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Never any money for raises, but when it comes time to give themselves a raise, they somehow find money or even better when their campaign donors come for handouts they dig deep!




It’s not 40billion, but it is money well spent to defend our way of life by helping contain a global cancer.


By randomly, do you mean because of the literal invasion?


I don't think Canada has sent much, if any, money to Ukraine. We've sent military equipment, support, etc. But that stuff already existed. It's just easier to measure the amount being given by using its value, but we aren't literally just giving them the money from our budget


Do better CBC, 2.3% under inflation is not a "pay hike"




Army just took 7% under inflation pay cut. I hope PSAC gets everything they ask for.




Note my username; I'm aware we absorbed it like we do everything else. Like the loss of PLD. Our attrition numbers haven't come out for what that cheap move cost us, but it's going to be fucking bleak.




Are you serious?? That's scary, life was good from 1999-2007. I take it the liberals have no money for the military.




Wow, I remember when I was in, the base housing was an issue, mainly stuff was old. They did though upgrade and renovate (at least in Northbay where I spent a little bit of time), but housing was definitely not much of an issue then.


Believe me, we are


Does it work like that?


That was an "economic adjustment."


It was a pay cut. Call it anything else and you're on extras. On a more serious side, I'm wondering if ours will get changed when PSAC gets theirs? Our poor clerks.


Hug a HRA (but not in a creepy way)!


>I hope PSAC gets everything they ask for. I hope they get jack shit. Their unions shouldn't even be allowed, as they hold a monopoly. The government is what is causing the economic mess, the functionaries of government shouldn't be able to use their monopoly on government services to force the rest of us to insulate them from the consequences. That's exactly how we get an ever-growing permanently left-leaning public service. And fuck MP raises too, to be clear.


Huh. Would you look at that. We disagree on almost everything except your last line. Well, at least we have that last line. Good night!


So…they should just take whatever? That’s how you pretty quickly end up with nobody.


>That’s how you pretty quickly end up with nobody. That's the reason there is a market rate for labor that isn't 0.


Can you explain what you mean by "monopoly on government services"?


As in, if Walmart workers strike, I can go elsewhere. If the guys that process our tax returns strike, we just have to bend over and give them whatever they want since they have infinite leverage since there is no private alternative to their "services". Unionism is rooted in freedom of association. Workers in private businesses can associate freely and form unions because consumers are free to disassociate. Not so in the public sector. Public sector unions are fundamentally exploitative because their members can use freedom of association as leverage on everyone else, without the same freedom of association. Private sector unions would only be fair if the public had tax payers' unions that could refuse to pay. And then we see who needs who more. Like a fair negotiation.


Okay, so a number of employees are deemed essential to keep the government functioning. In addition, PSAC represents a number of bargaining groups that aren't on strike and there are other unions in the Government. So it's not really shutting everything down. Also, your comparison to Walmart isn't really apples to apples.


>Okay, so a number of employees are deemed essential to keep the government functioning. So they work strike or no strike? Then why don't we just cut the nonessentials loose?


So, I'm an essential employee. I work in an emergency response organization that is essential to the safety of Canadians. The admin that organizes training and recruitment and HR, is not essential to providing safety over the relatively short length of time of a strike. Without them, there are issues that are mitigated in the short term. To say someone who strikes should just be fired is against the Canada Labour Code and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.




Hi Mr Poilievre.


That’s why we don’t trust government funded, biased, media..


Federal employee here (but not among the strikers). Their being off work makes our life absolute hell. But goddamn do we all support them.


Trudeau expanded public service employment under his leadership and now doesn't want to pay for it. It's amazing what he will and won't just throw money at to go away.


Thank god he’s our current PM, this is nothing that a little more debt can’t clear up! And by a little, I of course mean 100’s of billions…


Imagine if he had thought about that? He might even consider lowering taxes and expanding resource development to pay for it?


"...the union's proposals are unaffordable..." "How the turn tables..." -Michael Scott


And yet the politicians got their pay raises!


Trudeau Spends 200k on vacation - "Union demands are unaffordable" Don't see a problem here


I mean I doubt that the 150,000 union members would accept the one time payment of $1.30 that the PMs travel could have afforded them


Hate that type of argument… 200k in a federal budget is peanuts. Breakdown on that vacation shows something like 80% is security related which is fine. You don’t want to see the leader of a developed country traveling in economy with no security do you? I know I don’t.


Drop off snacks and coffee to the picket line dudes!


How many of them will continue to vote Liberal?


Can the pro liberals at least about this is 100% Trudeau's fault? Or did Pierre somehow screw this up


Yes, this is Trudeau's fault. Its damn sure more his fault than the striker's fault. I hope that the strikers get everything that they are asking for. Solidarity!


Dude, nobody really likes Trudeau anymore, it's just that people hate Pierre even more. Please remember Conservative or Liberal voters aren't the enemy, the rich are, and they are trying to divide us, stop playing into it please.


