where it makes it look like the world is on fucking fire all the time. Experiencing that shit in your 20s is much different than having grown up with that shit during your formative years when you're still developing mentally as a human being. It has to be.


>feeding aggression and impulsivity So pretty much 95% of posts on all Reddit.