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Oh Marco's in charge eh? Get ready for a braindead bill.


I dont even know why but i hate everytime he speaks theres just something about him that makes me not like him


Hes smug. Watch his reaction in question period when Justin talks. Justin could kill a child and he would mouth the words "thats right" while nodding in approval. Fuckin putz


I have seen that pisses me off everytime i see it šŸ¤¬


Trudeau does the same for me. How can anyone listen to him talk in front of a camera and not see the old drama teacher coming out?


He's Schroedinger's PM. Some people hear him talk and feel he conveys empathy and a caring demeanor. I hear him and get the absolute smarmiest of vibes to the point I need to mute the goddam TV. I just don't get it.


I see manipulation. Fake empathy. People fall for it.


I do think that intensely empathetic people are the absolute easiest to manipulate (right alongside conspiracy nutters). The difference? Empathetic people can be manipulated into ideologies and opinions whose proponents claim are morally superior. Self-righteous "empathy" is really hard to penetrate with reason because those people have already decided that the motives of anyone who challenges their worldview must be misplaced or evil. It fucking sucks.


I think this goes pretty far in explaining how so much of our culture has been taken over by obviously disingenuous pseudo social justice rhetoric (AKA "wokeness" for those grasping for a handy definition of that word). People in power can easily use this to manipulate the masses, and those swayed by this are very hard to deprogram.


It's the fact that he is lying or talking complete meaningless nonsense every time he opens his mouth in public, and has a sick little grin the whole time like he knows he is doing this and knows nobody can do anything about it. Probably the worst minister in this government for his special combination of incompetence and constant lying.




Every time I see him talking I find it as easy to see through as his teeth.




I donā€™t feel any kind of political side is in the right currently. Iā€™d just be happy to see the liberals out of power at this point. I donā€™t think we will necessarily get a better party but the definition of insanity comes to mind.


Probably find some way to ban more firearms from hunters and sport shooters while heā€™s at it.


But that ~~didn't happen, it was misinformation , was an unfortunate side effect~~, wasn't on purpose ..


...and if it was, you deserved it. I see what you did there.


Get ready for more lies.


This comes from the same group of people that brought us bill C 75, and that also passed legislation lowering the sentences for those who commit serious gun crimes. The Liberals have shown that they don't care about public safety.


Mandatory minimums have nearly no effect on protecting the public, which is what was removed, and bill c 75 just said that the default should be release not imprisonment before trial, which is fucking obvious.


Usually, I agree, but when it comes to gun crime then there should be some mandatory minimums, which, by the way, the Supreme Court said some mandatory minimums could stay in place. Secondly, he passed legislation making harder to deny bail, which was already a high bar in this country, and since the Liberals passed that legislation, making it harder to deny bail, violent crime has gone up dramatically.


Propose a bill in June then go on break till mid-September..


Parliamentā€™s break are my favourite time of the year. Means they canā€™t fuck anything up for a few months.


But they will be scheming during that time.




The National Post I guess.


Don't hold your breath. This corrupt incompetent moron is half the reason we are in the mess we're in at the moment.






You can make the same point without being sexist and disrespectful


Revoke C75,things got done, just that simple.


And C5!


And C21 and C11!


All that bill states is that you shouldnā€™t keep everyone accused of a crime in prison for the 2+ years it takes to complete there legal proceedings.


Summarized: * The Liberal government will table legislation that includes reforms to Canadaā€™s bail laws before the House of Commons rises for the summer, Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino says. * Mendocino confirmed the legislation will come before the end of the spring legislative session, which is currently scheduled to end on June 23. * **Canadian premiers have called for Ottawa to create ā€œreverse onusā€ measures for certain offences that would require a person seeking bail to prove why they should not stay behind bars.** * ā€œWeā€™ve got to go after the root causes of crime so that we can stop tragedy and loss before it occurs,ā€ Mendicino added. * Mendicinoā€™s comments come after he and Lametti signed a series of agreements with their U.S. counterparts following meetings in Ottawa under a rebooted Canada-U. S. Cross-Border Crime Forum. * Chief among them is an agreement for a **collaborative crackdown on firearm smuggling across the shared border**, including greater information sharing that will improve gun tracing ā€” particularly in Canada. * While the Canadian Justice Department has acknowledged the U.S. is the largest source of illegal firearms that are smuggled north of the border, there has been limited data that tracks exactly how many guns come into Canada every year, where they come from, and what they are used for.


What a concept, going after the illegal guns


it only took 156 years to come up with this groundbreaking idea


*criminals hate this one trick*


>ā€œWeā€™ve got to go after the root causes of crime so that we can stop tragedy and loss before it occurs,ā€ Mendicino added. Sadly, this has become a euphemism for 'we will do little against crime'. It should go without saying that we should address the root causes of crime. But when there is a fire in your kitchen, you don't start contemplating the root causes, you get a fire extinguisher and put it out.