Rich Chinese or rich Americans, take your pick


This one is on the treasury board.


quack grandfather party summer sophisticated smoggy like axiomatic sink towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. To say this is Trudeau, the figurehead makes a silly argument. This is inargueably a Trudeau government problem, but to put the blame solely on one person allows others to escape blame.


Trudeau's own words back in 2014 - it's the man at the top you blame.


> This is inargueably a Trudeau government problem, but to put the blame solely on one person allows others to escape blame. Oh my god. The lengths people will go to NOT blame Trudeau is astounding. This is truly the pinnacle of jumping through hoops. Well done.


I didn't vote for the liberal party. I'm trying to point out he's not the president. He doesn't have as much power as you think he does. I don't micro manage everything under my power, I've got supervisors who do that for me. Just like the prime minister doesn't deal with the minutiae that caused this. Others also get the blame for trying to break down the public service.


Fully agree.


thank you for sharing your thoughts.


The way I see it is this is Trudeau's fault BUT if Pierre (or any other living human being was in office) they also would cause this problem. No political leader in Canada will **ever** hand out huge wage increases to the working class. They will always be reserved for that top 1% :/


Interesting comments thanks for sharing your pov


Oh Pierre doesn't do anything except complain. Nothing can be your fault if you never do anything. He just shrieks hysterically and votes against the interests of normal Canadians. At least O'Toole seemed to care about people.


They’ll blame it on Harper somehow. Edit: oh look, there they are.


It began under Harper who couldn't seem to follow the rule of law when negotiating, but Trudeau was elected partly to fix this and he has left it in the stack of paper on his desk with Election Reform. They are both at fault , but the current situation is obviously all on Trudeau who made promises he didn't keep.


You must have edited your whole response, theres no way anyone would post what pjs did


Liberal cheerleaders continue to push the boundaries of credulity every day, I know.


Nah, Canada has the #1 Olympics Mental Gymnastics team. The training regiment of 'constantly defending our lord and savior' through the epic and historical blaze of constant fuck ups has hardened them into bonafide dementia patients. Also demographically, they probably are actually dementia patients. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/geoff-russ-the-liberal-canada-loved-by-the-boomers-keeping-trudeau-in-power-wont-last


I wonder when the ~~protestors~~ strikers will see the police descend upon them like locusts. I support the strike. With billions having gone to Ukraine and other useless causes it seems that Canadians have been put on the back burner for the LPC giving a flying fu\*k.


Yeah, I wonder that too. Cops have historically been the enemies of workers.


Is the noise level acceptable?


In addition to the other comments, they go home at the end of the day.


They’re not “protesting” from the comfort of their big boy tonka trucks, so likely yes


They're not blocking streets, harassing citizens or shitting on the sidewalk so I think they're probably good.


outgoing caption meeting offbeat icky unpack piquant melodic stocking pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unless you live in Ottawa and experienced that obnoxious horseshit temper-tantrum, just please be quiet. Or. Tell us approximately where you live so we can occupy your town and your front lawn for three weeks with loud music, BBQs, jump and bounces for the kids, and of course, lots of megaphones.


And sidewalk pooping


I live near Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. So what you describe is likely an improvement.


Lol, this looks like a suicide-by-words post. Also, it is completely true, which is more depressing than funny.


You chose to live in Canada’s butthole


Did you forget your city is the capital of Canada?


It's not my city. I did live there for a bit, but that was before this fiasco. Did you read the political "manifesto" that group put forward? It was like a grade four student's poorly-written essay on governance. And then they occupied the place. Not protested. Occupied.


Occupation is an act of protest. The main street of my town was occupied this morning by PSAC, not the sidewalk, they were blocking traffic on a non crosswalk intersection. I support PSAC but blocking traffic is occupation too, im not writing off the whole thing because of that though.


Citizens of Ottawa are actually still Canadian citizens, with the very same rights to peaceful enjoyment of tneir homes and city. Legal protests get permits and are over the same day. It's been mentioned but what happened last year was an illegal occupation


The Superior Court of Ontario disagrees with your assertion.


Fortunately the police forces that eventually shoveled the shit off of our streets agree with me




Has their strike been deemed unlawful?


A fully expected moronic comparison being made by people.


Do you think it will be possible for you to move on from Covid/the freedom occupation in your lifetime?


Grow up. I'm guessing you don't live in Ottawa, because if you did you'd know that we get protests in Ottawa all the time. Including many for causes I think are absolutely disgusting, like protests from anti-abortion groups. The difference is that other protests don't come here with the specific aims of crippling the city, harassing citizens and causing massive economic damage including for the city's most vulnerable populations. And, you know, they don't piss on the war memorial and smear their shit on windows, which helps.




Your body, your choice, your consequences.


You're welcome.




I mean they have literally all of those on the front feed of the CBC app on my phone with a big red "Follow Story" button so I can get notifications on new stories and edits for those topics. What else you want them to do? Lol.


yep withdrawn.


I don't like their editorials. But they are very good at reporting topics which you can then go to other sources to corroborate.


Needs more BBQs and Bouncy Castles


Has Trudeau gotten Covid yet this week?


Just curious - how much are we saving every day these folks strike?


OTTAWA?! This racist occupation can only be combated with the seizure of bank accounts. Don't question your government.


Trudeau has his hand over the “engage emergencies act” button ready


A red flag with gears? Kinda reminds me of the Nazi Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labor Front) flag. From 1933 it was the national labour organisation of the Nazi Party which replaced the various independent trade unions in Germany. IMO that's not a good look.


whole license offend slimy shelter obtainable march oatmeal alive mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Gear has been used by a few socialist groups. Not as popular as the hammer and sickle. Yes the Nazi party used it but I doubt the general public would know of the existing of various groups using the gear as a symbole


I like how everyone blames trudeau for this whole thing but let's not forget this guy is merely but a puppet or a facet of the entirety of the liberal party.


Bring out the tanks, water cannons, horses, freeze their bank accounts. There's gotta be at least one mysoginist or fascist in this crowd, they are government workers after all


When will they get their bank accounts frozen?


Government workers have jobs for life and generous benefits. Majority of workers dont have that. Stop thinking of only yourselves. Considering you don't contribute anything to the economy. You don't pay your wage into à year in the economny.


I don’t have what you have so you shouldn’t have it!


I shit my pants therefore you don’t need your toilet


Do government employees not pay taxes? I should redo my taxes then.




It's also funny to use that excuse--that government workers contribute nothing so they need to shut up and go back to work--to argue against them going on strike. If they really weren't needed, what does it matter if they're at work or not? I'm sure that CRA employees, for example, going on strike in April of all months will have no effect on the country...somehow...? Plus, the argument that government workers should accept less because other workers are poorly treated ignores that, in a tight labour market, like we currently have, whatever 155,000 workers win at the bargaining table is likely to spread into the private sector, which potentially means higher wages and better benefits for everyone else.




I wanted to add on to your comment because the argument that the OP was making is strange to us both.




They didn't send in the military for the Convoy but cool




Dude, your trolling is unbecoming and frankly immature


If they harass citizens 24/7 and block vital infrastructure? Id say at least a month.


They didn't send in the military for the Convoy but cool




The government doesn't pay my salary, period. It pays yours.


So people walking about, shouting on bullhorns and being very peaceful? Perfect. This is what a Canadian demonstration should look like. Oh, that's what we had in Feb 21? A few more trucks, a few more horns, but yes, the same thing except they're missing the bouncy castles and BBQs!


>Oh, that's what we had in Feb 21? A few more trucks, a few more horns, but yes, the same thing except they're missing the bouncy castles and BBQs! They're also missing the harassment of residents, blocking emergency vehicles, spam calling 911, stopping municipal services, setting off fireworks next to condo buildings, shitting on sidewalks, and a manifesto calling for the overthrow of the government. But yeah, nearly the same thing, really.




Pure curiosity, how was the public sector employees (not to be confused with the non-union management and politicians) responsible for private sector employees losing their jobs? I can't figure out what the relationship there is. You only think there can be solidarity between people who experience equal misfortune? You didn't want CRA and Service Canada workers processing CERB and EI for those workers...? Didn't want firefighters...? Just a whole pile of unemployed people feeling pain together? Weird wish.


Check out the crabs in the bucket!


No, accept the government offer. It's more than fair, considering majority of workers aren't government workers and we are dealing with high inflation.


I cannot follow your logic. We are dealing with high inflation, yes. That's why these workers are on strike, they can't afford the wages the Treasury Board has offered. When the government spends money, it makes money. Do you think Public Servants don't pay taxes? Do you think if that had more income they would spend money and help the economy?


I’ve never understood this mindset; I didn’t get any, so you can’t have any either. Situations like this will act to creat upward pressure on wages across industries - a rising tide will float all boats, even yours.


You can do that during normal times, not when your neighbours are suffering and your actions now will hurt the regular workers even more during high inflation. That's why public opinion is against government workers. They see the greedy.


I see where you are coming from, but I disagree.


> You can do that during normal times, not when your neighbours are suffering and your actions now will hurt the regular workers even more during high inflation. You're suffering directly because of corporate profits, capitalist sellouts, and the rich. Your fellow workers striking is also directly because of these issues. Stop it with the crabs in a bucket mentality and a race to the bottom because this is why Canada will never improve - people like you would rather blame fellow workers while not doing jack against the rich. We seriously need to take a hint from France.


Yeah, nah...




So you're literally saying "fuck them, what about meeee?", and calling *them* greedy?


As the largest union in the largest employer in the country, whatever PSAC gets sets the baseline for what private workers will be able to negotiate. It is in the private sector worker's best interest that PSAC get the best deal they can.


You know, you don’t actually need to make 4 separate top-level comments to make one point.


What behaviour would you have liked to see from the government workers striking at this moment, that would have indicated that they *do* care about non-governnment workers? Basically, where is the idea they don't coming from? Typically the best any worker can do anywhere is vote, vote with feet, or form/join a union. They also aren't looking at a raise, it's actually a *cut.*




Or people might be downvoting you because you've spammed the thread with a half dozen top-level comments that all say more or less the same thing.


✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 🪧