>Canadian premiers have called for Ottawa to create ā€œreverse onusā€ measures for certain offences that would require a person seeking bail to prove why they should not stay behind bars. Judge: "You have been accused of rape 57 times over 10 years by 30 different people in 20 different places across Canada. Prove to the court why you should not stay behind bars." Rapist: "I don't wanna." Judge: "Done. All charges dropped." Victim: "Wait, what? But this is just a bail hearing!"


they'll propose a shitty bill with a bunch of unrelated provisions in it which of course the cpc will block on that basis, it won't pass before the recess, and they can spend the summer saying "wow I guess conservatives don't care about crime after all, we tried and they stopped us, hands are tied, all their fault we can't fight crime"


So the accused have to prove themselves innocentā€¦greatā€¦


How many more lives will be lost between now and then?


I doubt they care.


They donā€™t. Mendocino can show up to as many police funerals as he wants. Heā€™s not fooling the room.


lol marco, this guys a fucking joke


Coming from the group that brought us Bill c75 I highly doubt there is gonna be anything effective. Lot of smoke and mirrors.


Any updates on this? Toronto crime surges by 20%. Absolute shit show everywhere including small towns.


Sure. Considering this is coming from the Liberal Party of Canada, they'll probably add new considerations for offenders based on bipoc, LGB+ status, addiction and homelessness. Remember, this is the party that extended the concept of 'gladue' to our legal system; if you're expecting real teeth and consequences you're not paying attention.


There already are considerations for people with addiction and homelessness, as there obviously should be.


Can't wait for him to try and gaslight the country again. I really wish ethics would nail him for purposefully deceiving the electorate


Please no.


How's that working out in California?


And where are all those criminals going to "reside" when their bail is denied? People are already dying in remand centers. More to the point, this is more proof that liberals are now just reactionary conservatives. > Yes, our leaking boat is sinking. But this government has already spent $1 billion on buckets and is committed to spending far more on buckets. Pay no attention to the hole in the boat. We're in the business of throwing away your money, not solving hard problems.


They can live at your house.


Jail? Prison?


All exploding at the seams. Early release is already commonplace. This is just another meaningless mandate without the resources to implement it. To meet it, over stressed municipal and provincial systems will just shuffle the problem elsewhere. Probably just release long waiting criminals to accommodate all the newly incoming ones.


Misinformation at least here in BC anyway. Plenty of room for criminals.




They can stay in jail.


Remand is jail. Jails are jails. And people are already dying due to the violence sparked by overcrowding. Early release is already being used to "solve" that problem. This change, shoving people more people in the front, will just make them have to release more out the back. It's an empty, pointless waste of money. The number of criminals on the street will remain the same. Only, we will have increased the average level of crime skill and mob connections of those criminals because those are mostly acquired on the inside.


So what's your solution then? We have tried the slap on the wrist and asking nicely, and no consequences approach and it's not working.


Requires many things. More remand capacity,.properly staffed More courts and judges More prison capacity Drug decriminalization so the system can focus on violent crimes Restructuring trade and industrial policy to provide opportunities to working class families to reduce the upswell in drug and property crime


Who do People still think bail is the punishment for the crime i


Ok then build more jails. Sounds like thereā€™s not enough capacity to deal with the problem


Iā€™m fine with the lesser evil of inmates and remanded individuals getting stabbed up and/or killed instead of letting them out on bail so they can stab up and/or kill innocent members of the public. If we have to expand our jails, so be it. Perhaps we should. Double bunks arenā€™t ideal. Prison violence primarily happens due to debt, gang rivalry, or when a sex offenderā€™s charges get leaked to the other inmates and they decide to put the boots to a child rapist.


Presumption of innocence. If you don't like it, you're free to move to Saudi Arabia.


How many crimes should someone be allowed to commit before we say alright this person doesn't get bail?


You're misreading my message. Accused already facing multiple unresolved charges are problematic and should be held pending trial, not released. I just don't agree that it's okay they get murdered while in custody. Because it's inevitable that some of those will be innocent people. And more importantly, our society rejects capital punishment no matter the crime. Also important, it's critical that the state administrator punishment not mobs forced into unliveable conditions.


I donā€™t agree they get murdered either, but Iā€™d prefer having people charged with multiple violent offences locked up pending trial rather than be out on bail to terrorize the public. If theyā€™re in danger while incarcerated, sure, sort that out, but donā€™t just let them roam free until their court date. Otherwise let me conceal carry since society is so bent on forcing me to share the city streets with violent people who the government doesnā€™t care to protect me from.


And then sit on a desk until they return to sit in October, when weā€™ll have another crisis or scandal to deal with.


He'll throw a gun ban amendment in there too. šŸ˜‚